[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: 3 commits - writerfilter/inc writerfilter/Library_writerfilter.mk writerfilter/qa writerfilter/source xmlsecurity/qa xmlsecurity/source

Miklos Vajna vmiklos at collabora.co.uk
Fri Mar 11 08:12:02 UTC 2016

 writerfilter/Library_writerfilter.mk                            |    1 
 writerfilter/inc/dmapper/DomainMapperFactory.hxx                |    6 
 writerfilter/qa/cppunittests/misc/misc.cxx                      |   40 +--
 writerfilter/source/dmapper/DomainMapper_Impl.cxx               |    5 
 writerfilter/source/dmapper/DomainMapper_Impl.hxx               |    4 
 writerfilter/source/rtftok/rtfdocumentimpl.cxx                  |    4 
 xmlsecurity/qa/create-certs/create-certs.sh                     |    3 
 xmlsecurity/source/framework/buffernode.cxx                     |   96 -------
 xmlsecurity/source/framework/buffernode.hxx                     |    4 
 xmlsecurity/source/framework/decryptorimpl.cxx                  |   33 --
 xmlsecurity/source/framework/decryptorimpl.hxx                  |    4 
 xmlsecurity/source/framework/elementcollector.cxx               |   41 ---
 xmlsecurity/source/framework/elementcollector.hxx               |    4 
 xmlsecurity/source/framework/elementmark.cxx                    |    7 
 xmlsecurity/source/framework/elementmark.hxx                    |    4 
 xmlsecurity/source/framework/encryptionengine.cxx               |   27 --
 xmlsecurity/source/framework/encryptionengine.hxx               |    4 
 xmlsecurity/source/framework/encryptorimpl.cxx                  |   30 --
 xmlsecurity/source/framework/encryptorimpl.hxx                  |    4 
 xmlsecurity/source/framework/saxeventkeeperimpl.cxx             |   85 ------
 xmlsecurity/source/framework/saxeventkeeperimpl.hxx             |    4 
 xmlsecurity/source/framework/securityengine.hxx                 |    4 
 xmlsecurity/source/framework/signaturecreatorimpl.cxx           |   40 ---
 xmlsecurity/source/framework/signaturecreatorimpl.hxx           |    4 
 xmlsecurity/source/framework/signatureengine.cxx                |   33 --
 xmlsecurity/source/framework/signatureengine.hxx                |    4 
 xmlsecurity/source/framework/signatureverifierimpl.cxx          |   33 --
 xmlsecurity/source/framework/signatureverifierimpl.hxx          |    4 
 xmlsecurity/source/helper/xsecctl.cxx                           |  129 ----------
 xmlsecurity/source/helper/xsecctl.hxx                           |    4 
 xmlsecurity/source/helper/xsecparser.hxx                        |    4 
 xmlsecurity/source/xmlsec/mscrypt/seinitializer_mscryptimpl.hxx |    4 
 xmlsecurity/source/xmlsec/xmldocumentwrapper_xmlsecimpl.cxx     |   86 ------
 xmlsecurity/source/xmlsec/xmldocumentwrapper_xmlsecimpl.hxx     |    4 
 xmlsecurity/source/xmlsec/xmlelementwrapper_xmlsecimpl.cxx      |   13 -
 xmlsecurity/source/xmlsec/xmlelementwrapper_xmlsecimpl.hxx      |    4 
 36 files changed, 32 insertions(+), 748 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 0fea7b00e26d9e5ee9ae995d484540adadf85fda
Author: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos at collabora.co.uk>
Date:   Fri Mar 11 09:11:13 2016 +0100

    xmlsecurity: add missing CSP switch to certificate generator script
    Without this the generated .p12 test file can't be used for SHA2 signing
    on Windows, as xmlsec.git's README points out.
    Change-Id: Ib97a337eca3b92dde5e0ccadee7420c492a8971c

diff --git a/xmlsecurity/qa/create-certs/create-certs.sh b/xmlsecurity/qa/create-certs/create-certs.sh
index cc2d317..30ae73d 100755
--- a/xmlsecurity/qa/create-certs/create-certs.sh
+++ b/xmlsecurity/qa/create-certs/create-certs.sh
@@ -150,7 +150,8 @@ do
         -inkey intermediate/private/example-xmlsecurity-${i}.key.pem \
         -passin env:SSLPASS \
         -in intermediate/certs/example-xmlsecurity-${i}.cert.pem \
-        -certfile intermediate/certs/ca-chain.cert.pem
+        -certfile intermediate/certs/ca-chain.cert.pem \
+        -CSP "Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider"
commit eb63915f0ab18cd7225a573bcb9a5121c7d6b0f1
Author: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos at collabora.co.uk>
Date:   Fri Mar 11 09:09:41 2016 +0100

    xmlsecurity: clean up no longer relevant email addresses
    Change-Id: I224a0914bd3506b4e2ce057c53838ec78187b060

diff --git a/xmlsecurity/source/framework/buffernode.cxx b/xmlsecurity/source/framework/buffernode.cxx
index f68b28b..462a98c 100644
--- a/xmlsecurity/source/framework/buffernode.cxx
+++ b/xmlsecurity/source/framework/buffernode.cxx
@@ -60,10 +60,6 @@ bool BufferNode::isECOfBeforeModifyIncluded(sal_Int32 nIgnoredSecurityId) const
  *   RESULT
  *  bExist - true if a match found, false otherwise
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     bool rc = false;
@@ -104,10 +100,6 @@ void BufferNode::setReceivedAll()
  *   RESULT
  *  empty
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     m_bAllReceived = true;
@@ -132,10 +124,6 @@ void BufferNode::addElementCollector(const ElementCollector* pElementCollector)
  *   RESULT
  *  empty
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     m_vElementCollectors.push_back( pElementCollector );
@@ -160,10 +148,6 @@ void BufferNode::removeElementCollector(const ElementCollector* pElementCollecto
  *   RESULT
  *  empty
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     std::vector< const ElementCollector* >::iterator ii = m_vElementCollectors.begin();
@@ -201,10 +185,6 @@ void BufferNode::setBlocker(const ElementMark* pBlocker)
  *   NOTES
  *  Because there is only one blocker permitted for a BufferNode, so the
  *  old blocker on this BufferNode, if there is one, will be overcasted.
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     OSL_ASSERT(!(m_pBlocker != nullptr && pBlocker != nullptr));
@@ -233,10 +213,6 @@ OUString BufferNode::printChildren() const
  *   RESULT
  *  result - the information string
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     OUString rc;
@@ -290,10 +266,6 @@ bool BufferNode::hasAnything() const
  *   RESULT
  *  bExist - true if there is, false otherwise.
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     return (m_pBlocker || !m_vElementCollectors.empty());
@@ -317,10 +289,6 @@ bool BufferNode::hasChildren() const
  *   RESULT
  *  bExist - true if there is, false otherwise.
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     return (!m_vChildren.empty());
@@ -349,10 +317,6 @@ const BufferNode* BufferNode::getFirstChild() const
  *   RESULT
  *  child - the first child BufferNode, or NULL if there is no child
  *          BufferNode.
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     BufferNode* rc = nullptr;
@@ -387,10 +351,6 @@ void BufferNode::addChild(const BufferNode* pChild, sal_Int32 nPosition)
  *   NOTES
  *  If the nPosition is -1, then the new child BufferNode is appended
  *  at the end.
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     if (nPosition == -1)
@@ -425,10 +385,6 @@ void BufferNode::addChild(const BufferNode* pChild)
  *   NOTES
  *  The new child BufferNode is appended at the end.
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     addChild(pChild, -1);
@@ -451,10 +407,6 @@ void BufferNode::removeChild(const BufferNode* pChild)
  *   RESULT
  *  empty
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     std::vector< const BufferNode* >::iterator ii = m_vChildren.begin();
@@ -487,10 +439,6 @@ sal_Int32 BufferNode::indexOfChild(const BufferNode* pChild) const
  *   RESULT
  *  index - the index of that child BufferNode. If that child BufferNode
  *          is not found, -1 is returned.
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     sal_Int32 nIndex = 0;
@@ -539,10 +487,6 @@ const BufferNode* BufferNode::getNextSibling() const
  *   RESULT
  *  sibling - the next sibling BufferNode, or NULL if there is none.
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     BufferNode* rc = nullptr;
@@ -574,10 +518,6 @@ const BufferNode* BufferNode::isAncestor(const BufferNode* pDescendant) const
  *   RESULT
  *  bIs -   true if this BufferNode is an ancestor of the pDescendant,
  *          false otherwise.
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     BufferNode* rc = nullptr;
@@ -626,10 +566,6 @@ bool BufferNode::isPrevious(const BufferNode* pFollowing) const
  *   RESULT
  *  bIs -   true if this BufferNode is ahead in the tree order, false
  *          otherwise.
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     bool rc = false;
@@ -676,10 +612,6 @@ const BufferNode* BufferNode::getNextNodeByTreeOrder() const
  *  3. otherwise, if it has a parent node, the parent's next sibling
  *     node is;
  *  4. otherwise, no "next" node exists.
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
@@ -752,10 +684,6 @@ void BufferNode::notifyBranch()
  *   RESULT
  *  empty
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     std::vector< const BufferNode* >::const_iterator ii = m_vChildren.begin();
@@ -786,10 +714,6 @@ void BufferNode::elementCollectorNotify()
  *   RESULT
  *  child - the first child BufferNode, or NULL if there is no child
  *          BufferNode.
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     if (!m_vElementCollectors.empty())
@@ -876,10 +800,6 @@ bool BufferNode::isECInSubTreeIncluded(sal_Int32 nIgnoredSecurityId) const
  *   RESULT
  *  bExist - true if a match found, false otherwise.
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     bool rc = false;
@@ -940,10 +860,6 @@ bool BufferNode::isECOfBeforeModifyInAncestorIncluded(sal_Int32 nIgnoredSecurity
  *   RESULT
  *  bExist - true if a match found, false otherwise.
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     bool rc = false;
@@ -985,10 +901,6 @@ bool BufferNode::isBlockerInSubTreeIncluded(sal_Int32 nIgnoredSecurityId) const
  *   RESULT
  *  bExist - true if a match found, false otherwise.
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     bool rc = false;
@@ -1036,10 +948,6 @@ const BufferNode* BufferNode::getNextChild(const BufferNode* pChild) const
  *   RESULT
  *  nextChild - the next child BufferNode after the pChild, or NULL if
  *  there is none.
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     BufferNode* rc = nullptr;
@@ -1081,10 +989,6 @@ void BufferNode::freeAllChildren()
  *   RESULT
  *  empty
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     std::vector< const BufferNode* >::const_iterator ii = m_vChildren.begin();
diff --git a/xmlsecurity/source/framework/buffernode.hxx b/xmlsecurity/source/framework/buffernode.hxx
index 18f3bb6..9495beb 100644
--- a/xmlsecurity/source/framework/buffernode.hxx
+++ b/xmlsecurity/source/framework/buffernode.hxx
@@ -42,10 +42,6 @@ class BufferNode
  *  an ancestor of another bufferred element, then the corresponding
  *  BufferNode objects are also in ancestor/descendant relationship.
  *  This class is used to manipulate the tree of bufferred elements.
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
diff --git a/xmlsecurity/source/framework/decryptorimpl.cxx b/xmlsecurity/source/framework/decryptorimpl.cxx
index 13577cf..d499bcd 100644
--- a/xmlsecurity/source/framework/decryptorimpl.cxx
+++ b/xmlsecurity/source/framework/decryptorimpl.cxx
@@ -56,15 +56,8 @@ bool DecryptorImpl::checkReady() const
  *  1. the result listener is ready;
  *  2. the EncryptionEngine is ready.
- *   INPUTS
- *  empty
- *
  *   RESULT
  *  bReady - true if all conditions are satisfied, false otherwise
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     return (m_xResultListener.is() && EncryptionEngine::checkReady());
@@ -77,22 +70,6 @@ void DecryptorImpl::notifyResultListener() const
  *   NAME
  *  notifyResultListener -- notifies the listener about the decryption
  *  result.
- *
- *  notifyResultListener( );
- *
- *  see NAME.
- *
- *   INPUTS
- *  empty
- *
- *   RESULT
- *  empty
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     cssu::Reference< cssxc::sax::XDecryptionResultListener >
@@ -110,9 +87,6 @@ void DecryptorImpl::startEngine( const cssu::Reference<
  *   NAME
  *  startEngine -- decrypts the encryption.
- *  startEngine( xEncryptionTemplate );
- *
  *  decrypts the encryption element, then if succeeds, updates the link
  *  of old template element to the new encryption element in
@@ -120,13 +94,6 @@ void DecryptorImpl::startEngine( const cssu::Reference<
  *   INPUTS
  *  xEncryptionTemplate - the encryption template to be decrypted.
- *
- *   RESULT
- *  empty
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     cssu::Reference< cssxc::XXMLEncryptionTemplate > xResultTemplate;
diff --git a/xmlsecurity/source/framework/decryptorimpl.hxx b/xmlsecurity/source/framework/decryptorimpl.hxx
index 4328256..42103834 100644
--- a/xmlsecurity/source/framework/decryptorimpl.hxx
+++ b/xmlsecurity/source/framework/decryptorimpl.hxx
@@ -46,10 +46,6 @@ class DecryptorImpl : public DecryptorImpl_Base
  *  Collects all resources for decrypting an encryption, then decrypts the
  *  encryption by invoking a xmlsec-based encryption bridge component.
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
diff --git a/xmlsecurity/source/framework/elementcollector.cxx b/xmlsecurity/source/framework/elementcollector.cxx
index bfaec16..ccdcb72 100644
--- a/xmlsecurity/source/framework/elementcollector.cxx
+++ b/xmlsecurity/source/framework/elementcollector.cxx
@@ -68,13 +68,6 @@ ElementCollector::ElementCollector(
  *                  element.
  *  xReferenceResolvedListener
  *            - the listener that this ElementCollector notifies to.
- *
- *   RESULT
- *  empty
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     m_type = cssxc::sax::ElementMarkType_ELEMENTCOLLECTOR;
@@ -92,16 +85,6 @@ void ElementCollector::notifyListener()
  *  enable the ability to notify the listener and try to notify then.
- *
- *   INPUTS
- *  empty
- *
- *   RESULT
- *  empty
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     m_bAbleToNotify = true;
@@ -124,13 +107,6 @@ void ElementCollector::setReferenceResolvedListener(
  *   INPUTS
  *  xReferenceResolvedListener - the new listener
- *
- *   RESULT
- *  empty
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     m_xReferenceResolvedListener = xReferenceResolvedListener;
@@ -152,16 +128,6 @@ void ElementCollector::doNotify()
  *  the notify right is granted;
  *  the listener has already been configured;
  *  the security id has already been configure
- *
- *   INPUTS
- *  empty
- *
- *   RESULT
- *  empty
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     if (!m_bNotified &&
@@ -191,13 +157,6 @@ ElementCollector* ElementCollector::clone(
  *   INPUTS
  *  nBufferId - the buffer node's Id
  *  nPriority - the priority
- *
- *   RESULT
- *  clone -     a new ElementCollector
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     ElementCollector* pClonedOne
diff --git a/xmlsecurity/source/framework/elementcollector.hxx b/xmlsecurity/source/framework/elementcollector.hxx
index dfc73b0..cec87b6 100644
--- a/xmlsecurity/source/framework/elementcollector.hxx
+++ b/xmlsecurity/source/framework/elementcollector.hxx
@@ -34,10 +34,6 @@ class ElementCollector : public ElementMark
  *  This class is derived from the ElementMark class. Beyond the function
  *  of the ElementMark class, this class also maintains the priority, and
  *  manages the notify process
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
diff --git a/xmlsecurity/source/framework/elementmark.cxx b/xmlsecurity/source/framework/elementmark.cxx
index 66ebe4b..2ce86f8 100644
--- a/xmlsecurity/source/framework/elementmark.cxx
+++ b/xmlsecurity/source/framework/elementmark.cxx
@@ -47,13 +47,6 @@ ElementMark::ElementMark(sal_Int32 nSecurityId, sal_Int32 nBufferId)
  *          wrapper component. The document wrapper component
  *          uses this id to search the particular bufferred
  *          element.
- *
- *   RESULT
- *  empty
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
diff --git a/xmlsecurity/source/framework/elementmark.hxx b/xmlsecurity/source/framework/elementmark.hxx
index 8838f24..ac86e87c 100644
--- a/xmlsecurity/source/framework/elementmark.hxx
+++ b/xmlsecurity/source/framework/elementmark.hxx
@@ -34,10 +34,6 @@ class ElementMark
  *  This class maintains the security id, buffer id and its type for a
  *  buffer node.
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
diff --git a/xmlsecurity/source/framework/encryptionengine.cxx b/xmlsecurity/source/framework/encryptionengine.cxx
index 30d8452..cef5f66 100644
--- a/xmlsecurity/source/framework/encryptionengine.cxx
+++ b/xmlsecurity/source/framework/encryptionengine.cxx
@@ -49,15 +49,8 @@ bool EncryptionEngine::checkReady() const
  *  4. both the key element and the encryption template
  *     are bufferred.
- *   INPUTS
- *  empty
- *
  *   RESULT
  *  bReady - true if all conditions are satisfied, false otherwise
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     bool rc = true;
@@ -96,16 +89,6 @@ void EncryptionEngine::tryToPerform( )
  *  3. clears up all used resources;
  *  4. notifies the result listener;
  *  5. sets the "accomplishment" flag.
- *
- *   INPUTS
- *  empty
- *
- *   RESULT
- *  empty
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     if (checkReady())
@@ -145,16 +128,6 @@ void EncryptionEngine::clearUp( ) const
  *  1. releases the ElementCollector for the encryption template element;
  *  2. releases the Blocker for the encryption template element;
  *  3. releases the ElementCollector for the key element, if there is one.
- *
- *   INPUTS
- *  empty
- *
- *   RESULT
- *  empty
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     Reference < cssxc::sax::XReferenceResolvedBroadcaster >
diff --git a/xmlsecurity/source/framework/encryptionengine.hxx b/xmlsecurity/source/framework/encryptionengine.hxx
index 01ea419..bcf8bfb 100644
--- a/xmlsecurity/source/framework/encryptionengine.hxx
+++ b/xmlsecurity/source/framework/encryptionengine.hxx
@@ -48,10 +48,6 @@ class EncryptionEngine : public cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper
  *  Maintains common members and methods related with encryption.
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
diff --git a/xmlsecurity/source/framework/encryptorimpl.cxx b/xmlsecurity/source/framework/encryptorimpl.cxx
index 03823e5..33bd583 100644
--- a/xmlsecurity/source/framework/encryptorimpl.cxx
+++ b/xmlsecurity/source/framework/encryptorimpl.cxx
@@ -56,15 +56,8 @@ bool EncryptorImpl::checkReady() const
  *  1. the result listener is ready;
  *  2. the EncryptionEngine is ready.
- *   INPUTS
- *  empty
- *
  *   RESULT
  *  bReady - true if all conditions are satisfied, false otherwise
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     sal_Int32 nKeyInc = 0;
@@ -86,22 +79,6 @@ void EncryptorImpl::notifyResultListener() const
  *   NAME
  *  notifyResultListener -- notifies the listener about the encryption
  *  result.
- *
- *  notifyResultListener( );
- *
- *  see NAME.
- *
- *   INPUTS
- *  empty
- *
- *   RESULT
- *  empty
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     Reference< cssxc::sax::XEncryptionResultListener >
@@ -129,13 +106,6 @@ void EncryptorImpl::startEngine( const Reference<
  *   INPUTS
  *  xEncryptionTemplate - the encryption template to be encrypted.
- *
- *   RESULT
- *  empty
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     Reference < cssxc::XXMLEncryptionTemplate > xResultTemplate;
diff --git a/xmlsecurity/source/framework/encryptorimpl.hxx b/xmlsecurity/source/framework/encryptorimpl.hxx
index 486a59c..cc850d3 100644
--- a/xmlsecurity/source/framework/encryptorimpl.hxx
+++ b/xmlsecurity/source/framework/encryptorimpl.hxx
@@ -49,10 +49,6 @@ class EncryptorImpl : public EncryptorImpl_Base
  *  Collects all resources for an encryption generation, then generates the
  *  encryption by invoking a xmlsec-based encryption bridge component.
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
diff --git a/xmlsecurity/source/framework/saxeventkeeperimpl.cxx b/xmlsecurity/source/framework/saxeventkeeperimpl.cxx
index 492e23e..768eb66 100644
--- a/xmlsecurity/source/framework/saxeventkeeperimpl.cxx
+++ b/xmlsecurity/source/framework/saxeventkeeperimpl.cxx
@@ -97,13 +97,6 @@ void SAXEventKeeperImpl::setCurrentBufferNode(BufferNode* pBufferNode)
  *   INPUTS
  *  pBufferNode - a BufferNode which will be the new active BufferNode
- *
- *   RESULT
- *  empty
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     if (pBufferNode != m_pCurrentBufferNode)
@@ -139,16 +132,9 @@ BufferNode* SAXEventKeeperImpl::addNewElementMarkBuffers()
  *  current BufferNode doesn't exist, creates one.
  *  Clears up the new ElementCollector list and the new Blocker pointer.
- *   INPUTS
- *  empty
- *
  *   RESULT
  *  pBufferNode - the BufferNode that has been connected with both new
  *                ElementCollectors and new Blocker.
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     BufferNode* pBufferNode = nullptr;
@@ -228,10 +214,6 @@ ElementMark* SAXEventKeeperImpl::findElementMarkBuffer(sal_Int32 nId) const
  *   RESULT
  *  pElementMark - the ElementMark with the particular Id, or NULL when
  *                 no such Id exists.
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     ElementMark* pElementMark = nullptr;
@@ -264,13 +246,6 @@ void SAXEventKeeperImpl::removeElementMarkBuffer(sal_Int32 nId)
  *   INPUTS
  *  nId - the Id of the ElementMark to be removed.
- *
- *   RESULT
- *  empty
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     std::vector< const ElementMark* >::iterator ii = m_vElementMarkBuffers.begin();
@@ -339,10 +314,6 @@ OUString SAXEventKeeperImpl::printBufferNode(
  *   RESULT
  *  info - the information string
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     OUString rc;
@@ -403,18 +374,11 @@ cssu::Sequence< cssu::Reference< cssxw::XXMLElementWrapper > >
  *  list = collectChildWorkingElement( pBufferNode );
- *  see NAME.
- *
  *   INPUTS
  *  pBufferNode - the BufferNode whose child Elements will be collected.
  *   RESULT
  *  list - the child Elements list.
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     std::vector< const BufferNode* >* vChildren = pBufferNode->getChildren();
@@ -458,9 +422,6 @@ void SAXEventKeeperImpl::smashBufferNode(
  *  pBufferNode -   the BufferNode to be removed
  *  bClearRoot -    whether the root element also needs to be cleared up.
- *   RESULT
- *  empty
- *
  *   NOTES
  *  when removing a Blocker's BufferNode, the bClearRoot flag should be
  *  true. Because a Blocker can buffer many SAX events which are not used
@@ -469,10 +430,6 @@ void SAXEventKeeperImpl::smashBufferNode(
  *  cleared, with a stop flag seting at the next Blocking BufferNode. This
  *  operation can delete all useless bufferred SAX events which are only
  *  needed by the Blocker to be deleted.
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     if (!pBufferNode->hasAnything())
@@ -601,9 +558,6 @@ BufferNode* SAXEventKeeperImpl::findNextBlockingBufferNode(
  *  pBufferNode = findNextBlockingBufferNode( pStartBufferNode );
- *  see NAME.
- *
  *   INPUTS
  *  pStartBufferNode - the BufferNode from where to search the next
  *                     blocking BufferNode.
@@ -611,10 +565,6 @@ BufferNode* SAXEventKeeperImpl::findNextBlockingBufferNode(
  *   RESULT
  *  pBufferNode - the next blocking BufferNode, or NULL if no such
  *                BufferNode exists.
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     BufferNode* pNext = nullptr;
@@ -652,13 +602,6 @@ void SAXEventKeeperImpl::diffuse(BufferNode* pBufferNode)
  *   INPUTS
  *  pBufferNode - the BufferNode from which the notification will be
  *                diffused.
- *
- *   RESULT
- *  empty
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     BufferNode* pParent = pBufferNode;
@@ -683,16 +626,6 @@ void SAXEventKeeperImpl::releaseElementMarkBuffer()
  *  releases each ElementMark in the releasing list
  *  m_vReleasedElementMarkBuffers.
  *  The operation differs between an ElementCollector and a Blocker.
- *
- *   INPUTS
- *  empty
- *
- *   RESULT
- *  empty
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     m_bIsReleasing = true;
@@ -838,13 +771,6 @@ void SAXEventKeeperImpl::markElementMarkBuffer(sal_Int32 nId)
  *   INPUTS
  *  nId - the Id of the ElementMark which will be released
- *
- *   RESULT
- *  empty
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     m_vReleasedElementMarkBuffers.push_back( nId );
@@ -881,10 +807,6 @@ sal_Int32 SAXEventKeeperImpl::createElementCollector(
  *   RESULT
  *  nId - the Id of the new ElementCollector
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     sal_Int32 nId = m_nNextElementMarkId;
@@ -918,15 +840,8 @@ sal_Int32 SAXEventKeeperImpl::createBlocker()
  *  nId = createBlocker( nSecurityId );
- *  see NAME.
- *
  *   RESULT
  *  nId - the Id of the new Blocker
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     sal_Int32 nId = m_nNextElementMarkId;
diff --git a/xmlsecurity/source/framework/saxeventkeeperimpl.hxx b/xmlsecurity/source/framework/saxeventkeeperimpl.hxx
index f191583..e959017 100644
--- a/xmlsecurity/source/framework/saxeventkeeperimpl.hxx
+++ b/xmlsecurity/source/framework/saxeventkeeperimpl.hxx
@@ -55,10 +55,6 @@ class SAXEventKeeperImpl : public cppu::WeakImplHelper
  *  Controls SAX events to be bufferred, and controls bufferred SAX events
  *  to be released.
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
diff --git a/xmlsecurity/source/framework/securityengine.hxx b/xmlsecurity/source/framework/securityengine.hxx
index e677c49..c7eb3b2 100644
--- a/xmlsecurity/source/framework/securityengine.hxx
+++ b/xmlsecurity/source/framework/securityengine.hxx
@@ -43,10 +43,6 @@ class SecurityEngine : public cppu::WeakImplHelper
  *  Maintains common members and methods related with security engine
  *  operation.
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
diff --git a/xmlsecurity/source/framework/signaturecreatorimpl.cxx b/xmlsecurity/source/framework/signaturecreatorimpl.cxx
index ee90642..905db95 100644
--- a/xmlsecurity/source/framework/signaturecreatorimpl.cxx
+++ b/xmlsecurity/source/framework/signaturecreatorimpl.cxx
@@ -58,15 +58,8 @@ bool SignatureCreatorImpl::checkReady() const
  *  2. the id of the template blocker is known;
  *  3. the SignatureEngine is ready.
- *   INPUTS
- *  empty
- *
  *   RESULT
  *  bReady - true if all conditions are satisfied, false otherwise
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     return (m_xResultListener.is() &&
@@ -81,22 +74,6 @@ void SignatureCreatorImpl::notifyResultListener() const
  *   NAME
  *  notifyResultListener -- notifies the listener about the signature
  *  creation result.
- *
- *  notifyResultListener( );
- *
- *  see NAME.
- *
- *   INPUTS
- *  empty
- *
- *   RESULT
- *  empty
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     cssu::Reference< cssxc::sax::XSignatureCreationResultListener >
@@ -125,13 +102,6 @@ void SignatureCreatorImpl::startEngine( const cssu::Reference<
  *   INPUTS
  *  xSignatureTemplate - the signature template (along with all referenced
  *  elements) to be signed.
- *
- *   RESULT
- *  empty
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     cssu::Reference< cssxc::XXMLSignatureTemplate > xResultTemplate;
@@ -165,16 +135,6 @@ void SignatureCreatorImpl::clearUp() const
  *  cleaning resources up includes:
  *  1. SignatureEngine's clearing up;
  *  2. releases the Blocker for the signature template element.
- *
- *   INPUTS
- *  empty
- *
- *   RESULT
- *  empty
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
diff --git a/xmlsecurity/source/framework/signaturecreatorimpl.hxx b/xmlsecurity/source/framework/signaturecreatorimpl.hxx
index 638d4cc..3915f48 100644
--- a/xmlsecurity/source/framework/signaturecreatorimpl.hxx
+++ b/xmlsecurity/source/framework/signaturecreatorimpl.hxx
@@ -49,10 +49,6 @@ class SignatureCreatorImpl : public SignatureCreatorImpl_Base
  *  Collects all resources for a signature generation, then generates the
  *  signature by invoking a xmlsec-based signature bridge component.
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
diff --git a/xmlsecurity/source/framework/signatureengine.cxx b/xmlsecurity/source/framework/signatureengine.cxx
index 15285b5..d4b322f 100644
--- a/xmlsecurity/source/framework/signatureengine.cxx
+++ b/xmlsecurity/source/framework/signatureengine.cxx
@@ -51,15 +51,8 @@ bool SignatureEngine::checkReady() const
  *  4. all of referenced elements, the key element and the signature
  *     template are bufferred.
- *   INPUTS
- *  empty
- *
  *   RESULT
  *  bReady - true if all conditions are satisfied, false otherwise
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     bool rc = true;
@@ -88,9 +81,6 @@ void SignatureEngine::tryToPerform( )
  *   NAME
  *  tryToPerform -- tries to perform the signature operation.
- *  tryToPerform( );
- *
  *  if the situation is ready, perform following operations.
  *  1. prepares a signature template;
@@ -98,16 +88,6 @@ void SignatureEngine::tryToPerform( )
  *  3. clears up all used resources;
  *  4. notifies the result listener;
  *  5. sets the "accomplishment" flag.
- *
- *   INPUTS
- *  empty
- *
- *   RESULT
- *  empty
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     if (checkReady())
@@ -152,24 +132,11 @@ void SignatureEngine::clearUp( ) const
  *   NAME
  *  clearUp -- clear up all resources used by this operation.
- *  clearUp( );
- *
  *  cleaning resources up includes:
  *  1. releases the ElementCollector for the signature template element;
  *  2. releases ElementCollectors for referenced elements;
  *  3. releases the ElementCollector for the key element, if there is one.
- *
- *   INPUTS
- *  empty
- *
- *   RESULT
- *  empty
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     cssu::Reference < cssxc::sax::XReferenceResolvedBroadcaster >
diff --git a/xmlsecurity/source/framework/signatureengine.hxx b/xmlsecurity/source/framework/signatureengine.hxx
index 1c9fd41..b0a7a3d 100644
--- a/xmlsecurity/source/framework/signatureengine.hxx
+++ b/xmlsecurity/source/framework/signatureengine.hxx
@@ -51,10 +51,6 @@ class SignatureEngine : public cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper
  *  Maintains common members and methods related with signature operation.
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
diff --git a/xmlsecurity/source/framework/signatureverifierimpl.cxx b/xmlsecurity/source/framework/signatureverifierimpl.cxx
index 6d3f0ef..3d3c80d 100644
--- a/xmlsecurity/source/framework/signatureverifierimpl.cxx
+++ b/xmlsecurity/source/framework/signatureverifierimpl.cxx
@@ -55,15 +55,8 @@ bool SignatureVerifierImpl::checkReady() const
  *  1. the result listener is ready;
  *  2. the SignatureEngine is ready.
- *   INPUTS
- *  empty
- *
  *   RESULT
  *  bReady - true if all conditions are satisfied, false otherwise
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     return (m_xResultListener.is() && SignatureEngine::checkReady());
@@ -75,22 +68,6 @@ void SignatureVerifierImpl::notifyResultListener() const
  *   NAME
  *  notifyResultListener -- notifies the listener about the verify result.
- *
- *  notifyResultListener( );
- *
- *  see NAME.
- *
- *   INPUTS
- *  empty
- *
- *   RESULT
- *  empty
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     cssu::Reference< cssxc::sax::XSignatureVerifyResultListener >
@@ -111,19 +88,9 @@ void SignatureVerifierImpl::startEngine( const cssu::Reference<
  *  startEngine( xSignatureTemplate );
- *  see NAME.
- *
  *   INPUTS
  *  xSignatureTemplate - the signature template (along with all referenced
  *  elements) to be verified.
- *
- *   RESULT
- *  empty
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     cssu::Reference< cssxc::XXMLSignatureTemplate > xResultTemplate;
diff --git a/xmlsecurity/source/framework/signatureverifierimpl.hxx b/xmlsecurity/source/framework/signatureverifierimpl.hxx
index 2130e7c..de1f332 100644
--- a/xmlsecurity/source/framework/signatureverifierimpl.hxx
+++ b/xmlsecurity/source/framework/signatureverifierimpl.hxx
@@ -48,10 +48,6 @@ class SignatureVerifierImpl : public SignatureVerifierImpl_Base
  *  Collects all resources for a signature verification, then verifies the
  *  signature by invoking a xmlsec-based signature bridge component.
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
diff --git a/xmlsecurity/source/helper/xsecctl.cxx b/xmlsecurity/source/helper/xsecctl.cxx
index 288295b..676e60d 100644
--- a/xmlsecurity/source/helper/xsecctl.cxx
+++ b/xmlsecurity/source/helper/xsecctl.cxx
@@ -87,19 +87,12 @@ int XSecController::findSignatureInfor( sal_Int32 nSecurityId) const
  *  index = findSignatureInfor( nSecurityId );
- *  see NAME.
- *
  *   INPUTS
  *  nSecurityId - the signature's id
  *   RESULT
  *  index - the index of the signature, or -1 when no such signature
  *          existing
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     int i;
@@ -122,24 +115,11 @@ void XSecController::createXSecComponent( )
  *   NAME
  *  bResult = createXSecComponent -- creates xml security components
- *  createXSecComponent( );
- *
  *  Creates xml security components, including:
  *  1. an xml signature bridge component ( Java based or C based)
  *  2. an XMLDocumentWrapper component ( Java based or C based)
  *  3. a SAXEventKeeper component
- *
- *   INPUTS
- *  empty
- *
- *   RESULT
- *  empty
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
@@ -242,10 +222,6 @@ bool XSecController::chainOn( bool bRetrievingLastEvent )
  *  So for the SAXEventKeeper, it needs to receive all missed key SAX
  *  events except that startElement event, then adds a new
  *  ElementCollector, then receives that startElement event.
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     bool rc = false;
@@ -327,22 +303,6 @@ void XSecController::chainOff()
  *   NAME
  *  chainOff -- disconnects the SAXEventKeeper from the SAX chain.
- *
- *  chainOff( );
- *
- *  See NAME.
- *
- *   INPUTS
- *  empty
- *
- *   RESULT
- *  empty
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     if (!m_bIsSAXEventKeeperSticky )
@@ -398,16 +358,6 @@ void XSecController::checkChainingStatus()
  *  1. some element is being collected, or
  *  2. the SAX event stream is blocking.
  *  Otherwise, chain off the SAXEventKeeper.
- *
- *   INPUTS
- *  empty
- *
- *   RESULT
- *  empty
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     if ( m_bIsCollectingElement || m_bIsBlocking )
@@ -427,23 +377,10 @@ void XSecController::initializeSAXChain()
  *  initializeSAXChain -- initializes the SAX chain according to the
  *  current setting.
- *  initializeSAXChain( );
- *
  *  Initializes the SAX chain, if the SAXEventKeeper is asked to be always
  *  on the SAX chain, chains it on. Otherwise, starts the
  *  ElementStackKeeper to reserve key SAX events.
- *
- *   INPUTS
- *  empty
- *
- *   RESULT
- *  empty
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     m_bIsSAXEventKeeperConnected = false;
@@ -471,18 +408,11 @@ cssu::Reference< com::sun::star::io::XInputStream >
  *  xInputStream = getObjectInputStream( objectURL );
- *  See NAME.
- *
  *   INPUTS
  *  objectURL - the object uri
  *   RESULT
  *  xInputStream - the XInputStream interface
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
         cssu::Reference< com::sun::star::io::XInputStream > xObjectInputStream;
@@ -513,9 +443,6 @@ void XSecController::startMission(
  *   NAME
  *  startMission -- starts a new security mission.
- *  startMission( xUriBinding, xSecurityContect );
- *
  *  get ready for a new mission.
@@ -524,13 +451,6 @@ void XSecController::startMission(
  *                          XInputStreams
  *  xSecurityContext  - the security context component which can provide
  *                      cryptoken
- *
- *   RESULT
- *  empty
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     m_xUriBinding = xUriBinding;
@@ -559,21 +479,11 @@ void XSecController::setSAXChainConnector(
  *                        xDocumentHandler,
  *                        xElementStackKeeper );
- *  See NAME.
- *
  *   INPUTS
  *  xInitialization     - the previous node on the SAX chain
  *  xDocumentHandler    - the next node on the SAX chain
  *  xElementStackKeeper - the ElementStackKeeper component which reserves
  *                        missed key SAX events for the SAXEventKeeper
- *
- *   RESULT
- *  empty
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     m_bIsPreviousNodeInitializable = true;
@@ -589,22 +499,6 @@ void XSecController::clearSAXChainConnector()
  *   NAME
  *  clearSAXChainConnector -- resets the collaborating components.
- *
- *  clearSAXChainConnector( );
- *
- *  See NAME.
- *
- *   INPUTS
- *  empty
- *
- *   RESULT
- *  empty
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
@@ -632,21 +526,8 @@ void XSecController::endMission()
  *   NAME
  *  endMission -- forces to end all missions
- *  endMission( );
- *
  *  Deletes all signature information and forces all missions to an end.
- *
- *   INPUTS
- *  empty
- *
- *   RESULT
- *  empty
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     sal_Int32 size = m_vInternalSignatureInformations.size();
@@ -695,19 +576,9 @@ void XSecController::exportSignature(
  *  exportSignature( xDocumentHandler, signatureInfo);
- *  see NAME.
- *
  *   INPUTS
  *  xDocumentHandler    - the document handler to receive the signature
  *  signatureInfo       - signature to be exported
- *
- *   RESULT
- *  empty
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
diff --git a/xmlsecurity/source/helper/xsecctl.hxx b/xmlsecurity/source/helper/xsecctl.hxx
index 595ea82..36f6dc2 100644
--- a/xmlsecurity/source/helper/xsecctl.hxx
+++ b/xmlsecurity/source/helper/xsecctl.hxx
@@ -175,10 +175,6 @@ class XSecController : public cppu::WeakImplHelper
  *  The XFastPropertySet interface is used to transfer common values to
  *  classes in other module, for instance, the signature id for all
  *  sessions is transferred to xmloff module through this interface.
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     friend class XSecParser;
diff --git a/xmlsecurity/source/helper/xsecparser.hxx b/xmlsecurity/source/helper/xsecparser.hxx
index f87ca23..92ec436 100644
--- a/xmlsecurity/source/helper/xsecparser.hxx
+++ b/xmlsecurity/source/helper/xsecparser.hxx
@@ -46,10 +46,6 @@ class XSecParser: public cppu::WeakImplHelper
  *   NOTES
  *  This class is used when importing a document.
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     friend class XSecController;
diff --git a/xmlsecurity/source/xmlsec/mscrypt/seinitializer_mscryptimpl.hxx b/xmlsecurity/source/xmlsec/mscrypt/seinitializer_mscryptimpl.hxx
index 39d2ad7..a0f368b9 100644
--- a/xmlsecurity/source/xmlsec/mscrypt/seinitializer_mscryptimpl.hxx
+++ b/xmlsecurity/source/xmlsec/mscrypt/seinitializer_mscryptimpl.hxx
@@ -45,10 +45,6 @@ class SEInitializer_MSCryptImpl : public cppu::WeakImplHelper
  *  Use this class to initialize a XmlSec based Security Context
  *  instance. After this instance is used up, use this class to free this
  *  instance.
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
diff --git a/xmlsecurity/source/xmlsec/xmldocumentwrapper_xmlsecimpl.cxx b/xmlsecurity/source/xmlsec/xmldocumentwrapper_xmlsecimpl.cxx
index af7543b..9fba406 100644
--- a/xmlsecurity/source/xmlsec/xmldocumentwrapper_xmlsecimpl.cxx
+++ b/xmlsecurity/source/xmlsec/xmldocumentwrapper_xmlsecimpl.cxx
@@ -106,16 +106,6 @@ void XMLDocumentWrapper_XmlSecImpl::getNextSAXEvent()
  *  NODEPOSITION_NORMAL for other SAX events;
- *
- *   INPUTS
- *  empty
- *
- *   RESULT
- *  empty
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     OSL_ASSERT( m_pCurrentElement != nullptr );
@@ -204,13 +194,6 @@ void XMLDocumentWrapper_XmlSecImpl::sendStartElement(
  *          startElement SAX event. It can't be NULL.
  *  pNode -     the node on which the startElement should be generated.
  *          This node must be a element type.
- *
- *   RESULT
- *  empty
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     SvXMLAttributeList* pAttributeList = new SvXMLAttributeList();
@@ -304,13 +287,6 @@ void XMLDocumentWrapper_XmlSecImpl::sendEndElement(
  *          endElement SAX event. It can't be NULL.
  *  pNode -     the node on which the endElement should be generated.
  *          This node must be a element type.
- *
- *   RESULT
- *  empty
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     OString sNodeName = getNodeQName(pNode);
@@ -352,13 +328,6 @@ void XMLDocumentWrapper_XmlSecImpl::sendNode(
  *          If it is a text node, then a characters SAX event is
  *          generated; if it is a PI node, then a
  *          processingInstructionfor SAX event is generated.
- *
- *   RESULT
- *  empty
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     xmlElementType type = pNode->type;
@@ -396,18 +365,11 @@ OString XMLDocumentWrapper_XmlSecImpl::getNodeQName(const xmlNodePtr pNode)
  *  name = getNodeQName(pNode);
- *  see NAME
- *
  *   INPUTS
  *  pNode - the node whose name will be retrieved
  *   RESULT
  *  name - the node's qualified name
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     OString sNodeName(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(pNode->name));
@@ -435,18 +397,11 @@ xmlNodePtr XMLDocumentWrapper_XmlSecImpl::checkElement( const cssu::Reference< c
  *  node = checkElement(xXMLElement);
- *  see NAME
- *
  *   INPUTS
  *  xXMLElement -   the XXMLElementWrapper interface wraping a node
  *   RESULT
  *  node - the node wrapped in the XXMLElementWrapper interface
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     xmlNodePtr rc = nullptr;
@@ -511,10 +466,6 @@ sal_Int32 XMLDocumentWrapper_XmlSecImpl::recursiveDelete(
  *   NOTES
  *  The node in the m_aReservedNodes list must be in the tree order, otherwise
  *  the result is unpredictable.
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     if (pNode == m_pStopAtNode)
@@ -582,16 +533,6 @@ void XMLDocumentWrapper_XmlSecImpl::getNextReservedNode()
  *  This method is used to highlight the next node in the node list.
  *  This method is called at the time when the current highlighted node
  *  has been already processed, and the next node should be ready.
- *
- *   INPUTS
- *  empty
- *
- *   RESULT
- *  empty
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     if (m_nReservedNodeIndex < m_aReservedNodes.getLength())
@@ -619,13 +560,6 @@ void XMLDocumentWrapper_XmlSecImpl::removeNode(const xmlNodePtr pNode) const
  *   INPUTS
  *  pNode - the node to be deleted
- *
- *   RESULT
- *  empty
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     /* you can't remove the current node */
@@ -656,18 +590,8 @@ void XMLDocumentWrapper_XmlSecImpl::buildIDAttr(xmlNodePtr pNode) const
  *  buildIDAttr( pNode );
- *  see NAME
- *
  *   INPUTS
  *  pNode - the node whose id attribute will be built
- *
- *   RESULT
- *  empty
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     xmlAttrPtr idAttr = xmlHasProp( pNode, reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>("id") );
@@ -692,18 +616,8 @@ void XMLDocumentWrapper_XmlSecImpl::rebuildIDLink(xmlNodePtr pNode) const
  *  rebuildIDLink( pNode );
- *  see NAME
- *
  *   INPUTS
  *  pNode - the node, from which the branch will be rebuilt
- *
- *   RESULT
- *  empty
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     if (pNode != nullptr && pNode->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
diff --git a/xmlsecurity/source/xmlsec/xmldocumentwrapper_xmlsecimpl.hxx b/xmlsecurity/source/xmlsec/xmldocumentwrapper_xmlsecimpl.hxx
index c682087..5905ad1 100644
--- a/xmlsecurity/source/xmlsec/xmldocumentwrapper_xmlsecimpl.hxx
+++ b/xmlsecurity/source/xmlsec/xmldocumentwrapper_xmlsecimpl.hxx
@@ -54,10 +54,6 @@ class XMLDocumentWrapper_XmlSecImpl : public cppu::WeakImplHelper
  *  Converts SAX events into a libxml2 document, converts the document back
  *  into SAX event stream, and manipulate nodes in the document.
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
diff --git a/xmlsecurity/source/xmlsec/xmlelementwrapper_xmlsecimpl.cxx b/xmlsecurity/source/xmlsec/xmlelementwrapper_xmlsecimpl.cxx
index a9ce4ed..409a68d 100644
--- a/xmlsecurity/source/xmlsec/xmlelementwrapper_xmlsecimpl.cxx
+++ b/xmlsecurity/source/xmlsec/xmlelementwrapper_xmlsecimpl.cxx
@@ -116,21 +116,8 @@ void XMLElementWrapper_XmlSecImpl::setNativeElement(const xmlNodePtr pNode)
  *   NAME
  *  setNativeElement -- Configures the libxml2 node wrapped by this object
- *  setNativeElement( pNode );
- *
- *  see NAME
- *
  *   INPUTS
  *  pNode - the new libxml2 node to be wrapped by this object
- *
- *   RESULT
- *  empty
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
     m_pElement = pNode;
diff --git a/xmlsecurity/source/xmlsec/xmlelementwrapper_xmlsecimpl.hxx b/xmlsecurity/source/xmlsec/xmlelementwrapper_xmlsecimpl.hxx
index 5082bb0..c29a7c7 100644
--- a/xmlsecurity/source/xmlsec/xmlelementwrapper_xmlsecimpl.hxx
+++ b/xmlsecurity/source/xmlsec/xmlelementwrapper_xmlsecimpl.hxx
@@ -46,10 +46,6 @@ class XMLElementWrapper_XmlSecImpl : public cppu::WeakImplHelper
  *  Used as a wrapper class to transfer a libxml2 node structure
  *  between different UNO components.
- *
- *   AUTHOR
- *  Michael Mi
- *  Email: michael.mi at sun.com
commit 9f9fa48ad0539646c68f544af1d55711d7f74c15
Author: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos at collabora.co.uk>
Date:   Fri Mar 11 09:08:13 2016 +0100

    writerfilter: avoid ugly cross-directory include
    Change-Id: I16db4e16e5c2fa3aa3bfb22f83d2c36695499b5c

diff --git a/writerfilter/Library_writerfilter.mk b/writerfilter/Library_writerfilter.mk
index 8d3508d..792b162 100644
--- a/writerfilter/Library_writerfilter.mk
+++ b/writerfilter/Library_writerfilter.mk
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ $(eval $(call gb_Library_set_include,writerfilter,\
     $$(INCLUDE) \
     -I$(SRCDIR)/writerfilter/inc \
     -I$(SRCDIR)/writerfilter/source \
-    -I$(SRCDIR)/writerfilter/source/dmapper \
 $(eval $(call gb_Library_use_sdk_api,writerfilter))
diff --git a/writerfilter/inc/dmapper/DomainMapperFactory.hxx b/writerfilter/inc/dmapper/DomainMapperFactory.hxx
index afd798a..01c347e 100644
--- a/writerfilter/inc/dmapper/DomainMapperFactory.hxx
+++ b/writerfilter/inc/dmapper/DomainMapperFactory.hxx
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
+#include <vector>
 #include <dmapper/resourcemodel.hxx>
 #include <com/sun/star/io/XInputStream.hpp>
 #include <com/sun/star/lang/XComponent.hpp>
@@ -42,6 +44,10 @@ public:
                  SourceDocumentType eDocumentType,
                  utl::MediaDescriptor& rMediaDesc);
+// export just for test
+SAL_DLLPUBLIC_EXPORT std::tuple<OUString, std::vector<OUString>, std::vector<OUString> > splitFieldCommand(const OUString& rCommand);
 } // namespace dmapper
 } // namespace writerfilter
diff --git a/writerfilter/qa/cppunittests/misc/misc.cxx b/writerfilter/qa/cppunittests/misc/misc.cxx
index 1bf1581..f59695a 100644
--- a/writerfilter/qa/cppunittests/misc/misc.cxx
+++ b/writerfilter/qa/cppunittests/misc/misc.cxx
@@ -59,80 +59,80 @@ void WriterfilterMiscTest::testTwipConversions()
 void WriterfilterMiscTest::testFieldParameters()
-    using writerfilter::dmapper::lcl_SplitFieldCommand;
+    using writerfilter::dmapper::splitFieldCommand;
     std::tuple<OUString, std::vector<OUString>, std::vector<OUString> > result;
-    result = lcl_SplitFieldCommand("PAGEREF last_page");
+    result = splitFieldCommand("PAGEREF last_page");
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(OUString("PAGEREF"), std::get<0>(result));
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(size_t(1), std::get<1>(result).size());
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(OUString("last_page"), std::get<1>(result)[0]);
-    result = lcl_SplitFieldCommand(" PAGEREF last_page ");
+    result = splitFieldCommand(" PAGEREF last_page ");
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(OUString("PAGEREF"), std::get<0>(result));
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(size_t(1), std::get<1>(result).size());
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(OUString("last_page"), std::get<1>(result)[0]);
-    result = lcl_SplitFieldCommand("pageref last_page");
+    result = splitFieldCommand("pageref last_page");
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(OUString("PAGEREF"), std::get<0>(result));
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(size_t(1), std::get<1>(result).size());
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(OUString("last_page"), std::get<1>(result)[0]);
-    result = lcl_SplitFieldCommand("pageref \"last_page\"");
+    result = splitFieldCommand("pageref \"last_page\"");
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(OUString("PAGEREF"), std::get<0>(result));
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(size_t(1), std::get<1>(result).size());
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(OUString("last_page"), std::get<1>(result)[0]);
-    result = lcl_SplitFieldCommand("\"PAGEREF\" \"last_page\" \"\" ");
+    result = splitFieldCommand("\"PAGEREF\" \"last_page\" \"\" ");
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(OUString("PAGEREF"), std::get<0>(result));
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(size_t(2), std::get<1>(result).size());
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(OUString("last_page"), std::get<1>(result)[0]);
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(OUString(), std::get<1>(result)[1]);
-    result = lcl_SplitFieldCommand("\"PAGEREF\"\"last_page\"  ");
+    result = splitFieldCommand("\"PAGEREF\"\"last_page\"  ");
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(OUString("PAGEREF"), std::get<0>(result));
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(size_t(1), std::get<1>(result).size());
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(OUString("last_page"), std::get<1>(result)[0]);
-    result = lcl_SplitFieldCommand("PAGEREF\"last_page\"  ");
+    result = splitFieldCommand("PAGEREF\"last_page\"  ");
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(OUString("PAGEREF"), std::get<0>(result));
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(size_t(1), std::get<1>(result).size());
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(OUString("last_page"), std::get<1>(result)[0]);
-    result = lcl_SplitFieldCommand("\"PAGEREF\"last_page \"\"");
+    result = splitFieldCommand("\"PAGEREF\"last_page \"\"");
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(OUString("PAGEREF"), std::get<0>(result));
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(size_t(2), std::get<1>(result).size());
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(OUString("last_page"), std::get<1>(result)[0]);
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(OUString(), std::get<1>(result)[1]);
-    result = lcl_SplitFieldCommand("\"PAGEREF\"last_page \"\"");
+    result = splitFieldCommand("\"PAGEREF\"last_page \"\"");
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(OUString("PAGEREF"), std::get<0>(result));
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(size_t(2), std::get<1>(result).size());
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(OUString("last_page"), std::get<1>(result)[0]);
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(OUString(), std::get<1>(result)[1]);
-    result = lcl_SplitFieldCommand("pageref \"last\\\\pa\\\"ge\"");
+    result = splitFieldCommand("pageref \"last\\\\pa\\\"ge\"");
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(OUString("PAGEREF"), std::get<0>(result));
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(size_t(1), std::get<1>(result).size());
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(OUString("last\\pa\"ge"), std::get<1>(result)[0]);
-    result = lcl_SplitFieldCommand("PAGEREF\"last_page\"\\*");
+    result = splitFieldCommand("PAGEREF\"last_page\"\\*");
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(OUString("PAGEREF"), std::get<0>(result));
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(size_t(1), std::get<1>(result).size());
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(OUString("last_page"), std::get<1>(result)[0]);
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(size_t(1), std::get<2>(result).size());
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(OUString("\\*"), std::get<2>(result)[0]);
-    result = lcl_SplitFieldCommand("PAGEREF  last_page   \\b   foobar ");
+    result = splitFieldCommand("PAGEREF  last_page   \\b   foobar ");
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(OUString("PAGEREF"), std::get<0>(result));
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(size_t(1), std::get<1>(result).size());
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(OUString("last_page"), std::get<1>(result)[0]);
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ void WriterfilterMiscTest::testFieldParameters()
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(OUString("\\B"), std::get<2>(result)[0]);
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(OUString("foobar"), std::get<2>(result)[1]);
-    result = lcl_SplitFieldCommand("PAGEREF\\bfoobar\\A\"\"");
+    result = splitFieldCommand("PAGEREF\\bfoobar\\A\"\"");
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(OUString("PAGEREF"), std::get<0>(result));
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(size_t(4), std::get<2>(result).size());
@@ -154,19 +154,19 @@ void WriterfilterMiscTest::testFieldParameters()
                         "]", "^", "_", "`", "{", "|", "}", "~"})
         OUString test(OUString::createFromAscii(prefix) + "PAGE");
-        result = lcl_SplitFieldCommand(test + " ");
+        result = splitFieldCommand(test + " ");
         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(test, std::get<0>(result));
-    result = lcl_SplitFieldCommand("\\PAGE ");
+    result = splitFieldCommand("\\PAGE ");
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(OUString("PAGE"), std::get<0>(result));
-    result = lcl_SplitFieldCommand("\\ PAGE ");
+    result = splitFieldCommand("\\ PAGE ");
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(OUString("\\ "), std::get<0>(result));
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(OUString("PAGE"), std::get<1>(result)[0]);
-    result = lcl_SplitFieldCommand("\\\\PAGE ");
+    result = splitFieldCommand("\\\\PAGE ");
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(OUString("\\PAGE"), std::get<0>(result));
-    result = lcl_SplitFieldCommand("\"PAGE\" ");
+    result = splitFieldCommand("\"PAGE\" ");
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(OUString("PAGE"), std::get<0>(result));
-    result = lcl_SplitFieldCommand("\"PAGE ");
+    result = splitFieldCommand("\"PAGE ");
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(OUString("PAGE "), std::get<0>(result));
diff --git a/writerfilter/source/dmapper/DomainMapper_Impl.cxx b/writerfilter/source/dmapper/DomainMapper_Impl.cxx
index 3dc0040..653d6ef 100644
--- a/writerfilter/source/dmapper/DomainMapper_Impl.cxx
+++ b/writerfilter/source/dmapper/DomainMapper_Impl.cxx
@@ -2283,8 +2283,7 @@ static OUString lcl_ExtractToken(OUString const& rCommand,
     return token.makeStringAndClear();
-std::tuple<OUString, std::vector<OUString>, std::vector<OUString> >
-lcl_SplitFieldCommand(const OUString& rCommand)
+std::tuple<OUString, std::vector<OUString>, std::vector<OUString> > splitFieldCommand(const OUString& rCommand)
     OUString sType;
     std::vector<OUString> arguments;
@@ -3550,7 +3549,7 @@ void DomainMapper_Impl::CloseFieldCommand()
             uno::Reference< uno::XInterface > xFieldInterface;
             std::tuple<OUString, std::vector<OUString>, std::vector<OUString> > const
-                field(lcl_SplitFieldCommand(pContext->GetCommand()));
+                field(splitFieldCommand(pContext->GetCommand()));
             OUString const sFirstParam(std::get<1>(field).empty()
                     ? OUString() : std::get<1>(field).front());
diff --git a/writerfilter/source/dmapper/DomainMapper_Impl.hxx b/writerfilter/source/dmapper/DomainMapper_Impl.hxx
index 2cb84de..24f4bbe 100644
--- a/writerfilter/source/dmapper/DomainMapper_Impl.hxx
+++ b/writerfilter/source/dmapper/DomainMapper_Impl.hxx
@@ -870,10 +870,6 @@ private:
     bool m_bParaHadField;
-// export just for test
-SAL_DLLPUBLIC_EXPORT std::tuple<OUString, std::vector<OUString>, std::vector<OUString> >
-    lcl_SplitFieldCommand(const OUString& rCommand);
 } //namespace dmapper
 } //namespace writerfilter
diff --git a/writerfilter/source/rtftok/rtfdocumentimpl.cxx b/writerfilter/source/rtftok/rtfdocumentimpl.cxx
index 021d802..0a8b737 100644
--- a/writerfilter/source/rtftok/rtfdocumentimpl.cxx
+++ b/writerfilter/source/rtftok/rtfdocumentimpl.cxx
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
 #include <oox/token/namespaces.hxx>
 #include <oox/drawingml/drawingmltypes.hxx>
 #include <rtl/uri.hxx>
-#include <dmapper/DomainMapper_Impl.hxx>
+#include <dmapper/DomainMapperFactory.hxx>
 #include <rtfsdrimport.hxx>
 #include <rtflookahead.hxx>
 #include <rtfcharsets.hxx>
@@ -1575,7 +1575,7 @@ RTFError RTFDocumentImpl::dispatchDestination(RTFKeyword nKeyword)
                 OUString aFieldCommand = OStringToOUString(aBuf.toString(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);
-                std::tuple<OUString, std::vector<OUString>, std::vector<OUString> > aResult = writerfilter::dmapper::lcl_SplitFieldCommand(aFieldCommand);
+                std::tuple<OUString, std::vector<OUString>, std::vector<OUString> > aResult = writerfilter::dmapper::splitFieldCommand(aFieldCommand);
                 m_aPicturePath = std::get<1>(aResult).empty() ? OUString() : std::get<1>(aResult).front();

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