[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: Branch 'feature/tiled-editing' - 3 commits - android/experimental
Tomaž Vajngerl
tomaz.vajngerl at collabora.co.uk
Mon Feb 23 03:55:12 PST 2015
android/experimental/LOAndroid3/src/java/org/libreoffice/InvalidationHandler.java | 125 ++++++++++
android/experimental/LOAndroid3/src/java/org/libreoffice/LOKitShell.java | 2
android/experimental/LOAndroid3/src/java/org/libreoffice/LOKitTileProvider.java | 111 --------
android/experimental/LOAndroid3/src/java/org/mozilla/gecko/gfx/DrawTimingQueue.java | 95 -------
android/experimental/LOAndroid3/src/java/org/mozilla/gecko/gfx/PanningPerfAPI.java | 93 -------
5 files changed, 132 insertions(+), 294 deletions(-)
New commits:
commit 922d6d1c85ef26445576b7b4b7b3d3d52cd99254
Author: Tomaž Vajngerl <tomaz.vajngerl at collabora.co.uk>
Date: Mon Feb 23 20:53:35 2015 +0900
android: remove DrawTimingQueue and PanningPerfAPI
Change-Id: I094c345524059030a157a940702ad47fad358176
diff --git a/android/experimental/LOAndroid3/src/java/org/mozilla/gecko/gfx/DrawTimingQueue.java b/android/experimental/LOAndroid3/src/java/org/mozilla/gecko/gfx/DrawTimingQueue.java
deleted file mode 100644
index ce868f1..0000000
--- a/android/experimental/LOAndroid3/src/java/org/mozilla/gecko/gfx/DrawTimingQueue.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: Java; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 20; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
- * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
-package org.mozilla.gecko.gfx;
-import android.os.SystemClock;
- * A custom-built data structure to assist with measuring draw times.
- *
- * This class maintains a fixed-size circular buffer of DisplayPortMetrics
- * objects and associated timestamps. It provides only three operations, which
- * is all we require for our purposes of measuring draw times. Note
- * in particular that the class is designed so that even though it is
- * accessed from multiple threads, it does not require synchronization;
- * any concurrency errors that result from this are handled gracefully.
- *
- * Assuming an unrolled buffer so that mTail is greater than mHead, the data
- * stored in the buffer at entries [mHead, mTail) will never be modified, and
- * so are "safe" to read. If this reading is done on the same thread that
- * owns mHead, then reading the range [mHead, mTail) is guaranteed to be safe
- * since the range itself will not shrink.
- */
-final class DrawTimingQueue {
- private static final String LOGTAG = "GeckoDrawTimingQueue";
- private static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 16;
- private final DisplayPortMetrics[] mMetrics;
- private final long[] mTimestamps;
- private int mHead;
- private int mTail;
- DrawTimingQueue() {
- mMetrics = new DisplayPortMetrics[BUFFER_SIZE];
- mTimestamps = new long[BUFFER_SIZE];
- mHead = BUFFER_SIZE - 1;
- mTail = 0;
- }
- /**
- * Add a new entry to the tail of the queue. If the buffer is full,
- * do nothing. This must only be called from the Java UI thread.
- */
- boolean add(DisplayPortMetrics metrics) {
- if (mHead == mTail) {
- return false;
- }
- mMetrics[mTail] = metrics;
- mTimestamps[mTail] = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
- mTail = (mTail + 1) % BUFFER_SIZE;
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * Find the timestamp associated with the given metrics, AND remove
- * all metrics objects from the start of the queue up to and including
- * the one provided. Note that because of draw coalescing, the metrics
- * object passed in here may not be the one at the head of the queue,
- * and so we must iterate our way through the list to find it.
- * This must only be called from the compositor thread.
- */
- long findTimeFor(DisplayPortMetrics metrics) {
- // keep a copy of the tail pointer so that we ignore new items
- // added to the queue while we are searching. this is fine because
- // the one we are looking for will either have been added already
- // or will not be in the queue at all.
- int tail = mTail;
- // walk through the "safe" range from mHead to tail; these entries
- // will not be modified unless we change mHead.
- int i = (mHead + 1) % BUFFER_SIZE;
- while (i != tail) {
- if (mMetrics[i].fuzzyEquals(metrics)) {
- // found it, copy out the timestamp to a local var BEFORE
- // changing mHead or add could clobber the timestamp.
- long timestamp = mTimestamps[i];
- mHead = i;
- return timestamp;
- }
- i = (i + 1) % BUFFER_SIZE;
- }
- return -1;
- }
- /**
- * Reset the buffer to empty.
- * This must only be called from the compositor thread.
- */
- void reset() {
- // we can only modify mHead on this thread.
- mHead = (mTail + BUFFER_SIZE - 1) % BUFFER_SIZE;
- }
diff --git a/android/experimental/LOAndroid3/src/java/org/mozilla/gecko/gfx/PanningPerfAPI.java b/android/experimental/LOAndroid3/src/java/org/mozilla/gecko/gfx/PanningPerfAPI.java
deleted file mode 100644
index f50b46a..0000000
--- a/android/experimental/LOAndroid3/src/java/org/mozilla/gecko/gfx/PanningPerfAPI.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: Java; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 20; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
-package org.mozilla.gecko.gfx;
-import android.os.SystemClock;
-import android.util.Log;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-public class PanningPerfAPI {
- private static final String LOGTAG = "GeckoPanningPerfAPI";
- // make this large enough to avoid having to resize the frame time
- // list, as that may be expensive and impact the thing we're trying
- // to measure.
- private static final int EXPECTED_FRAME_COUNT = 2048;
- private static boolean mRecordingFrames = false;
- private static List<Long> mFrameTimes;
- private static long mFrameStartTime;
- private static boolean mRecordingCheckerboard = false;
- private static List<Float> mCheckerboardAmounts;
- private static long mCheckerboardStartTime;
- public static void startFrameTimeRecording() {
- if (mRecordingFrames) {
- Log.e(LOGTAG, "Error: startFrameTimeRecording() called while already recording!");
- return;
- }
- mRecordingFrames = true;
- if (mFrameTimes == null) {
- mFrameTimes = new ArrayList<Long>(EXPECTED_FRAME_COUNT);
- } else {
- mFrameTimes.clear();
- }
- mFrameStartTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
- }
- public static List<Long> stopFrameTimeRecording() {
- if (!mRecordingFrames) {
- Log.e(LOGTAG, "Error: stopFrameTimeRecording() called when not recording!");
- return null;
- }
- mRecordingFrames = false;
- return mFrameTimes;
- }
- public static void recordFrameTime() {
- // this will be called often, so try to make it as quick as possible
- if (mRecordingFrames) {
- mFrameTimes.add(SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - mFrameStartTime);
- }
- }
- public static boolean isRecordingCheckerboard() {
- return mRecordingCheckerboard;
- }
- public static void startCheckerboardRecording() {
- if (mRecordingCheckerboard) {
- Log.e(LOGTAG, "Error: startCheckerboardRecording() called while already recording!");
- return;
- }
- mRecordingCheckerboard = true;
- if (mCheckerboardAmounts == null) {
- mCheckerboardAmounts = new ArrayList<Float>(EXPECTED_FRAME_COUNT);
- } else {
- mCheckerboardAmounts.clear();
- }
- mCheckerboardStartTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
- }
- public static List<Float> stopCheckerboardRecording() {
- if (!mRecordingCheckerboard) {
- Log.e(LOGTAG, "Error: stopCheckerboardRecording() called when not recording!");
- return null;
- }
- mRecordingCheckerboard = false;
- return mCheckerboardAmounts;
- }
- public static void recordCheckerboard(float amount) {
- // this will be called often, so try to make it as quick as possible
- if (mRecordingCheckerboard) {
- mCheckerboardAmounts.add(amount);
- }
- }
commit a6a4cf07fd3c1d8288f5c82649ac3768910b679c
Author: Tomaž Vajngerl <tomaz.vajngerl at collabora.co.uk>
Date: Mon Feb 23 20:53:03 2015 +0900
android: extrac invalidations into InvalidationHandler
Change-Id: Iccdb5e64acac603fbc623d1c325d6e922568de81
diff --git a/android/experimental/LOAndroid3/src/java/org/libreoffice/InvalidationHandler.java b/android/experimental/LOAndroid3/src/java/org/libreoffice/InvalidationHandler.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a37d3d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/android/experimental/LOAndroid3/src/java/org/libreoffice/InvalidationHandler.java
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+package org.libreoffice;
+import android.graphics.RectF;
+import android.util.Log;
+import org.libreoffice.kit.Document;
+import org.mozilla.gecko.TextSelection;
+import org.mozilla.gecko.TextSelectionHandle;
+public class InvalidationHandler {
+ private static String LOGTAG = InvalidationHandler.class.getSimpleName();
+ public InvalidationHandler() {
+ }
+ public void processMessage(int messageID, String payload) {
+ switch (messageID) {
+ invalidateTiles(payload);
+ break;
+ invalidateCursor(payload);
+ break;
+ Log.i(LOGTAG, "Selection: " + payload);
+ invalidateSelection(payload);
+ break;
+ Log.i(LOGTAG, "Selection start: " + payload);
+ invalidateSelectionStart(payload);
+ break;
+ Log.i(LOGTAG, "Selection end: " + payload);
+ invalidateSelectionEnd(payload);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ private RectF convertCallbackMessageStringToRectF(String text) {
+ if (text.equals("EMPTY")) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ String[] coordinates = text.split(",");
+ if (coordinates.length != 4) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ int width = Integer.decode(coordinates[0].trim());
+ int height = Integer.decode(coordinates[1].trim());
+ int x = Integer.decode(coordinates[2].trim());
+ int y = Integer.decode(coordinates[3].trim());
+ float dpi = (float) LOKitShell.getDpi();
+ RectF rect = new RectF(
+ LOKitTileProvider.twipToPixel(x, dpi),
+ LOKitTileProvider.twipToPixel(y, dpi),
+ LOKitTileProvider.twipToPixel(x + width, dpi),
+ LOKitTileProvider.twipToPixel(y + height, dpi)
+ );
+ return rect;
+ }
+ private void invalidateCursor(String payload) {
+ RectF rect = convertCallbackMessageStringToRectF(payload);
+ if (rect != null) {
+ RectF underSelection = new RectF(rect.centerX(), rect.bottom, rect.centerX(), rect.bottom);
+ TextSelection textSelection = LibreOfficeMainActivity.mAppContext.getTextSelection();
+ textSelection.positionHandle(TextSelectionHandle.HandleType.MIDDLE, underSelection);
+ textSelection.showHandle(TextSelectionHandle.HandleType.MIDDLE);
+ TextCursorLayer textCursorLayer = LibreOfficeMainActivity.mAppContext.getTextCursorLayer();
+ textCursorLayer.positionCursor(rect);
+ textCursorLayer.showCursor();
+ }
+ }
+ private void invalidateTiles(String payload) {
+ RectF rect = convertCallbackMessageStringToRectF(payload);
+ if (rect != null) {
+ LOKitShell.sendTileInvalidationRequest(rect);
+ }
+ }
+ private void invalidateSelectionStart(String payload) {
+ RectF rect = convertCallbackMessageStringToRectF(payload);
+ if (rect != null) {
+ RectF underSelection = new RectF(rect.centerX(), rect.bottom, rect.centerX(), rect.bottom);
+ TextSelection textSelection = LibreOfficeMainActivity.mAppContext.getTextSelection();
+ textSelection.positionHandle(TextSelectionHandle.HandleType.START, underSelection);
+ textSelection.showHandle(TextSelectionHandle.HandleType.START);
+ textSelection.hideHandle(TextSelectionHandle.HandleType.MIDDLE);
+ TextCursorLayer textCursorLayer = LibreOfficeMainActivity.mAppContext.getTextCursorLayer();
+ textCursorLayer.hideCursor();
+ }
+ }
+ private void invalidateSelectionEnd(String payload) {
+ RectF rect = convertCallbackMessageStringToRectF(payload);
+ if (rect != null) {
+ RectF underSelection = new RectF(rect.centerX(), rect.bottom, rect.centerX(), rect.bottom);
+ TextSelection textSelection = LibreOfficeMainActivity.mAppContext.getTextSelection();
+ textSelection.positionHandle(TextSelectionHandle.HandleType.END, underSelection);
+ textSelection.showHandle(TextSelectionHandle.HandleType.END);
+ textSelection.hideHandle(TextSelectionHandle.HandleType.MIDDLE);
+ TextCursorLayer textCursorLayer = LibreOfficeMainActivity.mAppContext.getTextCursorLayer();
+ textCursorLayer.hideCursor();
+ }
+ }
+ private void invalidateSelection(String payload) {
+ if (payload.isEmpty()) {
+ TextSelection textSelection = LibreOfficeMainActivity.mAppContext.getTextSelection();
+ textSelection.hideHandle(TextSelectionHandle.HandleType.START);
+ textSelection.hideHandle(TextSelectionHandle.HandleType.END);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/android/experimental/LOAndroid3/src/java/org/libreoffice/LOKitTileProvider.java b/android/experimental/LOAndroid3/src/java/org/libreoffice/LOKitTileProvider.java
index 1fd1388..f99cda0 100644
--- a/android/experimental/LOAndroid3/src/java/org/libreoffice/LOKitTileProvider.java
+++ b/android/experimental/LOAndroid3/src/java/org/libreoffice/LOKitTileProvider.java
@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ public class LOKitTileProvider implements TileProvider, Document.MessageCallback
private float mWidthTwip;
private float mHeightTwip;
+ private InvalidationHandler mInvalidationHandler = new InvalidationHandler();
private long objectCreationTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
public LOKitTileProvider(GeckoLayerClient layerClient, String input) {
@@ -133,11 +135,11 @@ public class LOKitTileProvider implements TileProvider, Document.MessageCallback
- private float twipToPixel(float input, float dpi) {
+ public static float twipToPixel(float input, float dpi) {
return input / 1440.0f * dpi;
- private float pixelToTwip(float input, float dpi) {
+ public static float pixelToTwip(float input, float dpi) {
return (input / dpi) * 1440.0f;
@@ -359,117 +361,16 @@ public class LOKitTileProvider implements TileProvider, Document.MessageCallback
return mDocument.getPart();
- private RectF convertCallbackMessageStringToRectF(String text) {
- if (text.equals("EMPTY")) {
- return null;
- }
- String[] coordinates = text.split(",");
- if (coordinates.length != 4) {
- return null;
- }
- int width = Integer.decode(coordinates[0].trim());
- int height = Integer.decode(coordinates[1].trim());
- int x = Integer.decode(coordinates[2].trim());
- int y = Integer.decode(coordinates[3].trim());
- RectF rect = new RectF(
- twipToPixel(x, mDPI),
- twipToPixel(y, mDPI),
- twipToPixel(x + width, mDPI),
- twipToPixel(y + height, mDPI)
- );
- return rect;
- }
* Process the retrieved messages from LOK
- public void messageRetrieved(int signalNumber, String payload) {
+ public void messageRetrieved(int messageID, String payload) {
if (!LOKitShell.isEditingEnabled()) {
- switch (signalNumber) {
- invalidateTiles(payload);
- break;
- invalidateCursor(payload);
- break;
- Log.i(LOGTAG, "Selection: " + payload);
- invalidateSelection(payload);
- break;
- Log.i(LOGTAG, "Selection start: " + payload);
- invalidateSelectionStart(payload);
- break;
- Log.i(LOGTAG, "Selection end: " + payload);
- invalidateSelectionEnd(payload);
- break;
- }
- }
- private void invalidateCursor(String payload) {
- RectF rect = convertCallbackMessageStringToRectF(payload);
- if (rect != null) {
- RectF underSelection = new RectF(rect.centerX(), rect.bottom, rect.centerX(), rect.bottom);
- TextSelection textSelection = LibreOfficeMainActivity.mAppContext.getTextSelection();
- textSelection.positionHandle(TextSelectionHandle.HandleType.MIDDLE, underSelection);
- textSelection.showHandle(TextSelectionHandle.HandleType.MIDDLE);
- TextCursorLayer textCursorLayer = LibreOfficeMainActivity.mAppContext.getTextCursorLayer();
- textCursorLayer.positionCursor(rect);
- textCursorLayer.showCursor();
- }
- }
- private void invalidateTiles(String payload) {
- RectF rect = convertCallbackMessageStringToRectF(payload);
- if (rect != null) {
- LOKitShell.sendTileInvalidationRequest(rect);
- }
- }
- private void invalidateSelectionStart(String payload) {
- RectF rect = convertCallbackMessageStringToRectF(payload);
- if (rect != null) {
- RectF underSelection = new RectF(rect.centerX(), rect.bottom, rect.centerX(), rect.bottom);
- TextSelection textSelection = LibreOfficeMainActivity.mAppContext.getTextSelection();
- textSelection.positionHandle(TextSelectionHandle.HandleType.START, underSelection);
- textSelection.showHandle(TextSelectionHandle.HandleType.START);
- textSelection.hideHandle(TextSelectionHandle.HandleType.MIDDLE);
- TextCursorLayer textCursorLayer = LibreOfficeMainActivity.mAppContext.getTextCursorLayer();
- textCursorLayer.hideCursor();
- }
- }
- private void invalidateSelectionEnd(String payload) {
- RectF rect = convertCallbackMessageStringToRectF(payload);
- if (rect != null) {
- RectF underSelection = new RectF(rect.centerX(), rect.bottom, rect.centerX(), rect.bottom);
- TextSelection textSelection = LibreOfficeMainActivity.mAppContext.getTextSelection();
- textSelection.positionHandle(TextSelectionHandle.HandleType.END, underSelection);
- textSelection.showHandle(TextSelectionHandle.HandleType.END);
- textSelection.hideHandle(TextSelectionHandle.HandleType.MIDDLE);
- TextCursorLayer textCursorLayer = LibreOfficeMainActivity.mAppContext.getTextCursorLayer();
- textCursorLayer.hideCursor();
- }
- }
- private void invalidateSelection(String payload) {
- if (payload.isEmpty()) {
- TextSelection textSelection = LibreOfficeMainActivity.mAppContext.getTextSelection();
- textSelection.hideHandle(TextSelectionHandle.HandleType.START);
- textSelection.hideHandle(TextSelectionHandle.HandleType.END);
- }
+ mInvalidationHandler.processMessage(messageID, payload);
commit 40f3d313f8e00362ef7a1d4efd4061a5e67b4535
Author: Tomaž Vajngerl <tomaz.vajngerl at collabora.co.uk>
Date: Mon Feb 23 20:51:31 2015 +0900
android: compilation error in LOKitShell - SIZE_CHANGED event
Change-Id: I564d4db40d5cf5916de3f7a417f42f817d172019
diff --git a/android/experimental/LOAndroid3/src/java/org/libreoffice/LOKitShell.java b/android/experimental/LOAndroid3/src/java/org/libreoffice/LOKitShell.java
index 94c47c0..e3e7a36 100644
--- a/android/experimental/LOAndroid3/src/java/org/libreoffice/LOKitShell.java
+++ b/android/experimental/LOAndroid3/src/java/org/libreoffice/LOKitShell.java
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ public class LOKitShell {
public static void sendSizeChangedEvent(int width, int height) {
- LOKitShell.sendEvent(new LOEvent(LOEvent.SIZE_CHANGED, width, height));
+ LOKitShell.sendEvent(new LOEvent(LOEvent.SIZE_CHANGED));
public static void sendChangePartEvent(int part) {
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