[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: config_host/config_graphite.h.in vcl/win

Tim Eves tim_eves at sil.org
Wed Mar 9 03:02:34 UTC 2016

 config_host/config_graphite.h.in |    2 
 vcl/win/gdi/winlayout.cxx        |  372 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 2 files changed, 354 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 64172644c898d4f5f29494b2f8b5fbcdc2cd9824
Author: Tim Eves <tim_eves at sil.org>
Date:   Tue Mar 8 14:46:49 2016 +0700

    DirectWrite rendering for Graphite to work around ExTextOut bug
    ExTextOut has a bug on Windows 7 and above where it incorrectly
    positions certain diacritics, using DirectWrite and Direct2D fixes
    this. Implemented on-demand loading of the DLL so the old ExTextOut
    based renderer will be used when drwite and d2d1 cannot be found
    allowing this work on Windows XP (where this bug doesn't seem to occur)
    Change-Id: I767d62c8188511e745373b61ba51e7e2745f7b8b
    Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/23020
    Tested-by: Jenkins <ci at libreoffice.org>
    Reviewed-by: Michael Meeks <michael.meeks at collabora.com>
    Reviewed-by: Martin Hosken <martin_hosken at sil.org>

diff --git a/config_host/config_graphite.h.in b/config_host/config_graphite.h.in
index 46e624d..953c006 100644
--- a/config_host/config_graphite.h.in
+++ b/config_host/config_graphite.h.in
@@ -3,4 +3,6 @@
diff --git a/vcl/win/gdi/winlayout.cxx b/vcl/win/gdi/winlayout.cxx
index d43f4e1..cccae83 100644
--- a/vcl/win/gdi/winlayout.cxx
+++ b/vcl/win/gdi/winlayout.cxx
@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@
 #include "sft.hxx"
 #include "sallayout.hxx"
-#include "glyphy/demo.hxx"
 #include <cstdio>
 #include <cstdlib>
@@ -54,8 +53,16 @@ typedef std::unordered_map<int,int> IntMap;
 #include <i18nlangtag/languagetag.hxx>
 #include <graphite_features.hxx>
+#include <d2d1.h>
+#include <dwrite.h>
+// This needs to come after any includes for d2d1.h, otherwise we get lots of errors
+#include "glyphy/demo.hxx"
@@ -3562,6 +3569,346 @@ sal_GlyphId GraphiteLayoutWinImpl::getKashidaGlyph(int & rWidth)
     return mrFont.GetMinKashidaGlyph();
+class TextOutRenderer
+    explicit TextOutRenderer() = default;
+    TextOutRenderer(const TextOutRenderer &) = delete;
+    TextOutRenderer & operator = (const TextOutRenderer &) = delete;
+    static TextOutRenderer & get();
+    virtual ~TextOutRenderer() = default;
+    virtual bool operator ()(WinLayout const &rLayout, HDC hDC,
+        const Rectangle* pRectToErase,
+        Point* pPos, int* pGetNextGlypInfo) = 0;
+class ExTextOutRenderer : public TextOutRenderer
+    ExTextOutRenderer(const ExTextOutRenderer &) = delete;
+    ExTextOutRenderer & operator = (const ExTextOutRenderer &) = delete;
+    explicit ExTextOutRenderer() = default;
+    virtual ~ExTextOutRenderer() override = default;
+    bool operator ()(WinLayout const &rLayout, HDC hDC,
+        const Rectangle* pRectToErase,
+        Point* pPos, int* pGetNextGlypInfo) override;
+class D2DWriteTextOutRenderer : public TextOutRenderer
+    typedef HRESULT(WINAPI *pD2D1CreateFactory_t)(D2D1_FACTORY_TYPE,
+        REFIID, const D2D1_FACTORY_OPTIONS *, void **);
+    typedef HRESULT(WINAPI *pDWriteCreateFactory_t)(DWRITE_FACTORY_TYPE,
+        REFIID, IUnknown **);
+    static HINSTANCE mmD2d1, mmDWrite;
+    static pD2D1CreateFactory_t     D2D1CreateFactory;
+    static pDWriteCreateFactory_t   DWriteCreateFactory;
+    static bool InitModules();
+    explicit D2DWriteTextOutRenderer();
+    virtual ~D2DWriteTextOutRenderer() override;
+    bool operator ()(WinLayout const &rLayout, HDC hDC,
+        const Rectangle* pRectToErase,
+        Point* pPos, int* pGetNextGlypInfo) override;
+    static void CleanupModules();
+    // This is a singleton object disable copy ctor and assignemnt operator
+    D2DWriteTextOutRenderer(const D2DWriteTextOutRenderer &) = delete;
+    D2DWriteTextOutRenderer & operator = (const D2DWriteTextOutRenderer &) = delete;
+    bool GetDWriteFaceFromHDC(HDC hDC, IDWriteFontFace ** ppFontFace, float * lfSize) const;
+    bool GetDWriteInkBox(IDWriteFontFace & rFontFace, WinLayout const &rLayout, float const lfEmHeight, Rectangle &) const;
+    inline
+    HRESULT CreateRenderTarget() {
+        if (mpRT) mpRT->Release(); mpRT = NULL;
+        return mpD2DFactory->CreateDCRenderTarget(&mRTProps, &mpRT);
+    }
+    inline
+    bool Ready() const { return mpGdiInterop && mpRT; }
+    inline
+    bool BindDC(HDC hDC, Rectangle const & rRect = Rectangle(0,0,0,0)) {
+        RECT const rc = { rRect.Left(), rRect.Top(), rRect.Right(), rRect.Bottom() };
+        return SUCCEEDED(mpRT->BindDC(hDC, &rc));
+    }
+    ID2D1Factory        * mpD2DFactory;
+    IDWriteFactory      * mpDWriteFactory;
+    IDWriteGdiInterop   * mpGdiInterop;
+    ID2D1DCRenderTarget * mpRT;
+HINSTANCE D2DWriteTextOutRenderer::mmD2d1 = nullptr,
+          D2DWriteTextOutRenderer::mmDWrite = nullptr;
+D2DWriteTextOutRenderer::pD2D1CreateFactory_t D2DWriteTextOutRenderer::D2D1CreateFactory = nullptr;
+D2DWriteTextOutRenderer::pDWriteCreateFactory_t D2DWriteTextOutRenderer::DWriteCreateFactory = nullptr;
+bool D2DWriteTextOutRenderer::InitModules()
+    mmD2d1 = LoadLibrary("D2d1.dll");
+    mmDWrite = LoadLibrary("dwrite.dll");
+    if (mmD2d1 && mmDWrite)
+    {
+        D2D1CreateFactory = pD2D1CreateFactory_t(GetProcAddress(mmD2d1, "D2D1CreateFactory"));
+        DWriteCreateFactory = pDWriteCreateFactory_t(GetProcAddress(mmDWrite, "DWriteCreateFactory"));
+    }
+    if (!D2D1CreateFactory || !DWriteCreateFactory)
+    {
+        CleanupModules();
+        return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+void D2DWriteTextOutRenderer::CleanupModules()
+    if (mmD2d1)     FreeLibrary(mmD2d1);
+    if (mmDWrite)   FreeLibrary(mmDWrite);
+    mmD2d1 = nullptr;
+    mmDWrite = nullptr;
+    D2D1CreateFactory = nullptr;
+    DWriteCreateFactory = nullptr;
+TextOutRenderer & TextOutRenderer::get()
+    static std::unique_ptr<TextOutRenderer> _impl(D2DWriteTextOutRenderer::InitModules()
+        ? static_cast<TextOutRenderer*>(new D2DWriteTextOutRenderer())
+        : static_cast<TextOutRenderer*>(new ExTextOutRenderer()));
+    static std::unique_ptr<TextOutRenderer> _impl(static_cast<TextOutRenderer*>(new ExTextOutRenderer()));
+    return *_impl;
+bool ExTextOutRenderer::operator ()(WinLayout const &rLayout, HDC hDC,
+    const Rectangle* pRectToErase,
+    Point* pPos, int* pGetNextGlypInfo)
+    if (pRectToErase)
+    {
+        RECT aRect = { pRectToErase->Left(), pRectToErase->Top(), pRectToErase->Left() + pRectToErase->GetWidth(), pRectToErase->Top() + pRectToErase->GetHeight() };
+        FillRect(hDC, &aRect, static_cast<HBRUSH>(GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH)));
+    }
+    const int MAX_GLYPHS = 2;
+    sal_GlyphId glyphIntStr[MAX_GLYPHS];
+    int nGlyphs = 0;
+    WORD glyphWStr[MAX_GLYPHS];
+    do
+    {
+        nGlyphs = rLayout.GetNextGlyphs(1, glyphIntStr, *pPos, *pGetNextGlypInfo);
+        if (nGlyphs < 1)
+            break;
+        std::copy_n(glyphIntStr, nGlyphs, glyphWStr);
+        ExtTextOutW(hDC, pPos->X(), pPos->Y(), ETO_GLYPH_INDEX, NULL, LPCWSTR(&glyphWStr), nGlyphs, NULL);
+    } while (!pRectToErase);
+    return (pRectToErase && nGlyphs >= 1);
+    : mpD2DFactory(NULL),
+    mpDWriteFactory(NULL),
+    mpGdiInterop(NULL),
+    mpRT(NULL),
+    mRTProps(D2D1::RenderTargetProperties(D2D1_RENDER_TARGET_TYPE_DEFAULT,
+    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+    hr = D2D1CreateFactory(D2D1_FACTORY_TYPE_SINGLE_THREADED, __uuidof(ID2D1Factory), NULL, reinterpret_cast<void **>(&mpD2DFactory));
+    hr = DWriteCreateFactory(DWRITE_FACTORY_TYPE_SHARED, __uuidof(IDWriteFactory), reinterpret_cast<IUnknown**>(&mpDWriteFactory));
+    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+    {
+        hr = mpDWriteFactory->GetGdiInterop(&mpGdiInterop);
+        hr = CreateRenderTarget();
+    }
+    if (mpRT)            mpRT->Release();
+    if (mpGdiInterop)    mpGdiInterop->Release();
+    if (mpDWriteFactory) mpDWriteFactory->Release();
+    if (mpD2DFactory)    mpD2DFactory->Release();
+    CleanupModules();
+bool D2DWriteTextOutRenderer::operator ()(WinLayout const &rLayout, HDC hDC,
+    const Rectangle* pRectToErase,
+    Point* pPos, int* pGetNextGlypInfo)
+    if (!Ready())
+        return false;
+    // Initially bind to an empty rectangle to get access to the font face,
+    //  we'll update it once we've calculated a bounding rect.
+    if (!BindDC(hDC))
+        return false;
+    IDWriteFontFace * pFontFace = NULL;
+    float lfEmHeight = 0;
+    if (!GetDWriteFaceFromHDC(hDC, &pFontFace, &lfEmHeight))
+        return false;
+    Rectangle bounds;
+    bool succeeded = GetDWriteInkBox(*pFontFace, rLayout, lfEmHeight, bounds);
+    if (pRectToErase)
+    {
+        bounds.Intersection(*pRectToErase);
+        bounds.Union(*pRectToErase);
+    }
+    succeeded &= BindDC(hDC, bounds);   // Update the bounding rect.
+    ID2D1SolidColorBrush* pBlackBrush = NULL;
+    succeeded &= SUCCEEDED(mpRT->CreateSolidColorBrush(D2D1::ColorF(GetTextColor(hDC)), &pBlackBrush));
+    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+    if (succeeded)
+    {
+        if (pRectToErase)
+            mpRT->Clear(D2D1::ColorF(D2D1::ColorF::White));
+        const int MAX_GLYPHS = 2;
+        sal_GlyphId glyphIntStr[MAX_GLYPHS];
+        UINT16 glyphIndices[MAX_GLYPHS];
+        long   glyphIntAdv[MAX_GLYPHS];
+        FLOAT  glyphAdvances[MAX_GLYPHS];
+        DWRITE_GLYPH_OFFSET glyphOffsets[MAX_GLYPHS] = { { 0.0f, 0.0f }, };
+        int nGlyphs = 0;
+        mpRT->BeginDraw();
+        do
+        {
+            nGlyphs = rLayout.GetNextGlyphs(1, glyphIntStr, *pPos, *pGetNextGlypInfo, glyphIntAdv);
+            if (nGlyphs < 1)
+                break;
+            std::copy_n(glyphIntStr, nGlyphs, glyphIndices);
+            std::copy_n(glyphIntAdv, nGlyphs, glyphAdvances);
+            D2D1_POINT_2F baseline = { pPos->X() - bounds.Left(), pPos->Y() - bounds.Top() };
+            DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN glyphs = {
+                pFontFace,
+                lfEmHeight,
+                nGlyphs,
+                glyphIndices,
+                glyphAdvances,
+                glyphOffsets,
+                false,
+                0
+            };
+            mpRT->DrawGlyphRun(baseline, &glyphs, pBlackBrush);
+        } while (!pRectToErase);
+        hr = mpRT->EndDraw();
+    }
+    if (pBlackBrush)
+        pBlackBrush->Release();
+    if (pFontFace)
+        pFontFace->Release();
+    if (hr == D2DERR_RECREATE_TARGET)
+        CreateRenderTarget();
+    return (SUCCEEDED(hr) && succeeded && pRectToErase);
+bool D2DWriteTextOutRenderer::GetDWriteFaceFromHDC(HDC hDC, IDWriteFontFace ** ppFontFace, float * lfSize) const
+    bool const succeeded = SUCCEEDED(mpGdiInterop->CreateFontFaceFromHdc(hDC, ppFontFace));
+    if (succeeded)
+    {
+        LOGFONTW aLogFont;
+        HFONT hFont = (HFONT)::GetCurrentObject(hDC, OBJ_FONT);
+        GetObjectW(hFont, sizeof(LOGFONTW), &aLogFont);
+        float dpix, dpiy;
+        mpRT->GetDpi(&dpix, &dpiy);
+        *lfSize = aLogFont.lfHeight * 96.0f / dpiy;
+        assert(*lfSize < 0);
+        *lfSize *= -1;
+    }
+    return succeeded;
+bool D2DWriteTextOutRenderer::GetDWriteInkBox(IDWriteFontFace & rFontFace, WinLayout const &rLayout, float const lfEmHeight, Rectangle & rOut) const
+    rOut.SetEmpty();
+    DWRITE_FONT_METRICS aFontMetrics;
+    rFontFace.GetMetrics(&aFontMetrics);
+    Point aPos;
+    for (int nStart = 0;;)
+    {
+        sal_GlyphId nLGlyph;
+        if (rLayout.GetNextGlyphs(1, &nLGlyph, aPos, nStart) < 1)
+            break;
+        // get bounding rectangle of individual glyph
+        UINT16  indices[1] = { nLGlyph };
+        DWRITE_GLYPH_METRICS metrics[1];
+        if (!SUCCEEDED(rFontFace.GetDesignGlyphMetrics(indices, 1, metrics, false)))
+            return false;
+        // We accumulate glyph boxes design unit space
+        Rectangle aGlyphInkBox(
+            metrics->leftSideBearing,
+            metrics->topSideBearing - metrics->verticalOriginY,
+            metrics->advanceWidth - metrics->rightSideBearing,
+            INT32(metrics->advanceHeight) - metrics->verticalOriginY - metrics->bottomSideBearing);
+        aGlyphInkBox += aPos * aFontMetrics.designUnitsPerEm / lfEmHeight;
+        rOut.Union(aGlyphInkBox);
+    }
+    // Scale to screen space.
+    rOut.Left() = std::lround(rOut.Left()*lfEmHeight / aFontMetrics.designUnitsPerEm);
+    rOut.Top() = std::lround(rOut.Top()*lfEmHeight / aFontMetrics.designUnitsPerEm);
+    rOut.Right() = 1+std::lround(rOut.Right()*lfEmHeight / aFontMetrics.designUnitsPerEm);
+    rOut.Bottom() = 1+std::lround(rOut.Bottom()*lfEmHeight / aFontMetrics.designUnitsPerEm);
+    return true;
 float gr_fontAdvance(const void* appFontHandle, gr_uint16 glyphId)
     HDC hDC = reinterpret_cast<HDC>(const_cast<void*>(appFontHandle));
@@ -3650,30 +3997,15 @@ bool GraphiteWinLayout::DrawTextImpl(HDC hDC,
                                      Point* pPos,
                                      int* pGetNextGlypInfo) const
-    if (pRectToErase)
-    {
-        RECT aRect = { pRectToErase->Left(), pRectToErase->Top(), pRectToErase->Left()+pRectToErase->GetWidth(), pRectToErase->Top()+pRectToErase->GetHeight() };
-        FillRect(hDC, &aRect, static_cast<HBRUSH>(GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH)));
-    }
     HFONT hOrigFont = DisableFontScaling();
     maImpl.DrawBase() = WinLayout::maDrawBase;
     maImpl.DrawOffset() = WinLayout::maDrawOffset;
-    const int MAX_GLYPHS = 2;
-    sal_GlyphId glyphIntStr[MAX_GLYPHS];
-    WORD glyphWStr[MAX_GLYPHS];
-    int nGlyphs = 0;
-    do
-    {
-        nGlyphs = maImpl.GetNextGlyphs(1, glyphIntStr, *pPos, *pGetNextGlypInfo);
-        if (nGlyphs < 1)
-            break;
-        std::copy(glyphIntStr, glyphIntStr + nGlyphs, glyphWStr);
-        ExtTextOutW(hDC, pPos->X(), pPos->Y(), ETO_GLYPH_INDEX, NULL, (LPCWSTR)&(glyphWStr), nGlyphs, NULL);
-    } while (!pRectToErase);
+    TextOutRenderer & render = TextOutRenderer::get();
+    bool const ok = render(*this, hDC, pRectToErase, pPos, pGetNextGlypInfo);
     if( hOrigFont )
         DeleteFont(SelectFont(hDC, hOrigFont));
-    return (pRectToErase && nGlyphs >= 1);
+    return ok;
 bool GraphiteWinLayout::CacheGlyphs(SalGraphics& /*rGraphics*/) const

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