[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: sw/source
Thomas Klausner
wiz at NetBSD.org
Fri Aug 7 09:26:16 PDT 2015
sw/source/filter/ww8/ww8scan.hxx | 241 +++++++++++++++++++--------------------
1 file changed, 120 insertions(+), 121 deletions(-)
New commits:
commit 6f98a0ab51cc5c860576b4ad44478b438cc5a5eb
Author: Thomas Klausner <wiz at NetBSD.org>
Date: Fri Aug 7 18:24:45 2015 +0200
Translate remaining German comments to English.
Change-Id: I0b6b60bd4fa921993388340b8c16c533ba9f257f
diff --git a/sw/source/filter/ww8/ww8scan.hxx b/sw/source/filter/ww8/ww8scan.hxx
index cc2d0f6..cd101bd 100644
--- a/sw/source/filter/ww8/ww8scan.hxx
+++ b/sw/source/filter/ww8/ww8scan.hxx
@@ -173,21 +173,21 @@ void WW8ReadSTTBF(bool bVer8, SvStream& rStrm, sal_uInt32 nStart, sal_Int32 nLen
struct WW8FieldDesc
- long nLen; ///< Gesamtlaenge ( zum Text ueberlesen )
- WW8_CP nSCode; ///< Anfang Befehlscode
- WW8_CP nLCode; ///< Laenge
- WW8_CP nSRes; ///< Anfang Ergebnis
- WW8_CP nLRes; ///< Laenge ( == 0, falls kein Ergebnis )
- sal_uInt16 nId; ///< WW-Id fuer Felder
- sal_uInt8 nOpt; ///< WW-Flags ( z.B.: vom User geaendert )
- bool bCodeNest:1; ///< Befehl rekursiv verwendet
- bool bResNest:1; ///< Befehl in Resultat eingefuegt
+ long nLen; ///< total length (to skip over text)
+ WW8_CP nSCode; ///< start of instructions code
+ WW8_CP nLCode; ///< length
+ WW8_CP nSRes; ///< start of result
+ WW8_CP nLRes; ///< length ( == 0, if no result )
+ sal_uInt16 nId; ///< WW-id for fields
+ sal_uInt8 nOpt; ///< WW-Flags ( e.g.: changed by user )
+ bool bCodeNest:1; ///< instruction used recursively
+ bool bResNest:1; ///< instruction inserted into result
struct WW8PLCFxSave1
sal_uLong nPLCFxPos;
- sal_uLong nPLCFxPos2; ///< fuer PLCF_Cp_Fkp: PieceIter-Pos
+ sal_uLong nPLCFxPos2; ///< for PLCF_Cp_Fkp: PieceIter-Pos
long nPLCFxMemOfs;
WW8_CP nStartCp; ///< for cp based iterator like PAP and CHP
long nCpOfs;
@@ -198,16 +198,16 @@ struct WW8PLCFxSave1
- u.a. fuer Felder, also genausoviele Attr wie Positionen,
- falls Ctor-Param bNoEnd = false
+ among others for fields, that is, the same number of attr as positions,
+ if Ctor-Param bNoEnd = false
-class WW8PLCFspecial // Iterator fuer PLCFs
+class WW8PLCFspecial // iterator for PLCFs
- sal_Int32* pPLCF_PosArray; ///< Pointer auf Pos-Array und auf ganze Struktur
- sal_uInt8* pPLCF_Contents; ///< Pointer auf Inhalts-Array-Teil des Pos-Array
- long nIMax; ///< Anzahl der Elemente
- long nIdx; ///< Merker, wo wir gerade sind
+ sal_Int32* pPLCF_PosArray; ///< pointer to Pos-array and to the whole structure
+ sal_uInt8* pPLCF_Contents; ///< pointer to content-array-part of Pos-array
+ long nIMax; ///< number of elements
+ long nIdx; ///< marker where we currently are
sal_uInt32 nStru;
@@ -217,8 +217,8 @@ public:
long GetIdx() const { return nIdx; }
void SetIdx( long nI ) { nIdx = nI; }
long GetIMax() const { return nIMax; }
- bool SeekPos(long nPos); // geht ueber FC- bzw. CP-Wert
- // bzw. naechste groesseren Wert
+ bool SeekPos(long nPos); // walks over FC- or CP-value
+ // resp. next biggest value
bool SeekPosExact(long nPos);
sal_Int32 Where() const
{ return ( nIdx >= nIMax ) ? SAL_MAX_INT32 : pPLCF_PosArray[nIdx]; }
@@ -271,21 +271,21 @@ private:
WW8SprmIter& operator=(const WW8SprmIter&) SAL_DELETED_FUNCTION;
-/* u.a. fuer FKPs auf normale Attr., also ein Attr weniger als Positionen */
-class WW8PLCF // Iterator fuer PLCFs
+/* among others for FKPs to normal attr., i.e. one less attr than positions */
+class WW8PLCF // Iterator for PLCFs
- WW8_CP* pPLCF_PosArray; // Pointer auf Pos-Array und auf ganze Struktur
- sal_uInt8* pPLCF_Contents; // Pointer auf Inhalts-Array-Teil des Pos-Array
- sal_Int32 nIMax; // Anzahl der Elemente
+ WW8_CP* pPLCF_PosArray; // pointer to Pos-array and the whole structure
+ sal_uInt8* pPLCF_Contents; // pointer to content-array-part of Pos-array
+ sal_Int32 nIMax; // number of elements
sal_Int32 nIdx;
int nStru;
void ReadPLCF(SvStream& rSt, WW8_FC nFilePos, sal_uInt32 nPLCF);
- Falls im Dok ein PLC fehlt und die FKPs solo dastehen,
- machen wir uns hiermit einen PLC:
+ If a PLC is missing in the doc and the FKPs stand alone,
+ we create a PLC with this:
void GeneratePLCF(SvStream& rSt, sal_Int32 nPN, sal_Int32 ncpN);
@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ public:
WW8_CP nStartPos = -1);
- folgender Ctor generiert ggfs. einen PLC aus nPN und ncpN
+ the following ctor generates a PLC from nPN and ncpN, if necessary
WW8PLCF(SvStream& rSt, WW8_FC nFilePos, sal_Int32 nPLCF, int nStruct,
WW8_CP nStartPos, sal_Int32 nPN, sal_Int32 ncpN);
@@ -322,8 +322,8 @@ class WW8PLCFpcd
friend class WW8PLCFpcd_Iter;
- sal_Int32* pPLCF_PosArray; // Pointer auf Pos-Array und auf ganze Struktur
- sal_uInt8* pPLCF_Contents; // Pointer auf Inhalts-Array-Teil des Pos-Array
+ sal_Int32* pPLCF_PosArray; // pointer to Pos-array and the whole structure
+ sal_uInt8* pPLCF_Contents; // pointer to content-array-part of Pos-array
long nIMax;
sal_uInt32 nStru;
@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ public:
~WW8PLCFpcd(){ delete[] pPLCF_PosArray; }
-/* mehrere WW8PLCFpcd_Iter koennen auf die gleiche WW8PLCFpcd zeigen !!! */
+/* multiple WW8PLCFpcd_Iter may point to the same WW8PLCFpcd !!! */
class WW8PLCFpcd_Iter
@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ public:
-// PLCF-Typ:
+// PLCF-type:
enum ePLCFT{ CHP=0, PAP, SEP, /*HED, FNR, ENR,*/ PLCF_END };
//Its hardcoded that eFTN be the first one: A very poor hack, needs to be fixed
@@ -367,11 +367,11 @@ enum eExtSprm { eFTN = 256, eEDN = 257, eFLD = 258, eBKN = 259, eAND = 260, eATN
pure virtual:
-class WW8PLCFx // virtueller Iterator fuer Piece Table Exceptions
+class WW8PLCFx // virtual iterator for Piece Table Exceptions
ww::WordVersion meVer; // Version number of FIB
- bool bIsSprm; // PLCF von Sprms oder von anderem ( Footnote, ... )
+ bool bIsSprm; // PLCF of Sprms or other stuff ( Footnote, ... )
WW8_FC nStartFc;
bool bDirty;
@@ -412,10 +412,10 @@ class WW8PLCFx_PCDAttrs : public WW8PLCFx
WW8PLCFpcd_Iter* pPcdI;
- sal_uInt8** const pGrpprls; // Attribute an Piece-Table
+ sal_uInt8** const pGrpprls; // attribute of Piece-table
SVBT32 aShortSprm; // mini storage: can contain ONE sprm with
// 1 byte param
- sal_uInt16 nGrpprls; // Attribut Anzahl davon
+ sal_uInt16 nGrpprls; // attribute count of this
WW8PLCFx_PCDAttrs& operator=(const WW8PLCFx_PCDAttrs&) SAL_DELETED_FUNCTION;
@@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ public:
WW8PLCFpcd_Iter* GetIter() const { return pPcdI; }
-class WW8PLCFx_PCD : public WW8PLCFx // Iterator fuer Piece Table
+class WW8PLCFx_PCD : public WW8PLCFx // iterator for Piece table
WW8PLCFpcd_Iter* pPcdI;
@@ -500,13 +500,13 @@ public:
sal_uInt8 maRawData[512];
std::vector<Entry> maEntries;
- long nItemSize; // entweder 1 Byte oder ein komplettes BX
+ long nItemSize; // either 1 Byte or a complete BX
// Offset in Stream where last read of 52 bytes took place
long nFilePos;
- sal_uInt8 mnIdx; // Pos-Merker
+ sal_uInt8 mnIdx; // Pos marker
- sal_uInt8 mnIMax; // Anzahl der Eintraege
+ sal_uInt8 mnIMax; // number of entries
wwSprmParser maSprmParser;
@@ -535,13 +535,13 @@ public:
sal_uInt16 GetIstd() const { return maEntries[mnIdx].mnIStd; }
- liefert einen echten Pointer auf das Sprm vom Typ nId,
- falls ein solches im Fkp drin ist.
+ returns a real pointer to the Sprm of type nId,
+ if such a thing is in the Fkp.
sal_uInt8* GetLenAndIStdAndSprms(sal_Int32& rLen) const;
- ruft GetLenAndIStdAndSprms() auf...
+ calls GetLenAndIStdAndSprms()...
const sal_uInt8* HasSprm( sal_uInt16 nId );
bool HasSprm(sal_uInt16 nId, std::vector<const sal_uInt8 *> &rResult);
@@ -550,8 +550,8 @@ public:
- SvStream* pFKPStrm; // Input-File
- SvStream* pDataStrm; // Input-File
+ SvStream* pFKPStrm; // input file
+ SvStream* pDataStrm; // input file
WW8Fkp* pFkp;
@@ -597,7 +597,7 @@ public:
bool HasFkp() const { return (0 != pFkp); }
-/// Iterator fuer Piece Table Exceptions of Fkps arbeitet auf CPs (High-Level)
+/// iterator for Piece Table Exceptions of Fkps works on CPs (high-level)
class WW8PLCFx_Cp_FKP : public WW8PLCFx_Fc_FKP
@@ -661,7 +661,7 @@ public:
sal_uInt8*& p1, sal_uInt8*& p2, sal_uInt8*& p3, sal_uInt8*& p4 ) const;
-/// Iterator fuer Fuss-/Endnoten und Anmerkungen
+/// iterator for footnotes/endnotes and comments
class WW8PLCFx_SubDoc : public WW8PLCFx
@@ -680,7 +680,7 @@ public:
virtual bool SeekPos(WW8_CP nCpPos) SAL_OVERRIDE;
virtual WW8_FC Where() SAL_OVERRIDE;
- // liefert Reference Descriptoren
+ // returns reference descriptors
const void* GetData( long nIdx = -1 ) const
return pRef ? pRef->GetData( -1L == nIdx ? pRef->GetIdx() : nIdx ) : 0;
@@ -786,25 +786,25 @@ public:
- hiermit arbeiten wir draussen:
+ this is what we use outside:
struct WW8PLCFManResult
- WW8_CP nCpPos; // Attribut-Anfangsposition
- long nMemLen; // Laenge dazu
- long nCp2OrIdx; // footnote-textpos oder Index in PLCF
- WW8_CP nAktCp; // wird nur vom Aufrufer benutzt
- const sal_uInt8* pMemPos;// Mem-Pos fuer Sprms
- sal_uInt16 nSprmId; // Sprm-Id ( 0 = ungueltige Id -> ueberspringen! )
- // (2..255) oder Pseudo-Sprm-Id (256..260)
- // bzw. ab Winword-Ver8 die Sprm-Id (800..)
- sal_uInt8 nFlags; // Absatz- oder Section-Anfang
+ WW8_CP nCpPos; // attribute starting position
+ long nMemLen; // length for previous
+ long nCp2OrIdx; // footnote-textpos or index in PLCF
+ WW8_CP nAktCp; // only used by caller
+ const sal_uInt8* pMemPos;// Mem-Pos for Sprms
+ sal_uInt16 nSprmId; // Sprm-Id ( 0 = invalid Id -> skip! )
+ // (2..255) or pseudo-Sprm-Id (256..260)
+ // from Winword-Ver8 Sprm-Id (800..) resp.
+ sal_uInt8 nFlags; // start of paragraph or section
enum ManMaskTypes
- MAN_MASK_NEW_PAP = 1, // neue Zeile
- MAN_MASK_NEW_SEP = 2 // neue Section
+ MAN_MASK_NEW_PAP = 1, // new line
+ MAN_MASK_NEW_SEP = 2 // new section
enum ManTypes // enums for PLCFMan-ctor
@@ -814,13 +814,13 @@ enum ManTypes // enums for PLCFMan-ctor
- hiermit arbeitet der Manager drinnen:
+ this is what the manager uses inside:
struct WW8PLCFxDesc
- ::std::stack<sal_uInt16>* pIdStk; // Speicher fuer Attr-Id fuer Attr-Ende(n)
- const sal_uInt8* pMemPos;// wo liegen die Sprm(s)
+ ::std::stack<sal_uInt16>* pIdStk; // memory for Attr-Id for Attr-end(s)
+ const sal_uInt8* pMemPos;// where are the Sprm(s)
long nOrigSprmsLen;
WW8_CP nStartPos;
@@ -838,11 +838,11 @@ struct WW8PLCFxDesc
// it can be used as the beginning cp of the next set
// of properties
- WW8_CP nCp2OrIdx; // wo liegen die NoSprm(s)
- sal_Int32 nSprmsLen; // wie viele Bytes fuer weitere Sprms / Laenge Fussnote
- long nCpOfs; // fuer Offset Header .. Footnote
- bool bFirstSprm; // fuer Erkennung erster Sprm einer Gruppe
- bool bRealLineEnd; // false bei Pap-Piece-Ende
+ WW8_CP nCp2OrIdx; // where are the NoSprm(s)
+ sal_Int32 nSprmsLen; // how many bytes for further Sprms / length of footnote
+ long nCpOfs; // for Offset Header .. Footnote
+ bool bFirstSprm; // for recognizing the first Sprm of a group
+ bool bRealLineEnd; // false for Pap-Piece-end
void Save( WW8PLCFxSave1& rSave ) const;
void Restore( const WW8PLCFxSave1& rSave );
//With nStartPos set to WW8_CP_MAX then in the case of a pap or chp
@@ -879,9 +879,9 @@ private:
wwSprmParser maSprmParser;
long nCpO; // Origin Cp -- the basis for nNewCp
- WW8_CP nLineEnd; // zeigt *hinter* das <CR>
+ WW8_CP nLineEnd; // points *after* the <CR>
long nLastWhereIdxCp; // last result of WhereIdx()
- sal_uInt16 nPLCF; // so viele PLCFe werden verwaltet
+ sal_uInt16 nPLCF; // this many PLCFs are managed
ManTypes nManType;
bool mbDoingDrawTextBox; //Normally we adjust the end of attributes
//so that the end of a paragraph occurs
@@ -914,8 +914,7 @@ public:
- Where fragt, an welcher naechsten Position sich irgendein
- Attr aendert...
+ Where asks on which following position any Attr changes...
WW8_CP Where() const;
@@ -930,10 +929,10 @@ public:
WW8PLCFx_AtnBook* GetAtnBook() const { return static_cast<WW8PLCFx_AtnBook*>(pAtnBkm->pPLCFx); }
long GetCpOfs() const { return pChp->nCpOfs; } // for Header/Footer...
- /* fragt, ob *aktueller Absatz* einen Sprm diesen Typs hat */
+ /* asks, if *current paragraph* has an Sprm of this type */
const sal_uInt8* HasParaSprm( sal_uInt16 nId ) const;
- /* fragt, ob *aktueller Textrun* einen Sprm diesen Typs hat */
+ /* asks, if *current textrun* has an Sprm of this type */
const sal_uInt8* HasCharSprm( sal_uInt16 nId ) const;
bool HasCharSprm(sal_uInt16 nId, std::vector<const sal_uInt8 *> &rResult) const;
@@ -984,36 +983,36 @@ friend class SwWW8FltControlStack;
WW8Fib* pWw8Fib;
WW8PLCFx_Cp_FKP* pChpPLCF; // Character-Attrs
- WW8PLCFx_Cp_FKP* pPapPLCF; // Para-Attrs
+ WW8PLCFx_Cp_FKP* pPapPLCF; // Paragraph-Attrs
WW8PLCFx_SEPX* pSepPLCF; // Section-Attrs
WW8PLCFx_SubDoc* pFootnotePLCF; // Footnotes
WW8PLCFx_SubDoc* pEdnPLCF; // EndNotes
- WW8PLCFx_SubDoc* pAndPLCF; // Anmerkungen
+ WW8PLCFx_SubDoc* pAndPLCF; // Comments
WW8PLCFx_FLD* pFieldPLCF; // Fields in Main Text
WW8PLCFx_FLD* pFieldHdFtPLCF; // Fields in Header / Footer
WW8PLCFx_FLD* pFieldTxbxPLCF; // Fields in Textboxes in Main Text
WW8PLCFx_FLD* pFieldTxbxHdFtPLCF; // Fields in Textboxes in Header / Footer
WW8PLCFx_FLD* pFieldFootnotePLCF; // Fields in Footnotes
WW8PLCFx_FLD* pFieldEdnPLCF; // Fields in Endnotes
- WW8PLCFx_FLD* pFieldAndPLCF; // Fields in Anmerkungen
+ WW8PLCFx_FLD* pFieldAndPLCF; // Fields in Comments
WW8PLCFspecial* pMainFdoa; // Graphic Primitives in Main Text
WW8PLCFspecial* pHdFtFdoa; // Graphic Primitives in Header / Footer
- WW8PLCFspecial* pMainTxbx; // Textboxen in Main Text
- WW8PLCFspecial* pMainTxbxBkd; // Break-Deskriptoren fuer diese
- WW8PLCFspecial* pHdFtTxbx; // TextBoxen in Header / Footer
- WW8PLCFspecial* pHdFtTxbxBkd; // Break-Deskriptoren fuer diese
- WW8PLCFspecial* pMagicTables; // Break-Deskriptoren fuer diese
+ WW8PLCFspecial* pMainTxbx; // Textboxes in Main Text
+ WW8PLCFspecial* pMainTxbxBkd; // Break-Descriptors for them
+ WW8PLCFspecial* pHdFtTxbx; // TextBoxes in Header / Footer
+ WW8PLCFspecial* pHdFtTxbxBkd; // Break-Descriptors for previous
+ WW8PLCFspecial* pMagicTables; // Break-Descriptors for them
WW8PLCFspecial* pSubdocs; // subdoc references in master document
sal_uInt8* pExtendedAtrds; // Extended ATRDs
WW8PLCFx_Book* pBook; // Bookmarks
WW8PLCFx_AtnBook* pAtnBook; // Annotationmarks
- WW8PLCFpcd* pPiecePLCF; // fuer FastSave ( Basis-PLCF ohne Iterator )
- WW8PLCFpcd_Iter* pPieceIter; // fuer FastSave ( Iterator dazu )
- WW8PLCFx_PCD* pPLCFx_PCD; // dito
+ WW8PLCFpcd* pPiecePLCF; // for FastSave ( Basis-PLCF without iterator )
+ WW8PLCFpcd_Iter* pPieceIter; // for FastSave ( iterator for previous )
+ WW8PLCFx_PCD* pPLCFx_PCD; // ditto
- sal_uInt8** pPieceGrpprls; // Attribute an Piece-Table
- sal_uInt16 nPieceGrpprls; // Anzahl davon
+ sal_uInt8** pPieceGrpprls; // attributes of Piece-Table
+ sal_uInt16 nPieceGrpprls; // number of such attributes
WW8PLCFpcd* OpenPieceTable( SvStream* pStr, const WW8Fib* pWwF );
void DeletePieceTable();
@@ -1064,9 +1063,9 @@ public:
sal_uLong nFibError;
- vom Ctor aus dem FIB gelesene Daten
- (entspricht nur ungefaehr der tatsaechlichen Struktur
- des Winword-FIB)
+ data read from FIB by Ctor
+ (corresponds only approximately to the real structure
+ of the Winword-FIB)
sal_uInt16 wIdent; // 0x0 int magic number
@@ -1128,10 +1127,10 @@ public:
WW8_FC fcMin; // 0x18 file offset of first character of text
WW8_FC fcMac; // 0x1c file offset of last character of text + 1
- // Einschub fuer WW8
+ // start of WW8 section
sal_uInt16 csw; // Count of fields in the array of "shorts"
- // Marke: "rgsw" Beginning of the array of shorts
+ // marker: "rgsw" Beginning of the array of shorts
sal_uInt16 wMagicCreated; // unique number Identifying the File's creator
// 0x6A62 is the creator ID for Word and is reserved.
// Other creators should choose a different value.
@@ -1143,9 +1142,9 @@ public:
// of Word (i.e. FIB.fFarEast is on)
sal_uInt16 clw; // Number of fields in the array of longs
- // Ende des Einschubs fuer WW8
+ // end of WW8 section
- // Marke: "rglw" Beginning of the array of longs
+ // Marker: "rglw" Beginning of the array of longs
WW8_FC cbMac; // 0x20 file offset of last byte written to file + 1.
// WW8_FC u4[4]; // 0x24
@@ -1158,7 +1157,7 @@ public:
WW8_CP ccpTxbx; // 0x4c length of textbox subdocument text stream
WW8_CP ccpHdrTxbx; // 0x50 length of header textbox subdocument text stream
- // Einschub fuer WW8
+ // start of WW8 section
sal_Int32 pnFbpChpFirst; // when there was insufficient memory for Word to expand
// the PLCFbte at save time, the PLCFbte is written
// to the file in a linked list of 512-byte pieces
@@ -1181,9 +1180,9 @@ public:
sal_Int32 fcIslandLim; // ?
sal_uInt16 cfclcb; // Number of fields in the array of FC/LCB pairs.
- // Ende des Einschubs fuer WW8
+ // end of WW8 section
- // Marke: "rgfclcb" Beginning of array of FC/LCB pairs.
+ // Marker: "rgfclcb" Beginning of array of FC/LCB pairs.
WW8_FC fcStshfOrig; // file offset of original allocation for STSH in table
// stream. During fast save Word will attempt to reuse
// this allocation if STSH is small enough to fit.
@@ -1310,29 +1309,29 @@ public:
WW8_FC fcSttbfAtnbkmk; // 0x180 file offset of the sttbf that records names of bookmarks in the annotation subdocument
sal_Int32 lcbSttbfAtnbkmk; // 0x184 length in bytes of the sttbf that records names of bookmarks in the annotation subdocument
- // Ende des Einschubs fuer WW67
+ // end of WW67 section
WW8_FC fcPlcfdoaMom; // 0x192 file offset of the FDOA (drawn object) PLCF for main document.
// ==0 if document has no drawn objects. The length of the FDOA is 6 bytes.
- // ab Ver8 unused
+ // unused starting from Ver8
sal_Int32 lcbPlcfdoaMom; // 0x196 length in bytes of the FDOA PLCF of the main document
- // ab Ver8 unused
+ // unused starting from Ver8
WW8_FC fcPlcfdoaHdr; // 0x19A file offset of the FDOA (drawn object) PLCF for the header document.
// ==0 if document has no drawn objects. The length of the FDOA is 6 bytes.
- // ab Ver8 unused
+ // unused starting from Ver8
sal_Int32 lcbPlcfdoaHdr; // 0x19E length in bytes of the FDOA PLCF of the header document
- // ab Ver8 unused
+ // unused starting from Ver8
WW8_FC fcPlcfspaMom; // offset in table stream of the FSPA PLCF for main document.
// == 0 if document has no office art objects
- // war in Ver67 nur leere Reserve
+ // was empty reserve in Ver67
sal_Int32 lcbPlcfspaMom; // length in bytes of the FSPA PLCF of the main document
- // war in Ver67 nur leere Reserve
+ // was empty reserve in Ver67
WW8_FC fcPlcfspaHdr; // offset in table stream of the FSPA PLCF for header document.
// == 0 if document has no office art objects
- // war in Ver67 nur leere Reserve
+ // was empty reserve in Ver67
sal_Int32 lcbPlcfspaHdr; // length in bytes of the FSPA PLCF of the header document
- // war in Ver67 nur leere Reserve
+ // was empty reserve in Ver67
WW8_FC fcPlcfAtnbkf; // 0x1B2 file offset of BKF (bookmark first) PLCF of the annotation subdocument
sal_Int32 lcbPlcfAtnbkf; // 0x1B6 length in bytes of BKF (bookmark first) PLCF of the annotation subdocument
@@ -1361,9 +1360,9 @@ public:
WW8_FC fcDggInfo; // offset in table stream of the office art object table data.
// The format of office art object table data is found in a separate document.
- // war in Ver67 nur leere Reserve
+ // was empty reserve in Ver67
sal_Int32 lcbDggInfo; // length in bytes of the office art object table data
- // war in Ver67 nur leere Reserve
+ // was empty reserve in Ver67
WW8_FC fcSttbfRMark; // 0x1fa offset to STTBF that records the author abbreviations...
sal_Int32 lcbSttbfRMark; // 0x1fe
@@ -1377,8 +1376,8 @@ public:
sal_Int32 lcbPlcfwkb; // 0x216
WW8_FC fcPlcfspl; // offset in table stream of PLCF (of SPLS structures) that records spell check state
- // war in Ver67 nur leere Reserve
- sal_Int32 lcbPlcfspl; // war in Ver67 nur leere Reserve
+ // was empty reserve in Ver67
+ sal_Int32 lcbPlcfspl; // was empty reserve in Ver67
WW8_FC fcPlcftxbxText; // 0x222 ...PLCF of beginning CP in the text box subdoc
sal_Int32 lcbPlcftxbxText; // 0x226
@@ -1397,18 +1396,18 @@ public:
sal_Int32 lcbSttbFnm; // 0x02de length
- spezielle Listenverwaltung fuer WW8
+ special list handling for WW8
WW8_FC fcPlcfLst; // 0x02e2 offset in the table stream of list format information.
sal_Int32 lcbPlcfLst; // 0x02e6 length
WW8_FC fcPlfLfo; // 0x02ea offset in the table stream of list format override information.
sal_Int32 lcbPlfLfo; // 0x02ee length
- spezielle Break-Verwaltung fuer Text-Box-Stories in WW8
+ special Break handling for text-box-stories in WW8
- WW8_FC fcPlcftxbxBkd; // 0x02f2 PLCF fuer TextBox-Break-Deskriptoren im Maintext
+ WW8_FC fcPlcftxbxBkd; // 0x02f2 PLCF for TextBox-Break-descriptors in the Maintext
sal_Int32 lcbPlcftxbxBkd; // 0x02f6
- WW8_FC fcPlcfHdrtxbxBkd;// 0x02fa PLCF fuer TextBox-Break-Deskriptoren im Header-/Footer-Bereich
+ WW8_FC fcPlcfHdrtxbxBkd;// 0x02fa PLCF for TextBox-Break-descriptors in the Header-/Footer- area
sal_Int32 lcbPlcfHdrtxbxBkd;// 0x02fe
// 0x302 - 372 == ignore
@@ -1430,8 +1429,8 @@ public:
sal_uInt32 lcbHplxsdr;
- General-Varaiblen, die fuer Ver67 und Ver8 verwendet werden,
- obwohl sie in der jeweiligen DATEI verschiedene Groesse haben:
+ general variables that were used for Ver67 and Ver8,
+ even though they had different sizes in the corresponding files:
sal_Int32 pnChpFirst;
sal_Int32 pnPapFirst;
@@ -1443,11 +1442,11 @@ public:
sal_uInt16 nFib_actual; // 0x05bc #i56856#
- nun wird lediglich noch ein Ctor benoetigt
+ now we only need a Ctor
WW8Fib( SvStream& rStrm, sal_uInt8 nWantedVersion,sal_uInt32 nOffset=0 );
- /* leider falsch, man braucht auch noch einen fuer den Export */
+ /* unfortunately incorrect, you still need one for the export */
WW8Fib( sal_uInt8 nVersion = 6, bool bDot = false );
bool WriteHeader(SvStream& rStrm);
bool Write(SvStream& rStrm);
@@ -1617,10 +1616,10 @@ public:
bool fRotateFontW6 : 1;
bool iGutterPos : 1 ;
- // hier sollte bei nFib < 103 Schluss sein, sonst ist Datei fehlerhaft!
+ // this should be the end for nFib < 103, otherwise the file is broken!
- bei nFib >= 103 gehts weiter:
+ for nFib >= 103 it continues:
bool fNoTabForInd : 1; // see above in compatibility options
bool fNoSpaceRaiseLower : 1; // see above
@@ -1656,10 +1655,10 @@ public:
bool fCompatibilityOptions_Unknown1_31 : 1; // #i78591#
bool fUsePrinterMetrics : 1; //The magic option
- // hier sollte bei nFib <= 105 Schluss sein, sonst ist Datei fehlerhaft!
+ // this should be the end for nFib <= 105, otherwise the file is broken!
- bei nFib > 105 gehts weiter:
+ for nFib > 105 it continues:
sal_Int16 adt; // Autoformat Document Type:
// 0 for normal.
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