[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: 5 commits - avmedia/source basctl/source basic/source connectivity/source cui/source dbaccess/source desktop/source editeng/source extensions/source filter/source forms/source fpicker/source framework/source include/o3tl include/svl include/svtools include/tools linguistic/source reportdesign/source sc/source sd/source sfx2/source solenv/gbuild sot/source svl/source svtools/source svx/source sw/source toolkit/source tools/qa tools/source ucb/source unotools/source vbahelper/source vcl/source vcl/unx xmloff/source xmlsecurity/source

Stephan Bergmann sbergman at redhat.com
Thu Apr 2 07:31:11 PDT 2015

 avmedia/source/framework/modeltools.cxx                    |    2 
 avmedia/source/viewer/mediawindow.cxx                      |    2 
 avmedia/source/viewer/mediawindow_impl.cxx                 |    2 
 basctl/source/basicide/baside2b.cxx                        |    2 
 basctl/source/basicide/moduldl2.cxx                        |    2 
 basic/source/basmgr/basicmanagerrepository.cxx             |    2 
 basic/source/basmgr/basmgr.cxx                             |   18 
 basic/source/runtime/methods.cxx                           |    2 
 basic/source/runtime/methods1.cxx                          |    2 
 connectivity/source/drivers/calc/CConnection.cxx           |    4 
 connectivity/source/drivers/dbase/DTable.cxx               |    6 
 connectivity/source/drivers/file/FConnection.cxx           |    2 
 connectivity/source/drivers/file/FDatabaseMetaData.cxx     |    2 
 connectivity/source/drivers/flat/ETable.cxx                |    2 
 cui/source/dialogs/cuigaldlg.cxx                           |    2 
 cui/source/dialogs/cuihyperdlg.cxx                         |   16 
 cui/source/dialogs/hldocntp.cxx                            |   10 
 cui/source/dialogs/hldoctp.cxx                             |    6 
 cui/source/dialogs/hlinettp.cxx                            |   14 
 cui/source/dialogs/hlmailtp.cxx                            |   12 
 cui/source/dialogs/hltpbase.cxx                            |    8 
 cui/source/dialogs/insdlg.cxx                              |    6 
 cui/source/dialogs/linkdlg.cxx                             |    6 
 cui/source/inc/hltpbase.hxx                                |    2 
 cui/source/options/doclinkdialog.cxx                       |    4 
 cui/source/options/optlingu.cxx                            |    4 
 cui/source/options/optpath.cxx                             |    6 
 cui/source/options/treeopt.cxx                             |    2 
 cui/source/tabpages/backgrnd.cxx                           |    4 
 cui/source/tabpages/numpages.cxx                           |    4 
 cui/source/tabpages/tpbitmap.cxx                           |    4 
 cui/source/tabpages/tpcolor.cxx                            |    2 
 cui/source/tabpages/tpgradnt.cxx                           |    4 
 cui/source/tabpages/tphatch.cxx                            |    4 
 cui/source/tabpages/tpline.cxx                             |    4 
 cui/source/tabpages/tplnedef.cxx                           |    4 
 cui/source/tabpages/tplneend.cxx                           |    4 
 dbaccess/source/core/dataaccess/ModelImpl.cxx              |    2 
 dbaccess/source/core/dataaccess/databasecontext.cxx        |    2 
 dbaccess/source/core/dataaccess/databaseregistrations.cxx  |    2 
 dbaccess/source/core/dataaccess/datasource.cxx             |    2 
 dbaccess/source/ext/macromigration/macromigrationpages.cxx |    2 
 dbaccess/source/ui/app/AppController.cxx                   |    2 
 dbaccess/source/ui/browser/unodatbr.cxx                    |    4 
 dbaccess/source/ui/dlg/ConnectionHelper.cxx                |    2 
 dbaccess/source/ui/dlg/dbfindex.cxx                        |    6 
 dbaccess/source/ui/dlg/dbwizsetup.cxx                      |    2 
 dbaccess/source/ui/dlg/sqlmessage.cxx                      |    2 
 dbaccess/source/ui/misc/UITools.cxx                        |    2 
 desktop/source/app/dispatchwatcher.cxx                     |    2 
 editeng/source/items/flditem.cxx                           |    6 
 editeng/source/misc/svxacorr.cxx                           |    4 
 extensions/source/abpilot/abpfinalpage.cxx                 |    4 
 extensions/source/bibliography/general.cxx                 |    2 
 extensions/source/dbpilots/controlwizard.cxx               |    2 
 extensions/source/plugin/base/context.cxx                  |    2 
 extensions/source/plugin/base/xplugin.cxx                  |    2 
 extensions/source/propctrlr/formcomponenthandler.cxx       |    6 
 extensions/source/propctrlr/pcrcommon.cxx                  |    4 
 filter/source/msfilter/msdffimp.cxx                        |    2 
 filter/source/msfilter/msvbahelper.cxx                     |    4 
 filter/source/pdf/pdfexport.cxx                            |    4 
 forms/source/component/DatabaseForm.cxx                    |    8 
 forms/source/component/clickableimage.cxx                  |    2 
 forms/source/xforms/submission/submission_get.cxx          |    2 
 fpicker/source/office/OfficeControlAccess.cxx              |    4 
 fpicker/source/office/iodlg.cxx                            |   28 
 framework/source/classes/menumanager.cxx                   |    2 
 framework/source/fwe/helper/titlehelper.cxx                |    2 
 framework/source/services/urltransformer.cxx               |   10 
 framework/source/uielement/generictoolbarcontroller.cxx    |    4 
 framework/source/uielement/recentfilesmenucontroller.cxx   |    2 
 include/o3tl/enumarray.hxx                                 |   23 
 include/svl/inethist.hxx                                   |    8 
 include/svtools/inettbc.hxx                                |    6 
 include/svtools/place.hxx                                  |    2 
 include/tools/urlobj.hxx                                   |   85 +-
 linguistic/source/convdiclist.cxx                          |    6 
 linguistic/source/misc2.cxx                                |    2 
 reportdesign/source/ui/inspection/DefaultInspection.cxx    |    2 
 sc/source/filter/excel/xecontent.cxx                       |    6 
 sc/source/filter/html/htmlexp.cxx                          |   12 
 sc/source/filter/xml/xmltabi.cxx                           |    2 
 sc/source/ui/docshell/docsh.cxx                            |    4 
 sc/source/ui/docshell/docsh8.cxx                           |    4 
 sc/source/ui/docshell/tablink.cxx                          |    2 
 sc/source/ui/drawfunc/fuins2.cxx                           |    2 
 sc/source/ui/vba/vbaworkbooks.cxx                          |    2 
 sd/source/filter/eppt/epptso.cxx                           |    8 
 sd/source/filter/html/htmlex.cxx                           |    8 
 sd/source/filter/html/pubdlg.cxx                           |    2 
 sd/source/filter/ppt/pptin.cxx                             |    4 
 sd/source/ui/dlg/PhotoAlbumDialog.cxx                      |    6 
 sd/source/ui/dlg/dlgass.cxx                                |    2 
 sd/source/ui/dlg/navigatr.cxx                              |    2 
 sd/source/ui/dlg/sdtreelb.cxx                              |    2 
 sd/source/ui/dlg/tpaction.cxx                              |    2 
 sd/source/ui/func/fuinsert.cxx                             |    4 
 sd/source/ui/func/fusel.cxx                                |    2 
 sd/source/ui/slideshow/slideshowimpl.cxx                   |    2 
 sd/source/ui/view/sdview4.cxx                              |    2 
 sfx2/source/appl/appdde.cxx                                |    2 
 sfx2/source/appl/appopen.cxx                               |   12 
 sfx2/source/appl/fileobj.cxx                               |    2 
 sfx2/source/appl/imagemgr.cxx                              |    4 
 sfx2/source/appl/linkmgr2.cxx                              |    6 
 sfx2/source/appl/newhelp.cxx                               |    4 
 sfx2/source/appl/opengrf.cxx                               |    2 
 sfx2/source/appl/sfxhelp.cxx                               |    2 
 sfx2/source/appl/sfxpicklist.cxx                           |    6 
 sfx2/source/appl/shutdowniconaqua.mm                       |    2 
 sfx2/source/bastyp/helper.cxx                              |    2 
 sfx2/source/control/recentdocsviewitem.cxx                 |    4 
 sfx2/source/dialog/dinfdlg.cxx                             |   14 
 sfx2/source/dialog/filedlghelper.cxx                       |   14 
 sfx2/source/dialog/mailmodel.cxx                           |    2 
 sfx2/source/dialog/taskpane.cxx                            |    2 
 sfx2/source/doc/docfile.cxx                                |   20 
 sfx2/source/doc/doctempl.cxx                               |    2 
 sfx2/source/doc/doctemplates.cxx                           |    4 
 sfx2/source/doc/guisaveas.cxx                              |    4 
 sfx2/source/doc/new.cxx                                    |    2 
 sfx2/source/doc/objmisc.cxx                                |    6 
 sfx2/source/doc/objstor.cxx                                |    4 
 sfx2/source/doc/printhelper.cxx                            |    2 
 sfx2/source/inet/inettbc.cxx                               |    4 
 sfx2/source/view/viewfrm.cxx                               |    4 
 sfx2/source/view/viewsh.cxx                                |    2 
 solenv/gbuild/platform/com_GCC_defs.mk                     |    1 
 sot/source/sdstor/storage.cxx                              |    4 
 svl/source/misc/filenotation.cxx                           |    8 
 svl/source/misc/inethist.cxx                               |    8 
 svl/source/misc/urihelper.cxx                              |   20 
 svtools/source/contnr/contentenumeration.cxx               |    2 
 svtools/source/contnr/fileview.cxx                         |    2 
 svtools/source/control/filectrl.cxx                        |    2 
 svtools/source/control/fileurlbox.cxx                      |    2 
 svtools/source/control/inettbc.cxx                         |   40 -
 svtools/source/control/urlcontrol.cxx                      |    2 
 svtools/source/dialogs/ServerDetailsControls.cxx           |    4 
 svtools/source/dialogs/addresstemplate.cxx                 |    6 
 svtools/source/misc/imagemgr.cxx                           |    4 
 svtools/source/misc/templatefoldercache.cxx                |    8 
 svtools/source/uno/wizard/unowizard.cxx                    |    4 
 svx/source/dialog/docrecovery.cxx                          |    2 
 svx/source/dialog/imapdlg.cxx                              |    4 
 svx/source/dialog/imapwnd.cxx                              |    4 
 svx/source/dialog/langbox.cxx                              |    2 
 svx/source/fmcomp/fmgridif.cxx                             |    2 
 svx/source/form/dataaccessdescriptor.cxx                   |    2 
 svx/source/form/databaselocationinput.cxx                  |    2 
 svx/source/form/fmpage.cxx                                 |    6 
 svx/source/gallery2/galbrws1.cxx                           |    2 
 svx/source/gallery2/galbrws2.cxx                           |    4 
 svx/source/gallery2/galctrl.cxx                            |    2 
 svx/source/gallery2/galexpl.cxx                            |    2 
 svx/source/gallery2/gallery1.cxx                           |   12 
 svx/source/gallery2/galmisc.cxx                            |    8 
 svx/source/gallery2/galtheme.cxx                           |   18 
 svx/source/sidebar/nbdtmg.cxx                              |    2 
 svx/source/svdraw/svdotxln.cxx                             |    6 
 svx/source/unodraw/UnoGraphicExporter.cxx                  |    2 
 svx/source/unodraw/unoshap2.cxx                            |    4 
 svx/source/unogallery/unogaltheme.cxx                      |    2 
 svx/source/xml/xmlxtexp.cxx                                |    2 
 svx/source/xml/xmlxtimp.cxx                                |    2 
 svx/source/xoutdev/_xoutbmp.cxx                            |    4 
 svx/source/xoutdev/xtable.cxx                              |    4 
 sw/source/core/doc/DocumentLinksAdministrationManager.cxx  |    4 
 sw/source/core/doc/acmplwrd.cxx                            |    2 
 sw/source/core/fields/docufld.cxx                          |    4 
 sw/source/core/graphic/ndgrf.cxx                           |    2 
 sw/source/core/swg/SwXMLTextBlocks.cxx                     |    2 
 sw/source/core/unocore/unofield.cxx                        |    4 
 sw/source/filter/basflt/iodetect.cxx                       |    2 
 sw/source/filter/html/htmlgrin.cxx                         |    2 
 sw/source/filter/ww8/wrtw8esh.cxx                          |    4 
 sw/source/filter/ww8/wrtw8nds.cxx                          |   10 
 sw/source/filter/ww8/ww8par.cxx                            |    4 
 sw/source/ui/envelp/mailmrge.cxx                           |    4 
 sw/source/ui/fldui/javaedit.cxx                            |    4 
 sw/source/ui/vba/vbadocument.cxx                           |    2 
 sw/source/ui/vba/vbadocuments.cxx                          |    2 
 sw/source/ui/vba/vbasystem.cxx                             |    2 
 sw/source/uibase/app/docsh2.cxx                            |    2 
 sw/source/uibase/dochdl/swdtflvr.cxx                       |    4 
 sw/source/uibase/shells/textsh.cxx                         |    2 
 sw/source/uibase/uno/unomailmerge.cxx                      |    2 
 sw/source/uibase/uno/unomod.cxx                            |    2 
 toolkit/source/awt/animatedimagespeer.cxx                  |    2 
 toolkit/source/awt/vclxwindow.cxx                          |    2 
 toolkit/source/controls/controlmodelcontainerbase.cxx      |    2 
 tools/qa/cppunit/test_urlobj.cxx                           |   32 
 tools/source/fsys/urlobj.cxx                               |  459 ++++++-------
 ucb/source/core/FileAccess.cxx                             |   36 -
 ucb/source/ucp/cmis/cmis_content.cxx                       |    2 
 unotools/source/config/pathoptions.cxx                     |    4 
 unotools/source/config/securityoptions.cxx                 |    4 
 unotools/source/ucbhelper/ucbhelper.cxx                    |    2 
 vbahelper/source/vbahelper/vbadocumentsbase.cxx            |    2 
 vcl/source/filter/graphicfilter.cxx                        |   10 
 vcl/source/gdi/pdfwriter_impl.cxx                          |    6 
 vcl/unx/generic/printer/ppdparser.cxx                      |    4 
 vcl/unx/generic/printer/printerinfomanager.cxx             |    4 
 vcl/unx/gtk/fpicker/SalGtkPicker.cxx                       |    4 
 xmloff/source/forms/elementexport.cxx                      |    2 
 xmloff/source/forms/elementimport.cxx                      |    2 
 xmlsecurity/source/dialogs/macrosecurity.cxx               |    2 
 208 files changed, 776 insertions(+), 756 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 44b3e56bb4a4df59f53447c4ca4d8e02fe926206
Author: Stephan Bergmann <sbergman at redhat.com>
Date:   Thu Apr 2 15:58:06 2015 +0200

    Change INetProtocol to scoped enumeration
    ...and fix o3tl::enumarray::operator [] const overload
    Change-Id: I749b1b9d68686b03a97074253478d9d2d9d32b0b

diff --git a/avmedia/source/framework/modeltools.cxx b/avmedia/source/framework/modeltools.cxx
index fe6ea56..72e6a03 100644
--- a/avmedia/source/framework/modeltools.cxx
+++ b/avmedia/source/framework/modeltools.cxx
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ bool KmzDae2Gltf(const OUString& rSourceURL, OUString& o_rOutput)
     // If *.dae file is not in the local file system, then copy it to a temp folder for the conversion
     OUString sInput = rSourceURL;
     const INetURLObject aSourceURLObj(rSourceURL);
-    if( aSourceURLObj.GetProtocol() != INET_PROT_FILE )
+    if( aSourceURLObj.GetProtocol() != INetProtocol::FILE )
diff --git a/avmedia/source/viewer/mediawindow.cxx b/avmedia/source/viewer/mediawindow.cxx
index 7912bf5..9713666 100644
--- a/avmedia/source/viewer/mediawindow.cxx
+++ b/avmedia/source/viewer/mediawindow.cxx
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ bool MediaWindow::isMediaURL( const OUString& rURL, const OUString& rReferer, bo
     const INetURLObject aURL( rURL );
     bool                bRet = false;
-    if( aURL.GetProtocol() != INET_PROT_NOT_VALID )
+    if( aURL.GetProtocol() != INetProtocol::NOT_VALID )
         if( bDeep || pPreferredSizePixel )
diff --git a/avmedia/source/viewer/mediawindow_impl.cxx b/avmedia/source/viewer/mediawindow_impl.cxx
index 26877f6..9916b44 100644
--- a/avmedia/source/viewer/mediawindow_impl.cxx
+++ b/avmedia/source/viewer/mediawindow_impl.cxx
@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ void MediaWindowImpl::setURL( const OUString& rURL,
             INetURLObject aURL( rURL );
-            if (aURL.GetProtocol() != INET_PROT_NOT_VALID)
+            if (aURL.GetProtocol() != INetProtocol::NOT_VALID)
                 maFileURL = aURL.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DECODE_UNAMBIGUOUS);
                 maFileURL = rURL;
diff --git a/basctl/source/basicide/baside2b.cxx b/basctl/source/basicide/baside2b.cxx
index 4cb705d..007d395 100644
--- a/basctl/source/basicide/baside2b.cxx
+++ b/basctl/source/basicide/baside2b.cxx
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ OUString EditorWindow::GetWordAtCursor()
                 OUString aURL( URIHelper::FindFirstURLInText( aText, nStart, nEnd, aClass ) );
                 INetURLObject aURLObj( aURL );
-                if ( aURLObj.GetProtocol() == INET_PROT_VND_SUN_STAR_HELP
+                if ( aURLObj.GetProtocol() == INetProtocol::VND_SUN_STAR_HELP
                      && nSelStart >= nStart && nSelStart <= nEnd && nSelEnd >= nStart && nSelEnd <= nEnd )
                     aWord = aURL;
diff --git a/basctl/source/basicide/moduldl2.cxx b/basctl/source/basicide/moduldl2.cxx
index 4f2b2c5..058fd97 100644
--- a/basctl/source/basicide/moduldl2.cxx
+++ b/basctl/source/basicide/moduldl2.cxx
@@ -1269,7 +1269,7 @@ void LibPage::ExportAsBasic( const OUString& aLibName )
     if( aPath.isEmpty() )
         aPath = SvtPathOptions().GetWorkPath();
-    // INetURLObject aURL(m_sSavePath, INET_PROT_FILE);
+    // INetURLObject aURL(m_sSavePath, INetProtocol::FILE);
     xFolderPicker->setDisplayDirectory( aPath );
     short nRet = xFolderPicker->execute();
     if( nRet == RET_OK )
diff --git a/basic/source/basmgr/basicmanagerrepository.cxx b/basic/source/basmgr/basicmanagerrepository.cxx
index 3f873e4..c12e904 100644
--- a/basic/source/basmgr/basicmanagerrepository.cxx
+++ b/basic/source/basmgr/basicmanagerrepository.cxx
@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ namespace basic
         // The first dir in the path as destination:
         OUString aFileName( aAppBasic.getName() );
         aAppBasic = INetURLObject( aAppBasicDir.getToken(1, ';') );
-        DBG_ASSERT(aAppBasic.GetProtocol() != INET_PROT_NOT_VALID,
+        DBG_ASSERT(aAppBasic.GetProtocol() != INetProtocol::NOT_VALID,
             OString("Invalid URL: \"" +
                     OUStringToOString(aAppBasicDir, osl_getThreadTextEncoding()) +
diff --git a/basic/source/basmgr/basmgr.cxx b/basic/source/basmgr/basmgr.cxx
index 3472015..a4527d4a 100644
--- a/basic/source/basmgr/basmgr.cxx
+++ b/basic/source/basmgr/basmgr.cxx
@@ -587,7 +587,7 @@ BasicManager::BasicManager( SotStorage& rStorage, const OUString& rBaseURL, Star
         pLibs->aBasicLibPath = *pLibPath;
     OUString aStorName( rStorage.GetName() );
-    maStorageName = INetURLObject(aStorName, INET_PROT_FILE).GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE );
+    maStorageName = INetURLObject(aStorName, INetProtocol::FILE).GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE );
     // If there is no Manager Stream, no further actions are necessary
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ void BasicManager::LoadBasicManager( SotStorage& rStorage, const OUString& rBase
-    maStorageName = INetURLObject(aStorName, INET_PROT_FILE).GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE );
+    maStorageName = INetURLObject(aStorName, INetProtocol::FILE).GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE );
     // #i13114 removed, DBG_ASSERT(aStorageName.Len() != 0, "Bad storage name");
     OUString aRealStorageName = maStorageName;  // for relative paths, can be modified through BaseURL
@@ -839,7 +839,7 @@ void BasicManager::LoadBasicManager( SotStorage& rStorage, const OUString& rBase
     if ( !rBaseURL.isEmpty() )
         INetURLObject aObj( rBaseURL );
-        if ( aObj.GetProtocol() == INET_PROT_FILE )
+        if ( aObj.GetProtocol() == INetProtocol::FILE )
             aRealStorageName = aObj.PathToFileName();
@@ -875,7 +875,7 @@ void BasicManager::LoadBasicManager( SotStorage& rStorage, const OUString& rBase
         // Always try relative first if there are two stands on disk
         if ( !pInfo->GetRelStorageName().isEmpty() && pInfo->GetRelStorageName() != szImbedded )
-            INetURLObject aObj( aRealStorageName, INET_PROT_FILE );
+            INetURLObject aObj( aRealStorageName, INetProtocol::FILE );
             bool bWasAbsolute = false;
             aObj = aObj.smartRel2Abs( pInfo->GetRelStorageName(), bWasAbsolute );
@@ -946,7 +946,7 @@ void BasicManager::LoadOldBasicManager( SotStorage& rStorage )
     if ( !aLibs.isEmpty() )
         OUString aCurStorageName( aStorName );
-        INetURLObject aCurStorage( aCurStorageName, INET_PROT_FILE );
+        INetURLObject aCurStorage( aCurStorageName, INetProtocol::FILE );
         sal_Int32 nLibs = comphelper::string::getTokenCount(aLibs, LIB_SEP);
         for ( sal_Int32 nLib = 0; nLib < nLibs; nLib++ )
@@ -956,7 +956,7 @@ void BasicManager::LoadOldBasicManager( SotStorage& rStorage )
             OUString aLibName( aLibInfo.getToken( 0, LIBINFO_SEP ) );
             OUString aLibAbsStorageName( aLibInfo.getToken( 1, LIBINFO_SEP ) );
             OUString aLibRelStorageName( aLibInfo.getToken( 2, LIBINFO_SEP ) );
-            INetURLObject aLibAbsStorage( aLibAbsStorageName, INET_PROT_FILE );
+            INetURLObject aLibAbsStorage( aLibAbsStorageName, INetProtocol::FILE );
             INetURLObject aLibRelStorage( aStorName );
@@ -1056,10 +1056,10 @@ bool BasicManager::ImpLoadLibrary( BasicLibInfo* pLibInfo, SotStorage* pCurStora
         OUString aStorName( pCurStorage->GetName() );
         // #i13114 removed, DBG_ASSERT( aStorName.Len(), "No Storage Name!" );
-        INetURLObject aCurStorageEntry(aStorName, INET_PROT_FILE);
+        INetURLObject aCurStorageEntry(aStorName, INetProtocol::FILE);
         // #i13114 removed, DBG_ASSERT(aCurStorageEntry.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ).Len() != 0, "Bad storage name");
-        INetURLObject aStorageEntry(aStorageName, INET_PROT_FILE);
+        INetURLObject aStorageEntry(aStorageName, INetProtocol::FILE);
         // #i13114 removed, DBG_ASSERT(aCurStorageEntry.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ).Len() != 0, "Bad storage name");
         if ( aCurStorageEntry == aStorageEntry )
@@ -1235,7 +1235,7 @@ StarBASIC* BasicManager::AddLib( SotStorage& rStorage, const OUString& rLibName,
     OUString aStorName( rStorage.GetName() );
     DBG_ASSERT( !aStorName.isEmpty(), "No Storage Name!" );
-    OUString aStorageName = INetURLObject(aStorName, INET_PROT_FILE).GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE );
+    OUString aStorageName = INetURLObject(aStorName, INetProtocol::FILE).GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE );
     DBG_ASSERT(!aStorageName.isEmpty(), "Bad storage name");
     OUString aNewLibName( rLibName );
diff --git a/basic/source/runtime/methods.cxx b/basic/source/runtime/methods.cxx
index e8502f4..8dbdf8e 100644
--- a/basic/source/runtime/methods.cxx
+++ b/basic/source/runtime/methods.cxx
@@ -628,7 +628,7 @@ RTLFUNC(MkDir)
             // In vba if the full path is not specified then
             // folder is created relative to the curdir
             INetURLObject aURLObj( getFullPath( aPath ) );
-            if ( aURLObj.GetProtocol() != INET_PROT_FILE )
+            if ( aURLObj.GetProtocol() != INetProtocol::FILE )
                 SbxArrayRef pPar = new SbxArray();
                 SbxVariableRef pResult = new SbxVariable();
diff --git a/basic/source/runtime/methods1.cxx b/basic/source/runtime/methods1.cxx
index 2030490..59459d9 100644
--- a/basic/source/runtime/methods1.cxx
+++ b/basic/source/runtime/methods1.cxx
@@ -1644,7 +1644,7 @@ RTLFUNC(ConvertToUrl)
     if ( rPar.Count() == 2 )
         OUString aStr = rPar.Get(1)->GetOUString();
-        INetURLObject aURLObj( aStr, INET_PROT_FILE );
+        INetURLObject aURLObj( aStr, INetProtocol::FILE );
         OUString aFileURL = aURLObj.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE );
         if( aFileURL.isEmpty() )
diff --git a/connectivity/source/drivers/calc/CConnection.cxx b/connectivity/source/drivers/calc/CConnection.cxx
index 35967f2..6ed3e12 100644
--- a/connectivity/source/drivers/calc/CConnection.cxx
+++ b/connectivity/source/drivers/calc/CConnection.cxx
@@ -72,13 +72,13 @@ void OCalcConnection::construct(const OUString& url,const Sequence< PropertyValu
     m_aFileName = aDSN;
     INetURLObject aURL;
-    aURL.SetSmartProtocol(INET_PROT_FILE);
+    aURL.SetSmartProtocol(INetProtocol::FILE);
         SvtPathOptions aPathOptions;
         m_aFileName = aPathOptions.SubstituteVariable(m_aFileName);
-    if ( aURL.GetProtocol() == INET_PROT_NOT_VALID )
+    if ( aURL.GetProtocol() == INetProtocol::NOT_VALID )
         //  don't pass invalid URL to loadComponentFromURL
         throw SQLException();
diff --git a/connectivity/source/drivers/dbase/DTable.cxx b/connectivity/source/drivers/dbase/DTable.cxx
index 8313889..b47a00f 100644
--- a/connectivity/source/drivers/dbase/DTable.cxx
+++ b/connectivity/source/drivers/dbase/DTable.cxx
@@ -628,7 +628,7 @@ OUString ODbaseTable::getEntry(OConnection* _pConnection,const OUString& _sName
             sName = xRow->getString(1);
-            aURL.SetSmartProtocol(INET_PROT_FILE);
+            aURL.SetSmartProtocol(INetProtocol::FILE);
             OUString sUrl = _pConnection->getURL() +  s_sSeparator + sName;
             aURL.SetSmartURL( sUrl );
@@ -1038,7 +1038,7 @@ bool ODbaseTable::CreateImpl()
     INetURLObject aURL;
-    aURL.SetSmartProtocol(INET_PROT_FILE);
+    aURL.SetSmartProtocol(INetProtocol::FILE);
     OUString aName = getEntry(m_pConnection, m_Name);
@@ -2523,7 +2523,7 @@ OUString ODbaseTable::createTempFile()
         getConnection()->throwGenericSQLException(STR_COULD_NOT_ALTER_TABLE, *this);
     INetURLObject aURL;
-    aURL.SetSmartProtocol(INET_PROT_FILE);
+    aURL.SetSmartProtocol(INetProtocol::FILE);
     OUString sNewName(aURL.getName().copy(0, aURL.getName().getLength() - sExt.getLength()));
diff --git a/connectivity/source/drivers/file/FConnection.cxx b/connectivity/source/drivers/file/FConnection.cxx
index 4e15516..ae5d244 100644
--- a/connectivity/source/drivers/file/FConnection.cxx
+++ b/connectivity/source/drivers/file/FConnection.cxx
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ void OConnection::construct(const OUString& url,const Sequence< PropertyValue >&
         OUString aFileName = aDSN;
         INetURLObject aURL;
-        aURL.SetSmartProtocol(INET_PROT_FILE);
+        aURL.SetSmartProtocol(INetProtocol::FILE);
             SvtPathOptions aPathOptions;
             aFileName = aPathOptions.SubstituteVariable(aFileName);
diff --git a/connectivity/source/drivers/file/FDatabaseMetaData.cxx b/connectivity/source/drivers/file/FDatabaseMetaData.cxx
index 2d2b8f9..eb9e750 100644
--- a/connectivity/source/drivers/file/FDatabaseMetaData.cxx
+++ b/connectivity/source/drivers/file/FDatabaseMetaData.cxx
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ Reference< XResultSet > SAL_CALL ODatabaseMetaData::getTables(
         aName = xRow->getString(1);
-        aURL.SetSmartProtocol(INET_PROT_FILE);
+        aURL.SetSmartProtocol(INetProtocol::FILE);
         OUString sUrl = m_pConnection->getURL() + "/" + aName;
         aURL.SetSmartURL( sUrl );
         sThisContentExtension = aURL.getExtension();
diff --git a/connectivity/source/drivers/flat/ETable.cxx b/connectivity/source/drivers/flat/ETable.cxx
index 7ca90d6..26d6b22 100644
--- a/connectivity/source/drivers/flat/ETable.cxx
+++ b/connectivity/source/drivers/flat/ETable.cxx
@@ -468,7 +468,7 @@ OUString OFlatTable::getEntry()
             sName = xRow->getString(1);
-            aURL.SetSmartProtocol(INET_PROT_FILE);
+            aURL.SetSmartProtocol(INetProtocol::FILE);
             OUString sUrl = m_pConnection->getURL() +  s_sSeparator + sName;
             aURL.SetSmartURL( sUrl );
diff --git a/cui/source/dialogs/cuigaldlg.cxx b/cui/source/dialogs/cuigaldlg.cxx
index b1b0451..9996a86 100644
--- a/cui/source/dialogs/cuigaldlg.cxx
+++ b/cui/source/dialogs/cuigaldlg.cxx
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ void SearchThread::ImplSearch( const INetURLObject& rStartURL,
             while( xResultSet->next() && schedule() )
                 INetURLObject   aFoundURL( xContentAccess->queryContentIdentifierString() );
-                DBG_ASSERT( aFoundURL.GetProtocol() != INET_PROT_NOT_VALID, "invalid URL" );
+                DBG_ASSERT( aFoundURL.GetProtocol() != INetProtocol::NOT_VALID, "invalid URL" );
                 bool bFolder = xRow->getBoolean( 1 ); // property "IsFolder"
                 if ( xRow->wasNull() )
diff --git a/cui/source/dialogs/cuihyperdlg.cxx b/cui/source/dialogs/cuihyperdlg.cxx
index d110787..2daa9e5 100644
--- a/cui/source/dialogs/cuihyperdlg.cxx
+++ b/cui/source/dialogs/cuihyperdlg.cxx
@@ -305,17 +305,17 @@ sal_uInt16 SvxHpLinkDlg::SetPage ( SvxHyperlinkItem* pItem )
     switch ( eProtocolTyp )
-        case INET_PROT_HTTP :
-        case INET_PROT_FTP :
+        case INetProtocol::HTTP :
+        case INetProtocol::FTP :
-        case INET_PROT_FILE :
-        case INET_PROT_POP3 :
-        case INET_PROT_IMAP :
+        case INetProtocol::FILE :
+        case INetProtocol::POP3 :
+        case INetProtocol::IMAP :
-        case INET_PROT_MAILTO :
-        case INET_PROT_NEWS :
+        case INetProtocol::MAILTO :
+        case INetProtocol::NEWS :
             nPageId = RID_SVXPAGE_HYPERLINK_MAIL;
         default :
@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ sal_uInt16 SvxHpLinkDlg::SetPage ( SvxHyperlinkItem* pItem )
                 nPageId = RID_SVXPAGE_HYPERLINK_DOCUMENT;
-                eProtocolTyp = INET_PROT_NOT_VALID;
+                eProtocolTyp = INetProtocol::NOT_VALID;
                 nPageId = GetCurPageId();
diff --git a/cui/source/dialogs/hldocntp.cxx b/cui/source/dialogs/hldocntp.cxx
index 2686b48..f74809b 100644
--- a/cui/source/dialogs/hldocntp.cxx
+++ b/cui/source/dialogs/hldocntp.cxx
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ bool SvxHyperlinkNewDocTp::ImplGetURLObject( const OUString& rPath, const OUStri
     if ( bIsValidURL )
         aURLObject.SetURL( rPath );
-        if ( aURLObject.GetProtocol() == INET_PROT_NOT_VALID )      // test if the source is already a valid url
+        if ( aURLObject.GetProtocol() == INetProtocol::NOT_VALID )      // test if the source is already a valid url
         {                                                           // if not we have to create a url from a physical file name
             bool wasAbs;
             INetURLObject base(rBase);
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ bool SvxHyperlinkNewDocTp::ImplGetURLObject( const OUString& rPath, const OUStri
                 rPath, wasAbs, true, INetURLObject::ENCODE_ALL,
                 RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8, true);
-        bIsValidURL = aURLObject.GetProtocol() != INET_PROT_NOT_VALID;
+        bIsValidURL = aURLObject.GetProtocol() != INetProtocol::NOT_VALID;
         if ( bIsValidURL )
             OUString aBase( aURLObject.getName( INetURLObject::LAST_SEGMENT, false ) );
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ SvxHyperlinkNewDocTp::SvxHyperlinkNewDocTp ( vcl::Window *pParent, IconChoiceDia
     get(m_pRbtEditNow, "editnow");
     get(m_pRbtEditLater, "editlater");
     get(m_pCbbPath, "path");
-    m_pCbbPath->SetSmartProtocol(INET_PROT_FILE);
+    m_pCbbPath->SetSmartProtocol(INetProtocol::FILE);
     get(m_pBtCreate, "create");
     get(m_pLbDocTypes, "types");
@@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SvxHyperlinkNewDocTp, ClickNewHdl_Impl)
         sal_Char const  sSlash[] = "/";
-        INetURLObject   aURL( aStrURL, INET_PROT_FILE );
+        INetURLObject   aURL( aStrURL, INetProtocol::FILE );
         OUString        aStrName;
         if( bHandleFileName )
             aStrName = bZeroPath? aTempStrURL : OUString(aURL.getName());
@@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SvxHyperlinkNewDocTp, ClickNewHdl_Impl)
             aNewURL.setExtension( static_cast<DocumentTypeData*>(m_pLbDocTypes->GetEntryData( nPos ))->aStrExt );
-        if( aNewURL.GetProtocol() == INET_PROT_FILE )
+        if( aNewURL.GetProtocol() == INetProtocol::FILE )
             utl::LocalFileHelper::ConvertURLToSystemPath( aNewURL.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ), aStrTmp );
diff --git a/cui/source/dialogs/hldoctp.cxx b/cui/source/dialogs/hldoctp.cxx
index 2f5b8f7..12d73d1 100644
--- a/cui/source/dialogs/hldoctp.cxx
+++ b/cui/source/dialogs/hldoctp.cxx
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ SvxHyperlinkDocTp::SvxHyperlinkDocTp ( vcl::Window *pParent, IconChoiceDialog* p
     mbMarkWndOpen   ( false )
     get(m_pCbbPath, "path");
-    m_pCbbPath->SetSmartProtocol(INET_PROT_FILE);
+    m_pCbbPath->SetSmartProtocol(INetProtocol::FILE);
     get(m_pBtFileopen, "fileopen");
     get(m_pEdTarget, "target");
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ OUString SvxHyperlinkDocTp::GetCurrentURL ()
     if ( aStrPath != aEmptyStr )
         INetURLObject aURL( aStrPath );
-        if ( aURL.GetProtocol() != INET_PROT_NOT_VALID )    // maybe the path is already a valid
+        if ( aURL.GetProtocol() != INetProtocol::NOT_VALID )    // maybe the path is already a valid
             aStrURL = aStrPath;                             // hyperlink, then we can use this path directly
             utl::LocalFileHelper::ConvertSystemPathToURL( aStrPath, aBaseURL, aStrURL );
@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ void SvxHyperlinkDocTp::SetMarkStr ( const OUString& aStrMark )
 SvxHyperlinkDocTp::EPathType SvxHyperlinkDocTp::GetPathType ( const OUString& rStrPath )
-    INetURLObject aURL( rStrPath, INET_PROT_FILE );
+    INetURLObject aURL( rStrPath, INetProtocol::FILE );
     if( aURL.HasError() )
         return Type_Invalid;
diff --git a/cui/source/dialogs/hlinettp.cxx b/cui/source/dialogs/hlinettp.cxx
index 76088ba..0471571 100644
--- a/cui/source/dialogs/hlinettp.cxx
+++ b/cui/source/dialogs/hlinettp.cxx
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ SvxHyperlinkInternetTp::SvxHyperlinkInternetTp ( vcl::Window *pParent,
     get(m_pRbtLinktypInternet, "linktyp_internet");
     get(m_pRbtLinktypFTP, "linktyp_ftp");
     get(m_pCbbTarget, "target");
-    m_pCbbTarget->SetSmartProtocol(INET_PROT_HTTP);
+    m_pCbbTarget->SetSmartProtocol(INetProtocol::HTTP);
     get(m_pBtBrowse, "browse");
     m_pBtBrowse->SetModeImage(Image(CUI_RES (RID_SVXBMP_BROWSE)));
     get(m_pFtLogin, "login_label");
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ void SvxHyperlinkInternetTp::FillDlgFields(const OUString& rStrURL)
     // set URL-field
     // Show the scheme, #72740
-    if ( aURL.GetProtocol() != INET_PROT_NOT_VALID )
+    if ( aURL.GetProtocol() != INetProtocol::NOT_VALID )
         m_pCbbTarget->SetText( aURL.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::DECODE_UNAMBIGUOUS ) );
         m_pCbbTarget->SetText(rStrURL); // #77696#
@@ -165,17 +165,17 @@ OUString SvxHyperlinkInternetTp::CreateAbsoluteURL() const
     INetURLObject aURL(aStrURL);
-    if( aURL.GetProtocol() == INET_PROT_NOT_VALID )
+    if( aURL.GetProtocol() == INetProtocol::NOT_VALID )
         aURL.SetSmartProtocol( GetSmartProtocolFromButtons() );
     // username and password for ftp-url
-    if( aURL.GetProtocol() == INET_PROT_FTP && !m_pEdLogin->GetText().isEmpty() )
+    if( aURL.GetProtocol() == INetProtocol::FTP && !m_pEdLogin->GetText().isEmpty() )
         aURL.SetUserAndPass ( m_pEdLogin->GetText(), m_pEdPassword->GetText() );
-    if ( aURL.GetProtocol() != INET_PROT_NOT_VALID )
+    if ( aURL.GetProtocol() != INetProtocol::NOT_VALID )
         return aURL.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::DECODE_TO_IURI );
     else //#105788# always create a URL even if it is not valid
         return aStrURL;
@@ -321,9 +321,9 @@ INetProtocol SvxHyperlinkInternetTp::GetSmartProtocolFromButtons() const
     if( m_pRbtLinktypFTP->IsChecked() )
-        return INET_PROT_FTP;
+        return INetProtocol::FTP;
-    return INET_PROT_HTTP;
+    return INetProtocol::HTTP;
diff --git a/cui/source/dialogs/hlmailtp.cxx b/cui/source/dialogs/hlmailtp.cxx
index de79f64..60d8142 100644
--- a/cui/source/dialogs/hlmailtp.cxx
+++ b/cui/source/dialogs/hlmailtp.cxx
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ SvxHyperlinkMailTp::SvxHyperlinkMailTp ( vcl::Window *pParent, IconChoiceDialog*
     get(m_pRbtMail, "linktyp_mail");
     get(m_pRbtNews, "linktyp_news");
     get(m_pCbbReceiver, "receiver");
-    m_pCbbReceiver->SetSmartProtocol(INET_PROT_MAILTO);
+    m_pCbbReceiver->SetSmartProtocol(INetProtocol::MAILTO);
     get(m_pBtAdrBook, "adressbook");
     get(m_pFtSubject, "subject_label");
@@ -139,14 +139,14 @@ OUString SvxHyperlinkMailTp::CreateAbsoluteURL() const
     OUString aStrURL = m_pCbbReceiver->GetText();
     INetURLObject aURL(aStrURL);
-    if( aURL.GetProtocol() == INET_PROT_NOT_VALID )
+    if( aURL.GetProtocol() == INetProtocol::NOT_VALID )
         aURL.SetSmartProtocol( GetSmartProtocolFromButtons() );
     // subject for EMail-url
-    if( aURL.GetProtocol() == INET_PROT_MAILTO )
+    if( aURL.GetProtocol() == INetProtocol::MAILTO )
         if ( m_pEdSubject->GetText() != OUString(aEmptyStr) )
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ OUString SvxHyperlinkMailTp::CreateAbsoluteURL() const
-    if ( aURL.GetProtocol() != INET_PROT_NOT_VALID )
+    if ( aURL.GetProtocol() != INetProtocol::NOT_VALID )
         return aURL.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::DECODE_WITH_CHARSET );
     else //#105788# always create a URL even if it is not valid
         return aStrURL;
@@ -238,9 +238,9 @@ INetProtocol SvxHyperlinkMailTp::GetSmartProtocolFromButtons() const
     if( m_pRbtNews->IsChecked() )
-        return INET_PROT_NEWS;
+        return INetProtocol::NEWS;
-    return INET_PROT_MAILTO;
+    return INetProtocol::MAILTO;
diff --git a/cui/source/dialogs/hltpbase.cxx b/cui/source/dialogs/hltpbase.cxx
index 92c9703..fcaaed8 100644
--- a/cui/source/dialogs/hltpbase.cxx
+++ b/cui/source/dialogs/hltpbase.cxx
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ SvxHyperURLBox::SvxHyperURLBox( vcl::Window* pParent, INetProtocol eSmart )
 extern "C" SAL_DLLPUBLIC_EXPORT vcl::Window* SAL_CALL makeSvxHyperURLBox(vcl::Window *pParent, VclBuilder::stringmap &)
-    return new SvxHyperURLBox(pParent, INET_PROT_HTTP);
+    return new SvxHyperURLBox(pParent, INetProtocol::HTTP);
 sal_Int8 SvxHyperURLBox::AcceptDrop( const AcceptDropEvent& /* rEvt */ )
@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ OUString SvxHyperlinkTabPageBase::GetSchemeFromURL( const OUString& rStrURL )
     // #77696#
     // our new INetUrlObject now has the ability
     // to detect if an Url is valid or not :-(
-    if ( aProtocol == INET_PROT_NOT_VALID )
+    if ( aProtocol == INetProtocol::NOT_VALID )
         if ( rStrURL.startsWithIgnoreAsciiCase( INET_HTTP_SCHEME ) )
@@ -474,10 +474,10 @@ OUString SvxHyperlinkTabPageBase::CreateUiNameFromURL( const OUString& aStrURL )
-        case INET_PROT_FILE:
+        case INetProtocol::FILE:
             utl::LocalFileHelper::ConvertURLToSystemPath( aURLObj.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::NO_DECODE), aStrUiURL );
-        case INET_PROT_FTP :
+        case INetProtocol::FTP :
                 //remove password from name
                 INetURLObject   aTmpURL(aURLObj);
diff --git a/cui/source/dialogs/insdlg.cxx b/cui/source/dialogs/insdlg.cxx
index 84c2fd7..b8cd08b 100644
--- a/cui/source/dialogs/insdlg.cxx
+++ b/cui/source/dialogs/insdlg.cxx
@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ short SvInsertOleDlg::Execute()
             aFileName = GetFilePath();
             INetURLObject aURL;
-            aURL.SetSmartProtocol( INET_PROT_FILE );
+            aURL.SetSmartProtocol( INetProtocol::FILE );
             aURL.SetSmartURL( aFileName );
             aFileName = aURL.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE );
             bool bLink = IsLinked();
@@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ short SvInsertPlugInDialog::Execute()
         OUString aURL = GetPlugInFile();
         // URL can be a valid and absolute URL or a system file name
-        m_pURL->SetSmartProtocol( INET_PROT_FILE );
+        m_pURL->SetSmartProtocol( INetProtocol::FILE );
         if ( aURL.isEmpty() || m_pURL->SetSmartURL( aURL ) )
             // create a plugin object
@@ -618,7 +618,7 @@ short SfxInsertFloatingFrameDialog::Execute()
             // URL can be a valid and absolute URL or a system file name
             INetURLObject aObj;
-            aObj.SetSmartProtocol( INET_PROT_FILE );
+            aObj.SetSmartProtocol( INetProtocol::FILE );
             if ( aObj.SetSmartURL( m_pEDURL->GetText() ) )
                 aURL = aObj.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE );
diff --git a/cui/source/dialogs/linkdlg.cxx b/cui/source/dialogs/linkdlg.cxx
index fc0c4d6..bde3585 100644
--- a/cui/source/dialogs/linkdlg.cxx
+++ b/cui/source/dialogs/linkdlg.cxx
@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ IMPL_LINK( SvBaseLinksDlg, ChangeSourceClickHdl, PushButton *, pPushButton )
             SvBaseLink* pLink = static_cast<SvBaseLink*>(pEntry->GetUserData());
             pLinkMgr->GetDisplayNames( pLink, &sType, &sFile, 0, 0 );
             INetURLObject aUrl(sFile);
-            if(aUrl.GetProtocol() == INET_PROT_FILE)
+            if(aUrl.GetProtocol() == INetProtocol::FILE)
                 OUString sOldPath(aUrl.PathToFileName());
                 sal_Int32 nLen = aUrl.GetName().getLength();
@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ IMPL_LINK( SvBaseLinksDlg, ChangeSourceClickHdl, PushButton *, pPushButton )
                     pLinkMgr->GetDisplayNames( pLink, &sType, &sFile, &sLinkName, &sFilter );
                     INetURLObject aUrl_(sFile);
-                    INetURLObject aUrl2(aPath, INET_PROT_FILE);
+                    INetURLObject aUrl2(aPath, INetProtocol::FILE);
                     aUrl2.insertName( aUrl_.getName() );
                     OUString sNewLinkName;
                     MakeLnkName( sNewLinkName, 0 ,
@@ -639,7 +639,7 @@ void SvBaseLinksDlg::InsertEntry( const SvBaseLink& rLink, sal_uLong nPos, bool
     long nWidthPixel = m_pTbLinks->GetLogicTab( 2 ) - m_pTbLinks->GetLogicTab( 1 );
     nWidthPixel -= SV_TAB_BORDER;
     OUString aTxt = m_pTbLinks->GetEllipsisString( sFileNm, nWidthPixel, TEXT_DRAW_PATHELLIPSIS );
-    INetURLObject aPath( sFileNm, INET_PROT_FILE );
+    INetURLObject aPath( sFileNm, INetProtocol::FILE );
     OUString aFileName = aPath.getName();
     aFileName = INetURLObject::decode(aFileName, '%', INetURLObject::DECODE_UNAMBIGUOUS);
diff --git a/cui/source/inc/hltpbase.hxx b/cui/source/inc/hltpbase.hxx
index 8b645e8..b338534d 100644
--- a/cui/source/inc/hltpbase.hxx
+++ b/cui/source/inc/hltpbase.hxx
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ protected:
     virtual bool        PreNotify( NotifyEvent& rNEvt ) SAL_OVERRIDE;
-    SvxHyperURLBox( vcl::Window* pParent, INetProtocol eSmart = INET_PROT_FILE );
+    SvxHyperURLBox( vcl::Window* pParent, INetProtocol eSmart = INetProtocol::FILE );
diff --git a/cui/source/options/doclinkdialog.cxx b/cui/source/options/doclinkdialog.cxx
index 068f361..6a4eba8 100644
--- a/cui/source/options/doclinkdialog.cxx
+++ b/cui/source/options/doclinkdialog.cxx
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ namespace svx
             return 0L;
         } // if (!bFileExists)
         INetURLObject aURL( sURL );
-        if ( aURL.GetProtocol() != INET_PROT_FILE )
+        if ( aURL.GetProtocol() != INetProtocol::FILE )
             sMsg = sMsg.replaceFirst("$file$", m_pURL->GetText());
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ namespace svx
         {   // default the name to the base of the chosen URL
             INetURLObject aParser;
-            aParser.SetSmartProtocol(INET_PROT_FILE);
+            aParser.SetSmartProtocol(INetProtocol::FILE);
             m_pName->SetText(aParser.getBase(INetURLObject::LAST_SEGMENT, true, INetURLObject::DECODE_WITH_CHARSET));
diff --git a/cui/source/options/optlingu.cxx b/cui/source/options/optlingu.cxx
index 29151a2..33fe5cb 100644
--- a/cui/source/options/optlingu.cxx
+++ b/cui/source/options/optlingu.cxx
@@ -1676,9 +1676,9 @@ IMPL_LINK( SvxLinguTabPage, ClickHdl_Impl, PushButton *, pBtn )
                             OUString sURL = xStor->getLocation();
                             INetURLObject aObj(sURL);
-                            DBG_ASSERT( aObj.GetProtocol() == INET_PROT_FILE,
+                            DBG_ASSERT( aObj.GetProtocol() == INetProtocol::FILE,
                                     "non-file URLs cannot be deleted" );
-                            if ( aObj.GetProtocol() == INET_PROT_FILE )
+                            if ( aObj.GetProtocol() == INetProtocol::FILE )
                                 KillFile_Impl( aObj.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ) );
diff --git a/cui/source/options/optpath.cxx b/cui/source/options/optpath.cxx
index 747b310..512c61f 100644
--- a/cui/source/options/optpath.cxx
+++ b/cui/source/options/optpath.cxx
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ OUString Convert_Impl( const OUString& rValue )
         OUString aValue = rValue.getToken( i, cDelim );
         INetURLObject aObj( aValue );
-        if ( aObj.GetProtocol() == INET_PROT_FILE )
+        if ( aObj.GetProtocol() == INetProtocol::FILE )
             aReturn += aObj.PathToFileName();
         else if ( ::utl::LocalFileHelper::IsFileContent( aValue ) )
             aReturn += aObj.GetURLPath( INetURLObject::DECODE_WITH_CHARSET );
@@ -482,7 +482,7 @@ void SvxPathTabPage::ChangeCurrentEntry( const OUString& _rFolder )
     // old path is an URL?
     INetURLObject aObj( sWritable );
-    bool bURL = ( aObj.GetProtocol() != INET_PROT_NOT_VALID );
+    bool bURL = ( aObj.GetProtocol() != INetProtocol::NOT_VALID );
     OUString aPathStr( _rFolder );
     INetURLObject aNewObj( aPathStr );
@@ -607,7 +607,7 @@ IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SvxPathTabPage, PathHdl_Impl)
             Reference < XComponentContext > xContext( ::comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() );
             xFolderPicker = FolderPicker::create(xContext);;
-            INetURLObject aURL( sWritable, INET_PROT_FILE );
+            INetURLObject aURL( sWritable, INetProtocol::FILE );
             xFolderPicker->setDisplayDirectory( aURL.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ) );
             Reference< XAsynchronousExecutableDialog > xAsyncDlg( xFolderPicker, UNO_QUERY );
diff --git a/cui/source/options/treeopt.cxx b/cui/source/options/treeopt.cxx
index 36d6357..81fb8af 100644
--- a/cui/source/options/treeopt.cxx
+++ b/cui/source/options/treeopt.cxx
@@ -830,7 +830,7 @@ void OfaTreeOptionsDialog::ActivateLastSelection()
                                                 : pLastPageSaver->m_sLastPageURL_Tools;
-        bool bMustExpand = ( INetURLObject( sLastURL ).GetProtocol() == INET_PROT_FILE );
+        bool bMustExpand = ( INetURLObject( sLastURL ).GetProtocol() == INetProtocol::FILE );
         SvTreeListEntry* pTemp = pTreeLB->First();
         while( !pEntry && pTemp )
diff --git a/cui/source/tabpages/backgrnd.cxx b/cui/source/tabpages/backgrnd.cxx
index af67a18..12e0f17 100644
--- a/cui/source/tabpages/backgrnd.cxx
+++ b/cui/source/tabpages/backgrnd.cxx
@@ -1340,7 +1340,7 @@ IMPL_LINK( SvxBackgroundTabPage, FileClickHdl_Impl, CheckBox*, pBox )
             INetURLObject aObj( aBgdGraphicPath );
             OUString aFilePath;
-            if ( aObj.GetProtocol() == INET_PROT_FILE )
+            if ( aObj.GetProtocol() == INetProtocol::FILE )
                 aFilePath = aObj.getFSysPath( INetURLObject::FSYS_DETECT );
                 aFilePath = aBgdGraphicPath;
@@ -1745,7 +1745,7 @@ void SvxBackgroundTabPage::FillControls_Impl( const SvxBrushItem& rBgdAttr,
 #ifdef DBG_UTIL
             INetURLObject aObj( aStrLink );
-            DBG_ASSERT( aObj.GetProtocol() != INET_PROT_NOT_VALID, "Invalid URL!" );
+            DBG_ASSERT( aObj.GetProtocol() != INetProtocol::NOT_VALID, "Invalid URL!" );
             aBgdGraphicPath = aStrLink;
             m_pBtnLink->Check( true );
diff --git a/cui/source/tabpages/numpages.cxx b/cui/source/tabpages/numpages.cxx
index 531a4a7..14b7646 100644
--- a/cui/source/tabpages/numpages.cxx
+++ b/cui/source/tabpages/numpages.cxx
@@ -799,7 +799,7 @@ SvxBitmapPickTabPage::SvxBitmapPickTabPage(vcl::Window* pParent,
         m_pExamplesVS->InsertItem( i + 1, i);
         INetURLObject aObj(*it);
-        if(aObj.GetProtocol() == INET_PROT_FILE)
+        if(aObj.GetProtocol() == INetProtocol::FILE)
             *it = aObj.PathToFileName();
         m_pExamplesVS->SetItemText( i + 1, *it );
@@ -1978,7 +1978,7 @@ IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SvxNumOptionsTabPage, PopupActivateHdl_Impl)
                 sGrfName = *it;
                 INetURLObject aObj(sGrfName);
-                if(aObj.GetProtocol() == INET_PROT_FILE)
+                if(aObj.GetProtocol() == INetProtocol::FILE)
                     sGrfName = aObj.PathToFileName();
                 if(GalleryExplorer::GetGraphicObj( GALLERY_THEME_BULLETS, i, &aGraphic))
diff --git a/cui/source/tabpages/tpbitmap.cxx b/cui/source/tabpages/tpbitmap.cxx
index 1e9e466..6170eb4 100644
--- a/cui/source/tabpages/tpbitmap.cxx
+++ b/cui/source/tabpages/tpbitmap.cxx
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ void SvxBitmapTabPage::ActivatePage( const SfxItemSet&  )
             INetURLObject   aURL( pBitmapList->GetPath() );
             aURL.Append( pBitmapList->GetName() );
-            DBG_ASSERT( aURL.GetProtocol() != INET_PROT_NOT_VALID, "invalid URL" );
+            DBG_ASSERT( aURL.GetProtocol() != INetProtocol::NOT_VALID, "invalid URL" );
             if( aURL.getBase().getLength() > 18 )
@@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SvxBitmapTabPage, ClickSaveHdl_Impl)
     aDlg.AddFilter( aStrFilterType, aStrFilterType );
     INetURLObject aFile( SvtPathOptions().GetPalettePath() );
-    DBG_ASSERT( aFile.GetProtocol() != INET_PROT_NOT_VALID, "invalid URL" );
+    DBG_ASSERT( aFile.GetProtocol() != INetProtocol::NOT_VALID, "invalid URL" );
     if( !pBitmapList->GetName().isEmpty() )
diff --git a/cui/source/tabpages/tpcolor.cxx b/cui/source/tabpages/tpcolor.cxx
index ed3668b..8ed8012 100644
--- a/cui/source/tabpages/tpcolor.cxx
+++ b/cui/source/tabpages/tpcolor.cxx
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SvxColorTabPage, ClickSaveHdl_Impl)
     aDlg.AddFilter( aStrFilterType, aStrFilterType );
     INetURLObject aFile( SvtPathOptions().GetPalettePath() );
-    DBG_ASSERT( aFile.GetProtocol() != INET_PROT_NOT_VALID, "invalid URL" );
+    DBG_ASSERT( aFile.GetProtocol() != INetProtocol::NOT_VALID, "invalid URL" );
     XPropertyListRef pList = GetList();
diff --git a/cui/source/tabpages/tpgradnt.cxx b/cui/source/tabpages/tpgradnt.cxx
index 46b001b..aab58f2 100644
--- a/cui/source/tabpages/tpgradnt.cxx
+++ b/cui/source/tabpages/tpgradnt.cxx
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ void SvxGradientTabPage::ActivatePage( const SfxItemSet&  )
             INetURLObject   aURL( pGradientList->GetPath() );
             aURL.Append( pGradientList->GetName() );
-            DBG_ASSERT( aURL.GetProtocol() != INET_PROT_NOT_VALID, "invalid URL" );
+            DBG_ASSERT( aURL.GetProtocol() != INetProtocol::NOT_VALID, "invalid URL" );
             if ( aURL.getBase().getLength() > 18 )
@@ -712,7 +712,7 @@ IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SvxGradientTabPage, ClickSaveHdl_Impl)
     aDlg.AddFilter( aStrFilterType, aStrFilterType );
     INetURLObject aFile( SvtPathOptions().GetPalettePath() );
-    DBG_ASSERT( aFile.GetProtocol() != INET_PROT_NOT_VALID, "invalid URL" );
+    DBG_ASSERT( aFile.GetProtocol() != INetProtocol::NOT_VALID, "invalid URL" );
     if( !pGradientList->GetName().isEmpty() )
diff --git a/cui/source/tabpages/tphatch.cxx b/cui/source/tabpages/tphatch.cxx
index a8ce8ca..7754a07 100644
--- a/cui/source/tabpages/tphatch.cxx
+++ b/cui/source/tabpages/tphatch.cxx
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ void SvxHatchTabPage::ActivatePage( const SfxItemSet& rSet )
             INetURLObject   aURL( pHatchingList->GetPath() );
             aURL.Append( pHatchingList->GetName() );
-            DBG_ASSERT( aURL.GetProtocol() != INET_PROT_NOT_VALID, "invalid URL" );
+            DBG_ASSERT( aURL.GetProtocol() != INetProtocol::NOT_VALID, "invalid URL" );
             if ( aURL.getBase().getLength() > 18 )
@@ -745,7 +745,7 @@ IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SvxHatchTabPage, ClickSaveHdl_Impl)
     aDlg.AddFilter( aStrFilterType, aStrFilterType );
     INetURLObject aFile( SvtPathOptions().GetPalettePath() );
-    DBG_ASSERT( aFile.GetProtocol() != INET_PROT_NOT_VALID, "invalid URL" );
+    DBG_ASSERT( aFile.GetProtocol() != INetProtocol::NOT_VALID, "invalid URL" );
     if( !pHatchingList->GetName().isEmpty() )
diff --git a/cui/source/tabpages/tpline.cxx b/cui/source/tabpages/tpline.cxx
index 85a7cbe..6fffcef 100644
--- a/cui/source/tabpages/tpline.cxx
+++ b/cui/source/tabpages/tpline.cxx
@@ -562,7 +562,7 @@ void SvxLineTabPage::ActivatePage( const SfxItemSet& rSet )
         INetURLObject   aDashURL( pDashList->GetPath() );
         aDashURL.Append( pDashList->GetName() );
-        DBG_ASSERT( aDashURL.GetProtocol() != INET_PROT_NOT_VALID, "invalid URL" );
+        DBG_ASSERT( aDashURL.GetProtocol() != INetProtocol::NOT_VALID, "invalid URL" );
         // LineEnd list
         if( ( *pnLineEndListState & CT_MODIFIED ) || ( *pnLineEndListState & CT_CHANGED ) )
@@ -601,7 +601,7 @@ void SvxLineTabPage::ActivatePage( const SfxItemSet& rSet )
         INetURLObject aLineURL( pLineEndList->GetPath() );
         aLineURL.Append( pLineEndList->GetName() );
-        DBG_ASSERT( aLineURL.GetProtocol() != INET_PROT_NOT_VALID, "invalid URL" );
+        DBG_ASSERT( aLineURL.GetProtocol() != INetProtocol::NOT_VALID, "invalid URL" );
         // Evaluate if another TabPage set another fill type
         if( m_pLbLineStyle->GetSelectEntryPos() != 0 )
diff --git a/cui/source/tabpages/tplnedef.cxx b/cui/source/tabpages/tplnedef.cxx
index bfc053e..4fe1be6 100644
--- a/cui/source/tabpages/tplnedef.cxx
+++ b/cui/source/tabpages/tplnedef.cxx
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ void SvxLineDefTabPage::ActivatePage( const SfxItemSet& )
             INetURLObject   aURL( pDashList->GetPath() );
             aURL.Append( pDashList->GetName() );
-            DBG_ASSERT( aURL.GetProtocol() != INET_PROT_NOT_VALID, "invalid URL" );
+            DBG_ASSERT( aURL.GetProtocol() != INetProtocol::NOT_VALID, "invalid URL" );
             *pPageType = 0; // 2
             *pPosDashLb = LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND;
@@ -801,7 +801,7 @@ IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SvxLineDefTabPage, ClickSaveHdl_Impl)
     aDlg.AddFilter( aStrFilterType, aStrFilterType );
     INetURLObject aFile( SvtPathOptions().GetPalettePath() );
-    DBG_ASSERT( aFile.GetProtocol() != INET_PROT_NOT_VALID, "invalid URL" );
+    DBG_ASSERT( aFile.GetProtocol() != INetProtocol::NOT_VALID, "invalid URL" );
     if( !pDashList->GetName().isEmpty() )
diff --git a/cui/source/tabpages/tplneend.cxx b/cui/source/tabpages/tplneend.cxx
index b69f9d9..d00f374 100644
--- a/cui/source/tabpages/tplneend.cxx
+++ b/cui/source/tabpages/tplneend.cxx
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ void SvxLineEndDefTabPage::ActivatePage( const SfxItemSet& )
             INetURLObject   aURL( pLineEndList->GetPath() );
             aURL.Append( pLineEndList->GetName() );
-            DBG_ASSERT( aURL.GetProtocol() != INET_PROT_NOT_VALID, "invalid URL" );
+            DBG_ASSERT( aURL.GetProtocol() != INetProtocol::NOT_VALID, "invalid URL" );
             *pPageType = 0; // 3
             *pPosLineEndLb = LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND;
@@ -623,7 +623,7 @@ IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SvxLineEndDefTabPage, ClickSaveHdl_Impl)
     aDlg.AddFilter( aStrFilterType, aStrFilterType );
     INetURLObject aFile( SvtPathOptions().GetPalettePath() );
-    DBG_ASSERT( aFile.GetProtocol() != INET_PROT_NOT_VALID, "invalid URL" );
+    DBG_ASSERT( aFile.GetProtocol() != INetProtocol::NOT_VALID, "invalid URL" );
     if( !pLineEndList->GetName().isEmpty() )
diff --git a/dbaccess/source/core/dataaccess/ModelImpl.cxx b/dbaccess/source/core/dataaccess/ModelImpl.cxx
index 143cc19..30967d8 100644
--- a/dbaccess/source/core/dataaccess/ModelImpl.cxx
+++ b/dbaccess/source/core/dataaccess/ModelImpl.cxx
@@ -1245,7 +1245,7 @@ void ODatabaseModelImpl::impl_switchToLogicalURL( const OUString& i_rDocumentURL
         INetURLObject aURL( i_rDocumentURL );
-        if ( aURL.GetProtocol() != INET_PROT_NOT_VALID )
+        if ( aURL.GetProtocol() != INetProtocol::NOT_VALID )
             m_sName = i_rDocumentURL;
             // TODO: our data source must broadcast the change of the Name property
diff --git a/dbaccess/source/core/dataaccess/databasecontext.cxx b/dbaccess/source/core/dataaccess/databasecontext.cxx
index 25fc583..98a3050 100644
--- a/dbaccess/source/core/dataaccess/databasecontext.cxx
+++ b/dbaccess/source/core/dataaccess/databasecontext.cxx
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ Reference< XInterface >  ODatabaseContext::getRegisteredObject(const OUString& _
 Reference< XInterface > ODatabaseContext::loadObjectFromURL(const OUString& _rName,const OUString& _sURL)
     INetURLObject aURL( _sURL );
-    if ( aURL.GetProtocol() == INET_PROT_NOT_VALID )
+    if ( aURL.GetProtocol() == INetProtocol::NOT_VALID )
         throw NoSuchElementException( _rName, *this );
diff --git a/dbaccess/source/core/dataaccess/databaseregistrations.cxx b/dbaccess/source/core/dataaccess/databaseregistrations.cxx
index 7039a1a..9d2d9b7 100644
--- a/dbaccess/source/core/dataaccess/databaseregistrations.cxx
+++ b/dbaccess/source/core/dataaccess/databaseregistrations.cxx
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ namespace dbaccess
             throw IllegalArgumentException( OUString(), *this, 2 );
         INetURLObject aURL( _rLocation );
-        if ( aURL.GetProtocol() == INET_PROT_NOT_VALID )
+        if ( aURL.GetProtocol() == INetProtocol::NOT_VALID )
             throw IllegalArgumentException( OUString(), *this, 2 );
diff --git a/dbaccess/source/core/dataaccess/datasource.cxx b/dbaccess/source/core/dataaccess/datasource.cxx
index b6c5708..021e973 100644
--- a/dbaccess/source/core/dataaccess/datasource.cxx
+++ b/dbaccess/source/core/dataaccess/datasource.cxx
@@ -1091,7 +1091,7 @@ Reference< XConnection > SAL_CALL ODatabaseSource::connectWithCompletion( const
         // the name which should be referred in the login dialog
         OUString sServerName( m_pImpl->m_sName );
         INetURLObject aURLCheck( sServerName );
-        if ( aURLCheck.GetProtocol() != INET_PROT_NOT_VALID )
+        if ( aURLCheck.GetProtocol() != INetProtocol::NOT_VALID )
             sServerName = aURLCheck.getBase( INetURLObject::LAST_SEGMENT, true, INetURLObject::DECODE_UNAMBIGUOUS );
         // the request
diff --git a/dbaccess/source/ext/macromigration/macromigrationpages.cxx b/dbaccess/source/ext/macromigration/macromigrationpages.cxx
index 3a2f559..658a14a 100644
--- a/dbaccess/source/ext/macromigration/macromigrationpages.cxx
+++ b/dbaccess/source/ext/macromigration/macromigrationpages.cxx
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ namespace dbmm
             // get the document's current URL
             Reference< XModel > xDocument( getDialog().getDocument(), UNO_QUERY_THROW );
             INetURLObject aURLParser( xDocument->getURL() );
-            OSL_ENSURE( aURLParser.GetProtocol() != INET_PROT_NOT_VALID, "SaveDBDocPage::initializePage: illegal document URL!" );
+            OSL_ENSURE( aURLParser.GetProtocol() != INetProtocol::NOT_VALID, "SaveDBDocPage::initializePage: illegal document URL!" );
             OUStringBuffer aBaseName( aURLParser.getBase() );
             aBaseName.appendAscii( ".backup" );
diff --git a/dbaccess/source/ui/app/AppController.cxx b/dbaccess/source/ui/app/AppController.cxx
index 618237e..53759bc 100644
--- a/dbaccess/source/ui/app/AppController.cxx
+++ b/dbaccess/source/ui/app/AppController.cxx
@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ void SAL_CALL OApplicationController::disposing()
                     // add to recent document list
-                    if ( aURL.GetProtocol() == INET_PROT_FILE )
+                    if ( aURL.GetProtocol() == INetProtocol::FILE )
                         Application::AddToRecentDocumentList( aURL.GetURLNoPass( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ),
                                                               (pFilter) ? pFilter->GetMimeType() : OUString(),
                                                               (pFilter) ? pFilter->GetServiceName() : OUString() );
diff --git a/dbaccess/source/ui/browser/unodatbr.cxx b/dbaccess/source/ui/browser/unodatbr.cxx
index 93250fa..1161468 100644
--- a/dbaccess/source/ui/browser/unodatbr.cxx
+++ b/dbaccess/source/ui/browser/unodatbr.cxx
@@ -1089,7 +1089,7 @@ namespace
     bool getDataSourceDisplayName_isURL( const OUString& _rDS, OUString& _rDisplayName, OUString& _rUniqueId )
         INetURLObject aURL( _rDS );
-        if ( aURL.GetProtocol() != INET_PROT_NOT_VALID )
+        if ( aURL.GetProtocol() != INetProtocol::NOT_VALID )
             _rDisplayName = aURL.getBase(INetURLObject::LAST_SEGMENT,true,INetURLObject::DECODE_WITH_CHARSET);
             _rUniqueId = aURL.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE );
@@ -3653,7 +3653,7 @@ OUString SbaTableQueryBrowser::getPrivateTitle() const
         OUString sName = m_pTreeView->getListBox().GetEntryText(m_pCurrentlyDisplayed);
         sTitle = GetEntryText( pConnection );
         INetURLObject aURL(sTitle);
-        if ( aURL.GetProtocol() != INET_PROT_NOT_VALID )
+        if ( aURL.GetProtocol() != INetProtocol::NOT_VALID )
             sTitle = aURL.getBase(INetURLObject::LAST_SEGMENT,true,INetURLObject::DECODE_WITH_CHARSET);
         if ( !sName.isEmpty() )
diff --git a/dbaccess/source/ui/dlg/ConnectionHelper.cxx b/dbaccess/source/ui/dlg/ConnectionHelper.cxx
index 06afe78..3f914c7 100644
--- a/dbaccess/source/ui/dlg/ConnectionHelper.cxx
+++ b/dbaccess/source/ui/dlg/ConnectionHelper.cxx
@@ -612,7 +612,7 @@ namespace dbaui
             ::ucbhelper::Content aParent(aParser.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::NO_DECODE), xEmptyEnv, comphelper::getProcessComponentContext());
             OUString sContentType;
-            if ( INET_PROT_FILE == eProtocol )
+            if ( INetProtocol::FILE == eProtocol )
                 sContentType = "application/vnd.sun.staroffice.fsys-folder";
                 // the file UCP currently does not support the ContentType property
diff --git a/dbaccess/source/ui/dlg/dbfindex.cxx b/dbaccess/source/ui/dlg/dbfindex.cxx
index 238a8ba..847f69f 100644
--- a/dbaccess/source/ui/dlg/dbfindex.cxx
+++ b/dbaccess/source/ui/dlg/dbfindex.cxx
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ void ODbaseIndexDialog::Init()
     // if the string does not contain a path, cut the string
     INetURLObject aURL;
-    aURL.SetSmartProtocol(INET_PROT_FILE);
+    aURL.SetSmartProtocol(INetProtocol::FILE);
         SvtPathOptions aPathOptions;
         m_aDSN = aPathOptions.SubstituteVariable(m_aDSN);
@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ void ODbaseIndexDialog::Init()
     const OUString *pBegin = aFolderContent.getConstArray();
     const OUString *pEnd   = pBegin + aFolderContent.getLength();
-    aURL.SetSmartProtocol(INET_PROT_FILE);
+    aURL.SetSmartProtocol(INetProtocol::FILE);
     for(;pBegin != pEnd;++pBegin)
         OUString aName;
@@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ void OTableInfo::WriteInfFile( const OUString& rDSN ) const
     // open INF file
     INetURLObject aURL;
-    aURL.SetSmartProtocol(INET_PROT_FILE);
+    aURL.SetSmartProtocol(INetProtocol::FILE);
     OUString aDsn = rDSN;
         SvtPathOptions aPathOptions;
diff --git a/dbaccess/source/ui/dlg/dbwizsetup.cxx b/dbaccess/source/ui/dlg/dbwizsetup.cxx
index 7111764..725f79c 100644
--- a/dbaccess/source/ui/dlg/dbwizsetup.cxx
+++ b/dbaccess/source/ui/dlg/dbwizsetup.cxx
@@ -815,7 +815,7 @@ bool ODbTypeWizDialogSetup::SaveDatabaseDocument()
             m_aDocURL = INetURLObject(aFileDlg.GetPath());
-            if( m_aDocURL.GetProtocol() != INET_PROT_NOT_VALID )
+            if( m_aDocURL.GetProtocol() != INetProtocol::NOT_VALID )
                 OUString sFileName = m_aDocURL.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE );
                 if ( ::utl::UCBContentHelper::IsDocument(sFileName) )
diff --git a/dbaccess/source/ui/dlg/sqlmessage.cxx b/dbaccess/source/ui/dlg/sqlmessage.cxx
index a3ded92..951e41f 100644
--- a/dbaccess/source/ui/dlg/sqlmessage.cxx
+++ b/dbaccess/source/ui/dlg/sqlmessage.cxx
@@ -595,7 +595,7 @@ void OSQLMessageBox::impl_createStandardButtons( WinBits _nStyle )
         OUString aTmp;
         INetURLObject aHID( m_sHelpURL );
-        if ( aHID.GetProtocol() == INET_PROT_HID )
+        if ( aHID.GetProtocol() == INetProtocol::HID )
               aTmp = aHID.GetURLPath();
             aTmp = m_sHelpURL;
diff --git a/dbaccess/source/ui/misc/UITools.cxx b/dbaccess/source/ui/misc/UITools.cxx
index b51ae0b..9dca902 100644
--- a/dbaccess/source/ui/misc/UITools.cxx
+++ b/dbaccess/source/ui/misc/UITools.cxx
@@ -1081,7 +1081,7 @@ OUString getStrippedDatabaseName(const Reference<XPropertySet>& _xDataSource,OUS
     OUString sName = _rsDatabaseName;
     INetURLObject aURL(sName);
-    if ( aURL.GetProtocol() != INET_PROT_NOT_VALID )
+    if ( aURL.GetProtocol() != INetProtocol::NOT_VALID )
         sName = aURL.getBase(INetURLObject::LAST_SEGMENT,true,INetURLObject::DECODE_UNAMBIGUOUS);
     return sName;
diff --git a/desktop/source/app/dispatchwatcher.cxx b/desktop/source/app/dispatchwatcher.cxx
index ce5c2ac..d33459c 100644
--- a/desktop/source/app/dispatchwatcher.cxx
+++ b/desktop/source/app/dispatchwatcher.cxx
@@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ bool DispatchWatcher::executeDispatchRequests( const DispatchList& aDispatchRequ
             INetURLObject aObj( aName );
-            if ( aObj.GetProtocol() == INET_PROT_PRIV_SOFFICE )
+            if ( aObj.GetProtocol() == INetProtocol::PRIV_SOFFICE )
                 aTarget = "_default";
             // Set "AsTemplate" argument according to request type
diff --git a/editeng/source/items/flditem.cxx b/editeng/source/items/flditem.cxx
index 7371b6c..09e8021 100644
--- a/editeng/source/items/flditem.cxx
+++ b/editeng/source/items/flditem.cxx
@@ -1008,7 +1008,7 @@ OUString SvxExtFileField::GetFormatted() const
     INetURLObject aURLObj( aFile );
-    if( INET_PROT_NOT_VALID == aURLObj.GetProtocol() )
+    if( INetProtocol::NOT_VALID == aURLObj.GetProtocol() )
         // invalid? try to interpret string as system file name
         OUString aURLStr;
@@ -1020,12 +1020,12 @@ OUString SvxExtFileField::GetFormatted() const
     // #92009# Be somewhat liberate when trying to
     // get formatted content out of the FileField
-    if( INET_PROT_NOT_VALID == aURLObj.GetProtocol() )
+    if( INetProtocol::NOT_VALID == aURLObj.GetProtocol() )
         // still not valid? Then output as is
         aString = aFile;
-    else if( INET_PROT_FILE == aURLObj.GetProtocol() )
+    else if( INetProtocol::FILE == aURLObj.GetProtocol() )
         switch( eFormat )
diff --git a/editeng/source/misc/svxacorr.cxx b/editeng/source/misc/svxacorr.cxx
index 7ec0a8b..241b26b 100644
--- a/editeng/source/misc/svxacorr.cxx
+++ b/editeng/source/misc/svxacorr.cxx
@@ -662,7 +662,7 @@ bool SvxAutoCorrect::FnAddNonBrkSpace(
             sal_Int32 nProtocolLen = nEndPos - nSttWdPos + 1;
             if (nIndex + nProtocolLen <= rTxt.getLength())
-                if (INetURLObject::CompareProtocolScheme(rTxt.copy(nIndex, nProtocolLen)) != INET_PROT_NOT_VALID)
+                if (INetURLObject::CompareProtocolScheme(rTxt.copy(nIndex, nProtocolLen)) != INetProtocol::NOT_VALID)
                     return false;
@@ -854,7 +854,7 @@ bool SvxAutoCorrect::FnCptlSttSntnc( SvxAutoCorrDoc& rDoc,
     sal_Int32 nProtocolLen = pDelim - pWordStt + 1;
     if (nIndex + nProtocolLen <= rTxt.getLength())
-        if (INetURLObject::CompareProtocolScheme(rTxt.copy(nIndex, nProtocolLen)) != INET_PROT_NOT_VALID)
+        if (INetURLObject::CompareProtocolScheme(rTxt.copy(nIndex, nProtocolLen)) != INetProtocol::NOT_VALID)
             return false; // already ok
diff --git a/extensions/source/abpilot/abpfinalpage.cxx b/extensions/source/abpilot/abpfinalpage.cxx
index 337b732..55da306 100644
--- a/extensions/source/abpilot/abpfinalpage.cxx
+++ b/extensions/source/abpilot/abpfinalpage.cxx
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ namespace abp
         AddressSettings& rSettings = getSettings();
         INetURLObject aURL( rSettings.sDataSourceName );
-        if( aURL.GetProtocol() == INET_PROT_NOT_VALID )
+        if( aURL.GetProtocol() == INetProtocol::NOT_VALID )
             OUString sPath = SvtPathOptions().GetWorkPath();
             sPath += "/";
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ namespace abp
-        OSL_ENSURE( aURL.GetProtocol() != INET_PROT_NOT_VALID ,"No valid file name!");
+        OSL_ENSURE( aURL.GetProtocol() != INetProtocol::NOT_VALID ,"No valid file name!");
         rSettings.sDataSourceName = aURL.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE );
         m_pLocationController->setURL( rSettings.sDataSourceName );
         OUString sName = aURL.getName( );
diff --git a/extensions/source/bibliography/general.cxx b/extensions/source/bibliography/general.cxx
index f6cbfee..736bba1 100644
--- a/extensions/source/bibliography/general.cxx
+++ b/extensions/source/bibliography/general.cxx
@@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ uno::Reference< awt::XControlModel >  BibGeneralPage::AddXControl(
                     OUString sId( INET_HID_SCHEME );
-                    DBG_ASSERT( INetURLObject( OStringToOUString( sHelpId, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ) ).GetProtocol() == INET_PROT_NOT_VALID, "Wrong HelpId!" );
+                    DBG_ASSERT( INetURLObject( OStringToOUString( sHelpId, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ) ).GetProtocol() == INetProtocol::NOT_VALID, "Wrong HelpId!" );
                     sId += OStringToOUString( sHelpId, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 );
                     xPropSet->setPropertyValue( uProp, makeAny( sId ) );
diff --git a/extensions/source/dbpilots/controlwizard.cxx b/extensions/source/dbpilots/controlwizard.cxx
index 061f765..4aa7b27 100644
--- a/extensions/source/dbpilots/controlwizard.cxx
+++ b/extensions/source/dbpilots/controlwizard.cxx
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ namespace dbp
             INetURLObject aURL( sDataSource );
-            if( aURL.GetProtocol() != INET_PROT_NOT_VALID )
+            if( aURL.GetProtocol() != INetProtocol::NOT_VALID )
                 sDataSource = aURL.GetName(INetURLObject::DECODE_WITH_CHARSET);
diff --git a/extensions/source/plugin/base/context.cxx b/extensions/source/plugin/base/context.cxx
index 31250b5..c4007ab 100644
--- a/extensions/source/plugin/base/context.cxx
+++ b/extensions/source/plugin/base/context.cxx
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ void XPluginContext_Impl::getURL(const Reference< ::com::sun::star::plugin::XPlu
     if(  target.isEmpty() )
         INetURLObject aURL;
-        aURL.SetSmartProtocol( INET_PROT_FILE );
+        aURL.SetSmartProtocol( INetProtocol::FILE );
         aURL.SetSmartURL( url );
         OUString aUrl = aURL.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DECODE_TO_IURI);
diff --git a/extensions/source/plugin/base/xplugin.cxx b/extensions/source/plugin/base/xplugin.cxx
index cef5e4b..41feb4e 100644
--- a/extensions/source/plugin/base/xplugin.cxx
+++ b/extensions/source/plugin/base/xplugin.cxx
@@ -1051,7 +1051,7 @@ void PluginInputStream::load()
     Guard< Mutex > aGuard( m_pPlugin->getMutex() );
     INetURLObject aUrl;
-    aUrl.SetSmartProtocol( INET_PROT_FILE );
+    aUrl.SetSmartProtocol( INetProtocol::FILE );
         OUString( getStream().url,
                   strlen( getStream().url ),
diff --git a/extensions/source/propctrlr/formcomponenthandler.cxx b/extensions/source/propctrlr/formcomponenthandler.cxx
index ae7a46c..b007711 100644
--- a/extensions/source/propctrlr/formcomponenthandler.cxx
+++ b/extensions/source/propctrlr/formcomponenthandler.cxx
@@ -2432,7 +2432,7 @@ namespace pcr
             // additional info about what happened
             INetURLObject aParser( sDataSourceName );
-            if ( aParser.GetProtocol() != INET_PROT_NOT_VALID )
+            if ( aParser.GetProtocol() != INetProtocol::NOT_VALID )
                 sDataSourceName = aParser.getBase( INetURLObject::LAST_SEGMENT, true, INetURLObject::DECODE_WITH_CHARSET );
             OUString sInfo(PcrRes(RID_STR_UNABLETOCONNECT).toString().replaceAll("$name$", sDataSourceName));
             SQLContext aContext;
@@ -2845,7 +2845,7 @@ namespace pcr
         OUString sURL;
         OSL_VERIFY( impl_getPropertyValue_throw( PROPERTY_TARGET_URL ) >>= sURL );
         INetURLObject aParser( sURL );
-        if ( INET_PROT_FILE == aParser.GetProtocol() )
+        if ( INetProtocol::FILE == aParser.GetProtocol() )
             // set the initial directory only for file-URLs. Everything else
             // is considered to be potentially expensive
             aFileDlg.SetDisplayDirectory( sURL );
@@ -2900,7 +2900,7 @@ namespace pcr
         OUString sDataSource;
         OSL_VERIFY( impl_getPropertyValue_throw( PROPERTY_DATASOURCE ) >>= sDataSource );
         INetURLObject aParser( sDataSource );
-        if ( INET_PROT_FILE == aParser.GetProtocol() )
+        if ( INetProtocol::FILE == aParser.GetProtocol() )
             // set the initial directory only for file-URLs. Everything else
             // is considered to be potentially expensive
             aFileDlg.SetDisplayDirectory( sDataSource );
diff --git a/extensions/source/propctrlr/pcrcommon.cxx b/extensions/source/propctrlr/pcrcommon.cxx
index 9292a02..25bed3f 100644
--- a/extensions/source/propctrlr/pcrcommon.cxx
+++ b/extensions/source/propctrlr/pcrcommon.cxx
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ namespace pcr
     OString HelpIdUrl::getHelpId( const OUString& _rHelpURL )
         INetURLObject aHID( _rHelpURL );
-        if ( aHID.GetProtocol() == INET_PROT_HID )
+        if ( aHID.GetProtocol() == INetProtocol::HID )
               return OUStringToOString( aHID.GetURLPath(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 );
             return OUStringToOString( _rHelpURL, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 );
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ namespace pcr
         OUStringBuffer aBuffer;
         OUString aTmp( OStringToOUString(sHelpId, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8) );
         INetURLObject aHID( aTmp );
-        if ( aHID.GetProtocol() == INET_PROT_NOT_VALID )
+        if ( aHID.GetProtocol() == INetProtocol::NOT_VALID )
             aBuffer.appendAscii( INET_HID_SCHEME );
         aBuffer.append( aTmp.getStr() );
         return aBuffer.makeStringAndClear();
diff --git a/filter/source/msfilter/msdffimp.cxx b/filter/source/msfilter/msdffimp.cxx
index b2f7093..ffd0cda 100644
--- a/filter/source/msfilter/msdffimp.cxx
+++ b/filter/source/msfilter/msdffimp.cxx
@@ -3944,7 +3944,7 @@ SdrObject* SvxMSDffManager::ImportGraphic( SvStream& rSt, SfxItemSet& rSet, cons
                     if( ::utl::LocalFileHelper::ConvertPhysicalNameToURL( aFileName, aValidURL ) )
                         aAbsURL = INetURLObject( aValidURL );
-                if( aAbsURL.GetProtocol() != INET_PROT_NOT_VALID )
+                if( aAbsURL.GetProtocol() != INetProtocol::NOT_VALID )
                     GraphicFilter &rGrfFilter = GraphicFilter::GetGraphicFilter();
                     aLinkFilterName = rGrfFilter.GetImportFormatName(
diff --git a/filter/source/msfilter/msvbahelper.cxx b/filter/source/msfilter/msvbahelper.cxx
index e7662ca..3dbdde9 100644
--- a/filter/source/msfilter/msvbahelper.cxx
+++ b/filter/source/msfilter/msvbahelper.cxx
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ SfxObjectShell* findShellForUrl( const OUString& sMacroURLOrPath )
     SfxObjectShell* pShell = SfxObjectShell::GetFirst();
     INetURLObject aObj;
     aObj.SetURL( sMacroURLOrPath );
-    bool bIsURL = aObj.GetProtocol() != INET_PROT_NOT_VALID;
+    bool bIsURL = aObj.GetProtocol() != INetProtocol::NOT_VALID;
     OUString aURL;
     if ( bIsURL )
         aURL = sMacroURLOrPath;
@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ MacroResolvedInfo resolveVBAMacro( SfxObjectShell* pShell, const OUString& Macro
                 INetURLObject aObj;
                 aObj.SetURL( sCreatedFrom );
-                bool bIsURL = aObj.GetProtocol() != INET_PROT_NOT_VALID;
+                bool bIsURL = aObj.GetProtocol() != INetProtocol::NOT_VALID;
                 OUString aURL;
                 if ( bIsURL )
                     aURL = sCreatedFrom;
diff --git a/filter/source/pdf/pdfexport.cxx b/filter/source/pdf/pdfexport.cxx
index 19e3f18..d4942b9 100644
--- a/filter/source/pdf/pdfexport.cxx
+++ b/filter/source/pdf/pdfexport.cxx
@@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ bool PDFExport::Export( const OUString& rFile, const Sequence< PropertyValue >&
     std::set< PDFWriter::ErrorCode > aErrors;
-    if( aURL.GetProtocol() != INET_PROT_FILE )
+    if( aURL.GetProtocol() != INetProtocol::FILE )
         OUString aTmp;
@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ bool PDFExport::Export( const OUString& rFile, const Sequence< PropertyValue >&
             aURL = INetURLObject(aTmp);
-    if( aURL.GetProtocol() == INET_PROT_FILE )
+    if( aURL.GetProtocol() == INetProtocol::FILE )
         Reference< XRenderable > xRenderable( mxSrcDoc, UNO_QUERY );
diff --git a/forms/source/component/DatabaseForm.cxx b/forms/source/component/DatabaseForm.cxx
index 225967c..3041e83 100644
--- a/forms/source/component/DatabaseForm.cxx
+++ b/forms/source/component/DatabaseForm.cxx
@@ -489,9 +489,9 @@ OUString ODatabaseForm::GetDataEncoded(bool _bURLEncoded,const Reference<XContro
             // For File URLs we transfer the file name and not a URL, because Netscape does it like that
             INetURLObject aURL;
-            aURL.SetSmartProtocol(INET_PROT_FILE);
+            aURL.SetSmartProtocol(INetProtocol::FILE);
-            if( INET_PROT_FILE == aURL.GetProtocol() )
+            if( INetProtocol::FILE == aURL.GetProtocol() )
                 aValue = INetURLObject::decode(aURL.PathToFileName(), '%', INetURLObject::DECODE_UNAMBIGUOUS);
         Encode( aName );
@@ -1035,9 +1035,9 @@ bool ODatabaseForm::InsertFilePart( INetMIMEMessage& rParent, const OUString& rN
         // We can only process File URLs yet
         INetURLObject aURL;
-        aURL.SetSmartProtocol(INET_PROT_FILE);
+        aURL.SetSmartProtocol(INetProtocol::FILE);
-        if( INET_PROT_FILE == aURL.GetProtocol() )
+        if( INetProtocol::FILE == aURL.GetProtocol() )
             aFileName = INetURLObject::decode(aURL.PathToFileName(), '%', INetURLObject::DECODE_UNAMBIGUOUS);
             pStream = ::utl::UcbStreamHelper::CreateStream(aFileName, StreamMode::READ);
diff --git a/forms/source/component/clickableimage.cxx b/forms/source/component/clickableimage.cxx
index d111fc8..79a4d04 100644
--- a/forms/source/component/clickableimage.cxx
+++ b/forms/source/component/clickableimage.cxx
@@ -716,7 +716,7 @@ namespace frm
         // the SfxMedium is not allowed to be created with an invalid URL, so we have to check this first
         INetURLObject aUrl(rURL);
-        if (INET_PROT_NOT_VALID == aUrl.GetProtocol())
+        if (INetProtocol::NOT_VALID == aUrl.GetProtocol())
             // we treat an invalid URL like we would treat no URL
diff --git a/forms/source/xforms/submission/submission_get.cxx b/forms/source/xforms/submission/submission_get.cxx
index de7caa6..79a295a 100644
--- a/forms/source/xforms/submission/submission_get.cxx
+++ b/forms/source/xforms/submission/submission_get.cxx
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ CSubmission::SubmissionResult CSubmissionGet::submit(const css::uno::Reference<
         Sequence< sal_Int8 > aByteBuffer(size);
         while ((n = aInStream->readSomeBytes(aByteBuffer, size-1)) != 0)
             aQueryString.append(reinterpret_cast<char const *>(aByteBuffer.getConstArray()), n);
-        if (!aQueryString.isEmpty() && m_aURLObj.GetProtocol() != INET_PROT_FILE)
+        if (!aQueryString.isEmpty() && m_aURLObj.GetProtocol() != INetProtocol::FILE)
diff --git a/fpicker/source/office/OfficeControlAccess.cxx b/fpicker/source/office/OfficeControlAccess.cxx
index a5bfde1..d7b0aab 100644
--- a/fpicker/source/office/OfficeControlAccess.cxx
+++ b/fpicker/source/office/OfficeControlAccess.cxx
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ namespace svt
         OUString sHelpID( sHelpURL );
         INetURLObject aHID( sHelpURL );
-        if ( aHID.GetProtocol() == INET_PROT_HID )
+        if ( aHID.GetProtocol() == INetProtocol::HID )
               sHelpID = aHID.GetURLPath();
         // URLs should always be UTF8 encoded and escaped
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ namespace svt
         OUString sHelpURL;
         OUString aTmp( OStringToOUString( aHelpId, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ) );
         INetURLObject aHID( aTmp );
-        if ( aHID.GetProtocol() == INET_PROT_NOT_VALID )
+        if ( aHID.GetProtocol() == INetProtocol::NOT_VALID )
             sHelpURL = INET_HID_SCHEME;
         sHelpURL += aTmp;
         return sHelpURL;
diff --git a/fpicker/source/office/iodlg.cxx b/fpicker/source/office/iodlg.cxx
index 7ad01ab..b13e5ec 100644
--- a/fpicker/source/office/iodlg.cxx
+++ b/fpicker/source/office/iodlg.cxx
@@ -210,13 +210,13 @@ namespace
                     // So we have to check if the file name denotes a folder or a file.
                     // For performance reasons, we do this for file urls only
                     INetURLObject aURL( aNewFile );
-                    if ( INET_PROT_NOT_VALID == aURL.GetProtocol() )
+                    if ( INetProtocol::NOT_VALID == aURL.GetProtocol() )
                         OUString sURL;
                         if ( ::utl::LocalFileHelper::ConvertPhysicalNameToURL( aNewFile, sURL ) )
                             aURL = INetURLObject( sURL );
-                    if ( INET_PROT_FILE == aURL.GetProtocol() )
+                    if ( INetProtocol::FILE == aURL.GetProtocol() )
@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ namespace
     static OUString lcl_ensureFinalSlash( const OUString& _rDir )
-        INetURLObject aWorkPathObj( _rDir, INET_PROT_FILE );
+        INetURLObject aWorkPathObj( _rDir, INetProtocol::FILE );
         return  aWorkPathObj.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE );
@@ -916,7 +916,7 @@ IMPL_STATIC_LINK( SvtFileDialog, OpenHdl_Impl, void*, pVoid )
         INetURLObject aFileObject( aFileName );
-        if ( ( aFileObject.GetProtocol() == INET_PROT_NOT_VALID ) && !aFileName.isEmpty() )
+        if ( ( aFileObject.GetProtocol() == INetProtocol::NOT_VALID ) && !aFileName.isEmpty() )
             OUString sCompleted = SvtURLBox::ParseSmart( aFileName, pThis->_pFileView->GetViewURL(), SvtPathOptions().GetWorkPath() );
             if ( !sCompleted.isEmpty() )
@@ -1073,7 +1073,7 @@ IMPL_STATIC_LINK( SvtFileDialog, OpenHdl_Impl, void*, pVoid )
             // do an existence check herein, again
-            if ( INET_PROT_FILE == aFileObj.GetProtocol( ) )
+            if ( INetProtocol::FILE == aFileObj.GetProtocol( ) )
                 bool bExists = pThis->m_aContent.is( aFileObj.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ) );
@@ -1082,7 +1082,7 @@ IMPL_STATIC_LINK( SvtFileDialog, OpenHdl_Impl, void*, pVoid )
                     OUString sError( SVT_RESSTR( RID_FILEOPEN_NOTEXISTENTFILE ) );
                     OUString sInvalidFile( aFileObj.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::DECODE_TO_IURI ) );
-                    if ( INET_PROT_FILE == aFileObj.GetProtocol() )
+                    if ( INetProtocol::FILE == aFileObj.GetProtocol() )
                     {   // if it's a file URL, transform the URL into system notation
                         OUString sURL( sInvalidFile );
                         OUString sSystem;
@@ -1394,7 +1394,7 @@ void SvtFileDialog::UpdateControls( const OUString& rURL )
         OUString sText;
-        DBG_ASSERT( INET_PROT_NOT_VALID != aObj.GetProtocol(), "SvtFileDialog::UpdateControls: Invalid URL!" );
+        DBG_ASSERT( INetProtocol::NOT_VALID != aObj.GetProtocol(), "SvtFileDialog::UpdateControls: Invalid URL!" );
         if ( aObj.getSegmentCount() )
@@ -1402,7 +1402,7 @@ void SvtFileDialog::UpdateControls( const OUString& rURL )
             if ( !sText.isEmpty() )
                 // no Fsys path for server file system ( only UCB has mountpoints! )
-                if ( INET_PROT_FILE != aObj.GetProtocol() )
+                if ( INetProtocol::FILE != aObj.GetProtocol() )
                     sText = rURL.copy( INetURLObject::GetScheme( aObj.GetProtocol() ).getLength() );
@@ -1449,7 +1449,7 @@ IMPL_LINK( SvtFileDialog, SelectHdl_Impl, SvTabListBox*, pBox )
         INetURLObject aObj( pUserData->maURL );
         if ( FILEDLG_TYPE_PATHDLG == _pImp->_eDlgType )
-            if ( aObj.GetProtocol() == INET_PROT_FILE )
+            if ( aObj.GetProtocol() == INetProtocol::FILE )
                 if ( !pUserData->mbIsFolder )
@@ -1524,7 +1524,7 @@ IMPL_LINK( SvtFileDialog, OpenDoneHdl_Impl, SvtFileView*, pView )
         // additional check: the parent folder should not be prohibited
         INetURLObject aCurrentFolder( sCurrentFolder );
-        DBG_ASSERT( INET_PROT_NOT_VALID != aCurrentFolder.GetProtocol(),
+        DBG_ASSERT( INetProtocol::NOT_VALID != aCurrentFolder.GetProtocol(),
             "SvtFileDialog::OpenDoneHdl_Impl: invalid current URL!" );
@@ -1719,7 +1719,7 @@ short SvtFileDialog::Execute()
     if ( RET_OK == nResult )
         INetURLObject aURL( _aPath );
-        if ( aURL.GetProtocol() == INET_PROT_FILE )
+        if ( aURL.GetProtocol() == INetProtocol::FILE )
             // remember the selected directory only for file URLs not for virtual folders
             sal_Int32 nLevel = aURL.getSegmentCount();
@@ -2004,7 +2004,7 @@ short SvtFileDialog::PrepareExecute()
     INetURLObject aObj = aFolderURL;
-    if ( aObj.GetProtocol() == INET_PROT_FILE )
+    if ( aObj.GetProtocol() == INetProtocol::FILE )
         // set folder as current directory
@@ -2076,7 +2076,7 @@ void SvtFileDialog::SetStandardDir( const OUString& rStdDir )
     INetURLObject aObj( rStdDir );
-    DBG_ASSERT( aObj.GetProtocol() != INET_PROT_NOT_VALID, "Invalid protocol!" );
+    DBG_ASSERT( aObj.GetProtocol() != INetProtocol::NOT_VALID, "Invalid protocol!" );
     _pImp->SetStandardDir( aObj.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ) );
@@ -2269,7 +2269,7 @@ bool SvtFileDialog::IsolateFilterFromPath_Impl( OUString& rPath, OUString& rFilt
         // use question mark as wildcard only for files
         INetProtocol eProt = INetURLObject::CompareProtocolScheme( rPath );
-        if ( INET_PROT_NOT_VALID != eProt && INET_PROT_FILE != eProt )
+        if ( INetProtocol::NOT_VALID != eProt && INetProtocol::FILE != eProt )
             nQuestionMarkPos = -1;
         nWildCardPos = std::min( nWildCardPos, nQuestionMarkPos );
diff --git a/framework/source/classes/menumanager.cxx b/framework/source/classes/menumanager.cxx
index b9350ef..06ff1e2 100644
--- a/framework/source/classes/menumanager.cxx
+++ b/framework/source/classes/menumanager.cxx
@@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ void MenuManager::UpdateSpecialFileMenu( Menu* pMenu )
                 OUString   aMenuTitle;
                 INetURLObject   aURL( aURLString );
-                if ( aURL.GetProtocol() == INET_PROT_FILE )
+                if ( aURL.GetProtocol() == INetProtocol::FILE )
                     // Do handle file URL differently => convert it to a system
                     // path and abbreviate it with a special function:
diff --git a/framework/source/fwe/helper/titlehelper.cxx b/framework/source/fwe/helper/titlehelper.cxx
index 5ddf125..ee5cbf9 100644
--- a/framework/source/fwe/helper/titlehelper.cxx
+++ b/framework/source/fwe/helper/titlehelper.cxx
@@ -618,7 +618,7 @@ OUString TitleHelper::impl_convertURL2Title(const OUString& sURL)
     INetURLObject   aURL (sURL);
     OUString sTitle;
-    if (aURL.GetProtocol() == INET_PROT_FILE)
+    if (aURL.GetProtocol() == INetProtocol::FILE)
         if (aURL.HasMark())
             aURL = INetURLObject(aURL.GetURLNoMark());
diff --git a/framework/source/services/urltransformer.cxx b/framework/source/services/urltransformer.cxx
index 77394bb..c17743f 100644
--- a/framework/source/services/urltransformer.cxx
+++ b/framework/source/services/urltransformer.cxx
@@ -140,14 +140,14 @@ sal_Bool SAL_CALL URLTransformer::parseStrict( css::util::URL& aURL ) throw( css
         aProtocol = aURL.Complete.copy( 0, nURLIndex+1 );
         // If INetURLObject knows this protocol let it parse
-        if ( INetURLObject::CompareProtocolScheme( aProtocol ) != INET_PROT_NOT_VALID )
+        if ( INetURLObject::CompareProtocolScheme( aProtocol ) != INetProtocol::NOT_VALID )
             // Initialize parser with given URL.
             INetURLObject aParser( aURL.Complete );
             // Get all information about this URL.
             INetProtocol eINetProt = aParser.GetProtocol();
-            if ( eINetProt == INET_PROT_NOT_VALID )
+            if ( eINetProt == INetProtocol::NOT_VALID )
                 return sal_False;
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ sal_Bool SAL_CALL URLTransformer::parseSmart( css::util::URL& aURL,
         // Minmal support for unknown protocols. This is mandatory to support the "Protocol Handlers" implemented
         // in framework!
-        if ( INetURLObject::CompareProtocolScheme( sSmartProtocol ) == INET_PROT_NOT_VALID )
+        if ( INetURLObject::CompareProtocolScheme( sSmartProtocol ) == INetProtocol::NOT_VALID )
             // Try to extract the protocol
             sal_Int32 nIndex = aURL.Complete.indexOf( ':' );
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ sal_Bool SAL_CALL URLTransformer::parseSmart( css::util::URL& aURL,
                 // If INetURLObject knows this protocol something is wrong as detected before =>
                 // give up and return false!
-                if ( INetURLObject::CompareProtocolScheme( aProtocol ) != INET_PROT_NOT_VALID )
+                if ( INetURLObject::CompareProtocolScheme( aProtocol ) != INetProtocol::NOT_VALID )
                     return sal_False;
                     aURL.Protocol = aProtocol;
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ sal_Bool SAL_CALL URLTransformer::assemble( css::util::URL& aURL ) throw( css::u
     // Initialize parser.
     INetURLObject aParser;
-    if ( INetURLObject::CompareProtocolScheme( aURL.Protocol ) != INET_PROT_NOT_VALID )
+    if ( INetURLObject::CompareProtocolScheme( aURL.Protocol ) != INetProtocol::NOT_VALID )
         OUStringBuffer aCompletePath( aURL.Path );
diff --git a/framework/source/uielement/generictoolbarcontroller.cxx b/framework/source/uielement/generictoolbarcontroller.cxx
index f59982a..8cdfb51 100644
--- a/framework/source/uielement/generictoolbarcontroller.cxx
+++ b/framework/source/uielement/generictoolbarcontroller.cxx
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ static bool isEnumCommand( const OUString& rCommand )
     INetURLObject aURL( rCommand );
-    if (( aURL.GetProtocol() == INET_PROT_UNO ) &&
+    if (( aURL.GetProtocol() == INetProtocol::UNO ) &&
         ( aURL.GetURLPath().indexOf( '.' ) != -1))
         return true;
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ static OUString getMasterCommand( const OUString& rCommand )
     OUString aMasterCommand( rCommand );
     INetURLObject aURL( rCommand );
-    if ( aURL.GetProtocol() == INET_PROT_UNO )
+    if ( aURL.GetProtocol() == INetProtocol::UNO )
         sal_Int32 nIndex = aURL.GetURLPath().indexOf( '.' );
         if ( nIndex )
diff --git a/framework/source/uielement/recentfilesmenucontroller.cxx b/framework/source/uielement/recentfilesmenucontroller.cxx
index ed23595..f536e26 100644
--- a/framework/source/uielement/recentfilesmenucontroller.cxx
+++ b/framework/source/uielement/recentfilesmenucontroller.cxx
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ void RecentFilesMenuController::fillPopupMenu( Reference< css::awt::XPopupMenu >
                 INetURLObject   aURL( m_aRecentFilesItems[i].aURL );
                 OUString aTipHelpText( aURL.getFSysPath( INetURLObject::FSYS_DETECT ) );
-                if ( aURL.GetProtocol() == INET_PROT_FILE )
+                if ( aURL.GetProtocol() == INetProtocol::FILE )
                     // Do handle file URL differently: don't show the protocol, just the file name
                     aMenuTitle = aURL.GetLastName(INetURLObject::DECODE_WITH_CHARSET, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);
diff --git a/include/o3tl/enumarray.hxx b/include/o3tl/enumarray.hxx
index b476cb3..6bc3dff 100644
--- a/include/o3tl/enumarray.hxx
+++ b/include/o3tl/enumarray.hxx
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ public:
     static const size_type max_index = static_cast<size_type>(E::LAST);
-    const V operator[](E index) const
+    const V& operator[](E index) const
         assert(index>=static_cast<E>(0) && index<=E::LAST);
         return detail_values[static_cast<size_type>(index)];
diff --git a/include/svl/inethist.hxx b/include/svl/inethist.hxx
index a21db8a..6b4f975 100644
--- a/include/svl/inethist.hxx
+++ b/include/svl/inethist.hxx
@@ -63,10 +63,10 @@ public:
     bool QueryProtocol (INetProtocol eProto) const
-        return ((eProto == INET_PROT_FILE ) ||
-                (eProto == INET_PROT_FTP  ) ||
-                (eProto == INET_PROT_HTTP ) ||
-                (eProto == INET_PROT_HTTPS)    );
+        return ((eProto == INetProtocol::FILE ) ||
+                (eProto == INetProtocol::FTP  ) ||
+                (eProto == INetProtocol::HTTP ) ||
+                (eProto == INetProtocol::HTTPS)    );
     /** QueryUrl.
diff --git a/include/svtools/inettbc.hxx b/include/svtools/inettbc.hxx
index b9852ce..92a0766 100644
--- a/include/svtools/inettbc.hxx
+++ b/include/svtools/inettbc.hxx
@@ -59,9 +59,9 @@ protected:
     virtual bool                    PreNotify( NotifyEvent& rNEvt ) SAL_OVERRIDE;
-                                    SvtURLBox( vcl::Window* pParent, INetProtocol eSmart = INET_PROT_NOT_VALID, bool bSetDefaultHelpID = true );
-                                    SvtURLBox( vcl::Window* pParent, WinBits _nStyle, INetProtocol eSmart = INET_PROT_NOT_VALID, bool bSetDefaultHelpID = true );
-                                    SvtURLBox( vcl::Window* pParent, const ResId& _rResId, INetProtocol eSmart = INET_PROT_NOT_VALID, bool bSetDefaultHelpID = true );
+                                    SvtURLBox( vcl::Window* pParent, INetProtocol eSmart = INetProtocol::NOT_VALID, bool bSetDefaultHelpID = true );
+                                    SvtURLBox( vcl::Window* pParent, WinBits _nStyle, INetProtocol eSmart = INetProtocol::NOT_VALID, bool bSetDefaultHelpID = true );
+                                    SvtURLBox( vcl::Window* pParent, const ResId& _rResId, INetProtocol eSmart = INetProtocol::NOT_VALID, bool bSetDefaultHelpID = true );
                                     virtual ~SvtURLBox();
     void                            SetBaseURL( const OUString& rURL );
diff --git a/include/svtools/place.hxx b/include/svtools/place.hxx
index e46eba4..0933f99 100644
--- a/include/svtools/place.hxx
+++ b/include/svtools/place.hxx
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ public:
     OUString& GetName( ) { return msName; }
     OUString GetUrl( ) { return maUrl.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ); }
     INetURLObject& GetUrlObject( ) { return maUrl; }
-    bool  IsLocal( ) { return maUrl.GetProtocol() == INET_PROT_FILE; }
+    bool  IsLocal( ) { return maUrl.GetProtocol() == INetProtocol::FILE; }
     bool  IsEditable( ) { return mbEditable; }
diff --git a/include/tools/urlobj.hxx b/include/tools/urlobj.hxx
index bbe6d39..50c5b51 100644
--- a/include/tools/urlobj.hxx
+++ b/include/tools/urlobj.hxx
@@ -64,43 +64,43 @@ enum
 // Schemes:
-enum INetProtocol
+enum class INetProtocol
-    INET_PROT_FTP = 1,
-    INET_PROT_HTTP = 2,
-    INET_PROT_FILE = 3,
-    INET_PROT_NEWS = 6,
-    INET_PROT_SLOT = 10,
-    INET_PROT_MACRO = 11,
-    INET_PROT_IMAP = 13,
-    INET_PROT_POP3 = 14,
-    INET_PROT_DATA = 15,
-    INET_PROT_CID = 16,
-    INET_PROT_OUT = 17,
-    INET_PROT_VIM = 19,
-    INET_PROT_UNO = 20,
-    INET_PROT_LDAP = 23,
-    INET_PROT_DB = 24,
-    INET_PROT_SMB = 30,
-    INET_PROT_HID = 31,
-    INET_PROT_SFTP = 32,
-    INET_PROT_CMIS = 33,
-    INET_PROT_END = 34
+    FTP,
+    HTTP,
+    FILE,
+    MAILTO,
+    NEWS,
+    HTTPS,
+    SLOT,
+    MACRO,
+    IMAP,
+    POP3,
+    DATA,
+    CID,
+    OUT,
+    VIM,
+    UNO,
+    LDAP,
+    DB,
+    TELNET,
+    SMB,
+    HID,
+    SFTP,
+    CMIS,
+    LAST = CMIS
@@ -182,9 +182,9 @@ public:
     // General Structure:
     inline INetURLObject():
-        m_eScheme(INET_PROT_NOT_VALID), m_eSmartScheme(INET_PROT_HTTP) {}
+        m_eScheme(INetProtocol::NOT_VALID), m_eSmartScheme(INetProtocol::HTTP) {}
-    inline bool HasError() const { return m_eScheme == INET_PROT_NOT_VALID; }
+    inline bool HasError() const { return m_eScheme == INetProtocol::NOT_VALID; }
     inline OUString GetMainURL(DecodeMechanism eMechanism,
                                 rtl_TextEncoding eCharset
@@ -1234,7 +1234,7 @@ private:
     // Coding:
     static inline sal_Char getEscapePrefix(INetProtocol eTheScheme)
-    { return eTheScheme == INET_PROT_VIM ? '=' : '%'; }
+    { return eTheScheme == INetProtocol::VIM ? '=' : '%'; }
     inline sal_Char getEscapePrefix() const
     { return getEscapePrefix(m_eScheme); }
@@ -1299,7 +1299,7 @@ inline OUString INetURLObject::decode(SubString const & rSubString,
 inline INetURLObject::INetURLObject(OUString const & rTheAbsURIRef,
                                     EncodeMechanism eMechanism,
                                     rtl_TextEncoding eCharset):
-    m_eScheme(INET_PROT_NOT_VALID), m_eSmartScheme(INET_PROT_HTTP)
+    m_eScheme(INetProtocol::NOT_VALID), m_eSmartScheme(INetProtocol::HTTP)
     setAbsURIRef(rTheAbsURIRef, false, eMechanism, eCharset, false,
@@ -1318,7 +1318,7 @@ inline INetURLObject::INetURLObject(OUString const & rTheAbsURIRef,
                                     EncodeMechanism eMechanism,
                                     rtl_TextEncoding eCharset,
                                     FSysStyle eStyle):
-    m_eScheme(INET_PROT_NOT_VALID), m_eSmartScheme(eTheSmartScheme)
+    m_eScheme(INetProtocol::NOT_VALID), m_eSmartScheme(eTheSmartScheme)
     setAbsURIRef(rTheAbsURIRef, false, eMechanism, eCharset, true, eStyle);
@@ -1456,7 +1456,7 @@ inline bool INetURLObject::SetMark(OUString const & rTheFragment,
 inline INetURLObject::INetURLObject(OUString const & rFSysPath,
                                     FSysStyle eStyle):
-    m_eScheme(INET_PROT_NOT_VALID), m_eSmartScheme(INET_PROT_HTTP)
+    m_eScheme(INetProtocol::NOT_VALID), m_eSmartScheme(INetProtocol::HTTP)
     setFSysPath(rFSysPath, eStyle);
diff --git a/linguistic/source/convdiclist.cxx b/linguistic/source/convdiclist.cxx
index f1cc9306..6ebd8c4 100644
--- a/linguistic/source/convdiclist.cxx
+++ b/linguistic/source/convdiclist.cxx
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ OUString GetConvDicMainURL( const OUString &rDicName, const OUString &rDirectory
     OUString aFullDicName = OUString(rDicName) + CONV_DIC_DOT_EXT;
     INetURLObject aURLObj;
-    aURLObj.SetSmartProtocol( INET_PROT_FILE );
+    aURLObj.SetSmartProtocol( INetProtocol::FILE );
     aURLObj.SetSmartURL( rDirectoryURL );
     aURLObj.Append( aFullDicName, INetURLObject::ENCODE_ALL );
     DBG_ASSERT(!aURLObj.HasError(), "invalid URL");
@@ -276,8 +276,8 @@ void SAL_CALL ConvDicNameContainer::removeByName( const OUString& rName )
     OUString aName( xDel->getName() );
     OUString aDicMainURL( GetConvDicMainURL( aName, GetDictionaryWriteablePath() ) );
     INetURLObject aObj( aDicMainURL );
-    DBG_ASSERT( aObj.GetProtocol() == INET_PROT_FILE, "+HangulHanjaOptionsDialog::OkHdl(): non-file URLs cannot be deleted" );
-    if( aObj.GetProtocol() == INET_PROT_FILE )
+    DBG_ASSERT( aObj.GetProtocol() == INetProtocol::FILE, "+HangulHanjaOptionsDialog::OkHdl(): non-file URLs cannot be deleted" );
+    if( aObj.GetProtocol() == INetProtocol::FILE )
diff --git a/linguistic/source/misc2.cxx b/linguistic/source/misc2.cxx
index e7e8031..ed3c3d8 100644
--- a/linguistic/source/misc2.cxx
+++ b/linguistic/source/misc2.cxx
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ OUString  GetWritableDictionaryURL( const OUString &rDicName )
     // build URL to use for a new (persistent) dictionary
     INetURLObject aURLObj;
-    aURLObj.SetSmartProtocol( INET_PROT_FILE );
+    aURLObj.SetSmartProtocol( INetProtocol::FILE );
     aURLObj.SetSmartURL( aDirName );
     DBG_ASSERT(!aURLObj.HasError(), "lng : invalid URL");
     aURLObj.Append( rDicName, INetURLObject::ENCODE_ALL );
diff --git a/reportdesign/source/ui/inspection/DefaultInspection.cxx b/reportdesign/source/ui/inspection/DefaultInspection.cxx
index 792b64c..718e89d 100644
--- a/reportdesign/source/ui/inspection/DefaultInspection.cxx
+++ b/reportdesign/source/ui/inspection/DefaultInspection.cxx
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ namespace rptui
         OUStringBuffer aBuffer;
         OUString aTmp( OStringToOUString(sHelpId, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8) );
-        DBG_ASSERT( INetURLObject( aTmp ).GetProtocol() == INET_PROT_NOT_VALID, "Wrong HelpId!" );
+        DBG_ASSERT( INetURLObject( aTmp ).GetProtocol() == INetProtocol::NOT_VALID, "Wrong HelpId!" );
         aBuffer.appendAscii( INET_HID_SCHEME );
         aBuffer.append( aTmp.getStr() );
         return aBuffer.makeStringAndClear();
diff --git a/sc/source/filter/excel/xecontent.cxx b/sc/source/filter/excel/xecontent.cxx
index f3f0cf3..0553ff1 100644
--- a/sc/source/filter/excel/xecontent.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/filter/excel/xecontent.cxx
@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ XclExpHyperlink::XclExpHyperlink( const XclExpRoot& rRoot, const SvxURLField& rU
     // file link or URL
-    if( eProtocol == INET_PROT_FILE || eProtocol == INET_PROT_SMB )
+    if( eProtocol == INetProtocol::FILE || eProtocol == INetProtocol::SMB )
         sal_uInt16 nLevel;
         bool bRel;
@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ XclExpHyperlink::XclExpHyperlink( const XclExpRoot& rRoot, const SvxURLField& rU
          * encoded for OOXML? */
         OUString aFileName( BuildFileName( nLevel, bRel, rUrl, rRoot, false ) );
-        if( eProtocol == INET_PROT_SMB )
+        if( eProtocol == INetProtocol::SMB )
             // #n382718# (and #n261623#) Convert smb notation to '\\'
             aFileName = aUrlObj.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE );
@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ XclExpHyperlink::XclExpHyperlink( const XclExpRoot& rRoot, const SvxURLField& rU
         // ms2007 does, ms2010 is more tolerant )
         msTarget = "file:///" + msTarget;
-    else if( eProtocol != INET_PROT_NOT_VALID )
+    else if( eProtocol != INetProtocol::NOT_VALID )
         XclExpString aUrl( aUrlObj.GetURLNoMark(), EXC_STR_FORCEUNICODE, 255 );
         aXclStrm    << XclTools::maGuidUrlMoniker
diff --git a/sc/source/filter/html/htmlexp.cxx b/sc/source/filter/html/htmlexp.cxx
index 614af46..3b4a063 100644
--- a/sc/source/filter/html/htmlexp.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/filter/html/htmlexp.cxx
@@ -1236,11 +1236,11 @@ bool ScHTMLExport::CopyLocalFileToINet( OUString& rFileNm,
     INetURLObject aFileUrl, aTargetUrl;
     aFileUrl.SetSmartURL( rFileNm );
     aTargetUrl.SetSmartURL( rTargetNm );
-    if( INET_PROT_FILE == aFileUrl.GetProtocol() &&
-        ( (bFileToFile && INET_PROT_FILE == aTargetUrl.GetProtocol()) ||
-          (!bFileToFile && INET_PROT_FILE != aTargetUrl.GetProtocol() &&
-                           INET_PROT_FTP <= aTargetUrl.GetProtocol() &&
-                           INET_PROT_NEWS >= aTargetUrl.GetProtocol()) ) )
+    if( INetProtocol::FILE == aFileUrl.GetProtocol() &&
+        ( (bFileToFile && INetProtocol::FILE == aTargetUrl.GetProtocol()) ||
+          (!bFileToFile && INetProtocol::FILE != aTargetUrl.GetProtocol() &&
+                           INetProtocol::FTP <= aTargetUrl.GetProtocol() &&
+                           INetProtocol::NEWS >= aTargetUrl.GetProtocol()) ) )
         if( pFileNameMap )
@@ -1304,7 +1304,7 @@ void ScHTMLExport::MakeCIdURL( OUString& rURL )
     INetURLObject aURLObj( rURL );
-    if( INET_PROT_FILE != aURLObj.GetProtocol() )
+    if( INetProtocol::FILE != aURLObj.GetProtocol() )
     OUString aLastName( aURLObj.GetLastName().toAsciiLowerCase() );
diff --git a/sc/source/filter/xml/xmltabi.cxx b/sc/source/filter/xml/xmltabi.cxx
index 8376558..af399d5 100644
--- a/sc/source/filter/xml/xmltabi.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/filter/xml/xmltabi.cxx
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ static bool lcl_isExternalRefCache(const OUString& rName, OUString& rUrl, OUStri
     // #i114504# Other schemes besides "file:" are also allowed.
     // CompareProtocolScheme is quick, only looks at the start of the string.
     INetProtocol eProt = INetURLObject::CompareProtocolScheme( rName.copy(1) );
-    if ( eProt == INET_PROT_NOT_VALID )
+    if ( eProt == INetProtocol::NOT_VALID )
         return false;
     OUString aPrefix = INetURLObject::GetScheme( eProt );
diff --git a/sc/source/ui/docshell/docsh.cxx b/sc/source/ui/docshell/docsh.cxx
index fa3895f..8edbf82 100644
--- a/sc/source/ui/docshell/docsh.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/ui/docshell/docsh.cxx
@@ -2327,7 +2327,7 @@ bool ScDocShell::ConvertTo( SfxMedium &rMed )
             eError = eERR_OK;
-        INetURLObject aTmpFile( rMed.GetPhysicalName(), INET_PROT_FILE );
+        INetURLObject aTmpFile( rMed.GetPhysicalName(), INetProtocol::FILE );
         if ( bHasMemo )
         if ( eError != eERR_OK )
@@ -2344,7 +2344,7 @@ bool ScDocShell::ConvertTo( SfxMedium &rMed )
                 const SfxStringItem* pNameItem =
                     static_cast<const SfxStringItem*>( rMed.GetItemSet()->GetItem( SID_FILE_NAME ) );
-                INetURLObject aDbtFile( pNameItem->GetValue(), INET_PROT_FILE );
+                INetURLObject aDbtFile( pNameItem->GetValue(), INetProtocol::FILE );
                 if ( IsDocument( aDbtFile ) && !KillFile( aDbtFile ) )
                     bRet = false;
diff --git a/sc/source/ui/docshell/docsh8.cxx b/sc/source/ui/docshell/docsh8.cxx
index 12260b6..4125ffa 100644
--- a/sc/source/ui/docshell/docsh8.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/ui/docshell/docsh8.cxx
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ namespace
     sal_uLong lcl_getDBaseConnection(uno::Reference<sdbc::XDriverManager2>& _rDrvMgr, uno::Reference<sdbc::XConnection>& _rConnection, OUString& _rTabName, const OUString& rFullFileName, rtl_TextEncoding eCharSet)
         INetURLObject aURL;
-        aURL.SetSmartProtocol( INET_PROT_FILE );
+        aURL.SetSmartProtocol( INetProtocol::FILE );
         aURL.SetSmartURL( rFullFileName );
         _rTabName = aURL.getBase( INetURLObject::LAST_SEGMENT, true,
                 INetURLObject::DECODE_UNAMBIGUOUS );
@@ -794,7 +794,7 @@ sal_uLong ScDocShell::DBaseExport( const OUString& rFullFileName, rtl_TextEncodi
     // remove the file so the dBase driver doesn't find an invalid file
-    INetURLObject aDeleteObj( rFullFileName, INET_PROT_FILE );
+    INetURLObject aDeleteObj( rFullFileName, INetProtocol::FILE );
     KillFile( aDeleteObj );
     sal_uLong nErr = eERR_OK;
diff --git a/sc/source/ui/docshell/tablink.cxx b/sc/source/ui/docshell/tablink.cxx
index 0e94605..6ee467c 100644
--- a/sc/source/ui/docshell/tablink.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/ui/docshell/tablink.cxx
@@ -463,7 +463,7 @@ bool ScDocumentLoader::GetFilterName( const OUString& rFileName,
     INetURLObject aUrl( rFileName );
     INetProtocol eProt = aUrl.GetProtocol();
-    if ( eProt == INET_PROT_NOT_VALID )         // invalid URL?
+    if ( eProt == INetProtocol::NOT_VALID )         // invalid URL?
         return false;                           // abort without creating a medium
     //  Filter-Detection
diff --git a/sc/source/ui/drawfunc/fuins2.cxx b/sc/source/ui/drawfunc/fuins2.cxx
index 0956311..24a1e1a 100644
--- a/sc/source/ui/drawfunc/fuins2.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/ui/drawfunc/fuins2.cxx
@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ FuInsertOLE::FuInsertOLE(ScTabViewShell* pViewSh, vcl::Window* pWin, ScDrawView*
                     // get URL
                     INetURLObject aURL;
-                    aURL.SetSmartProtocol( INET_PROT_FILE );
+                    aURL.SetSmartProtocol( INetProtocol::FILE );
                     if ( aURL.SetURL( aPluginFileDialog.GetPath() ) )
                         // create a plugin object
diff --git a/sc/source/ui/vba/vbaworkbooks.cxx b/sc/source/ui/vba/vbaworkbooks.cxx
index b22326e..ab9b79d 100644
--- a/sc/source/ui/vba/vbaworkbooks.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/ui/vba/vbaworkbooks.cxx
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ ScVbaWorkbooks::Open( const OUString& rFileName, const uno::Any& /*UpdateLinks*/
     OUString aURL;
     INetURLObject aObj;
     aObj.SetURL( rFileName );
-    bool bIsURL = aObj.GetProtocol() != INET_PROT_NOT_VALID;
+    bool bIsURL = aObj.GetProtocol() != INetProtocol::NOT_VALID;
     if ( bIsURL )
         aURL = rFileName;
diff --git a/sd/source/filter/eppt/epptso.cxx b/sd/source/filter/eppt/epptso.cxx
index 31cbc59..86bf529 100644
--- a/sd/source/filter/eppt/epptso.cxx
+++ b/sd/source/filter/eppt/epptso.cxx
@@ -1131,9 +1131,9 @@ void PPTWriter::ImplWriteTextStyleAtom( SvStream& rOut, int nTextInstance, sal_u
                             OUString aFile( pFieldEntry->aFieldUrl );
                             OUString aTarget( pFieldEntry->aFieldUrl );
                             INetURLObject aUrl( pFieldEntry->aFieldUrl );
-                            if ( INET_PROT_FILE == aUrl.GetProtocol() )
+                            if ( INetProtocol::FILE == aUrl.GetProtocol() )
                                 aFile = aUrl.PathToFileName();
-                            else if ( INET_PROT_SMB == aUrl.GetProtocol() )
+                            else if ( INetProtocol::SMB == aUrl.GetProtocol() )
                                 // Convert smb notation to '\\' and skip the 'smb:' part
                                 aFile = aUrl.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::NO_DECODE).copy(4);
@@ -1968,7 +1968,7 @@ void PPTWriter::ImplWriteClickAction( SvStream& rSt, ::com::sun::star::presentat
             if ( ImplGetPropertyValue( OUString( "Bookmark" ) ) )
                 INetURLObject aUrl( *static_cast<OUString const *>(mAny.getValue()) );
-                if ( INET_PROT_FILE == aUrl.GetProtocol() )
+                if ( INetProtocol::FILE == aUrl.GetProtocol() )
                     aFile = aUrl.PathToFileName();
                     nAction = 2;

... etc. - the rest is truncated

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