[Libreoffice-commits] online.git: loolwsd/LOOLWSD.cpp

Miklos Vajna vmiklos at collabora.co.uk
Thu Nov 19 02:24:31 PST 2015

 loolwsd/LOOLWSD.cpp |   26 +++++++++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit bc38b2c265dcf48af82a1800f195d972ff3e4a06
Author: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos at collabora.co.uk>
Date:   Thu Nov 19 11:23:45 2015 +0100

    loolwsd: -Werror,-Wshadow
    With this, loolwsd builds with clang.

diff --git a/loolwsd/LOOLWSD.cpp b/loolwsd/LOOLWSD.cpp
index 31767a1..79181e5 100644
--- a/loolwsd/LOOLWSD.cpp
+++ b/loolwsd/LOOLWSD.cpp
@@ -1004,16 +1004,16 @@ void LOOLWSD::desktopMain()
     _childId = (((Poco::UInt64)_rng.next()) << 32) | _rng.next() | 1;
-    Path jail = Path::forDirectory(LOOLWSD::childRoot + Path::separator() + std::to_string(_childId));
-    File(jail).createDirectory();
+    Path jailPath = Path::forDirectory(LOOLWSD::childRoot + Path::separator() + std::to_string(_childId));
+    File(jailPath).createDirectory();
-    Path jailLOInstallation(jail, LOOLWSD::loSubPath);
+    Path jailLOInstallation(jailPath, LOOLWSD::loSubPath);
     // Copy (link) LO installation and other necessary files into it from the template
-    linkOrCopy(LOOLWSD::sysTemplate, jail);
+    linkOrCopy(LOOLWSD::sysTemplate, jailPath);
     linkOrCopy(LOOLWSD::loTemplate, jailLOInstallation);
     // We need this because sometimes the hostname is not resolved
@@ -1023,35 +1023,35 @@ void LOOLWSD::desktopMain()
         File networkFile(*it);
         if (networkFile.exists())
-            networkFile.copyTo(Path(jail, "/etc").toString());
+            networkFile.copyTo(Path(jailPath, "/etc").toString());
 #ifdef __linux
     // Create the urandom and random devices
-    File(Path(jail, "/dev")).createDirectory();
-    if (mknod((jail.toString() + "/dev/random").c_str(),
+    File(Path(jailPath, "/dev")).createDirectory();
+    if (mknod((jailPath.toString() + "/dev/random").c_str(),
                 S_IFCHR | S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP | S_IROTH | S_IWOTH,
                 makedev(1, 8)) != 0)
         Application::instance().logger().error(Util::logPrefix() +
-                "mknod(" + jail.toString() + "/dev/random) failed: " +
+                "mknod(" + jailPath.toString() + "/dev/random) failed: " +
-    if (mknod((jail.toString() + "/dev/urandom").c_str(),
+    if (mknod((jailPath.toString() + "/dev/urandom").c_str(),
                 S_IFCHR | S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP | S_IROTH | S_IWOTH,
                 makedev(1, 9)) != 0)
         Application::instance().logger().error(Util::logPrefix() +
-                "mknod(" + jail.toString() + "/dev/urandom) failed: " +
+                "mknod(" + jailPath.toString() + "/dev/urandom) failed: " +
-    Application::instance().logger().information("desktopMain -> chroot(\"" + jail.toString() + "\")");
-    if (chroot(jail.toString().c_str()) == -1)
+    Application::instance().logger().information("desktopMain -> chroot(\"" + jailPath.toString() + "\")");
+    if (chroot(jailPath.toString().c_str()) == -1)
-        logger().error("chroot(\"" + jail.toString() + "\") failed: " + strerror(errno));
+        logger().error("chroot(\"" + jailPath.toString() + "\") failed: " + strerror(errno));

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