[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: compilerplugins/clang xmloff/inc xmloff/source xmlscript/source

Noel Grandin noel at peralex.com
Thu Feb 25 09:43:04 UTC 2016

 compilerplugins/clang/unuseddefaultparams.cxx |  215 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 compilerplugins/clang/unuseddefaultparams.py  |   78 +++++++++
 compilerplugins/clang/unusedfields.cxx        |   19 +-
 compilerplugins/clang/unusedmethods.cxx       |   14 -
 xmloff/inc/txtflde.hxx                        |   25 ---
 xmloff/source/chart/SchXMLExport.cxx          |   12 -
 xmloff/source/chart/SchXMLSeries2Context.cxx  |    9 -
 xmloff/source/forms/formcellbinding.cxx       |    2 
 xmloff/source/forms/formcellbinding.hxx       |    3 
 xmloff/source/forms/propertyexport.cxx        |    4 
 xmloff/source/forms/propertyexport.hxx        |    5 
 xmloff/source/text/txtflde.cxx                |   42 ++---
 xmlscript/source/inc/xml_import.hxx           |    5 
 xmlscript/source/xml_helper/xml_impctx.cxx    |    5 
 14 files changed, 347 insertions(+), 91 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 4fbf95deba87ed28ee8eb8442477832e46ba76c6
Author: Noel Grandin <noel at peralex.com>
Date:   Thu Feb 25 11:33:33 2016 +0200

    new loplugin:unuseddefaultparams
    Change-Id: I2c3e7d66be9e3883ea2801ff394948cc580d1e44

diff --git a/compilerplugins/clang/unuseddefaultparams.cxx b/compilerplugins/clang/unuseddefaultparams.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e33fea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compilerplugins/clang/unuseddefaultparams.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
+ * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
+ *
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+ */
+#include <string>
+#include <set>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include "plugin.hxx"
+#include "compat.hxx"
+ Find methods with default params, where the callers never specify the default param i.e.
+ might as well remove it.
+ The process goes something like this:
+  $ make check
+  $ make FORCE_COMPILE_ALL=1 COMPILER_PLUGIN_TOOL='unusedmethods' check
+  $ ./compilerplugins/clang/unuseddefaultparams.py unuseddefaultparams.log
+namespace {
+struct MyFuncInfo
+    std::string access;
+    std::string returnType;
+    std::string nameAndParams;
+    std::string sourceLocation;
+bool operator < (const MyFuncInfo &lhs, const MyFuncInfo &rhs)
+    return lhs.sourceLocation < rhs.sourceLocation;
+// try to limit the voluminous output a little
+static std::set<MyFuncInfo> callSet;
+static std::set<MyFuncInfo> definitionSet;
+class UnusedDefaultParams:
+    public RecursiveASTVisitor<UnusedDefaultParams>, public loplugin::Plugin
+    explicit UnusedDefaultParams(InstantiationData const & data): Plugin(data) {}
+    virtual void run() override
+    {
+        TraverseDecl(compiler.getASTContext().getTranslationUnitDecl());
+        // dump all our output in one write call - this is to try and limit IO "crosstalk" between multiple processes
+        // writing to the same logfile
+        std::string output;
+        for (const MyFuncInfo & s : definitionSet)
+            output += "defn:\t" + s.access + "\t" + s.returnType + "\t" + s.nameAndParams + "\t" + s.sourceLocation + "\n";
+        for (const MyFuncInfo & s : callSet)
+            output += "call:\t" + s.returnType + "\t" + s.nameAndParams + "\n";
+        ofstream myfile;
+        myfile.open( SRCDIR "/unuseddefaultparams.log", ios::app | ios::out);
+        myfile << output;
+        myfile.close();
+    }
+    bool VisitCallExpr(CallExpr * callExpr);
+    bool VisitFunctionDecl( const FunctionDecl* functionDecl );
+    MyFuncInfo niceName(const FunctionDecl* functionDecl);
+MyFuncInfo UnusedDefaultParams::niceName(const FunctionDecl* functionDecl)
+    if (functionDecl->getInstantiatedFromMemberFunction())
+        functionDecl = functionDecl->getInstantiatedFromMemberFunction();
+    else if (functionDecl->getClassScopeSpecializationPattern())
+        functionDecl = functionDecl->getClassScopeSpecializationPattern();
+// workaround clang-3.5 issue
+#if __clang_major__ > 3 || ( __clang_major__ == 3 && __clang_minor__ >= 6 )
+    else if (functionDecl->getTemplateInstantiationPattern())
+        functionDecl = functionDecl->getTemplateInstantiationPattern();
+    MyFuncInfo aInfo;
+    switch (functionDecl->getAccess())
+    {
+    case AS_public: aInfo.access = "public"; break;
+    case AS_private: aInfo.access = "private"; break;
+    case AS_protected: aInfo.access = "protected"; break;
+    default: aInfo.access = "unknown"; break;
+    }
+    aInfo.returnType = compat::getReturnType(*functionDecl).getCanonicalType().getAsString();
+    if (isa<CXXMethodDecl>(functionDecl)) {
+        const CXXRecordDecl* recordDecl = dyn_cast<CXXMethodDecl>(functionDecl)->getParent();
+        aInfo.nameAndParams += recordDecl->getQualifiedNameAsString();
+        aInfo.nameAndParams += "::";
+    }
+    aInfo.nameAndParams += functionDecl->getNameAsString() + "(";
+    bool bFirst = true;
+    for (const ParmVarDecl *pParmVarDecl : functionDecl->params()) {
+        if (bFirst)
+            bFirst = false;
+        else
+            aInfo.nameAndParams += ",";
+        aInfo.nameAndParams += pParmVarDecl->getType().getCanonicalType().getAsString();
+    }
+    aInfo.nameAndParams += ")";
+    if (isa<CXXMethodDecl>(functionDecl) && dyn_cast<CXXMethodDecl>(functionDecl)->isConst()) {
+        aInfo.nameAndParams += " const";
+    }
+    SourceLocation expansionLoc = compiler.getSourceManager().getExpansionLoc( functionDecl->getLocation() );
+    StringRef name = compiler.getSourceManager().getFilename(expansionLoc);
+    aInfo.sourceLocation = std::string(name.substr(strlen(SRCDIR)+1)) + ":" + std::to_string(compiler.getSourceManager().getSpellingLineNumber(expansionLoc));
+    return aInfo;
+bool UnusedDefaultParams::VisitCallExpr(CallExpr * callExpr) {
+    if (ignoreLocation(callExpr)) {
+        return true;
+    }
+    if (callExpr->getDirectCallee() == nullptr) {
+        return true;
+    }
+    const FunctionDecl* functionDecl = callExpr->getDirectCallee()->getCanonicalDecl();
+    auto n = functionDecl->getNumParams();
+    if (n == 0 || !functionDecl->getParamDecl(n - 1)->hasDefaultArg()) {
+        return true;
+    }
+    // method overrides don't always specify the same default params (althogh they probably should)
+    // so we need to work our way up to the root method
+    while (isa<CXXMethodDecl>(functionDecl)) {
+        const CXXMethodDecl* methodDecl = dyn_cast<CXXMethodDecl>(functionDecl);
+        if (methodDecl->size_overridden_methods()==0)
+            break;
+        functionDecl = *methodDecl->begin_overridden_methods();
+    }
+    assert(callExpr->getNumArgs() <= n); // can be < in template code
+    for (unsigned i = callExpr->getNumArgs(); i != 0;) {
+        --i;
+        Expr* arg = callExpr->getArg(i);
+        if (arg->isDefaultArgument()) {
+            continue;
+        }
+        // ignore this, it seems to trigger an infinite recursion
+        if (isa<UnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr>(arg))
+            break;
+        const ParmVarDecl* parmVarDecl = functionDecl->getParamDecl(i);
+        if (!parmVarDecl->hasDefaultArg()
+            || parmVarDecl->hasUninstantiatedDefaultArg())
+        {
+            break;
+        }
+        const Expr* defaultArgExpr = parmVarDecl->getDefaultArg();
+        if (!defaultArgExpr) {
+            break;
+        }
+        MyFuncInfo funcInfo = niceName(functionDecl);
+        callSet.insert(funcInfo);
+        break;
+    }
+    return true;
+bool UnusedDefaultParams::VisitFunctionDecl( const FunctionDecl* functionDecl )
+    functionDecl = functionDecl->getCanonicalDecl();
+    if( !functionDecl || !functionDecl->getLocation().isValid() || ignoreLocation( functionDecl )) {
+        return true;
+    }
+    const CXXMethodDecl* methodDecl = dyn_cast_or_null<CXXMethodDecl>(functionDecl);
+    // ignore method overrides, since the call will show up as being directed to the root method
+    if (methodDecl && (methodDecl->size_overridden_methods() != 0 || methodDecl->hasAttr<OverrideAttr>())) {
+        return true;
+    }
+    // ignore stuff that forms part of the stable URE interface
+    if (isInUnoIncludeFile(compiler.getSourceManager().getSpellingLoc(
+                              functionDecl->getNameInfo().getLoc()))) {
+        return true;
+    }
+    if (isa<CXXDestructorDecl>(functionDecl)) {
+        return true;
+    }
+    if (isa<CXXConstructorDecl>(functionDecl)) {
+        return true;
+    }
+    if (functionDecl->isDeleted()) {
+        return true;
+    }
+    auto n = functionDecl->getNumParams();
+    if (n == 0 || !functionDecl->getParamDecl(n - 1)->hasDefaultArg()) {
+        return true;
+    }
+    if( functionDecl->getLocation().isValid() )
+    {
+        MyFuncInfo funcInfo = niceName(functionDecl);
+        definitionSet.insert(funcInfo);
+    }
+    return true;
+loplugin::Plugin::Registration< UnusedDefaultParams > X("unuseddefaultparams", true);
+/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
diff --git a/compilerplugins/clang/unuseddefaultparams.py b/compilerplugins/clang/unuseddefaultparams.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7fdce2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compilerplugins/clang/unuseddefaultparams.py
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+import sys
+import re
+import io
+definitionSet = set()
+definitionToSourceLocationMap = dict()
+callSet = set()
+# things we need to exclude for reasons like :
+# - it's a weird template thingy that confuses the plugin
+exclusionSet = set()
+# clang does not always use exactly the same numbers in the type-parameter vars it generates
+# so I need to substitute them to ensure we can match correctly.
+normalizeTypeParamsRegex = re.compile(r"type-parameter-\d+-\d+")
+def normalizeTypeParams( line ):
+    return normalizeTypeParamsRegex.sub("type-parameter-?-?", line)
+# The parsing here is designed to avoid grabbing stuff which is mixed in from gbuild.
+# I have not yet found a way of suppressing the gbuild output.
+with io.open(sys.argv[1], "rb", buffering=1024*1024) as txt:
+    for line in txt:
+        if line.startswith("defn:\t"):
+            idx1 = line.find("\t",6)
+            idx2 = line.find("\t",idx1+1)
+            idx3 = line.find("\t",idx2+1)
+            access = line[6:idx1]
+            returnType = line[idx1+1:idx2]
+            nameAndParams = line[idx2+1:idx3]
+            sourceLocation = line[idx3+1:].strip()
+            funcInfo = (normalizeTypeParams(returnType), normalizeTypeParams(nameAndParams))
+            definitionSet.add(funcInfo)
+            definitionToSourceLocationMap[funcInfo] = sourceLocation
+        elif line.startswith("call:\t"):
+            idx1 = line.find("\t",6)
+            returnType = line[6:idx1]
+            nameAndParams = line[idx1+1:].strip()
+            callSet.add((normalizeTypeParams(returnType), normalizeTypeParams(nameAndParams)))
+# Invert the definitionToSourceLocationMap.
+# If we see more than one method at the same sourceLocation, it's being autogenerated as part of a template
+# and we should just ignore it.
+sourceLocationToDefinitionMap = {}
+for k, v in definitionToSourceLocationMap.iteritems():
+    sourceLocationToDefinitionMap[v] = sourceLocationToDefinitionMap.get(v, [])
+    sourceLocationToDefinitionMap[v].append(k)
+for k, definitions in sourceLocationToDefinitionMap.iteritems():
+    if len(definitions) > 1:
+        for d in definitions:
+            definitionSet.remove(d)
+tmp1set = set()
+for d in definitionSet:
+    clazz = d[0] + " " + d[1]
+    if clazz in exclusionSet:
+        continue
+    if d in callSet:
+        continue
+    tmp1set.add((clazz, definitionToSourceLocationMap[d]))
+# sort the results using a "natural order" so sequences like [item1,item2,item10] sort nicely
+def natural_sort_key(s, _nsre=re.compile('([0-9]+)')):
+    return [int(text) if text.isdigit() else text.lower()
+            for text in re.split(_nsre, s)]
+# sort results by name and line number
+tmp1list = sorted(tmp1set, key=lambda v: natural_sort_key(v[1]))
+# print out the results
+with open("unused.defaultparams", "wt") as f:
+    for t in tmp1list:
+        f.write(t[1] + "\n")
+        f.write("    " + t[0] + "\n")
diff --git a/compilerplugins/clang/unusedfields.cxx b/compilerplugins/clang/unusedfields.cxx
index 2667485..dd928d3 100644
--- a/compilerplugins/clang/unusedfields.cxx
+++ b/compilerplugins/clang/unusedfields.cxx
@@ -47,17 +47,16 @@ struct MyFieldInfo
     std::string fieldName;
     std::string fieldType;
     std::string sourceLocation;
-    bool operator < (const MyFieldInfo &other) const
-    {
-        if (parentClass < other.parentClass)
-            return true;
-        else if (parentClass == other.parentClass)
-            return fieldName < other.fieldName;
-        else
-            return false;
-    }
+bool operator < (const MyFieldInfo &lhs, const MyFieldInfo &rhs)
+    if (lhs.parentClass < rhs.parentClass)
+        return true;
+    else if (lhs.parentClass == rhs.parentClass)
+         return lhs.fieldName < rhs.fieldName;
+    else
+        return false;
 // try to limit the voluminous output a little
diff --git a/compilerplugins/clang/unusedmethods.cxx b/compilerplugins/clang/unusedmethods.cxx
index 3649fc6..c2785dd 100644
--- a/compilerplugins/clang/unusedmethods.cxx
+++ b/compilerplugins/clang/unusedmethods.cxx
@@ -52,17 +52,11 @@ struct MyFuncInfo
     std::string nameAndParams;
     std::string sourceLocation;
-    bool operator < (const MyFuncInfo &other) const
-    {
-        if (returnType < other.returnType)
-            return true;
-        else if (returnType == other.returnType)
-            return nameAndParams < other.nameAndParams;
-        else
-            return false;
-    }
+bool operator < (const MyFuncInfo &lhs, const MyFuncInfo &rhs)
+    return lhs.sourceLocation < rhs.sourceLocation;
 // try to limit the voluminous output a little
diff --git a/xmloff/inc/txtflde.hxx b/xmloff/inc/txtflde.hxx
index 3b50ba4..53ddb9e 100644
--- a/xmloff/inc/txtflde.hxx
+++ b/xmloff/inc/txtflde.hxx
@@ -229,9 +229,7 @@ protected:
     /// export an element with string content
     void ExportElement(enum ::xmloff::token::XMLTokenEnum eElement, /// element token
-                       const OUString& sContent, /// element content
-                       bool bAddSpace = false); /// add blanks around
-                                                        /// element?
+                       const OUString& sContent); /// element content
     /// export a macro (as used in the macro field)
     void ExportMacro( const css::uno::Reference< css::beans::XPropertySet> & rPropSet,
@@ -278,16 +276,14 @@ protected:
     void ProcessString(
         enum ::xmloff::token::XMLTokenEnum eXmlName,        /// attribute token (namespace text)
         const OUString& sValue,  /// attribute value
-        const OUString& sDefault, /// default value; omit if equal
-        sal_uInt16 nPrefix = XML_NAMESPACE_TEXT);   /// attribute name prefix
+        const OUString& sDefault); /// default value; omit if equal
     /// export a string attribute, omit if default
     void ProcessString(
         enum ::xmloff::token::XMLTokenEnum eXmlName,        /// attribute token (namespace text)
         sal_uInt16 nValuePrefix,
         const OUString& sValue,  /// attribute value
-        const OUString& sDefault, /// default value; omit if equal
-        sal_uInt16 nPrefix = XML_NAMESPACE_TEXT);   /// attribute name prefix
+        const OUString& sDefault); /// default value; omit if equal
     /// export a string attribute
     void ProcessString(
@@ -300,8 +296,7 @@ protected:
     void ProcessString(
         enum ::xmloff::token::XMLTokenEnum eXmlName,        /// attribute token (namespace text)
         enum ::xmloff::token::XMLTokenEnum eValue,          /// attribute value token
-        enum ::xmloff::token::XMLTokenEnum eDefault,        /// default value token
-        sal_uInt16 nPrefix = XML_NAMESPACE_TEXT);   /// attribute name prefix
+        enum ::xmloff::token::XMLTokenEnum eDefault);       /// default value token
     /// export a string as a sequence of paragraphs
     void ProcessParagraphSequence(
@@ -314,8 +309,7 @@ protected:
     /// export display attribute (value, formula, none)
     void ProcessDisplay(bool bIsVisible,    /// is visible?
-                        bool bIsCommand,    /// is show command/show name?
-                        bool bDefault = true);  /// omit, if default
+                        bool bIsCommand);    /// is show command/show name?
     /// export all data-style related attributes
     void ProcessValueAndType(
@@ -345,21 +339,18 @@ protected:
         sal_Int32 nMinutes,             /// date/time value in minutes
         bool bIsDate,           /// export as date?
         bool bIsDuration,       /// export as duration?
-        bool bOmitDurationIfZero,   /// omit zero-length durations
-        sal_uInt16 nPrefix = XML_NAMESPACE_TEXT);   /// attribute name prefix
+        bool bOmitDurationIfZero);   /// omit zero-length durations
     /// export times, dates and durations according to ISO 8601
     void ProcessDateTime(
         enum ::xmloff::token::XMLTokenEnum eXMLName,    /// attribute token
         const css::util::DateTime& rTime,      /// date/time value
-        bool bIsDate,           /// export as date (rather than date/time)?
-        sal_uInt16 nPrefix = XML_NAMESPACE_TEXT);   /// attribute name prefix
+        bool bIsDate);           /// export as date (rather than date/time)?
     /// export time or dateTime
     void ProcessTimeOrDateTime(
         enum ::xmloff::token::XMLTokenEnum eXMLName,    /// attribute token
-        const css::util::DateTime& rTime,  /// date/time value
-        sal_uInt16 nPrefix = XML_NAMESPACE_TEXT);   /// attribute name prefix
+        const css::util::DateTime& rTime);  /// date/time value
     /// export all attributes for bibliography data fields
     void ProcessBibliographyData(
diff --git a/xmloff/source/chart/SchXMLExport.cxx b/xmloff/source/chart/SchXMLExport.cxx
index 2fe0d19..694dd6f 100644
--- a/xmloff/source/chart/SchXMLExport.cxx
+++ b/xmloff/source/chart/SchXMLExport.cxx
@@ -237,9 +237,9 @@ public:
     void addPosition( css::uno::Reference< css::drawing::XShape > xShape );
     /// add svg size as attribute for current element
     void addSize( const css::awt::Size & rSize, bool bIsOOoNamespace = false );
-    void addSize( css::uno::Reference< css::drawing::XShape > xShape, bool bIsOOoNamespace = false  );
+    void addSize( css::uno::Reference< css::drawing::XShape > xShape );
     /// exports a string as a paragraph element
-    void exportText( const OUString& rText, bool bConvertTabsLFs = false );
+    void exportText( const OUString& rText );
     SvXMLExport& mrExport;
@@ -3476,10 +3476,10 @@ void SchXMLExportHelper_Impl::addSize( const awt::Size & rSize, bool bIsOOoNames
     mrExport.AddAttribute( bIsOOoNamespace ? XML_NAMESPACE_CHART_EXT : XML_NAMESPACE_SVG, XML_HEIGHT, msString );
-void SchXMLExportHelper_Impl::addSize( Reference< drawing::XShape > xShape, bool bIsOOoNamespace )
+void SchXMLExportHelper_Impl::addSize( Reference< drawing::XShape > xShape )
     if( xShape.is())
-        addSize( xShape->getSize(), bIsOOoNamespace );
+        addSize( xShape->getSize() );
 awt::Size SchXMLExportHelper_Impl::getPageSize( const Reference< chart2::XChartDocument > & xChartDoc )
@@ -3510,9 +3510,9 @@ void SchXMLExportHelper_Impl::AddAutoStyleAttribute( const std::vector< XMLPrope
-void SchXMLExportHelper_Impl::exportText( const OUString& rText, bool bConvertTabsLFs )
+void SchXMLExportHelper_Impl::exportText( const OUString& rText )
-    SchXMLTools::exportText( mrExport, rText, bConvertTabsLFs );
+    SchXMLTools::exportText( mrExport, rText, false/*bConvertTabsLFs*/ );
 // class SchXMLExport
diff --git a/xmloff/source/chart/SchXMLSeries2Context.cxx b/xmloff/source/chart/SchXMLSeries2Context.cxx
index 644052d..3be3a22 100644
--- a/xmloff/source/chart/SchXMLSeries2Context.cxx
+++ b/xmloff/source/chart/SchXMLSeries2Context.cxx
@@ -179,15 +179,10 @@ void lcl_resetSymbolSizeForPointsIfNecessary( const uno::Reference< beans::XProp
 void lcl_insertErrorBarLSequencesToMap(
     tSchXMLLSequencesPerIndex & rInOutMap,
-    const uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > & xSeriesProp,
-    bool bYError = true )
+    const uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > & xSeriesProp )
     Reference< chart2::data::XDataSource > xErrorBarSource;
-    const OUString aPropName(
-        bYError
-        ? OUString(  "ErrorBarY" )
-        : OUString(  "ErrorBarX" ));
-    if( ( xSeriesProp->getPropertyValue( aPropName ) >>= xErrorBarSource ) &&
+    if( ( xSeriesProp->getPropertyValue( "ErrorBarY" ) >>= xErrorBarSource ) &&
         xErrorBarSource.is() )
         Sequence< Reference< chart2::data::XLabeledDataSequence > > aLSequences(
diff --git a/xmloff/source/forms/formcellbinding.cxx b/xmloff/source/forms/formcellbinding.cxx
index 486a98a..493c0d5 100644
--- a/xmloff/source/forms/formcellbinding.cxx
+++ b/xmloff/source/forms/formcellbinding.cxx
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ bool FormCellBindingHelper::livesInSpreadsheetDocument( const Reference< XProper
     return xDocument.is();
-bool FormCellBindingHelper::convertStringAddress( const OUString& _rAddressDescription, CellAddress& /* [out] */ _rAddress, sal_Int16 /*_nAssumeSheet*/ ) const
+bool FormCellBindingHelper::convertStringAddress( const OUString& _rAddressDescription, CellAddress& /* [out] */ _rAddress ) const
     Any aAddress;
     return doConvertAddressRepresentations(
diff --git a/xmloff/source/forms/formcellbinding.hxx b/xmloff/source/forms/formcellbinding.hxx
index eb152cc..3466695 100644
--- a/xmloff/source/forms/formcellbinding.hxx
+++ b/xmloff/source/forms/formcellbinding.hxx
@@ -183,8 +183,7 @@ namespace xmloff
         bool            convertStringAddress(
                             const OUString& _rAddressDescription,
-                            css::table::CellAddress& /* [out] */ _rAddress,
-                            sal_Int16 _nAssumeSheet = -1
+                            css::table::CellAddress& /* [out] */ _rAddress
                         ) const;
         /** creates an address range object from a string representation of a cell range address
diff --git a/xmloff/source/forms/propertyexport.cxx b/xmloff/source/forms/propertyexport.cxx
index a06823d..1f14589 100644
--- a/xmloff/source/forms/propertyexport.cxx
+++ b/xmloff/source/forms/propertyexport.cxx
@@ -473,10 +473,10 @@ namespace xmloff
     void OPropertyExport::exportStringSequenceAttribute(const sal_uInt16 _nAttributeNamespaceKey, const sal_Char* _pAttributeName,
         const OUString& _rPropertyName,
-        const sal_Unicode _aQuoteCharacter, const sal_Unicode _aListSeparator)
+        const sal_Unicode _aQuoteCharacter)
+        const sal_Unicode _aListSeparator = ',';
         DBG_CHECK_PROPERTY( _rPropertyName, Sequence< OUString > );
-        OSL_ENSURE(_aListSeparator != 0, "OPropertyExport::exportStringSequenceAttribute: invalid separator character!");
         Sequence< OUString > aItems;
         m_xProps->getPropertyValue( _rPropertyName ) >>= aItems;
diff --git a/xmloff/source/forms/propertyexport.hxx b/xmloff/source/forms/propertyexport.hxx
index 4af543b..6ebdb32 100644
--- a/xmloff/source/forms/propertyexport.hxx
+++ b/xmloff/source/forms/propertyexport.hxx
@@ -298,15 +298,12 @@ namespace xmloff
                 the name of the property to ask the object for
             @param _aQuoteCharacter
                 the character to use to quote the sequence elements with. May be 0, in this case no quoting happens
-            @param _aListSeparator
-                the character to use to separate the list entries
         void exportStringSequenceAttribute(
             const sal_uInt16 _nAttributeNamespaceKey,
             const sal_Char* _pAttributeName,
             const OUString& _rPropertyName,
-            const sal_Unicode _aQuoteCharacter = '"',
-            const sal_Unicode _aListSeparator = ',');
+            const sal_Unicode _aQuoteCharacter = '"');
         /** determines whether the given property is to be exported
diff --git a/xmloff/source/text/txtflde.cxx b/xmloff/source/text/txtflde.cxx
index 9eb4096..a7a78eb 100644
--- a/xmloff/source/text/txtflde.cxx
+++ b/xmloff/source/text/txtflde.cxx
@@ -2227,8 +2227,7 @@ void XMLTextFieldExport::ExportElement(enum XMLTokenEnum eElementName,
 void XMLTextFieldExport::ExportElement(enum XMLTokenEnum eElementName,
-                                       const OUString& sContent,
-                                       bool bAddSpace)
+                                       const OUString& sContent)
     DBG_ASSERT(eElementName != XML_TOKEN_INVALID, "invalid element name!");
     if (eElementName != XML_TOKEN_INVALID)
@@ -2239,7 +2238,7 @@ void XMLTextFieldExport::ExportElement(enum XMLTokenEnum eElementName,
             if (SvtSaveOptions().GetODFDefaultVersion() > SvtSaveOptions::ODFVER_012)
                 SvXMLElementExport aElem( GetExport(), XML_NAMESPACE_LO_EXT,
-                        eElementName, bAddSpace, bAddSpace );
+                        eElementName, false, false );
                 // export content
@@ -2247,7 +2246,7 @@ void XMLTextFieldExport::ExportElement(enum XMLTokenEnum eElementName,
             SvXMLElementExport aElem( GetExport(), XML_NAMESPACE_TEXT,
-                                      eElementName, bAddSpace, bAddSpace );
+                                      eElementName, false, false );
             // export content
@@ -2426,8 +2425,7 @@ void XMLTextFieldExport::ProcessValueAndType(
 /// process display related properties
 void XMLTextFieldExport::ProcessDisplay(bool bIsVisible,
-                                        bool bIsCommand,
-                                        bool bValueDefault)
+                                        bool bIsCommand)
     enum XMLTokenEnum eValue;
@@ -2441,7 +2439,7 @@ void XMLTextFieldExport::ProcessDisplay(bool bIsVisible,
     // omit attribute if default
-    if (!bValueDefault || (eValue != XML_VALUE))
+    if (eValue != XML_VALUE)
         GetExport().AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_TEXT, XML_DISPLAY, eValue);
@@ -2497,12 +2495,11 @@ void XMLTextFieldExport::ProcessString(enum XMLTokenEnum eName,
 /// export a string attribute
 void XMLTextFieldExport::ProcessString(enum XMLTokenEnum eName,
                                        const OUString& sValue,
-                                       const OUString& sDefault,
-                                       sal_uInt16 nPrefix)
+                                       const OUString& sDefault)
     if (sValue != sDefault)
-        ProcessString(eName, sValue, false, nPrefix);
+        ProcessString(eName, sValue);
@@ -2510,12 +2507,11 @@ void XMLTextFieldExport::ProcessString(enum XMLTokenEnum eName,
 void XMLTextFieldExport::ProcessString(enum XMLTokenEnum eName,
                                        sal_uInt16 nValuePrefix,
                                        const OUString& sValue,
-                                       const OUString& sDefault,
-                                       sal_uInt16 nPrefix)
+                                       const OUString& sDefault)
     if (sValue != sDefault)
-        ProcessString(eName, nValuePrefix, sValue, false, nPrefix);
+        ProcessString(eName, nValuePrefix, sValue);
@@ -2544,11 +2540,10 @@ void XMLTextFieldExport::ProcessString(
 void XMLTextFieldExport::ProcessString(
     enum XMLTokenEnum eName,
     enum XMLTokenEnum eValue,
-    enum XMLTokenEnum eDefault,
-    sal_uInt16 nPrefix)
+    enum XMLTokenEnum eDefault)
     if ( eValue != eDefault )
-        ProcessString( eName, eValue, false, nPrefix);
+        ProcessString( eName, eValue);
@@ -2650,8 +2645,7 @@ void XMLTextFieldExport::ProcessDateTime(enum XMLTokenEnum eName,
 /// export a date or time
 void XMLTextFieldExport::ProcessDateTime(enum XMLTokenEnum eName,
                                          const util::DateTime& rTime,
-                                         bool bIsDate,
-                                         sal_uInt16 nPrefix)
+                                         bool bIsDate)
     OUStringBuffer aBuffer;
@@ -2670,7 +2664,7 @@ void XMLTextFieldExport::ProcessDateTime(enum XMLTokenEnum eName,
     ::sax::Converter::convertDateTime(aBuffer, aDateTime, nullptr);
     // output attribute
-    ProcessString(eName, aBuffer.makeStringAndClear(), true, nPrefix);
+    ProcessString(eName, aBuffer.makeStringAndClear(), true);
 /// export a date, time, or duration
@@ -2678,21 +2672,19 @@ void XMLTextFieldExport::ProcessDateTime(enum XMLTokenEnum eName,
                                          sal_Int32 nMinutes,
                                          bool bIsDate,
                                          bool bIsDuration,
-                                         bool bOmitDurationIfZero,
-                                         sal_uInt16 nPrefix)
+                                         bool bOmitDurationIfZero)
     // handle bOmitDurationIfZero here, because we can precisely compare ints
     if (!(bIsDuration && bOmitDurationIfZero && (nMinutes==0)))
         ProcessDateTime(eName, (double)nMinutes / (double)(24*60),
-                        bIsDate, bIsDuration, bOmitDurationIfZero, nPrefix);
+                        bIsDate, bIsDuration, bOmitDurationIfZero);
 /// export a time or dateTime
 void XMLTextFieldExport::ProcessTimeOrDateTime(enum XMLTokenEnum eName,
-                                         const util::DateTime& rTime,
-                                         sal_uInt16 nPrefix)
+                                         const util::DateTime& rTime)
     OUStringBuffer aBuffer;
@@ -2700,7 +2692,7 @@ void XMLTextFieldExport::ProcessTimeOrDateTime(enum XMLTokenEnum eName,
     ::sax::Converter::convertTimeOrDateTime(aBuffer, rTime, nullptr);
     // output attribute
-    ProcessString(eName, aBuffer.makeStringAndClear(), true, nPrefix);
+    ProcessString(eName, aBuffer.makeStringAndClear(), true);
diff --git a/xmlscript/source/inc/xml_import.hxx b/xmlscript/source/inc/xml_import.hxx
index f14e3e5..21f3bc7 100644
--- a/xmlscript/source/inc/xml_import.hxx
+++ b/xmlscript/source/inc/xml_import.hxx
@@ -43,16 +43,13 @@ namespace xmlscript
     @param xRoot
            initial object being called for root context
-    @param bSingleThreadedUse
-           flag whether context management is synchronized.
             document handler for parser
 css::uno::Reference< css::xml::sax::XDocumentHandler >
 SAL_CALL createDocumentHandler(
-    css::xml::input::XRoot > const & xRoot,
-    bool bSingleThreadedUse = true );
+    css::xml::input::XRoot > const & xRoot );
diff --git a/xmlscript/source/xml_helper/xml_impctx.cxx b/xmlscript/source/xml_helper/xml_impctx.cxx
index c243125..02ae45c 100644
--- a/xmlscript/source/xml_helper/xml_impctx.cxx
+++ b/xmlscript/source/xml_helper/xml_impctx.cxx
@@ -789,14 +789,13 @@ OUString ExtendedAttributes::getValueByUidName(
 Reference< xml::sax::XDocumentHandler > SAL_CALL createDocumentHandler(
-    Reference< xml::input::XRoot > const & xRoot,
-    bool bSingleThreadedUse )
+    Reference< xml::input::XRoot > const & xRoot )
     SAL_WARN_IF( !xRoot.is(), "xmlscript.xmlhelper", "xRoot is NULL" );
     if (xRoot.is())
         return static_cast< xml::sax::XDocumentHandler * >(
-            new DocumentHandlerImpl( xRoot, bSingleThreadedUse ) );
+            new DocumentHandlerImpl( xRoot, true /* mt use */ ) );
     return Reference< xml::sax::XDocumentHandler >();

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