[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: smoketest/data

Michael Stahl mstahl at redhat.com
Wed Jan 29 00:24:59 PST 2014

 smoketest/data/Basic/Standard/Global.xml       |   10 -----
 smoketest/data/Basic/Standard/Test_10er.xml    |   43 -------------------------
 smoketest/data/Dialogs/Standard/OptionsDlg.xml |    1 
 smoketest/data/content.xml                     |    1 
 4 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 54 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 694a6478c1cfe18579dc9b355bda3db836b0b3a2
Author: Michael Stahl <mstahl at redhat.com>
Date:   Wed Jan 29 09:20:30 2014 +0100

    smoketest: remove OpenOffice.org 1.0 XML format export tests
    ... which fail since the export filter was disabled in
    Change-Id: I10969a96394d2972376a792af645ff48ccdab7c0

diff --git a/smoketest/data/Basic/Standard/Global.xml b/smoketest/data/Basic/Standard/Global.xml
index 16947ba..0afffcf 100644
--- a/smoketest/data/Basic/Standard/Global.xml
+++ b/smoketest/data/Basic/Standard/Global.xml
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ const cParagraphBreak = 0
 global const cExtensionFileName = "TestExtension.oxt"
-global const cDocNew = 0, cDocSaveOpen8 = 1, cDocSaveOpenXML = 2, cDocClose = 3, cDocMacros = 4
+global const cDocNew = 0, cDocSaveOpen8 = 1, cDocClose = 3, cDocMacros = 4
 global const cDBService = 0, cDBOpen = 1, cDBInsert = 2, cDBDelete = 3, cDBSeek = 4, cDBClose = 5
 global const cEXTService = 0, cEXTInstall = 1, cEXTUninstall = 2
 global const cTestClosureSetupDoc = 0, cTestClosureWriteStatus = 1
@@ -80,7 +80,6 @@ Global const cUserFieldTestWriter = "Writer", cUserFieldTestCalc = &qu
 Global const cUserFieldTestDraw = "Draw", cUserFieldTestMath = "Math", cUserFieldTestChart = "Chart"
 Global const cUserFieldTestHTML = "HTML", cUserFieldTestJava = "Java", cUserFieldTestDatabase = "Database"
 Global const cUserFieldTestExtension = "Extension"
-Global const cUserFieldTestOpenSaveXML = "SaveOpenXML"
 Global const cUserFieldTestTerminateAfterTest = "Terminate", cUserFieldTestOpenSave8 = "SaveOpen8", cUserFieldTestMacros = "Macros"
 Global const cOptionsDialogName = "OptionsDlg", cTest10Modul = "Standard"
@@ -98,7 +97,6 @@ Global bMakeWriterTest as boolean, bMakeCalcTest as  boolean, bMakeImpressTest a
 Global bMakeDrawTest as Boolean, bMakeMathTest as boolean, bMakeChartTest as boolean
 Global bMakeHTMLTest as boolean, bMakeJavaTest as boolean, bMakeDBTest as boolean
 Global bMakeExtensionTest as boolean
-Global bMakeSaveOpenXMLTest as boolean
 Global bMakeTerminateAfterTest as boolean, bShowTable as boolean
 Global bMakeSaveOpen8Test as boolean, bMakeMacrosTest as boolean
@@ -225,7 +223,6 @@ Sub CreateStatusTable
     dim tableRows(4) as string
     tableRows(cDocNew) = "new"
     tableRows(cDocSaveOpen8) = "V8.0"
-    tableRows(cDocSaveOpenXML) = "XML"
     tableRows(cDocClose) = "close"
     tableRows(cDocMacros) = "macros"
@@ -563,7 +560,6 @@ Sub SetOptions
     SetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestJava, -(gOptionsDialog.getControl("cbJavaTest").getState), gOutputDoc)
     SetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestDatabase, -(gOptionsDialog.getControl("cbDatabaseTest").getState), gOutputDoc)
     SetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestExtension, -(gOptionsDialog.getControl("cbExtensionTest").getState), gOutputDoc)
-    SetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestOpenSaveXML, -(gOptionsDialog.getControl("cbSaveOpenXMLTest").getState), gOutputDoc)
     SetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestOpenSave8, -(gOptionsDialog.getControl("cbSaveOpen8Test").getState), gOutputDoc)
     SetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestMacros, -(gOptionsDialog.getControl("cbMacrosTest").getState), gOutputDoc)
     SetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestTerminateAfterTest, -(gOptionsDialog.getControl("cbTerminateAfterTest").getState), gOutputDoc)
@@ -581,7 +577,6 @@ Sub GetOptions
     gOptionsDialog.getControl("cbJavaTest").setState( -( GetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestJava, gOutputDoc)))
     gOptionsDialog.getControl("cbDatabaseTest").setState( -( GetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestDatabase, gOutputDoc)))
     gOptionsDialog.getControl("cbExtensionTest").setState( -( GetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestExtension, gOutputDoc)))
-    gOptionsDialog.getControl("cbSaveOpenXMLTest").setState( -( GetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestOpenSaveXML, gOutputDoc)))
     gOptionsDialog.getControl("cbSaveOpen8Test").setState( -( GetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestOpenSave8, gOutputDoc)))
     gOptionsDialog.getControl("cbMacrosTest").setState( -( GetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestMacros, gOutputDoc)))
     gOptionsDialog.getControl("cbTerminateAfterTest").setState( -( GetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestTerminateAfterTest, gOutputDoc)))
@@ -599,7 +594,6 @@ Sub ReadOptions
     bMakeJavaTest = GetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestJava, gOutputDoc)
     bMakeDBTest = GetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestDatabase, gOutputDoc)
     bMakeExtensionTest = GetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestExtension, gOutputDoc)
-    bMakeSaveOpenXMLTest = GetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestOpenSaveXML, gOutputDoc)
     bMakeSaveOpen8Test = GetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestOpenSave8, gOutputDoc)
     bMakeMacrosTest = GetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestMacros, gOutputDoc)
     bMakeTerminateAfterTest = GetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestTerminateAfterTest, gOutputDoc)
@@ -622,7 +616,6 @@ Sub SetDefaultOptions
         bMakeDBTest = true
         bMakeExtensionTest = true
     End If
-    bMakeSaveOpenXMLTest = true
     bMakeSaveOpen8Test = true
     bMakeMacrosTest = true
     bMakeTerminateAfterTest = false
@@ -661,7 +654,6 @@ Function StartTestWithDefaultOptions
     dim action(4) as string
     action(cDocNew) = "new"
     action(cDocSaveOpen8) = "V8.0"
-    action(cDocSaveOpenXML) = "XML"
     action(cDocClose) = "close"
     action(cDocMacros) = "macros"
     dim baseAction(5) as string
diff --git a/smoketest/data/Basic/Standard/Test_10er.xml b/smoketest/data/Basic/Standard/Test_10er.xml
index 41d06c7..534abe0 100644
--- a/smoketest/data/Basic/Standard/Test_10er.xml
+++ b/smoketest/data/Basic/Standard/Test_10er.xml
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ const sLogFileName = "smoketest.log"
 const cTempFileName = "smoketest_file"
 const cMessageSaveOpen8Doc = "Save/Open open Documents (8.0)"
-const cMessageSaveOpenXMLDoc = "Save/Open Document XML (6/7)"
 const cMessageNewDoc = "New Document"
 const cMessageCloseDoc = "Close Document"
 const cMessageRunMacros = "Run Macros"
@@ -66,22 +65,6 @@ Sub DeleteAllSavedFiles()
     If FileExists (sFileName) then
         Kill (sFileName)
     End If
-    sFileName = sWorkPath+cTempFileName+"."+GetDocEndings(frmWriter or cFltXML)
-    If FileExists (sFileName) then
-        Kill (sFileName)
-    End If
-    sFileName = sWorkPath+cTempFileName+"."+GetDocEndings(frmCalc or cFltXML)
-    If FileExists (sFileName) then
-        Kill (sFileName)
-    End If
-    sFileName = sWorkPath+cTempFileName+"."+GetDocEndings(frmImpress or cFltXML)
-    If FileExists (sFileName) then
-        Kill (sFileName)
-    End If
-    sFileName = sWorkPath+cTempFileName+"."+GetDocEndings(frmDraw or cFltXML)
-    If FileExists (sFileName) then
-        Kill (sFileName)
-    End If
 End Sub
 Sub DeleteAllLogFiles()
@@ -270,15 +253,9 @@ Sub WriteTestSequence
     if bMakeSaveOpen8Test then
         sWriteStr = sWriteStr + ", save 8.0"
     end if
-    if bMakeSaveOpenXMLTest then
-        sWriteStr = sWriteStr + ", save XML"
-    end if
     if bMakeSaveOpen8Test then
         sWriteStr = sWriteStr + ", open 8.0"
     end if
-    if bMakeSaveOpenXMLTest then
-        sWriteStr = sWriteStr + ", open XML"
-    end if
     if bMakeMacrosTest then
         sWriteStr = sWriteStr + ", run macros"
     end if
@@ -330,11 +307,6 @@ Sub MakeDocTest
             sFileName8 = sWorkPathURL+cTempFileName+"."+GetDocEndings(gCurrentDocTest or cFlt8)
             SaveDoc (sFileName8, oDoc, GetDocFilter(gCurrentDocTest or cFlt8))
         end if
-        gCurrentTestCase = cDocSaveOpenXML
-        if bMakeSaveOpenXMLTest and IsFilterAvailable (gCurrentDocTest or cFltXML) then
-            sFileNameXML = sWorkPathURL+cTempFileName+"."+GetDocEndings(gCurrentDocTest or cFltXML)
-            SaveDoc (sFileNameXML, oDoc, GetDocFilter(gCurrentDocTest or cFltXML))
-        end if
         gCurrentTestCase = cDocClose
         bSuccess = CloseDoc( oDoc )
         LogTestResult( GetDocFilter(gCurrentDocTest)+" "+ cMessageCloseDoc, bSuccess )
@@ -351,19 +323,6 @@ Sub MakeDocTest
             end If
         end if
-        gCurrentTestCase = cDocSaveOpenXML
-        if bMakeSaveOpenXMLTest and IsFilterAvailable (gCurrentDocTest or cFltXML) then
-            oDoc = LoadDoc (sFileNameXML)
-'          oDoc = Documents.open(sFileName)
-            LogTestResult( GetDocFilter(gCurrentDocTest or cFltNewDoc)+" "+ cMessageSaveOpenXMLDoc, not IsNull (oDoc) )
-            if not IsNull (oDoc) then
-                gCurrentTestCase = cDocClose
-                oDoc.close (true)
-            end If
-        end if
         gCurrentTestCase = cDocMacros
 	' Just one calc macro test for now
 	' To-Do split this into its own per-module/test .xml and add more
@@ -600,8 +559,6 @@ Function GetErrorMessageOnAction (nAction as Integer) as String
             GetErrorMessageOnAction = cMessageNewDoc
         case cDocSaveOpen8
             GetErrorMessageOnAction = cMessageSaveOpen8Doc
-        case cDocSaveOpenXML
-            GetErrorMessageOnAction = cMessageSaveOpenXMLDoc
         case cDocMacros
             GetErrorMessageOnAction = cMessageRunMacros
         case cDocClose
diff --git a/smoketest/data/Dialogs/Standard/OptionsDlg.xml b/smoketest/data/Dialogs/Standard/OptionsDlg.xml
index d3217c7..69308d7 100644
--- a/smoketest/data/Dialogs/Standard/OptionsDlg.xml
+++ b/smoketest/data/Dialogs/Standard/OptionsDlg.xml
@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@
    <dlg:title dlg:value="Functions"/>
   <dlg:checkbox dlg:id="cbSaveOpen8Test" dlg:tab-index="12" dlg:left="126" dlg:top="21" dlg:width="80" dlg:height="8" dlg:value="Save / Open V8.0" dlg:checked="false"/>
-  <dlg:checkbox dlg:id="cbSaveOpenXMLTest" dlg:tab-index="13" dlg:left="126" dlg:top="35" dlg:width="80" dlg:height="8" dlg:value="Save / Open XML" dlg:checked="false"/>
   <dlg:checkbox dlg:id="cbMacrosTest" dlg:tab-index="15" dlg:left="126" dlg:top="63" dlg:width="80" dlg:height="8" dlg:value="Macros" dlg:checked="false"/>
   <dlg:titledbox dlg:id="fmBroker" dlg:tab-index="16" dlg:left="7" dlg:top="169" dlg:width="208" dlg:height="17"/>
   <dlg:checkbox dlg:id="cbTerminateAfterTest" dlg:tab-index="17" dlg:disabled="true" dlg:left="19" dlg:top="174" dlg:width="190" dlg:height="8" dlg:value="Terminate Office after test" dlg:checked="false"/>
diff --git a/smoketest/data/content.xml b/smoketest/data/content.xml
index 6be6649..fc43425 100644
--- a/smoketest/data/content.xml
+++ b/smoketest/data/content.xml
@@ -87,7 +87,6 @@
       <text:user-field-decl text:value-type="string" text:string-value="y" text:name="HTML"/>
       <text:user-field-decl text:value-type="string" text:string-value="y" text:name="Math"/>
       <text:user-field-decl text:value-type="string" text:string-value="y" text:name="Chart"/>
-      <text:user-field-decl text:value-type="string" text:string-value="y" text:name="SaveOpenXML"/>
       <text:user-field-decl text:value-type="string" text:string-value="y" text:name="Macros"/>
       <text:user-field-decl text:value-type="string" text:string-value="n" text:name="Terminate"/>
       <text:user-field-decl text:value-type="string" text:string-value="y" text:name="Java"/>

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