[Libreoffice-commits] mso-dumper.git: 4 commits - msodumper/emfrecord.py msodumper/wmfrecord.py

Miklos Vajna vmiklos at collabora.co.uk
Fri Apr 11 12:59:46 PDT 2014

 msodumper/emfrecord.py |  236 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 msodumper/wmfrecord.py |   17 +++
 2 files changed, 251 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 66573c524e0608be988417e1c4fe3651e14bc4db
Author: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos at collabora.co.uk>
Date:   Fri Apr 11 21:57:58 2014 +0200

    dump EmrSetviewportorgex

diff --git a/msodumper/emfrecord.py b/msodumper/emfrecord.py
index 945b070..01a9353 100644
--- a/msodumper/emfrecord.py
+++ b/msodumper/emfrecord.py
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ RegionMode = {
     0x05: "RGN_COPY"
 class EMFStream(DOCDirStream):
     def __init__(self, bytes):
         DOCDirStream.__init__(self, bytes)
@@ -80,6 +81,19 @@ class EmrRestoredc(EMFRecord):
         assert self.pos - posOrig == self.Size
+class EmrSetviewportorgex(EMFRecord):
+    """Defines the viewport origin."""
+    def __init__(self, parent):
+        EMFRecord.__init__(self, parent)
+    def dump(self):
+        posOrig = self.pos
+        self.printAndSet("Type", self.readuInt32())
+        self.printAndSet("Size", self.readuInt32(), hexdump=False)
+        wmfrecord.PointL(self, "Origin").dump()
+        assert self.pos - posOrig == self.Size
 class EmrExtselectcliprgn(EMFRecord):
     """Combines the specified region with the current clip region using the specified mode."""
     def __init__(self, parent):
@@ -111,6 +125,7 @@ class RegionData(EMFRecord):
         print '</%s>' % self.name
         self.parent.pos = self.pos
 class RegionDataHeader(EMFRecord):
     """The RegionDataHeader object describes the properties of a RegionData object."""
     def __init__(self, parent):
@@ -124,6 +139,7 @@ class RegionDataHeader(EMFRecord):
         wmfrecord.RectL(self, "Bounds").dump()
         self.parent.pos = self.pos
 class EmrHeader(EMFRecord):
     """The EMR_HEADER record types define the starting points of EMF metafiles."""
     def __init__(self, parent):
@@ -211,7 +227,7 @@ RecordType = {
     0x00000009: ['EMR_SETWINDOWEXTEX'],
     0x0000000A: ['EMR_SETWINDOWORGEX'],
     0x0000000B: ['EMR_SETVIEWPORTEXTEX'],
-    0x0000000C: ['EMR_SETVIEWPORTORGEX'],
+    0x0000000C: ['EMR_SETVIEWPORTORGEX', EmrSetviewportorgex],
     0x0000000D: ['EMR_SETBRUSHORGEX'],
     0x0000000E: ['EMR_EOF'],
     0x0000000F: ['EMR_SETPIXELV'],
diff --git a/msodumper/wmfrecord.py b/msodumper/wmfrecord.py
index cd64e7f..cd0b353 100644
--- a/msodumper/wmfrecord.py
+++ b/msodumper/wmfrecord.py
@@ -50,4 +50,21 @@ class SizeL(WMFRecord):
         print '</%s>' % self.name
         self.parent.pos = self.pos
+class PointL(WMFRecord):
+    """The PointL Object defines the coordinates of a point."""
+    def __init__(self, parent, name=None):
+        WMFRecord.__init__(self, parent)
+        if name:
+            self.name = name
+        else:
+            self.name = "pointL"
+    def dump(self):
+        print '<%s type="PointL">' % self.name
+        self.printAndSet("x", self.readInt32(), hexdump=False)
+        self.printAndSet("y", self.readInt32(), hexdump=False)
+        print '</%s>' % self.name
+        self.parent.pos = self.pos
 # vim:set filetype=python shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab:
commit 5f363ead06d0e75abba9e790dfd1799156ab85c1
Author: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos at collabora.co.uk>
Date:   Fri Apr 11 21:50:21 2014 +0200

    dump EmrExtselectcliprgn

diff --git a/msodumper/emfrecord.py b/msodumper/emfrecord.py
index 78f4fbc..945b070 100644
--- a/msodumper/emfrecord.py
+++ b/msodumper/emfrecord.py
@@ -14,6 +14,13 @@ FormatSignature = {
     0x46535045: "EPS_SIGNATURE"
+RegionMode = {
+    0x01: "RGN_AND",
+    0x02: "RGN_OR",
+    0x03: "RGN_XOR",
+    0x04: "RGN_DIFF",
+    0x05: "RGN_COPY"
 class EMFStream(DOCDirStream):
     def __init__(self, bytes):
@@ -73,6 +80,50 @@ class EmrRestoredc(EMFRecord):
         assert self.pos - posOrig == self.Size
+class EmrExtselectcliprgn(EMFRecord):
+    """Combines the specified region with the current clip region using the specified mode."""
+    def __init__(self, parent):
+        EMFRecord.__init__(self, parent)
+    def dump(self):
+        posOrig = self.pos
+        self.printAndSet("Type", self.readuInt32())
+        self.printAndSet("Size", self.readuInt32(), hexdump=False)
+        self.printAndSet("RgnDataSize", self.readuInt32())
+        self.printAndSet("RegionMode", self.readuInt32(), dict=RegionMode)
+        RegionData(self, "RgnData", self.RgnDataSize).dump()
+        assert self.pos - posOrig == self.Size
+class RegionData(EMFRecord):
+    """The RegionData object specifies data that defines a region, which is made of non-overlapping rectangles."""
+    def __init__(self, parent, name, size):
+        EMFRecord.__init__(self, parent)
+        self.name = name
+        self.size = size
+    def dump(self):
+        print '<%s>' % self.name
+        header = RegionDataHeader(self)
+        header.dump()
+        for i in range(header.CountRects):
+            wmfrecord.RectL(self, "Data").dump()
+        print '</%s>' % self.name
+        self.parent.pos = self.pos
+class RegionDataHeader(EMFRecord):
+    """The RegionDataHeader object describes the properties of a RegionData object."""
+    def __init__(self, parent):
+        EMFRecord.__init__(self, parent)
+    def dump(self):
+        self.printAndSet("Size", self.readuInt32())
+        self.printAndSet("Type", self.readuInt32())
+        self.printAndSet("CountRects", self.readuInt32())
+        self.printAndSet("RgnSize", self.readuInt32())
+        wmfrecord.RectL(self, "Bounds").dump()
+        self.parent.pos = self.pos
 class EmrHeader(EMFRecord):
     """The EMR_HEADER record types define the starting points of EMF metafiles."""
     def __init__(self, parent):
@@ -222,7 +273,7 @@ RecordType = {
     0x00000048: ['EMR_FRAMERGN'],
     0x00000049: ['EMR_INVERTRGN'],
     0x0000004A: ['EMR_PAINTRGN'],
-    0x0000004B: ['EMR_EXTSELECTCLIPRGN'],
+    0x0000004B: ['EMR_EXTSELECTCLIPRGN', EmrExtselectcliprgn],
     0x0000004C: ['EMR_BITBLT'],
     0x0000004D: ['EMR_STRETCHBLT'],
     0x0000004E: ['EMR_MASKBLT'],
commit b6591dc4fa549c18fcf880616931449694eac518
Author: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos at collabora.co.uk>
Date:   Fri Apr 11 21:30:46 2014 +0200

    dump EmrRestoredc

diff --git a/msodumper/emfrecord.py b/msodumper/emfrecord.py
index f328a69..78f4fbc 100644
--- a/msodumper/emfrecord.py
+++ b/msodumper/emfrecord.py
@@ -60,6 +60,19 @@ class EmrSavedc(EMFRecord):
         assert self.pos - posOrig == self.Size
+class EmrRestoredc(EMFRecord):
+    """This record saves the current state of the playback device context."""
+    def __init__(self, parent):
+        EMFRecord.__init__(self, parent)
+    def dump(self):
+        posOrig = self.pos
+        self.printAndSet("Type", self.readuInt32())
+        self.printAndSet("Size", self.readuInt32(), hexdump=False)
+        self.printAndSet("SavedDC", self.readInt32(), hexdump=False)
+        assert self.pos - posOrig == self.Size
 class EmrHeader(EMFRecord):
     """The EMR_HEADER record types define the starting points of EMF metafiles."""
     def __init__(self, parent):
@@ -169,7 +182,7 @@ RecordType = {
     0x0000001F: ['EMR_SCALEVIEWPORTEXTEX'],
     0x00000020: ['EMR_SCALEWINDOWEXTEX'],
     0x00000021: ['EMR_SAVEDC', EmrSavedc],
-    0x00000022: ['EMR_RESTOREDC'],
+    0x00000022: ['EMR_RESTOREDC', EmrRestoredc],
     0x00000023: ['EMR_SETWORLDTRANSFORM'],
     0x00000024: ['EMR_MODIFYWORLDTRANSFORM'],
     0x00000025: ['EMR_SELECTOBJECT'],
commit 3015a493f3a6503456f3fa573f2623d88ac130d0
Author: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos at collabora.co.uk>
Date:   Fri Apr 11 21:23:58 2014 +0200

    dump EmrSavedc

diff --git a/msodumper/emfrecord.py b/msodumper/emfrecord.py
index df5d9cc..f328a69 100644
--- a/msodumper/emfrecord.py
+++ b/msodumper/emfrecord.py
@@ -21,7 +21,23 @@ class EMFStream(DOCDirStream):
     def dump(self):
         print '<stream type="EMF" size="%d">' % self.size
-        EmrHeader(self).dump()
+        emrHeader = EmrHeader(self)
+        emrHeader.dump()
+        for i in range(emrHeader.header.Records):
+            id = self.getuInt32()
+            record = RecordType[id]
+            type = record[0]
+            size = self.getuInt32(pos=self.pos + 4)
+            # EmrHeader is already dumped
+            if i:
+                print '<record index="%s" type="%s">' % (i, type)
+                if len(record) > 1:
+                    handler = record[1](self)
+                    handler.dump()
+                else:
+                    print '<todo/>'
+                print '</record>'
+            self.pos += size
         print '</stream>'
@@ -32,6 +48,18 @@ class EMFRecord(DOCDirStream):
         self.pos = parent.pos
+class EmrSavedc(EMFRecord):
+    """This record saves the current state of the playback device context."""
+    def __init__(self, parent):
+        EMFRecord.__init__(self, parent)
+    def dump(self):
+        posOrig = self.pos
+        self.printAndSet("Type", self.readuInt32())
+        self.printAndSet("Size", self.readuInt32(), hexdump=False)
+        assert self.pos - posOrig == self.Size
 class EmrHeader(EMFRecord):
     """The EMR_HEADER record types define the starting points of EMF metafiles."""
     def __init__(self, parent):
@@ -41,7 +69,8 @@ class EmrHeader(EMFRecord):
         print '<emrHeader>'
         self.printAndSet("Type", self.readuInt32())
         self.printAndSet("Size", self.readuInt32(), hexdump=False)
-        Header(self).dump()
+        self.header = Header(self)
+        self.header.dump()
         if self.Size >= 100:
         if self.Size >= 108:
@@ -105,4 +134,127 @@ class HeaderExtension2(EMFRecord):
         assert posOrig == self.pos - 8
         self.parent.pos = self.pos
+"""The RecordType enumeration defines values that uniquely identify EMF records."""
+RecordType = {
+    0x00000001: ['EMR_HEADER'],
+    0x00000002: ['EMR_POLYBEZIER'],
+    0x00000003: ['EMR_POLYGON'],
+    0x00000004: ['EMR_POLYLINE'],
+    0x00000005: ['EMR_POLYBEZIERTO'],
+    0x00000006: ['EMR_POLYLINETO'],
+    0x00000007: ['EMR_POLYPOLYLINE'],
+    0x00000008: ['EMR_POLYPOLYGON'],
+    0x00000009: ['EMR_SETWINDOWEXTEX'],
+    0x0000000A: ['EMR_SETWINDOWORGEX'],
+    0x0000000B: ['EMR_SETVIEWPORTEXTEX'],
+    0x0000000C: ['EMR_SETVIEWPORTORGEX'],
+    0x0000000D: ['EMR_SETBRUSHORGEX'],
+    0x0000000E: ['EMR_EOF'],
+    0x0000000F: ['EMR_SETPIXELV'],
+    0x00000010: ['EMR_SETMAPPERFLAGS'],
+    0x00000011: ['EMR_SETMAPMODE'],
+    0x00000012: ['EMR_SETBKMODE'],
+    0x00000013: ['EMR_SETPOLYFILLMODE'],
+    0x00000014: ['EMR_SETROP2'],
+    0x00000015: ['EMR_SETSTRETCHBLTMODE'],
+    0x00000016: ['EMR_SETTEXTALIGN'],
+    0x00000017: ['EMR_SETCOLORADJUSTMENT'],
+    0x00000018: ['EMR_SETTEXTCOLOR'],
+    0x00000019: ['EMR_SETBKCOLOR'],
+    0x0000001A: ['EMR_OFFSETCLIPRGN'],
+    0x0000001B: ['EMR_MOVETOEX'],
+    0x0000001C: ['EMR_SETMETARGN'],
+    0x0000001D: ['EMR_EXCLUDECLIPRECT'],
+    0x0000001E: ['EMR_INTERSECTCLIPRECT'],
+    0x0000001F: ['EMR_SCALEVIEWPORTEXTEX'],
+    0x00000020: ['EMR_SCALEWINDOWEXTEX'],
+    0x00000021: ['EMR_SAVEDC', EmrSavedc],
+    0x00000022: ['EMR_RESTOREDC'],
+    0x00000023: ['EMR_SETWORLDTRANSFORM'],
+    0x00000024: ['EMR_MODIFYWORLDTRANSFORM'],
+    0x00000025: ['EMR_SELECTOBJECT'],
+    0x00000026: ['EMR_CREATEPEN'],
+    0x00000027: ['EMR_CREATEBRUSHINDIRECT'],
+    0x00000028: ['EMR_DELETEOBJECT'],
+    0x00000029: ['EMR_ANGLEARC'],
+    0x0000002A: ['EMR_ELLIPSE'],
+    0x0000002B: ['EMR_RECTANGLE'],
+    0x0000002C: ['EMR_ROUNDRECT'],
+    0x0000002D: ['EMR_ARC'],
+    0x0000002E: ['EMR_CHORD'],
+    0x0000002F: ['EMR_PIE'],
+    0x00000030: ['EMR_SELECTPALETTE'],
+    0x00000031: ['EMR_CREATEPALETTE'],
+    0x00000032: ['EMR_SETPALETTEENTRIES'],
+    0x00000033: ['EMR_RESIZEPALETTE'],
+    0x00000034: ['EMR_REALIZEPALETTE'],
+    0x00000035: ['EMR_EXTFLOODFILL'],
+    0x00000036: ['EMR_LINETO'],
+    0x00000037: ['EMR_ARCTO'],
+    0x00000038: ['EMR_POLYDRAW'],
+    0x00000039: ['EMR_SETARCDIRECTION'],
+    0x0000003A: ['EMR_SETMITERLIMIT'],
+    0x0000003B: ['EMR_BEGINPATH'],
+    0x0000003C: ['EMR_ENDPATH'],
+    0x0000003D: ['EMR_CLOSEFIGURE'],
+    0x0000003E: ['EMR_FILLPATH'],
+    0x0000003F: ['EMR_STROKEANDFILLPATH'],
+    0x00000040: ['EMR_STROKEPATH'],
+    0x00000041: ['EMR_FLATTENPATH'],
+    0x00000042: ['EMR_WIDENPATH'],
+    0x00000043: ['EMR_SELECTCLIPPATH'],
+    0x00000044: ['EMR_ABORTPATH'],
+    0x00000046: ['EMR_COMMENT'],
+    0x00000047: ['EMR_FILLRGN'],
+    0x00000048: ['EMR_FRAMERGN'],
+    0x00000049: ['EMR_INVERTRGN'],
+    0x0000004A: ['EMR_PAINTRGN'],
+    0x0000004B: ['EMR_EXTSELECTCLIPRGN'],
+    0x0000004C: ['EMR_BITBLT'],
+    0x0000004D: ['EMR_STRETCHBLT'],
+    0x0000004E: ['EMR_MASKBLT'],
+    0x0000004F: ['EMR_PLGBLT'],
+    0x00000050: ['EMR_SETDIBITSTODEVICE'],
+    0x00000051: ['EMR_STRETCHDIBITS'],
+    0x00000053: ['EMR_EXTTEXTOUTA'],
+    0x00000054: ['EMR_EXTTEXTOUTW'],
+    0x00000055: ['EMR_POLYBEZIER16'],
+    0x00000056: ['EMR_POLYGON16'],
+    0x00000057: ['EMR_POLYLINE16'],
+    0x00000058: ['EMR_POLYBEZIERTO16'],
+    0x00000059: ['EMR_POLYLINETO16'],
+    0x0000005A: ['EMR_POLYPOLYLINE16'],
+    0x0000005B: ['EMR_POLYPOLYGON16'],
+    0x0000005C: ['EMR_POLYDRAW16'],
+    0x0000005D: ['EMR_CREATEMONOBRUSH'],
+    0x0000005F: ['EMR_EXTCREATEPEN'],
+    0x00000060: ['EMR_POLYTEXTOUTA'],
+    0x00000061: ['EMR_POLYTEXTOUTW'],
+    0x00000062: ['EMR_SETICMMODE'],
+    0x00000063: ['EMR_CREATECOLORSPACE'],
+    0x00000064: ['EMR_SETCOLORSPACE'],
+    0x00000065: ['EMR_DELETECOLORSPACE'],
+    0x00000066: ['EMR_GLSRECORD'],
+    0x00000067: ['EMR_GLSBOUNDEDRECORD'],
+    0x00000068: ['EMR_PIXELFORMAT'],
+    0x00000069: ['EMR_DRAWESCAPE'],
+    0x0000006A: ['EMR_EXTESCAPE'],
+    0x0000006C: ['EMR_SMALLTEXTOUT'],
+    0x0000006D: ['EMR_FORCEUFIMAPPING'],
+    0x0000006E: ['EMR_NAMEDESCAPE'],
+    0x00000070: ['EMR_SETICMPROFILEA'],
+    0x00000071: ['EMR_SETICMPROFILEW'],
+    0x00000072: ['EMR_ALPHABLEND'],
+    0x00000073: ['EMR_SETLAYOUT'],
+    0x00000074: ['EMR_TRANSPARENTBLT'],
+    0x00000076: ['EMR_GRADIENTFILL'],
+    0x00000077: ['EMR_SETLINKEDUFIS'],
+    0x00000078: ['EMR_SETTEXTJUSTIFICATION'],
+    0x00000079: ['EMR_COLORMATCHTOTARGETW'],
+    0x0000007A: ['EMR_CREATECOLORSPACEW']
 # vim:set filetype=python shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab:

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