[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: Branch 'distro/collabora/cp-5.1' - bin/pack-debug

László Németh laszlo.nemeth at collabora.com
Thu Dec 15 16:36:25 UTC 2016

 bin/pack-debug |  321 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 321 insertions(+)

New commits:
commit 0c19de75b26a4b0c9d6607496fc8867d1a0117a1
Author: László Németh <laszlo.nemeth at collabora.com>
Date:   Thu Dec 15 17:33:17 2016 +0100

    script for generating debug packages
    Change-Id: I89be53e5fea3b9928d960604d050db47383baae3

diff --git a/bin/pack-debug b/bin/pack-debug
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f5a31ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/pack-debug
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+# create debuginfo and debugsource packages from LO rpm & deb files
+# (generated by using --enable-symbols)
+# Usage:
+# cd /opt/lo_installation_path
+# dbg_pkg
+# # or
+# # PACKAGENAME=collaboraoffice5.1 dbg_pkg # if building in a different path
+# build path
+# set package base name, eg. collaboraoffice5.1
+# based on the actual directory, eg. /opt/collaboraoffice5.1,
+# or checking the PACKAGENAME environmental variable
+if [ -z "$PACKAGENAME" ]
+# set install dirname and product version
+eval $(grep ^INSTALLDIRNAME config.log)
+eval $(grep ^PRODUCTVERSION config.log)
+# Function for re-build RPM files
+function repack_rpm {
+# set environment based on config.log
+# for find-requires-x11.sh used by rpm __find_requires
+eval $(grep ^PLATFORMID config.log)
+eval $(grep ^build_cpu config.log)
+export build_cpu
+# create source package
+# (use PACKAGENAME environmental variable
+# to find "$PACKAGENAME".spec.log)
+DEBUGSRC="$(find workdir -name ${DEBUGSRC_PACKAGENAME}.spec.log)"
+echo Base spec file: $DEBUGSRC
+if [ -z "$DEBUGSRC" ]
+ echo "Missing ${DEBUGSRC_PACKAGENAME}.spec.log in workdir/, specify spec.log file name in PACKAGENAME"
+ echo "For example: PACKAGENAME=collaboraoffice5.1 dbg_pkg"
+ exit 1
+# create spec file, based on the spec file of the brand package
+cat $DEBUGSRC | awk '
+	/^Name:/ { print "Summary: Debug source for package "$2; print $0"-debugsource";next }
+	/^Group:/ { print $1" Development/Debug";next }
+	/^Brand module/ { print gensub("Brand module", "Source files", "");next }
+	/^%attr/ || /^Summary:/ { next }
+	{print}
+	END { 
+		print "%defattr(-,root,root)" 
+	}
+ ' > ${DEBUGSRC}-debugsource
+ buildroot=$(cat $DEBUGSRC-debugsource | awk '/^BuildRoot/{print$2}')
+ topdir=$(dirname $(dirname $buildroot))
+ mkdir -p $buildroot $topdir/RPMS/BUILD $topdir/RPMS/RPMS
+ rm -rf $buildroot
+ # create source file list
+ find $BUILD_PATH -name '*[.][hc]xx' -o -name '*[.][hc]' | grep -Ev '/(workdir|qa|DEBS)/' | grep -E '/(source|inc)/' |
+ # list all directories for complete rpm remove
+ awk -v home=$BUILD_PATH '
+	{
+		split($0, a, home "/")
+		n=split(a[2], b, "/")
+		c=home
+		for(i=1;i<n;i++) {
+			c=c"/"b[i]
+			if(mem[c]!=1) print "%dir "c
+			mem[c]=1
+		}
+		print $0
+	}' >> ${DEBUGSRC}-debugsource
+ echo Spec file of debug source package: ${DEBUGSRC}-debugsource
+ echo Start rpmbuild for debug source package...
+ ln -s / $buildroot
+ # debug build source package
+ rpmbuild -bb --define "_unpackaged_files_terminate_build  0" ${DEBUGSRC}-debugsource --target $build_cpu --buildroot=$buildroot
+# create rpm debug info packages
+# by processing logged spec files
+for i in $BUILD_PATH/workdir/installation/CollaboraOffice/rpm/logging/*/*.spec.log
+ # repackage only rpm packages with non-stripped so files
+ if grep -q '^%attr.*[.]\(so\|bin\)\([.].*\)\?\"' $i
+ then
+	echo ================ $i ================
+	pack=$(cat $i | awk '/^Name/{print$2}')
+	buildroot=$(cat $i | awk '/^BuildRoot/{print$2}')
+	topdir=$(dirname $(dirname $buildroot))
+	rpmdir=$(echo $topdir | sed 's/_inprogress$//')
+	echo $rpmdir
+	# create empty buildroot directory
+	rm -rf $buildroot
+	mkdir -p $buildroot $topdir/RPMS/BUILD $topdir/RPMS/RPMS
+	cd $buildroot
+	echo REBUILD: $rpmdir/RPMS/${pack}-[0-9]*.rpm
+	# extract rpm package
+	rpm2cpio $rpmdir/RPMS/${pack}-[0-9]*.rpm | cpio -idmv
+	# create stripped libraries and linked debug info files
+	for j in $(cat $i | awk '/^%attr.*[.](so|bin)([.].*)?"$/{print$2}')
+	do
+		so=$(echo $j | tr -d '"')
+		cd ./$(dirname $so)
+		so=$(basename $so)
+		objcopy --only-keep-debug $so $so.dbg
+		objcopy --strip-debug $so
+		objcopy --add-gnu-debuglink=$so.dbg $so
+		cd -
+	done
+	# copy files for double package generation (using hard links)
+	cp -rl $buildroot $buildroot.copy
+	# stripped package
+	rpmbuild -bb --define "_unpackaged_files_terminate_build  0" $i --target $build_cpu --buildroot=$buildroot
+	rm -rf $buildroot
+	mv $buildroot.copy $buildroot
+	mkdir -p $topdir/RPMS/BUILD $topdir/RPMS/RPMS
+	# create spec file for the debug info package
+	cat $i | awk '
+		/^Name:/ { print "Summary: Debug information for package "$2; print $0"-debuginfo";next }
+		/^Group:/ { print $1" Development/Debug";next }
+		/^%attr.*[.](so|bin)([.].*)?"$/ { print substr($0, 1, length($0) - 1)".dbg\""; next }
+		/^%attr/ || /^Summary:/ { next }
+		{print}
+	' > ${i}-debuginfo
+	# create debug info package
+	rpmbuild -bb --define "_unpackaged_files_terminate_build  0" ${i}-debuginfo --target $build_cpu --buildroot=$buildroot
+ fi
+echo Place of the debug and stripped rpm packages:
+echo $topdir/RPMS/RPMS/
+# Function for re-build DEB files
+function repack_deb {
+# create deb source package
+# (use PACKAGENAME environmental variable
+# to find "$PACKAGENAME".spec.log)
+echo Base spec file: $DEBUGSRC
+# create spec file, based on the spec file of the brand package
+cat $DEBUGSRC | awk '
+	/^%product/ { print gensub("Brand module", "Debug source package", "", $0) ;next }
+	/^%description/ { print gensub("Brand module", "Debug source package", "", $0) ;next }
+	/^[cdf] / { next }
+	{print}
+ ' > ${DEBUGSRC}-debugsource
+ # create source file list
+ find $BUILD_PATH -name '*[.][hc]xx' -o -name '*[.][hc]' | grep -Ev '/(workdir|qa|DEBS)/' | grep -E '/(source|inc)/' |
+ # list all directories
+ awk -v home=$BUILD_PATH '
+	{
+		split($0, a, home "/")
+		n=split(a[2], b, "/")
+		c=home
+		for(i=1;i<n;i++) {
+			c=c"/"b[i]
+			if(mem[c]!=1) print "d 755 root root "c" -"
+			mem[c]=1
+		}
+		print "f 644 root root "$0" "$0
+	}' >> ${DEBUGSRC}-debugsource
+ echo Spec file of debug source package: ${DEBUGSRC}-debugsource
+ # debug build source package
+ $BUILD_PATH/workdir/UnpackedTarball/epm/epm -f deb -g ${INSTALLDIRNAME}${PRODUCTVERSION}-debugsource ${DEBUGSRC}-debugsource --output-dir DEBS -v
+# create deb debug info packages
+# by processing logged EPM lst files
+for i in $BUILD_PATH/workdir/installation/CollaboraOffice/deb/listfile/en-US/*.lst
+ # repackage only deb packages with non-stripped so files
+ if grep -q '^f .*[.]\(so\|bin\)\([.].*\)\?$' $i
+ then
+	echo ================ $i ================
+	TARGET_NAME=$INSTALLDIRNAME"$(echo $(basename $i) | awk '
+	/epm_gid_Module_Optional_Gnome.lst/{print"basis5.1-gnome-integration"}
+	/epm_gid_Module_Optional_Grfflt.lst/{print"basis5.1-graphicfilter"}
+	/epm_gid_Module_Optional_OGLTrans.lst/{print"basis5.1-ogltrans"}
+	/epm_gid_Module_Optional_PostgresqlSdbc.lst/{print"basis5.1-postgresql-sdbc"}
+	/epm_gid_Module_Pdfimport.lst/{print"basis5.1-extension-pdf-import"}
+	/epm_gid_Module_Prg_Base_Bin.lst/{print"basis5.1-base"}
+	/epm_gid_Module_Prg_Calc_Bin.lst/{print"basis5.1-calc"}
+	/epm_gid_Module_Prg_Impress_Bin.lst/{print"basis5.1-impress"}
+	/epm_gid_Module_Prg_Math_Bin.lst/{print"basis5.1-math"}
+	/epm_gid_Module_Prg_Wrt_Bin.lst/{print"basis5.1-writer"}
+	/epm_gid_Module_Pyuno.lst/{print"basis5.1-pyuno"}
+	/epm_gid_Module_Root_Brand.lst/{print"5.1"}
+	/epm_gid_Module_Root.lst/{print"basis5.1-core"}
+	/epm_gid_Module_Root_Ure_Hidden.lst/{print"5.1-ure"}
+	' | sed s/5.1/$PRODUCTVERSION/g)"
+	# create stripped libraries and linked debug info files
+	for j in $(cat $i | awk '/^f .*[.](so|bin)([.].*)?$/{print$6}')
+	do
+		cd $(dirname $j)
+		so=$(basename $j)
+		# keep not stripped version
+		echo "$(file $so)" | grep -q 'not stripped' && cp $so $so.copy
+		objcopy --only-keep-debug $so $so.dbg
+		objcopy --strip-debug $so
+		objcopy --add-gnu-debuglink=$so.dbg $so
+		cd -
+	done
+	# create stripped package
+	$BUILD_PATH/workdir/UnpackedTarball/epm/epm -f deb -g $TARGET_NAME $i --output-dir DEBS -v
+	# create spec file for the debug info package
+	cat $i | awk '
+		/^%product/ { print "%product Debug info package of "$0 ;next }
+		/^%description/ { print "%description Debug info package of "$0 ;next }
+		/^f .*[.](so|bin)([.].*)?$/ { print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5".dbg",$6".dbg"; next }
+		/^[cf] / { next }
+		{print}
+	' > ${i}-debuginfo
+	# create debug info package
+	$BUILD_PATH/workdir/UnpackedTarball/epm/epm -f deb -g ${TARGET_NAME}-debuginfo $i-debuginfo --output-dir DEBS -v
+	# restore original non stripped library files
+	for j in $(cat $i | awk '/^f .*[.](so|bin)([.].*)?$/{print$6}')
+	do
+		cd $(dirname $j)
+		so=$(basename $j)
+		rm $so.dbg
+		echo "$(file $so)" | grep -q 'not stripped' || mv $so.copy $so
+		cd -
+	done
+ fi
+echo Place of the debug and stripped deb packages:
+# start deb re-build
+test "$(find workdir/installation/CollaboraOffice/deb/listfile -name '*.lst')" != "" && repack_deb || \
+	echo 'Missing EPM lst files. Skip DEB debug package generation.'
+# start rpm re-build
+test "$(find workdir -name '*spec.log')" != "" && repack_rpm || \
+	echo 'Missing RPM spec files. Skip RPM debug package generation.'

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