[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: external/libxmlsec xmlsecurity/qa xmlsecurity/source

Miklos Vajna vmiklos at collabora.co.uk
Tue Aug 2 08:40:37 UTC 2016

 external/libxmlsec/UnpackedTarball_xmlsec.mk           |    3 
 external/libxmlsec/xmlsec1-keyinfo-revert.patch.1      |  232 -----------------
 xmlsecurity/qa/unit/signing/data/cert8.db              |binary
 xmlsecurity/qa/unit/signing/signing.cxx                |   10 
 xmlsecurity/source/helper/documentsignaturemanager.cxx |    5 
 xmlsecurity/source/helper/ooxmlsecexporter.cxx         |    5 
 6 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 244 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 6d40c515fdf86d807c199ff4179b9c862a9fe5b2
Author: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos at collabora.co.uk>
Date:   Tue Aug 2 09:10:32 2016 +0200

    libxmlsec: drop xmlsec1-keyinfo-revert.patch.1 completely
    And instead attempt to set up the test environment correctly.
    Change-Id: I06c10b96749c0464da8d2dd9a59b48f16baeead5
    Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/27785
    Reviewed-by: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos at collabora.co.uk>
    Tested-by: Jenkins <ci at libreoffice.org>

diff --git a/external/libxmlsec/UnpackedTarball_xmlsec.mk b/external/libxmlsec/UnpackedTarball_xmlsec.mk
index 902a16c..badd5c3 100644
--- a/external/libxmlsec/UnpackedTarball_xmlsec.mk
+++ b/external/libxmlsec/UnpackedTarball_xmlsec.mk
@@ -18,9 +18,6 @@ xmlsec_patches += xmlsec1-win32-fix-undeclared.patch.1
 xmlsec_patches += xmlsec1-vc.patch.1
 xmlsec_patches += xmlsec1-1.2.14_fix_extern_c.patch.1
 xmlsec_patches += xmlsec1-customkeymanage.patch.1
-ifneq ($(OS),WNT)
-xmlsec_patches += xmlsec1-keyinfo-revert.patch.1
 $(eval $(call gb_UnpackedTarball_UnpackedTarball,xmlsec))
diff --git a/external/libxmlsec/xmlsec1-keyinfo-revert.patch.1 b/external/libxmlsec/xmlsec1-keyinfo-revert.patch.1
deleted file mode 100644
index 42e3662..0000000
--- a/external/libxmlsec/xmlsec1-keyinfo-revert.patch.1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
-From 8bcafc8bc497d76dbd68b02d84b4a30e709310a3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos at collabora.co.uk>
-Date: Thu, 7 Jul 2016 21:25:10 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] Revert "populate KeyInfo node before calculating Reference
- nodes"
-This reverts commit 8f6c95a90735c4d6e13bddf84de7a5284132826c. This is
-needed till LO code depends on the undocumented xmlsec behavior that
-throwing a binary PNG image on the XML parser returns with an error
-*before* it calls xmlSecDSigCtxProcessKeyInfoNode.
-	src/xmldsig.c
- src/xmldsig.c | 123 +++++++++++++++-------------------------------------------
- 1 file changed, 32 insertions(+), 91 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/xmldsig.c b/src/xmldsig.c
-index faf5545..3c4b236 100644
---- a/src/xmldsig.c
-+++ b/src/xmldsig.c
-@@ -39,8 +39,7 @@
- static int      xmlSecDSigCtxProcessSignatureNode       (xmlSecDSigCtxPtr dsigCtx,
-                                                          xmlNodePtr node);
- static int      xmlSecDSigCtxProcessSignedInfoNode      (xmlSecDSigCtxPtr dsigCtx,
--                                                         xmlNodePtr node,
--                                                         xmlNodePtr * firstReferenceNode);
-+                                                         xmlNodePtr node);
- static int      xmlSecDSigCtxProcessKeyInfoNode         (xmlSecDSigCtxPtr dsigCtx,
-                                                          xmlNodePtr node);
- static int      xmlSecDSigCtxProcessObjectNode          (xmlSecDSigCtxPtr dsigCtx,
-@@ -48,9 +47,6 @@ static int      xmlSecDSigCtxProcessObjectNode          (xmlSecDSigCtxPtr dsigCt
- static int      xmlSecDSigCtxProcessManifestNode        (xmlSecDSigCtxPtr dsigCtx,
-                                                          xmlNodePtr node);
--static int      xmlSecDSigCtxProcessReferences          (xmlSecDSigCtxPtr dsigCtx,
--                                                         xmlNodePtr firstReferenceNode);
- /* The ID attribute in XMLDSig is 'Id' */
- static const xmlChar*           xmlSecDSigIds[] = { xmlSecAttrId, NULL };
-@@ -474,7 +470,6 @@ xmlSecDSigCtxProcessSignatureNode(xmlSecDSigCtxPtr dsigCtx, xmlNodePtr node) {
-     xmlSecTransformDataType firstType;
-     xmlNodePtr signedInfoNode = NULL;
-     xmlNodePtr keyInfoNode = NULL;
--    xmlNodePtr firstReferenceNode = NULL;
-     xmlNodePtr cur;
-     int ret;
-@@ -563,7 +558,7 @@ xmlSecDSigCtxProcessSignatureNode(xmlSecDSigCtxPtr dsigCtx, xmlNodePtr node) {
-     }
-     /* now validated all the references and prepare transform */
--    ret = xmlSecDSigCtxProcessSignedInfoNode(dsigCtx, signedInfoNode, &firstReferenceNode);
-+    ret = xmlSecDSigCtxProcessSignedInfoNode(dsigCtx, signedInfoNode);
-     if(ret < 0) {
-         xmlSecError(XMLSEC_ERRORS_HERE,
-                     NULL,
-@@ -572,12 +567,15 @@ xmlSecDSigCtxProcessSignatureNode(xmlSecDSigCtxPtr dsigCtx, xmlNodePtr node) {
-                     XMLSEC_ERRORS_NO_MESSAGE);
-         return(-1);
-     }
-+    /* references processing might change the status */
-+    if(dsigCtx->status != xmlSecDSigStatusUnknown) {
-+        return(0);
-+    }
-     /* as the result, we should have sign and c14n methods set */
-     xmlSecAssert2(dsigCtx->signMethod != NULL, -1);
-     xmlSecAssert2(dsigCtx->c14nMethod != NULL, -1);
--    /* now read key info node */
-     ret = xmlSecDSigCtxProcessKeyInfoNode(dsigCtx, keyInfoNode);
-     if(ret < 0) {
-         xmlSecError(XMLSEC_ERRORS_HERE,
-@@ -590,21 +588,6 @@ xmlSecDSigCtxProcessSignatureNode(xmlSecDSigCtxPtr dsigCtx, xmlNodePtr node) {
-     /* as the result, we should have a key */
-     xmlSecAssert2(dsigCtx->signKey != NULL, -1);
--    /* now actually process references and calculate digests */
--    ret = xmlSecDSigCtxProcessReferences(dsigCtx, firstReferenceNode);
--    if(ret < 0) {
--        xmlSecError(XMLSEC_ERRORS_HERE,
--                    NULL,
--                    "xmlSecDSigCtxProcessReferences",
--                    XMLSEC_ERRORS_R_XMLSEC_FAILED,
--                    XMLSEC_ERRORS_NO_MESSAGE);
--        return(-1);
--    }
--    /* references processing might change the status */
--    if(dsigCtx->status != xmlSecDSigStatusUnknown) {
--        return(0);
--    }
-     /* if we need to write result to xml node then we need base64 encode result */
-     if(dsigCtx->operation == xmlSecTransformOperationSign) {
-         xmlSecTransformPtr base64Encode;
-@@ -700,18 +683,18 @@ xmlSecDSigCtxProcessSignatureNode(xmlSecDSigCtxPtr dsigCtx, xmlNodePtr node) {
-  *
-  */
- static int
--xmlSecDSigCtxProcessSignedInfoNode(xmlSecDSigCtxPtr dsigCtx, xmlNodePtr node, xmlNodePtr * firstReferenceNode) {
--    xmlSecSize refNodesCount = 0;
-+xmlSecDSigCtxProcessSignedInfoNode(xmlSecDSigCtxPtr dsigCtx, xmlNodePtr node) {
-+    xmlSecDSigReferenceCtxPtr dsigRefCtx;
-     xmlNodePtr cur;
-+    int ret;
-     xmlSecAssert2(dsigCtx != NULL, -1);
-     xmlSecAssert2(dsigCtx->status == xmlSecDSigStatusUnknown, -1);
-     xmlSecAssert2(dsigCtx->signMethod == NULL, -1);
-     xmlSecAssert2(dsigCtx->c14nMethod == NULL, -1);
-     xmlSecAssert2((dsigCtx->operation == xmlSecTransformOperationSign) || (dsigCtx->operation == xmlSecTransformOperationVerify), -1);
-+    xmlSecAssert2(xmlSecPtrListGetSize(&(dsigCtx->signedInfoReferences)) == 0, -1);
-     xmlSecAssert2(node != NULL, -1);
--    xmlSecAssert2(firstReferenceNode != NULL, -1);
--    xmlSecAssert2((*firstReferenceNode) == NULL, -1);
-     /* first node is required CanonicalizationMethod. */
-     cur = xmlSecGetNextElementNode(node->children);
-@@ -805,72 +788,12 @@ xmlSecDSigCtxProcessSignedInfoNode(xmlSecDSigCtxPtr dsigCtx, xmlNodePtr node, xm
-     }
-     dsigCtx->signMethod->operation = dsigCtx->operation;
--    /* read references */
-+    /* calculate references */
-     if(cur != NULL) {
-         cur = xmlSecGetNextElementNode(cur->next);
-     }
-     while((cur != NULL) && (xmlSecCheckNodeName(cur, xmlSecNodeReference, xmlSecDSigNs))) {
--        /* record first reference node */
--        if((*firstReferenceNode) == NULL) {
--            (*firstReferenceNode) = cur;
--        }
--        ++refNodesCount;
--        /* go to next */
--        cur = xmlSecGetNextElementNode(cur->next);
--    }
--    /* check that we have at least one Reference */
--    if(refNodesCount == 0) {
--        xmlSecError(XMLSEC_ERRORS_HERE,
--                    NULL,
--                    NULL,
--                    XMLSEC_ERRORS_NO_MESSAGE);
--        return(-1);
--    }
--    /* if there is something left than it's an error */
--    if(cur != NULL) {
--        xmlSecError(XMLSEC_ERRORS_HERE,
--                    NULL,
--                    xmlSecErrorsSafeString(xmlSecNodeGetName(cur)),
--                    XMLSEC_ERRORS_R_UNEXPECTED_NODE,
--                    XMLSEC_ERRORS_NO_MESSAGE);
--        return(-1);
--    }
--    /* done */
--    return(0);
--static int
--xmlSecDSigCtxProcessReferences(xmlSecDSigCtxPtr dsigCtx, xmlNodePtr firstReferenceNode) {
--    xmlSecDSigReferenceCtxPtr dsigRefCtx;
--    xmlNodePtr cur;
--    int ret;
--    xmlSecAssert2(dsigCtx != NULL, -1);
--    xmlSecAssert2(dsigCtx->status == xmlSecDSigStatusUnknown, -1);
--    xmlSecAssert2((dsigCtx->operation == xmlSecTransformOperationSign) || (dsigCtx->operation == xmlSecTransformOperationVerify), -1);
--    xmlSecAssert2(xmlSecPtrListGetSize(&(dsigCtx->signedInfoReferences)) == 0, -1);
--    xmlSecAssert2(firstReferenceNode != NULL, -1);
--    /* process references */
--    for(cur = firstReferenceNode; (cur != NULL); cur = xmlSecGetNextElementNode(cur->next)) {
--        /* already checked but we trust none */
--        if(!xmlSecCheckNodeName(cur, xmlSecNodeReference, xmlSecDSigNs)) {
--            xmlSecError(XMLSEC_ERRORS_HERE,
--                        NULL,
--                        xmlSecErrorsSafeString(xmlSecNodeGetName(cur)),
--                        XMLSEC_ERRORS_R_INVALID_NODE,
--                        "expected=%s",
--                        xmlSecErrorsSafeString(xmlSecNodeReference));
--            return(-1);
--        }
--        /* create reference */
-+         /* create reference */
-         dsigRefCtx = xmlSecDSigReferenceCtxCreate(dsigCtx, xmlSecDSigReferenceOriginSignedInfo);
-         if(dsigRefCtx == NULL) {
-             xmlSecError(XMLSEC_ERRORS_HERE,
-@@ -910,13 +833,31 @@ xmlSecDSigCtxProcessReferences(xmlSecDSigCtxPtr dsigCtx, xmlNodePtr firstReferen
-             dsigCtx->status = xmlSecDSigStatusInvalid;
-             return(0);
-         }
-+	cur = xmlSecGetNextElementNode(cur->next);
-+    }
-+    /* check that we have at least one Reference */
-+    if(xmlSecPtrListGetSize(&(dsigCtx->signedInfoReferences)) == 0) {
-+        xmlSecError(XMLSEC_ERRORS_HERE,
-+                    NULL,
-+                    NULL,
-+                    XMLSEC_ERRORS_NO_MESSAGE);
-+        return(-1);
-     }
--    /* done */
-+    /* if there is something left than it's an error */
-+    if(cur != NULL) {
-+        xmlSecError(XMLSEC_ERRORS_HERE,
-+                    NULL,
-+                    xmlSecErrorsSafeString(xmlSecNodeGetName(cur)),
-+                    XMLSEC_ERRORS_R_UNEXPECTED_NODE,
-+                    XMLSEC_ERRORS_NO_MESSAGE);
-+        return(-1);
-+    }
-     return(0);
- }
- static int
- xmlSecDSigCtxProcessKeyInfoNode(xmlSecDSigCtxPtr dsigCtx, xmlNodePtr node) {
-     int ret;
diff --git a/xmlsecurity/qa/unit/signing/data/cert8.db b/xmlsecurity/qa/unit/signing/data/cert8.db
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8354fd3
Binary files /dev/null and b/xmlsecurity/qa/unit/signing/data/cert8.db differ
diff --git a/xmlsecurity/qa/unit/signing/signing.cxx b/xmlsecurity/qa/unit/signing/signing.cxx
index 7065d0d..adf2a7b 100644
--- a/xmlsecurity/qa/unit/signing/signing.cxx
+++ b/xmlsecurity/qa/unit/signing/signing.cxx
@@ -110,6 +110,16 @@ void SigningTest::setUp()
+#ifndef _WIN32
+    // Set up cert8.db in workdir/CppunitTest/
+    OUString aSourceDir = m_directories.getURLFromSrc(DATA_DIRECTORY);
+    OUString aTargetDir = m_directories.getURLFromWorkdir("/CppunitTest/");
+    osl::File::copy(aSourceDir + "cert8.db", aTargetDir + "cert8.db");
+    OUString aTargetPath;
+    osl::FileBase::getSystemPathFromFileURL(aTargetDir, aTargetPath);
+    setenv("MOZILLA_CERTIFICATE_FOLDER", aTargetPath.toUtf8().getStr(), 1);
 void SigningTest::tearDown()
diff --git a/xmlsecurity/source/helper/documentsignaturemanager.cxx b/xmlsecurity/source/helper/documentsignaturemanager.cxx
index 3c8f7d5..a947ed5 100644
--- a/xmlsecurity/source/helper/documentsignaturemanager.cxx
+++ b/xmlsecurity/source/helper/documentsignaturemanager.cxx
@@ -56,11 +56,6 @@ bool DocumentSignatureManager::isXML(const OUString& rURI)
     SAL_WARN_IF(!mxStore.is(), "xmlsecurity.helper", "empty storage reference");
-    // FIXME figure out why this is necessary.
-    static bool bTest = getenv("LO_TESTNAME");
-    if (bTest)
-        return true;
     bool bIsXML = false;
     bool bPropsAvailable = false;
     const OUString sPropFullPath("FullPath");
diff --git a/xmlsecurity/source/helper/ooxmlsecexporter.cxx b/xmlsecurity/source/helper/ooxmlsecexporter.cxx
index 590d33e..9b71c3c 100644
--- a/xmlsecurity/source/helper/ooxmlsecexporter.cxx
+++ b/xmlsecurity/source/helper/ooxmlsecexporter.cxx
@@ -421,10 +421,7 @@ void OOXMLSecExporter::Impl::writePackageSignature()
         m_xDocumentHandler->startElement(NSTAG_XD ":" TAG_QUALIFYINGPROPERTIES, uno::Reference<xml::sax::XAttributeList>(pAttributeList.get()));
-    // FIXME why does this part crash NSS when MOZILLA_CERTIFICATE_FOLDER is not set?
-    static bool bTest = getenv("LO_TESTNAME");
-    if (!bTest)
-        writeSignedProperties();
+    writeSignedProperties();
     m_xDocumentHandler->endElement(NSTAG_XD ":" TAG_QUALIFYINGPROPERTIES);

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