[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: Branch 'private/jmux/mailmerge-fixes' - 3 commits - sw/source
Jan-Marek Glogowski
glogow at fbihome.de
Tue Jul 1 12:47:00 PDT 2014
sw/source/uibase/dbui/dbmgr.cxx | 171 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
1 file changed, 89 insertions(+), 82 deletions(-)
New commits:
commit 1f9b3d0dab74687773f8a6e0e949a6fdda5a6bdb
Author: Jan-Marek Glogowski <glogow at fbihome.de>
Date: Tue Jul 1 21:42:30 2014 +0200
Normalize SwDBManager::Merge{MailFiles,Documents}
There is still a difference, if run mail merge throught one or
the other function (MM wizard or UNO).
Change-Id: Ia372bd3edea4c8dfb58e045fc8fed2efcb2a4fde
diff --git a/sw/source/uibase/dbui/dbmgr.cxx b/sw/source/uibase/dbui/dbmgr.cxx
index 61bfd68..0601873 100644
--- a/sw/source/uibase/dbui/dbmgr.cxx
+++ b/sw/source/uibase/dbui/dbmgr.cxx
@@ -942,21 +942,23 @@ bool SwDBManager::MergeMailFiles(SwWrtShell* pSourceShell,
//copy the styles from the source to the target document
pTargetView->GetDocShell()->_LoadStyles( *pSourceDocSh, true );
//determine the page style and number used at the start of the source document
nStartingPageNo = pSourceShell->GetVirtPageNum();
sStartingPageDesc = sModifiedStartingPageDesc = pSourceShell->GetPageDesc(
- // copy compatibility options
- lcl_CopyCompatibilityOptions( *pSourceShell, *pTargetShell);
- // #72821# copy dynamic defaults
- lcl_CopyDynamicDefaults( *pSourceShell->GetDoc(), *pTargetShell->GetDoc() );
// #i72517#
const SwPageDesc* pSourcePageDesc = pSourceShell->FindPageDescByName( sStartingPageDesc );
const SwFrmFmt& rMaster = pSourcePageDesc->GetMaster();
bPageStylesWithHeaderFooter = rMaster.GetHeader().IsActive() ||
+ // copy compatibility options
+ lcl_CopyCompatibilityOptions( *pSourceShell, *pTargetShell);
+ // #72821# copy dynamic defaults
+ lcl_CopyDynamicDefaults( *pSourceShell->GetDoc(), *pTargetShell->GetDoc() );
PrintMonitor aPrtMonDlg(&pSourceShell->GetView().GetEditWin(), PrintMonitor::MONITOR_TYPE_PRINT);
@@ -1046,18 +1048,25 @@ bool SwDBManager::MergeMailFiles(SwWrtShell* pSourceShell,
lcl_SaveDoc( xWorkDocSh, "WorkDoc", nDocNo );
- {
//create a view frame for the document
- SfxViewFrame* pWorkFrame = SfxViewFrame::LoadHiddenDocument( *xWorkDocSh, 0 );
+ SwView* pWorkView = static_cast< SwView* >( SfxViewFrame::LoadHiddenDocument( *xWorkDocSh, 0 )->GetViewShell() );
//request the layout calculation
- SwWrtShell& rWorkShell =
- static_cast< SwView* >(pWorkFrame->GetViewShell())->GetWrtShell();
- rWorkShell.CalcLayout();
- SwDoc* pWorkDoc = ((SwDocShell*)(&xWorkDocSh))->GetDoc();
+ SwWrtShell& rWorkShell = pWorkView->GetWrtShell();
+ pWorkView->AttrChangedNotify( &rWorkShell );// in order for SelectShell to be called
+ SwDoc* pWorkDoc = rWorkShell.GetDoc();
SwDBManager* pOldDBManager = pWorkDoc->GetDBManager();
pWorkDoc->SetDBManager( this );
+ pWorkDoc->EmbedAllLinks();
+ // #i69485# lock fields to prevent access to the result set while calculating layout
+ rWorkShell.LockExpFlds();
+ rWorkShell.CalcLayout();
+ rWorkShell.UnlockExpFlds();
SfxGetpApp()->NotifyEvent(SfxEventHint(SW_EVENT_FIELD_MERGE, SwDocShell::GetEventName(STR_SW_EVENT_FIELD_MERGE), xWorkDocSh));
- pWorkDoc->UpdateFlds(NULL, false);
+// pWorkDoc->UpdateFlds(NULL, false);
+ rWorkShell.SwViewShell::UpdateFlds();
SfxGetpApp()->NotifyEvent(SfxEventHint(SW_EVENT_FIELD_MERGE_FINISHED, SwDocShell::GetEventName(STR_SW_EVENT_FIELD_MERGE_FINISHED), xWorkDocSh));
@@ -1226,7 +1235,7 @@ bool SwDBManager::MergeMailFiles(SwWrtShell* pSourceShell,
pWorkDoc->SetDBManager( pOldDBManager );
- }
@@ -2728,7 +2737,8 @@ sal_Int32 SwDBManager::MergeDocuments( SwMailMergeConfigItem& rMMConfig,
SwWrtShell& rSourceShell = rSourceView.GetWrtShell();
bool bSynchronizedDoc = rSourceShell.IsLabelDoc() && rSourceShell.GetSectionFmtCount() > 1;
- //save the settings of the first
+ //determine the page style and number used at the start of the source document
sal_uInt16 nStartingPageNo = rSourceShell.GetVirtPageNum();
OUString sModifiedStartingPageDesc;
@@ -2752,11 +2762,13 @@ sal_Int32 SwDBManager::MergeDocuments( SwMailMergeConfigItem& rMMConfig,
SwView* pTargetView = static_cast<SwView*>( pTargetFrame->GetViewShell() );
//initiate SelectShell() to create sub shells
pTargetView->AttrChangedNotify( &pTargetView->GetWrtShell() );
SwWrtShell* pTargetShell = pTargetView->GetWrtShellPtr();
SwDoc* pTargetDoc = pTargetShell->GetDoc();
+ //copy the styles from the source to the target document
pTargetView->GetDocShell()->_LoadStyles( *rSourceView.GetDocShell(), true );
// #i63806#
@@ -2807,6 +2819,7 @@ sal_Int32 SwDBManager::MergeDocuments( SwMailMergeConfigItem& rMMConfig,
SwDBManager* pWorkDBManager = pWorkDoc->GetDBManager();
pWorkDoc->SetDBManager( this );
SwUndoId nLastUndoId(UNDO_EMPTY);
if (rWorkShell.GetLastUndoInfo(0, & nLastUndoId))
@@ -2815,14 +2828,16 @@ sal_Int32 SwDBManager::MergeDocuments( SwMailMergeConfigItem& rMMConfig,
// #i69485# lock fields to prevent access to the result set while calculating layout
// create a layout
- SfxGetpApp()->NotifyEvent(SfxEventHint(SW_EVENT_FIELD_MERGE, SwDocShell::GetEventName(STR_SW_EVENT_FIELD_MERGE), rWorkShell.GetView().GetViewFrame()->GetObjectShell()));
+ SfxGetpApp()->NotifyEvent(SfxEventHint(SW_EVENT_FIELD_MERGE, SwDocShell::GetEventName(STR_SW_EVENT_FIELD_MERGE), rWorkShell.GetView().GetViewFrame()->GetObjectShell()));
- SfxGetpApp()->NotifyEvent(SfxEventHint(SW_EVENT_FIELD_MERGE_FINISHED, SwDocShell::GetEventName(STR_SW_EVENT_FIELD_MERGE_FINISHED), rWorkShell.GetView().GetViewFrame()->GetObjectShell()));
+ SfxGetpApp()->NotifyEvent(SfxEventHint(SW_EVENT_FIELD_MERGE_FINISHED, SwDocShell::GetEventName(STR_SW_EVENT_FIELD_MERGE_FINISHED), rWorkShell.GetView().GetViewFrame()->GetObjectShell()));
// strip invisible content and convert fields to text
@@ -2843,7 +2858,7 @@ sal_Int32 SwDBManager::MergeDocuments( SwMailMergeConfigItem& rMMConfig,
//create a new pagestyle
//copy the pagedesc from the current document to the new document and change the name of the to-be-applied style
OUString sNewPageDescName = lcl_FindUniqueName(pTargetShell, sStartingPageDesc, nDocNo );
- pTargetShell->GetDoc()->MakePageDesc( sNewPageDescName );
+ pTargetDoc->MakePageDesc( sNewPageDescName );
pTargetPageDesc = pTargetShell->FindPageDescByName( sNewPageDescName );
const SwPageDesc* pWorkPageDesc = rWorkShell.FindPageDescByName( sStartingPageDesc );
@@ -2857,9 +2872,6 @@ sal_Int32 SwDBManager::MergeDocuments( SwMailMergeConfigItem& rMMConfig,
pTargetPageDesc = pTargetShell->FindPageDescByName( sModifiedStartingPageDesc );
- if(nDocNo == 1)
- pTargetShell->SetPageStyle( sModifiedStartingPageDesc );
sal_uInt16 nPageCountBefore = pTargetShell->GetPageCnt();
OSL_ENSURE(!pTargetShell->GetTableFmt(),"target document ends with a table - paragraph should be appended");
commit 4ac327494dffbefdc29349d00b2cd1731f273489
Author: Jan-Marek Glogowski <glogow at fbihome.de>
Date: Tue Jul 1 21:37:11 2014 +0200
MM: Use SwDoc::Append for SwFeShell::Paste
Same as the SwDBManager::MergeDocuments change.
Change-Id: I44684bce187bb949dafc35a49b0aea9b46465cda
diff --git a/sw/source/uibase/dbui/dbmgr.cxx b/sw/source/uibase/dbui/dbmgr.cxx
index 4bc0d0e..61bfd68 100644
--- a/sw/source/uibase/dbui/dbmgr.cxx
+++ b/sw/source/uibase/dbui/dbmgr.cxx
@@ -921,6 +921,8 @@ bool SwDBManager::MergeMailFiles(SwWrtShell* pSourceShell,
OUString sStartingPageDesc;
sal_uInt16 nStartingPageNo = 0;
bool bPageStylesWithHeaderFooter = false;
+ SwDoc* pTargetDoc;
if(bAsSingleFile || rMergeDescriptor.bCreateSingleFile)
// create a target docshell to put the merged document into
@@ -936,6 +938,8 @@ bool SwDBManager::MergeMailFiles(SwWrtShell* pSourceShell,
//initiate SelectShell() to create sub shells
pTargetView->AttrChangedNotify( &pTargetView->GetWrtShell() );
pTargetShell = pTargetView->GetWrtShellPtr();
+ pTargetDoc = pTargetShell->GetDoc();
//copy the styles from the source to the target document
pTargetView->GetDocShell()->_LoadStyles( *pSourceDocSh, true );
//determine the page style and number used at the start of the source document
@@ -1079,62 +1083,37 @@ bool SwDBManager::MergeMailFiles(SwWrtShell* pSourceShell,
// insert the document into the target document
- rWorkShell.SttEndDoc(false);
- rWorkShell.SttEndDoc(true);
- rWorkShell.SelAll();
- pTargetShell->SwCrsrShell::SttEndDoc( false );
- //#i72517# the headers and footers are still those from the source - update in case of fields inside header/footer
- if( !nDocNo && bPageStylesWithHeaderFooter )
- pTargetShell->GetView().GetDocShell()->_LoadStyles( *rWorkShell.GetView().GetDocShell(), true );
//#i72517# put the styles to the target document
//if the source uses headers or footers each new copy need to copy a new page styles
+ SwPageDesc* pTargetPageDesc;
//create a new pagestyle
//copy the pagedesc from the current document to the new document and change the name of the to-be-applied style
- SwDoc* pTargetDoc = pTargetShell->GetDoc();
- SwPageDesc* pSourcePageDesc = rWorkShell.FindPageDescByName( sStartingPageDesc );
OUString sNewPageDescName = lcl_FindUniqueName(pTargetShell, sStartingPageDesc, nDocNo );
pTargetDoc->MakePageDesc( sNewPageDescName );
- SwPageDesc* pTargetPageDesc = pTargetShell->FindPageDescByName( sNewPageDescName );
- if(pSourcePageDesc && pTargetPageDesc)
+ pTargetPageDesc = pTargetShell->FindPageDescByName( sNewPageDescName );
+ const SwPageDesc* pWorkPageDesc = rWorkShell.FindPageDescByName( sStartingPageDesc );
+ if(pWorkPageDesc && pTargetPageDesc)
- pTargetDoc->CopyPageDesc( *pSourcePageDesc, *pTargetPageDesc, false );
+ pTargetDoc->CopyPageDesc( *pWorkPageDesc, *pTargetPageDesc, false );
sModifiedStartingPageDesc = sNewPageDescName;
- lcl_CopyFollowPageDesc( *pTargetShell, *pSourcePageDesc, *pTargetPageDesc, nDocNo );
+ lcl_CopyFollowPageDesc( *pTargetShell, *pWorkPageDesc, *pTargetPageDesc, nDocNo );
- if(nDocNo > 1)
- pTargetShell->InsertPageBreak( &sModifiedStartingPageDesc, nStartingPageNo );
- pTargetShell->SetPageStyle(sModifiedStartingPageDesc);
- OSL_ENSURE(!pTargetShell->GetTableFmt(),"target document ends with a table - paragraph should be appended");
- //#i51359# add a second paragraph in case there's only one
- {
- SwNodeIndex aIdx( pWorkDoc->GetNodes().GetEndOfExtras(), 2 );
- SwPosition aTestPos( aIdx );
- SwCursor aTestCrsr(aTestPos,0,false);
- if(!aTestCrsr.MovePara(fnParaNext, fnParaStart))
- {
- //append a paragraph
- pWorkDoc->AppendTxtNode( aTestPos );
- }
- }
+ pTargetPageDesc = pTargetShell->FindPageDescByName( sModifiedStartingPageDesc );
#ifdef DBG_UTIL
if ( nDocNo <= MAX_DOC_DUMP )
lcl_SaveDoc( xWorkDocSh, "WorkDoc", nDocNo );
- pTargetShell->Paste( rWorkShell.GetDoc(), true );
+ pTargetDoc->Append( *(rWorkShell.GetDoc()), nStartingPageNo, pTargetPageDesc, nDocNo == 1 );
//convert fields in page styles (header/footer - has to be done after the first document has been pasted
- if(1 == nDocNo)
- {
- pTargetShell->CalcLayout();
- pTargetShell->ConvertFieldsToText();
- }
+ pTargetShell->CalcLayout();
#ifdef DBG_UTIL
if ( nDocNo <= MAX_DOC_DUMP )
lcl_SaveDoc( xTargetDocShell, "MergeDoc" );
commit 58373eb7af324da284664a58192ecc60b4d003ab
Author: Jan-Marek Glogowski <glogow at fbihome.de>
Date: Tue Jul 1 21:31:35 2014 +0200
Add debug documents to SwDBManager::MergeMailFiles
Just like the debug documents in SwDBManager::MergeDocuments.
Change-Id: I275575853c80d4e19d6df5ba9d8dc689353d7c85
diff --git a/sw/source/uibase/dbui/dbmgr.cxx b/sw/source/uibase/dbui/dbmgr.cxx
index 71b51af..4bc0d0e 100644
--- a/sw/source/uibase/dbui/dbmgr.cxx
+++ b/sw/source/uibase/dbui/dbmgr.cxx
@@ -808,6 +808,33 @@ static void lcl_RemoveSectionLinks( SwWrtShell& rWorkShell )
rWorkShell.SetLabelDoc( false );
+#ifdef DBG_UTIL
+#define MAX_DOC_DUMP 3
+static void lcl_SaveDoc( SfxObjectShell *xTargetDocShell,
+ const char *name, int no = 0 )
+ boost::scoped_ptr< utl::TempFile > aTempFile;
+ OUString sExt( ".odt" );
+ OUString basename = OUString::createFromAscii( name );
+ if (no > 0 )
+ basename += OUString::number(no) + "-";
+ aTempFile.reset( new utl::TempFile( basename, true, &sExt ) );
+ OSL_ENSURE( aTempFile.get(), "Temporary file not available" );
+ INetURLObject aTempFileURL( aTempFile->GetURL() );
+ SfxMedium* pDstMed = new SfxMedium(
+ aTempFileURL.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ),
+ xTargetDocShell->DoSaveAs( *pDstMed );
+ xTargetDocShell->DoSaveCompleted( pDstMed );
+ if( xTargetDocShell->GetError() )
+ SAL_WARN( "sw.mailmerge", "Error saving: " << aTempFile->GetURL() );
+ else
+ SAL_INFO( "sw.mailmerge", "Saved doc as: " << aTempFile->GetURL() );
bool SwDBManager::MergeMailFiles(SwWrtShell* pSourceShell,
const SwMergeDescriptor& rMergeDescriptor)
@@ -899,6 +926,9 @@ bool SwDBManager::MergeMailFiles(SwWrtShell* pSourceShell,
// create a target docshell to put the merged document into
xTargetDocShell = new SwDocShell( SFX_CREATE_MODE_STANDARD );
xTargetDocShell->DoInitNew( 0 );
+#ifdef DBG_UTIL
+ lcl_SaveDoc( xTargetDocShell, "MergeDoc" );
SfxViewFrame* pTargetFrame = SfxViewFrame::LoadHiddenDocument( *xTargetDocShell, 0 );
pTargetView = static_cast<SwView*>( pTargetFrame->GetViewShell() );
@@ -1007,6 +1037,10 @@ bool SwDBManager::MergeMailFiles(SwWrtShell* pSourceShell,
// The SfxObjectShell will be closed explicitly later but it is more safe to use SfxObjectShellLock here
// copy the source document
SfxObjectShellLock xWorkDocSh = pSourceDocSh->GetDoc()->CreateCopy( true );
+#ifdef DBG_UTIL
+ if ( nDocNo <= MAX_DOC_DUMP )
+ lcl_SaveDoc( xWorkDocSh, "WorkDoc", nDocNo );
//create a view frame for the document
@@ -1088,6 +1122,11 @@ bool SwDBManager::MergeMailFiles(SwWrtShell* pSourceShell,
pWorkDoc->AppendTxtNode( aTestPos );
+#ifdef DBG_UTIL
+ if ( nDocNo <= MAX_DOC_DUMP )
+ lcl_SaveDoc( xWorkDocSh, "WorkDoc", nDocNo );
pTargetShell->Paste( rWorkShell.GetDoc(), true );
//convert fields in page styles (header/footer - has to be done after the first document has been pasted
@@ -1096,6 +1135,10 @@ bool SwDBManager::MergeMailFiles(SwWrtShell* pSourceShell,
+#ifdef DBG_UTIL
+ if ( nDocNo <= MAX_DOC_DUMP )
+ lcl_SaveDoc( xTargetDocShell, "MergeDoc" );
@@ -2648,33 +2691,6 @@ uno::Reference<XResultSet> SwDBManager::createCursor(const OUString& _sDataSourc
return xResultSet;
-#ifdef DBG_UTIL
-#define MAX_DOC_DUMP 3
-static void lcl_SaveDoc( SfxObjectShell *xTargetDocShell,
- const char *name, int no = 0 )
- boost::scoped_ptr< utl::TempFile > aTempFile;
- OUString sExt( ".odt" );
- OUString basename = OUString::createFromAscii( name );
- if (no > 0 )
- basename += OUString::number(no) + "-";
- aTempFile.reset( new utl::TempFile( basename, true, &sExt ) );
- OSL_ENSURE( aTempFile.get(), "Temporary file not available" );
- INetURLObject aTempFileURL( aTempFile->GetURL() );
- SfxMedium* pDstMed = new SfxMedium(
- aTempFileURL.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ),
- xTargetDocShell->DoSaveAs( *pDstMed );
- xTargetDocShell->DoSaveCompleted( pDstMed );
- if( xTargetDocShell->GetError() )
- SAL_WARN( "sw.mailmerge", "Error saving: " << aTempFile->GetURL() );
- else
- SAL_INFO( "sw.mailmerge", "Saved doc as: " << aTempFile->GetURL() );
// merge all data into one resulting document and return the number of merged documents
sal_Int32 SwDBManager::MergeDocuments( SwMailMergeConfigItem& rMMConfig,
SwView& rSourceView )
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