[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: Branch 'feature/gsoc14-draw-chained-text-boxes' - svx/source
matteo.campanelli at gmail.com
Mon Jun 29 03:25:33 PDT 2015
svx/source/svdraw/textchainflow.cxx | 306 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 306 insertions(+)
New commits:
commit e0783b00219987051add4c71ebf2319e4fa70fc1
Author: matteocam <matteo.campanelli at gmail.com>
Date: Mon Jun 29 06:24:22 2015 -0400
Introduced a check before setting (non)overflowing text
Change-Id: I23db9ed9c558486df1ddcd6c5680e6b6f90b447a
diff --git a/svx/source/svdraw/textchainflow.cxx b/svx/source/svdraw/textchainflow.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e759387
--- /dev/null
+++ b/svx/source/svdraw/textchainflow.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
+ * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
+ *
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+ *
+ * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
+ *
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
+ * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
+ * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
+ * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
+ */
+#include <svx/textchain.hxx>
+#include <svx/svdotext.hxx>
+#include <svx/svdoutl.hxx>
+#include <editeng/outlobj.hxx>
+#include <editeng/overflowingtxt.hxx>
+#include <svx/textchainflow.hxx>
+TextChainFlow::TextChainFlow(SdrTextObj *pChainTarget)
+ : mpTargetLink(pChainTarget)
+ mpTextChain = mpTargetLink->GetTextChain();
+ mpNextLink = mpTargetLink->GetNextLinkInChain();
+ bCheckedFlowEvents = false;
+ bUnderflow = bOverflow = false;
+ mpOverflowingTxt = NULL;
+ mpNonOverflowingTxt = NULL;
+ mpUnderflowingPObj = NULL;
+ // XXX: Set the next link here?
+ * Check for overflow in the state of pFlowOutl.
+ * If pParamOutl is not NULL sets some parameters from there.
+ * This is useful in case the outliner is not set for overflow
+ * (e.g. in editing mode we check for overflow in drawing outl but
+ * parameters come from editing outliner)
+void TextChainFlow::impCheckForFlowEvents(SdrOutliner *pFlowOutl, SdrOutliner *pParamOutl)
+ // NOTE: Nah you probably don't need this
+ if (pParamOutl != NULL)
+ {
+ // XXX: Set parameters
+ // XXX: does this work if you do it before setting the text?
+ pFlowOutl->SetUpdateMode(true);
+ pFlowOutl->SetMaxAutoPaperSize(pParamOutl->GetMaxAutoPaperSize());
+ pFlowOutl->SetMinAutoPaperSize(pParamOutl->GetMinAutoPaperSize());
+ pFlowOutl->SetPaperSize(pParamOutl->GetPaperSize());
+ }
+ bool bIsPageOverflow = pFlowOutl->IsPageOverflow();
+ // NOTE: overflow and underflow cannot be both true
+ bOverflow = bIsPageOverflow && mpNextLink;
+ bUnderflow = !bIsPageOverflow && mpNextLink && mpNextLink->HasText();
+ // Set (Non)OverflowingTxt here
+ mpOverflowingTxt = bOverflow ? pFlowOutl->GetOverflowingText() : NULL;
+ mpNonOverflowingTxt = bOverflow ? pFlowOutl->GetNonOverflowingText() : NULL;
+ // Set current underflowing text (if any)
+ mpUnderflowingPObj = bUnderflow ? pFlowOutl->CreateParaObject() : NULL;
+void TextChainFlow::CheckForFlowEvents(SdrOutliner *pFlowOutl)
+ impCheckForFlowEvents(pFlowOutl, NULL);
+bool TextChainFlow::IsOverflow()
+ return bOverflow;
+bool TextChainFlow::IsUnderflow()
+ return bUnderflow;
+// XXX: In editing mode you need to get "underflowing" text from editing outliner, so it's kinda separate from the drawing one!
+// XXX:Would it be possible to unify undeflow and its possibly following overrflow?
+void TextChainFlow::ExecuteUnderflow(SdrOutliner *pOutl)
+ OutlinerParaObject *pNextLinkWholeText = mpNextLink->GetOutlinerParaObject();
+ // making whole text
+ OutlinerParaObject *pCurText; // XXX: at next line we have editing outliner in editing version
+ //pCurText = pOutl->CreateParaObject();
+ // We saved this text already
+ pCurText = mpUnderflowingPObj;
+ // NewTextForCurBox = Txt(CurBox) ++ Txt(NextBox)
+ pOutl->SetText(*pCurText);
+ pOutl->AddText(*pNextLinkWholeText);
+ OutlinerParaObject *pNewText = pOutl->CreateParaObject();
+ // Set the other box empty so if overflow does not occur we are fine
+ if (!mpTargetLink->GetPreventChainable())
+ mpNextLink->NbcSetOutlinerParaObject(pOutl->GetEmptyParaObject());
+ mpTargetLink->NbcSetOutlinerParaObject(pNewText);
+ // Check for new overflow
+ CheckForFlowEvents(pOutl); // XXX: How do you know you don't need to set parameters here?
+void TextChainFlow::ExecuteOverflow(SdrOutliner *pNonOverflOutl, SdrOutliner *pOverflOutl)
+ // Leave only non overflowing text
+ impLeaveOnlyNonOverflowingText(pNonOverflOutl);
+ // Transfer of text to next link
+ if (!mpTargetLink->GetPreventChainable() ) // we don't transfer text while dragging because of resizing
+ {
+ impMoveChainedTextToNextLink(pOverflOutl);
+ }
+void TextChainFlow::impLeaveOnlyNonOverflowingText(SdrOutliner *pNonOverflOutl)
+ OutlinerParaObject *pNewText = impGetNonOverflowingParaObject(pNonOverflOutl);
+ // XXX
+ if (mpTargetLink->pEdtOutl != NULL) {
+ mpTargetLink->pEdtOutl->SetText(*pNewText);
+ }
+ // adds it to current outliner anyway (useful in static decomposition)
+ pNonOverflOutl->SetText(*pNewText);
+ mpTargetLink->NbcSetOutlinerParaObject(pNewText);
+void TextChainFlow::impMoveChainedTextToNextLink(SdrOutliner *pOverflOutl)
+ // prevent copying text in same box
+ if ( mpNextLink == mpTargetLink ) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "[CHAINING] Trying to copy text for next link in same object\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ OutlinerParaObject *pNewText = impGetOverflowingParaObject(pOverflOutl);
+ if (pNewText)
+ mpNextLink->NbcSetOutlinerParaObject(pNewText);
+OutlinerParaObject *TextChainFlow::impGetNonOverflowingParaObject(SdrOutliner *pOutliner)
+ if (mpNonOverflowingTxt == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ if (mpNonOverflowingTxt->mPreOverflowingTxt == "" &&
+ mpNonOverflowingTxt->mpHeadParas != NULL) {
+ // Only (possibly empty) paragraphs before overflowing one
+ pOutliner->SetText(*mpNonOverflowingTxt->mpHeadParas);
+ } else { // We have to include the non-overflowing lines from the overfl. para
+ // first make a ParaObject for the strings
+ impSetOutlinerToEmptyTxt(pOutliner);
+ Paragraph *pTmpPara0 = pOutliner->GetParagraph(0);
+ pOutliner->SetText(mpNonOverflowingTxt->mPreOverflowingTxt, pTmpPara0);
+ OutlinerParaObject *pPObj = pOutliner->CreateParaObject();
+ //pOutliner->Clear();
+ //pOutliner->SetStyleSheet( 0, pEdtOutl->GetStyleSheet(0));
+ if (mpNonOverflowingTxt->mpHeadParas != NULL) {
+ pOutliner->SetText(*mpNonOverflowingTxt->mpHeadParas);
+ pOutliner->AddText(*pPObj);
+ } else if (mpNonOverflowingTxt->mPreOverflowingTxt != "") { // only preoverflowing txt
+ //OutlinerParaObject *pEmptyPObj = pOutliner->GetEmptyParaObject();
+ //pOutliner->SetText(*pEmptyPObj);
+ pOutliner->SetText(*pPObj);
+ } else { // no text // This case is redundant but it doesn't hurt for now
+ pOutliner->Clear();
+ }
+ }
+ return pOutliner->CreateParaObject();
+void TextChainFlow::impSetOutlinerToEmptyTxt(SdrOutliner *pOutliner)
+ OutlinerParaObject *pEmptyTxt = pOutliner->GetEmptyParaObject();
+ pOutliner->SetText(*pEmptyTxt);
+SdrTextObj *TextChainFlow::GetLinkTarget()
+ return mpTargetLink;
+OutlinerParaObject *TextChainFlow::impGetOverflowingParaObject(SdrOutliner *pOutliner)
+ if (mpOverflowingTxt == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ OutlinerParaObject *pCurTxt = mpNextLink->GetOutlinerParaObject();
+ pOutliner->SetText(*pCurTxt);
+ // Get text of first paragraph of destination box
+ Paragraph *pOldPara0 = pOutliner->GetParagraph(0);
+ OUString aOldPara0Txt;
+ if (pOldPara0)
+ aOldPara0Txt = pOutliner->GetText(pOldPara0);
+ // Get other paras of destination box (from second on)
+ OutlinerParaObject *pOldParasTail = NULL;
+ if (pOutliner->GetParagraphCount() > 1)
+ pOldParasTail = pOutliner->CreateParaObject(1);
+ // Create ParaObject appending old first para in the dest. box
+ // to last part of overflowing text
+ Paragraph *pTmpPara0 = NULL;
+ OutlinerParaObject *pJoiningPara = NULL;
+ if (pOldPara0) {
+ //pOutliner->Clear(); // you need a clear outliner here
+ impSetOutlinerToEmptyTxt(pOutliner);
+ pTmpPara0 = pOutliner->GetParagraph(0);
+ pOutliner->SetText(mpOverflowingTxt->GetEndingLines() + aOldPara0Txt, pTmpPara0);
+ pJoiningPara = pOutliner->CreateParaObject();
+ }
+ // start actual composition
+ //pOutliner->Clear();
+ impSetOutlinerToEmptyTxt(pOutliner);
+ // Set headText at the beginning of box
+ OUString aHeadTxt = mpOverflowingTxt->GetHeadingLines();
+ // If we haven't used heading text yet
+ if (mpOverflowingTxt->HasOtherParas()) {
+ Paragraph *pNewPara0 = pOutliner->GetParagraph(0);
+ pOutliner->SetText(aHeadTxt, pNewPara0);
+ }
+ // Set all the intermediate Paras
+ if (mpOverflowingTxt->mpMidParas)
+ pOutliner->AddText(*mpOverflowingTxt->mpMidParas);
+ // Append old first para in the destination box to
+ // last part of overflowing text
+ if (pJoiningPara && mpOverflowingTxt->HasOtherParas())
+ pOutliner->AddText(*pJoiningPara);
+ // this second case is if there is to avoid getting an empty line before pJoiningPara
+ else if (pJoiningPara && !mpOverflowingTxt->HasOtherParas())
+ pOutliner->SetText(*pJoiningPara);
+ // Append all other old paras
+ if (pOldParasTail)
+ pOutliner->AddText(*pOldParasTail);
+ // Draw everything
+ OutlinerParaObject *pNewText = pOutliner->CreateParaObject();
+ return pNewText;
+TextChain *TextChainFlow::GetTextChain()
+ return mpTextChain;
+EditingTextChainFlow::EditingTextChainFlow(SdrTextObj *pLinkTarget) :
+ TextChainFlow(pLinkTarget)
+void EditingTextChainFlow::CheckForFlowEvents(SdrOutliner *pFlowOutl)
+ // if this is editing outliner no need to set parameters
+ if (pFlowOutl == GetLinkTarget()->pEdtOutl)
+ impCheckForFlowEvents(pFlowOutl, NULL);
+ else
+ impCheckForFlowEvents(pFlowOutl, GetLinkTarget()->pEdtOutl);
+/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
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