[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: 2 commits - sc/qa sc/source
min at multicorewareinc.com
Tue Nov 12 19:14:03 PST 2013
sc/qa/unit/data/xls/opencl/financial/Amordegrc.xls |binary
sc/qa/unit/opencl-test.cxx | 24 ++
sc/source/core/opencl/formulagroupcl.cxx | 6
sc/source/core/opencl/op_financial.cxx | 171 +++++++++++++++++++++
sc/source/core/opencl/op_financial.hxx | 10 +
5 files changed, 211 insertions(+)
New commits:
commit 4bad711ff532bfc1f64b584e8c5cf8fbef38e2ca
Author: minwang <min at multicorewareinc.com>
Date: Tue Nov 5 10:02:29 2013 +0800
GPU Calc: unit test cases for AMORDEGRC in GPU calc
Need open macro NO_FALLBACK_TO_SWINTERP in formulagroupcl.cxx for test
Change-Id: I0867627c69eefdbc7127d19559af23fbd70b3ccc
Signed-off-by: haochen <haochen at multicorewareinc.com>
Signed-off-by: I-Jui (Ray) Sung <ray at multicorewareinc.com>
diff --git a/sc/qa/unit/data/xls/opencl/financial/Amordegrc.xls b/sc/qa/unit/data/xls/opencl/financial/Amordegrc.xls
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7cb9e47
Binary files /dev/null and b/sc/qa/unit/data/xls/opencl/financial/Amordegrc.xls differ
diff --git a/sc/qa/unit/opencl-test.cxx b/sc/qa/unit/opencl-test.cxx
index b040e32..3c395c4 100644
--- a/sc/qa/unit/opencl-test.cxx
+++ b/sc/qa/unit/opencl-test.cxx
@@ -132,6 +132,7 @@ public:
void testStatisticalFormulaWeibull();
void testStatisticalFormulaMedian();
void testFinancialDuration_ADDFormula();
+ void testFinancialAmordegrcFormula();
@@ -195,6 +196,7 @@ public:
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(testFinancialAmordegrcFormula);
@@ -1514,6 +1516,28 @@ void ScOpenclTest::testFinacialXNPVFormula()
+void ScOpenclTest::testFinancialAmordegrcFormula()
+ if (!detectOpenCLDevice())
+ return;
+ ScDocShellRef xDocSh = loadDoc("opencl/financial/Amordegrc.", XLS);
+ ScDocument* pDoc = xDocSh->GetDocument();
+ enableOpenCL();
+ pDoc->CalcAll();
+ ScDocShellRef xDocShRes = loadDoc("opencl/financial/Amordegrc.", XLS);
+ ScDocument* pDocRes = xDocShRes->GetDocument();
+ for (SCROW i = 0; i <= 9; ++i)
+ {
+ double fLibre = pDoc->GetValue(ScAddress(7, i, 0));
+ double fExcel = pDocRes->GetValue(ScAddress(7, i, 0));
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(fExcel, fLibre, fabs(0.0001*fExcel));
+ }
+ xDocSh->DoClose();
+ xDocShRes->DoClose();
void ScOpenclTest:: testFinancialISPMTFormula()
commit 153bb4cc1e7009f2e2fa5fe277c397d5ad9a1730
Author: minwang <min at multicorewareinc.com>
Date: Tue Nov 5 10:16:40 2013 +0800
GPU Calc: implement fix for AMORDEGRC in GPU calc
Change-Id: I9f63d023161e5ad7981374dedffb6f00663a1c66
Signed-off-by: haochen <haochen at multicorewareinc.com>
Signed-off-by: I-Jui (Ray) Sung <ray at multicorewareinc.com>
diff --git a/sc/source/core/opencl/formulagroupcl.cxx b/sc/source/core/opencl/formulagroupcl.cxx
index 6d613a4..fe0b8f8 100644
--- a/sc/source/core/opencl/formulagroupcl.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/core/opencl/formulagroupcl.cxx
@@ -1185,6 +1185,12 @@ DynamicKernelSoPArguments::DynamicKernelSoPArguments(
SoPHelper(ts, ft->Children[i], new OpDuration_ADD));
+ else if ( !(pChild->GetExternal().compareTo(OUString(
+ "com.sun.star.sheet.addin.Analysis.getAmordegrc"))))
+ {
+ mvSubArguments.push_back(SoPHelper(ts, ft->Children[i],
+ new OpAmordegrc));
+ }
throw UnhandledToken(pChild, "unhandled opcode");
diff --git a/sc/source/core/opencl/op_financial.cxx b/sc/source/core/opencl/op_financial.cxx
index 1db9119..5e2509a 100644
--- a/sc/source/core/opencl/op_financial.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/core/opencl/op_financial.cxx
@@ -2892,6 +2892,177 @@ void OpCoupnum::GenSlidingWindowFunction(std::stringstream &ss,
ss << "return tmp;\n";
ss << "}";
+void OpAmordegrc::BinInlineFun(std::set<std::string>& decls,
+ std::set<std::string>& funs)
+ decls.insert(nKorrValDecl); decls.insert(RoundDecl);
+ decls.insert(IsLeapYearDecl);decls.insert(DaysInMonthDecl);
+ decls.insert(DaysToDateDecl); decls.insert(DateToDaysDecl);
+ decls.insert(GetNullDateDecl); decls.insert(GetYearFracDecl);
+ funs.insert(Round);
+ funs.insert(IsLeapYear);funs.insert(DaysInMonth);
+ funs.insert(DaysToDate);funs.insert(DateToDays);
+ funs.insert(GetNullDate);funs.insert(GetYearFrac);
+void OpAmordegrc::GenSlidingWindowFunction(std::stringstream &ss,
+ const std::string sSymName, SubArguments &vSubArguments)
+ ss << "\ndouble " << sSymName;
+ ss << "_"<< BinFuncName() <<"(";
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < vSubArguments.size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (i)
+ ss << ",";
+ vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDecl(ss);
+ }
+ ss << ") {\n ";
+ ss << "int gid0 = get_global_id(0);\n";
+ ss << " double tmp = " << GetBottom() <<";\n";
+ ss << " double fCost,fRestVal,fPer,fRate;\n";
+ ss << " int nDate,nFirstPer,nBase;\n";
+#ifdef ISNAN
+ FormulaToken *tmpCur0 = vSubArguments[0]->GetFormulaToken();
+ const formula::SingleVectorRefToken*tmpCurDVR0= dynamic_cast<const
+ formula::SingleVectorRefToken *>(tmpCur0);
+ FormulaToken *tmpCur1 = vSubArguments[1]->GetFormulaToken();
+ const formula::SingleVectorRefToken*tmpCurDVR1= dynamic_cast<const
+ formula::SingleVectorRefToken *>(tmpCur1);
+ FormulaToken *tmpCur2 = vSubArguments[2]->GetFormulaToken();
+ const formula::SingleVectorRefToken*tmpCurDVR2= dynamic_cast<const
+ formula::SingleVectorRefToken *>(tmpCur2);
+ FormulaToken *tmpCur3 = vSubArguments[3]->GetFormulaToken();
+ const formula::SingleVectorRefToken*tmpCurDVR3= dynamic_cast<const
+ formula::SingleVectorRefToken *>(tmpCur3);
+ FormulaToken *tmpCur4 = vSubArguments[4]->GetFormulaToken();
+ const formula::SingleVectorRefToken*tmpCurDVR4= dynamic_cast<const
+ formula::SingleVectorRefToken *>(tmpCur4);
+ FormulaToken *tmpCur5 = vSubArguments[5]->GetFormulaToken();
+ const formula::SingleVectorRefToken*tmpCurDVR5= dynamic_cast<const
+ formula::SingleVectorRefToken *>(tmpCur5);
+ FormulaToken *tmpCur6 = vSubArguments[6]->GetFormulaToken();
+ const formula::SingleVectorRefToken*tmpCurDVR6= dynamic_cast<const
+ formula::SingleVectorRefToken *>(tmpCur6);
+ ss<< " int buffer_Cost_len = ";
+ ss<< tmpCurDVR0->GetArrayLength();
+ ss << ";\n";
+ ss<< " int buffer_Date_len = ";
+ ss<< tmpCurDVR1->GetArrayLength();
+ ss << ";\n";
+ ss<< " int buffer_FirstPer_len = ";
+ ss<< tmpCurDVR2->GetArrayLength();
+ ss << ";\n";
+ ss<< " int buffer_RestVal_len = ";
+ ss<< tmpCurDVR3->GetArrayLength();
+ ss << ";\n";
+ ss<< " int buffer_Per_len = ";
+ ss<< tmpCurDVR4->GetArrayLength();
+ ss << ";\n";
+ ss<< " int buffer_Rate_len = ";
+ ss<< tmpCurDVR5->GetArrayLength();
+ ss << ";\n";
+ ss<< " int buffer_Base_len = ";
+ ss<< tmpCurDVR6->GetArrayLength();
+ ss << ";\n";
+#ifdef ISNAN
+ ss <<" if(gid0 >= buffer_Cost_len || isNan(";
+ ss <<vSubArguments[0]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef();
+ ss <<"))\n";
+ ss <<" fCost = 0;\n else\n";
+ #endif
+ ss << " fCost=";
+ ss << vSubArguments[0]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef();
+ ss <<";\n";
+#ifdef ISNAN
+ ss <<" if(gid0 >= buffer_Date_len || isNan(";
+ ss <<vSubArguments[1]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef();
+ ss <<"))\n";
+ ss <<" nDate = 0;\n else\n";
+ ss << " nDate=(int)";
+ ss << vSubArguments[1]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef();
+ ss << ";\n";
+#ifdef ISNAN
+ ss <<" if(gid0 >= buffer_FirstPer_len || isNan(";
+ ss <<vSubArguments[2]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef();
+ ss <<"))\n";
+ ss <<" nFirstPer = 0;\n else\n";
+ ss << " nFirstPer=(int)";
+ ss << vSubArguments[2]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef();
+ ss <<";\n";
+#ifdef ISNAN
+ ss <<" if(gid0 >= buffer_RestVal_len || isNan(";
+ ss <<vSubArguments[3]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef();
+ ss <<"))\n";
+ ss <<" fRestVal = 0;\n else\n";
+ ss << " fRestVal=";
+ ss << vSubArguments[3]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef();
+ ss << ";\n";
+#ifdef ISNAN
+ ss <<" if(gid0 >= buffer_Per_len || isNan(";
+ ss <<vSubArguments[4]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef();
+ ss <<"))\n";
+ ss <<" fPer = 0;\n else\n";
+ ss << " fPer = ";
+ ss << vSubArguments[4]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef();
+ ss <<";\n";
+#ifdef ISNAN
+ ss <<" if(gid0 >= buffer_Rate_len || isNan(";
+ ss <<vSubArguments[5]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef();
+ ss <<"))\n";
+ ss <<" fRate = 0;\n else\n";
+ ss << " fRate=";
+ ss << vSubArguments[5]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef();
+ ss << ";\n";
+#ifdef ISNAN
+ ss <<" if(gid0 >= buffer_Base_len || isNan(";
+ ss <<vSubArguments[6]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef();
+ ss <<"))\n";
+ ss <<" nBase = 0;\n else\n";
+ ss << " nBase = (int)";
+ ss << vSubArguments[6]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef();
+ ss << ";\n";
+ ss <<" uint nPer = convert_int( fPer );\n";
+ ss <<" double fUsePer = 1.0 / fRate;\n";
+ ss <<" double fAmorCoeff;\n";
+ ss <<" if( fUsePer < 3.0 )\n";
+ ss <<" fAmorCoeff = 1.0;\n";
+ ss <<" else if( fUsePer < 5.0 )\n";
+ ss <<" fAmorCoeff = 1.5;\n";
+ ss <<" else if( fUsePer <= 6.0 )\n";
+ ss <<" fAmorCoeff = 2.0;\n";
+ ss <<" else\n";
+ ss <<" fAmorCoeff = 2.5;\n";
+ ss <<" fRate *= fAmorCoeff;\n";
+ ss <<" tmp = Round( GetYearFrac( GetNullDate(),";
+ ss <<"nDate, nFirstPer, nBase ) * fRate * fCost);\n";
+ ss <<" fCost = fCost-tmp;\n";
+ ss <<" double fRest = fCost - fRestVal;\n";
+ ss <<" for( uint n = 0 ; n < nPer ; n++ )\n";
+ ss <<" {\n";
+ ss <<" tmp = Round( fRate * fCost);\n";
+ ss <<" fRest -= tmp;\n";
+ ss <<" if( fRest < 0.0 )\n";
+ ss <<" {\n";
+ ss <<" switch( nPer - n )\n";
+ ss <<" {\n";
+ ss <<" case 0:\n";
+ ss <<" case 1:\n";
+ ss <<" tmp = Round( fCost * 0.5);\n";
+ ss <<" default:\n";
+ ss <<" tmp = 0.0;\n";
+ ss <<" }\n";
+ ss <<" }\n";
+ ss <<" fCost -= tmp;\n";
+ ss <<" }\n";
+ ss <<" return tmp;\n";
+ ss <<"}";
void OpReceived::BinInlineFun(std::set<std::string>& decls,
std::set<std::string>& funs)
diff --git a/sc/source/core/opencl/op_financial.hxx b/sc/source/core/opencl/op_financial.hxx
index f48b650..070d2bb 100644
--- a/sc/source/core/opencl/op_financial.hxx
+++ b/sc/source/core/opencl/op_financial.hxx
@@ -339,6 +339,16 @@ public:
virtual std::string BinFuncName(void) const { return "Coupnum"; }
+class OpAmordegrc:public Normal
+ virtual std::string GetBottom(void) { return "0";}
+ virtual void GenSlidingWindowFunction(std::stringstream& ss,
+ const std::string sSymName, SubArguments& vSubArguments);
+ virtual void BinInlineFun(std::set<std::string>& ,std::set<std::string>&);
+ virtual std::string BinFuncName(void) const { return "Amordegrc"; }
class OpReceived:public Normal
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