[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: dtrans/source

Thorsten Behrens Thorsten.Behrens at CIB.de
Thu Jul 14 00:42:35 UTC 2016

 dtrans/source/win32/dtobj/FmtFilter.cxx |  108 --------------------------------
 1 file changed, 108 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit de162ef3c7d447e1faf3bc8d0766fc0e34d80b49
Author: Thorsten Behrens <Thorsten.Behrens at CIB.de>
Date:   Thu Jul 14 02:38:04 2016 +0200

    dtrans: remove commented-out code
    This was disabled since f87fd75f68148b9b5ddff7f62ce12c5ec1d7757a
    INTEGRATION: CWS dtransfix (1.11.136)
    Change-Id: Ica132a8b5ed13f5b70944c48e2ec5f6fdd88159e

diff --git a/dtrans/source/win32/dtobj/FmtFilter.cxx b/dtrans/source/win32/dtobj/FmtFilter.cxx
index aaa416f..ea66d37 100644
--- a/dtrans/source/win32/dtobj/FmtFilter.cxx
+++ b/dtrans/source/win32/dtobj/FmtFilter.cxx
@@ -222,114 +222,6 @@ Sequence< sal_Int8 > SAL_CALL OOBmpToWinDIB( Sequence< sal_Int8 >& aOOBmp )
     return winDIBStream;
-// converts the openoffice text/html clipboard format to the HTML Format
-// well known under MS Windows
-// the MS HTML Format has a header before the real html data
-// Version:1.0      Version number of the clipboard. Staring is 0.9
-// StartHTML:       Byte count from the beginning of the clipboard to the start
-//                  of the context, or -1 if no context
-// EndHTML:         Byte count from the beginning of the clipboard to the end
-//                  of the context, or -1 if no context
-// StartFragment:   Byte count from the beginning of the clipboard to the
-//                  start of the fragment
-// EndFragment:     Byte count from the beginning of the clipboard to the
-//                  end of the fragment
-// StartSelection:  Byte count from the beginning of the clipboard to the
-//                  start of the selection
-// EndSelection:    Byte count from the beginning of the clipboard to the
-//                  end of the selection
-// StartSelection and EndSelection are optional
-// The fragment should be preceded and followed by the HTML comments
-// <!--StartFragment--> and <!--EndFragment--> (no space between !-- and the
-// text
-Sequence< sal_Int8 > SAL_CALL TextHtmlToHTMLFormat( Sequence< sal_Int8 >& aTextHtml )
-    OSL_ASSERT( aTextHtml.getLength( ) > 0 );
-    // check parameter
-    if ( !(aTextHtml.getLength( ) > 0) )
-        return Sequence< sal_Int8 >( );
-    // we create a buffer with the approximated size of
-    // the HTML Format header
-    char aHTMLFmtHdr[120];
-    memset( aHTMLFmtHdr, 0, sizeof( aHTMLFmtHdr ) );
-    // fill the buffer with dummy values to calc the
-    // exact length
-    wsprintf(
-        aHTMLFmtHdr,
-        "Version:1.0\nStartHTML:%010d\r\nnEndHTML:%010d\r\nStartFragment:%010\r\nnEndFragment:%010d\r\n", 0, 0, 0, 0 );
-    sal_uInt32 lHTMLFmtHdr = rtl_str_getLength( aHTMLFmtHdr );
-    // the office always writes the start
-    // and end html tag in upper cases and
-    // without spaces
-    // both tags don't allow parameters
-    OString startHtmlTag( "<HTML>" );
-    OString endHtmlTag(   "</HTML>" );
-    // we don't include '>' into the search
-    // because the body tag allows parameters
-    // e.g. <BODY param>
-    OString startBodyTag( "<BODY" );
-    OString endBodyTag(   "</BODY" );
-    OString textHtml(
-        reinterpret_cast< const sal_Char* >( aTextHtml.getConstArray( ) ),
-        aTextHtml.getLength( ) );
-    sal_Int32 nStartHtml  = textHtml.indexOf( startHtmlTag );
-    sal_Int32 nEndHtml    = textHtml.indexOf( endHtmlTag );
-    sal_Int32 nStartFrgmt = textHtml.indexOf( startBodyTag );
-    sal_Int32 nEndFrgmt   = textHtml.indexOf( endBodyTag );
-    OSL_ASSERT( (nStartHtml >= 0) && (nEndHtml > nStartHtml) && (nStartFrgmt > nStartHtml) && (nEndFrgmt > nStartFrgmt) );
-    Sequence< sal_Int8 > aHTMLFmtSequence;
-    if ( (nStartHtml > -1) && (nEndHtml > -1) && (nStartFrgmt > -1) && (nEndFrgmt > -1) )
-    {
-        nStartHtml  = nStartHtml  + lHTMLFmtHdr - 1; // we start one before <HTML> Word 2000 does also so
-        nEndHtml    = nEndHtml    + lHTMLFmtHdr + endHtmlTag.getLength( ) + 1; // our SOffice 5.2 wants 2 behind </HTML>?
-        nStartFrgmt = nStartFrgmt + startBodyTag.getLength( ) + lHTMLFmtHdr; // after the <BODY> tag
-        nEndFrgmt   = nEndFrgmt   + lHTMLFmtHdr;
-        // fill the html header
-        memset( aHTMLFmtHdr, 0, sizeof( aHTMLFmtHdr ) );
-        wsprintf(
-            aHTMLFmtHdr,
-            "Version:1.0\nStartHTML:%010d\r\nEndHTML:%010d\r\nStartFragment:%010d\r\nEndFragment:%010d\r\n",
-            nStartHtml, nEndHtml, nStartFrgmt, nEndFrgmt );
-        // we add space for a trailing \0
-        aHTMLFmtSequence.realloc( lHTMLFmtHdr + aTextHtml.getLength( ) + 1 );
-        memset( aHTMLFmtSequence.getArray( ), 0, aHTMLFmtSequence.getLength( ) );
-        // copy the HTML Format header
-        memcpy(
-            static_cast< LPVOID >( aHTMLFmtSequence.getArray( ) ),
-            static_cast< LPVOID >( aHTMLFmtHdr ), lHTMLFmtHdr );
-        // concat the text/html
-        memcpy(
-            static_cast< LPVOID >( aHTMLFmtSequence.getArray( ) + lHTMLFmtHdr ),
-            static_cast< LPVOID >( aTextHtml.getArray( ) ),
-            aTextHtml.getLength( ) );
-    }
-    return aHTMLFmtSequence;
 std::string GetHtmlFormatHeader(size_t startHtml, size_t endHtml, size_t startFragment, size_t endFragment)
     std::ostringstream htmlHeader;

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