[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: 2 commits - lingucomponent/source vcl/source

Tor Lillqvist tml at collabora.com
Fri May 23 02:33:21 PDT 2014

 lingucomponent/source/hyphenator/hyphen/hyphenimp.cxx |    2 
 vcl/source/window/window.cxx                          | 5276 +++++++++---------
 2 files changed, 2639 insertions(+), 2639 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit f98eab9fa1d6bc78fd70d2014c8b31da556b4ef9
Author: Tor Lillqvist <tml at collabora.com>
Date:   Fri May 23 12:31:16 2014 +0300

    Fix typo
    Change-Id: I7ee0eecc36659ac8ee9a62698923a90e96b7f302

diff --git a/lingucomponent/source/hyphenator/hyphen/hyphenimp.cxx b/lingucomponent/source/hyphenator/hyphen/hyphenimp.cxx
index 86b0d5e..9f7028b 100644
--- a/lingucomponent/source/hyphenator/hyphen/hyphenimp.cxx
+++ b/lingucomponent/source/hyphenator/hyphen/hyphenimp.cxx
@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ Reference< XHyphenatedWord > SAL_CALL Hyphenator::hyphenate( const OUString& aWo
 #if defined(WNT)
             // Hyphen waits UTF-8 encoded paths with \\?\ long path prefix.
-            OString sTmp = OUStringToOString(dicpath, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);
+            OString sTmp = OUStringToOString(dictpath, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);
             OString sTmp( OU2ENC( dictpath, osl_getThreadTextEncoding() ) );
commit d1f97479dab4da60679017313fe3369ae56117ea
Author: Chris Sherlock <chris.sherlock79 at gmail.com>
Date:   Fri May 23 19:26:52 2014 +1000

    vcl: rearrange window.cxx functions
    Change-Id: I3f59b87554b858e400056d74e04cd7ca361cf758

diff --git a/vcl/source/window/window.cxx b/vcl/source/window/window.cxx
index a2d2736..67a1c6a 100644
--- a/vcl/source/window/window.cxx
+++ b/vcl/source/window/window.cxx
@@ -115,164 +115,6 @@ using ::com::sun::star::awt::XTopWindow;
 #define IMPL_PAINT_ERASE            ((sal_uInt16)0x0010)
 #define IMPL_PAINT_CHECKRTL         ((sal_uInt16)0x0020)
-WindowImpl::WindowImpl( WindowType nType )
-    maZoom              = Fraction( 1, 1 );
-    maWinRegion         = Region(true);
-    maWinClipRegion     = Region(true);
-    mpWinData           = NULL;         // Extra Window Data, that we dont need for all windows
-    mpOverlapData       = NULL;         // Overlap Data
-    mpFrameData         = NULL;         // Frame Data
-    mpFrame             = NULL;         // Pointer to frame window
-    mpSysObj            = NULL;
-    mpFrameWindow       = NULL;         // window to top level parent (same as frame window)
-    mpOverlapWindow     = NULL;         // first overlap parent
-    mpBorderWindow      = NULL;         // Border-Window
-    mpClientWindow      = NULL;         // Client-Window of a FrameWindow
-    mpParent            = NULL;         // parent (inkl. BorderWindow)
-    mpRealParent        = NULL;         // real parent (exkl. BorderWindow)
-    mpFirstChild        = NULL;         // first child window
-    mpLastChild         = NULL;         // last child window
-    mpFirstOverlap      = NULL;         // first overlap window (only set in overlap windows)
-    mpLastOverlap       = NULL;         // last overlap window (only set in overlap windows)
-    mpPrev              = NULL;         // prev window
-    mpNext              = NULL;         // next window
-    mpNextOverlap       = NULL;         // next overlap window of frame
-    mpLastFocusWindow   = NULL;         // window for focus restore
-    mpDlgCtrlDownWindow = NULL;         // window for dialog control
-    mpFirstDel          = NULL;         // Dtor notification list
-    mpUserData          = NULL;         // user data
-    mpCursor            = NULL;         // cursor
-    mpControlFont       = NULL;         // font propertie
-    mpVCLXWindow        = NULL;
-    mpAccessibleInfos   = NULL;
-    maControlForeground = Color( COL_TRANSPARENT );     // no foreground set
-    maControlBackground = Color( COL_TRANSPARENT );     // no background set
-    mnLeftBorder        = 0;            // left border
-    mnTopBorder         = 0;            // top border
-    mnRightBorder       = 0;            // right border
-    mnBottomBorder      = 0;            // bottom border
-    mnWidthRequest      = -1;           // width request
-    mnHeightRequest     = -1;           // height request
-    mnX                 = 0;            // X-Position to Parent
-    mnY                 = 0;            // Y-Position to Parent
-    mnAbsScreenX        = 0;            // absolute X-position on screen, used for RTL window positioning
-    mpChildClipRegion   = NULL;         // Child-Clip-Region when ClipChildren
-    mpPaintRegion       = NULL;         // Paint-ClipRegion
-    mnStyle             = 0;            // style (init in ImplInitWindow)
-    mnPrevStyle         = 0;            // prevstyle (set in SetStyle)
-    mnExtendedStyle     = 0;            // extended style (init in ImplInitWindow)
-    mnPrevExtendedStyle = 0;            // prevstyle (set in SetExtendedStyle)
-    mnType              = nType;        // type
-    mnGetFocusFlags     = 0;            // Flags fuer GetFocus()-Aufruf
-    mnWaitCount         = 0;            // Wait-Count (>1 == Warte-MousePointer)
-    mnPaintFlags        = 0;            // Flags for ImplCallPaint
-    mnParentClipMode    = 0;            // Flags for Parent-ClipChildren-Mode
-    mnActivateMode      = 0;            // Will be converted in System/Overlap-Windows
-    mnDlgCtrlFlags      = 0;            // DialogControl-Flags
-    mnLockCount         = 0;            // LockCount
-    meAlwaysInputMode   = AlwaysInputNone; // neither AlwaysEnableInput nor AlwaysDisableInput called
-    meHalign            = VCL_ALIGN_FILL;
-    meValign            = VCL_ALIGN_FILL;
-    mePackType          = VCL_PACK_START;
-    mnPadding           = 0;
-    mnGridHeight        = 1;
-    mnGridLeftAttach    = -1;
-    mnGridTopAttach     = -1;
-    mnGridWidth         = 1;
-    mnBorderWidth       = 0;
-    mnMarginLeft        = 0;
-    mnMarginRight       = 0;
-    mnMarginTop         = 0;
-    mnMarginBottom      = 0;
-    mbFrame             = false;        // true: Window is a frame window
-    mbBorderWin         = false;        // true: Window is a border window
-    mbOverlapWin        = false;        // true: Window is a overlap window
-    mbSysWin            = false;        // true: SystemWindow is the base class
-    mbDialog            = false;        // true: Dialog is the base class
-    mbDockWin           = false;        // true: DockingWindow is the base class
-    mbFloatWin          = false;        // true: FloatingWindow is the base class
-    mbPushButton        = false;        // true: PushButton is the base class
-    mbToolBox           = false;      // true: ToolBox is the base class
-    mbMenuFloatingWindow= false;      // true: MenuFloatingWindow is the base class
-    mbToolbarFloatingWindow= false;       // true: ImplPopupFloatWin is the base class, used for subtoolbars
-    mbSplitter          = false;      // true: Splitter is the base class
-    mbVisible           = false;        // true: Show( sal_True ) called
-    mbOverlapVisible    = false;        // true: Hide called for visible window from ImplHideAllOverlapWindow()
-    mbDisabled          = false;        // true: Enable( sal_False ) called
-    mbInputDisabled     = false;        // true: EnableInput( sal_False ) called
-    mbDropDisabled      = false;        // true: Drop is enabled
-    mbNoUpdate          = false;        // true: SetUpdateMode( sal_False ) called
-    mbNoParentUpdate    = false;        // true: SetParentUpdateMode( sal_False ) called
-    mbActive            = false;        // true: Window Active
-    mbParentActive      = false;        // true: OverlapActive from Parent
-    mbReallyVisible     = false;        // true: this and all parents to an overlapped window are visible
-    mbReallyShown       = false;        // true: this and all parents to an overlapped window are shown
-    mbInInitShow        = false;        // true: we are in InitShow
-    mbChildNotify       = false;        // true: ChildNotify
-    mbChildPtrOverwrite = false;        // true: PointerStyle overwrites Child-Pointer
-    mbNoPtrVisible      = false;        // true: ShowPointer( sal_False ) called
-    mbMouseMove         = false;        // true: BaseMouseMove called
-    mbPaintFrame        = false;        // true: Paint is visible, but not painted
-    mbInPaint           = false;        // true: Inside PaintHdl
-    mbMouseButtonDown   = false;        // true: BaseMouseButtonDown called
-    mbMouseButtonUp     = false;        // true: BaseMouseButtonUp called
-    mbKeyInput          = false;        // true: BaseKeyInput called
-    mbKeyUp             = false;        // true: BaseKeyUp called
-    mbCommand           = false;        // true: BaseCommand called
-    mbDefPos            = true;         // true: Position is not Set
-    mbDefSize           = true;         // true: Size is not Set
-    mbCallMove          = true;         // true: Move must be called by Show
-    mbCallResize        = true;         // true: Resize must be called by Show
-    mbWaitSystemResize  = true;         // true: Wait for System-Resize
-    mbInitWinClipRegion = true;         // true: Calc Window Clip Region
-    mbInitChildRegion   = false;        // true: InitChildClipRegion
-    mbWinRegion         = false;        // true: Window Region
-    mbClipChildren      = false;        // true: Child-window should be clipped
-    mbClipSiblings      = false;        // true: Adjacent Child-window should be clipped
-    mbChildTransparent  = false;        // true: Child-windows are allowed to switch to transparent (incl. Parent-CLIPCHILDREN)
-    mbPaintTransparent  = false;        // true: Paints should be executed on the Parent
-    mbMouseTransparent  = false;        // true: Window is transparent for Mouse
-    mbDlgCtrlStart      = false;        // true: From here on own Dialog-Control
-    mbFocusVisible      = false;        // true: Focus Visible
-    mbUseNativeFocus    = false;
-    mbNativeFocusVisible= false;        // true: native Focus Visible
-    mbInShowFocus       = false;        // prevent recursion
-    mbInHideFocus       = false;        // prevent recursion
-    mbTrackVisible      = false;        // true: Tracking Visible
-    mbControlForeground = false;        // true: Foreground-Property set
-    mbControlBackground = false;        // true: Background-Property set
-    mbAlwaysOnTop       = false;        // true: always visible for all others windows
-    mbCompoundControl   = false;        // true: Composite Control => Listener...
-    mbCompoundControlHasFocus = false;  // true: Composite Control has focus somewhere
-    mbPaintDisabled     = false;        // true: Paint should not be executed
-    mbAllResize         = false;        // true: Also sent ResizeEvents with 0,0
-    mbInDtor            = false;        // true: We're still in Window-Dtor
-    mbExtTextInput      = false;        // true: ExtTextInput-Mode is active
-    mbInFocusHdl        = false;        // true: Within GetFocus-Handler
-    mbCreatedWithToolkit = false;
-    mbSuppressAccessibilityEvents = false; // true: do not send any accessibility events
-    mbDrawSelectionBackground = false;    // true: draws transparent window background to indicate (toolbox) selection
-    mbIsInTaskPaneList = false;           // true: window was added to the taskpanelist in the topmost system window
-    mnNativeBackground  = 0;              // initialize later, depends on type
-    mbCallHandlersDuringInputDisabled = false; // true: call event handlers even if input is disabled
-    mbHelpTextDynamic = false;          // true: append help id in HELP_DEBUG case
-    mbFakeFocusSet = false; // true: pretend as if the window has focus.
-    mbHexpand = false;
-    mbVexpand = false;
-    mbExpand = false;
-    mbFill = true;
-    mbSecondary = false;
-    mbNonHomogeneous = false;
-    delete mpChildClipRegion;
-    delete mpAccessibleInfos;
-    delete mpControlFont;
 Window::Window( WindowType nType )
     ImplInitWindowData( nType );
@@ -298,3113 +140,3271 @@ Window::Window( Window* pParent, const ResId& rResId )
-bool Window::AcquireGraphics() const
-    if ( mpGraphics )
-        return true;
+    vcl::LazyDeletor<Window>::Undelete( this );
-    mbInitLineColor     = true;
-    mbInitFillColor     = true;
-    mbInitFont          = true;
-    mbInitTextColor     = true;
-    mbInitClipRegion    = true;
+    DBG_ASSERT( !mpWindowImpl->mbInDtor, "~Window - already in DTOR!" );
-    ImplSVData* pSVData = ImplGetSVData();
+    // remove Key and Mouse events issued by Application::PostKey/MouseEvent
+    Application::RemoveMouseAndKeyEvents( this );
-    mpGraphics = mpWindowImpl->mpFrame->AcquireGraphics();
-    // try harder if no wingraphics was available directly
-    if ( !mpGraphics )
+    // Dispose of the canvas implementation (which, currently, has an
+    // own wrapper window as a child to this one.
+    uno::Reference< rendering::XCanvas > xCanvas( mpWindowImpl->mxCanvas );
+    if( xCanvas.is() )
-        // find another output device in the same frame
-        OutputDevice* pReleaseOutDev = pSVData->maGDIData.mpLastWinGraphics;
-        while ( pReleaseOutDev )
-        {
-            if ( ((Window*)pReleaseOutDev)->mpWindowImpl->mpFrame == mpWindowImpl->mpFrame )
-                break;
-            pReleaseOutDev = pReleaseOutDev->mpPrevGraphics;
-        }
-        if ( pReleaseOutDev )
-        {
-            // steal the wingraphics from the other outdev
-            mpGraphics = pReleaseOutDev->mpGraphics;
-            pReleaseOutDev->ReleaseGraphics( false );
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            // if needed retry after releasing least recently used wingraphics
-            while ( !mpGraphics )
-            {
-                if ( !pSVData->maGDIData.mpLastWinGraphics )
-                    break;
-                pSVData->maGDIData.mpLastWinGraphics->ReleaseGraphics();
-                mpGraphics = mpWindowImpl->mpFrame->AcquireGraphics();
-            }
-        }
+        uno::Reference < lang::XComponent > xCanvasComponent( xCanvas,
+                                                              uno::UNO_QUERY );
+        if( xCanvasComponent.is() )
+            xCanvasComponent->dispose();
-    // update global LRU list of wingraphics
-    if ( mpGraphics )
-    {
-        mpNextGraphics = pSVData->maGDIData.mpFirstWinGraphics;
-        pSVData->maGDIData.mpFirstWinGraphics = const_cast<Window*>(this);
-        if ( mpNextGraphics )
-            mpNextGraphics->mpPrevGraphics = const_cast<Window*>(this);
-        if ( !pSVData->maGDIData.mpLastWinGraphics )
-            pSVData->maGDIData.mpLastWinGraphics = const_cast<Window*>(this);
-    }
+    mpWindowImpl->mbInDtor = true;
-    if ( mpGraphics )
-    {
-        mpGraphics->SetXORMode( (ROP_INVERT == meRasterOp) || (ROP_XOR == meRasterOp), ROP_INVERT == meRasterOp );
-        mpGraphics->setAntiAliasB2DDraw(mnAntialiasing & ANTIALIASING_ENABLE_B2DDRAW);
-    }
+    ImplCallEventListeners( VCLEVENT_OBJECT_DYING );
-    return mpGraphics ? true : false;
+    // do not send child events for frames that were registered as native frames
+    if( !ImplIsAccessibleNativeFrame() && mpWindowImpl->mbReallyVisible )
+        if ( ImplIsAccessibleCandidate() && GetAccessibleParentWindow() )
+            GetAccessibleParentWindow()->ImplCallEventListeners( VCLEVENT_WINDOW_CHILDDESTROYED, this );
-void Window::ReleaseGraphics( bool bRelease )
+    // remove associated data structures from dockingmanager
+    ImplGetDockingManager()->RemoveWindow( this );
-    if ( !mpGraphics )
-        return;
+    // remove ownerdraw decorated windows from list in the top-most frame window
+    if( (GetStyle() & WB_OWNERDRAWDECORATION) && mpWindowImpl->mbFrame )
+    {
+        ::std::vector< Window* >& rList = ImplGetOwnerDrawList();
+        ::std::vector< Window* >::iterator p;
+        p = ::std::find( rList.begin(), rList.end(), this );
+        if( p != rList.end() )
+            rList.erase( p );
+    }
-    // release the fonts of the physically released graphics device
-    if( bRelease )
-        ImplReleaseFonts();
+    // shutdown drag and drop
+    ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference < ::com::sun::star::lang::XComponent > xDnDComponent( mpWindowImpl->mxDNDListenerContainer, ::com::sun::star::uno::UNO_QUERY );
-    ImplSVData* pSVData = ImplGetSVData();
-    Window* pWindow = (Window*)this;
-    if ( bRelease )
-        pWindow->mpWindowImpl->mpFrame->ReleaseGraphics( mpGraphics );
-    // remove from global LRU list of window graphics
-    if ( mpPrevGraphics )
-        mpPrevGraphics->mpNextGraphics = mpNextGraphics;
-    else
-        pSVData->maGDIData.mpFirstWinGraphics = mpNextGraphics;
-    if ( mpNextGraphics )
-        mpNextGraphics->mpPrevGraphics = mpPrevGraphics;
-    else
-        pSVData->maGDIData.mpLastWinGraphics = mpPrevGraphics;
-    mpGraphics      = NULL;
-    mpPrevGraphics  = NULL;
-    mpNextGraphics  = NULL;
-void Window::CopyDeviceArea( SalTwoRect& aPosAry, sal_uInt32 nFlags )
-    if (aPosAry.mnSrcWidth == 0 || aPosAry.mnSrcHeight == 0 || aPosAry.mnDestWidth == 0 || aPosAry.mnDestHeight == 0)
-        return;
-    {
-        const Rectangle aSrcRect(Point(aPosAry.mnSrcX, aPosAry.mnSrcY),
-                Size(aPosAry.mnSrcWidth, aPosAry.mnSrcHeight));
-        ImplMoveAllInvalidateRegions(aSrcRect,
-                aPosAry.mnDestX-aPosAry.mnSrcX,
-                aPosAry.mnDestY-aPosAry.mnSrcY,
-                false);
-        mpGraphics->CopyArea(aPosAry.mnDestX, aPosAry.mnDestY,
-                aPosAry.mnSrcX, aPosAry.mnSrcY,
-                aPosAry.mnSrcWidth, aPosAry.mnSrcHeight,
-                SAL_COPYAREA_WINDOWINVALIDATE, this);
-        return;
-    }
-    OutputDevice::CopyDeviceArea(aPosAry, nFlags);
-void Window::ImplInitAppFontData( Window* pWindow )
-    ImplSVData* pSVData = ImplGetSVData();
-    long nTextHeight = pWindow->GetTextHeight();
-    long nTextWidth = pWindow->approximate_char_width() * 8;
-    long nSymHeight = nTextHeight*4;
-    // Make the basis wider if the font is too narrow
-    // such that the dialog looks symmetrical and does not become too narrow.
-    // Add some extra space when the dialog has the same width,
-    // as a little more space is better.
-    if ( nSymHeight > nTextWidth )
-        nTextWidth = nSymHeight;
-    else if ( nSymHeight+5 > nTextWidth )
-        nTextWidth = nSymHeight+5;
-    pSVData->maGDIData.mnAppFontX = nTextWidth * 10 / 8;
-    pSVData->maGDIData.mnAppFontY = nTextHeight * 10;
+    if( xDnDComponent.is() )
+        xDnDComponent->dispose();
-    // FIXME: this is currently only on OS X, check with other
-    // platforms
-    if( pSVData->maNWFData.mbNoFocusRects )
+    if( mpWindowImpl->mbFrame && mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData )
-        // try to find out whether there is a large correction
-        // of control sizes, if yes, make app font scalings larger
-        // so dialog positioning is not completely off
-        ImplControlValue aControlValue;
-        Rectangle aCtrlRegion( Point(), Size( nTextWidth < 10 ? 10 : nTextWidth, nTextHeight < 10 ? 10 : nTextHeight ) );
-        Rectangle aBoundingRgn( aCtrlRegion );
-        Rectangle aContentRgn( aCtrlRegion );
-        if( pWindow->GetNativeControlRegion( CTRL_EDITBOX, PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL, aCtrlRegion,
-                                             CTRL_STATE_ENABLED, aControlValue, OUString(),
-                                             aBoundingRgn, aContentRgn ) )
+        try
-            // comment: the magical +6 is for the extra border in bordered
-            // (which is the standard) edit fields
-            if( aContentRgn.GetHeight() - nTextHeight > (nTextHeight+4)/4 )
-                pSVData->maGDIData.mnAppFontY = (aContentRgn.GetHeight()-4) * 10;
-        }
-    }
-    pSVData->maGDIData.mnRealAppFontX = pSVData->maGDIData.mnAppFontX;
-    if ( pSVData->maAppData.mnDialogScaleX )
-        pSVData->maGDIData.mnAppFontX += (pSVData->maGDIData.mnAppFontX*pSVData->maAppData.mnDialogScaleX)/100;
+            // deregister drop target listener
+            if( mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mxDropTargetListener.is() )
+            {
+                uno::Reference< XDragGestureRecognizer > xDragGestureRecognizer =
+                    uno::Reference< XDragGestureRecognizer > (mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mxDragSource, UNO_QUERY);
+                if( xDragGestureRecognizer.is() )
+                {
+                    xDragGestureRecognizer->removeDragGestureListener(
+                        uno::Reference< XDragGestureListener > (mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mxDropTargetListener, UNO_QUERY));
+                }
-bool Window::ImplCheckUIFont( const Font& rFont )
-    if( ImplGetSVData()->maGDIData.mbNativeFontConfig )
-        return true;
+                mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mxDropTarget->removeDropTargetListener( mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mxDropTargetListener );
+                mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mxDropTargetListener.clear();
+            }
-    // create a text string using the localized text of important buttons
-    OUString aTestText;
-    static const StandardButtonType aTestButtons[] =
-    {
-    };
+            // shutdown drag and drop for this frame window
+            uno::Reference< XComponent > xComponent( mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mxDropTarget, UNO_QUERY );
-    const int nTestButtonCount = SAL_N_ELEMENTS(aTestButtons);
-    for( int n = 0; n < nTestButtonCount; ++n )
-    {
-        OUString aButtonStr = Button::GetStandardText( aTestButtons[n] );
-        // #i115432# ignore mnemonic+accelerator part of each string
-        // TODO: use a string filtering method when it becomes available
-        const sal_Int32 nLen = aButtonStr.getLength();
-        bool bInside = false;
-        for( int i = 0; i < nLen; ++i ) {
-            const sal_Unicode c = aButtonStr[ i ];
-            if( (c == '('))
-                bInside = true;
-            if( (c == ')'))
-                bInside = false;
-            if( (c == '~')
-            ||  (c == '(') || (c == ')')
-            || ((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'Z') && bInside) )
-                aButtonStr = aButtonStr.replaceAt( i, 1, " " );
+            // DNDEventDispatcher does not hold a reference of the DropTarget,
+            // so it's ok if it does not support XComponent
+            if( xComponent.is() )
+                xComponent->dispose();
-        // append sanitized button text to test string
-        aTestText += aButtonStr;
-    }
-    const bool bUIFontOk = ( HasGlyphs( rFont, aTestText ) == -1 );
-    return bUIFontOk;
-void Window::ImplInitWindowData( WindowType nType )
-    // We will eventually being removing the inheritance of OutputDevice from Window.
-    // It will be replaced with a composition relationship. A Window will use an OutputDevice,
-    // it will not *be* an OutputDevice
-    mpOutputDevice = (OutputDevice*)this;
-    mpWindowImpl = new WindowImpl( nType );
-    meOutDevType        = OUTDEV_WINDOW;
-    mbEnableRTL         = Application::GetSettings().GetLayoutRTL();         // true: this outdev will be mirrored if RTL window layout (UI mirroring) is globally active
-static bool ImplDoTiledRendering()
-    // We do tiled rendering only for iOS at the moment, actually, but
-    // let's see what happens if we assume it for Android, too.
-    return true;
-    // We need some way to know globally if this process will use
-    // tiled rendering or not. Or should this be a per-window setting?
-    // Or what?
-    return false;
-static sal_Int32 CountDPIScaleFactor(sal_Int32 nDPI)
-    sal_Int32 nResult = 1;
-#ifndef MACOSX
-    // Setting of HiDPI is unfortunately all only a heuristic; and to add
-    // insult to an injury, the system is constantly lying to us about
-    // the DPI and whatnot
-    // eg. fdo#77059 - set the value from which we do consider the
-    // screen hi-dpi to greater than 168
-    if (nDPI > 168)
-        nResult = std::max(sal_Int32(1), (nDPI + 48) / 96);
-    (void)nDPI;
-    return nResult;
-void Window::ImplInit( Window* pParent, WinBits nStyle, SystemParentData* pSystemParentData )
-    DBG_ASSERT( mpWindowImpl->mbFrame || pParent, "Window::Window(): pParent == NULL" );
-    ImplSVData* pSVData = ImplGetSVData();
-    Window*     pRealParent = pParent;
-    // 3D-Look vererben
-    if ( !mpWindowImpl->mbOverlapWin && pParent && (pParent->GetStyle() & WB_3DLOOK) )
-        nStyle |= WB_3DLOOK;
-    // create border window if necessary
-    if ( !mpWindowImpl->mbFrame && !mpWindowImpl->mbBorderWin && !mpWindowImpl->mpBorderWindow
-         && (nStyle & (WB_BORDER | WB_SYSTEMCHILDWINDOW) ) )
-    {
-        sal_uInt16 nBorderTypeStyle = 0;
-        if( (nStyle & WB_SYSTEMCHILDWINDOW) )
+        catch (const Exception&)
-            // handle WB_SYSTEMCHILDWINDOW
-            // these should be analogous to a top level frame; meaning they
-            // should have a border window with style BORDERWINDOW_STYLE_FRAME
-            // which controls their size
-            nBorderTypeStyle |= BORDERWINDOW_STYLE_FRAME;
-            nStyle |= WB_BORDER;
+            // can be safely ignored here.
-        ImplBorderWindow* pBorderWin = new ImplBorderWindow( pParent, nStyle & (WB_BORDER | WB_DIALOGCONTROL | WB_NODIALOGCONTROL | WB_NEEDSFOCUS), nBorderTypeStyle );
-        ((Window*)pBorderWin)->mpWindowImpl->mpClientWindow = this;
-        pBorderWin->GetBorder( mpWindowImpl->mnLeftBorder, mpWindowImpl->mnTopBorder, mpWindowImpl->mnRightBorder, mpWindowImpl->mnBottomBorder );
-        mpWindowImpl->mpBorderWindow  = pBorderWin;
-        pParent = mpWindowImpl->mpBorderWindow;
-    }
-    else if( !mpWindowImpl->mbFrame && ! pParent )
-    {
-        mpWindowImpl->mbOverlapWin  = true;
-        mpWindowImpl->mbFrame = true;
-    // insert window in list
-    ImplInsertWindow( pParent );
-    mpWindowImpl->mnStyle = nStyle;
+    UnoWrapperBase* pWrapper = Application::GetUnoWrapper( false );
+    if ( pWrapper )
+        pWrapper->WindowDestroyed( this );
-    // Overlap-Window-Data
-    if ( mpWindowImpl->mbOverlapWin )
+    // MT: Must be called after WindowDestroyed!
+    // Otherwise, if the accessible is a VCLXWindow, it will try to destroy this window again!
+    // But accessibility implementations from applications need this dispose.
+    if ( mpWindowImpl->mxAccessible.is() )
-        mpWindowImpl->mpOverlapData                   = new ImplOverlapData;
-        mpWindowImpl->mpOverlapData->mpSaveBackDev    = NULL;
-        mpWindowImpl->mpOverlapData->mpSaveBackRgn    = NULL;
-        mpWindowImpl->mpOverlapData->mpNextBackWin    = NULL;
-        mpWindowImpl->mpOverlapData->mnSaveBackSize   = 0;
-        mpWindowImpl->mpOverlapData->mbSaveBack       = false;
-        mpWindowImpl->mpOverlapData->mnTopLevel       = 1;
+        ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::lang::XComponent> xC( mpWindowImpl->mxAccessible, ::com::sun::star::uno::UNO_QUERY );
+        if ( xC.is() )
+            xC->dispose();
-    if( pParent && ! mpWindowImpl->mbFrame )
-        mbEnableRTL = Application::GetSettings().GetLayoutRTL();
-    // test for frame creation
-    if ( mpWindowImpl->mbFrame )
-    {
-        // create frame
-        sal_uLong nFrameStyle = 0;
-        if ( nStyle & WB_MOVEABLE )
-            nFrameStyle |= SAL_FRAME_STYLE_MOVEABLE;
-        if ( nStyle & WB_SIZEABLE )
-            nFrameStyle |= SAL_FRAME_STYLE_SIZEABLE;
-        if ( nStyle & WB_CLOSEABLE )
-            nFrameStyle |= SAL_FRAME_STYLE_CLOSEABLE;
-        if ( nStyle & WB_APP )
-            nFrameStyle |= SAL_FRAME_STYLE_DEFAULT;
-        // check for undecorated floating window
-        if( // 1. floating windows that are not moveable/sizeable (only closeable allowed)
-            ( !(nFrameStyle & ~SAL_FRAME_STYLE_CLOSEABLE) &&
-            ( mpWindowImpl->mbFloatWin || ((GetType() == WINDOW_BORDERWINDOW) && ((ImplBorderWindow*)this)->mbFloatWindow) || (nStyle & WB_SYSTEMFLOATWIN) ) ) ||
-            // 2. borderwindows of floaters with ownerdraw decoration
-            ( ((GetType() == WINDOW_BORDERWINDOW) && ((ImplBorderWindow*)this)->mbFloatWindow && (nStyle & WB_OWNERDRAWDECORATION) ) ) )
-        {
-            nFrameStyle = SAL_FRAME_STYLE_FLOAT;
-            if( nStyle & WB_OWNERDRAWDECORATION )
-            if( nStyle & WB_NEEDSFOCUS )
-                nFrameStyle |= SAL_FRAME_STYLE_FLOAT_FOCUSABLE;
-        }
-        else if( mpWindowImpl->mbFloatWin )
-            nFrameStyle |= SAL_FRAME_STYLE_TOOLWINDOW;
-        if( nStyle & WB_INTROWIN )
-            nFrameStyle |= SAL_FRAME_STYLE_INTRO;
-        if( nStyle & WB_TOOLTIPWIN )
-            nFrameStyle |= SAL_FRAME_STYLE_TOOLTIP;
-        if( nStyle & WB_NOSHADOW )
-            nFrameStyle |= SAL_FRAME_STYLE_NOSHADOW;
-        if( nStyle & WB_SYSTEMCHILDWINDOW )
-            nFrameStyle |= SAL_FRAME_STYLE_SYSTEMCHILD;
-        switch (mpWindowImpl->mnType)
-        {
-            case WINDOW_DIALOG:
-            case WINDOW_TABDIALOG:
-            case WINDOW_MODALDIALOG:
-            case WINDOW_MODELESSDIALOG:
-            case WINDOW_MESSBOX:
-            case WINDOW_INFOBOX:
-            case WINDOW_WARNINGBOX:
-            case WINDOW_ERRORBOX:
-            case WINDOW_QUERYBOX:
-                nFrameStyle |= SAL_FRAME_STYLE_DIALOG;
-            default:
-                break;
-        }
+    ImplSVData* pSVData = ImplGetSVData();
-        SalFrame* pParentFrame = NULL;
-        if ( pParent )
-            pParentFrame = pParent->mpWindowImpl->mpFrame;
-        SalFrame* pFrame;
-        if ( pSystemParentData )
-            pFrame = pSVData->mpDefInst->CreateChildFrame( pSystemParentData, nFrameStyle | SAL_FRAME_STYLE_PLUG );
-        else
-            pFrame = pSVData->mpDefInst->CreateFrame( pParentFrame, nFrameStyle );
-        if ( !pFrame )
-        {
-            // do not abort but throw an exception, may be the current thread terminates anyway (plugin-scenario)
-            throw ::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException(
-                OUString( "Could not create system window!"  ),
-                ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::uno::XInterface >() );
-        }
+    if ( pSVData->maHelpData.mpHelpWin && (pSVData->maHelpData.mpHelpWin->GetParent() == this) )
+        ImplDestroyHelpWindow( true );
-        pFrame->SetCallback( this, ImplWindowFrameProc );
+    DBG_ASSERT( pSVData->maWinData.mpTrackWin != this,
+                "Window::~Window(): Window is in TrackingMode" );
+    DBG_ASSERT( pSVData->maWinData.mpCaptureWin != this,
+                "Window::~Window(): Window has the mouse captured" );
+    // #103442# DefModalDialogParent is now determined on-the-fly, so this pointer is unimportant now
+    //DBG_ASSERT( pSVData->maWinData.mpDefDialogParent != this,
+    //            "Window::~Window(): Window is DefModalDialogParent" );
-        // set window frame data
-        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData     = new ImplFrameData;
-        mpWindowImpl->mpFrame         = pFrame;
-        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameWindow   = this;
-        mpWindowImpl->mpOverlapWindow = this;
+    // due to old compatibility
+    if ( pSVData->maWinData.mpTrackWin == this )
+        EndTracking();
+    if ( pSVData->maWinData.mpCaptureWin == this )
+        ReleaseMouse();
+    if ( pSVData->maWinData.mpDefDialogParent == this )
+        pSVData->maWinData.mpDefDialogParent = NULL;
-        // set frame data
-        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mpNextFrame        = pSVData->maWinData.mpFirstFrame;
-        pSVData->maWinData.mpFirstFrame = this;
-        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mpFirstOverlap     = NULL;
-        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mpFocusWin         = NULL;
-        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mpMouseMoveWin     = NULL;
-        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mpMouseDownWin     = NULL;
-        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mpFirstBackWin     = NULL;
-        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mpFontCollection   = pSVData->maGDIData.mpScreenFontList;
-        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mpFontCache        = pSVData->maGDIData.mpScreenFontCache;
-        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnAllSaveBackSize  = 0;
-        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnFocusId          = 0;
-        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnMouseMoveId      = 0;
-        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnLastMouseX       = -1;
-        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnLastMouseY       = -1;
-        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnBeforeLastMouseX = -1;
-        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnBeforeLastMouseY = -1;
-        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnFirstMouseX      = -1;
-        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnFirstMouseY      = -1;
-        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnLastMouseWinX    = -1;
-        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnLastMouseWinY    = -1;
-        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnModalMode        = 0;
-        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnMouseDownTime    = 0;
-        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnClickCount       = 0;
-        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnFirstMouseCode   = 0;
-        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnMouseCode        = 0;
-        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnMouseMode        = 0;
-        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->meMapUnit          = MAP_PIXEL;
-        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mbHasFocus         = false;
-        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mbInMouseMove      = false;
-        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mbMouseIn          = false;
-        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mbStartDragCalled  = false;
-        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mbNeedSysWindow    = false;
-        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mbMinimized        = false;
-        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mbStartFocusState  = false;
-        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mbInSysObjFocusHdl = false;
-        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mbInSysObjToTopHdl = false;
-        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mbSysObjFocus      = false;
-        if (!ImplDoTiledRendering())
+    if ( true ) // always perform these tests in non-pro versions
+    {
+        OStringBuffer aErrorStr;
+        bool        bError = false;
+        Window*     pTempWin;
+        if (mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData != 0)
-            mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->maPaintTimer.SetTimeout( 30 );
-            mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->maPaintTimer.SetTimeoutHdl( LINK( this, Window, ImplHandlePaintHdl ) );
+            pTempWin = mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mpFirstOverlap;
+            while ( pTempWin )
+            {
+                if ( ImplIsRealParentPath( pTempWin ) )
+                {
+                    bError = true;
+                    aErrorStr.append(lcl_createWindowInfo(*pTempWin));
+                }
+                pTempWin = pTempWin->mpWindowImpl->mpNextOverlap;
+            }
+            if ( bError )
+            {
+                OStringBuffer aTempStr;
+                aTempStr.append("Window (");
+                aTempStr.append(OUStringToOString(GetText(),
+                                                       RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8));
+                aTempStr.append(") with live SystemWindows destroyed: ");
+                aTempStr.append(aErrorStr.toString());
+                OSL_FAIL(aTempStr.getStr());
+                // abort in non-pro version, this must be fixed!
+                GetpApp()->Abort(OStringToOUString(
+                                     aTempStr.makeStringAndClear(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8));
+            }
-        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->maResizeTimer.SetTimeout( 50 );
-        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->maResizeTimer.SetTimeoutHdl( LINK( this, Window, ImplHandleResizeTimerHdl ) );
-        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mbInternalDragGestureRecognizer = false;
-        if ( pRealParent && IsTopWindow() )
+        bError = false;
+        pTempWin = pSVData->maWinData.mpFirstFrame;
+        while ( pTempWin )
-            ImplWinData* pParentWinData = pRealParent->ImplGetWinData();
-            pParentWinData->maTopWindowChildren.push_back( this );
+            if ( ImplIsRealParentPath( pTempWin ) )
+            {
+                bError = true;
+                aErrorStr.append(lcl_createWindowInfo(*pTempWin));
+            }
+            pTempWin = pTempWin->mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mpNextFrame;
+        }
+        if ( bError )
+        {
+            OStringBuffer aTempStr( "Window (" );
+            aTempStr.append(OUStringToOString(GetText(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8));
+            aTempStr.append(") with live SystemWindows destroyed: ");
+            aTempStr.append(aErrorStr.toString());
+            OSL_FAIL( aTempStr.getStr() );
+            GetpApp()->Abort(OStringToOUString(aTempStr.makeStringAndClear(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8));   // abort in non-pro version, this must be fixed!
-    }
-    // init data
-    mpWindowImpl->mpRealParent = pRealParent;
-    // #99318: make sure fontcache and list is available before call to SetSettings
-    mpFontCollection      = mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mpFontCollection;
-    mpFontCache     = mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mpFontCache;
-    if ( mpWindowImpl->mbFrame )
-    {
-        if ( pParent )
+        if ( mpWindowImpl->mpFirstChild )
-            mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnDPIX     = pParent->mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnDPIX;
-            mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnDPIY     = pParent->mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnDPIY;
+            OStringBuffer aTempStr("Window (");
+            aTempStr.append(OUStringToOString(GetText(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8));
+            aTempStr.append(") with live children destroyed: ");
+            pTempWin = mpWindowImpl->mpFirstChild;
+            while ( pTempWin )
+            {
+                aTempStr.append(lcl_createWindowInfo(*pTempWin));
+                pTempWin = pTempWin->mpWindowImpl->mpNext;
+            }
+            OSL_FAIL( aTempStr.getStr() );
+            GetpApp()->Abort(OStringToOUString(aTempStr.makeStringAndClear(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8));   // abort in non-pro version, this must be fixed!
-        else
+        if ( mpWindowImpl->mpFirstOverlap )
-            OutputDevice *pOutDev = GetOutDev();
-            if ( pOutDev->AcquireGraphics() )
+            OStringBuffer aTempStr("Window (");
+            aTempStr.append(OUStringToOString(GetText(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8));
+            aTempStr.append(") with live SystemWindows destroyed: ");
+            pTempWin = mpWindowImpl->mpFirstOverlap;
+            while ( pTempWin )
-                mpGraphics->GetResolution( mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnDPIX, mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnDPIY );
+                aTempStr.append(lcl_createWindowInfo(*pTempWin));
+                pTempWin = pTempWin->mpWindowImpl->mpNext;
+            OSL_FAIL( aTempStr.getStr() );
+            GetpApp()->Abort(OStringToOUString(aTempStr.makeStringAndClear(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8));   // abort in non-pro version, this must be fixed!
-        // add ownerdraw decorated frame windows to list in the top-most frame window
-        // so they can be hidden on lose focus
-        if( nStyle & WB_OWNERDRAWDECORATION )
-            ImplGetOwnerDrawList().push_back( this );
+        Window* pMyParent = this;
+        SystemWindow* pMySysWin = NULL;
-        // delay settings initialization until first "real" frame
-        // this relies on the IntroWindow not needing any system settings
-        if ( !pSVData->maAppData.mbSettingsInit &&
-             ! (nStyle & (WB_INTROWIN|WB_DEFAULTWIN))
-             )
+        while ( pMyParent )
-            // side effect: ImplUpdateGlobalSettings does an ImplGetFrame()->UpdateSettings
-            ImplUpdateGlobalSettings( *pSVData->maAppData.mpSettings );
-            OutputDevice::SetSettings( *pSVData->maAppData.mpSettings );
-            pSVData->maAppData.mbSettingsInit = true;
+            if ( pMyParent->IsSystemWindow() )
+                pMySysWin = (SystemWindow*)pMyParent;
+            pMyParent = pMyParent->GetParent();
+        }
+        if ( pMySysWin && pMySysWin->ImplIsInTaskPaneList( this ) )
+        {
+            OStringBuffer aTempStr("Window (");
+            aTempStr.append(OUStringToOString(GetText(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8));
+            aTempStr.append(") still in TaskPanelList!");
+            OSL_FAIL( aTempStr.getStr() );
+            GetpApp()->Abort(OStringToOUString(aTempStr.makeStringAndClear(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8));   // abort in non-pro version, this must be fixed!
-        // If we create a Window with default size, query this
-        // size directly, because we want resize all Controls to
-        // the correct size before we display the window
-        if ( nStyle & (WB_MOVEABLE | WB_SIZEABLE | WB_APP) )
-            mpWindowImpl->mpFrame->GetClientSize( mnOutWidth, mnOutHeight );
-    else
+    if( mpWindowImpl->mbIsInTaskPaneList )
-        if ( pParent )
-        {
-            if ( !ImplIsOverlapWindow() )
-            {
-                mpWindowImpl->mbDisabled          = pParent->mpWindowImpl->mbDisabled;
-                mpWindowImpl->mbInputDisabled     = pParent->mpWindowImpl->mbInputDisabled;
-                mpWindowImpl->meAlwaysInputMode   = pParent->mpWindowImpl->meAlwaysInputMode;
-            }
+        Window* pMyParent = this;
+        SystemWindow* pMySysWin = NULL;
-            OutputDevice::SetSettings( pParent->GetSettings() );
+        while ( pMyParent )
+        {
+            if ( pMyParent->IsSystemWindow() )
+                pMySysWin = (SystemWindow*)pMyParent;
+            pMyParent = pMyParent->GetParent();
+        }
+        if ( pMySysWin && pMySysWin->ImplIsInTaskPaneList( this ) )
+        {
+            pMySysWin->GetTaskPaneList()->RemoveWindow( this );
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            OStringBuffer aTempStr("Window (");
+            aTempStr.append(OUStringToOString(GetText(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8));
+            aTempStr.append(") not found in TaskPanelList!");
+            OSL_FAIL( aTempStr.getStr() );
-    // setup the scale factor for Hi-DPI displays
-    mnDPIScaleFactor = CountDPIScaleFactor(mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnDPIY);
-    const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = mxSettings->GetStyleSettings();
-    sal_uInt16 nScreenZoom = rStyleSettings.GetScreenZoom();
-    mnDPIX          = (mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnDPIX*nScreenZoom)/100;
-    mnDPIY          = (mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnDPIY*nScreenZoom)/100;
-    maFont          = rStyleSettings.GetAppFont();
-    ImplPointToLogic( maFont );
+    // remove from size-group if necessary
+    remove_from_all_size_groups();
-    if ( nStyle & WB_3DLOOK )
+    // clear mnemonic labels
+    std::vector<FixedText*> aMnemonicLabels(list_mnemonic_labels());
+    for (std::vector<FixedText*>::iterator aI = aMnemonicLabels.begin();
+        aI != aMnemonicLabels.end(); ++aI)
-        SetTextColor( rStyleSettings.GetButtonTextColor() );
-        SetBackground( Wallpaper( rStyleSettings.GetFaceColor() ) );
+        remove_mnemonic_label(*aI);
-    else
+    // hide window in order to trigger the Paint-Handling
+    Hide();
+    // announce the window is to be destroyed
-        SetTextColor( rStyleSettings.GetWindowTextColor() );
-        SetBackground( Wallpaper( rStyleSettings.GetWindowColor() ) );
+        NotifyEvent aNEvt( EVENT_DESTROY, this );
+        Notify( aNEvt );
-    ImplUpdatePos();
-    // calculate app font res (except for the Intro Window or the default window)
-    if ( mpWindowImpl->mbFrame && !pSVData->maGDIData.mnAppFontX && ! (nStyle & (WB_INTROWIN|WB_DEFAULTWIN)) )
-        ImplInitAppFontData( this );
+    // EndExtTextInputMode
+    if ( pSVData->maWinData.mpExtTextInputWin == this )
+    {
+        EndExtTextInput( EXTTEXTINPUT_END_COMPLETE );
+        if ( pSVData->maWinData.mpExtTextInputWin == this )
+            pSVData->maWinData.mpExtTextInputWin = NULL;
+    }
-    if ( GetAccessibleParentWindow()  && GetParent() != Application::GetDefDialogParent() )
-        GetAccessibleParentWindow()->ImplCallEventListeners( VCLEVENT_WINDOW_CHILDCREATED, this );
+    // check if the focus window is our child
+    bool bHasFocussedChild = false;
+    if( pSVData->maWinData.mpFocusWin && ImplIsRealParentPath( pSVData->maWinData.mpFocusWin ) )
+    {
+        // #122232#, this must not happen and is an application bug ! but we try some cleanup to hopefully avoid crashes, see below
+        bHasFocussedChild = true;
+        OStringBuffer aTempStr("Window (");
+        aTempStr.append(OUStringToOString(GetText(),
+            RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8)).
+                append(") with focussed child window destroyed ! THIS WILL LEAD TO CRASHES AND MUST BE FIXED !");
+        OSL_FAIL( aTempStr.getStr() );
+        GetpApp()->Abort(OStringToOUString(aTempStr.makeStringAndClear(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ));   // abort in non-pro version, this must be fixed!
+    }
-void Window::ImplSetFrameParent( const Window* pParent )
-    Window* pFrameWindow = ImplGetSVData()->maWinData.mpFirstFrame;
-    while( pFrameWindow )
+    // if we get focus pass focus to another window
+    Window* pOverlapWindow = ImplGetFirstOverlapWindow();
+    if ( pSVData->maWinData.mpFocusWin == this
+        || bHasFocussedChild )  // #122232#, see above, try some cleanup
-        // search all frames that are children of this window
-        // and reparent them
-        if( ImplIsRealParentPath( pFrameWindow ) )
+        if ( mpWindowImpl->mbFrame )
-            DBG_ASSERT( mpWindowImpl->mpFrame != pFrameWindow->mpWindowImpl->mpFrame, "SetFrameParent to own" );
-            DBG_ASSERT( mpWindowImpl->mpFrame, "no frame" );
-            SalFrame* pParentFrame = pParent ? pParent->mpWindowImpl->mpFrame : NULL;
-            pFrameWindow->mpWindowImpl->mpFrame->SetParent( pParentFrame );
+            pSVData->maWinData.mpFocusWin = NULL;
+            pOverlapWindow->mpWindowImpl->mpLastFocusWindow = NULL;
+            GetpApp()->FocusChanged();
-        pFrameWindow = pFrameWindow->mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mpNextFrame;
-    }
+        else
+        {
+            Window* pParent = GetParent();
+            Window* pBorderWindow = mpWindowImpl->mpBorderWindow;
+        // when windows overlap, give focus to the parent
+        // of the next FrameWindow
+            if ( pBorderWindow )
+            {
+                if ( pBorderWindow->ImplIsOverlapWindow() )
+                    pParent = pBorderWindow->mpWindowImpl->mpOverlapWindow;
+            }
+            else if ( ImplIsOverlapWindow() )
+                pParent = mpWindowImpl->mpOverlapWindow;
-ImplWinData* Window::ImplGetWinData() const
-    if ( !mpWindowImpl->mpWinData )
-    {
-        static const char* pNoNWF = getenv( "SAL_NO_NWF" );
+            if ( pParent && pParent->IsEnabled() && pParent->IsInputEnabled() && ! pParent->IsInModalMode() )
+                pParent->GrabFocus();
+            else
+                mpWindowImpl->mpFrameWindow->GrabFocus();
-        ((Window*)this)->mpWindowImpl->mpWinData = new ImplWinData;
-        mpWindowImpl->mpWinData->mpExtOldText     = NULL;
-        mpWindowImpl->mpWinData->mpExtOldAttrAry  = NULL;
-        mpWindowImpl->mpWinData->mpCursorRect     = NULL;
-        mpWindowImpl->mpWinData->mnCursorExtWidth = 0;
-        mpWindowImpl->mpWinData->mpCompositionCharRects = NULL;
-        mpWindowImpl->mpWinData->mnCompositionCharRects = 0;
-        mpWindowImpl->mpWinData->mpFocusRect      = NULL;
-        mpWindowImpl->mpWinData->mpTrackRect      = NULL;
-        mpWindowImpl->mpWinData->mnTrackFlags     = 0;
-        mpWindowImpl->mpWinData->mnIsTopWindow  = (sal_uInt16) ~0;  // not initialized yet, 0/1 will indicate TopWindow (see IsTopWindow())
-        mpWindowImpl->mpWinData->mbMouseOver      = false;
-        mpWindowImpl->mpWinData->mbEnableNativeWidget = (pNoNWF && *pNoNWF) ? sal_False : sal_True; // sal_True: try to draw this control with native theme API
-   }
+            // If the focus was set back to 'this' set it to nothing
+            if ( pSVData->maWinData.mpFocusWin == this )
+            {
+                pSVData->maWinData.mpFocusWin = NULL;
+                pOverlapWindow->mpWindowImpl->mpLastFocusWindow = NULL;
+                GetpApp()->FocusChanged();
+            }
+        }
+    }
-    return mpWindowImpl->mpWinData;
+    if ( pOverlapWindow != 0 &&
+         pOverlapWindow->mpWindowImpl->mpLastFocusWindow == this )
+        pOverlapWindow->mpWindowImpl->mpLastFocusWindow = NULL;
-SalGraphics* Window::ImplGetFrameGraphics() const
-    if ( mpWindowImpl->mpFrameWindow->mpGraphics )
+    // reset hint for DefModalDialogParent
+    if( pSVData->maWinData.mpActiveApplicationFrame == this )
+        pSVData->maWinData.mpActiveApplicationFrame = NULL;
+    // reset marked windows
+    if ( mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData != 0 )
-        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameWindow->mbInitClipRegion = true;
+        if ( mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mpFocusWin == this )
+            mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mpFocusWin = NULL;
+        if ( mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mpMouseMoveWin == this )
+            mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mpMouseMoveWin = NULL;
+        if ( mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mpMouseDownWin == this )
+            mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mpMouseDownWin = NULL;
-    else
+    // reset Deactivate-Window
+    if ( pSVData->maWinData.mpLastDeacWin == this )
+        pSVData->maWinData.mpLastDeacWin = NULL;
+    if ( mpWindowImpl->mbFrame && mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData )
-        OutputDevice *pFrameWinOutDev = mpWindowImpl->mpFrameWindow;
-        pFrameWinOutDev->AcquireGraphics();
+        if ( mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnFocusId )
+            Application::RemoveUserEvent( mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnFocusId );
+        if ( mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnMouseMoveId )
+            Application::RemoveUserEvent( mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnMouseMoveId );
-    mpWindowImpl->mpFrameWindow->mpGraphics->ResetClipRegion();
-    return mpWindowImpl->mpFrameWindow->mpGraphics;
-Window* Window::ImplFindWindow( const Point& rFramePos )
-    Window* pTempWindow;
-    Window* pFindWindow;
+    // release SalGraphics
+    OutputDevice *pOutDev = GetOutDev();
+    pOutDev->ReleaseGraphics();
-    // first check all overlapping windows
-    pTempWindow = mpWindowImpl->mpFirstOverlap;
-    while ( pTempWindow )
+    // notify ImplDelData subscribers of this window about the window deletion
+    ImplDelData* pDelData = mpWindowImpl->mpFirstDel;
+    while ( pDelData )
-        pFindWindow = pTempWindow->ImplFindWindow( rFramePos );
-        if ( pFindWindow )
-            return pFindWindow;
-        pTempWindow = pTempWindow->mpWindowImpl->mpNext;
+        pDelData->mbDel = true;
+        pDelData->mpWindow = NULL;  // #112873# pDel is not associated with a Window anymore
+        pDelData = pDelData->mpNext;
-    // then we check our window
-    if ( !mpWindowImpl->mbVisible )
-        return NULL;
+    // remove window from the lists
+    ImplRemoveWindow( true );
-    sal_uInt16 nHitTest = ImplHitTest( rFramePos );
-    if ( nHitTest & WINDOW_HITTEST_INSIDE )
+    // de-register as "top window child" at our parent, if necessary
+    if ( mpWindowImpl->mbFrame )
-        // and then we check all child windows
-        pTempWindow = mpWindowImpl->mpFirstChild;
-        while ( pTempWindow )
+        bool bIsTopWindow = mpWindowImpl->mpWinData && ( mpWindowImpl->mpWinData->mnIsTopWindow == 1 );
+        if ( mpWindowImpl->mpRealParent && bIsTopWindow )
-            pFindWindow = pTempWindow->ImplFindWindow( rFramePos );
-            if ( pFindWindow )
-                return pFindWindow;
-            pTempWindow = pTempWindow->mpWindowImpl->mpNext;
-        }
+            ImplWinData* pParentWinData = mpWindowImpl->mpRealParent->ImplGetWinData();
-        if ( nHitTest & WINDOW_HITTEST_TRANSPARENT )
-            return NULL;
-        else
-            return this;
+            ::std::list< Window* >::iterator myPos = ::std::find( pParentWinData->maTopWindowChildren.begin(),
+                pParentWinData->maTopWindowChildren.end(), this );
+            DBG_ASSERT( myPos != pParentWinData->maTopWindowChildren.end(), "Window::~Window: inconsistency in top window chain!" );
+            if ( myPos != pParentWinData->maTopWindowChildren.end() )
+                pParentWinData->maTopWindowChildren.erase( myPos );
+        }
-    return NULL;
-sal_uInt16 Window::ImplHitTest( const Point& rFramePos )
-    Point aFramePos( rFramePos );
-    if( ImplIsAntiparallel() )
+    // cleanup Extra Window Data, TODO: add and use ImplWinData destructor
+    if ( mpWindowImpl->mpWinData )
-        // - RTL - re-mirror frame pos at this window
-        const OutputDevice *pOutDev = GetOutDev();
-        pOutDev->ReMirror( aFramePos );
+        if ( mpWindowImpl->mpWinData->mpExtOldText )
+            delete mpWindowImpl->mpWinData->mpExtOldText;
+        if ( mpWindowImpl->mpWinData->mpExtOldAttrAry )
+            delete mpWindowImpl->mpWinData->mpExtOldAttrAry;
+        if ( mpWindowImpl->mpWinData->mpCursorRect )
+            delete mpWindowImpl->mpWinData->mpCursorRect;
+        if ( mpWindowImpl->mpWinData->mpCompositionCharRects)
+            delete[] mpWindowImpl->mpWinData->mpCompositionCharRects;
+        if ( mpWindowImpl->mpWinData->mpFocusRect )
+            delete mpWindowImpl->mpWinData->mpFocusRect;
+        if ( mpWindowImpl->mpWinData->mpTrackRect )
+            delete mpWindowImpl->mpWinData->mpTrackRect;
+        delete mpWindowImpl->mpWinData;
-    Rectangle aRect( Point( mnOutOffX, mnOutOffY ), Size( mnOutWidth, mnOutHeight ) );
-    if ( !aRect.IsInside( aFramePos ) )
-        return 0;
-    if ( mpWindowImpl->mbWinRegion )
+    // cleanup overlap related window data
+    if ( mpWindowImpl->mpOverlapData )
+        delete mpWindowImpl->mpOverlapData;
+    // remove BorderWindow or Frame window data
+    if ( mpWindowImpl->mpBorderWindow )
+        delete mpWindowImpl->mpBorderWindow;
+    else if ( mpWindowImpl->mbFrame )
-        Point aTempPos = aFramePos;
-        aTempPos.X() -= mnOutOffX;
-        aTempPos.Y() -= mnOutOffY;
-        if ( !mpWindowImpl->maWinRegion.IsInside( aTempPos ) )
-            return 0;
+        if ( pSVData->maWinData.mpFirstFrame == this )
+            pSVData->maWinData.mpFirstFrame = mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mpNextFrame;
+        else
+        {
+            Window* pSysWin = pSVData->maWinData.mpFirstFrame;
+            while ( pSysWin->mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mpNextFrame != this )
+                pSysWin = pSysWin->mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mpNextFrame;
+            pSysWin->mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mpNextFrame = mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mpNextFrame;
+        }
+        mpWindowImpl->mpFrame->SetCallback( NULL, NULL );
+        pSVData->mpDefInst->DestroyFrame( mpWindowImpl->mpFrame );
+        delete mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData;
-    sal_uInt16 nHitTest = WINDOW_HITTEST_INSIDE;
-    if ( mpWindowImpl->mbMouseTransparent )
-    return nHitTest;
+    // should be the last statements
+    delete mpWindowImpl; mpWindowImpl = NULL;
+WindowImpl::WindowImpl( WindowType nType )
+    maZoom              = Fraction( 1, 1 );
+    maWinRegion         = Region(true);
+    maWinClipRegion     = Region(true);
+    mpWinData           = NULL;         // Extra Window Data, that we dont need for all windows
+    mpOverlapData       = NULL;         // Overlap Data
+    mpFrameData         = NULL;         // Frame Data
+    mpFrame             = NULL;         // Pointer to frame window
+    mpSysObj            = NULL;
+    mpFrameWindow       = NULL;         // window to top level parent (same as frame window)
+    mpOverlapWindow     = NULL;         // first overlap parent
+    mpBorderWindow      = NULL;         // Border-Window
+    mpClientWindow      = NULL;         // Client-Window of a FrameWindow
+    mpParent            = NULL;         // parent (inkl. BorderWindow)
+    mpRealParent        = NULL;         // real parent (exkl. BorderWindow)
+    mpFirstChild        = NULL;         // first child window
+    mpLastChild         = NULL;         // last child window
+    mpFirstOverlap      = NULL;         // first overlap window (only set in overlap windows)
+    mpLastOverlap       = NULL;         // last overlap window (only set in overlap windows)
+    mpPrev              = NULL;         // prev window
+    mpNext              = NULL;         // next window
+    mpNextOverlap       = NULL;         // next overlap window of frame
+    mpLastFocusWindow   = NULL;         // window for focus restore
+    mpDlgCtrlDownWindow = NULL;         // window for dialog control
+    mpFirstDel          = NULL;         // Dtor notification list
+    mpUserData          = NULL;         // user data
+    mpCursor            = NULL;         // cursor
+    mpControlFont       = NULL;         // font propertie
+    mpVCLXWindow        = NULL;
+    mpAccessibleInfos   = NULL;
+    maControlForeground = Color( COL_TRANSPARENT );     // no foreground set
+    maControlBackground = Color( COL_TRANSPARENT );     // no background set
+    mnLeftBorder        = 0;            // left border
+    mnTopBorder         = 0;            // top border
+    mnRightBorder       = 0;            // right border
+    mnBottomBorder      = 0;            // bottom border
+    mnWidthRequest      = -1;           // width request
+    mnHeightRequest     = -1;           // height request
+    mnX                 = 0;            // X-Position to Parent
+    mnY                 = 0;            // Y-Position to Parent
+    mnAbsScreenX        = 0;            // absolute X-position on screen, used for RTL window positioning
+    mpChildClipRegion   = NULL;         // Child-Clip-Region when ClipChildren
+    mpPaintRegion       = NULL;         // Paint-ClipRegion
+    mnStyle             = 0;            // style (init in ImplInitWindow)
+    mnPrevStyle         = 0;            // prevstyle (set in SetStyle)
+    mnExtendedStyle     = 0;            // extended style (init in ImplInitWindow)
+    mnPrevExtendedStyle = 0;            // prevstyle (set in SetExtendedStyle)
+    mnType              = nType;        // type
+    mnGetFocusFlags     = 0;            // Flags fuer GetFocus()-Aufruf
+    mnWaitCount         = 0;            // Wait-Count (>1 == Warte-MousePointer)
+    mnPaintFlags        = 0;            // Flags for ImplCallPaint
+    mnParentClipMode    = 0;            // Flags for Parent-ClipChildren-Mode
+    mnActivateMode      = 0;            // Will be converted in System/Overlap-Windows
+    mnDlgCtrlFlags      = 0;            // DialogControl-Flags
+    mnLockCount         = 0;            // LockCount
+    meAlwaysInputMode   = AlwaysInputNone; // neither AlwaysEnableInput nor AlwaysDisableInput called
+    meHalign            = VCL_ALIGN_FILL;
+    meValign            = VCL_ALIGN_FILL;
+    mePackType          = VCL_PACK_START;
+    mnPadding           = 0;
+    mnGridHeight        = 1;
+    mnGridLeftAttach    = -1;
+    mnGridTopAttach     = -1;
+    mnGridWidth         = 1;
+    mnBorderWidth       = 0;
+    mnMarginLeft        = 0;
+    mnMarginRight       = 0;
+    mnMarginTop         = 0;
+    mnMarginBottom      = 0;
+    mbFrame             = false;        // true: Window is a frame window
+    mbBorderWin         = false;        // true: Window is a border window
+    mbOverlapWin        = false;        // true: Window is a overlap window
+    mbSysWin            = false;        // true: SystemWindow is the base class
+    mbDialog            = false;        // true: Dialog is the base class
+    mbDockWin           = false;        // true: DockingWindow is the base class
+    mbFloatWin          = false;        // true: FloatingWindow is the base class
+    mbPushButton        = false;        // true: PushButton is the base class
+    mbToolBox           = false;      // true: ToolBox is the base class
+    mbMenuFloatingWindow= false;      // true: MenuFloatingWindow is the base class
+    mbToolbarFloatingWindow= false;       // true: ImplPopupFloatWin is the base class, used for subtoolbars
+    mbSplitter          = false;      // true: Splitter is the base class
+    mbVisible           = false;        // true: Show( sal_True ) called
+    mbOverlapVisible    = false;        // true: Hide called for visible window from ImplHideAllOverlapWindow()
+    mbDisabled          = false;        // true: Enable( sal_False ) called
+    mbInputDisabled     = false;        // true: EnableInput( sal_False ) called
+    mbDropDisabled      = false;        // true: Drop is enabled
+    mbNoUpdate          = false;        // true: SetUpdateMode( sal_False ) called
+    mbNoParentUpdate    = false;        // true: SetParentUpdateMode( sal_False ) called
+    mbActive            = false;        // true: Window Active
+    mbParentActive      = false;        // true: OverlapActive from Parent
+    mbReallyVisible     = false;        // true: this and all parents to an overlapped window are visible
+    mbReallyShown       = false;        // true: this and all parents to an overlapped window are shown
+    mbInInitShow        = false;        // true: we are in InitShow
+    mbChildNotify       = false;        // true: ChildNotify
+    mbChildPtrOverwrite = false;        // true: PointerStyle overwrites Child-Pointer
+    mbNoPtrVisible      = false;        // true: ShowPointer( sal_False ) called
+    mbMouseMove         = false;        // true: BaseMouseMove called
+    mbPaintFrame        = false;        // true: Paint is visible, but not painted
+    mbInPaint           = false;        // true: Inside PaintHdl
+    mbMouseButtonDown   = false;        // true: BaseMouseButtonDown called
+    mbMouseButtonUp     = false;        // true: BaseMouseButtonUp called
+    mbKeyInput          = false;        // true: BaseKeyInput called
+    mbKeyUp             = false;        // true: BaseKeyUp called
+    mbCommand           = false;        // true: BaseCommand called
+    mbDefPos            = true;         // true: Position is not Set
+    mbDefSize           = true;         // true: Size is not Set
+    mbCallMove          = true;         // true: Move must be called by Show
+    mbCallResize        = true;         // true: Resize must be called by Show
+    mbWaitSystemResize  = true;         // true: Wait for System-Resize
+    mbInitWinClipRegion = true;         // true: Calc Window Clip Region
+    mbInitChildRegion   = false;        // true: InitChildClipRegion
+    mbWinRegion         = false;        // true: Window Region
+    mbClipChildren      = false;        // true: Child-window should be clipped
+    mbClipSiblings      = false;        // true: Adjacent Child-window should be clipped
+    mbChildTransparent  = false;        // true: Child-windows are allowed to switch to transparent (incl. Parent-CLIPCHILDREN)
+    mbPaintTransparent  = false;        // true: Paints should be executed on the Parent
+    mbMouseTransparent  = false;        // true: Window is transparent for Mouse
+    mbDlgCtrlStart      = false;        // true: From here on own Dialog-Control
+    mbFocusVisible      = false;        // true: Focus Visible
+    mbUseNativeFocus    = false;
+    mbNativeFocusVisible= false;        // true: native Focus Visible
+    mbInShowFocus       = false;        // prevent recursion
+    mbInHideFocus       = false;        // prevent recursion
+    mbTrackVisible      = false;        // true: Tracking Visible
+    mbControlForeground = false;        // true: Foreground-Property set
+    mbControlBackground = false;        // true: Background-Property set
+    mbAlwaysOnTop       = false;        // true: always visible for all others windows
+    mbCompoundControl   = false;        // true: Composite Control => Listener...
+    mbCompoundControlHasFocus = false;  // true: Composite Control has focus somewhere
+    mbPaintDisabled     = false;        // true: Paint should not be executed
+    mbAllResize         = false;        // true: Also sent ResizeEvents with 0,0
+    mbInDtor            = false;        // true: We're still in Window-Dtor
+    mbExtTextInput      = false;        // true: ExtTextInput-Mode is active
+    mbInFocusHdl        = false;        // true: Within GetFocus-Handler
+    mbCreatedWithToolkit = false;
+    mbSuppressAccessibilityEvents = false; // true: do not send any accessibility events
+    mbDrawSelectionBackground = false;    // true: draws transparent window background to indicate (toolbox) selection
+    mbIsInTaskPaneList = false;           // true: window was added to the taskpanelist in the topmost system window
+    mnNativeBackground  = 0;              // initialize later, depends on type
+    mbCallHandlersDuringInputDisabled = false; // true: call event handlers even if input is disabled
+    mbHelpTextDynamic = false;          // true: append help id in HELP_DEBUG case
+    mbFakeFocusSet = false; // true: pretend as if the window has focus.
+    mbHexpand = false;
+    mbVexpand = false;
+    mbExpand = false;
+    mbFill = true;
+    mbSecondary = false;
+    mbNonHomogeneous = false;
-bool Window::ImplIsRealParentPath( const Window* pWindow ) const
-    pWindow = pWindow->GetParent();
-    while ( pWindow )
-    {
-        if ( pWindow == this )
-            return true;
-        pWindow = pWindow->GetParent();
-    }
-    return false;
+    delete mpChildClipRegion;
+    delete mpAccessibleInfos;
+    delete mpControlFont;
-bool Window::ImplIsChild( const Window* pWindow, bool bSystemWindow ) const
+bool Window::AcquireGraphics() const
-    do
-    {
-        if ( !bSystemWindow && pWindow->ImplIsOverlapWindow() )
-            break;
-        pWindow = pWindow->ImplGetParent();
-        if ( pWindow == this )
-            return true;
-    }
-    while ( pWindow );
-    return false;
-bool Window::ImplIsWindowOrChild( const Window* pWindow, bool bSystemWindow ) const
-    if ( this == pWindow )
+    if ( mpGraphics )
         return true;
-    return ImplIsChild( pWindow, bSystemWindow );
-int Window::ImplTestMousePointerSet()
-    // as soon as mouse is captured, switch mouse-pointer
-    if ( IsMouseCaptured() )
-        return sal_True;
-    // if the mouse is over the window, switch it
-    Rectangle aClientRect( Point( 0, 0 ), GetOutputSizePixel() );
-    if ( aClientRect.IsInside( GetPointerPosPixel() ) )
-        return sal_True;
-    return sal_False;
-PointerStyle Window::ImplGetMousePointer() const
-    PointerStyle    ePointerStyle;
-    bool            bWait = false;
+    mbInitLineColor     = true;
+    mbInitFillColor     = true;
+    mbInitFont          = true;
+    mbInitTextColor     = true;
+    mbInitClipRegion    = true;
-    if ( IsEnabled() && IsInputEnabled() && ! IsInModalMode() )
-        ePointerStyle = GetPointer().GetStyle();
-    else
-        ePointerStyle = POINTER_ARROW;
+    ImplSVData* pSVData = ImplGetSVData();
-    const Window* pWindow = this;
-    do
+    mpGraphics = mpWindowImpl->mpFrame->AcquireGraphics();
+    // try harder if no wingraphics was available directly
+    if ( !mpGraphics )
-        // when the pointer is not visible stop the search, as
-        // this status should not be overwritten
-        if ( pWindow->mpWindowImpl->mbNoPtrVisible )
-            return POINTER_NULL;
+        // find another output device in the same frame
+        OutputDevice* pReleaseOutDev = pSVData->maGDIData.mpLastWinGraphics;
+        while ( pReleaseOutDev )
+        {
+            if ( ((Window*)pReleaseOutDev)->mpWindowImpl->mpFrame == mpWindowImpl->mpFrame )
+                break;
+            pReleaseOutDev = pReleaseOutDev->mpPrevGraphics;
+        }
-        if ( !bWait )
+        if ( pReleaseOutDev )
-            if ( pWindow->mpWindowImpl->mnWaitCount )
-            {
-                ePointerStyle = POINTER_WAIT;
-                bWait = true;
-            }
-            else
+            // steal the wingraphics from the other outdev
+            mpGraphics = pReleaseOutDev->mpGraphics;
+            pReleaseOutDev->ReleaseGraphics( false );
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            // if needed retry after releasing least recently used wingraphics
+            while ( !mpGraphics )
-                if ( pWindow->mpWindowImpl->mbChildPtrOverwrite )
-                    ePointerStyle = pWindow->GetPointer().GetStyle();
+                if ( !pSVData->maGDIData.mpLastWinGraphics )
+                    break;
+                pSVData->maGDIData.mpLastWinGraphics->ReleaseGraphics();
+                mpGraphics = mpWindowImpl->mpFrame->AcquireGraphics();
-        if ( pWindow->ImplIsOverlapWindow() )
-            break;
-        pWindow = pWindow->ImplGetParent();
-    while ( pWindow );
-    return ePointerStyle;
-void Window::ImplResetReallyVisible()
-    bool bBecameReallyInvisible = mpWindowImpl->mbReallyVisible;
-    mbDevOutput     = false;
-    mpWindowImpl->mbReallyVisible = false;
-    mpWindowImpl->mbReallyShown   = false;
-    // the SHOW/HIDE events serve as indicators to send child creation/destroy events to the access bridge.
-    // For this, the data member of the event must not be NULL.
-    // Previously, we did this in Window::Show, but there some events got lost in certain situations.
-    if( bBecameReallyInvisible && ImplIsAccessibleCandidate() )
-        ImplCallEventListeners( VCLEVENT_WINDOW_HIDE, this );
-        // TODO. It's kind of a hack that we're re-using the VCLEVENT_WINDOW_HIDE. Normally, we should
-        // introduce another event which explicitly triggers the Accessibility implementations.
-    Window* pWindow = mpWindowImpl->mpFirstOverlap;
-    while ( pWindow )
+    // update global LRU list of wingraphics
+    if ( mpGraphics )
-        if ( pWindow->mpWindowImpl->mbReallyVisible )
-            pWindow->ImplResetReallyVisible();
-        pWindow = pWindow->mpWindowImpl->mpNext;
+        mpNextGraphics = pSVData->maGDIData.mpFirstWinGraphics;
+        pSVData->maGDIData.mpFirstWinGraphics = const_cast<Window*>(this);
+        if ( mpNextGraphics )
+            mpNextGraphics->mpPrevGraphics = const_cast<Window*>(this);
+        if ( !pSVData->maGDIData.mpLastWinGraphics )
+            pSVData->maGDIData.mpLastWinGraphics = const_cast<Window*>(this);
-    pWindow = mpWindowImpl->mpFirstChild;
-    while ( pWindow )
+    if ( mpGraphics )
-        if ( pWindow->mpWindowImpl->mbReallyVisible )
-            pWindow->ImplResetReallyVisible();
-        pWindow = pWindow->mpWindowImpl->mpNext;
+        mpGraphics->SetXORMode( (ROP_INVERT == meRasterOp) || (ROP_XOR == meRasterOp), ROP_INVERT == meRasterOp );
+        mpGraphics->setAntiAliasB2DDraw(mnAntialiasing & ANTIALIASING_ENABLE_B2DDRAW);
+    return mpGraphics ? true : false;
-void Window::ImplSetReallyVisible()
+void Window::ReleaseGraphics( bool bRelease )
-    // #i43594# it is possible that INITSHOW was never send, because the visibility state changed between
-    // ImplCallInitShow() and ImplSetReallyVisible() when called from Show()
-    // mbReallyShown is a useful indicator
-    if( !mpWindowImpl->mbReallyShown )
-        ImplCallInitShow();
-    bool bBecameReallyVisible = !mpWindowImpl->mbReallyVisible;
+    if ( !mpGraphics )
+        return;
-    mbDevOutput     = true;
-    mpWindowImpl->mbReallyVisible = true;
-    mpWindowImpl->mbReallyShown   = true;
+    // release the fonts of the physically released graphics device
+    if( bRelease )
+        ImplReleaseFonts();
-    // the SHOW/HIDE events serve as indicators to send child creation/destroy events to the access bridge.
-    // For this, the data member of the event must not be NULL.
-    // Previously, we did this in Window::Show, but there some events got lost in certain situations. Now
-    // we're doing it when the visibility really changes
-    if( bBecameReallyVisible && ImplIsAccessibleCandidate() )
-        ImplCallEventListeners( VCLEVENT_WINDOW_SHOW, this );
-        // TODO. It's kind of a hack that we're re-using the VCLEVENT_WINDOW_SHOW. Normally, we should
-        // introduce another event which explicitly triggers the Accessibility implementations.
+    ImplSVData* pSVData = ImplGetSVData();
-    Window* pWindow = mpWindowImpl->mpFirstOverlap;
-    while ( pWindow )
-    {
-        if ( pWindow->mpWindowImpl->mbVisible )
-            pWindow->ImplSetReallyVisible();
-        pWindow = pWindow->mpWindowImpl->mpNext;
-    }
+    Window* pWindow = (Window*)this;
-    pWindow = mpWindowImpl->mpFirstChild;
-    while ( pWindow )
-    {
-        if ( pWindow->mpWindowImpl->mbVisible )
-            pWindow->ImplSetReallyVisible();
-        pWindow = pWindow->mpWindowImpl->mpNext;
-    }
+    if ( bRelease )
+        pWindow->mpWindowImpl->mpFrame->ReleaseGraphics( mpGraphics );
+    // remove from global LRU list of window graphics
+    if ( mpPrevGraphics )
+        mpPrevGraphics->mpNextGraphics = mpNextGraphics;
+    else
+        pSVData->maGDIData.mpFirstWinGraphics = mpNextGraphics;
+    if ( mpNextGraphics )
+        mpNextGraphics->mpPrevGraphics = mpPrevGraphics;
+    else
+        pSVData->maGDIData.mpLastWinGraphics = mpPrevGraphics;
+    mpGraphics      = NULL;
+    mpPrevGraphics  = NULL;
+    mpNextGraphics  = NULL;
-void Window::ImplAddDel( ImplDelData* pDel ) // TODO: make "const" when incompatiblity ok
+void Window::CopyDeviceArea( SalTwoRect& aPosAry, sal_uInt32 nFlags )
-    DBG_ASSERT( !pDel->mpWindow, "Window::ImplAddDel(): cannot add ImplDelData twice !" );
-    if( !pDel->mpWindow )
+    if (aPosAry.mnSrcWidth == 0 || aPosAry.mnSrcHeight == 0 || aPosAry.mnDestWidth == 0 || aPosAry.mnDestHeight == 0)
+        return;
-        pDel->mpWindow = this;  // #112873# store ref to this window, so pDel can remove itself
-        pDel->mpNext = mpWindowImpl->mpFirstDel;
-        mpWindowImpl->mpFirstDel = pDel;
+        const Rectangle aSrcRect(Point(aPosAry.mnSrcX, aPosAry.mnSrcY),
+                Size(aPosAry.mnSrcWidth, aPosAry.mnSrcHeight));
+        ImplMoveAllInvalidateRegions(aSrcRect,
+                aPosAry.mnDestX-aPosAry.mnSrcX,
+                aPosAry.mnDestY-aPosAry.mnSrcY,
+                false);
+        mpGraphics->CopyArea(aPosAry.mnDestX, aPosAry.mnDestY,
+                aPosAry.mnSrcX, aPosAry.mnSrcY,
+                aPosAry.mnSrcWidth, aPosAry.mnSrcHeight,
+                SAL_COPYAREA_WINDOWINVALIDATE, this);
+        return;
+    OutputDevice::CopyDeviceArea(aPosAry, nFlags);
-void Window::ImplRemoveDel( ImplDelData* pDel ) // TODO: make "const" when incompatiblity ok
+void Window::ImplInitAppFontData( Window* pWindow )
-    pDel->mpWindow = NULL;      // #112873# pDel is not associated with a Window anymore
-    if ( mpWindowImpl->mpFirstDel == pDel )
-        mpWindowImpl->mpFirstDel = pDel->mpNext;
-    else
+    ImplSVData* pSVData = ImplGetSVData();
+    long nTextHeight = pWindow->GetTextHeight();
+    long nTextWidth = pWindow->approximate_char_width() * 8;
+    long nSymHeight = nTextHeight*4;
+    // Make the basis wider if the font is too narrow
+    // such that the dialog looks symmetrical and does not become too narrow.
+    // Add some extra space when the dialog has the same width,
+    // as a little more space is better.
+    if ( nSymHeight > nTextWidth )
+        nTextWidth = nSymHeight;
+    else if ( nSymHeight+5 > nTextWidth )
+        nTextWidth = nSymHeight+5;
+    pSVData->maGDIData.mnAppFontX = nTextWidth * 10 / 8;
+    pSVData->maGDIData.mnAppFontY = nTextHeight * 10;
+    // FIXME: this is currently only on OS X, check with other
+    // platforms
+    if( pSVData->maNWFData.mbNoFocusRects )
-        ImplDelData* pData = mpWindowImpl->mpFirstDel;
-        while ( pData->mpNext != pDel )
-            pData = pData->mpNext;
-        pData->mpNext = pDel->mpNext;
+        // try to find out whether there is a large correction
+        // of control sizes, if yes, make app font scalings larger
+        // so dialog positioning is not completely off
+        ImplControlValue aControlValue;
+        Rectangle aCtrlRegion( Point(), Size( nTextWidth < 10 ? 10 : nTextWidth, nTextHeight < 10 ? 10 : nTextHeight ) );
+        Rectangle aBoundingRgn( aCtrlRegion );
+        Rectangle aContentRgn( aCtrlRegion );
+        if( pWindow->GetNativeControlRegion( CTRL_EDITBOX, PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL, aCtrlRegion,
+                                             CTRL_STATE_ENABLED, aControlValue, OUString(),
+                                             aBoundingRgn, aContentRgn ) )
+        {
+            // comment: the magical +6 is for the extra border in bordered
+            // (which is the standard) edit fields
+            if( aContentRgn.GetHeight() - nTextHeight > (nTextHeight+4)/4 )
+                pSVData->maGDIData.mnAppFontY = (aContentRgn.GetHeight()-4) * 10;
+        }
+    pSVData->maGDIData.mnRealAppFontX = pSVData->maGDIData.mnAppFontX;
+    if ( pSVData->maAppData.mnDialogScaleX )
+        pSVData->maGDIData.mnAppFontX += (pSVData->maGDIData.mnAppFontX*pSVData->maAppData.mnDialogScaleX)/100;
-void Window::ImplInitResolutionSettings()
+bool Window::ImplCheckUIFont( const Font& rFont )
-    // recalculate AppFont-resolution and DPI-resolution
-    if ( mpWindowImpl->mbFrame )
-    {
-        const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = mxSettings->GetStyleSettings();
-        sal_uInt16 nScreenZoom = rStyleSettings.GetScreenZoom();
-        mnDPIX = (mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnDPIX*nScreenZoom)/100;
-        mnDPIY = (mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnDPIY*nScreenZoom)/100;
+    if( ImplGetSVData()->maGDIData.mbNativeFontConfig )
+        return true;
-        // setup the scale factor for Hi-DPI displays
-        mnDPIScaleFactor = CountDPIScaleFactor(mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnDPIY);
-        SetPointFont( rStyleSettings.GetAppFont() );
-    }
-    else if ( mpWindowImpl->mpParent )
+    // create a text string using the localized text of important buttons
+    OUString aTestText;
+    static const StandardButtonType aTestButtons[] =
-        mnDPIX  = mpWindowImpl->mpParent->mnDPIX;
-        mnDPIY  = mpWindowImpl->mpParent->mnDPIY;
-        mnDPIScaleFactor = mpWindowImpl->mpParent->mnDPIScaleFactor;
-    }
+    };
-    // update the recalculated values for logical units
-    // and also tools belonging to the values
-    if ( IsMapMode() )
+    const int nTestButtonCount = SAL_N_ELEMENTS(aTestButtons);
+    for( int n = 0; n < nTestButtonCount; ++n )
-        MapMode aMapMode = GetMapMode();
-        SetMapMode();
-        SetMapMode( aMapMode );
+        OUString aButtonStr = Button::GetStandardText( aTestButtons[n] );
+        // #i115432# ignore mnemonic+accelerator part of each string
+        // TODO: use a string filtering method when it becomes available
+        const sal_Int32 nLen = aButtonStr.getLength();
+        bool bInside = false;
+        for( int i = 0; i < nLen; ++i ) {
+            const sal_Unicode c = aButtonStr[ i ];
+            if( (c == '('))
+                bInside = true;
+            if( (c == ')'))
+                bInside = false;
+            if( (c == '~')
+            ||  (c == '(') || (c == ')')
+            || ((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'Z') && bInside) )
+                aButtonStr = aButtonStr.replaceAt( i, 1, " " );
+        }
+        // append sanitized button text to test string
+        aTestText += aButtonStr;
+    const bool bUIFontOk = ( HasGlyphs( rFont, aTestText ) == -1 );
+    return bUIFontOk;
-void Window::ImplPointToLogic( Font& rFont ) const
+void Window::ImplInitWindowData( WindowType nType )
-    Size    aSize = rFont.GetSize();
-    sal_uInt16  nScreenFontZoom = mxSettings->GetStyleSettings().GetScreenFontZoom();
+    // We will eventually being removing the inheritance of OutputDevice from Window.
+    // It will be replaced with a composition relationship. A Window will use an OutputDevice,
+    // it will not *be* an OutputDevice
+    mpOutputDevice = (OutputDevice*)this;
-    if ( aSize.Width() )
-    {
-        aSize.Width() *= mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnDPIX;
-        aSize.Width() += 72/2;
-        aSize.Width() /= 72;
-        aSize.Width() *= nScreenFontZoom;
-        aSize.Width() /= 100;
-    }
-    aSize.Height() *= mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnDPIY;
-    aSize.Height() += 72/2;
-    aSize.Height() /= 72;
-    aSize.Height() *= nScreenFontZoom;
-    aSize.Height() /= 100;
+    mpWindowImpl = new WindowImpl( nType );
-    if ( IsMapModeEnabled() )
-        aSize = PixelToLogic( aSize );
+    meOutDevType        = OUTDEV_WINDOW;
-    rFont.SetSize( aSize );
+    mbEnableRTL         = Application::GetSettings().GetLayoutRTL();         // true: this outdev will be mirrored if RTL window layout (UI mirroring) is globally active
-void Window::ImplLogicToPoint( Font& rFont ) const
+static bool ImplDoTiledRendering()
-    Size    aSize = rFont.GetSize();
-    sal_uInt16  nScreenFontZoom = mxSettings->GetStyleSettings().GetScreenFontZoom();
+    // We do tiled rendering only for iOS at the moment, actually, but
+    // let's see what happens if we assume it for Android, too.
+    return true;
+    // We need some way to know globally if this process will use
+    // tiled rendering or not. Or should this be a per-window setting?
+    // Or what?
+    return false;
-    if ( IsMapModeEnabled() )
-        aSize = LogicToPixel( aSize );
+static sal_Int32 CountDPIScaleFactor(sal_Int32 nDPI)
+    sal_Int32 nResult = 1;
-    if ( aSize.Width() )
-    {
-        aSize.Width() *= 100;
-        aSize.Width() /= nScreenFontZoom;
-        aSize.Width() *= 72;
-        aSize.Width() += mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnDPIX/2;
-        aSize.Width() /= mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnDPIX;
-    }
-    aSize.Height() *= 100;
-    aSize.Height() /= nScreenFontZoom;
-    aSize.Height() *= 72;
-    aSize.Height() += mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnDPIY/2;
-    aSize.Height() /= mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnDPIY;
+#ifndef MACOSX
+    // Setting of HiDPI is unfortunately all only a heuristic; and to add
+    // insult to an injury, the system is constantly lying to us about
+    // the DPI and whatnot
+    // eg. fdo#77059 - set the value from which we do consider the
+    // screen hi-dpi to greater than 168
+    if (nDPI > 168)
+        nResult = std::max(sal_Int32(1), (nDPI + 48) / 96);
+    (void)nDPI;
-    rFont.SetSize( aSize );
+    return nResult;
-void Window::ImplIntersectWindowRegion( Region& rRegion )
+void Window::ImplInit( Window* pParent, WinBits nStyle, SystemParentData* pSystemParentData )
-    rRegion.Intersect( Rectangle( Point( mnOutOffX, mnOutOffY ),
-                                  Size( mnOutWidth, mnOutHeight ) ) );
-    if ( mpWindowImpl->mbWinRegion )
-        rRegion.Intersect( ImplPixelToDevicePixel( mpWindowImpl->maWinRegion ) );
+    DBG_ASSERT( mpWindowImpl->mbFrame || pParent, "Window::Window(): pParent == NULL" );
-void Window::ImplExcludeWindowRegion( Region& rRegion )
-    if ( mpWindowImpl->mbWinRegion )
+    ImplSVData* pSVData = ImplGetSVData();
+    Window*     pRealParent = pParent;
+    // 3D-Look vererben
+    if ( !mpWindowImpl->mbOverlapWin && pParent && (pParent->GetStyle() & WB_3DLOOK) )
+        nStyle |= WB_3DLOOK;
+    // create border window if necessary
+    if ( !mpWindowImpl->mbFrame && !mpWindowImpl->mbBorderWin && !mpWindowImpl->mpBorderWindow
+         && (nStyle & (WB_BORDER | WB_SYSTEMCHILDWINDOW) ) )
-        Point aPoint( mnOutOffX, mnOutOffY );
-        Region aRegion( Rectangle( aPoint,
-                                   Size( mnOutWidth, mnOutHeight ) ) );
-        aRegion.Intersect( ImplPixelToDevicePixel( mpWindowImpl->maWinRegion ) );
-        rRegion.Exclude( aRegion );
+        sal_uInt16 nBorderTypeStyle = 0;
+        if( (nStyle & WB_SYSTEMCHILDWINDOW) )
+        {
+            // handle WB_SYSTEMCHILDWINDOW
+            // these should be analogous to a top level frame; meaning they
+            // should have a border window with style BORDERWINDOW_STYLE_FRAME
+            // which controls their size
+            nBorderTypeStyle |= BORDERWINDOW_STYLE_FRAME;
+            nStyle |= WB_BORDER;
+        }
+        ImplBorderWindow* pBorderWin = new ImplBorderWindow( pParent, nStyle & (WB_BORDER | WB_DIALOGCONTROL | WB_NODIALOGCONTROL | WB_NEEDSFOCUS), nBorderTypeStyle );
+        ((Window*)pBorderWin)->mpWindowImpl->mpClientWindow = this;
+        pBorderWin->GetBorder( mpWindowImpl->mnLeftBorder, mpWindowImpl->mnTopBorder, mpWindowImpl->mnRightBorder, mpWindowImpl->mnBottomBorder );
+        mpWindowImpl->mpBorderWindow  = pBorderWin;
+        pParent = mpWindowImpl->mpBorderWindow;
-    else
+    else if( !mpWindowImpl->mbFrame && ! pParent )
+    {
+        mpWindowImpl->mbOverlapWin  = true;
+        mpWindowImpl->mbFrame = true;
+    }
+    // insert window in list
+    ImplInsertWindow( pParent );
+    mpWindowImpl->mnStyle = nStyle;
+    // Overlap-Window-Data
+    if ( mpWindowImpl->mbOverlapWin )
-        Point aPoint( mnOutOffX, mnOutOffY );
-        rRegion.Exclude( Rectangle( aPoint,
-                                    Size( mnOutWidth, mnOutHeight ) ) );
+        mpWindowImpl->mpOverlapData                   = new ImplOverlapData;
+        mpWindowImpl->mpOverlapData->mpSaveBackDev    = NULL;
+        mpWindowImpl->mpOverlapData->mpSaveBackRgn    = NULL;
+        mpWindowImpl->mpOverlapData->mpNextBackWin    = NULL;
+        mpWindowImpl->mpOverlapData->mnSaveBackSize   = 0;
+        mpWindowImpl->mpOverlapData->mbSaveBack       = false;
+        mpWindowImpl->mpOverlapData->mnTopLevel       = 1;
-void Window::ImplExcludeOverlapWindows( Region& rRegion )
-    Window* pWindow = mpWindowImpl->mpFirstOverlap;
-    while ( pWindow )
+    if( pParent && ! mpWindowImpl->mbFrame )
+        mbEnableRTL = Application::GetSettings().GetLayoutRTL();
+    // test for frame creation
+    if ( mpWindowImpl->mbFrame )
-        if ( pWindow->mpWindowImpl->mbReallyVisible )
+        // create frame
+        sal_uLong nFrameStyle = 0;
+        if ( nStyle & WB_MOVEABLE )
+            nFrameStyle |= SAL_FRAME_STYLE_MOVEABLE;
+        if ( nStyle & WB_SIZEABLE )
+            nFrameStyle |= SAL_FRAME_STYLE_SIZEABLE;
+        if ( nStyle & WB_CLOSEABLE )
+            nFrameStyle |= SAL_FRAME_STYLE_CLOSEABLE;
+        if ( nStyle & WB_APP )
+            nFrameStyle |= SAL_FRAME_STYLE_DEFAULT;
+        // check for undecorated floating window
+        if( // 1. floating windows that are not moveable/sizeable (only closeable allowed)
+            ( !(nFrameStyle & ~SAL_FRAME_STYLE_CLOSEABLE) &&
+            ( mpWindowImpl->mbFloatWin || ((GetType() == WINDOW_BORDERWINDOW) && ((ImplBorderWindow*)this)->mbFloatWindow) || (nStyle & WB_SYSTEMFLOATWIN) ) ) ||
+            // 2. borderwindows of floaters with ownerdraw decoration
+            ( ((GetType() == WINDOW_BORDERWINDOW) && ((ImplBorderWindow*)this)->mbFloatWindow && (nStyle & WB_OWNERDRAWDECORATION) ) ) )
-            pWindow->ImplExcludeWindowRegion( rRegion );
-            pWindow->ImplExcludeOverlapWindows( rRegion );
+            nFrameStyle = SAL_FRAME_STYLE_FLOAT;
+            if( nStyle & WB_OWNERDRAWDECORATION )
+            if( nStyle & WB_NEEDSFOCUS )
+                nFrameStyle |= SAL_FRAME_STYLE_FLOAT_FOCUSABLE;
+        else if( mpWindowImpl->mbFloatWin )
+            nFrameStyle |= SAL_FRAME_STYLE_TOOLWINDOW;
-        pWindow = pWindow->mpWindowImpl->mpNext;
-    }
+        if( nStyle & WB_INTROWIN )
+            nFrameStyle |= SAL_FRAME_STYLE_INTRO;
+        if( nStyle & WB_TOOLTIPWIN )
+            nFrameStyle |= SAL_FRAME_STYLE_TOOLTIP;
-void Window::ImplExcludeOverlapWindows2( Region& rRegion )
-    if ( mpWindowImpl->mbReallyVisible )
-        ImplExcludeWindowRegion( rRegion );
+        if( nStyle & WB_NOSHADOW )
+            nFrameStyle |= SAL_FRAME_STYLE_NOSHADOW;
-    ImplExcludeOverlapWindows( rRegion );
+        if( nStyle & WB_SYSTEMCHILDWINDOW )
+            nFrameStyle |= SAL_FRAME_STYLE_SYSTEMCHILD;
-void Window::ImplIntersectAndUnionOverlapWindows( const Region& rInterRegion, Region& rRegion )
-    Window* pWindow = mpWindowImpl->mpFirstOverlap;
-    while ( pWindow )
-    {
-        if ( pWindow->mpWindowImpl->mbReallyVisible )
+        switch (mpWindowImpl->mnType)
-            Region aTempRegion( rInterRegion );
-            pWindow->ImplIntersectWindowRegion( aTempRegion );
-            rRegion.Union( aTempRegion );
-            pWindow->ImplIntersectAndUnionOverlapWindows( rInterRegion, rRegion );
+            case WINDOW_DIALOG:
+            case WINDOW_TABDIALOG:
+            case WINDOW_MODALDIALOG:
+            case WINDOW_MODELESSDIALOG:
+            case WINDOW_MESSBOX:
+            case WINDOW_INFOBOX:
+            case WINDOW_WARNINGBOX:
+            case WINDOW_ERRORBOX:
+            case WINDOW_QUERYBOX:
+                nFrameStyle |= SAL_FRAME_STYLE_DIALOG;
+            default:
+                break;
-        pWindow = pWindow->mpWindowImpl->mpNext;
-    }
+        SalFrame* pParentFrame = NULL;
+        if ( pParent )
+            pParentFrame = pParent->mpWindowImpl->mpFrame;
+        SalFrame* pFrame;
+        if ( pSystemParentData )
+            pFrame = pSVData->mpDefInst->CreateChildFrame( pSystemParentData, nFrameStyle | SAL_FRAME_STYLE_PLUG );
+        else
+            pFrame = pSVData->mpDefInst->CreateFrame( pParentFrame, nFrameStyle );
+        if ( !pFrame )
+        {
+            // do not abort but throw an exception, may be the current thread terminates anyway (plugin-scenario)
+            throw ::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException(
+                OUString( "Could not create system window!"  ),
+                ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::uno::XInterface >() );
+        }
-void Window::ImplIntersectAndUnionOverlapWindows2( const Region& rInterRegion, Region& rRegion )
-    if ( mpWindowImpl->mbReallyVisible )
-    {
-        Region aTempRegion( rInterRegion );
-        ImplIntersectWindowRegion( aTempRegion );
-        rRegion.Union( aTempRegion );
-    }
+        pFrame->SetCallback( this, ImplWindowFrameProc );
-    ImplIntersectAndUnionOverlapWindows( rInterRegion, rRegion );
+        // set window frame data
+        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData     = new ImplFrameData;
+        mpWindowImpl->mpFrame         = pFrame;
+        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameWindow   = this;
+        mpWindowImpl->mpOverlapWindow = this;
-void Window::ImplCalcOverlapRegionOverlaps( const Region& rInterRegion, Region& rRegion )
-    // Clip Overlap Siblings
-    Window* pStartOverlapWindow;
-    if ( !ImplIsOverlapWindow() )
-        pStartOverlapWindow = mpWindowImpl->mpOverlapWindow;
-    else
-        pStartOverlapWindow = this;
-    while ( !pStartOverlapWindow->mpWindowImpl->mbFrame )
-    {
-        Window* pOverlapWindow = pStartOverlapWindow->mpWindowImpl->mpOverlapWindow->mpWindowImpl->mpFirstOverlap;
-        while ( pOverlapWindow && (pOverlapWindow != pStartOverlapWindow) )
+        // set frame data
+        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mpNextFrame        = pSVData->maWinData.mpFirstFrame;
+        pSVData->maWinData.mpFirstFrame = this;
+        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mpFirstOverlap     = NULL;
+        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mpFocusWin         = NULL;
+        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mpMouseMoveWin     = NULL;
+        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mpMouseDownWin     = NULL;
+        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mpFirstBackWin     = NULL;
+        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mpFontCollection   = pSVData->maGDIData.mpScreenFontList;
+        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mpFontCache        = pSVData->maGDIData.mpScreenFontCache;
+        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnAllSaveBackSize  = 0;
+        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnFocusId          = 0;
+        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnMouseMoveId      = 0;
+        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnLastMouseX       = -1;
+        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnLastMouseY       = -1;
+        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnBeforeLastMouseX = -1;
+        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnBeforeLastMouseY = -1;
+        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnFirstMouseX      = -1;
+        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnFirstMouseY      = -1;
+        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnLastMouseWinX    = -1;
+        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnLastMouseWinY    = -1;
+        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnModalMode        = 0;
+        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnMouseDownTime    = 0;
+        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnClickCount       = 0;
+        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnFirstMouseCode   = 0;
+        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnMouseCode        = 0;
+        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnMouseMode        = 0;
+        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->meMapUnit          = MAP_PIXEL;
+        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mbHasFocus         = false;
+        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mbInMouseMove      = false;
+        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mbMouseIn          = false;
+        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mbStartDragCalled  = false;
+        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mbNeedSysWindow    = false;
+        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mbMinimized        = false;
+        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mbStartFocusState  = false;
+        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mbInSysObjFocusHdl = false;
+        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mbInSysObjToTopHdl = false;
+        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mbSysObjFocus      = false;
+        if (!ImplDoTiledRendering())
-            pOverlapWindow->ImplIntersectAndUnionOverlapWindows2( rInterRegion, rRegion );
-            pOverlapWindow = pOverlapWindow->mpWindowImpl->mpNext;
+            mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->maPaintTimer.SetTimeout( 30 );
+            mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->maPaintTimer.SetTimeoutHdl( LINK( this, Window, ImplHandlePaintHdl ) );
-        pStartOverlapWindow = pStartOverlapWindow->mpWindowImpl->mpOverlapWindow;
-    }
+        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->maResizeTimer.SetTimeout( 50 );
+        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->maResizeTimer.SetTimeoutHdl( LINK( this, Window, ImplHandleResizeTimerHdl ) );
+        mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mbInternalDragGestureRecognizer = false;
-    // Clip Child Overlap Windows
-    if ( !ImplIsOverlapWindow() )
-        mpWindowImpl->mpOverlapWindow->ImplIntersectAndUnionOverlapWindows( rInterRegion, rRegion );
-    else
-        ImplIntersectAndUnionOverlapWindows( rInterRegion, rRegion );
+        if ( pRealParent && IsTopWindow() )
+        {
+            ImplWinData* pParentWinData = pRealParent->ImplGetWinData();
+            pParentWinData->maTopWindowChildren.push_back( this );
+        }
+    }
-void Window::ImplCalcOverlapRegion( const Rectangle& rSourceRect, Region& rRegion,
-                                    bool bChildren, bool bParent, bool bSiblings )
-    Region  aRegion( rSourceRect );
-    if ( mpWindowImpl->mbWinRegion )
-        rRegion.Intersect( ImplPixelToDevicePixel( mpWindowImpl->maWinRegion ) );
-    Region  aTempRegion;
-    Window* pWindow;
+    // init data
+    mpWindowImpl->mpRealParent = pRealParent;
-    ImplCalcOverlapRegionOverlaps( aRegion, rRegion );
+    // #99318: make sure fontcache and list is available before call to SetSettings
+    mpFontCollection      = mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mpFontCollection;
+    mpFontCache     = mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mpFontCache;
-    // Parent-Boundaries
-    if ( bParent )
+    if ( mpWindowImpl->mbFrame )
-        pWindow = this;
-        if ( !ImplIsOverlapWindow() )
+        if ( pParent )
-            pWindow = ImplGetParent();
-            do
-            {
-                aTempRegion = aRegion;
-                pWindow->ImplExcludeWindowRegion( aTempRegion );
-                rRegion.Union( aTempRegion );
-                if ( pWindow->ImplIsOverlapWindow() )
-                    break;
-                pWindow = pWindow->ImplGetParent();
-            }
-            while ( pWindow );
+            mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnDPIX     = pParent->mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnDPIX;
+            mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnDPIY     = pParent->mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnDPIY;
-        if ( pWindow && !pWindow->mpWindowImpl->mbFrame )
+        else
-            aTempRegion = aRegion;
-            aTempRegion.Exclude( Rectangle( Point( 0, 0 ), Size( mpWindowImpl->mpFrameWindow->mnOutWidth, mpWindowImpl->mpFrameWindow->mnOutHeight ) ) );
-            rRegion.Union( aTempRegion );
+            OutputDevice *pOutDev = GetOutDev();
+            if ( pOutDev->AcquireGraphics() )
+            {
+                mpGraphics->GetResolution( mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnDPIX, mpWindowImpl->mpFrameData->mnDPIY );
+            }
-    }
-    // Siblings
-    if ( bSiblings && !ImplIsOverlapWindow() )
-    {
-        pWindow = mpWindowImpl->mpParent->mpWindowImpl->mpFirstChild;
-        do
+        // add ownerdraw decorated frame windows to list in the top-most frame window
+        // so they can be hidden on lose focus
+        if( nStyle & WB_OWNERDRAWDECORATION )
+            ImplGetOwnerDrawList().push_back( this );
+        // delay settings initialization until first "real" frame
+        // this relies on the IntroWindow not needing any system settings
+        if ( !pSVData->maAppData.mbSettingsInit &&
+             ! (nStyle & (WB_INTROWIN|WB_DEFAULTWIN))
+             )
-            if ( pWindow->mpWindowImpl->mbReallyVisible && (pWindow != this) )
-            {
-                aTempRegion = aRegion;
-                pWindow->ImplIntersectWindowRegion( aTempRegion );
-                rRegion.Union( aTempRegion );
-            }
-            pWindow = pWindow->mpWindowImpl->mpNext;
+            // side effect: ImplUpdateGlobalSettings does an ImplGetFrame()->UpdateSettings
+            ImplUpdateGlobalSettings( *pSVData->maAppData.mpSettings );
+            OutputDevice::SetSettings( *pSVData->maAppData.mpSettings );
+            pSVData->maAppData.mbSettingsInit = true;
-        while ( pWindow );
-    }
-    if ( bChildren )
+        // If we create a Window with default size, query this
+        // size directly, because we want resize all Controls to

... etc. - the rest is truncated

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