[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: sc/source unusedcode.easy

Caolán McNamara caolanm at redhat.com
Thu Nov 13 08:09:16 PST 2014

 sc/source/filter/inc/drawingmanager.hxx |   89 ----------
 sc/source/filter/oox/drawingmanager.cxx |  266 --------------------------------
 unusedcode.easy                         |    1 
 3 files changed, 356 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 18eab4c154eb033e8751c85df3b170a3946e3a20
Author: Caolán McNamara <caolanm at redhat.com>
Date:   Thu Nov 13 11:05:37 2014 +0000

    callcatcher: BiffDrawingObjectBase is never constructed
    which has a bunch of related knock-on effects given that logic.
    Change-Id: Ib245af1005e37464e1a782018d88b379300641a2

diff --git a/sc/source/filter/inc/drawingmanager.hxx b/sc/source/filter/inc/drawingmanager.hxx
index 6ea03c9..c9a50fa 100644
--- a/sc/source/filter/inc/drawingmanager.hxx
+++ b/sc/source/filter/inc/drawingmanager.hxx
@@ -62,89 +62,6 @@ struct BiffObjFillModel
 // BIFF drawing objects
 class BiffDrawingBase;
-class BiffDrawingObjectBase;
-typedef ::boost::shared_ptr< BiffDrawingObjectBase > BiffDrawingObjectRef;
-class BiffDrawingObjectContainer
-    explicit            BiffDrawingObjectContainer();
-    /** Returns true, if the object list is empty. */
-    inline bool         empty() const { return maObjects.empty(); }
-    /** Creates and inserts all UNO shapes into the passed shape container. */
-    void                convertAndInsert( BiffDrawingBase& rDrawing,
-                            const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShapes >& rxShapes,
-                            const ::com::sun::star::awt::Rectangle* pParentRect = 0 ) const;
-    typedef RefVector< BiffDrawingObjectBase > BiffDrawingObjectVector;
-    BiffDrawingObjectVector maObjects;
-/** Base class for all BIFF drawing objects (OBJ records). */
-class BiffDrawingObjectBase : public WorksheetHelper
-    explicit            BiffDrawingObjectBase( const WorksheetHelper& rHelper );
-    virtual             ~BiffDrawingObjectBase();
-    /** Sets whether this is an area object (then its width and height must be greater than 0). */
-    inline void         setAreaObj( bool bAreaObj ) { mbAreaObj = bAreaObj; }
-    /** If set to true, the object supports a simple on-click macro and/or hyperlink. */
-    inline void         setSimpleMacro( bool bMacro ) { mbSimpleMacro = bMacro; }
-    /** If set to false, the UNO shape will not be created, processed, or inserted into the draw page. */
-    inline void         setProcessShape( bool bProcess ) { mbProcessShape = bProcess; }
-    /** If set to false, the UNO shape will be created or processed, but not be inserted into the draw page. */
-    inline void         setInsertShape( bool bInsert ) { mbInsertShape = bInsert; }
-    /** If set to true, a new custom UNO shape will be created while in DFF import (BIFF8 only). */
-    inline void         setCustomDffObj( bool bCustom ) { mbCustomDff = bCustom; }
-    /** Returns the object identifier from the OBJ record. */
-    inline sal_uInt16   getObjId() const { return mnObjId; }
-    /** Returns the object type from the OBJ record. */
-    inline sal_uInt16   getObjType() const { return mnObjType; }
-    /** Returns true, if the object is hidden. */
-    inline bool         isHidden() const { return mbHidden; }
-    /** Returns true, if the object is visible. */
-    inline bool         isVisible() const { return mbVisible; }
-    /** Returns true, if the object is printable. */
-    inline bool         isPrintable() const { return mbPrintable; }
-    /** Creates the UNO shape and inserts it into the passed shape container. */
-    ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape >
-                        convertAndInsert( BiffDrawingBase& rDrawing,
-                            const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShapes >& rxShapes,
-                            const ::com::sun::star::awt::Rectangle* pParentRect = 0 ) const;
-    /** Converts the passed line formatting to the passed property map. */
-    void                convertLineProperties( ::oox::drawingml::ShapePropertyMap& rPropMap, const BiffObjLineModel& rLineModel, sal_uInt16 nArrows = 0 ) const;
-    /** Converts the passed fill formatting to the passed property map. */
-    void                convertFillProperties( ::oox::drawingml::ShapePropertyMap& rPropMap, const BiffObjFillModel& rFillModel ) const;
-    /** Derived classes create the corresponding XShape and insert it into the passed container. */
-    virtual ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape >
-                        implConvertAndInsert( BiffDrawingBase& rDrawing,
-                            const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShapes >& rxShapes,
-                            const ::com::sun::star::awt::Rectangle& rShapeRect ) const = 0;
-    ShapeAnchor         maAnchor;       /// Position of the drawing object.
-    sal_uInt16          mnObjId;        /// The object identifier (unique per drawing).
-    sal_uInt16          mnObjType;      /// The object type from OBJ record.
-    bool                mbHidden;       /// True = object is hidden.
-    bool                mbVisible;      /// True = object is visible (form controls).
-    bool                mbPrintable;    /// True = object is printable.
-    bool                mbAreaObj;      /// True = width and height must be greater than 0.
-    bool                mbSimpleMacro;  /// True = create simple macro link and hyperlink.
-    bool                mbProcessShape; /// True = object is valid, do processing and insertion.
-    bool                mbInsertShape;  /// True = insert the UNO shape into the draw page.
-    bool                mbCustomDff;    /// True = recreate UNO shape in DFF import (BIFF8 only).
 // BIFF drawing page
@@ -181,14 +98,8 @@ public:
                             const ::com::sun::star::awt::Rectangle& rShapeRect ) = 0;
-    typedef RefMap< sal_uInt16, BiffDrawingObjectBase > BiffDrawingObjectMapById;
-    typedef ::std::vector< sal_uInt16 >                 BiffObjIdVector;
     ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XDrawPage >
                         mxDrawPage;         /// UNO draw page used to insert the shapes.
-    BiffDrawingObjectContainer maRawObjs;   /// Drawing objects without DFF data.
-    BiffDrawingObjectMapById maObjMapId;    /// Maps drawing objects by their object identifiers.
-    BiffObjIdVector     maSkipObjs;         /// Identifiers of all objects to be skipped.
 /** Drawing manager of a single sheet. */
diff --git a/sc/source/filter/oox/drawingmanager.cxx b/sc/source/filter/oox/drawingmanager.cxx
index 90b6310..d6804e4 100644
--- a/sc/source/filter/oox/drawingmanager.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/filter/oox/drawingmanager.cxx
@@ -103,265 +103,7 @@ BiffObjFillModel::BiffObjFillModel() :
-// BIFF drawing objects
-void BiffDrawingObjectContainer::convertAndInsert( BiffDrawingBase& rDrawing, const Reference< XShapes >& rxShapes, const css::awt::Rectangle* pParentRect ) const
-    maObjects.forEachMem( &BiffDrawingObjectBase::convertAndInsert, ::boost::ref( rDrawing ), ::boost::cref( rxShapes ), pParentRect );
-BiffDrawingObjectBase::BiffDrawingObjectBase( const WorksheetHelper& rHelper ) :
-    WorksheetHelper( rHelper ),
-    maAnchor( rHelper ),
-    mnObjId( BIFF_OBJ_INVALID_ID ),
-    mbHidden( false ),
-    mbVisible( true ),
-    mbPrintable( true ),
-    mbAreaObj( false ),
-    mbSimpleMacro( true ),
-    mbProcessShape( true ),
-    mbInsertShape( true ),
-    mbCustomDff( false )
-Reference< XShape > BiffDrawingObjectBase::convertAndInsert( BiffDrawingBase& rDrawing,
-        const Reference< XShapes >& rxShapes, const css::awt::Rectangle* pParentRect ) const
-    Reference< XShape > xShape;
-    if( rxShapes.is() && mbProcessShape && !mbHidden )  // TODO: support for hidden objects?
-    {
-        // base class 'ShapeAnchor' calculates the shape rectangle in 1/100 mm
-        // in BIFF3-BIFF5, all shapes have absolute anchor (also children of group shapes)
-        css::awt::Rectangle aShapeRect = maAnchor.calcAnchorRectHmm( getDrawPageSize() );
-        // convert the shape, if the calculated rectangle is not empty
-        bool bHasWidth = aShapeRect.Width > 0;
-        bool bHasHeight = aShapeRect.Height > 0;
-        if( mbAreaObj ? (bHasWidth && bHasHeight) : (bHasWidth || bHasHeight) )
-        {
-            xShape = implConvertAndInsert( rDrawing, rxShapes, aShapeRect );
-            /*  Notify the drawing that a new shape has been inserted (but not
-                for children of group shapes). For convenience, pass the
-                rectangle that contains position and size of the shape. */
-            if( !pParentRect && xShape.is() )
-                rDrawing.notifyShapeInserted( xShape, aShapeRect );
-        }
-    }
-    return xShape;
-void BiffDrawingObjectBase::convertLineProperties( ShapePropertyMap& rPropMap, const BiffObjLineModel& rLineModel, sal_uInt16 nArrows ) const
-    if( rLineModel.mbAuto )
-    {
-        BiffObjLineModel aAutoModel;
-        aAutoModel.mbAuto = false;
-        convertLineProperties( rPropMap, aAutoModel, nArrows );
-        return;
-    }
-    /*  Convert line formatting to DrawingML line formatting and let the
-        DrawingML code do the hard work. */
-    LineProperties aLineProps;
-    if( rLineModel.mnStyle == BIFF_OBJ_LINE_NONE )
-    {
-        aLineProps.maLineFill.moFillType = XML_noFill;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        aLineProps.maLineFill.moFillType = XML_solidFill;
-        aLineProps.maLineFill.maFillColor.setPaletteClr( rLineModel.mnColorIdx );
-        aLineProps.moLineCompound = XML_sng;
-        aLineProps.moLineCap = XML_flat;
-        aLineProps.moLineJoint = XML_round;
-        // line width: use 0.35 mm per BIFF line width step
-        sal_Int32 nLineWidth = 0;
-        switch( rLineModel.mnWidth )
-        {
-            default:
-            case BIFF_OBJ_LINE_HAIR:    nLineWidth = 0;     break;
-            case BIFF_OBJ_LINE_THIN:    nLineWidth = 20;    break;
-            case BIFF_OBJ_LINE_MEDIUM:  nLineWidth = 40;    break;
-            case BIFF_OBJ_LINE_THICK:   nLineWidth = 60;    break;
-        }
-        aLineProps.moLineWidth = getLimitedValue< sal_Int32, sal_Int64 >( convertHmmToEmu( nLineWidth ), 0, SAL_MAX_INT32 );
-        // dash style and transparency
-        switch( rLineModel.mnStyle )
-        {
-            default:
-            case BIFF_OBJ_LINE_SOLID:
-                aLineProps.moPresetDash = XML_solid;
-            break;
-            case BIFF_OBJ_LINE_DASH:
-                aLineProps.moPresetDash = XML_lgDash;
-            break;
-            case BIFF_OBJ_LINE_DOT:
-                aLineProps.moPresetDash = XML_dot;
-            break;
-            case BIFF_OBJ_LINE_DASHDOT:
-                aLineProps.moPresetDash = XML_lgDashDot;
-            break;
-            case BIFF_OBJ_LINE_DASHDOTDOT:
-                aLineProps.moPresetDash = XML_lgDashDotDot;
-            break;
-            case BIFF_OBJ_LINE_MEDTRANS:
-                aLineProps.moPresetDash = XML_solid;
-                aLineProps.maLineFill.maFillColor.addTransformation( XML_alpha, 50 * PER_PERCENT );
-            break;
-            case BIFF_OBJ_LINE_DARKTRANS:
-                aLineProps.moPresetDash = XML_solid;
-                aLineProps.maLineFill.maFillColor.addTransformation( XML_alpha, 75 * PER_PERCENT );
-            break;
-            case BIFF_OBJ_LINE_LIGHTTRANS:
-                aLineProps.moPresetDash = XML_solid;
-                aLineProps.maLineFill.maFillColor.addTransformation( XML_alpha, 25 * PER_PERCENT );
-            break;
-        }
-        // line ends
-        bool bLineStart = false;
-        bool bArrow = false;
-        bool bFilled = false;
-        switch( extractValue< sal_uInt8 >( nArrows, 0, 4 ) )
-        {
-            case BIFF_OBJ_ARROW_OPEN:       bLineStart = false; bArrow = true;  bFilled = false;  break;
-            case BIFF_OBJ_ARROW_OPENBOTH:   bLineStart = true;  bArrow = true;  bFilled = false;  break;
-            case BIFF_OBJ_ARROW_FILLED:     bLineStart = false; bArrow = true;  bFilled = true;   break;
-            case BIFF_OBJ_ARROW_FILLEDBOTH: bLineStart = true;  bArrow = true;  bFilled = true;   break;
-        }
-        if (bArrow)
-        {
-            // arrow type (open or closed)
-            sal_Int32 nArrowType = bFilled ? XML_triangle : XML_arrow;
-            aLineProps.maEndArrow.moArrowType   = nArrowType;
-            aLineProps.maStartArrow.moArrowType = bLineStart ? nArrowType : XML_none;
-            // arrow width
-            sal_Int32 nArrowWidth = XML_med;
-            switch( extractValue< sal_uInt8 >( nArrows, 4, 4 ) )
-            {
-                case BIFF_OBJ_ARROW_NARROW: nArrowWidth = XML_sm;   break;
-                case BIFF_OBJ_ARROW_MEDIUM: nArrowWidth = XML_med;  break;
-                case BIFF_OBJ_ARROW_WIDE:   nArrowWidth = XML_lg;   break;
-            }
-            aLineProps.maStartArrow.moArrowWidth = aLineProps.maEndArrow.moArrowWidth = nArrowWidth;
-            // arrow length
-            sal_Int32 nArrowLength = XML_med;
-            switch( extractValue< sal_uInt8 >( nArrows, 8, 4 ) )
-            {
-                case BIFF_OBJ_ARROW_NARROW: nArrowLength = XML_sm;  break;
-                case BIFF_OBJ_ARROW_MEDIUM: nArrowLength = XML_med; break;
-                case BIFF_OBJ_ARROW_WIDE:   nArrowLength = XML_lg;  break;
-            }
-            aLineProps.maStartArrow.moArrowLength = aLineProps.maEndArrow.moArrowLength = nArrowLength;
-        }
-    }
-    aLineProps.pushToPropMap( rPropMap, getBaseFilter().getGraphicHelper() );
-void BiffDrawingObjectBase::convertFillProperties( ShapePropertyMap& rPropMap, const BiffObjFillModel& rFillModel ) const
-    if( rFillModel.mbAuto )
-    {
-        BiffObjFillModel aAutoModel;
-        aAutoModel.mbAuto = false;
-        convertFillProperties( rPropMap, aAutoModel );
-        return;
-    }
-    /*  Convert fill formatting to DrawingML fill formatting and let the
-        DrawingML code do the hard work. */
-    FillProperties aFillProps;
-    if( rFillModel.mnPattern == BIFF_OBJ_PATT_NONE )
-    {
-        aFillProps.moFillType = XML_noFill;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        const sal_Int32 spnPatternPresets[] = {
-            XML_TOKEN_INVALID, XML_TOKEN_INVALID, XML_pct50, XML_pct50, XML_pct25,
-            XML_dkHorz, XML_dkVert, XML_dkDnDiag, XML_dkUpDiag, XML_smCheck, XML_trellis,
-            XML_ltHorz, XML_ltVert, XML_ltDnDiag, XML_ltUpDiag, XML_smGrid, XML_diagCross,
-            XML_pct20, XML_pct10 };
-        sal_Int32 nPatternPreset = STATIC_ARRAY_SELECT( spnPatternPresets, rFillModel.mnPattern, XML_TOKEN_INVALID );
-        if( nPatternPreset == XML_TOKEN_INVALID )
-        {
-            aFillProps.moFillType = XML_solidFill;
-            aFillProps.maFillColor.setPaletteClr( rFillModel.mnPattColorIdx );
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            aFillProps.moFillType = XML_pattFill;
-            aFillProps.maPatternProps.maPattFgColor.setPaletteClr( rFillModel.mnPattColorIdx );
-            aFillProps.maPatternProps.maPattBgColor.setPaletteClr( rFillModel.mnBackColorIdx );
-            aFillProps.maPatternProps.moPattPreset = nPatternPreset;
-        }
-#if 0
-        static const sal_uInt8 sppnPatterns[][ 8 ] =
-        {
-            { 0xAA, 0x55, 0xAA, 0x55, 0xAA, 0x55, 0xAA, 0x55 },
-            { 0x77, 0xDD, 0x77, 0xDD, 0x77, 0xDD, 0x77, 0xDD },
-            { 0x88, 0x22, 0x88, 0x22, 0x88, 0x22, 0x88, 0x22 },
-            { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00 },
-            { 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC },
-            { 0x33, 0x66, 0xCC, 0x99, 0x33, 0x66, 0xCC, 0x99 },
-            { 0xCC, 0x66, 0x33, 0x99, 0xCC, 0x66, 0x33, 0x99 },
-            { 0xCC, 0xCC, 0x33, 0x33, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0x33, 0x33 },
-            { 0xCC, 0xFF, 0x33, 0xFF, 0xCC, 0xFF, 0x33, 0xFF },
-            { 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
-            { 0x88, 0x88, 0x88, 0x88, 0x88, 0x88, 0x88, 0x88 },
-            { 0x11, 0x22, 0x44, 0x88, 0x11, 0x22, 0x44, 0x88 },
-            { 0x88, 0x44, 0x22, 0x11, 0x88, 0x44, 0x22, 0x11 },
-            { 0xFF, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0xFF, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11 },
-            { 0xAA, 0x44, 0xAA, 0x11, 0xAA, 0x44, 0xAA, 0x11 },
-            { 0x88, 0x00, 0x22, 0x00, 0x88, 0x00, 0x22, 0x00 },
-            { 0x80, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00 }
-        };
-        const sal_uInt8* const pnPattern = sppnPatterns[ ::std::min< size_t >( rFillData.mnPattern - 2, SAL_N_ELEMENTS( sppnPatterns ) ) ];
-        // create 2-colored 8x8 DIB
-        SvMemoryStream aMemStrm;
-//      { 0x0C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }
-        aMemStrm << sal_uInt32( 12 ) << sal_Int16( 8 ) << sal_Int16( 8 ) << sal_uInt16( 1 ) << sal_uInt16( 1 );
-        aMemStrm << sal_uInt8( 0xFF ) << sal_uInt8( 0xFF ) << sal_uInt8( 0xFF );
-        aMemStrm << sal_uInt8( 0x00 ) << sal_uInt8( 0x00 ) << sal_uInt8( 0x00 );
-        for( size_t nIdx = 0; nIdx < 8; ++nIdx )
-            aMemStrm << sal_uInt32( pnPattern[ nIdx ] ); // 32-bit little-endian
-        aMemStrm.Seek( STREAM_SEEK_TO_BEGIN );
-        Bitmap aBitmap;
-        aBitmap.Read( aMemStrm, FALSE );
-        XOBitmap aXOBitmap( aBitmap );
-        aXOBitmap.Bitmap2Array();
-        aXOBitmap.SetBitmapType( XBITMAP_8X8 );
-        if( aXOBitmap.GetBackgroundColor().GetColor() == COL_BLACK )
-            ::std::swap( aPattColor, aBackColor );
-        aXOBitmap.SetPixelColor( aPattColor );
-        aXOBitmap.SetBackgroundColor( aBackColor );
-        rSdrObj.SetMergedItem( XFillStyleItem( XFILL_BITMAP ) );
-        rSdrObj.SetMergedItem( XFillBitmapItem( EMPTY_OUSTRING, aXOBitmap ) );
-    }
-    aFillProps.pushToPropMap( rPropMap, getBaseFilter().getGraphicHelper() );
 // BIFF drawing page
 BiffDrawingBase::BiffDrawingBase( const WorksheetHelper& rHelper, const Reference< XDrawPage >& rxDrawPage ) :
     WorksheetHelper( rHelper ),
     mxDrawPage( rxDrawPage )
@@ -374,14 +116,6 @@ void BiffDrawingBase::finalizeImport()
     OSL_ENSURE( xShapes.is(), "BiffDrawingBase::finalizeImport - no shapes container" );
     if( !xShapes.is() )
-    // process list of objects to be skipped
-    for( BiffObjIdVector::const_iterator aIt = maSkipObjs.begin(), aEnd = maSkipObjs.end(); aIt != aEnd; ++aIt )
-        if( BiffDrawingObjectBase* pDrawingObj = maObjMapId.get( *aIt ).get() )
-            pDrawingObj->setProcessShape( false );
-    // process drawing objects without DFF data
-    maRawObjs.convertAndInsert( *this, xShapes );
 BiffSheetDrawing::BiffSheetDrawing( const WorksheetHelper& rHelper ) :
diff --git a/unusedcode.easy b/unusedcode.easy
index 58bd4f8..2dd6df1 100644
--- a/unusedcode.easy
+++ b/unusedcode.easy
@@ -184,7 +184,6 @@ connectivity::sdbcx::OGroup::OGroup(rtl::OUString const&, bool)
 oglcanvas::CanvasHelper::flush() const
 oglcanvas::TextLayout::draw(com::sun::star::rendering::ViewState const&, com::sun::star::rendering::RenderState const&, com::sun::star::uno::Reference<com::sun::star::rendering::XGraphicDevice> const&) const
 oox::drawingml::TextListStyle::dump() const
-oox::xls::BiffDrawingObjectBase::BiffDrawingObjectBase(oox::xls::WorksheetHelper const&)

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