[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: basic/source

Muhammet Kara muhammet.kara at pardus.org.tr
Tue Jun 21 06:44:18 UTC 2016

 basic/source/basmgr/basmgr.cxx |   25 ++++++++++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit fafb309d2ec6b7a7125409dabffd13613ad65a0d
Author: Muhammet Kara <muhammet.kara at pardus.org.tr>
Date:   Mon Jun 20 13:56:03 2016 +0300

    prefer OUStringBuffer to concatenating OUString in a loop
    And improve OUString readability and efficiency.
    See: https://goo.gl/jsVAwy:
    Change-Id: I8d847b1ca3cde7cb8733d6f8a649612745cf6aae
    Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/26511
    Tested-by: Jenkins <ci at libreoffice.org>
    Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <noelgrandin at gmail.com>

diff --git a/basic/source/basmgr/basmgr.cxx b/basic/source/basmgr/basmgr.cxx
index 9b8cf68..918d61d 100644
--- a/basic/source/basmgr/basmgr.cxx
+++ b/basic/source/basmgr/basmgr.cxx
@@ -1626,29 +1626,32 @@ ErrCode BasicManager::ExecuteMacro( OUString const& i_fullyQualifiedName, OUStri
         sArgs.remove( 0, 1 );
         sArgs.remove( sArgs.getLength() - 1, 1 );
-        sQuotedArgs = "(";
+        OUStringBuffer aBuff;
         OUString sArgs2 = sArgs.makeStringAndClear();
         sal_Int32 nCount = comphelper::string::getTokenCount(sArgs2, ',');
+        aBuff.append("(");
         for (sal_Int32 n = 0; n < nCount; ++n)
-            sQuotedArgs += "\"";
-            sQuotedArgs += sArgs2.getToken(n, ',');
-            sQuotedArgs += "\"";
+            aBuff.append( "\"" );
+            aBuff.append( sArgs2.getToken(n, ',') );
+            aBuff.append( "\"" );
             if ( n < nCount - 1 )
-                sQuotedArgs += ",";
+                aBuff.append( "," );
+        aBuff.append( ")" );
-        sQuotedArgs += ")";
+        sQuotedArgs = aBuff.makeStringAndClear();
     // add quoted arguments and do the call
-    OUString sCall;
-    sCall += "[";
-    sCall += pMethod->GetName();
-    sCall += sQuotedArgs;
-    sCall += "]";
+    OUString sCall = "["
+                   + pMethod->GetName()
+                   + sQuotedArgs
+                   + "]";
     SbxVariable* pRet = pMethod->GetParent()->Execute( sCall );
     if ( pRet && ( pRet != pMethod ) )

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