[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: chart2/source
Marco Cecchetti
marco.cecchetti at collabora.com
Mon May 4 02:06:37 PDT 2015
chart2/source/view/charttypes/PieChart.cxx | 438 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
chart2/source/view/charttypes/PieChart.hxx | 4
2 files changed, 442 insertions(+)
New commits:
commit ea374ab51e229bb1a959a271c1405ef72ad71316
Author: Marco Cecchetti <marco.cecchetti at collabora.com>
Date: Thu Apr 23 09:56:49 2015 +0200
tdf#90839 - added support for inside placement for the best fit case
Change-Id: I4cd47d843e6892edfa43c37c131dde9cd324579a
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/15520
Reviewed-by: Andras Timar <andras.timar at collabora.com>
Tested-by: Andras Timar <andras.timar at collabora.com>
diff --git a/chart2/source/view/charttypes/PieChart.cxx b/chart2/source/view/charttypes/PieChart.cxx
index 2123364..4ba5ce7 100644
--- a/chart2/source/view/charttypes/PieChart.cxx
+++ b/chart2/source/view/charttypes/PieChart.cxx
@@ -357,7 +357,15 @@ void PieChart::createTextLabelShape(
aPieLabelInfo.bMovementAllowed = bMovementAllowed;
aPieLabelInfo.bMoved= false;
aPieLabelInfo.xTextTarget = xTextTarget;
+ if (bMovementAllowed)
+ {
+ performLabelBestFit(rParam, aPieLabelInfo);
+ }
void PieChart::addSeries( VDataSeries* pSeries, sal_Int32 /* zSlot */, sal_Int32 /* xSlot */, sal_Int32 /* ySlot */ )
@@ -723,6 +731,28 @@ bool lcl_isInsidePage( const awt::Point& rPos, const awt::Size& rSize, const awt
return true;
+double lcl_radToDeg(double fAngleRad)
+ return (fAngleRad / M_PI) * 180.0;
+double lcl_degToRad(double fAngleDeg)
+ return (fAngleDeg / 180) * M_PI;
+double lcl_getDegAngleInStandardRange(double fAngle)
+ while( fAngle < 0.0 )
+ fAngle += 360.0;
+ while( fAngle >= 360.0 )
+ fAngle -= 360.0;
+ return fAngle;
}//end anonymous namespace
@@ -1154,6 +1184,414 @@ void PieChart::rearrangeLabelToAvoidOverlapIfRequested( const awt::Size& rPageSi
+/** Handle the placement of the label in the best fit case:
+ * the routine try to place the label inside the related pie slice,
+ * in case of success it returns true else returns false.
+ *
+ * Notation:
+ * C: the pie center
+ * s: the bisector ray of the current pie slice
+ * alpha: the angle between the horizontal axis and the bisector ray s
+ * N: the vertex of the label b.b. which is nearest to C
+ * F: the vertex of the label b.b. not adjacent to N; F lies on the pie border
+ * P, Q: the intersection points between the label b.b. and the bisector ray s;
+ * P is the one at minimum distance respect with C
+ * e: the edge of the label b.b. where P lies (the nearest edge to C)
+ * M: the vertex of e that is not N
+ * G: the vertex of the label b.b. which is adjacent to N and that is not M
+ * beta: the angle MPF
+ * theta: the angle CPF
+ *
+ *
+ * |
+ * | /s
+ * | /
+ * | /
+ * | G _________________________/____________________________ F
+ * | | /Q ..|
+ * | | / . . |
+ * | | / . . |
+ * | | / . . |
+ * | | / . . |
+ * | | / . . |
+ * | | / d. . |
+ * | | / . . |
+ * | | / . . |
+ * | | / . . |
+ * | | / . . |
+ * | | / . . |
+ * | | / . . |
+ * | | / . \ beta . |
+ * | |__________/._\___|_______.____________________________|
+ * | N /P / . M
+ * | /___/theta .
+ * | / .
+ * | / . r
+ * | / .
+ * | / .
+ * | / .
+ * | / .
+ * | / .
+ * | / .
+ * | / .
+ * | / .
+ * | /\. alpha
+ * __|/__|_____________________________________________________________
+ * |C
+ * |
+ *
+ *
+ * When alpha = 45k (k integer) s crosses the label b.b. at N exactly.
+ * In such a case the nearest edge e is defined as the edge having N as the
+ * start vertex and that is covered in the counterclockwise direction when
+ * we move from N to the adjacent vertex.
+ *
+ * The nearest vertex N is:
+ * 1. the bottom left vertex when 0 < alpha < 90
+ * 2. the bottom right vertex when 90 < alpha < 180
+ * 3. the top right vertex when 180 < alpha < 270
+ * 4. the top left vertex when 270 < alpha < 360.
+ *
+ * The nearest edge e is:
+ * 1. the left edge when −45 < alpha < 45
+ * 2. the bottom edge when 45 < alpha <135
+ * 3. the right edge when 135 < alpha < 225
+ * 4. the top edge when 225 < alpha < 315.
+ *
+ **/
+bool PieChart::performLabelBestFitInnerPlacement(ShapeParam& rShapeParam, PieLabelInfo& rPieLabelInfo)
+ SAL_INFO( "chart2.pie.label.bestfit.inside",
+ "** PieChart::performLabelBestFitInnerPlacement invoked **" );
+ // get pie slice properties
+ double fStartAngleDeg = lcl_getDegAngleInStandardRange(rShapeParam.mfUnitCircleStartAngleDegree);
+ double fWidthAngleDeg = rShapeParam.mfUnitCircleWidthAngleDegree;
+ double fHalfWidthAngleDeg = fWidthAngleDeg / 2.0;
+ double fBisectingRayAngleDeg = lcl_getDegAngleInStandardRange(fStartAngleDeg + fHalfWidthAngleDeg);
+ // get the middle point of the arc representing the pie slice border
+ double fLogicZ = rShapeParam.mfLogicZ + 1.0;
+ awt::Point aMiddleArcPoint = PlottingPositionHelper::transformSceneToScreenPosition(
+ m_pPosHelper->transformUnitCircleToScene(
+ fBisectingRayAngleDeg,
+ rShapeParam.mfUnitCircleOuterRadius,
+ fLogicZ ),
+ m_xLogicTarget, m_pShapeFactory, m_nDimension );
+ // compute the pie radius
+ basegfx::B2IVector aPieCenter = rPieLabelInfo.aOrigin;
+ basegfx::B2IVector aRadiusVector(
+ aMiddleArcPoint.X - aPieCenter.getX(),
+ aMiddleArcPoint.Y - aPieCenter.getY() );
+ double fSquaredPieRadius = aRadiusVector.scalar(aRadiusVector);
+ double fPieRadius = sqrt( fSquaredPieRadius );
+ // the bb is moved as much as possible near to the border of the pie,
+ // anyway a small offset from the border is present (0.025 * pie radius)
+ const double fPieBorderOffset = 0.025;
+ fPieRadius = fPieRadius - fPieRadius * fPieBorderOffset;
+ SAL_INFO( "chart2.pie.label.bestfit.inside",
+ " pie sector:" );
+ SAL_INFO( "chart2.pie.label.bestfit.inside",
+ " start angle = " << fStartAngleDeg );
+ SAL_INFO( "chart2.pie.label.bestfit.inside",
+ " angle width = " << fWidthAngleDeg );
+ SAL_INFO( "chart2.pie.label.bestfit.inside",
+ " bisecting ray angle = " << fBisectingRayAngleDeg );
+ SAL_INFO( "chart2.pie.label.bestfit.inside",
+ " pie radius = " << fPieRadius );
+ SAL_INFO( "chart2.pie.label.bestfit.inside",
+ " pie center = " << rPieLabelInfo.aOrigin );
+ SAL_INFO( "chart2.pie.label.bestfit.inside",
+ " middle arc point = (" << aMiddleArcPoint.X << ","
+ << aMiddleArcPoint.Y << ")" );
+ SAL_INFO( "chart2.pie.label.bestfit.inside",
+ " label bounding box:" );
+ SAL_INFO( "chart2.pie.label.bestfit.inside",
+ " old anchor point = " << rPieLabelInfo.aFirstPosition );
+ if( ::rtl::math::approxEqual( fPieRadius, 0.0 ) )
+ return false;
+ // get label b.b. width and height
+ ::basegfx::B2IRectangle aBb( lcl_getRect( rPieLabelInfo.xLabelGroupShape ) );
+ double fLabelWidth = aBb.getWidth();
+ double fLabelHeight = aBb.getHeight();
+ // -45 <= fAlphaDeg < 315
+ double fAlphaDeg = lcl_getDegAngleInStandardRange(fBisectingRayAngleDeg + 45) - 45;
+ double fAlphaRad = lcl_degToRad(fAlphaDeg);
+ // compute nearest edge index
+ // 0 left
+ // 1 bottom
+ // 2 right
+ // 3 top
+ int nSectorIndex = floor( (fAlphaDeg + 45) / 45.0 );
+ int nNearestEdgeIndex = nSectorIndex / 2;
+ // compute lengths of the nearest edge and of the orthogonal edges
+ double fNearestEdgeLength = fLabelWidth;
+ double fOrthogonalEdgeLength = fLabelHeight;
+ int nAxisIndex = 0;
+ int nOrthogonalAxisIndex = 1;
+ if( nNearestEdgeIndex % 2 == 0 ) // nearest edge is vertical
+ {
+ fNearestEdgeLength = fLabelHeight;
+ fOrthogonalEdgeLength = fLabelWidth;
+ nAxisIndex = 1;
+ nOrthogonalAxisIndex = 0;
+ }
+ // compute the distance between N and P
+ // such a distance is piece wise linear respect with alpha:
+ // given 45k <= alpha < 45(k+1) we have
+ // when k is even: d(N,P) = (length(e) / 2) * (1 - (alpha - 45k)/45)
+ // when k is odd: d(N,P) = (length(e) / 2) * (1 - (45(k+1) - alpha)/45)
+ int nIndex = nSectorIndex -1; // nIndex = -1...6
+ double fIndexMod2 = (nIndex + 8) % 2; // fIndexMod2 must be non negative
+ double fSgn = 2.0 * (fIndexMod2 - 0.5); // 0 -> -1, 1 -> 1
+ double fDistanceNP = (fNearestEdgeLength / 2.0) * (1 + fSgn * ((fAlphaDeg - 45 * (nIndex + fIndexMod2)) / 45.0));
+ double fDistancePM = fNearestEdgeLength - fDistanceNP;
+ // compute the length of the diagonal vector d,
+ // that is the distance between P and F
+ double fSquaredDistancePF = fDistancePM * fDistancePM + fOrthogonalEdgeLength * fOrthogonalEdgeLength;
+ double fDistancePF = sqrt( fSquaredDistancePF );
+ SAL_INFO( "chart2.pie.label.bestfit.inside",
+ " width = " << fLabelWidth );
+ SAL_INFO( "chart2.pie.label.bestfit.inside",
+ " height = " << fLabelHeight );
+ SAL_INFO( "chart2.pie.label.bestfit.inside",
+ " nearest edge index = " << nNearestEdgeIndex );
+ SAL_INFO( "chart2.pie.label.bestfit.inside",
+ " alpha = " << fAlphaDeg );
+ SAL_INFO( "chart2.pie.label.bestfit.inside",
+ " distance(N,P) = " << fDistanceNP );
+ SAL_INFO( "chart2.pie.label.bestfit.inside",
+ " nIndex = " << nIndex );
+ SAL_INFO( "chart2.pie.label.bestfit.inside",
+ " fIndexMod2 = " << fIndexMod2 );
+ SAL_INFO( "chart2.pie.label.bestfit.inside",
+ " fSgn = " << fSgn );
+ SAL_INFO( "chart2.pie.label.bestfit.inside",
+ " distance(P,F) = " << fDistancePF );
+ // we check that the condition length(d) <= pie radius holds
+ if (fDistancePF > fPieRadius)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // compute beta: the angle of the diagonal vector d,
+ // that is, the angle in P respect with the triangle PMF;
+ // since both arguments are non negative the returned value is in [0, PI/2]
+ double fBetaRad = atan2( fOrthogonalEdgeLength, fDistancePM );
+ // compute the theta angle, that is the angle in P
+ // respect with the triangle CFP;
+ // when the second intersection edge is opposite to the nearest edge,
+ // theta depends on alpha and beta according to the following relation:
+ // theta = f(alpha, beta) = s * alpha + 90 * (1 - s * i) + beta
+ // where i is the nearest edge index and s is the sign of (alpha' - 45),
+ // with alpha' = (alpha + 45) mod 90;
+ // when the second intersection edge is adjacent to the nearest edge,
+ // we have theta = 360 - f(alpha, beta);
+ // note that in the former case 0 <= f(alpha, beta) <= 180,
+ // whilst in the latter case 180 <= f(alpha, beta) <= 360;
+ double fAlphaMod90 = fmod( fAlphaDeg + 45, 90.0 ) - 45;
+ double fSign = ::rtl::math::approxEqual( fAlphaMod90, 0.0 )
+ ? 0.0
+ : ( fAlphaMod90 < 0 ) ? -1.0 : 1.0;
+ double fThetaRad = fSign * fAlphaRad + M_PI_2 * (1 - fSign * nNearestEdgeIndex) + fBetaRad;
+ if( fThetaRad > M_PI )
+ {
+ fThetaRad = 2 * M_PI - fThetaRad;
+ }
+ // compute the length of the positional vector,
+ // that is the distance between C and P
+ double fDistanceCP;
+ // when the bisector ray intersects the b.b. in F we have theta mod 180 == 0
+ if( ::rtl::math::approxEqual( fmod(fThetaRad, M_PI), 0.0 ))
+ {
+ fDistanceCP = fPieRadius - fDistancePF;
+ }
+ else // general case
+ {
+ // we can compute d(C,P) by applying some trigonometric formula to
+ // the triangle CFP : we know length(d) and length(r) = r and we have
+ // computed the angle in P (theta); so named delta the angle in C and
+ // gamma the angle in F, by the relation:
+ //
+ // r d(P,F) d(C,P)
+ // --------- = --------- = ---------
+ // sin theta sin delta sin gamma
+ //
+ // we get the wanted distance
+ double fSinTheta = sin( fThetaRad );
+ double fSinDelta = fDistancePF * fSinTheta / fPieRadius;
+ double fDeltaRad = asin( fSinDelta );
+ double fGammaRad = M_PI - (fThetaRad + fDeltaRad);
+ double fSinGamma = sin( fGammaRad );
+ fDistanceCP = fPieRadius * fSinGamma / fSinTheta;
+ }
+ // define the positional vector
+ basegfx::B2DVector aPositionalVector( cos(fAlphaRad), sin(fAlphaRad) );
+ aPositionalVector.setLength(fDistanceCP);
+ // we define a direction vector in order to know
+ // in which quadrant we are working
+ basegfx::B2DVector aDirection(1.0, 1.0);
+ if( 90 <= fBisectingRayAngleDeg && fBisectingRayAngleDeg < 270 )
+ {
+ aDirection.setX(-1.0);
+ }
+ if( fBisectingRayAngleDeg >= 180 )
+ {
+ aDirection.setY(-1.0);
+ }
+ // compute vertices N, M and G respect with pie center C
+ basegfx::B2DVector aNearestVertex(aPositionalVector);
+ aNearestVertex[nAxisIndex] += -aDirection[nAxisIndex] * fDistanceNP;
+ basegfx::B2DVector aVertexM(aNearestVertex);
+ aVertexM[nAxisIndex] += aDirection[nAxisIndex] * fNearestEdgeLength;
+ basegfx::B2DVector aVertexG(aNearestVertex);
+ aVertexG[nOrthogonalAxisIndex] += aDirection[nOrthogonalAxisIndex] * fOrthogonalEdgeLength;
+ SAL_INFO( "chart2.pie.label.bestfit.inside",
+ " beta = " << lcl_radToDeg(fBetaRad) );
+ SAL_INFO( "chart2.pie.label.bestfit.inside",
+ " theta = " << lcl_radToDeg(fThetaRad) );
+ SAL_INFO( "chart2.pie.label.bestfit.inside",
+ " fAlphaMod90 = " << fAlphaMod90 );
+ SAL_INFO( "chart2.pie.label.bestfit.inside",
+ " fSign = " << fSign );
+ SAL_INFO( "chart2.pie.label.bestfit.inside",
+ " distance(C,P) = " << fDistanceCP );
+ SAL_INFO( "chart2.pie.label.bestfit.inside",
+ " direction vector = " << aDirection );
+ SAL_INFO( "chart2.pie.label.bestfit.inside",
+ " N = " << aNearestVertex );
+ SAL_INFO( "chart2.pie.label.bestfit.inside",
+ " M = " << aVertexM );
+ SAL_INFO( "chart2.pie.label.bestfit.inside",
+ " G = " << aVertexG );
+ // in order to be able to place the label inside the pie slice we need
+ // to check that each angle between s and the ray starting from C and
+ // passing through a b.b. vertex is less than half width of the pie slice;
+ // when the nearest edge e crosses a Cartesian axis it is sufficient
+ // to test only the vertices belonging to e, else we need to test
+ // the 2 vertices that aren’t either N or F . Note that if a b.b. edge
+ // crosses a Cartesian axis then it is the nearest edge to C
+ // check the angle between CP and CM
+ double fAngleRad = aPositionalVector.angle(aVertexM);
+ double fAngleDeg = lcl_getDegAngleInStandardRange( lcl_radToDeg(fAngleRad) );
+ if( fAngleDeg > 180 ) // in case the wrong angle has been computed
+ fAngleDeg = 360 - fAngleDeg;
+ SAL_INFO( "chart2.pie.label.bestfit.inside",
+ " angle between CP and CM: " << fAngleDeg );
+ if( fAngleDeg > fHalfWidthAngleDeg )
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if( ( aNearestVertex[nAxisIndex] >= 0 && aVertexM[nAxisIndex] <= 0 )
+ || ( aNearestVertex[nAxisIndex] <= 0 && aVertexM[nAxisIndex] >= 0 ) )
+ {
+ // check the angle between CP and CN
+ fAngleRad = aPositionalVector.angle(aNearestVertex);
+ fAngleDeg = lcl_getDegAngleInStandardRange( lcl_radToDeg(fAngleRad) );
+ if( fAngleDeg > 180 ) // in case the wrong angle has been computed
+ fAngleDeg = 360 - fAngleDeg;
+ SAL_INFO( "chart2.pie.label.bestfit.inside",
+ " angle between CP and CN: " << fAngleDeg );
+ if( fAngleDeg > fHalfWidthAngleDeg )
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // check the angle between CP and CG
+ fAngleRad = aPositionalVector.angle(aVertexG);
+ fAngleDeg = lcl_getDegAngleInStandardRange( lcl_radToDeg(fAngleRad) );
+ if( fAngleDeg > 180 ) // in case the wrong angle has been computed
+ fAngleDeg = 360 - fAngleDeg;
+ SAL_INFO( "chart2.pie.label.bestfit.inside",
+ " angle between CP and CG: " << fAngleDeg );
+ if( fAngleDeg > fHalfWidthAngleDeg )
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // compute the b.b. center respect with the pie center
+ basegfx::B2DVector aBBCenter(aNearestVertex);
+ aBBCenter[nAxisIndex] += aDirection[nAxisIndex] * fNearestEdgeLength / 2;
+ aBBCenter[nOrthogonalAxisIndex] += aDirection[nOrthogonalAxisIndex] * fOrthogonalEdgeLength / 2;
+ // compute the b.b. anchor point
+ basegfx::B2IVector aNewAnchorPoint = aPieCenter;
+ aNewAnchorPoint[0] += floor(aBBCenter[0]);
+ aNewAnchorPoint[1] -= floor(aBBCenter[1]); // the Y axis on the screen points downward
+ // compute the translation vector for moving the label from the current
+ // screen position to the new one
+ basegfx::B2IVector aTranslationVector = aNewAnchorPoint - rPieLabelInfo.aFirstPosition;
+ // compute the new screen position and move the label
+ awt::Point aNewPos( rPieLabelInfo.xLabelGroupShape->getPosition() );
+ aNewPos.X += aTranslationVector.getX();
+ aNewPos.Y += aTranslationVector.getY();
+ rPieLabelInfo.xLabelGroupShape->setPosition(aNewPos);
+ SAL_INFO( "chart2.pie.label.bestfit.inside",
+ " center = " << aBBCenter );
+ SAL_INFO( "chart2.pie.label.bestfit.inside",
+ " new anchor point = " << aNewAnchorPoint );
+ SAL_INFO( "chart2.pie.label.bestfit.inside",
+ " translation vector = " << aTranslationVector );
+ SAL_INFO( "chart2.pie.label.bestfit.inside",
+ " new position = (" << aNewPos.X << "," << aNewPos.Y << ")" );
+ return true;
+/** Handle the outer placement of the labels in the best fit case.
+ *
+ */
+bool PieChart::performLabelBestFitOuterPlacement(ShapeParam& /*rShapeParam*/, PieLabelInfo& /*rPieLabelInfo*/)
+ SAL_WARN( "chart2.pie.label.bestfit", "to be implemented" );
+ return false;
+/** Handle the placement of the label in the best fit case.
+ * First off the routine try to place the label inside the related pie slice,
+ * if this is not possible the label is placed outside.
+ */
+void PieChart::performLabelBestFit(ShapeParam& rShapeParam, PieLabelInfo& rPieLabelInfo)
+ if( m_bUseRings )
+ return;
+ if( !performLabelBestFitInnerPlacement(rShapeParam, rPieLabelInfo) )
+ {
+ performLabelBestFitOuterPlacement(rShapeParam, rPieLabelInfo);
+ }
} //namespace chart
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
diff --git a/chart2/source/view/charttypes/PieChart.hxx b/chart2/source/view/charttypes/PieChart.hxx
index 20bdd7e..901e2f1 100644
--- a/chart2/source/view/charttypes/PieChart.hxx
+++ b/chart2/source/view/charttypes/PieChart.hxx
@@ -108,6 +108,10 @@ struct PieLabelInfo;
, PieLabelInfo* pCenter, bool bSingleCenter, bool& rbAlternativeMoveDirection
, const ::com::sun::star::awt::Size& rPageSize );
+ bool performLabelBestFitInnerPlacement(ShapeParam& rShapeParam, PieLabelInfo& rPieLabelInfo);
+ bool performLabelBestFitOuterPlacement(ShapeParam& rShapeParam, PieLabelInfo& rPieLabelInfo);
+ void performLabelBestFit(ShapeParam& rShapeParam, PieLabelInfo& rPieLabelInfo);
private: //member
PiePositionHelper* m_pPosHelper;
bool m_bUseRings;
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