[Libreoffice-commits] mso-dumper.git: msodumper/globals.py

Jean-Francois Dockes jf at dockes.org
Thu Jan 9 18:28:10 PST 2014

 msodumper/globals.py |   12 +++++-------
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 148347538c554f259a376fa1ef1fa41980e6ca7f
Author: Jean-Francois Dockes <jf at dockes.org>
Date:   Thu Jan 9 21:46:50 2014 +0100

    Fix function name for consistency + comment

diff --git a/msodumper/globals.py b/msodumper/globals.py
index 276a317..68d8254 100644
--- a/msodumper/globals.py
+++ b/msodumper/globals.py
@@ -178,12 +178,10 @@ class UnicodeRichExtText(object):
         self.baseText = unicode()
         self.phoneticBytes = []
-# Linear search for index of first element in sorted list strictly
-# bigger than a given value. Might be converted to binary search, but our
-# lists (CONTINUE record offsets) are small. If the returned index is
-# the list size (last valid index+1), the input value is beyond the
-# max list value
-def find_first_bigger(ilist, value):
+# Search sorted list for first element strictly bigger than input
+# value. Should be binary search, but CONTINUE record offsets list are
+# usually small. Return list size if value >= last list element
+def findFirstBigger(ilist, value):
     i = 0
     while i < len(ilist) and value >= ilist[i]:
         i +=1
@@ -236,7 +234,7 @@ def getUnicodeRichExtText (bytes, offset = 0, rofflist = []):
             bytesToRead = textLen * bytesPerChar
             # Truncate to next record boundary
-            ibound = find_first_bigger(rofflist, strm.getCurrentPos())
+            ibound = findFirstBigger(rofflist, strm.getCurrentPos())
             if ibound == len(rofflist):
                 # Just try to read and let the stream raise an exception

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