[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: 3 commits - vcl/inc vcl/source
Chris Sherlock
chris.sherlock79 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 28 05:26:38 PST 2014
vcl/inc/svdata.hxx | 217 ++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
vcl/source/app/svdata.cxx | 3
vcl/source/window/settings.cxx | 2
3 files changed, 107 insertions(+), 115 deletions(-)
New commits:
commit cc48d00b82941cef2c79774996a3482a2b6513eb
Author: Chris Sherlock <chris.sherlock79 at gmail.com>
Date: Fri Nov 28 23:33:11 2014 +1100
vcl: indent comments in vcl/inc/svdata.hxx
Change-Id: I92a1916c8c7a2f2f5c04085367228c4deb44cf07
diff --git a/vcl/inc/svdata.hxx b/vcl/inc/svdata.hxx
index 6df50ca..2d86988 100644
--- a/vcl/inc/svdata.hxx
+++ b/vcl/inc/svdata.hxx
@@ -108,21 +108,21 @@ struct ImplSVAppData
- AllSettings* mpSettings; // Application settings
+ AllSettings* mpSettings; // Application settings
LocaleConfigurationListener* mpCfgListener;
- VclEventListeners* mpEventListeners; // listeners for vcl events (eg, extended toolkit)
- VclEventListeners* mpKeyListeners; // listeners for key events only (eg, extended toolkit)
- ImplAccelManager* mpAccelMgr; // Accelerator Manager
- OUString* mpAppName; // Application name
- OUString* mpAppFileName; // Abs. Application FileName
- OUString* mpDisplayName; // Application Display Name
- OUString* mpFontPath; // Additional Fontpath
- Help* mpHelp; // Application help
- PopupMenu* mpActivePopupMenu; // Actives Popup-Menu (in Execute)
- ImplIdleMgr* mpIdleMgr; // Idle-Manager
- ImplWheelWindow* mpWheelWindow; // WheelWindow
- ImplHotKey* mpFirstHotKey; // HotKey-Verwaltung
- ImplEventHook* mpFirstEventHook; // Event-Hooks
+ VclEventListeners* mpEventListeners; // listeners for vcl events (eg, extended toolkit)
+ VclEventListeners* mpKeyListeners; // listeners for key events only (eg, extended toolkit)
+ ImplAccelManager* mpAccelMgr; // Accelerator Manager
+ OUString* mpAppName; // Application name
+ OUString* mpAppFileName; // Abs. Application FileName
+ OUString* mpDisplayName; // Application Display Name
+ OUString* mpFontPath; // Additional Fontpath
+ Help* mpHelp; // Application help
+ PopupMenu* mpActivePopupMenu; // Actives Popup-Menu (in Execute)
+ ImplIdleMgr* mpIdleMgr; // Idle-Manager
+ ImplWheelWindow* mpWheelWindow; // WheelWindow
+ ImplHotKey* mpFirstHotKey; // HotKey-Verwaltung
+ ImplEventHook* mpFirstEventHook; // Event-Hooks
VclEventListeners2* mpPostYieldListeners; // post yield listeners
sal_uLong mnLastInputTime; // GetLastInputTime()
sal_uInt16 mnDispatchLevel; // DispatchLevel
@@ -151,94 +151,94 @@ struct ImplSVAppData
struct ImplSVGDIData
- OutputDevice* mpFirstWinGraphics; // First OutputDevice with a Frame Graphics
- OutputDevice* mpLastWinGraphics; // Last OutputDevice with a Frame Graphics
- OutputDevice* mpFirstVirGraphics; // First OutputDevice with a VirtualDevice Graphics
- OutputDevice* mpLastVirGraphics; // Last OutputDevice with a VirtualDevice Graphics
- OutputDevice* mpFirstPrnGraphics; // First OutputDevice with a InfoPrinter Graphics
- OutputDevice* mpLastPrnGraphics; // Last OutputDevice with a InfoPrinter Graphics
- VirtualDevice* mpFirstVirDev; // First VirtualDevice
- VirtualDevice* mpLastVirDev; // Last VirtualDevice
- OpenGLContext* mpFirstContext; // First OpenGLContext
- OpenGLContext* mpLastContext; // Last OpenGLContext
- Printer* mpFirstPrinter; // First Printer
- Printer* mpLastPrinter; // Last Printer
- ImplPrnQueueList* mpPrinterQueueList; // List of all printer queue
- PhysicalFontCollection* mpScreenFontList; // Screen-Font-List
- ImplFontCache* mpScreenFontCache; // Screen-Font-Cache
- ImplDirectFontSubstitution* mpDirectFontSubst;// Font-Substitutons defined in Tools->Options->Fonts
- GraphicConverter* mpGrfConverter; // Converter for graphics
- long mnRealAppFontX; // AppFont X-Numenator for 40/tel Width
- long mnAppFontX; // AppFont X-Numenator for 40/tel Width + DialogScaleX
- long mnAppFontY; // AppFont Y-Numenator for 80/tel Height
- bool mbFontSubChanged; // true: FontSubstitution was changed between Begin/End
- bool mbNativeFontConfig; // true: do not override UI font
+ OutputDevice* mpFirstWinGraphics; // First OutputDevice with a Frame Graphics
+ OutputDevice* mpLastWinGraphics; // Last OutputDevice with a Frame Graphics
+ OutputDevice* mpFirstVirGraphics; // First OutputDevice with a VirtualDevice Graphics
+ OutputDevice* mpLastVirGraphics; // Last OutputDevice with a VirtualDevice Graphics
+ OutputDevice* mpFirstPrnGraphics; // First OutputDevice with a InfoPrinter Graphics
+ OutputDevice* mpLastPrnGraphics; // Last OutputDevice with a InfoPrinter Graphics
+ VirtualDevice* mpFirstVirDev; // First VirtualDevice
+ VirtualDevice* mpLastVirDev; // Last VirtualDevice
+ OpenGLContext* mpFirstContext; // First OpenGLContext
+ OpenGLContext* mpLastContext; // Last OpenGLContext
+ Printer* mpFirstPrinter; // First Printer
+ Printer* mpLastPrinter; // Last Printer
+ ImplPrnQueueList* mpPrinterQueueList; // List of all printer queue
+ PhysicalFontCollection* mpScreenFontList; // Screen-Font-List
+ ImplFontCache* mpScreenFontCache; // Screen-Font-Cache
+ ImplDirectFontSubstitution* mpDirectFontSubst; // Font-Substitutons defined in Tools->Options->Fonts
+ GraphicConverter* mpGrfConverter; // Converter for graphics
+ long mnRealAppFontX; // AppFont X-Numenator for 40/tel Width
+ long mnAppFontX; // AppFont X-Numenator for 40/tel Width + DialogScaleX
+ long mnAppFontY; // AppFont Y-Numenator for 80/tel Height
+ bool mbFontSubChanged; // true: FontSubstitution was changed between Begin/End
+ bool mbNativeFontConfig; // true: do not override UI font
struct ImplSVWinData
- vcl::Window* mpFirstFrame; // First FrameWindow
- vcl::Window* mpDefDialogParent; // Default Dialog Parent
- WorkWindow* mpAppWin; // Application-Window
- vcl::Window* mpFocusWin; // window, that has the focus
- vcl::Window* mpActiveApplicationFrame; // the last active application frame, can be used as DefModalDialogParent if no focuswin set
- vcl::Window* mpCaptureWin; // window, that has the mouse capture
- vcl::Window* mpLastDeacWin; // Window, that need a deactivate (FloatingWindow-Handling)
- FloatingWindow* mpFirstFloat; // First FloatingWindow in PopupMode
- Dialog* mpLastExecuteDlg; // First Dialog that is in Execute
- vcl::Window* mpExtTextInputWin; // Window, which is in ExtTextInput
- vcl::Window* mpTrackWin; // window, that is in tracking mode
- AutoTimer* mpTrackTimer; // tracking timer
- ImageList* mpMsgBoxImgList; // ImageList for MessageBox
- vcl::Window* mpAutoScrollWin; // window, that is in AutoScrollMode mode
- sal_uInt16 mnTrackFlags; // tracking flags
- sal_uInt16 mnAutoScrollFlags; // auto scroll flags
- bool mbNoDeactivate; // true: do not execute Deactivate
- bool mbNoSaveFocus; // true: menus must not save/restore focus
- bool mbNoSaveBackground; // true: save background is unnecessary or even less performant
+ vcl::Window* mpFirstFrame; // First FrameWindow
+ vcl::Window* mpDefDialogParent; // Default Dialog Parent
+ WorkWindow* mpAppWin; // Application-Window
+ vcl::Window* mpFocusWin; // window, that has the focus
+ vcl::Window* mpActiveApplicationFrame; // the last active application frame, can be used as DefModalDialogParent if no focuswin set
+ vcl::Window* mpCaptureWin; // window, that has the mouse capture
+ vcl::Window* mpLastDeacWin; // Window, that need a deactivate (FloatingWindow-Handling)
+ FloatingWindow* mpFirstFloat; // First FloatingWindow in PopupMode
+ Dialog* mpLastExecuteDlg; // First Dialog that is in Execute
+ vcl::Window* mpExtTextInputWin; // Window, which is in ExtTextInput
+ vcl::Window* mpTrackWin; // window, that is in tracking mode
+ AutoTimer* mpTrackTimer; // tracking timer
+ ImageList* mpMsgBoxImgList; // ImageList for MessageBox
+ vcl::Window* mpAutoScrollWin; // window, that is in AutoScrollMode mode
+ sal_uInt16 mnTrackFlags; // tracking flags
+ sal_uInt16 mnAutoScrollFlags; // auto scroll flags
+ bool mbNoDeactivate; // true: do not execute Deactivate
+ bool mbNoSaveFocus; // true: menus must not save/restore focus
+ bool mbNoSaveBackground; // true: save background is unnecessary or even less performant
typedef std::vector< std::pair< OUString, FieldUnit > > FieldUnitStringList;
struct ImplSVCtrlData
- ImageList* mpCheckImgList; // ImageList for CheckBoxes
- ImageList* mpRadioImgList; // ImageList for RadioButtons
- ImageList* mpPinImgList; // ImageList for PIN
- ImageList* mpSplitHPinImgList; // ImageList for Horizontale SplitWindows
- ImageList* mpSplitVPinImgList; // ImageList for Vertikale SplitWindows (PIN's)
- ImageList* mpSplitHArwImgList; // ImageList for Horizontale SplitWindows (Arrows)
- ImageList* mpSplitVArwImgList; // ImageList for Vertikale SplitWindows (Arrows)
+ ImageList* mpCheckImgList; // ImageList for CheckBoxes
+ ImageList* mpRadioImgList; // ImageList for RadioButtons
+ ImageList* mpPinImgList; // ImageList for PIN
+ ImageList* mpSplitHPinImgList; // ImageList for Horizontale SplitWindows
+ ImageList* mpSplitVPinImgList; // ImageList for Vertikale SplitWindows (PIN's)
+ ImageList* mpSplitHArwImgList; // ImageList for Horizontale SplitWindows (Arrows)
+ ImageList* mpSplitVArwImgList; // ImageList for Vertikale SplitWindows (Arrows)
Image* mpDisclosurePlus;
Image* mpDisclosureMinus;
- ImplTBDragMgr* mpTBDragMgr; // DragMgr for ToolBox
- sal_uInt16 mnCheckStyle; // CheckBox-Style for ImageList-Update
- sal_uInt16 mnRadioStyle; // Radio-Style for ImageList-Update
- sal_uLong mnLastCheckFColor; // Letzte FaceColor fuer CheckImage
- sal_uLong mnLastCheckWColor; // Letzte WindowColor fuer CheckImage
- sal_uLong mnLastCheckWTextColor; // Letzte WindowTextColor fuer CheckImage
- sal_uLong mnLastCheckLColor; // Letzte LightColor fuer CheckImage
- sal_uLong mnLastRadioFColor; // Letzte FaceColor fuer RadioImage
- sal_uLong mnLastRadioWColor; // Letzte WindowColor fuer RadioImage
- sal_uLong mnLastRadioLColor; // Letzte LightColor fuer RadioImage
- FieldUnitStringList* mpFieldUnitStrings; // list with field units
- FieldUnitStringList* mpCleanUnitStrings; // same list but with some "fluff" like spaces removed
+ ImplTBDragMgr* mpTBDragMgr; // DragMgr for ToolBox
+ sal_uInt16 mnCheckStyle; // CheckBox-Style for ImageList-Update
+ sal_uInt16 mnRadioStyle; // Radio-Style for ImageList-Update
+ sal_uLong mnLastCheckFColor; // Letzte FaceColor fuer CheckImage
+ sal_uLong mnLastCheckWColor; // Letzte WindowColor fuer CheckImage
+ sal_uLong mnLastCheckWTextColor; // Letzte WindowTextColor fuer CheckImage
+ sal_uLong mnLastCheckLColor; // Letzte LightColor fuer CheckImage
+ sal_uLong mnLastRadioFColor; // Letzte FaceColor fuer RadioImage
+ sal_uLong mnLastRadioWColor; // Letzte WindowColor fuer RadioImage
+ sal_uLong mnLastRadioLColor; // Letzte LightColor fuer RadioImage
+ FieldUnitStringList* mpFieldUnitStrings; // list with field units
+ FieldUnitStringList* mpCleanUnitStrings; // same list but with some "fluff" like spaces removed
struct ImplSVHelpData
- bool mbContextHelp : 1; // is ContextHelp enabled
- bool mbExtHelp : 1; // is ExtendedHelp enabled
- bool mbExtHelpMode : 1; // is in ExtendedHelp Mode
- bool mbOldBalloonMode : 1; // BallonMode, before ExtHelpMode started
- bool mbBalloonHelp : 1; // is BalloonHelp enabled
- bool mbQuickHelp : 1; // is QuickHelp enabled
- bool mbSetKeyboardHelp : 1; // tiphelp was activated by keyboard
- bool mbKeyboardHelp : 1; // tiphelp was activated by keyboard
- bool mbAutoHelpId : 1; // generate HelpIds
- bool mbRequestingHelp : 1; // In Window::RequestHelp
- HelpTextWindow* mpHelpWin; // HelpWindow
- sal_uLong mnLastHelpHideTime; // ticks of last show
+ bool mbContextHelp : 1; // is ContextHelp enabled
+ bool mbExtHelp : 1; // is ExtendedHelp enabled
+ bool mbExtHelpMode : 1; // is in ExtendedHelp Mode
+ bool mbOldBalloonMode : 1; // BallonMode, before ExtHelpMode started
+ bool mbBalloonHelp : 1; // is BalloonHelp enabled
+ bool mbQuickHelp : 1; // is QuickHelp enabled
+ bool mbSetKeyboardHelp : 1; // tiphelp was activated by keyboard
+ bool mbKeyboardHelp : 1; // tiphelp was activated by keyboard
+ bool mbAutoHelpId : 1; // generate HelpIds
+ bool mbRequestingHelp : 1; // In Window::RequestHelp
+ HelpTextWindow* mpHelpWin; // HelpWindow
+ sal_uLong mnLastHelpHideTime; // ticks of last show
// "NWF" means "Native Widget Framework" and was the term used for the
@@ -301,29 +301,29 @@ struct BlendFrameCache
struct ImplSVData
SalData* mpSalData;
- SalInstance* mpDefInst; // Default SalInstance
- Application* mpApp; // pApp
- WorkWindow* mpDefaultWin; // Default-Window
- bool mbDeInit; // Is VCL deinitializing
- sal_uLong mnThreadCount; // is VCL MultiThread enabled
- ImplConfigData* mpFirstConfigData; // Zeiger auf ersten Config-Block
- ImplTimerData* mpFirstTimerData; // list of all running timers
- SalTimer* mpSalTimer; // interface to sal event loop/timers
- SalI18NImeStatus* mpImeStatus; // interface to ime status window
- SalSystem* mpSalSystem; // SalSystem interface
- ResMgr* mpResMgr; // SV-Resource-Manager
- sal_uLong mnTimerPeriod; // current timer period
- sal_uLong mnTimerUpdate; // TimerCallbackProcs on stack
- bool mbNotAllTimerCalled;// true: Es muessen noch Timer abgearbeitet werden
- bool mbNoCallTimer; // true: No Timeout calls
- ImplSVAppData maAppData; // indepen data for class Application
- ImplSVGDIData maGDIData; // indepen data for Output classes
- ImplSVWinData maWinData; // indepen data for Windows classes
- ImplSVCtrlData maCtrlData; // indepen data for Control classes
- ImplSVHelpData maHelpData; // indepen data for Help classes
+ SalInstance* mpDefInst; // Default SalInstance
+ Application* mpApp; // pApp
+ WorkWindow* mpDefaultWin; // Default-Window
+ bool mbDeInit; // Is VCL deinitializing
+ sal_uLong mnThreadCount; // is VCL MultiThread enabled
+ ImplConfigData* mpFirstConfigData; // Zeiger auf ersten Config-Block
+ ImplTimerData* mpFirstTimerData; // list of all running timers
+ SalTimer* mpSalTimer; // interface to sal event loop/timers
+ SalI18NImeStatus* mpImeStatus; // interface to ime status window
+ SalSystem* mpSalSystem; // SalSystem interface
+ ResMgr* mpResMgr; // SV-Resource-Manager
+ sal_uLong mnTimerPeriod; // current timer period
+ sal_uLong mnTimerUpdate; // TimerCallbackProcs on stack
+ bool mbNotAllTimerCalled; // true: Es muessen noch Timer abgearbeitet werden
+ bool mbNoCallTimer; // true: No Timeout calls
+ ImplSVAppData maAppData; // indepen data for class Application
+ ImplSVGDIData maGDIData; // indepen data for Output classes
+ ImplSVWinData maWinData; // indepen data for Windows classes
+ ImplSVCtrlData maCtrlData; // indepen data for Control classes
+ ImplSVHelpData maHelpData; // indepen data for Help classes
ImplSVNWFData maNWFData;
UnoWrapperBase* mpUnoWrapper;
- vcl::Window* mpIntroWindow; // the splash screen
+ vcl::Window* mpIntroWindow; // the splash screen
DockingManager* mpDockingManager;
BlendFrameCache* mpBlendFrameCache;
bool mbIsTestTool;
commit cfea53881e27fe1bb5b9549972b83b18090fe417
Author: Chris Sherlock <chris.sherlock79 at gmail.com>
Date: Fri Nov 28 23:28:36 2014 +1100
vcl: comment says mnLayout is only used for RTL testing... removing
Change-Id: I76b091c1baa1c89ef5e9b5880e99f72f865a6418
diff --git a/vcl/inc/svdata.hxx b/vcl/inc/svdata.hxx
index 1e38af0..6df50ca 100644
--- a/vcl/inc/svdata.hxx
+++ b/vcl/inc/svdata.hxx
@@ -130,7 +130,6 @@ struct ImplSVAppData
sal_uInt16 mnModalDialog; // ModalDialog Count
sal_uInt16 mnAccessCount; // AccessHdl Count
sal_uInt16 mnSysWinMode; // Mode, when SystemWindows should be created
- sal_uInt16 mnLayout; // --- RTL-Flags --- currently not used, only for testing
short mnDialogScaleX; // Scale X-Positions and sizes in Dialogs
bool mbInAppMain; // is Application::Main() on stack
bool mbInAppExecute; // is Application::Execute() on stack
commit e3a9c7d0cddc6286aa3515a0c0f0316a1e0468ed
Author: Chris Sherlock <chris.sherlock79 at gmail.com>
Date: Fri Nov 28 22:59:08 2014 +1100
vcl: pImplSVData->maAppData.mnDefaultLayoutBorder is never used, get rid of it
Change-Id: I417e84b2c797ec2c43fb232f4a8412488b6d3ab4
diff --git a/vcl/inc/svdata.hxx b/vcl/inc/svdata.hxx
index 857bd5d..1e38af0 100644
--- a/vcl/inc/svdata.hxx
+++ b/vcl/inc/svdata.hxx
@@ -139,8 +139,6 @@ struct ImplSVAppData
bool mbNoYield; // Application::Yield will not wait for events if the queue is empty
// essentially that makes it the same as Application::Reschedule
Application::DialogCancelMode meDialogCancel; // true: All Dialog::Execute() calls will be terminated immediately with return false
- long mnDefaultLayoutBorder; // default value in pixel for layout distances used
- // in window arrangers
/** Controls whether showing any IME status window is toggled on or off.
diff --git a/vcl/source/app/svdata.cxx b/vcl/source/app/svdata.cxx
index 0aaff4a..dea1429 100644
--- a/vcl/source/app/svdata.cxx
+++ b/vcl/source/app/svdata.cxx
@@ -80,9 +80,6 @@ void ImplInitSVData()
memset( pImplSVData, 0, sizeof( ImplSVData ) );
pImplSVData->maHelpData.mbAutoHelpId = true;
pImplSVData->maNWFData.maMenuBarHighlightTextColor = Color( COL_TRANSPARENT );
- // mark default layout border as unitialized
- pImplSVData->maAppData.mnDefaultLayoutBorder = -1;
void ImplDeInitSVData()
diff --git a/vcl/source/window/settings.cxx b/vcl/source/window/settings.cxx
index 7126ee1..6525240 100644
--- a/vcl/source/window/settings.cxx
+++ b/vcl/source/window/settings.cxx
@@ -153,8 +153,6 @@ void Window::ImplUpdateGlobalSettings( AllSettings& rSettings, bool bCallHdl )
aTmpSt.SetHighContrastMode( false );
rSettings.SetStyleSettings( aTmpSt );
ImplGetFrame()->UpdateSettings( rSettings );
- // reset default border width for layouters
- ImplGetSVData()->maAppData.mnDefaultLayoutBorder = -1;
// Verify availability of the configured UI font, otherwise choose "Andale Sans UI"
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