[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: compilerplugins/clang

Noel Grandin noel at peralex.com
Wed Mar 23 12:06:06 UTC 2016

 compilerplugins/clang/constantparam.py |   71 +++++++++++++++++----------------
 1 file changed, 38 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit ef3ca022d9de6eab86b7db5c9d7a88b0c4c8bba2
Author: Noel Grandin <noel at peralex.com>
Date:   Wed Mar 23 13:26:16 2016 +0200

    constantparam loplugin improvements
    clean up the python code, filter out setter methods
    Change-Id: I8294dd305a30708cf0e81c5328935ec8f6cdc8d4
    Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/23466
    Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <noelgrandin at gmail.com>
    Tested-by: Noel Grandin <noelgrandin at gmail.com>

diff --git a/compilerplugins/clang/constantparam.py b/compilerplugins/clang/constantparam.py
index a23be74..49f2f9d 100755
--- a/compilerplugins/clang/constantparam.py
+++ b/compilerplugins/clang/constantparam.py
@@ -8,54 +8,59 @@ definitionSet = set()
 definitionToSourceLocationMap = dict()
 callParamSet = dict()
-# things we need to exclude for reasons like :
-# - it's a weird template thingy that confuses the plugin
-exclusionSet = set([
 # clang does not always use exactly the same numbers in the type-parameter vars it generates
 # so I need to substitute them to ensure we can match correctly.
 normalizeTypeParamsRegex = re.compile(r"type-parameter-\d+-\d+")
 def normalizeTypeParams( line ):
     return normalizeTypeParamsRegex.sub("type-parameter-?-?", line)
-# The parsing here is designed to avoid grabbing stuff which is mixed in from gbuild.
-# I have not yet found a way of suppressing the gbuild output.
+# reading as binary (since we known it is pure ascii) is much faster than reading as unicode
 with io.open(sys.argv[1], "rb", buffering=1024*1024) as txt:
     for line in txt:
-            idx1 = line.find("\t")
-            idx2 = line.find("\t",idx1+1)
-            idx3 = line.find("\t",idx2+1)
-            idx4 = line.find("\t",idx3+1)
-            returnType = line[:idx1]
-            nameAndParams = line[idx1+1:idx2]
-            sourceLocation = line[idx2+1:idx3]
-            paramName = line[idx3+1:idx4]
-            callValue = line[idx4+1:].strip()
-            callInfo = (normalizeTypeParams(returnType), normalizeTypeParams(nameAndParams), paramName)
-            if callInfo in callParamSet:
-                callParamSet[callInfo].add(callValue)
-            else:
-                callParamSet[callInfo] = set([callValue])
-            definitionToSourceLocationMap[callInfo] = sourceLocation
-tmp1set = set()
+        idx1 = line.find("\t")
+        idx2 = line.find("\t",idx1+1)
+        idx3 = line.find("\t",idx2+1)
+        idx4 = line.find("\t",idx3+1)
+        returnType = normalizeTypeParams(line[:idx1])
+        nameAndParams = normalizeTypeParams(line[idx1+1:idx2])
+        sourceLocation = line[idx2+1:idx3]
+        paramName = line[idx3+1:idx4]
+        callValue = line[idx4+1:].strip()
+        callInfo = (returnType, nameAndParams, paramName)
+        if not callInfo in callParamSet:
+            callParamSet[callInfo] = set()
+        callParamSet[callInfo].add(callValue)
+        definitionToSourceLocationMap[callInfo] = sourceLocation
+tmp1list = list()
 for callInfo, callValues in callParamSet.iteritems():
-    if len(callValues) == 1 and "unknown" not in callValues and ("0" in callValues or "1" in callValues or "nullptr" in callValues):
-        v1 = (" ".join(callInfo)) + " " + (",".join(callValues))
-        v2 = definitionToSourceLocationMap[callInfo]
-        tmp1set.add((v1,v2))
+    nameAndParams = callInfo[1]
+    if len(callValues) != 1:
+        continue
+    if "unknown" in callValues:
+        continue
+    # ignore anything with only one parameter, normally just setter methods
+    if nameAndParams.find(",") == -1:
+        continue
+    # if it contains anything other than this set, ignore it
+    if len(callValues - set(["0", "1", "-1", "nullptr"])) > 0:
+        continue
+    v0 = callInfo[0] + " " + callInfo[1]
+    v1 = callInfo[2] + " " + (",".join(callValues))
+    v2 = definitionToSourceLocationMap[callInfo]
+    tmp1list.append((v0,v1,v2))
-# sort results by name and line number
+# sort results by filename:lineno
 def natural_sort_key(s, _nsre=re.compile('([0-9]+)')):
     return [int(text) if text.isdigit() else text.lower()
             for text in re.split(_nsre, s)]
-tmp1list = sorted(tmp1set, key=lambda v: natural_sort_key(v[1]))
+tmp1list.sort(key=lambda v: natural_sort_key(v[2]))
 # print out the results
 with open("unused.constantparams", "wt") as f:
-    for t in tmp1list:
-        f.write(t[1] + "\n")
-        f.write("    " + t[0] + "\n")
+    for v in tmp1list:
+        f.write(v[2] + "\n")
+        f.write("    " + v[0] + "\n")
+        f.write("    " + v[1] + "\n")

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