[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: Branch 'private/bubli/lhm-4-1-6-backports' - sc/source

Katarina Behrens Katarina.Behrens at cib.de
Wed Oct 28 07:17:59 PDT 2015

 sc/source/filter/excel/excdoc.cxx |   12 ++++++++++--
 sc/source/ui/unoobj/confuno.cxx   |   28 +++++++++++++++++-----------
 2 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit e23e760d2f433b0924c0992002f48b1afcf58292
Author: Katarina Behrens <Katarina.Behrens at cib.de>
Date:   Wed Oct 28 15:00:51 2015 +0100

    tdf#92256: Don't save CONV_UNSPECIFIED string ref syntax value
    The following scenario is how it breaks:
    1. user has ExcelA1 as her formula syntax setting, CONV_UNSPECIFIED
    (that means "same as formula syntax") as her string ref syntax setting
    2. she saves the document, it will now contain CONV_UNSPECIFIED value
    3. someone else with CalcA1 formula syntax setting opens the document
    ... since it contains CONV_UNSPECIFIED "same as formula syntax" value,
    it will use his CalcA1 formula syntax value to evaluate INDIRECT func
    => #REF!
    Avoid this by reading formula syntax/grammar value, mapping it to
    matching string ref syntax and saving that instead of CONV_UNSPECIFIED
    Change-Id: I3cf08878ed8badc8719ee5be535c8fdbb7ba6d42

diff --git a/sc/source/filter/excel/excdoc.cxx b/sc/source/filter/excel/excdoc.cxx
index 81cd99d..7feb78a 100644
--- a/sc/source/filter/excel/excdoc.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/filter/excel/excdoc.cxx
@@ -823,15 +823,23 @@ void ExcDocument::WriteXml( XclExpXmlStream& rStrm )
         pExpChangeTrack->WriteXml( rStrm );
     const ScCalcConfig& rCalcConfig = GetDoc().GetCalcConfig();
+    formula::FormulaGrammar::AddressConvention eConv = rCalcConfig.meStringRefAddressSyntax;
+    // don't save "unspecified" string ref syntax ... query formula grammar
+    // and save that instead
+    if( eConv == formula::FormulaGrammar::CONV_UNSPECIFIED)
+    {
+        eConv = GetDoc().GetAddressConvention();
+    }
     // write if it has been read|imported or explicitly changed
     // or if ref syntax isn't what would be native for our file format
     // i.e. ExcelA1 in this case
     if ( rCalcConfig.mbHasStringRefSyntax ||
-         (rCalcConfig.meStringRefAddressSyntax != formula::FormulaGrammar::CONV_XL_A1) )
+         (eConv != formula::FormulaGrammar::CONV_XL_A1) )
         XclExtLstRef xExtLst( new XclExtLst( GetRoot()  ) );
-        xExtLst->AddRecord( XclExpExtRef( new XclExpExtCalcPr( GetRoot(), rCalcConfig.meStringRefAddressSyntax ))  );
+        xExtLst->AddRecord( XclExpExtRef( new XclExpExtCalcPr( GetRoot(), eConv ))  );
diff --git a/sc/source/ui/unoobj/confuno.cxx b/sc/source/ui/unoobj/confuno.cxx
index abcbdbc..9a9078f 100644
--- a/sc/source/ui/unoobj/confuno.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/ui/unoobj/confuno.cxx
@@ -459,22 +459,28 @@ uno::Any SAL_CALL ScDocumentConfiguration::getPropertyValue( const OUString& aPr
             else if ( aPropertyName.compareToAscii( SC_UNO_SYNTAXSTRINGREF ) == 0 )
                 ScCalcConfig aCalcConfig = pDoc->GetCalcConfig();
+                formula::FormulaGrammar::AddressConvention eConv = aCalcConfig.meStringRefAddressSyntax;
-            // write if it has been read|imported or explicitly changed
-            // or if ref syntax isn't what would be native for our file format
-            // i.e. CalcA1 in this case
-            if ( aCalcConfig.mbHasStringRefSyntax ||
-                 (aCalcConfig.meStringRefAddressSyntax != formula::FormulaGrammar::CONV_OOO) )
-            {
-                    formula::FormulaGrammar::AddressConvention aConv = aCalcConfig.meStringRefAddressSyntax;
+                // don't save "unspecified" string ref syntax ... query formula grammar
+                // and save that instead
+                if( eConv == formula::FormulaGrammar::CONV_UNSPECIFIED)
+                {
+                    eConv = pDoc->GetAddressConvention();
+                }
-                    switch (aConv)
+                // write if it has been read|imported or explicitly changed
+                // or if ref syntax isn't what would be native for our file format
+                // i.e. CalcA1 in this case
+                if ( aCalcConfig.mbHasStringRefSyntax ||
+                     (eConv != formula::FormulaGrammar::CONV_OOO) )
+                {
+                    switch (eConv)
                         case formula::FormulaGrammar::CONV_OOO:
                         case formula::FormulaGrammar::CONV_XL_A1:
                         case formula::FormulaGrammar::CONV_XL_R1C1:
                         case formula::FormulaGrammar::CONV_A1_XL_A1:
-                             aRet <<= static_cast<sal_Int16>( aConv );
+                             aRet <<= static_cast<sal_Int16>( eConv );
                         case formula::FormulaGrammar::CONV_UNSPECIFIED:
@@ -485,8 +491,8 @@ uno::Any SAL_CALL ScDocumentConfiguration::getPropertyValue( const OUString& aPr
                             aRet <<= sal_Int16(9999);
-                }
-            }
+                 }
+              }

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