[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: framework/source

Michael Stahl mstahl at redhat.com
Mon Sep 28 06:12:31 PDT 2015

 framework/source/fwi/helper/networkdomain.cxx |   19 +++++--------------
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit cc5843daeb0deed57755036daa0917329e79a3a2
Author: Michael Stahl <mstahl at redhat.com>
Date:   Mon Sep 28 14:56:29 2015 +0200

    framework: remove obsolete Linux libc5 support
    Change-Id: I42f7f961615f61002d6c0cce5b7eb44447ba5a64

diff --git a/framework/source/fwi/helper/networkdomain.cxx b/framework/source/fwi/helper/networkdomain.cxx
index bbb2a15..c52c2ec 100644
--- a/framework/source/fwi/helper/networkdomain.cxx
+++ b/framework/source/fwi/helper/networkdomain.cxx
@@ -132,26 +132,17 @@ static rtl_uString *getDomainName()
     /* Initialize and assume failure */
     rtl_uString *ustrDomainName = NULL;
-    char    *pBuffer;
-    int     result;
-    size_t  nBufSize = 0;
+    char    buffer[256]; // actually the man page says 65 bytes should be enough
-    do
-    {
-        nBufSize += 256; /* Increase buffer size by steps of 256 bytes */
-        pBuffer = static_cast<char *>(alloca( nBufSize ));
-        result = getdomainname( pBuffer, nBufSize );
-        /* If buffersize in not large enough -1 is returned and errno
-        is set to EINVAL. This only applies to libc. With glibc the name
-        is truncated. */
-    } while ( -1 == result && EINVAL == errno );
+    /* If buffersize is not large enough the name is truncated. */
+    int const result = getdomainname( &buffer[0], SAL_N_ELEMENTS(buffer) );
     if ( 0 == result )
-            pBuffer,
-            strlen( pBuffer ),
+            &buffer[0],
+            strlen( &buffer[0] ),

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