[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: 3 commits - bin/count-todo-dialogs include/sfx2 include/tools include/vcl rsc/inc rsc/source sfx2/source starmath/inc starmath/source starmath/uiconfig starmath/UIConfig_smath.mk tools/source vcl/source

Caolán McNamara caolanm at redhat.com
Fri Sep 5 23:04:05 PDT 2014

 bin/count-todo-dialogs                         |    4 
 include/sfx2/basedlgs.hxx                      |    4 
 include/sfx2/tbxctrl.hxx                       |    4 
 include/tools/rc.h                             |    6 
 include/tools/rcid.h                           |    2 
 include/vcl/floatwin.hxx                       |    2 
 rsc/inc/rscdb.hxx                              |    2 
 rsc/source/parser/rscicpx.cxx                  |   34 ----
 rsc/source/parser/rscinit.cxx                  |    5 
 sfx2/source/appl/childwin.cxx                  |    4 
 sfx2/source/dialog/basedlgs.cxx                |   20 --
 sfx2/source/toolbox/tbxitem.cxx                |   17 --
 starmath/UIConfig_smath.mk                     |    1 
 starmath/inc/helpids.h                         |   12 -
 starmath/inc/starmath.hrc                      |   10 +
 starmath/inc/toolbox.hxx                       |   16 +-
 starmath/source/toolbox.cxx                    |  148 ++++++++----------
 starmath/source/toolbox.hrc                    |   12 -
 starmath/source/toolbox.src                    |   94 ------------
 starmath/uiconfig/smath/ui/floatingelements.ui |  195 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tools/source/rc/resmgr.cxx                     |    2 
 vcl/source/window/floatwin.cxx                 |   42 -----
 22 files changed, 293 insertions(+), 343 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 0a8bf4b534775bb64e6baa228dce881c5c0d65a5
Author: Caolán McNamara <caolanm at redhat.com>
Date:   Fri Sep 5 21:10:57 2014 +0100

    FloatingWindows are no longer loaded from resource files
    Change-Id: I2705bbb4db52779e0065400f09604384fd9cf151

diff --git a/bin/count-todo-dialogs b/bin/count-todo-dialogs
index 4c1678b..09f85c9 100755
--- a/bin/count-todo-dialogs
+++ b/bin/count-todo-dialogs
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ infoboxes=0
-floatingwindows=`git grep -h FloatingWindow -- *.src|grep -v HelpID|cut -d' ' -f2- |sort|uniq|wc -l`
 dockingwindows=`git grep -h DockingWindow -- *.src|grep -v HelpID|grep -v hrc|cut -d' ' -f2- |sort|uniq|wc -l`
 echo There are $dialogs unconverted dialogs
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ echo There are $msgboxes unconverted msgboxes
 echo There are $floatingwindows unconverted floatingwindows
 echo There are $dockingwindows unconverted dockingwindows
-num=$(($floatingwindows + dockingwindows))
 echo An estimated additional $num .ui are required
 percent=$(($converted * 100 / ($num + $converted)))
diff --git a/include/sfx2/basedlgs.hxx b/include/sfx2/basedlgs.hxx
index cef733f..6c4c1f4 100644
--- a/include/sfx2/basedlgs.hxx
+++ b/include/sfx2/basedlgs.hxx
@@ -137,10 +137,6 @@ protected:
                             SfxFloatingWindow( SfxBindings *pBindings,
                                               SfxChildWindow *pCW,
                                               Window* pParent,
-                                              const ResId& rResId);
-                            SfxFloatingWindow( SfxBindings *pBindings,
-                                              SfxChildWindow *pCW,
-                                              Window* pParent,
                                               const OString& rID, const OUString& rUIXMLDescription,
                                               const css::uno::Reference<css::frame::XFrame> &rFrame = css::uno::Reference<css::frame::XFrame>());
                             virtual ~SfxFloatingWindow();
diff --git a/include/sfx2/tbxctrl.hxx b/include/sfx2/tbxctrl.hxx
index 7b68212..27bcb9e 100644
--- a/include/sfx2/tbxctrl.hxx
+++ b/include/sfx2/tbxctrl.hxx
@@ -150,10 +150,6 @@ public:
                                             const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::frame::XFrame >& rFrame,
                                             Window* pParentWindow,
                                             WinBits nBits );
-                            SfxPopupWindow( sal_uInt16 nId,
-                                            const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::frame::XFrame >& rFrame,
-                                            Window* pParentWindow,
-                                            const ResId &rId );
                             virtual ~SfxPopupWindow();
     virtual SfxPopupWindow* Clone() const;
diff --git a/include/tools/rc.h b/include/tools/rc.h
index 3c77bdc..d76e5e8 100644
--- a/include/tools/rc.h
+++ b/include/tools/rc.h
@@ -150,12 +150,6 @@ typedef short RSWND_STYLE;
 #define RSC_TOOLBOX_ITEMLIST            0x80
-// For "FloatingWindow" resources:
-#define RSC_FLOATINGWINDOW_WIDTH        0x02
 // For "DockingWindow" resources:
 #define RSC_DOCKINGWINDOW_X             0x02
diff --git a/include/tools/rcid.h b/include/tools/rcid.h
index f9ad6ed..16ab69b 100644
--- a/include/tools/rcid.h
+++ b/include/tools/rcid.h
@@ -51,8 +51,6 @@
 #define RSC_SYSWINDOW           (RSC_NOTYPE + 0x36)
 #define RSC_WORKWIN             (RSC_NOTYPE + 0x37)
-#define RSC_FLOATINGWINDOW      (RSC_NOTYPE + 0x39)
 #define RSC_CONTROL             (RSC_NOTYPE + 0x44)
 #define RSC_BUTTON              (RSC_NOTYPE + 0x45)
 #define RSC_PUSHBUTTON          (RSC_NOTYPE + 0x46)
diff --git a/include/vcl/floatwin.hxx b/include/vcl/floatwin.hxx
index 2d4981e..580c6c1 100644
--- a/include/vcl/floatwin.hxx
+++ b/include/vcl/floatwin.hxx
@@ -103,7 +103,6 @@ protected:
     using Window::ImplInit;
     SAL_DLLPRIVATE void    ImplInit( Window* pParent, WinBits nStyle );
     SAL_DLLPRIVATE void    ImplInitSettings();
-    SAL_DLLPRIVATE void    ImplLoadRes( const ResId& rResId );
     SAL_DLLPRIVATE FloatingWindow*  ImplFloatHitTest( Window* pReference, const Point& rPos, HitTest& rHitTest );
@@ -123,7 +122,6 @@ public:
     explicit        FloatingWindow(Window* pParent, WinBits nStyle = WB_STDFLOATWIN);
     explicit        FloatingWindow(Window* pParent, const OString& rID, const OUString& rUIXMLDescription,
                                    const css::uno::Reference<css::frame::XFrame> &rFrame = css::uno::Reference<css::frame::XFrame>());
-    explicit        FloatingWindow( Window* pParent, const ResId& );
     virtual         ~FloatingWindow();
     virtual bool    Notify( NotifyEvent& rNEvt ) SAL_OVERRIDE;
diff --git a/rsc/inc/rscdb.hxx b/rsc/inc/rscdb.hxx
index 456c82d..74e46e4 100644
--- a/rsc/inc/rscdb.hxx
+++ b/rsc/inc/rscdb.hxx
@@ -213,8 +213,6 @@ class RscTypCont
                                       RscEnum * pTriState );
     RscTop *    InitClassToolBox( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop * pClassToolBoxItem,
                                   RscTop * pClassImageList );
-    RscTop *    InitClassFloatingWindow( RscTop * pSuper,
-                                         RscEnum * pMapUnit );
     RscTop *    InitClassSfxStyleFamilyItem( RscTop * pSuper,
                                              RscTop * pClassBitmap,
                                              RscTop * pClassImage,
diff --git a/rsc/source/parser/rscicpx.cxx b/rsc/source/parser/rscicpx.cxx
index 8b79d82..62561de 100644
--- a/rsc/source/parser/rscicpx.cxx
+++ b/rsc/source/parser/rscicpx.cxx
@@ -1480,40 +1480,6 @@ RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassToolBox( RscTop * pSuper,
     return pClassToolBox;
-RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassFloatingWindow( RscTop * pSuper,
-                                              RscEnum * pMapUnit )
-    Atom        nId;
-    RscTop *    pClassFloatingWindow;
-    // Klasse anlegen
-    nId = pHS->getID( "FloatingWindow" );
-    pClassFloatingWindow = new RscClass( nId, RSC_FLOATINGWINDOW, pSuper );
-    pClassFloatingWindow->SetCallPar( *pWinPar1, *pWinPar2, *pWinParType );
-    aNmTb.Put( nId, CLASSNAME, pClassFloatingWindow );
-    // Variablen anlegen
-    nId = aNmTb.Put( "_ZoomInMapMode", VARNAME );
-    pClassFloatingWindow->SetVariable( nId, pMapUnit, NULL, 0,
-                                       RSC_FLOATINGWINDOW_WHMAPMODE  );
-    nId = aNmTb.Put( "_ZoomInWidth", VARNAME );
-    pClassFloatingWindow->SetVariable( nId, &aShort, NULL, 0,
-                                       RSC_FLOATINGWINDOW_WIDTH  );
-    nId = aNmTb.Put( "_ZoomInHeight", VARNAME );
-    pClassFloatingWindow->SetVariable( nId, &aShort, NULL, 0,
-                                       RSC_FLOATINGWINDOW_HEIGHT  );
-    nId = aNmTb.Put( "ZoomIn", VARNAME );
-    pClassFloatingWindow->SetVariable( nId, &aBool, NULL, 0,
-                                       RSC_FLOATINGWINDOW_ZOOMIN );
-    INS_WINBIT(pClassFloatingWindow,Zoomable)
-    INS_WINBIT(pClassFloatingWindow,HideWhenDeactivate)
-    INS_WINBIT(pClassFloatingWindow,EnableResizing)
-    INS_WINBIT(pClassFloatingWindow,StdPopup)
-    return pClassFloatingWindow;
 RscTop * RscTypCont::InitClassSfxStyleFamilyItem( RscTop * pSuper,
                                                   RscTop * pClassBitmap,
                                                   RscTop * pClassImage,
diff --git a/rsc/source/parser/rscinit.cxx b/rsc/source/parser/rscinit.cxx
index 211490a..0805674 100644
--- a/rsc/source/parser/rscinit.cxx
+++ b/rsc/source/parser/rscinit.cxx
@@ -100,7 +100,6 @@ void RscTypCont::Init()
     RscTop   *  pClassDockingWindow;
     RscTop   *  pClassToolBoxItem;
     RscTop   *  pClassToolBox;
-    RscTop   *  pClassFloatingWindow;
     RscTop   *  pClassFixedLine;
     RscTop *    pClassSfxStyleFamilyItem;
     RscTop *    pClassSfxTemplateDialog;
@@ -511,10 +510,6 @@ void RscTypCont::Init()
                                       pClassImageList );
     pRoot->Insert( pClassToolBox );
-    pClassFloatingWindow = InitClassFloatingWindow( pClassSystemWindow,
-                                                    pMapUnit );
-    pRoot->Insert( pClassFloatingWindow );
     // Klasse anlegen
     nId = pHS->getID( "FixedLine" );
     pClassFixedLine =
diff --git a/sfx2/source/dialog/basedlgs.cxx b/sfx2/source/dialog/basedlgs.cxx
index a15dd99..59ea7c2 100644
--- a/sfx2/source/dialog/basedlgs.cxx
+++ b/sfx2/source/dialog/basedlgs.cxx
@@ -460,26 +460,6 @@ SfxFloatingWindow::SfxFloatingWindow( SfxBindings *pBindinx,
-SfxFloatingWindow::SfxFloatingWindow( SfxBindings *pBindinx,
-                        SfxChildWindow *pCW,
-                        Window* pParent,
-                        const ResId& rResId) :
-    FloatingWindow(pParent, rResId),
-    pBindings(pBindinx),
-    pImp( new SfxFloatingWindow_Impl )
-    pImp->pMgr = pCW;
-    pImp->bConstructed = false;
-    SetUniqueId( GetHelpId() );
-    SetHelpId("");
-    if ( pBindinx )
-        pImp->StartListening( *pBindinx );
-    pImp->aMoveTimer.SetTimeout(50);
-    pImp->aMoveTimer.SetTimeoutHdl(LINK(this,SfxFloatingWindow,TimerHdl));
 SfxFloatingWindow::SfxFloatingWindow( SfxBindings *pBindinx,
                         SfxChildWindow *pCW,
                         Window* pParent,
diff --git a/sfx2/source/toolbox/tbxitem.cxx b/sfx2/source/toolbox/tbxitem.cxx
index 6aa1c9c..71af418 100644
--- a/sfx2/source/toolbox/tbxitem.cxx
+++ b/sfx2/source/toolbox/tbxitem.cxx
@@ -1174,23 +1174,6 @@ SfxPopupWindow::SfxPopupWindow(
     sal_uInt16 nId,
-    const Reference< XFrame >& rFrame,
-    Window* pParentWindow,
-    const ResId &rId ) :
-    FloatingWindow( pParentWindow, rId )
-    , m_bFloating( false )
-    , m_bCascading( false )
-    , m_nId( nId )
-    , m_xFrame( rFrame )
-    , m_pStatusListener( 0 )
-    Window* pWindow = GetTopMostParentSystemWindow( this );
-    if ( pWindow )
-        ((SystemWindow *)pWindow)->GetTaskPaneList()->AddWindow( this );
-    sal_uInt16 nId,
     Window* pParentWindow,
     const OString& rID, const OUString& rUIXMLDescription,
     const Reference< XFrame >& rFrame ) :
diff --git a/starmath/inc/helpids.h b/starmath/inc/helpids.h
index 977b44e..caa3029 100644
--- a/starmath/inc/helpids.h
+++ b/starmath/inc/helpids.h
@@ -134,7 +134,6 @@
 #define HID_SMA_ATTRIBUTES_TBX                            "STARMATH_HID_SMA_ATTRIBUTES_TBX"
 #define HID_SMA_BRACKETS_TBX                              "STARMATH_HID_SMA_BRACKETS_TBX"
 #define HID_SMA_FORMAT_TBX                                "STARMATH_HID_SMA_FORMAT_TBX"
-#define HID_SMA_SELECTION_TBX                             "STARMATH_HID_SMA_SELECTION_TBX"
 #define HID_SMA_COMMAND_WIN                               "STARMATH_HID_SMA_COMMAND_WIN"
 #define HID_SMA_MISC_MENU                                 "STARMATH_HID_SMA_MISC_MENU"
diff --git a/tools/source/rc/resmgr.cxx b/tools/source/rc/resmgr.cxx
index 73194cf..b3cd18e 100644
--- a/tools/source/rc/resmgr.cxx
+++ b/tools/source/rc/resmgr.cxx
@@ -1460,7 +1460,6 @@ OString ResMgr::GetAutoHelpId()
         switch( pRC->pResource->GetRT() ) {
             case RSC_DOCKINGWINDOW:     aHID.append( "DockingWindow" );    break;
             case RSC_WORKWIN:           aHID.append( "WorkWindow" );       break;
-            case RSC_FLOATINGWINDOW:    aHID.append( "FloatingWindow" );   break;
             default: return OString();
@@ -1471,7 +1470,6 @@ OString ResMgr::GetAutoHelpId()
         switch( pRC1->pResource->GetRT() ) {
             case RSC_DOCKINGWINDOW:
             case RSC_WORKWIN:
-            case RSC_FLOATINGWINDOW:
                 // intentionally no breaks!
                 // auto help ids for controls
                 switch( pRC->pResource->GetRT() ) {
diff --git a/vcl/source/window/floatwin.cxx b/vcl/source/window/floatwin.cxx
index 05b806f..718683f 100644
--- a/vcl/source/window/floatwin.cxx
+++ b/vcl/source/window/floatwin.cxx
@@ -152,18 +152,6 @@ FloatingWindow::FloatingWindow( Window* pParent, WinBits nStyle ) :
     ImplInit( pParent, nStyle );
-FloatingWindow::FloatingWindow( Window* pParent, const ResId& rResId ) :
-    WinBits nStyle = ImplInitRes( rResId );
-    ImplInit( pParent, nStyle );
-    ImplLoadRes( rResId );
-    if ( !(nStyle & WB_HIDE) )
-        Show();
 FloatingWindow::FloatingWindow(Window* pParent, const OString& rID, const OUString& rUIXMLDescription, const css::uno::Reference<css::frame::XFrame> &rFrame)
@@ -179,36 +167,6 @@ void FloatingWindow::doDeferredInit(WinBits nBits)
     mbIsDefferedInit = false;
-void FloatingWindow::ImplLoadRes( const ResId& rResId )
-    SystemWindow::ImplLoadRes( rResId );
-    sal_uLong nObjMask = ReadLongRes();
-          RSC_FLOATINGWINDOW_HEIGHT) & nObjMask )
-    {
-        // use Sizes from the Resource
-        Size    aSize;
-        MapUnit eSizeMap = MAP_PIXEL;
-            eSizeMap = (MapUnit) ReadShortRes();
-        if ( RSC_FLOATINGWINDOW_WIDTH & nObjMask )
-            aSize.Width() = ReadShortRes();
-        if ( RSC_FLOATINGWINDOW_HEIGHT & nObjMask )
-            aSize.Height() = ReadShortRes();
-        SetRollUpOutputSizePixel( LogicToPixel( aSize, eSizeMap ) );
-    }
-    {
-        if ( ReadShortRes() )
-            RollUp();
-    }
     if( mbPopupModeCanceled )
commit 5ae49477396c1a0d7dd2d387bf46ac8c02cbeb53
Author: Caolán McNamara <caolanm at redhat.com>
Date:   Fri Sep 5 21:23:11 2014 +0100

    Window::GetType returns WindowType not ResourceType
    Change-Id: I5aba88fbc1e452c85fb4a75260bc3518bdf5facc

diff --git a/sfx2/source/appl/childwin.cxx b/sfx2/source/appl/childwin.cxx
index 50634e7..cc56952 100644
--- a/sfx2/source/appl/childwin.cxx
+++ b/sfx2/source/appl/childwin.cxx
@@ -511,11 +511,11 @@ SfxChildWindowContext::~SfxChildWindowContext()
 FloatingWindow* SfxChildWindowContext::GetFloatingWindow() const
     Window *pParent = pWindow->GetParent();
-    if ( pParent->GetType() == RSC_DOCKINGWINDOW || pParent->GetType() == RSC_TOOLBOX )
+    if (pParent->GetType() == WINDOW_DOCKINGWINDOW || pParent->GetType() == WINDOW_TOOLBOX)
         return ((DockingWindow*)pParent)->GetFloatingWindow();
-    else if ( pParent->GetType() == RSC_FLOATINGWINDOW )
+    else if (pParent->GetType() == WINDOW_FLOATINGWINDOW)
         return (FloatingWindow*) pParent;
commit 13bbb6f56d49bf891f6b6f075c1d75100fbc1a63
Author: Caolán McNamara <caolanm at redhat.com>
Date:   Fri Sep 5 20:55:29 2014 +0100

    convert floating RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW to .ui
    well the dialog itself and the top toolbar, the
    other toolbars remain as resources as now
    Change-Id: If2bc5b2c108af0efb88fb018896806531cdafe60

diff --git a/starmath/UIConfig_smath.mk b/starmath/UIConfig_smath.mk
index 82b9518..0841d47 100644
--- a/starmath/UIConfig_smath.mk
+++ b/starmath/UIConfig_smath.mk
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ $(eval $(call gb_UIConfig_add_toolbarfiles,modules/smath,\
 $(eval $(call gb_UIConfig_add_uifiles,modules/smath,\
 	starmath/uiconfig/smath/ui/alignmentdialog \
 	starmath/uiconfig/smath/ui/catalogdialog \
+	starmath/uiconfig/smath/ui/floatingelements \
 	starmath/uiconfig/smath/ui/fontdialog \
 	starmath/uiconfig/smath/ui/fontsizedialog \
 	starmath/uiconfig/smath/ui/fonttypedialog \
diff --git a/starmath/inc/helpids.h b/starmath/inc/helpids.h
index 66d8189..977b44e 100644
--- a/starmath/inc/helpids.h
+++ b/starmath/inc/helpids.h
@@ -126,17 +126,6 @@
 #define HID_SMA_NOTPRECEDES                               "STARMATH_HID_SMA_NOTPRECEDES"
 #define HID_SMA_NOTSUCCEEDS                               "STARMATH_HID_SMA_NOTSUCCEEDS"
-#define HID_SMA_MISC_CAT                                  "STARMATH_HID_SMA_MISC_CAT"
-#define HID_SMA_UNBINOPS_CAT                              "STARMATH_HID_SMA_UNBINOPS_CAT"
-#define HID_SMA_RELATIONS_CAT                             "STARMATH_HID_SMA_RELATIONS_CAT"
-#define HID_SMA_FUNCTIONS_CAT                             "STARMATH_HID_SMA_FUNCTIONS_CAT"
-#define HID_SMA_OPERATORS_CAT                             "STARMATH_HID_SMA_OPERATORS_CAT"
-#define HID_SMA_ATTRIBUTES_CAT                            "STARMATH_HID_SMA_ATTRIBUTES_CAT"
-#define HID_SMA_BRACKETS_CAT                              "STARMATH_HID_SMA_BRACKETS_CAT"
-#define HID_SMA_FORMAT_CAT                                "STARMATH_HID_SMA_FORMAT_CAT"
-#define HID_SMA_OPERATOR_WIN                              "STARMATH_HID_SMA_OPERATOR_WIN"
 #define HID_SMA_UNBINOPS_TBX                              "STARMATH_HID_SMA_UNBINOPS_TBX"
 #define HID_SMA_RELATIONS_TBX                             "STARMATH_HID_SMA_RELATIONS_TBX"
diff --git a/starmath/inc/starmath.hrc b/starmath/inc/starmath.hrc
index 768c9be..ae9cafb 100644
--- a/starmath/inc/starmath.hrc
+++ b/starmath/inc/starmath.hrc
@@ -680,6 +680,16 @@
 #define RID_ALIGNCX_HELP                  (RID_APP_START + 4276)
 #define RID_ALIGNRX_HELP                  (RID_APP_START + 4277)
+#define TOOLBOX_CAT_A               (RID_APP_START + 4278)
+#define TOOLBOX_CAT_B               (RID_APP_START + 4279)
+#define TOOLBOX_CAT_C               (RID_APP_START + 4280)
+#define TOOLBOX_CAT_D               (RID_APP_START + 4281)
+#define TOOLBOX_CAT_E               (RID_APP_START + 4282)
+#define TOOLBOX_CAT_F               (RID_APP_START + 4283)
+#define TOOLBOX_CAT_G               (RID_APP_START + 4284)
+#define TOOLBOX_CAT_H               (RID_APP_START + 4285)
+#define TOOLBOX_CAT_I               (RID_APP_START + 4286)
 // Define but latterly an Enum
 #define HID_SMA_VIEWSHELL_DOCUMENT      (342)
diff --git a/starmath/inc/toolbox.hxx b/starmath/inc/toolbox.hxx
index 6e4f037..8f50a05 100644
--- a/starmath/inc/toolbox.hxx
+++ b/starmath/inc/toolbox.hxx
@@ -32,8 +32,16 @@ class SmToolBoxWindow : public SfxFloatingWindow
-    ToolBox     aToolBoxCat;
-    FixedLine   aToolBoxCat_Delim;  // to visually separate the catalog part
+    ToolBox*    m_pToolBoxCat;
+    sal_uInt16  m_nUnbinopsId;
+    sal_uInt16  m_nRelationsId;
+    sal_uInt16  m_nSetoperationsId;
+    sal_uInt16  m_nFunctionsId;
+    sal_uInt16  m_nOperatorsId;
+    sal_uInt16  m_nAttributesId;
+    sal_uInt16  m_nBracketsId;
+    sal_uInt16  m_nFormatId;
+    sal_uInt16  m_nMiscId;
     ToolBox    *pToolBoxCmd;
     ToolBox    *vToolBoxCategories[NUM_TBX_CATEGORIES];
     ImageList  *aImageLists [NUM_TBX_CATEGORIES + 1];   /* regular */
@@ -50,6 +58,8 @@ protected:
     SmViewShell * GetView();
     const ImageList * GetImageList( sal_uInt16 nResId );
+    sal_uInt16 MapToolbarIdToCategory(sal_uInt16 nId) const;
     SmToolBoxWindow(SfxBindings    *pBindings,
                     SfxChildWindow *pChildWindow,
@@ -60,7 +70,7 @@ public:
     virtual void    StateChanged( StateChangedType nStateChange ) SAL_OVERRIDE;
     virtual void    DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent &rEvt ) SAL_OVERRIDE;
-    void        AdjustPosSize( bool bSetPos );
+    void        AdjustPos();
     void        SetCategory(sal_uInt16 nCategory);
diff --git a/starmath/source/toolbox.cxx b/starmath/source/toolbox.cxx
index 7a67763..f9357c0 100644
--- a/starmath/source/toolbox.cxx
+++ b/starmath/source/toolbox.cxx
@@ -91,38 +91,43 @@ static sal_uInt16  GetCategoryRID( sal_uInt16 nResId )
         case RID_IL_FORMAT         : nRes = RID_FORMAT_CAT; break;
         case RID_IL_MISC           : nRes = RID_MISC_CAT; break;
         default :
-            if (nResId != RID_IL_CATALOG)
-            {
-                SAL_WARN( "starmath", "unknown category" );
-            }
+            SAL_WARN( "starmath", "unknown category" );
+            break;
     return nRes;
 SmToolBoxWindow::SmToolBoxWindow(SfxBindings *pTmpBindings,
                                  SfxChildWindow *pChildWindow,
-                                 Window *pParent) :
-    SfxFloatingWindow(pTmpBindings, pChildWindow, pParent, SmResId(RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW)),
-    aToolBoxCat(this, SmResId(TOOLBOX_CATALOG)),
-    aToolBoxCat_Delim(this, SmResId( FL_TOOLBOX_CAT_DELIM ))
+                                 Window *pParent)
+    : SfxFloatingWindow(pTmpBindings, pChildWindow, pParent, "FloatingElements",
+        "modules/smath/ui/floatingelements.ui")
+    get(m_pToolBoxCat, "catalog");
+    m_nUnbinopsId = m_pToolBoxCat->GetItemId("RID_UNBINOPS_CAT");
+    m_nRelationsId = m_pToolBoxCat->GetItemId("RID_RELATIONS_CAT");
+    m_nSetoperationsId = m_pToolBoxCat->GetItemId("RID_SETOPERATIONS_CAT");
+    m_nFunctionsId = m_pToolBoxCat->GetItemId("RID_FUNCTIONS_CAT");
+    m_nOperatorsId = m_pToolBoxCat->GetItemId("RID_OPERATORS_CAT");
+    m_nAttributesId = m_pToolBoxCat->GetItemId("RID_ATTRIBUTES_CAT");
+    m_nBracketsId = m_pToolBoxCat->GetItemId("RID_BRACKETS_CAT");
+    m_nFormatId = m_pToolBoxCat->GetItemId("RID_FORMAT_CAT");
+    m_nMiscId = m_pToolBoxCat->GetItemId("RID_MISC_CAT");
+    m_pToolBoxCat->InsertSpace(7);
+    m_pToolBoxCat->InsertBreak(5);
+    m_pToolBoxCat->SetLineCount(2);
     // allow for cursor travelling between toolbox and sub-categories
     SetStyle( GetStyle() | WB_DIALOGCONTROL );
     nActiveCategoryRID = USHRT_MAX;
-    aToolBoxCat.SetClickHdl(LINK(this, SmToolBoxWindow, CategoryClickHdl));
+    m_pToolBoxCat->SetClickHdl(LINK(this, SmToolBoxWindow, CategoryClickHdl));
     sal_uInt16 i;
     for (i = 0;  i < NUM_TBX_CATEGORIES;  ++i)
-        ToolBox *pBox = new ToolBox(this, SmResId( TOOLBOX_CAT_A + i ));
+        ToolBox *pBox = new ToolBox(get<Window>("box"), SmResId( TOOLBOX_CAT_A + i ));
         vToolBoxCategories[i] = pBox;
         pBox->SetSelectHdl(LINK(this, SmToolBoxWindow, CmdSelectHdl));
@@ -130,8 +135,6 @@ SmToolBoxWindow::SmToolBoxWindow(SfxBindings *pTmpBindings,
     for (i = 0;  i <= NUM_TBX_CATEGORIES; ++i)
         aImageLists [i] = 0;
-    FreeResource();
@@ -146,14 +149,12 @@ SmToolBoxWindow::~SmToolBoxWindow()
         delete aImageLists[i];
 SmViewShell * SmToolBoxWindow::GetView()
     SfxViewShell *pView = GetBindings().GetDispatcher()->GetFrame()->GetViewShell();
     return PTR_CAST(SmViewShell, pView);
 const ImageList * SmToolBoxWindow::GetImageList( sal_uInt16 nResId )
     // creates the image list via its resource id and stores that
@@ -164,8 +165,6 @@ const ImageList * SmToolBoxWindow::GetImageList( sal_uInt16 nResId )
     // get index to use
     sal_uInt16 nCategoryRID = GetCategoryRID( nResId );
     sal_Int16 nIndex = GetToolBoxCategoriesIndex( nCategoryRID );
-    if (nIndex == -1 && (nResId == RID_IL_CATALOG))
-        nIndex = NUM_TBX_CATEGORIES;
     if (nIndex >= 0)
@@ -182,16 +181,10 @@ const ImageList * SmToolBoxWindow::GetImageList( sal_uInt16 nResId )
 void SmToolBoxWindow::ApplyImageLists( sal_uInt16 nCategoryRID )
-    // set image list for toolbox 'catalog'
-    const ImageList *pImageList = GetImageList( RID_IL_CATALOG );
-    OSL_ENSURE( pImageList, "image list missing" );
-    if (pImageList)
-        aToolBoxCat.SetImageList( *pImageList );
     // set image list for active (visible) category of 'catalog'
     sal_Int16 nIdx = GetToolBoxCategoriesIndex( nCategoryRID );
     sal_uInt16 nResId = GetImageListRID( nCategoryRID );
-    pImageList = GetImageList( nResId );
+    const ImageList *pImageList = GetImageList( nResId );
     OSL_ENSURE( pImageList && nIdx >= 0, "image list or index missing" );
     if (pImageList && nIdx >= 0)
         vToolBoxCategories[ nIdx ]->SetImageList( *pImageList );
@@ -213,59 +206,35 @@ void SmToolBoxWindow::StateChanged( StateChangedType nStateChange )
         SetCategory( nActiveCategoryRID == USHRT_MAX ? RID_UNBINOPS_CAT : nActiveCategoryRID );
         // calculate initial position to be used after creation of the window...
-        AdjustPosSize( bSetPosition );
-        bSetPosition = false;
+        if (bSetPosition)
+        {
+            AdjustPos();
+            bSetPosition = false;
+        }
     //... otherwise the base class will remember the last position of the window
     SfxFloatingWindow::StateChanged( nStateChange );
-void SmToolBoxWindow::AdjustPosSize( bool bSetPos )
+void SmToolBoxWindow::AdjustPos()
-    Size aCatSize( aToolBoxCat.CalcWindowSizePixel( 2 ) );
-    Size aCmdSize( pToolBoxCmd->CalcWindowSizePixel( 7 /* see nLines in SetCategory*/ ) );
-    OSL_ENSURE( aCatSize.Width() == aCmdSize.Width(), "width mismatch" );
-    // catalog settings
-    aToolBoxCat.SetPosPixel( Point(0, 3) );
-    aToolBoxCat.SetSizePixel( aCatSize );
-    // settings for catalog / category delimiter
-    Point aP( aToolBoxCat_Delim.GetPosPixel() );
-    aP.X() = 0;
-    aToolBoxCat_Delim.SetPosPixel( aP );
-    aToolBoxCat_Delim.SetSizePixel( Size( aCatSize.Width(), aToolBoxCat_Delim.GetSizePixel().Height() ) );
-    // category settings
-    aP.Y() += aToolBoxCat_Delim.GetSizePixel().Height();
-    for (int i = 0;  i < NUM_TBX_CATEGORIES;  ++i)
+    SmViewShell *pView = GetView();
+    OSL_ENSURE( pView, "view shell missing" );
+    Point aPos( 50, 75 );
+    if (pView)
-        vToolBoxCategories[i]->SetPosPixel( aP );
-        vToolBoxCategories[i]->SetSizePixel( aCmdSize );
-    }
-    // main window settings
-    Size    aWndSize ( aCatSize.Width(), pToolBoxCmd->GetPosPixel().Y() + pToolBoxCmd->GetSizePixel().Height() + 3);
-    SetOutputSizePixel( aWndSize );
-    if (bSetPos)
-    {
-        SmViewShell *pView = GetView();
-        OSL_ENSURE( pView, "view shell missing" );
-        Point aPos( 50, 75 );
-        if (pView)
-        {
-            SmGraphicWindow &rWin = pView->GetGraphicWindow();
-            aPos = Point( rWin.OutputToScreenPixel(
-                            Point( rWin.GetSizePixel().Width() - aWndSize.Width(), 0) ) );
-        }
-        if (aPos.X() < 0)
-            aPos.X() = 0;
-        if (aPos.Y() < 0)
-            aPos.Y() = 0;
-        SetPosPixel( aPos );
+        Size aWndSize(GetOutputSizePixel());
+        SmGraphicWindow &rWin = pView->GetGraphicWindow();
+        aPos = Point( rWin.OutputToScreenPixel(
+                        Point( rWin.GetSizePixel().Width() - aWndSize.Width(), 0) ) );
+    if (aPos.X() < 0)
+        aPos.X() = 0;
+    if (aPos.Y() < 0)
+        aPos.Y() = 0;
+    SetPosPixel( aPos );
 bool SmToolBoxWindow::Close()
     SmViewShell *pViewSh = GetView();
@@ -280,7 +249,7 @@ void SmToolBoxWindow::GetFocus()
     // give focus to category toolbox
     // (allow for cursor travelling when a category is selected with the mouse)
-    aToolBoxCat.GrabFocus();
+    m_pToolBoxCat->GrabFocus();
 void SmToolBoxWindow::SetCategory(sal_uInt16 nCategoryRID)
@@ -314,7 +283,7 @@ void SmToolBoxWindow::SetCategory(sal_uInt16 nCategoryRID)
         pToolBoxCmd = vToolBoxCategories[nIdx];
     // calculate actual size of window to use
-    Size aCatSize( aToolBoxCat.CalcWindowSizePixel( 2 ) );
+    Size aCatSize( m_pToolBoxCat->CalcWindowSizePixel( 2 ) );
     Size aCmdSize( pToolBoxCmd->CalcWindowSizePixel( nLines ) );
         OSL_ENSURE( aCatSize.Width() == aCmdSize.Width(), "width mismatch" );
     // main window settings
@@ -322,23 +291,44 @@ void SmToolBoxWindow::SetCategory(sal_uInt16 nCategoryRID)
     SetOutputSizePixel( aWndSize );
     if (nActiveCategoryRID)
-            aToolBoxCat.CheckItem(nActiveCategoryRID, false);
+            m_pToolBoxCat->CheckItem(nActiveCategoryRID, false);
     nActiveCategoryRID = nCategoryRID;
-        aToolBoxCat.CheckItem(nActiveCategoryRID, true);
+        m_pToolBoxCat->CheckItem(nActiveCategoryRID, true);
+sal_uInt16 SmToolBoxWindow::MapToolbarIdToCategory(sal_uInt16 nId) const
+    if (nId == m_nUnbinopsId)
+        return RID_UNBINOPS_CAT;
+    if (nId == m_nRelationsId)
+        return RID_RELATIONS_CAT;
+    if (nId == m_nSetoperationsId)
+        return RID_SETOPERATIONS_CAT;
+    if (nId == m_nFunctionsId)
+        return RID_FUNCTIONS_CAT;
+    if (nId == m_nOperatorsId)
+        return RID_OPERATORS_CAT;
+    if (nId == m_nAttributesId)
+        return RID_ATTRIBUTES_CAT;
+    if (nId == m_nBracketsId)
+        return RID_BRACKETS_CAT;
+    if (nId == m_nFormatId)
+        return RID_FORMAT_CAT;
+    return RID_MISC_CAT;
 IMPL_LINK( SmToolBoxWindow, CategoryClickHdl, ToolBox*, pToolBox)
-    int nItemId = pToolBox->GetCurItemId();
+    sal_uInt16 nItemId = pToolBox->GetCurItemId();
     if (nItemId != 0)
-        SetCategory( sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt16 >(nItemId) );
+    {
+        SetCategory(MapToolbarIdToCategory(nItemId));
+    }
     return 0;
 IMPL_LINK( SmToolBoxWindow, CmdSelectHdl, ToolBox*, pToolBox)
     SmViewShell *pViewSh = GetView();
diff --git a/starmath/source/toolbox.hrc b/starmath/source/toolbox.hrc
index 38b143f..d9aa6cc 100644
--- a/starmath/source/toolbox.hrc
+++ b/starmath/source/toolbox.hrc
@@ -20,17 +20,7 @@
 #ifndef _TOOLBOX_HRC_
 #define _TOOLBOX_HRC_
-#define FL_TOOLBOX_CAT_DELIM    1
-#define TOOLBOX_CATALOG     10
-#define TOOLBOX_CAT_A       11
-#define TOOLBOX_CAT_B       12
-#define TOOLBOX_CAT_C       13
-#define TOOLBOX_CAT_D       14
-#define TOOLBOX_CAT_E       15
-#define TOOLBOX_CAT_F       16
-#define TOOLBOX_CAT_G       17
-#define TOOLBOX_CAT_H       18
-#define TOOLBOX_CAT_I       19
+#include "starmath.hrc"
diff --git a/starmath/source/toolbox.src b/starmath/source/toolbox.src
index 65c99be..fa4102b 100644
--- a/starmath/source/toolbox.src
+++ b/starmath/source/toolbox.src
@@ -24,99 +24,6 @@
 #define IMAGE_STDBTN_COLOR Color { Red = 0xff00; Green = 0x0000; Blue = 0xff00; }
-    Border = TRUE ;
-    Moveable = TRUE ;
-    Closeable = TRUE ;
-    Hide = TRUE ;
-    OutputSize = TRUE ;
-    SVLook = TRUE ;
-    Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 0 , 0 ) ;  // to be calculated programmatically
-    Text [ en-US ] = "Elements" ;
-    {
-        // main menu of selection-window
-        HelpId = HID_SMA_SELECTION_TBX ;
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 0 , 0 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 65 , 38 ) ;
-        SVLook = TRUE ;
-        LineCount = 2 ;
-        ItemList =
-        {
-            ToolBoxItem
-            {
-                Identifier = RID_UNBINOPS_CAT ;
-                HelpId = HID_SMA_UNBINOPS_CAT ;
-                Text [ en-US ] = "Unary/Binary Operators" ;
-            };
-            ToolBoxItem
-            {
-                Identifier = RID_RELATIONS_CAT ;
-                HelpId = HID_SMA_RELATIONS_CAT ;
-                Text [ en-US ] = "Relations" ;
-            };
-            ToolBoxItem
-            {
-                Identifier = RID_SETOPERATIONS_CAT ;
-                HelpId = HID_SMA_SETOPERATIONS_CAT ;
-                Text [ en-US ] = "Set Operations" ;
-            };
-            ToolBoxItem
-            {
-                Identifier = RID_FUNCTIONS_CAT ;
-                HelpId = HID_SMA_FUNCTIONS_CAT ;
-                Text [ en-US ] = "Functions" ;
-            };
-            ToolBoxItem
-            {
-                Identifier = RID_OPERATORS_CAT ;
-                HelpId = HID_SMA_OPERATORS_CAT ;
-                Text [ en-US ] = "Operators" ;
-            };
-            ToolBoxItem
-            {
-                Type = TOOLBOXITEM_BREAK ;
-            };
-            ToolBoxItem
-            {
-                Identifier = RID_ATTRIBUTES_CAT ;
-                HelpId = HID_SMA_ATTRIBUTES_CAT ;
-                Text [ en-US ] = "Attributes" ;
-            };
-            ToolBoxItem
-            {
-                Identifier = RID_MISC_CAT ;
-                HelpId = HID_SMA_MISC_CAT ;
-                Text [ en-US ] = "Others";
-            };
-            ToolBoxItem
-            {
-                Type = TOOLBOXITEM_SPACE ;
-            };
-            ToolBoxItem
-            {
-                Identifier = RID_BRACKETS_CAT ;
-                HelpId = HID_SMA_BRACKETS_CAT ;
-                Text [ en-US ] = "Brackets" ;
-            };
-            ToolBoxItem
-            {
-                Identifier = RID_FORMAT_CAT ;
-                HelpId = HID_SMA_FORMAT_CAT ;
-                Text [ en-US ] = "Formats" ;
-            };
-        };
-    };
-    {
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 0 , 44 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 65 , 8 ) ;
-    };
     ToolBox TOOLBOX_CAT_A
         // unary/binary operators
@@ -1503,7 +1410,6 @@ FloatingWindow RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW
 #define UNBINOPS_IDLIST         \
     IdList =                \
diff --git a/starmath/uiconfig/smath/ui/floatingelements.ui b/starmath/uiconfig/smath/ui/floatingelements.ui
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..899644a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/starmath/uiconfig/smath/ui/floatingelements.ui
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!-- Generated with glade 3.16.1 -->
+  <requires lib="gtk+" version="3.0"/>
+  <object class="GtkWindow" id="FloatingElements">
+    <property name="visible">True</property>
+    <property name="can_focus">False</property>
+    <property name="hexpand">True</property>
+    <property name="vexpand">True</property>
+    <property name="border_width">6</property>
+    <property name="title" translatable="yes">Elements</property>
+    <property name="resizable">False</property>
+    <property name="type_hint">utility</property>
+    <property name="has_resize_grip">False</property>
+    <child>
+      <object class="GtkGrid" id="grid1">
+        <property name="visible">True</property>
+        <property name="can_focus">False</property>
+        <property name="hexpand">True</property>
+        <property name="vexpand">True</property>
+        <property name="row_spacing">12</property>
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+          <object class="GtkSeparator" id="separator1">
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+            <property name="top_attach">1</property>
+            <property name="width">1</property>
+            <property name="height">1</property>
+          </packing>
+        </child>
+        <child>
+          <object class="GtkToolbar" id="catalog">
+            <property name="visible">True</property>
+            <property name="can_focus">False</property>
+            <property name="toolbar_style">icons</property>
+            <property name="show_arrow">False</property>
+            <child>
+              <object class="GtkToolButton" id="RID_UNBINOPS_CAT">
+                <property name="visible">True</property>
+                <property name="can_focus">False</property>
+                <property name="action_name">RID_UNBINOPS_CAT</property>
+                <property name="label" translatable="yes">Unary/Binary Operators</property>
+                <property name="use_underline">True</property>
+                <property name="icon_name">starmath/res/im21101.png</property>
+              </object>
+              <packing>
+                <property name="expand">False</property>
+                <property name="homogeneous">True</property>
+              </packing>
+            </child>
+            <child>
+              <object class="GtkToolButton" id="RID_RELATIONS_CAT">
+                <property name="visible">True</property>
+                <property name="can_focus">False</property>
+                <property name="action_name">RID_RELATIONS_CAT</property>
+                <property name="label" translatable="yes">Relations</property>
+                <property name="use_underline">True</property>
+                <property name="icon_name">starmath/res/im21102.png</property>
+              </object>
+              <packing>
+                <property name="expand">False</property>
+                <property name="homogeneous">True</property>
+              </packing>
+            </child>
+            <child>
+              <object class="GtkToolButton" id="RID_SETOPERATIONS_CAT">
+                <property name="visible">True</property>
+                <property name="can_focus">False</property>
+                <property name="action_name">RID_SETOPERATIONS_CAT</property>
+                <property name="label" translatable="yes">Set Operations</property>
+                <property name="use_underline">True</property>
+                <property name="icon_name">starmath/res/im21103.png</property>
+              </object>
+              <packing>
+                <property name="expand">False</property>
+                <property name="homogeneous">True</property>
+              </packing>
+            </child>
+            <child>
+              <object class="GtkToolButton" id="RID_FUNCTIONS_CAT">
+                <property name="visible">True</property>
+                <property name="can_focus">False</property>
+                <property name="action_name">RID_FUNCTIONS_CAT</property>
+                <property name="label" translatable="yes">Functions</property>
+                <property name="use_underline">True</property>
+                <property name="icon_name">starmath/res/im21104.png</property>
+              </object>
+              <packing>
+                <property name="expand">False</property>
+                <property name="homogeneous">True</property>
+              </packing>
+            </child>
+            <child>
+              <object class="GtkToolButton" id="RID_OPERATORS_CAT">
+                <property name="visible">True</property>
+                <property name="can_focus">False</property>
+                <property name="action_name">RID_OPERATORS_CAT</property>
+                <property name="label" translatable="yes">Operators</property>
+                <property name="use_underline">True</property>
+                <property name="icon_name">starmath/res/im21105.png</property>
+              </object>
+              <packing>
+                <property name="expand">False</property>
+                <property name="homogeneous">True</property>
+              </packing>
+            </child>
+            <child>
+              <object class="GtkToolButton" id="RID_ATTRIBUTES_CAT">
+                <property name="visible">True</property>
+                <property name="can_focus">False</property>
+                <property name="action_name">RID_ATTRIBUTES_CAT</property>
+                <property name="label" translatable="yes">Attributes</property>
+                <property name="use_underline">True</property>
+                <property name="icon_name">starmath/res/im21106.png</property>
+              </object>
+              <packing>
+                <property name="expand">False</property>
+                <property name="homogeneous">True</property>
+              </packing>
+            </child>
+            <child>
+              <object class="GtkToolButton" id="RID_MISC_CAT">
+                <property name="visible">True</property>
+                <property name="can_focus">False</property>
+                <property name="action_name">RID_MISC_CAT</property>
+                <property name="label" translatable="yes">Others</property>
+                <property name="use_underline">True</property>
+                <property name="icon_name">starmath/res/im21117.png</property>
+              </object>
+              <packing>
+                <property name="expand">False</property>
+                <property name="homogeneous">True</property>
+              </packing>
+            </child>
+            <child>
+              <object class="GtkToolButton" id="RID_BRACKETS_CAT">
+                <property name="visible">True</property>
+                <property name="can_focus">False</property>
+                <property name="action_name">RID_BRACKETS_CAT</property>
+                <property name="label" translatable="yes">Brackets</property>
+                <property name="use_underline">True</property>
+                <property name="icon_name">starmath/res/im21107.png</property>
+              </object>
+              <packing>
+                <property name="expand">False</property>
+                <property name="homogeneous">True</property>
+              </packing>
+            </child>
+            <child>
+              <object class="GtkToolButton" id="RID_FORMAT_CAT">
+                <property name="visible">True</property>
+                <property name="can_focus">False</property>
+                <property name="action_name">RID_FORMAT_CAT</property>
+                <property name="label" translatable="yes">Formats</property>
+                <property name="use_underline">True</property>
+                <property name="icon_name">starmath/res/im21108.png</property>
+              </object>
+              <packing>
+                <property name="expand">False</property>
+                <property name="homogeneous">True</property>
+              </packing>
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+            <property name="orientation">vertical</property>
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+              <placeholder/>
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+            <property name="height">1</property>
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+  </object>

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