[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: icon-themes/breeze_svg
andreas kainz
kainz.a at gmail.com
Sat Apr 1 09:17:49 UTC 2017
icon-themes/breeze_svg/cmd/sc_adddirect.svg | 109 --------
icon-themes/breeze_svg/cmd/sc_addfield.svg | 108 --------
icon-themes/breeze_svg/cmd/sc_addwatch.svg | 146 -----------
icon-themes/breeze_svg/cmd/sc_alignblock.svg | 111 --------
icon-themes/breeze_svg/cmd/sc_alignbottom.svg | 116 ---------
icon-themes/breeze_svg/cmd/sc_aligncenter.svg | 108 --------
icon-themes/breeze_svg/cmd/sc_aligndown.svg | 108 --------
icon-themes/breeze_svg/cmd/sc_alignhorizontalcenter.svg | 110 --------
icon-themes/breeze_svg/cmd/sc_alignleft.svg | 154 ------------
icon-themes/breeze_svg/cmd/sc_alignmiddle.svg | 116 ---------
icon-themes/breeze_svg/cmd/sc_alignright.svg | 158 ------------
icon-themes/breeze_svg/cmd/sc_aligntop.svg | 115 ---------
icon-themes/breeze_svg/cmd/sc_alignup.svg | 108 --------
icon-themes/breeze_svg/cmd/sc_alignverticalcenter.svg | 115 ---------
icon-themes/breeze_svg/cmd/sc_anchormenu.svg | 199 ----------------
icon-themes/breeze_svg/cmd/sc_animationeffects.svg | 100 --------
16 files changed, 185 insertions(+), 1796 deletions(-)
New commits:
commit 0cf95212cc55cfe4f101911a7071fa4077afead0
Author: andreas kainz <kainz.a at gmail.com>
Date: Thu Mar 23 23:46:56 2017 +0100
start optimize breeze_svg files
Change-Id: Iced700ddd0cab7490cd5bbf34bae7c81c5ef353a
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/35604
Tested-by: Jenkins <ci at libreoffice.org>
Reviewed-by: Tomaž Vajngerl <quikee at gmail.com>
diff --git a/icon-themes/breeze_svg/cmd/sc_adddirect.svg b/icon-themes/breeze_svg/cmd/sc_adddirect.svg
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