[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: sw/source
Nicolas Christener
nicu at 0x17.ch
Fri Sep 25 14:25:24 PDT 2015
sw/source/filter/ww8/ww8graf2.cxx | 160 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------
1 file changed, 81 insertions(+), 79 deletions(-)
New commits:
commit c70fc890b09f91cd4e12e212f1257518701f1505
Author: Nicolas Christener <nicu at 0x17.ch>
Date: Fri Sep 25 11:37:35 2015 +0200
translate DE->EN, minor indentation fixes
Change-Id: Ie4672b41fcd67998187c5766dff8ee340b92e124
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/18841
Tested-by: Jenkins <ci at libreoffice.org>
Reviewed-by: Caolán McNamara <caolanm at redhat.com>
Tested-by: Caolán McNamara <caolanm at redhat.com>
diff --git a/sw/source/filter/ww8/ww8graf2.cxx b/sw/source/filter/ww8/ww8graf2.cxx
index 91717f8..6af7d80 100644
--- a/sw/source/filter/ww8/ww8graf2.cxx
+++ b/sw/source/filter/ww8/ww8graf2.cxx
@@ -157,8 +157,8 @@ sal_uLong wwZOrderer::GetEscherObjectPos( sal_uLong nSpId,
return nRet;
-// InsertObj() fuegt das Objekt in die Sw-Page ein und merkt sich die Z-Pos in
-// einem VarArr
+// InsertObj() adds the object into the Sw-Page and memorize the Z-position
+// in a VarArr
void wwZOrderer::InsertDrawingObject(SdrObject* pObj, short nWwHeight)
sal_uLong nPos = GetDrawingObjectPos(nWwHeight);
@@ -204,12 +204,14 @@ void wwZOrderer::InsertTextLayerObject(SdrObject* pObject)
-// Parallel zu dem Obj-Array im Dokument baue ich ein Array auf,
-// dass die Ww-Height ( -> Wer ueberdeckt wen ) beinhaltet.
-// Anhand dieses VARARR wird die Einfuegeposition ermittelt.
-// Der Offset bei Datei in bestehendes Dokument mit Grafiklayer einfuegen
-// muss der Aufrufer den Index um mnNoInitialObjects erhoeht werden, damit die
-// neuen Objekte am Ende landen ( Einfuegen ist dann schneller )
+/* Parallel to the Obj-array in the document I also build an array which
+ * contains the Ww-height (-> what covers what).
+ * Based on this VARARR the position where the insertion happens is
+ * determined.
+ * When inserting the offset in an existing document with a graphic layer the
+ * caller has to increment the index by mnNoInitialObjects, so that the new
+ * objects are added at the end (inserting is faster then)
+ */
sal_uLong wwZOrderer::GetDrawingObjectPos(short nWwHeight)
myditer aIter = maDrawHeight.begin();
@@ -246,24 +248,24 @@ bool SwWW8ImplReader::GetPictGrafFromStream(Graphic& rGraphic, SvStream& rSrc)
bool SwWW8ImplReader::ReadGrafFile(OUString& rFileName, Graphic*& rpGraphic,
const WW8_PIC& rPic, SvStream* pSt, sal_uLong nFilePos, bool* pbInDoc)
-{ // Grafik in File schreiben
+{ // Write the graphic to the file
*pbInDoc = true; // default
sal_uLong nPosFc = nFilePos + rPic.cbHeader;
switch (rPic.MFP.mm)
- case 94: // BMP-File ( nicht embeddet ) oder GIF
- case 99: // TIFF-File ( nicht embeddet )
+ case 94: // BMP-file ( not embedded ) or GIF
+ case 99: // TIFF-file ( not embedded )
- // Name als P-String einlesen
+ // read name as P-string
rFileName = read_uInt8_PascalString(*pSt, m_eStructCharSet);
if (!rFileName.isEmpty())
rFileName = URIHelper::SmartRel2Abs(
INetURLObject(m_sBaseURL), rFileName,
- *pbInDoc = false; // Datei anschliessend nicht loeschen
- return !rFileName.isEmpty(); // Einlesen OK
+ *pbInDoc = false; // Don't delete the file afterwards
+ return !rFileName.isEmpty(); // read was successful
GDIMetaFile aWMF;
@@ -273,16 +275,16 @@ bool SwWW8ImplReader::ReadGrafFile(OUString& rFileName, Graphic*& rpGraphic,
if (!bOk || pSt->GetError() || !aWMF.GetActionSize())
return false;
- if (m_pWwFib->envr != 1) // !MAC als Creator
+ if (m_pWwFib->envr != 1) // !MAC as creator
rpGraphic = new Graphic( aWMF );
return true;
- // MAC - Word als Creator
- // im WMF steht nur "Benutzen sie Word 6.0c" Mac-Pict steht dahinter
- // allerdings ohne die ersten 512 Bytes, bei einem MAC-PICT egal sind (
- // werden nicht ausgewertet )
+ // MAC - word as creator
+ // The WMF only says "Please use Word 6.0c" and Mac-Pict follows but without
+ // the first 512 Bytes which are not relevant in a MAC-PICT (they are not
+ // interpreted)
bOk = false;
long nData = rPic.lcb - ( pSt->Tell() - nPosFc );
if (nData > 0)
@@ -291,7 +293,7 @@ bool SwWW8ImplReader::ReadGrafFile(OUString& rFileName, Graphic*& rpGraphic,
if (!(bOk = SwWW8ImplReader::GetPictGrafFromStream(*rpGraphic, *pSt)))
- return bOk; // Grafik drin
+ return bOk; // Contains graphic
struct WW8PicDesc
@@ -326,7 +328,7 @@ WW8PicDesc::WW8PicDesc( const WW8_PIC& rPic )
void SwWW8ImplReader::ReplaceObj(const SdrObject &rReplaceObj,
SdrObject &rSubObj)
- // SdrGrafObj anstatt des SdrTextObj in dessen Gruppe einsetzen
+ // Insert SdrGrafObj instead of SdrTextObj into this group
if (SdrObject* pGroupObject = rReplaceObj.GetUpGroup())
SdrObjList* pObjectList = pGroupObject->GetSubList();
@@ -334,8 +336,8 @@ void SwWW8ImplReader::ReplaceObj(const SdrObject &rReplaceObj,
- // altes Objekt raus aus Gruppen-Liste und neues rein
- // (dies tauscht es ebenfalls in der Drawing-Page aus)
+ // remove old object from group-list and add new one
+ // (this also exchanges it in the drwaing page)
pObjectList->ReplaceObject(&rSubObj, rReplaceObj.GetOrdNum());
@@ -344,7 +346,7 @@ void SwWW8ImplReader::ReplaceObj(const SdrObject &rReplaceObj,
-// MakeGrafNotInContent setzt eine nicht-Zeichengebundene Grafik
+// MakeGrafNotInContent inserts a non character bound graphic
// ( bGrafApo == true)
SwFlyFrameFormat* SwWW8ImplReader::MakeGrafNotInContent(const WW8PicDesc& rPD,
const Graphic* pGraph, const OUString& rFileName, const SfxItemSet& rGrfSet)
@@ -353,7 +355,7 @@ SwFlyFrameFormat* SwWW8ImplReader::MakeGrafNotInContent(const WW8PicDesc& rPD,
sal_uInt32 nWidth = rPD.nWidth;
sal_uInt32 nHeight = rPD.nHeight;
- // Vertikale Verschiebung durch Zeilenabstand
+ // Vertical shift through line spacing
sal_Int32 nNetHeight = nHeight + rPD.nCT + rPD.nCB;
if( m_pSFlyPara->nLineSpace && m_pSFlyPara->nLineSpace > nNetHeight )
m_pSFlyPara->nYPos =
@@ -370,7 +372,7 @@ SwFlyFrameFormat* SwWW8ImplReader::MakeGrafNotInContent(const WW8PicDesc& rPD,
SwFlyFrameFormat* pFlyFormat = m_rDoc.getIDocumentContentOperations().Insert(*m_pPaM, rFileName, OUString(), pGraph,
&aFlySet, &rGrfSet, NULL);
- // Damit die Frames bei Einfuegen in existierendes Doc erzeugt werden:
+ // So the frames are generated when inserted in an existing doc:
if (m_rDoc.getIDocumentLayoutAccess().GetCurrentViewShell() &&
(FLY_AT_PARA == pFlyFormat->GetAnchor().GetAnchorId()))
@@ -379,7 +381,7 @@ SwFlyFrameFormat* SwWW8ImplReader::MakeGrafNotInContent(const WW8PicDesc& rPD,
return pFlyFormat;
-// MakeGrafInContent fuegt zeichengebundene Grafiken ein
+// MakeGrafInContent inserts a character bound graphic
SwFrameFormat* SwWW8ImplReader::MakeGrafInContent(const WW8_PIC& rPic,
const WW8PicDesc& rPD, const Graphic* pGraph, const OUString& rFileName,
const SfxItemSet& rGrfSet)
@@ -398,8 +400,8 @@ SwFrameFormat* SwWW8ImplReader::MakeGrafInContent(const WW8_PIC& rPic,
&rGrfSet, NULL);
- // Grafik im Rahmen ? ok, Rahmen auf Bildgroesse vergroessern
- // ( nur wenn Auto-Breite )
+ // Resize the frame to the size of the picture if graphic is inside a frame
+ // (only if auto-width)
if( m_pSFlyPara )
m_pSFlyPara->BoxUpWidth( rPD.nWidth );
return pFlyFormat;
@@ -420,7 +422,7 @@ SwFrameFormat* SwWW8ImplReader::ImportGraf1(WW8_PIC& rPic, SvStream* pSt,
if (!bOk)
delete pGraph;
- return 0; // Grafik nicht korrekt eingelesen
+ return 0; // Graphic could not be readed correctly
WW8PicDesc aPD( rPic );
@@ -472,32 +474,31 @@ SwFrameFormat* SwWW8ImplReader::ImportGraf(SdrTextObj* pTextObj,
- kleiner Spass von Microsoft: manchmal existiert ein Stream Namens DATA
- Dieser enthaelt dann den PICF und die entsprechende Grafik !!!
- Wir mappen ansonsten die Variable pDataStream auf pStream.
- */
+ * Little joke from Microsoft: sometimes a stream named DATA exists. This
+ * stream then contains the PICF and the corresponding graphic!
+ * We otherwise map the variable pDataStream to pStream.
+ */
sal_uLong nOldPos = m_pDataStream->Tell();
WW8_PIC aPic;
m_pDataStream->Seek( m_nPicLocFc );
PicRead( m_pDataStream, &aPic, m_bVer67);
- // Plausibilitaetstest ist noetig, da z.B. bei CheckBoxen im
- // Feld-Result ein WMF-aehnliches Struct vorkommt.
+ // Sanity check is needed because for example check boxes in field results
+ // contain a WMF-like struct
if ((aPic.lcb >= 58) && !m_pDataStream->GetError())
if( m_pFlyFormatOfJustInsertedGraphic )
- // Soeben haben wir einen Grafik-Link ins Doc inserted.
- // Wir muessen ihn jetzt noch Positioniern und Skalieren.
+ // We just added a graphic-link into the doc. Now we need to set
+ // its position and scale it.
WW8PicDesc aPD( aPic );
WW8FlySet aFlySet( *this, m_pPaM, aPic, aPD.nWidth, aPD.nHeight );
- // the correct anchor is set in Read_F_IncludePicture and the current PaM point
- // is after the position if it is anchored in content; because this anchor add
- // a character into the textnode. #i2806#
+ // the correct anchor is set in Read_F_IncludePicture and the
+ // current PaM point is after the position if it is anchored in
+ // content; because this anchor add a character into the textnode.
+ // #i2806#
if (FLY_AS_CHAR ==
m_pFlyFormatOfJustInsertedGraphic->GetAnchor().GetAnchorId() )
@@ -516,14 +517,13 @@ SwFrameFormat* SwWW8ImplReader::ImportGraf(SdrTextObj* pTextObj,
WW8PicDesc aPD( aPic );
if (!m_pMSDffManager)
m_pMSDffManager = new SwMSDffManager(*this, m_bSkipImages);
- /*
- ##835##
- Disable use of main stream as fallback stream for inline direct
- blips as it is known that they are directly after the record
- header, testing for existence in main stream may lead to an
- incorrect fallback graphic being found if other escher graphics
- have been inserted in the document
- */
+ /* ##835##
+ * Disable use of main stream as fallback stream for inline direct
+ * blips as it is known that they are directly after the record
+ * header, testing for existence in main stream may lead to an
+ * incorrect fallback graphic being found if other escher graphics
+ * have been inserted in the document
+ */
if( !m_pMSDffManager->GetModel() )
m_pMSDffManager->SetModel(m_pDrawModel, 1440);
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ SwFrameFormat* SwWW8ImplReader::ImportGraf(SdrTextObj* pTextObj,
pObject = m_pMSDffManager->ImportObj(*m_pDataStream, &aData, aClientRect, aChildRect );
if (pObject)
- // fuer den Rahmen
+ // for the frame
SfxItemSet aAttrSet( m_rDoc.GetAttrPool(), RES_FRMATR_BEGIN,
@@ -552,10 +552,11 @@ SwFrameFormat* SwWW8ImplReader::ImportGraf(SdrTextObj* pTextObj,
if( pRecord )
- // Horizontal rule may have its width given as % of page width
- // (-1 is used if not given, 0 means the object has fixed width).
- // Additionally, if it's a horizontal rule without width given,
- // assume 100.0% width.
+ // Horizontal rule may have its width given as % of page
+ // width (-1 is used if not given, 0 means the object has
+ // fixed width).
+ // Additionally, if it's a horizontal rule without width
+ // given, assume 100.0% width.
int relativeWidth = pRecord->relativeHorizontalWidth;
if( relativeWidth == -1 )
relativeWidth = pRecord->isHorizontalRule ? 1000 : 0;
@@ -566,15 +567,16 @@ SwFrameFormat* SwWW8ImplReader::ImportGraf(SdrTextObj* pTextObj,
m_aSectionManager.GetPageRight() -
m_aSectionManager.GetPageLeft()) * relativeWidth / 1000;
aPD = WW8PicDesc( aPic );
- // This SetSnapRect() call adjusts the size of the object itself,
- // no idea why it's this call (or even what the call actually does),
- // but that's what ImportGraf() (called by ImportObj()) uses.
+ // This SetSnapRect() call adjusts the size of the
+ // object itself, no idea why it's this call (or even
+ // what the call actually does), but that's what
+ // ImportGraf() (called by ImportObj()) uses.
pObject->SetSnapRect( Rectangle( 0, 0, aPD.nWidth, aPD.nHeight ));
- //A graphic of this type in this location is always
- //inline, and uses the pic in the same module as ww6
- //graphics.
+ // A graphic of this type in this location is always
+ // inline, and uses the pic in the same module as ww6
+ // graphics.
if (m_pWFlyPara && m_pWFlyPara->bGrafApo)
WW8FlySet aFlySet(*this, m_pWFlyPara, m_pSFlyPara, true);
@@ -592,20 +594,20 @@ SwFrameFormat* SwWW8ImplReader::ImportGraf(SdrTextObj* pTextObj,
- //Modified for i120716,for graf importing from MS Word 2003 binary format,
- //there is no border distance.
+ // Modified for i120716,for graf importing from MS Word 2003
+ // binary format, there is no border distance.
Rectangle aInnerDist(0,0,0,0);
MatchSdrItemsIntoFlySet( pObject, aAttrSet,
pRecord->eLineStyle, pRecord->eLineDashing,
pRecord->eShapeType, aInnerDist );
- //Groesse aus der WinWord PIC-Struktur als
- //Grafik-Groesse nehmen
+ // Set the size from the WinWord PIC-structure as graphic
+ // size
aAttrSet.Put( SwFormatFrmSize( ATT_FIX_SIZE, aPD.nWidth,
aPD.nHeight ) );
- // for the Grafik
+ // for the graphic
SfxItemSet aGrSet( m_rDoc.GetAttrPool(), RES_GRFATR_BEGIN,
@@ -618,8 +620,8 @@ SwFrameFormat* SwWW8ImplReader::ImportGraf(SdrTextObj* pTextObj,
if (pRecord)
MatchEscherMirrorIntoFlySet(*pRecord, aGrSet);
- // ggfs. altes AttrSet uebernehmen und
- // horiz. Positionierungs-Relation korrigieren
+ // if necessary adopt old AttrSet and correct horizontal
+ // positioning relation
if( pOldFlyFormat )
aAttrSet.Put( pOldFlyFormat->GetAttrSet() );
@@ -648,7 +650,7 @@ SwFrameFormat* SwWW8ImplReader::ImportGraf(SdrTextObj* pTextObj,
if (SdrGrafObj* pGraphObject = PTR_CAST(SdrGrafObj, pObject))
- // Nun den Link bzw. die Grafik ins Doc stopfen
+ // Now add the link or rather the graphic to the doc
const Graphic& rGraph = pGraphObject->GetGraphic();
if (m_nObjLocFc) // is it a OLE-Object?
@@ -665,20 +667,21 @@ SwFrameFormat* SwWW8ImplReader::ImportGraf(SdrTextObj* pTextObj,
- // also nur, wenn wir ein *Insert* gemacht haben
+ // only if we made an *Insert*
if (pRet)
if (pRecord)
SetAttributesAtGrfNode(pRecord, pRet, 0);
// #i68101#
- // removed pObject->HasSetName() usage since always returned true,
- // also removed else-part and wrote an informing mail to Henning Brinkmann
- // about this to clarify.
+ // removed pObject->HasSetName() usage since always returned
+ // true, also removed else-part and wrote an informing mail
+ // to Henning Brinkmann about this to clarify.
- // Zeiger auf neues Objekt ermitteln und Z-Order-Liste
- // entsprechend korrigieren (oder Eintrag loeschen)
+ // determine the pointer to the new object and update
+ // Z-order-list accordingly (or delete entry)
if (SdrObject* pOurNewObject = CreateContactObject(pRet))
if (pOurNewObject != pObject)
@@ -686,8 +689,7 @@ SwFrameFormat* SwWW8ImplReader::ImportGraf(SdrTextObj* pTextObj,
m_pMSDffManager->ExchangeInShapeOrder( pObject, 0, 0,
pOurNewObject );
- // altes SdrGrafObj aus der Page loeschen und
- // zerstoeren
+ // delete and destroy old SdrGrafObj from page
if (pObject->GetPage())
SdrObject::Free( pObject );
@@ -699,7 +701,7 @@ SwFrameFormat* SwWW8ImplReader::ImportGraf(SdrTextObj* pTextObj,
m_pMSDffManager->RemoveFromShapeOrder( pObject );
- // auch das ggfs. Page loeschen, falls nicht gruppiert,
+ // also delete this from the page if not grouped
if (pTextObj && !bTextObjWasGrouped && pTextObj->GetPage())
m_pDrawPg->RemoveObject( pTextObj->GetOrdNum() );
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