[Libreoffice-commits] dev-tools.git: 3 commits - esc-reporting/esc-analyze.py esc-reporting/esc-report.py

Xisco Fauli anistenis at gmail.com
Wed Dec 21 12:28:16 UTC 2016

 esc-reporting/esc-analyze.py |   79 +++++++++++----------
 esc-reporting/esc-report.py  |  156 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 2 files changed, 158 insertions(+), 77 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 392933ddca95e5abba1e09954ebbd8d906451cd0
Author: Xisco Fauli <anistenis at gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Dec 21 13:26:54 2016 +0100

    Update user name if we find it

diff --git a/esc-reporting/esc-analyze.py b/esc-reporting/esc-analyze.py
index 2b2863c..3aa3930 100755
--- a/esc-reporting/esc-analyze.py
+++ b/esc-reporting/esc-analyze.py
@@ -232,6 +232,9 @@ def util_check_mail(name, mail):
       statList['people'][mail] = util_create_person_gerrit(name, mail)
       if mail == '*DUMMY*':
         statList['people'][mail]['licenseOK'] = True
+    else:
+      if name and name != '*UNKNOWN*' and statList['people'][mail]['name'] == '*UNKNOWN*':
+        statList['people'][mail]['name'] = name
     return mail
commit c5603e2c153be14184c36d2d3694facb34bf331a
Author: Xisco Fauli <anistenis at gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Dec 21 11:53:37 2016 +0100

    Reintroduce report_qa part and only display 1 week
    in the stats

diff --git a/esc-reporting/esc-report.py b/esc-reporting/esc-report.py
index cc24085..b08dae6 100755
--- a/esc-reporting/esc-report.py
+++ b/esc-reporting/esc-report.py
@@ -372,55 +372,133 @@ def report_ui():
 def report_qa():
     global statList, openhubData, gerritData, gitData, bugzillaData, cfg
-    return
-    tmpClist = sorted(statList['people'], key=lambda k: (statList['people'][k]['qa']['1month']['total']), reverse=True)
-    top10list = []
-    for i in tmpClist:
-      if i != 'qa-admin at libreoffice.org' and i != 'libreoffice-commits at lists.freedesktop.org':
-        x = {'mail': i, 'name': statList['people'][i]['name'],
-             'month' :statList['people'][i]['qa']['1month']['total'],
-             'year':statList['people'][i]['qa']['1year']['total']}
-        top10list.append(x)
-        if len(top10list) >= 10:
-          break
     fp = open('/tmp/esc_qa_report.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8')
     print('ESC QA report, generated {} based on stats.json from {}'.format(
           datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), statList['addDate']), file=fp)
     print("copy/paste to esc pad:\n"
-          "* qa update (xisco)\n"
-          "    + Bugzilla statistics", file=fp)
-    xRow = [{'db': 'qa',  'tag': 'ASSIGNED',       'text': 'ASSIGNED'},
-            {'db': 'qa',  'tag': 'CLOSED',  'text': 'CLOSED'},
-            {'db': 'qa',  'tag': 'NEEDINFO',  'text': 'NEEDINFO'},
-            {'db': 'qa',  'tag': 'NEW',  'text': 'NEW'},
-            {'db': 'qa',  'tag': 'PLEASETEST',  'text': 'PLEASETEST'},
-            {'db': 'qa',  'tag': 'REOPENED',  'text': 'REOPENED'},
-            {'db': 'qa',  'tag': 'RESOLVED',  'text': 'RESOLVED'},
-            {'db': 'qa',  'tag': 'UNCONFIRMED',  'text': 'UNCONFIRMED'},
-            {'db': 'qa',  'tag': 'VERIFIED',  'text': 'VERIFIED'},
-            {'db': 'qa',  'tag': 'commented',  'text': 'commented'},
-            {'db': 'qa',  'tag': 'total',    'text': 'total'}]
-    print(util_build_matrix('BZ changes', xRow, None, statList), end='', file=fp)
-    print("    + Distribution of people based on number of changes:", file=fp)
-    xRow = [{'db': 'trendQA',  'tag': '1-5',    'text': '1-5'},
-            {'db': 'trendQA',  'tag': '6-25',   'text': '6-25'},
-            {'db': 'trendQA',  'tag': '26-50',  'text': '26-50'},
-            {'db': 'trendQA',  'tag': '51-100', 'text': '51-100'},
-            {'db': 'trendQA',  'tag': '100+',   'text': '100+'}]
-    print(util_build_matrix('distribution', xRow, None, statList), end='', file=fp)
-    print("\n    + top 10 contributors:", file=fp)
-    for i in range(0, 10):
-      print('          {} made {} changes in 1 month, and {} changes in 1 year'.format(
-            top10list[i]['mail'], top10list[i]['month'], top10list[i]['year']), file=fp)
+          "* qa update (xisco)\n", file=fp)
+    print("    + UNCONFIRMED: {} ( )\n"
+        "        + enhancements: {}  ( )\n"
+        "        + needsUXEval: {} ( )\n"
+        "        + haveBackTrace: {} ( )\n"
+        "        + needsDevAdvice: {} ( )\n".format(
+                    statList['data']['qa']['unconfirmed']['count'],
+                    statList['data']['qa']['unconfirmed']['enhancement'],
+                    statList['data']['qa']['unconfirmed']['needsUXEval'],
+                    statList['data']['qa']['unconfirmed']['haveBacktrace'],
+                    statList['data']['qa']['unconfirmed']['needsDevAdvice'],), file=fp)
+    reporters = sorted(statList['people'], key=lambda k: (statList['people'][k]['qa']['1week']['owner']), reverse=True)
+    print("\n    + top 10 bugs reporters:", file=fp)
+    top10reporters = reporters[0:10]
+    max_width = 0
+    for i in top10reporters:
+      if statList['people'][i]['qa']['1week']['owner'] == 0:
+        break
+      max_width = max(max_width, len(statList['people'][i]['name']))
+    for index, item in enumerate(top10reporters):
+      if statList['people'][item]['qa']['1week']['owner'] == 0:
+        break
+      print('          {0:2d}. {1:{3}s} :{2:3d}'.format( index + 1,
+            statList['people'][item]['name'], statList['people'][item]['qa']['1week']['owner'],
+            max_width), file=fp)
+    fixers = sorted(statList['people'], key=lambda k: (statList['people'][k]['qa']['1week']['fixed']), reverse=True)
+    print("\n    + top 10 bugs fixers:", file=fp)
+    top10fixers = fixers[0:10]
+    max_width = 0
+    for i in top10fixers:
+      if statList['people'][i]['qa']['1week']['fixed'] == 0:
+        break
+      max_width = max(max_width, len(statList['people'][i]['name']))
+    for index, item in enumerate(top10fixers):
+      if statList['people'][item]['qa']['1week']['fixed'] == 0:
+        break
+      print('          {0:2d}. {1:{3}s} :{2:3d}'.format( index + 1,
+            statList['people'][item]['name'], statList['people'][item]['qa']['1week']['fixed'],
+            max_width), file=fp)
+    bisected = sorted(statList['people'], key=lambda k: (statList['people'][k]['qa']['1week']['bisected']), reverse=True)
+    print("\n    + Bisected done by:", file=fp)
+    top10bisected = bisected[0:10]
+    max_width = 0
+    for i in top10bisected:
+      if statList['people'][i]['qa']['1week']['bisected'] == 0:
+        break
+      max_width = max(max_width, len(statList['people'][i]['name']))
+    for index, item in enumerate(top10bisected):
+      if statList['people'][item]['qa']['1week']['bisected'] == 0:
+        break
+      print('          {0:2d}. {1:{3}s} :{2:3d}'.format( index + 1,
+            statList['people'][item]['name'], statList['people'][item]['qa']['1week']['bisected'],
+            max_width), file=fp)
+    bibisected = sorted(statList['people'], key=lambda k: (statList['people'][k]['qa']['1week']['bibisected']), reverse=True)
+    print("\n    + Bibisected done by:", file=fp)
+    top10bibisected = bibisected[0:10]
+    max_width = 0
+    for i in top10bibisected:
+      if statList['people'][i]['qa']['1week']['bibisected'] == 0:
+        break
+      max_width = max(max_width, len(statList['people'][i]['name']))
+    for index, item in enumerate(top10bibisected):
+      if statList['people'][item]['qa']['1week']['bibisected'] == 0:
+        break
+      print('          {0:2d}. {1:{3}s} :{2:3d}'.format( index + 1,
+            statList['people'][item]['name'], statList['people'][item]['qa']['1week']['bibisected'],
+            max_width), file=fp)
+    regression = sorted(statList['people'], key=lambda k: (statList['people'][k]['qa']['1week']['regression']), reverse=True)
+    print("\n    + Regression added by:", file=fp)
+    top10regression = regression[0:10]
+    max_width = 0
+    for i in top10regression:
+      if statList['people'][i]['qa']['1week']['regression'] == 0:
+        break
+      max_width = max(max_width, len(statList['people'][i]['name']))
+    for index, item in enumerate(top10regression):
+      if statList['people'][item]['qa']['1week']['regression'] == 0:
+        break
+      print('          {0:2d}. {1:{3}s} :{2:3d}'.format( index + 1,
+            statList['people'][item]['name'], statList['people'][item]['qa']['1week']['regression'],
+            max_width), file=fp)
+    backtrace = sorted(statList['people'], key=lambda k: (statList['people'][k]['qa']['1week']['backtrace']), reverse=True)
+    print("\n    + Backtrace added by:", file=fp)
+    top10backtrace = backtrace[0:10]
+    max_width = 0
+    for i in top10backtrace:
+      if statList['people'][i]['qa']['1week']['backtrace'] == 0:
+        break
+      max_width = max(max_width, len(statList['people'][i]['name']))
+    for index, item in enumerate(top10backtrace):
+      if statList['people'][item]['qa']['1week']['backtrace'] == 0:
+        break
+      print('          {0:2d}. {1:{3}s} :{2:3d}'.format( index + 1,
+            statList['people'][item]['name'], statList['people'][item]['qa']['1week']['backtrace'],
+            max_width), file=fp)
     return None
 def report_myfunc():
    global statList, openhubData, gerritData, gitData, bugzillaData, cfg
commit 52806f402ef87e98bebec13b6e13406197b47950
Author: Xisco Fauli <anistenis at gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Dec 21 11:34:31 2016 +0100

    Ignore meta and deletionrequest bugs in unconfirmed count

diff --git a/esc-reporting/esc-analyze.py b/esc-reporting/esc-analyze.py
index 17b9f15..2b2863c 100755
--- a/esc-reporting/esc-analyze.py
+++ b/esc-reporting/esc-analyze.py
@@ -417,44 +417,44 @@ def analyze_qa():
     print("qa: analyze bugzilla", flush=True)
     for key, row in bugzillaData['bugs'].items():
-      email = util_check_mail(row['creator_detail']['real_name'], row['creator'])
-      xDate = datetime.datetime.strptime(row['last_change_time'], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
-      creationDate = datetime.datetime.strptime(row['creation_time'], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
-      if xDate > cfg['cutDate']:
-        continue
-      if row['status'] == 'UNCONFIRMED':
-        statList['data']['qa']['unconfirmed']['count'] += 1
-        if 'needsUXEval' in row['keywords']:
-          statList['data']['qa']['unconfirmed']['needsUXEval'] += 1
-        if 'needsDevAdvice' in row['keywords']:
-          statList['data']['qa']['unconfirmed']['needsDevAdvice'] += 1
-        if 'haveBacktrace' in row['keywords']:
-          statList['data']['qa']['unconfirmed']['haveBacktrace'] += 1
-        if row['severity'] == 'enhancement':
-          statList['data']['qa']['unconfirmed']['enhancement'] += 1
-      util_build_period_stat(creationDate, email, 'qa', 'owner')
-      for change in row['history']:
-        email = util_check_mail('*UNKNOWN*', change['who'])
-        xDate = datetime.datetime.strptime(change['when'], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
-        for entry in change['changes']:
-          if entry['field_name'] == 'keywords':
-            keywordsAdded = entry['added'].split(", ")
-            for keyword in keywordsAdded:
-              if keyword == 'bisected':
-                util_build_period_stat(xDate, email, 'qa', 'bisected')
-              if keyword == 'bibisected':
-                util_build_period_stat(xDate, email, 'qa', 'bibisected')
-              if keyword == 'regression':
-                util_build_period_stat(xDate, email, 'qa', 'regression')
-              if keyword == 'haveBacktrace':
-                util_build_period_stat(xDate, email, 'qa', 'backtrace')
-          elif entry['field_name'] == 'resolution':
-            if entry['added'] == 'FIXED':
-              util_build_period_stat(xDate, email, 'qa', 'fixed')
+	    #Ignore META bugs and deletionrequest bugs.
+      if not row['summary'].startswith('[META]') \
+		      and row['component'] != 'deletionrequest':
+        email = util_check_mail(row['creator_detail']['real_name'], row['creator'])
+        xDate = datetime.datetime.strptime(row['last_change_time'], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
+        creationDate = datetime.datetime.strptime(row['creation_time'], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
+        if row['status'] == 'UNCONFIRMED':
+          statList['data']['qa']['unconfirmed']['count'] += 1
+          if 'needsUXEval' in row['keywords']:
+            statList['data']['qa']['unconfirmed']['needsUXEval'] += 1
+          if 'needsDevAdvice' in row['keywords']:
+            statList['data']['qa']['unconfirmed']['needsDevAdvice'] += 1
+          if 'haveBacktrace' in row['keywords']:
+            statList['data']['qa']['unconfirmed']['haveBacktrace'] += 1
+          if row['severity'] == 'enhancement':
+            statList['data']['qa']['unconfirmed']['enhancement'] += 1
+        util_build_period_stat(creationDate, email, 'qa', 'owner')
+        for change in row['history']:
+          email = util_check_mail('*UNKNOWN*', change['who'])
+          xDate = datetime.datetime.strptime(change['when'], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
+          for entry in change['changes']:
+            if entry['field_name'] == 'keywords':
+              keywordsAdded = entry['added'].split(", ")
+              for keyword in keywordsAdded:
+                if keyword == 'bisected':
+                  util_build_period_stat(xDate, email, 'qa', 'bisected')
+                if keyword == 'bibisected':
+                  util_build_period_stat(xDate, email, 'qa', 'bibisected')
+                if keyword == 'regression':
+                  util_build_period_stat(xDate, email, 'qa', 'regression')
+                if keyword == 'haveBacktrace':
+                  util_build_period_stat(xDate, email, 'qa', 'backtrace')
+            elif entry['field_name'] == 'resolution':
+              if entry['added'] == 'FIXED':
+                util_build_period_stat(xDate, email, 'qa', 'fixed')
 def analyze_myfunc():
     global cfg, statList, openhubData, bugzillaData, gerritData, gitData, licenceCompanyData, licencePersonalData

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