[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: desktop/scripts

Katarina Behrens Katarina.Behrens at cib.de
Mon Jun 15 04:37:49 PDT 2015

 desktop/scripts/unopkg.sh |   27 +++++++++++++++------------
 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 9444ffc93a3335ee3f63df36512f5b278dd7596c
Author: Katarina Behrens <Katarina.Behrens at cib.de>
Date:   Mon Jun 15 13:28:09 2015 +0200

    Remove bash-ism, allow also --bundled option for root
    Change-Id: I34511c7947ff78654a34a3d2bd21754b6d004420

diff --git a/desktop/scripts/unopkg.sh b/desktop/scripts/unopkg.sh
index 6deb032..ca1e3bc 100755
--- a/desktop/scripts/unopkg.sh
+++ b/desktop/scripts/unopkg.sh
@@ -49,28 +49,31 @@ AIX)
-#collect all bootstrap variables specified on the command line
-#so that they can be passed as arguments to javaldx later on
 for arg in $@
   case "$arg" in
+       #collect all bootstrap variables specified on the command line
+       #so that they can be passed as arguments to javaldx later on
        -env:*) BOOTSTRAPVARS=$BOOTSTRAPVARS" ""$arg";;
+       # make sure shared extensions will be readable by all users
            umask 0022
-           SHARED_MODE=1
+           isnotuser=1
-           # make sure shared extensions will be readable by all users
-       -h|--help) HELP_MODE=1;;
+       --bundled) isnotuser=1;;
+       -h|--help) help_mode=1;;
-# we don't really want root to run unopkg without --shared option
-if [ "$EUID" -eq 0 ]; then
-    # but we might at least let him read help
-    if [ $SHARED_MODE -eq 0 ] && [ $HELP_MODE -eq 0 ]; then
-         echo "Cannot run '${0} $*' as root (did you forget --shared option?)"
+# we don't really want root to run unopkg without --shared or --bundled option
+# but we might at least let him read help
+if [ "$(id -u)" -eq "0" ]; then
+    if [ $isnotuser -eq 0 ] && [ $help_mode -eq 0 ]; then
+         echo "Cannot run '${0} $*' as root without --shared or --bundled option."
          exit 1

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