[Libreoffice-commits] dev-tools.git: esc-reporting/esc-analyze.py esc-reporting/esc-collect.py esc-reporting/esc-report.py
jan Iversen
jani at libreoffice.org
Tue Apr 25 09:33:18 UTC 2017
esc-reporting/esc-analyze.py | 118 ++++++++-
esc-reporting/esc-collect.py | 352 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
esc-reporting/esc-report.py | 557 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
3 files changed, 926 insertions(+), 101 deletions(-)
New commits:
commit 72959ef97eee9ad305726b422e7a97dd780fc51e
Author: jan Iversen <jani at libreoffice.org>
Date: Tue Apr 25 11:31:08 2017 +0200
update to esc-report as pr contract.
Added flatODF and ESC minutes.
Solved problem with report_qa, that caused "done by" not to be correct
diff --git a/esc-reporting/esc-analyze.py b/esc-reporting/esc-analyze.py
index 7957a9d..23d9d1a 100755
--- a/esc-reporting/esc-analyze.py
+++ b/esc-reporting/esc-analyze.py
@@ -216,9 +216,11 @@ def util_create_statList():
'qa': {'unconfirmed': {'count': 0, 'documentation': 0, 'enhancement': 0, 'needsUXEval': 0,
'haveBacktrace': 0, 'needsDevAdvice': 0}},
'easyhacks' : {'needsDevEval': 0, 'needsUXEval': 0, 'cleanup_comments': 0,
- 'total': 0, 'assigned': 0, 'open': 0}},
+ 'total': 0, 'assigned': 0, 'open': 0},
+ 'esc': {}},
'stat': {'openhub_last_analyse': "2001-01-01"},
- 'people': {}}
+ 'people': {},
+ 'escList': {}}
@@ -462,6 +464,87 @@ def analyze_qa():
if entry['added'] == 'FIXED' and row['resolution'] == 'FIXED':
util_build_period_stat(xDate, email, 'qa', 'fixed')
+def analyze_esc():
+ global cfg, statList, bugzillaData, bugzillaESCData, weekList
+ print("esc: analyze bugzilla", flush=True)
+ statList['data']['esc']['QAstat'] = {'opened': bugzillaESCData['ESC_QA_STATS_UPDATE']['opened'],
+ 'closed': bugzillaESCData['ESC_QA_STATS_UPDATE']['closed']}
+ statList['data']['esc']['MAB'] = {}
+ statList['escList']['QAstat'] = {'top15_squashers' : {},
+ 'top15_reporters' : {},
+ 'top15_fixers' : []}
+ for line in bugzillaESCData['ESC_QA_STATS_UPDATE']['top15_closers']:
+ statList['escList']['QAstat']['top15_squashers'][line['who']] = line['closed']
+ for line in bugzillaESCData['ESC_QA_STATS_UPDATE']['top15_reporters']:
+ statList['escList']['QAstat']['top15_reporters'][line['who']] = line['reported']
+ bug_fixers = {}
+ for id, bug in bugzillaData['bugs'].items():
+ if not bug['status'] == 'RESOLVED':
+ continue
+ if 'FIXED' != bug['resolution'] != 'VERIFIED':
+ continue
+ if datetime.datetime.strptime(bug['last_change_time'], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") < cfg['1weekDate']:
+ continue
+ who = None
+ for i in range(len(bug['history'])-1,-1,-1):
+ fixed = False
+ changes = bug['history'][i]['changes']
+ for j in range(0,len(changes)):
+ if changes[j]['added'] == 'FIXED':
+ fixed = True
+ break
+ if fixed:
+ who = bug['history'][i]['who'].lower()
+ break
+ if not who:
+ continue
+ if who == 'libreoffice-commits at lists.freedesktop.org':
+ continue
+ if who in statList['aliases']:
+ who = statList['aliases'][who]
+ if who in statList['people']:
+ who = statList['people'][who]['name']
+ if not who in bug_fixers:
+ bug_fixers[who] = 0
+ bug_fixers[who] += 1
+ statList['escList']['QAstat']['top15_fixers'] = bug_fixers
+ for id, row in bugzillaESCData['ESC_MAB_UPDATE'].items():
+ statList['data']['esc']['MAB'][id] = row
+ statList['data']['esc']['MAB'][id]['%'] = int((row['open'] / row['total'])*100)
+ statList['escList']['bisect'] = weekList['escList']['bisect']
+ statList['escList']['bisect'].insert(0, [bugzillaESCData['ESC_BISECTED_UPDATE']['open'],
+ bugzillaESCData['ESC_BISECTED_UPDATE']['total']])
+ del statList['escList']['bisect'][-1]
+ statList['escList']['bibisect'] = weekList['escList']['bibisect']
+ statList['escList']['bibisect'].insert(0, [bugzillaESCData['ESC_BIBISECTED_UPDATE']['open'],
+ bugzillaESCData['ESC_BIBISECTED_UPDATE']['total']])
+ del statList['escList']['bibisect'][-1]
+ statList['data']['esc']['regression'] = {}
+ statList['data']['esc']['regression']['high'] = bugzillaESCData['ESC_REGRESSION_UPDATE']['high']
+ statList['data']['esc']['regression']['open'] = bugzillaESCData['ESC_REGRESSION_UPDATE']['open']
+ statList['data']['esc']['regression']['total'] = bugzillaESCData['ESC_REGRESSION_UPDATE']['total']
+ statList['data']['esc']['component'] = {}
+ statList['data']['esc']['component']['high'] = {}
+ for id, row in bugzillaESCData['ESC_COMPONENT_UPDATE']['high'].items():
+ statList['data']['esc']['component']['high'][id] = row['count']
+ statList['data']['esc']['component']['all'] = {}
+ for id, row in bugzillaESCData['ESC_COMPONENT_UPDATE']['all'].items():
+ statList['data']['esc']['component']['all'][id] = row['count']
+ statList['data']['esc']['component']['os'] = {}
+ for id, row in bugzillaESCData['ESC_COMPONENT_UPDATE']['os'].items():
+ statList['data']['esc']['component']['os'][id] = row['count']
def analyze_myfunc():
global cfg, statList, openhubData, bugzillaData, gerritData, gitData, licenceCompanyData, licencePersonalData
@@ -496,8 +579,8 @@ def analyze_trend():
-def analyze_final(weekList = None):
- global cfg, statList, openhubData, bugzillaData, gerritData, gitData
+def analyze_final():
+ global cfg, statList, openhubData, bugzillaData, gerritData, gitData, weekList
print("Analyze final")
statList['addDate'] = datetime.date.today().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
@@ -507,22 +590,21 @@ def analyze_final(weekList = None):
person['newestCommit'] = person['newestCommit'].strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
person['prevCommit'] = person['prevCommit'].strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
- analyze_trend()
+# analyze_trend()
myDay = cfg['nowDate']
- x = (myDay - datetime.timedelta(days=7)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
- if weekList is None:
- weekList = util_load_file(cfg['homedir'] + 'archive/stats_' + x + '.json')
- if weekList is None:
- weekList = {'data': {}}
statList['diff'] = util_build_diff(statList['data'], weekList['data'])
sFile = cfg['homedir'] + 'stats.json'
util_dump_file(sFile, statList)
x = myDay.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
os.system('cp '+ sFile + ' ' + cfg['homedir'] + 'archive/stats_' + x + '.json')
if myDay.strftime('%w') == '4':
+ if 'people' in statList:
del statList['people']
+ if 'aliases' in statList:
del statList['aliases']
- util_dump_file(cfg['homedir'] + 'weeks/week_' + myDay.strftime('%Y_%W') + '.json', statList)
+ if 'escList' in statList:
+ del statList['escList']
+ util_dump_file(cfg['homedir'] + 'weeks/week_' + myDay.strftime('%Y_%W') + '.json', statList)
@@ -565,6 +647,7 @@ def loadCfg(platform):
homeDir = os.environ['esc_homedir']
homeDir = '/home/esc-mentoring/esc'
cfg = util_load_data_file(homeDir + '/config.json')
cfg['homedir'] = homeDir + '/'
cfg['platform'] = platform
@@ -579,10 +662,14 @@ def loadCfg(platform):
def runAnalyze():
- global cfg, statList, openhubData, bugzillaData, gerritData, gitData
+ global cfg, statList, openhubData, bugzillaData, bugzillaESCData, gerritData, gitData, weekList
+ x = (cfg['nowDate'] - datetime.timedelta(days=7)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
+ weekList = util_load_file(cfg['homedir'] + 'archive/stats_' + x + '.json')
openhubData = util_load_data_file(cfg['homedir'] + 'dump/openhub_dump.json')
bugzillaData = util_load_data_file(cfg['homedir'] + 'dump/bugzilla_dump.json')
+ bugzillaESCData = util_load_data_file(cfg['homedir'] + 'dump/bugzilla_esc_dump.json')
gerritData = util_load_data_file(cfg['homedir'] + 'dump/gerrit_dump.json')
gitData = util_load_data_file(cfg['homedir'] + 'dump/git_dump.json')
statList = util_create_statList()
@@ -591,16 +678,18 @@ def runAnalyze():
+ analyze_esc()
def runUpgrade(args):
- global cfg, statList, openhubData, bugzillaData, gerritData, gitData
+ global cfg, statList, openhubData, bugzillaData, bugzillaESCData, gerritData, gitData, weekList
args = args[1:]
openhubData = util_load_data_file(cfg['homedir'] + 'dump/openhub_dump.json')
bugzillaData = util_load_data_file(cfg['homedir'] + 'dump/bugzilla_dump.json')
+ bugzillaESCData = util_load_data_file(cfg['homedir'] + 'dump/bugzilla_esc_dump.json')
gerritData = util_load_data_file(cfg['homedir'] + 'dump/gerrit_dump.json')
gitData = util_load_data_file(cfg['homedir'] + 'dump/git_dump.json')
statList = util_create_statList()
@@ -625,9 +714,10 @@ def runUpgrade(args):
+ analyze_esc()
- analyze_final(weekList=weekList)
+ analyze_final()
weekList = statList
diff --git a/esc-reporting/esc-collect.py b/esc-reporting/esc-collect.py
index e75201e..347242a 100755
--- a/esc-reporting/esc-collect.py
+++ b/esc-reporting/esc-collect.py
@@ -171,6 +171,356 @@ def get_bugzilla(cfg):
+ tmp= util_load_url('https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/page.cgi?id=weekly-bug-summary.html', useRaw=True)
+ rawList = {}
+ startIndex = tmp.find('Total Reports: ') + 15
+ stopIndex = tmp.find(' ', startIndex)
+ rawList['total'] = int(tmp[startIndex:stopIndex])
+ startIndex = tmp.find('>', stopIndex) +1
+ stopIndex = tmp.find('<', startIndex)
+ rawList['opened'] = int(tmp[startIndex:stopIndex])
+ startIndex = tmp.find('>', stopIndex + 5) +1
+ stopIndex = tmp.find('<', startIndex)
+ rawList['closed'] = int(tmp[startIndex:stopIndex])
+ # outer loop, collect 3 Top 15 tables
+ topNames = ['top15_modules', 'top15_closers', 'top15_reporters']
+ curTopIndex = -1
+ while True:
+ startIndex = tmp.find('Top 15', startIndex+1)
+ if startIndex == -1:
+ break
+ startIndex = tmp.find('</tr>', startIndex+1) + 5
+ stopIndex = tmp.find('</table', startIndex+1)
+ curTopIndex += 1
+ rawList[topNames[curTopIndex]] = []
+ # second loop, collect all lines <tr>..</tr>
+ curLineIndex = -1
+ while True:
+ startIndex = tmp.find('<tr', startIndex)
+ if startIndex == -1 or startIndex >= stopIndex:
+ startIndex = stopIndex
+ break
+ stopLineIndex = tmp.find('</tr>', startIndex)
+ curLineIndex += 1
+ # third loop, collect single element
+ curItemIndex = -1
+ tmpList = []
+ while True:
+ startIndex = tmp.find('<td', startIndex)
+ if startIndex == -1 or startIndex >= stopLineIndex:
+ startIndex = stopLineIndex
+ break
+ while tmp[startIndex] == '<':
+ tmpIndex = tmp.find('>', startIndex) + 1
+ if tmp[startIndex+1] == 'a':
+ i = tmp.find('bug_id=', startIndex) +7
+ if -1 < i < tmpIndex:
+ x = tmp[i:tmpIndex-2]
+ tmpList.append(x)
+ startIndex = tmpIndex
+ stopCellIndex = tmp.find('<', startIndex)
+ x = tmp[startIndex:stopCellIndex].replace('\n', '')
+ if '0' <= x[0] <= '9' or x[0] == '+' or x[0] == '-':
+ x = int(x)
+ tmpList.append(x)
+ if len(tmpList):
+ if curTopIndex == 0:
+ x = {'product': tmpList[0],
+ 'open': tmpList[1],
+ 'opened7DList': tmpList[2].split(','),
+ 'opened7D': tmpList[3],
+ 'closed7DList': tmpList[4].split(','),
+ 'closed7D': tmpList[5],
+ 'change': tmpList[6]}
+ elif curTopIndex == 1:
+ x = {'position': tmpList[0],
+ 'who': tmpList[1],
+ 'closedList' : tmpList[2].split(','),
+ 'closed': tmpList[3]}
+ else:
+ x = {'position': tmpList[0],
+ 'who': tmpList[1],
+ 'reportedList' : tmpList[2].split(','),
+ 'reported': tmpList[3]}
+ rawList[topNames[curTopIndex]].append(x)
+ return rawList
+def do_ESC_MAB_UPDATE(bz):
+ # load report from Bugzilla
+ url = bz + '&f1=version&o1=regexp&priority=highest&v1=^'
+ rawList = {}
+ series = {'5.3' : '5.3',
+ '5.2' : '5.2',
+ '5.1' : '5.1',
+ '5.0' : '5.0',
+ '4.5' : '5.0', # urgh
+ '4.4' : '4.4',
+ '4.3' : '4.3',
+ '4.2' : '4.2',
+ '4.1' : '4.1',
+ '4.0' : '4.0',
+ '3.6' : 'old',
+ '3.5' : 'old',
+ '3.4' : 'old',
+ '3.3' : 'old',
+ 'Inherited from OOo' : 'old',
+ 'PreBibisect' : 'old',
+ 'unspecified' : 'old'
+ }
+ for key, id in series.items():
+ if id not in rawList:
+ rawList[id] = {'open': 0, 'total': 0}
+ urlCall = url + key + '.*'
+ tmpTotal = util_load_url(urlCall, useRaw=True)
+ rawList[id]['total'] += len(tmpTotal.split('\n')) -1
+ tmpOpen = util_load_url(urlCall + "&resolution=---", useRaw=True)
+ rawList[id]['open'] += len(tmpOpen.split('\n')) - 1
+ return rawList
+def do_ESC_counting(bz, urlAdd):
+ rawList = []
+ tmp = util_load_url(bz + urlAdd, useRaw=True).split('\n')[1:]
+ cnt = len(tmp)
+ for line in tmp:
+ rawList.append(line.split(',')[0])
+ return cnt, rawList
+def get_esc_bugzilla(cfg):
+ fileName = cfg['homedir'] + 'dump/bugzilla_esc_dump.json'
+ print("Updating ESC bugzilla dump")
+ rawList = {'ESC_QA_STATS_UPDATE': {},
+ 'ESC_COMPONENT_UPDATE': {'all': {}, 'high': {}, 'os': {}},
+ bz = 'https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/buglist.cgi?' \
+ 'product=LibreOffice' \
+ '&keywords_type=allwords' \
+ '&query_format=advanced' \
+ '&limit=0' \
+ '&ctype=csv' \
+ '&human=1'
+ rawList['ESC_MAB_UPDATE'] = do_ESC_MAB_UPDATE(bz)
+ urlBi = '&keywords=bisected%2C'
+ url = '&order=tag DESC%2Cchangeddate DESC%2Cversion DESC%2Cpriority%2Cbug_severity'
+ rawList['ESC_BISECTED_UPDATE']['total'], \
+ rawList['ESC_BISECTED_UPDATE']['total_list'] = do_ESC_counting(bz, urlBi+url)
+ url = '&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED' \
+ '&bug_status=NEW' \
+ '&bug_status=ASSIGNED' \
+ '&bug_status=REOPENED' \
+ '&resolution=---'
+ rawList['ESC_BISECTED_UPDATE']['open'], \
+ rawList['ESC_BISECTED_UPDATE']['open_list'] = do_ESC_counting(bz, urlBi + url)
+ url = '&f2=status_whiteboard' \
+ '&f3=OP' \
+ '&f4=keywords' \
+ '&f5=status_whiteboard' \
+ '&j3=OR' \
+ '&known_name=BibisectedAll' \
+ '&n2=1' \
+ '&o1=substring' \
+ '&o2=substring' \
+ '&o4=substring' \
+ '&o5=substring' \
+ '&order=changeddate DESC%2Cop_sys%2Cbug_status%2Cpriority%2Cassigned_to%2Cbug_id' \
+ '&resolution=---' \
+ '&resolution=FIXED' \
+ '&resolution=INVALID' \
+ '&resolution=WONTFIX' \
+ '&resolution=DUPLICATE' \
+ '&resolution=WORKSFORME' \
+ '&resolution=MOVED' \
+ '&resolution=NOTABUG' \
+ '&resolution=NOTOURBUG' \
+ '&v1=bibisected' \
+ '&v2=bibisected35older' \
+ '&v4=bibisected' \
+ '&v5=bibisected'
+ rawList['ESC_BIBISECTED_UPDATE']['total'], \
+ rawList['ESC_BIBISECTED_UPDATE']['total_list'] = do_ESC_counting(bz, url)
+ url = '&f2=status_whiteboard' \
+ '&f3=OP' \
+ '&f4=keywords' \
+ '&f5=status_whiteboard' \
+ '&j3=OR' \
+ '&known_name=Bibisected' \
+ '&n2=1' \
+ '&o1=substring' \
+ '&o2=substring' \
+ '&o4=substring' \
+ '&o5=substring' \
+ '&query_based_on=Bibisected' \
+ '&resolution=---' \
+ '&v1=bibisected' \
+ '&v2=bibisected35older' \
+ '&v4=bibisected' \
+ '&v5=bibisected'
+ rawList['ESC_BIBISECTED_UPDATE']['open'], \
+ rawList['ESC_BIBISECTED_UPDATE']['open_list'] = do_ESC_counting(bz, url)
+ url = 'columnlist=bug_severity%2Cpriority%2Ccomponent%2Cop_sys%2Cassigned_to%2Cbug_status%2Cresolution%2Cshort_desc' \
+ '&keywords=regression%2C%20' \
+ '&order=bug_id'
+ rawList['ESC_REGRESSION_UPDATE']['total'], \
+ rawList['ESC_REGRESSION_UPDATE']['total_list'] = do_ESC_counting(bz, url)
+ url = '&keywords=regression%2C%20' \
+ '&columnlist=bug_severity%2Cpriority%2Ccomponent%2Cop_sys%2Cassigned_to%2Cbug_status%2Cresolution%2Cshort_desc' \
+ '&resolution=---' \
+ '&query_based_on=Regressions' \
+ '&known_name=Regressions'
+ rawList['ESC_REGRESSION_UPDATE']['open'], \
+ rawList['ESC_REGRESSION_UPDATE']['open_list'] = do_ESC_counting(bz, url)
+ url = url + '&bug_severity=blocker' \
+ '&bug_severity=critical' \
+ '&bug_status=NEW' \
+ '&bug_status=ASSIGNED' \
+ '&bug_status=REOPENED'
+ rawList['ESC_REGRESSION_UPDATE']['high'], \
+ rawList['ESC_REGRESSION_UPDATE']['high_list'] = do_ESC_counting(bz, url)
+ rawList['ESC_COMPONENT_UPDATE']['all']['Crashes'] = {}
+ url = '&keywords=regression' \
+ '&short_desc=crash' \
+ '&query_based_on=CrashRegressions' \
+ '&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED' \
+ '&bug_status=NEW' \
+ '&bug_status=ASSIGNED' \
+ '&bug_status=REOPENED' \
+ '&bug_status=NEEDINFO' \
+ '&short_desc_type=allwordssubstr' \
+ '&known_name=CrashRegressions'
+ rawList['ESC_COMPONENT_UPDATE']['all']['Crashes']['count'], \
+ rawList['ESC_COMPONENT_UPDATE']['all']['Crashes']['list'] = do_ESC_counting(bz, url)
+ rawList['ESC_COMPONENT_UPDATE']['all']['Borders'] = {}
+ url = '&keywords=regression' \
+ '&short_desc=border' \
+ '&query_based_on=BorderRegressions' \
+ '&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED' \
+ '&bug_status=NEW' \
+ '&bug_status=ASSIGNED' \
+ '&bug_status=REOPENED' \
+ '&bug_status=NEEDINFO' \
+ '&short_desc_type=allwordssubstr' \
+ '&known_name=BorderRegressions'
+ rawList['ESC_COMPONENT_UPDATE']['all']['Borders']['count'], \
+ rawList['ESC_COMPONENT_UPDATE']['all']['Borders']['list'] = do_ESC_counting(bz, url)
+ rawList['ESC_COMPONENT_UPDATE']['all']['Writer: docx filter'] = {}
+ url = '&bug_status=NEW' \
+ '&bug_status=ASSIGNED' \
+ '&bug_status=REOPENED' \
+ '&bug_status=PLEASETEST' \
+ '&component=Writer' \
+ '&keywords=regression%2C filter%3Adocx%2C '
+ rawList['ESC_COMPONENT_UPDATE']['all']['Writer: docx filter']['count'], \
+ rawList['ESC_COMPONENT_UPDATE']['all']['Writer: docx filter']['list'] = do_ESC_counting(bz, url)
+ rawList['ESC_COMPONENT_UPDATE']['all']['Writer: doc filter'] = {}
+ url = '&bug_status=NEW' \
+ '&bug_status=ASSIGNED' \
+ '&bug_status=REOPENED' \
+ '&bug_status=PLEASETEST' \
+ '&component=Writer' \
+ '&keywords=regression%2C filter%3Adoc%2C '
+ rawList['ESC_COMPONENT_UPDATE']['all']['Writer: doc filter']['count'], \
+ rawList['ESC_COMPONENT_UPDATE']['all']['Writer: doc filter']['list'] = do_ESC_counting(bz, url)
+ rawList['ESC_COMPONENT_UPDATE']['all']['Writer: other filter'] = {}
+ url = '&bug_status=NEW' \
+ '&bug_status=ASSIGNED' \
+ '&bug_status=REOPENED' \
+ '&bug_status=PLEASETEST' \
+ '&component=Writer' \
+ '&f1=keywords' \
+ '&f2=keywords' \
+ '&keywords=regression%2C' \
+ '&o1=nowords' \
+ '&o2=substring' \
+ '&v1=filter%3Adocx%2C filter%3Adoc' \
+ '&v2=filter%3A'
+ rawList['ESC_COMPONENT_UPDATE']['all']['Writer: other filter']['count'], \
+ rawList['ESC_COMPONENT_UPDATE']['all']['Writer: other filter']['list'] = do_ESC_counting(bz, url)
+ rawList['ESC_COMPONENT_UPDATE']['all']['Writer: perf'] = {}
+ url = '&bug_status=NEW' \
+ '&bug_status=ASSIGNED' \
+ '&bug_status=REOPENED' \
+ '&bug_status=PLEASETEST' \
+ '&component=Writer' \
+ '&keywords=regression%2C perf%2C '
+ rawList['ESC_COMPONENT_UPDATE']['all']['Writer: perf']['count'], \
+ rawList['ESC_COMPONENT_UPDATE']['all']['Writer: perf']['list'] = do_ESC_counting(bz, url)
+ rawList['ESC_COMPONENT_UPDATE']['all']['Writer: other'] = {}
+ url = '&bug_status=NEW' \
+ '&bug_status=ASSIGNED' \
+ '&bug_status=REOPENED' \
+ '&bug_status=PLEASETEST' \
+ '&component=Writer' \
+ '&f1=keywords' \
+ '&keywords=regression%2C' \
+ '&o1=nowordssubstr' \
+ '&v1=filter%3A%2C perf'
+ rawList['ESC_COMPONENT_UPDATE']['all']['Writer: other']['count'], \
+ rawList['ESC_COMPONENT_UPDATE']['all']['Writer: other']['list'] = do_ESC_counting(bz, url)
+ for comp in ['Calc', 'Impress', 'Base', 'Draw', 'LibreOffice', 'Writer', 'BASIC', 'Chart', 'Extensions',
+ 'Formula Editor', 'Impress Remote', 'Installation', 'Linguistic', 'Printing and PDF export',
+ 'UI', 'filters and storage', 'framework', 'graphics stack', 'sdk']:
+ compUrl = comp
+ url = '&keywords=regression' \
+ '&bug_status=NEW' \
+ '&bug_status=ASSIGNED' \
+ '&bug_status=REOPENED' \
+ '&bug_status=PLEASETEST' \
+ '&component=' + compUrl
+ rawList['ESC_COMPONENT_UPDATE']['all'][comp] = {}
+ rawList['ESC_COMPONENT_UPDATE']['all'][comp]['count'], \
+ rawList['ESC_COMPONENT_UPDATE']['all'][comp]['list'] = do_ESC_counting(bz, url)
+ url = url + '&bug_severity=blocker' \
+ '&bug_severity=critical'
+ rawList['ESC_COMPONENT_UPDATE']['high'][comp] = {}
+ rawList['ESC_COMPONENT_UPDATE']['high'][comp]['count'], \
+ rawList['ESC_COMPONENT_UPDATE']['high'][comp]['list'] = do_ESC_counting(bz, url)
+ for os in ['Linux (All)', 'Windows (All)', 'Mac OS X (All)', 'All']:
+ url = '&keywords=regression' \
+ '&bug_status=NEW' \
+ '&bug_status=ASSIGNED' \
+ '&bug_status=REOPENED' \
+ '&bug_status=PLEASETEST' \
+ '&bug_severity=blocker' \
+ '&bug_severity=critical' \
+ '&op_sys=' + os
+ rawList['ESC_COMPONENT_UPDATE']['os'][os] = {}
+ rawList['ESC_COMPONENT_UPDATE']['os'][os]['count'], \
+ rawList['ESC_COMPONENT_UPDATE']['os'][os]['list'] = do_ESC_counting(bz, url)
+ util_dump_file(fileName, rawList)
+ return rawList
def get_gerrit(cfg):
fileName = cfg['homedir'] + 'dump/gerrit_dump.json'
searchDate, rawList = util_load_data_file(cfg, fileName, 'gerrit', {'patch': {}, 'committers' : []})
@@ -284,6 +634,7 @@ def runCfg(platform):
homeDir = os.environ['esc_homedir']
homeDir = '/home/esc-mentoring/esc'
cfg = util_load_file(homeDir + '/config.json')
if cfg == None:
@@ -302,6 +653,7 @@ def runCfg(platform):
def runBuild(cfg):
openhubData = get_openhub(cfg)
bugzillaData = get_bugzilla(cfg)
+ ESCData = get_esc_bugzilla(cfg)
gerritData = get_gerrit(cfg)
gitData = get_git(cfg)
diff --git a/esc-reporting/esc-report.py b/esc-reporting/esc-report.py
index 0e3c8d9..c3436b8 100755
--- a/esc-reporting/esc-report.py
+++ b/esc-reporting/esc-report.py
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ def util_build_matrix(title, lineDesc, index):
-def report_mentoring():
+def report_day_mentoring():
global statList, openhubData, gerritData, gitData, bugzillaData, cfg
myStatList = {'needsDevEval': [],
'needsUXEval': [],
@@ -146,8 +146,6 @@ def report_mentoring():
'missing_license': [],
'to_abandon' : [],
'to_review': [],
- 'top10commit': [],
- 'top10review': [],
'remove_cc': []
mailedDate = datetime.datetime.strptime(cfg['git']['last-mail-run'], '%Y-%m-%d') - datetime.timedelta(days=90)
@@ -243,32 +241,72 @@ def report_mentoring():
cDate = datetime.datetime.strptime(row['creation_time'], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
if cDate >= cfg['1weekDate'] or 'easyhack' in row['history'][-1]['changes'][0]['added']:
- tmpClist = sorted(statList['people'], key=lambda k: (statList['people'][k]['commits']['1month']['owner']),reverse=True)
- for i in tmpClist:
- if not statList['people'][i]['isCommitter']:
- x = {'mail': i, 'name': statList['people'][i]['name'],
- 'month': statList['people'][i]['commits']['1month']['owner'],
- 'year': statList['people'][i]['commits']['1year']['owner']}
- myStatList['top10commit'].append(x)
- if len(myStatList['top10commit']) >= 10:
- break
- tmpRlist = sorted(statList['people'], key=lambda k: (statList['people'][k]['gerrit']['1month']['reviewer']),reverse=True)
- for i in tmpRlist:
- if i != 'ci at libreoffice.org':
- x = {'mail': i, 'name': statList['people'][i]['name'],
- 'month': statList['people'][i]['gerrit']['1month']['reviewer'],
- 'year': statList['people'][i]['gerrit']['1year']['reviewer']}
- myStatList['top10review'].append(x)
- if len(myStatList['top10review']) >= 10:
- break
- fp = open('/tmp/esc_mentoring_report.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8')
- print('ESC mentoring report, generated {} based on stats.json from {}'.format(
- datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), statList['addDate']), file=fp)
- print("copy/paste to esc pad:\n"
- "* mentoring/easyhack update (janI)\n"
- " + openhub statistics ({}), {} people did {} commits in 12 month in {} lines of code\n"
+ fp = open('/tmp/esc_day_mentoring_report.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8')
+ print('Day mentoring report, generated {} based on stats.json from {}'.format(
+ datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), statList['addDate']), file=fp)
+ print(">> mail award pdf, and update award.json", file=fp)
+ for row in myStatList['award_1st_email'] :
+ print(' {} {} {}'.format(row['name'],row['email'],row['license']), file=fp)
+ util_print_line(fp, myStatList['missing_license'], 'missing license statement' )
+ util_print_line(fp, myStatList['to_abandon'], 'gerrit to abandon', doGerrit=True)
+ util_print_line(fp, myStatList['to_review'], 'gerrit to review', doGerrit=True)
+ util_print_line(fp, myStatList['to_unassign'], 'easyhacks to unassign', doBugzilla=True)
+ util_print_line(fp, myStatList['needinfo'], 'easyhacks with NEEDINFO', doBugzilla=True)
+ util_print_line(fp, myStatList['easyhacks_new'], 'easyhacks new', doBugzilla=True)
+ util_print_line(fp, myStatList['missing_cc'], 'easyhacks missing cc', doBugzilla=True)
+ util_print_line(fp, myStatList['remove_cc'], 'easyhacks remove cc', doBugzilla=True)
+ util_print_line(fp, myStatList['missing_ui_cc'], 'easyhacks missing ui cc', doBugzilla=True)
+ util_print_line(fp, myStatList['assign_problem'], 'easyhacks assign problem', doBugzilla=True)
+ util_print_line(fp, myStatList['to_be_closed'], 'easyhacks to be closed', doBugzilla=True)
+ util_print_line(fp, myStatList['needsDevEval'], 'easyhacks needsDevEval', doBugzilla=True)
+ util_print_line(fp, myStatList['needsUXEval'], 'easyhacks needsUXEval', doBugzilla=True)
+ util_print_line(fp, myStatList['we_miss_you_email'], 'we miss you email' )
+ util_print_line(fp, myStatList['too_many_comments'], 'easyhacks reduce comments', doBugzilla=True)
+ util_print_line(fp, myStatList['pending_license'], 'pending license statement' )
+ fp.close()
+ return {'title': 'esc_mentoring, Daily work', 'mail': 'mentoring at documentfoundation.org', 'file': '/tmp/esc_day_mentoring_report.txt'}
+def report_mentoring():
+ global statList, openhubData, gerritData, gitData, bugzillaData, cfg
+ myStatList = {'award_1st_email': [],
+ 'top10commit': [],
+ 'top10review': [],
+ }
+ mailedDate = datetime.datetime.strptime(cfg['git']['last-mail-run'], '%Y-%m-%d') - datetime.timedelta(days=90)
+ zeroDate = datetime.datetime(year=2001, month=1, day=1)
+ for id, row in statList['people'].items():
+ entry = {'name': row['name'], 'email': id, 'license': row['licenseText']}
+ newestCommitDate = datetime.datetime.strptime(row['newestCommit'], '%Y-%m-%d')
+ x = row['commits']['1month']['owner']
+ if x != 0 and row['commits']['total'] == x and not id in cfg['award-mailed']:
+ myStatList['award_1st_email'].append(entry)
+ tmpClist = sorted(statList['people'], key=lambda k: (statList['people'][k]['commits']['1month']['owner']),reverse=True)
+ for i in tmpClist:
+ if not statList['people'][i]['isCommitter']:
+ x = {'mail': i, 'name': statList['people'][i]['name'],
+ 'month': statList['people'][i]['commits']['1month']['owner'],
+ 'year': statList['people'][i]['commits']['1year']['owner']}
+ myStatList['top10commit'].append(x)
+ if len(myStatList['top10commit']) >= 10:
+ break
+ tmpRlist = sorted(statList['people'], key=lambda k: (statList['people'][k]['gerrit']['1month']['reviewer']),reverse=True)
+ for i in tmpRlist:
+ if i != 'ci at libreoffice.org':
+ x = {'mail': i, 'name': statList['people'][i]['name'],
+ 'month': statList['people'][i]['gerrit']['1month']['reviewer'],
+ 'year': statList['people'][i]['gerrit']['1year']['reviewer']}
+ myStatList['top10review'].append(x)
+ if len(myStatList['top10review']) >= 10:
+ break
+ fp = open('/tmp/esc_mentoring_report.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8')
+ print(" + openhub statistics ({}), {} people did {} commits in 12 month in {} lines of code\n"
" + gerrit/git statistics:".format(
util_build_escNumber('openhub', 'year_contributors'),
@@ -287,8 +325,7 @@ def report_mentoring():
print(i1 + ' ' + util_build_escNumber('easyhacks', i1) + ' ', end="", file=fp)
if i1 == 'cleanup_comments':
print('\n ', end='', file=fp)
- print("\n + received patches from " + str(len(myStatList['missing_license'])) + " emails the last month without licesense statement", file=fp)
- print(" + top 5 contributors:", file=fp)
+ print("\n + top 5 contributors:", file=fp)
for i in range(0, 5):
print(' {} made {} patches in 1 month, and {} patches in 1 year'.format(
@@ -304,29 +341,362 @@ def report_mentoring():
print(" + big CONGRATULATIONS to contributors who have at least 1 merged patch, since last report:", file=fp)
for row in myStatList['award_1st_email']:
print(' {} {} {}'.format(row['name'],row['email'],row['license']), file=fp)
- print("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", file=fp)
- print('Day mentoring report, generated {} based on stats.json from {}'.format(
- datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), statList['addDate']), file=fp)
+ fp.close()
+ return
- util_print_line(fp, myStatList['missing_license'], 'missing license statement' )
- util_print_line(fp, myStatList['to_abandon'], 'gerrit to abandon', doGerrit=True)
- util_print_line(fp, myStatList['to_review'], 'gerrit to review', doGerrit=True)
- util_print_line(fp, myStatList['to_unassign'], 'easyhacks to unassign', doBugzilla=True)
- util_print_line(fp, myStatList['needinfo'], 'easyhacks with NEEDINFO', doBugzilla=True)
- util_print_line(fp, myStatList['easyhacks_new'], 'easyhacks new', doBugzilla=True)
- util_print_line(fp, myStatList['missing_cc'], 'easyhacks missing cc', doBugzilla=True)
- util_print_line(fp, myStatList['remove_cc'], 'easyhacks remove cc', doBugzilla=True)
- util_print_line(fp, myStatList['missing_ui_cc'], 'easyhacks missing ui cc', doBugzilla=True)
- util_print_line(fp, myStatList['assign_problem'], 'easyhacks assign problem', doBugzilla=True)
- util_print_line(fp, myStatList['to_be_closed'], 'easyhacks to be closed', doBugzilla=True)
- util_print_line(fp, myStatList['needsDevEval'], 'easyhacks needsDevEval', doBugzilla=True)
- util_print_line(fp, myStatList['needsUXEval'], 'easyhacks needsUXEval', doBugzilla=True)
- util_print_line(fp, myStatList['we_miss_you_email'], 'we miss you email' )
- util_print_line(fp, myStatList['too_many_comments'], 'easyhacks reduce comments', doBugzilla=True)
- util_print_line(fp, myStatList['pending_license'], 'pending license statement' )
+def report_esc_prototype():
+ global statList, cfg
+ global text_bisected, text_bibisected, text_regression
+ fp = open(cfg['homedir'] + '/esc-prototype.txt', encoding='utf-8')
+ escPrototype = fp.read()
- return {'title': 'esc_mentoring, MENTORING', 'mail': 'mentoring at documentfoundation.org', 'file': '/tmp/esc_mentoring_report.txt'}
+ fp = open('/tmp/esc_ui_report.txt', encoding='utf-8')
+ data = fp.read()
+ fp.close()
+ escPrototype = escPrototype.replace('$<ESC_UX_UPDATE>', data)
+ fp = open('/tmp/esc_mentoring_report.txt', encoding='utf-8')
+ data = fp.read()
+ fp.close()
+ escPrototype = escPrototype.replace('$<ESC_MENTORING_UPDATE>', data)
+ fp = open('/tmp/esc_qa_report.txt', encoding='utf-8')
+ data = fp.read()
+ fp.close()
+ escPrototype = escPrototype.replace('$<ESC_QA_UPDATE>', data)
+ x1 = statList['data']['esc']['QAstat']['opened']
+ x2 = statList['diff']['esc']['QAstat']['opened']
+ x3 = statList['data']['esc']['QAstat']['closed']
+ x4 = statList['diff']['esc']['QAstat']['closed']
+ txt = ' {:+d}({:+d}) {:+d}({:+d}) ({:+d}({:+d}) overall)\n many thanks to the top bug squashers:\n'.format(
+ x1, -x2, -x3, x4, x1 - x3, x2 - x4)
+ x = statList['escList']['QAstat']['top15_squashers']
+ for name, count in [(k, x[k]) for k in sorted(x, key=x.get, reverse=True)]:
+ txt += ' {:<23} {}\n'.format(name, count)
+ txt += '\n + top 10 bugs reporters:\n'
+ x = statList['escList']['QAstat']['top15_reporters']
+ for name, count in [(k, x[k]) for k in sorted(x, key=x.get, reverse=True)]:
+ txt += ' {:<23} {}\n'.format(name, count)
+ txt += '\n + top 10 bugs fixers:\n'
+ x = statList['escList']['QAstat']['top15_reporters']
+ for name, count in [(k, x[k]) for k in sorted(x, key=x.get, reverse=True)]:
+ txt += ' {:<23} {}\n'.format(name, count)
+ escPrototype = escPrototype.replace('$<ESC_QA_STATS_UPDATE>', txt)
+ txt = ''
+ oldRow = statList['data']['esc']['MAB']['old']
+ del statList['data']['esc']['MAB']['old']
+ keyList = sorted(statList['data']['esc']['MAB'], reverse=True)
+ keyList.append('old')
+ statList['data']['esc']['MAB']['old'] = oldRow
+ for id in keyList:
+ row = statList['data']['esc']['MAB'][id]
+ diff = statList['diff']['esc']['MAB'][id]
+ txt += ' {} : {}/{} - {} % ({:+d})\n'.format(id,
+ row['open'], row['total'], row['%'], diff['open'])
+ escPrototype = escPrototype.replace('$<ESC_MAB_UPDATE>', txt)
+ txt = ' +'
+ for row in statList['escList']['bisect']:
+ txt += str(row[0]) + '/' + str(row[1]) + ' '
+ txt += '\n\n done by:\n' + text_bisected
+ escPrototype = escPrototype.replace('$<ESC_BISECTED_UPDATE>', txt)
+ txt = ' +'
+ for row in statList['escList']['bibisect']:
+ txt += str(row[0]) + '/' + str(row[1]) + ' '
+ txt += '\n\n done by:\n' + text_bibisected
+ escPrototype = escPrototype.replace('$<ESC_BIBISECTED_UPDATE>', txt)
+ txt = ' + {}({:+d}) bugs open of {}({:+d}) total {}({:+d}) high prio.\n'.format(
+ statList['data']['esc']['regression']['open'], statList['diff']['esc']['regression']['open'],
+ statList['data']['esc']['regression']['total'], statList['diff']['esc']['regression']['total'],
+ statList['data']['esc']['regression']['high'], statList['diff']['esc']['regression']['high'])
+ txt += '\n done by:\n' + text_regression
+ escPrototype = escPrototype.replace('$<ESC_REGRESSION_UPDATE>', txt)
+ txt = ''
+ for i in ['LibreOffice', 'Impress', 'Base', 'Calc', 'Extensions', 'Writer']:
+ txt += ' {:<13} - {}({:+d})\n'.format(
+ i,
+ statList['data']['esc']['component']['high'][i],
+ statList['diff']['esc']['component']['high'][i])
+ txt += '\n by OS:\n'
+ for id,row in statList['data']['esc']['component']['os'].items():
+ idx = id.replace(' (All)', '')
+ txt += ' {:<13} - {}({:+d})\n'.format(idx, row, statList['diff']['esc']['component']['os'][id])
+ escPrototype = escPrototype.replace('$<ESC_COMPONENT_REGRESSION_HIGH_UPDATE>', txt)
+ txt = ''
+ x = statList['data']['esc']['component']['all']
+ for id, row in [(k, x[k]) for k in sorted(x, key=x.get, reverse=True)]:
+ xDiff = statList['diff']['esc']['component']['all'][id]
+ if row != 0 or xDiff != 0:
+ txt += ' {:<24} - {}({:+d})\n'.format(id, row, xDiff)
+ escPrototype = escPrototype.replace('$<ESC_COMPONENT_REGRESSION_ALL_UPDATE>', txt)
+ fp = open('/tmp/esc_prototype_report.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8')
+ print('ESC prototype report, generated {} based on stats.json from {}\n\n\n'.format(
+ datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), statList['addDate']), file=fp)
+ print(escPrototype, file=fp)
+ fp.close()
+ data = 'ESC prototype, based on stats.json from '+statList['addDate']
+ return {'title': data, 'mail': 'mentoring at documentfoundation.org', 'file': '/tmp/esc_prototype_report.txt'}
+def report_flatODF():
+ global statList, cfg
+ fp = open('/tmp/esc_flatODF.fods', 'w', encoding='utf-8')
+ print('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' +
+ '<office:document xmlns:office="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:office:1.0" ' +
+ 'xmlns:style="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:style:1.0" ' +
+ 'xmlns:text="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:text:1.0" ' +
+ 'xmlns:table="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:table:1.0" ' +
+ 'xmlns:draw="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:drawing:1.0" ' +
+ 'xmlns:calcext="urn:org:documentfoundation:names:experimental:calc:xmlns:calcext:1.0" ' +
+ 'xmlns:fo="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:xsl-fo-compatible:1.0" ' +
+ 'xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" ' +
+ 'xmlns:meta="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:meta:1.0" ' +
+ 'xmlns:number="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:datastyle:1.0" ' +
+ 'xmlns:presentation="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:presentation:1.0" ' +
+ 'xmlns:svg="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:svg-compatible:1.0" ' +
+ 'xmlns:chart="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:chart:1.0" ' +
+ 'xmlns:dr3d="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:dr3d:1.0" ' +
+ 'xmlns:math="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" ' +
+ 'xmlns:form="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:form:1.0" ' +
+ 'xmlns:script="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:script:1.0" ' +
+ 'xmlns:config="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:config:1.0" ' +
+ 'xmlns:ooo="http://openoffice.org/2004/office" ' +
+ 'xmlns:ooow="http://openoffice.org/2004/writer" ' +
+ 'xmlns:oooc="http://openoffice.org/2004/calc" ' +
+ 'xmlns:dom="http://www.w3.org/2001/xml-events" ' +
+ 'xmlns:xforms="http://www.w3.org/2002/xforms" ' +
+ 'xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" ' +
+ 'xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" ' +
+ 'xmlns:rpt="http://openoffice.org/2005/report" ' +
+ 'xmlns:of="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:of:1.2" ' +
+ 'xmlns:xhtml="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" ' +
+ 'xmlns:grddl="http://www.w3.org/2003/g/data-view#" ' +
+ 'xmlns:tableooo="http://openoffice.org/2009/table" ' +
+ 'xmlns:field="urn:openoffice:names:experimental:ooo-ms-interop:xmlns:field:1.0" ' +
+ 'xmlns:formx="urn:openoffice:names:experimental:ooxml-odf-interop:xmlns:form:1.0" ' +
+ 'xmlns:css3t="http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-text/" ' +
+ 'office:version="1.2" ' +
+ 'grddl:transformation="http://docs.oasis-open.org/office/1.2/xslt/odf2rdf.xsl" ' +
+ 'office:mimetype="application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet">' +
+ '\n', file=fp)
+ print('<office:styles>' +
+ '<style:style style:name="boldheader" style:family="table-cell" style:parent-style-name="Default">' +
+ '<style:text-properties fo:font-style="italic" fo:font-weight="bold"/>' +
+ '</style:style>' +
+ '<number:date-style style:name="isodatenum">' +
+ '<number:year number:style="long"/>' +
+ '<number:text>-</number:text>' +
+ '<number:month number:style="long"/>' +
+ '<number:text>-</number:text>' +
+ '<number:day number:style="long"/>' +
+ '</number:date-style>' +
+ '<style:style style:name="isodate" style:family="table-cell" style:parent-style-name="Default" style:data-style-name="isodatenum">' +
+ '<style:text-properties style:text-position=""/>' +
+ '</style:style>' +
+ '</office:styles>' +
+ '\n', file=fp)
+ print('<office:body>' +
+ '<office:spreadsheet>' +
+ '<table:table table:name="Data">' +
+ '<table:table-row table:style-name="ro2">' +
+ '<table:table-cell office:value-type="string" calcext:value-type="string">' +
+ '<text:p>Date</text:p></table:table-cell>'
+ '<table:table-cell office:value-type="string" calcext:value-type="string">' +
+ '<text:p>Open Old</text:p></table:table-cell>' +
+ '<table:table-cell office:value-type="string" calcext:value-type="string">' +
+ '<text:p>Closed Old</text:p></table:table-cell>' +
+ '<table:table-cell office:value-type="string" calcext:value-type="string">' +
+ '<text:p>Open 4.0</text:p></table:table-cell>' +
+ '<table:table-cell office:value-type="string" calcext:value-type="string">' +
+ '<text:p>Closed 4.0</text:p></table:table-cell>' +
+ '<table:table-cell office:value-type="string" calcext:value-type="string">' +
+ '<text:p>Open 4.1</text:p></table:table-cell>' +
+ '<table:table-cell office:value-type="string" calcext:value-type="string">' +
+ '<text:p>Closed 4.1</text:p></table:table-cell>' +
+ '<table:table-cell office:value-type="string" calcext:value-type="string">' +
+ '<text:p>Open 4.2</text:p></table:table-cell>' +
+ '<table:table-cell office:value-type="string" calcext:value-type="string">' +
+ '<text:p>Closed 4.2</text:p></table:table-cell>' +
+ '<table:table-cell office:value-type="string" calcext:value-type="string">' +
+ '<text:p>Open 4.3</text:p></table:table-cell>' +
+ '<table:table-cell office:value-type="string" calcext:value-type="string">' +
+ '<text:p>Closed 4.3</text:p></table:table-cell>' +
+ '<table:table-cell office:value-type="string" calcext:value-type="string">' +
+ '<text:p>Open 4.4</text:p></table:table-cell>' +
+ '<table:table-cell office:value-type="string" calcext:value-type="string">' +
+ '<text:p>Closed 4.4</text:p></table:table-cell>' +
+ '<table:table-cell office:value-type="string" calcext:value-type="string">' +
+ '<text:p>Open 5.0</text:p></table:table-cell>' +
+ '<table:table-cell office:value-type="string" calcext:value-type="string">' +
+ '<text:p>Closed 5.0</text:p></table:table-cell>' +
+ '<table:table-cell office:value-type="string" calcext:value-type="string">' +
+ '<text:p>Open 5.1</text:p></table:table-cell>' +
+ '<table:table-cell office:value-type="string" calcext:value-type="string">' +
+ '<text:p>Closed 5.1</text:p></table:table-cell>' +
+ '<table:table-cell office:value-type="string" calcext:value-type="string">' +
+ '<text:p>Open 5.2</text:p></table:table-cell>' +
+ '<table:table-cell office:value-type="string" calcext:value-type="string">' +
+ '<text:p>Closed 5.2</text:p></table:table-cell>' +
+ '<table:table-cell office:value-type="string" calcext:value-type="string">' +
+ '<text:p>Total Old</text:p></table:table-cell>' +
+ '<table:table-cell office:value-type="string" calcext:value-type="string">' +
+ '<text:p>Total 4.0</text:p></table:table-cell>' +
+ '<table:table-cell office:value-type="string" calcext:value-type="string">' +
+ '<text:p>Total 4.1</text:p></table:table-cell>' +
+ '<table:table-cell office:value-type="string" calcext:value-type="string">' +
+ '<text:p>Total 4.2</text:p></table:table-cell>' +
+ '<table:table-cell office:value-type="string" calcext:value-type="string">' +
+ '<text:p>Total 4.3</text:p></table:table-cell>' +
+ '<table:table-cell office:value-type="string" calcext:value-type="string">' +
+ '<text:p>Total 4.4</text:p></table:table-cell>' +
+ '<table:table-cell office:value-type="string" calcext:value-type="string">' +
+ '<text:p>Total 5.0</text:p></table:table-cell>' +
+ '<table:table-cell office:value-type="string" calcext:value-type="string">' +
+ '<text:p>Total 5.1</text:p></table:table-cell>' +
+ '<table:table-cell office:value-type="string" calcext:value-type="string">' +
+ '<text:p>Total 5.2</text:p></table:table-cell>' +
+ '<table:table-cell office:value-type="string" calcext:value-type="string">' +
+ '<text:p>Total Open</text:p></table:table-cell>' +
+ '<table:table-cell office:value-type="string" calcext:value-type="string">' +
+ '<text:p>Total Closed</text:p></table:table-cell>' +
+ '<table:table-cell table:number-columns-repeated="11"/></table:table-row>' +
+ '\n', file=fp)
+ print('<table:table-row table:style-name="ro1">' +
+ '<table:table-cell table:style-name="isodate" office:value-type="date" office:date-value="' +
+ statList['addDate'] + '" calcext:value-type="date"><text:p>' +
+ statList['addDate'] + '</text:p></table:table-cell>' +
+ '\n', file=fp)
+ print('<table:table-cell office:value-type="float" office:value="' +
+ str(statList['data']['esc']['MAB']['old']['open']) + '" calcext:value-type="float"/>' +
+ '<table:table-cell table:formula="of:=[.T2]-[.B2]" office:value-type="float" calcext:value-type="float"/>' +
+ '<table:table-cell office:value-type="float" office:value="' +
+ str(statList['data']['esc']['MAB']['4.0']['open']) + '" calcext:value-type="float"/>' +
+ '<table:table-cell table:formula="of:=[.U2]-[.D2]" office:value-type="float" calcext:value-type="float"/>' +
+ '<table:table-cell office:value-type="float" office:value="' +
+ str(statList['data']['esc']['MAB']['4.1']['open']) + '" calcext:value-type="float"/>' +
+ '<table:table-cell table:formula="of:=[.V2]-[.F2]" office:value-type="float" calcext:value-type="float"/>' +
+ '<table:table-cell office:value-type="float" office:value="' +
+ str(statList['data']['esc']['MAB']['4.2']['open']) + '" calcext:value-type="float"/>' +
+ '<table:table-cell table:formula="of:=[.W2]-[.H2]" office:value-type="float" calcext:value-type="float"/>' +
+ '<table:table-cell office:value-type="float" office:value="' +
+ str(statList['data']['esc']['MAB']['4.3']['open']) + '" calcext:value-type="float"/>' +
+ '<table:table-cell table:formula="of:=[.X2]-[.J2]" office:value-type="float" calcext:value-type="float"/>' +
+ '<table:table-cell office:value-type="float" office:value="' +
+ str(statList['data']['esc']['MAB']['4.4']['open']) + '" calcext:value-type="float"/>' +
+ '<table:table-cell table:formula="of:=[.Y2]-[.L2]" office:value-type="float" calcext:value-type="float"/>' +
+ '<table:table-cell office:value-type="float" office:value="' +
+ str(statList['data']['esc']['MAB']['5.0']['open']) + '" calcext:value-type="float"/>' +
+ '<table:table-cell table:formula="of:=[.Z2]-[.N2]" office:value-type="float" calcext:value-type="float"/>' +
+ '<table:table-cell office:value-type="float" office:value="' +
+ str(statList['data']['esc']['MAB']['5.1']['open']) + '" calcext:value-type="float"/>' +
+ '<table:table-cell table:formula="of:=[.AA2]-[.P2]" office:value-type="float" calcext:value-type="float"/>' +
+ '<table:table-cell office:value-type="float" office:value="' +
+ str(statList['data']['esc']['MAB']['5.2']['open']) + '" calcext:value-type="float"/>' +
+ '<table:table-cell table:formula="of:=[.AB2]-[.R2]" office:value-type="float" calcext:value-type="float"/>' +
+ '<table:table-cell office:value-type="float" office:value="' +
+ str(statList['data']['esc']['MAB']['old']['total']) + '" calcext:value-type="float"/>' +
+ '<table:table-cell office:value-type="float" office:value="' +
+ str(statList['data']['esc']['MAB']['4.0']['total']) + '" calcext:value-type="float"/>' +
+ '<table:table-cell office:value-type="float" office:value="' +
+ str(statList['data']['esc']['MAB']['4.1']['total']) + '" calcext:value-type="float"/>' +
+ '<table:table-cell office:value-type="float" office:value="' +
+ str(statList['data']['esc']['MAB']['4.2']['total']) + '" calcext:value-type="float"/>' +
+ '<table:table-cell office:value-type="float" office:value="' +
+ str(statList['data']['esc']['MAB']['4.3']['total']) + '" calcext:value-type="float"/>' +
+ '<table:table-cell office:value-type="float" office:value="' +
+ str(statList['data']['esc']['MAB']['4.4']['total']) + '" calcext:value-type="float"/>' +
+ '<table:table-cell office:value-type="float" office:value="' +
+ str(statList['data']['esc']['MAB']['5.0']['total']) + '" calcext:value-type="float"/>' +
+ '<table:table-cell office:value-type="float" office:value="' +
+ str(statList['data']['esc']['MAB']['5.1']['total']) + '" calcext:value-type="float"/>' +
+ '<table:table-cell office:value-type="float" office:value="' +
+ str(statList['data']['esc']['MAB']['5.2']['total']) + '" calcext:value-type="float"/>' +
+ '<table:table-cell table:style-name="ce3" table:formula="of:=[.B2]+[.D2]+[.F2]+[.H2]+[.J2]+[.L2]+[.N2]+[.P2]+[.R2]" office:value-type="float"/>' +
+ '<table:table-cell table:style-name="ce3" table:formula="of:=SUM([.T2:.Z2])-[.AC2]" office:value-type="float"/>' +
+ '</table:table-row>' +
+ '\n', file=fp)
+ print('<table:table-row/>' +
+ '<table:table-row>' +
+ '<table:table-cell table:style-name="boldheader" office:value-type="string" calcext:value-type="string">' +
+ '<text:p>Date</text:p>' +
+ '</table:table-cell>' +
+ '<table:table-cell table:style-name="boldheader" office:value-type="string" calcext:value-type="string">' +
+ '<text:p>Open</text:p>' +
+ '</table:table-cell>' +
+ '<table:table-cell table:style-name="boldheader" office:value-type="string" calcext:value-type="string">' +
+ '<text:p>Closed</text:p>' +
+ '</table:table-cell>' +
+ '<table:table-cell table:style-name="boldheader" office:value-type="string" calcext:value-type="string">' +
+ '<text:p>Total</text:p>' +
+ '</table:table-cell>' +
+ '<table:table-cell table:style-name="boldheader" office:value-type="string" calcext:value-type="string">' +
+ '<text:p>Date</text:p>' +
+ '</table:table-cell>' +
+ '\n', file=fp)
+ myOrder = ['Calc', 'Impress', 'Base', 'Draw', 'LibreOffice', 'Borders', 'Crashes', 'BASIC', 'Writer/RTF', 'Writer',
+ 'Migration', 'Chart', 'Extensions', 'Formula Editor', 'Impress Remote', 'Installation', 'Linguistic',
+ 'Printing and PDF export', 'UI', 'filters and storage', 'framework', 'graphics stack', 'sdk']
+ for i in myOrder:
+ print('<table:table-cell table:style-name="boldheader" office:value-type="string" calcext:value-type="string"><text:p>' +
+ i + '</text:p></table:table-cell>' +
+ '\n', file=fp)
+ print('</table:table-row>' +
+ '<table:table-row>' +
+ '<table:table-cell table:style-name="isodate" office:value-type="date" office:date-value="' +
+ statList['addDate'] +
+ '" calcext:value-type="date"><text:p>' +
+ statList['addDate'] +
+ '</text:p>' +
+ '</table:table-cell>' +
+ '<table:table-cell office:value-type="float" office:value="' +
+ str(statList['data']['esc']['regression']['total']) + '" calcext:value-type="float"/>' +
+ '<table:table-cell table:formula="of:=[.D5]-[.B5]" office:value-type="float"/>' +
+ '<table:table-cell office:value-type="float" office:value="' +
+ str(statList['data']['esc']['regression']['total']) + '" calcext:value-type="float"/>' +
+ '<table:table-cell table:style-name="isodate" table:formula="of:=[.A5]" office:value-type="date" />' +
+ '\n', file=fp)
+ for i in myOrder:
+ if i in statList['data']['esc']['component']['all']:
+ print('<table:table-cell office:value-type="float" office:value="' +
+ str(statList['data']['esc']['component']['all'][i]) + '" calcext:value-type="float"/>' +
+ '\n', file = fp)
+ else:
+ print('<table:table-cell/>',
+ '\n', file = fp)
+ print('</table:table-row>' +
+ '</table:table>' +
+ '</office:spreadsheet>' +
+ '</office:body>' +
+ '</office:document>' +
+ '\n', file=fp)
+ fp.close()
+ fp = open('/tmp/esc_flatODF_body', 'w', encoding='utf-8')
+ print('File to add to series', file=fp)
+ fp.close
+ data = 'ESC flatODF, based on stats.json from '+statList['addDate']
+ return {'title': data, 'mail': 'mentoring at documentfoundation.org', 'attach': '/tmp/esc_flatODF.fods', 'file' : '/tmp/esc_flatODF_body'}
def report_ui():
@@ -345,12 +715,7 @@ def report_ui():
fp = open('/tmp/esc_ui_report.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8')
- print('ESC UI report, generated {} based on stats.json from {}'.format(
- datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), statList['addDate']), file=fp)
- print("copy/paste to esc pad:\n"
- "* UX update (heiko)\n"
- " + Bugzilla (topicUI) statistics\n"
+ print(" + Bugzilla (topicUI) statistics\n"
" {} (topicUI) bugs open, {} (needsUXEval) needs to be evaluated by the UXteam\n"
" + Updates:".format(
util_build_escNumber('ui', 'topicUI'),
@@ -366,33 +731,33 @@ def report_ui():
print(' {} made {} changes in 1 month, and {} changes in 1 year'.format(
top10list[i]['name'], top10list[i]['month'], top10list[i]['year']), file=fp)
- return {'title': 'esc_mentoring, UI', 'mail': 'mentoring at documentfoundation.org',
- 'file': '/tmp/esc_ui_report.txt'}
+ return {'title': 'ESC UI report', 'mail': 'tietze.heiko at gmail.com', 'file': '/tmp/esc_prototype_report.txt'}
def report_qa():
global statList, openhubData, gerritData, gitData, bugzillaData, cfg
+ global text_bisected, text_bibisected, text_regression
fp = open('/tmp/esc_qa_report.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8')
- print('ESC QA report, generated {} based on stats.json from {}'.format(
- datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), statList['addDate']), file=fp)
- print("copy/paste to esc pad:\n"
- "* qa update (xisco)\n", file=fp)
- print(" + UNCONFIRMED: {} ( )\n"
- " + enhancements: {} ( )\n"
- " + needsUXEval: {} ( )\n"
- " + haveBackTrace: {} ( )\n"
- " + needsDevAdvice: {} ( )\n"
- " + documentation: {} ( )\n".format(
+ print(" + UNCONFIRMED: {} ({})\n"
+ " + enhancements: {} ({})\n"
+ " + needsUXEval: {} ({})\n"
+ " + haveBackTrace: {} ({})\n"
+ " + needsDevAdvice: {} ({})\n"
+ " + documentation: {} ({})\n".format(
+ statList['diff']['qa']['unconfirmed']['count'],
+ statList['diff']['qa']['unconfirmed']['enhancement'],
+ statList['diff']['qa']['unconfirmed']['needsUXEval'],
+ statList['diff']['qa']['unconfirmed']['haveBacktrace'],
- statList['data']['qa']['unconfirmed']['documentation'],), file=fp)
+ statList['diff']['qa']['unconfirmed']['needsDevAdvice'],
+ statList['data']['qa']['unconfirmed']['documentation'],
+ statList['diff']['qa']['unconfirmed']['documentation'],), file=fp)
reporters = sorted(statList['people'], key=lambda k: (statList['people'][k]['qa']['1week']['owner']), reverse=True)
@@ -441,58 +806,62 @@ def report_qa():
max_width = 20
for i in top10bisected:
if statList['people'][i]['qa']['1week']['bisected'] == 0:
- break
+ continue
max_width = max(max_width, len(statList['people'][i]['name']))
+ text_bisected = ''
for item in top10bisected:
if statList['people'][item]['qa']['1week']['bisected'] == 0:
- break
+ continue
if not statList['people'][item]['name'] or statList['people'][item]['name'] == '*UNKNOWN*':
statList['people'][item]['name'] = statList['people'][item]['email'].split('@')[0]
- print(' {0:{2}s} {1:3d}'.format(
+ text_bisected += ' {0:{2}s} {1:3d}\n'.format(
statList['people'][item]['name'], statList['people'][item]['qa']['1week']['bisected'],
- max_width), file=fp)
+ max_width)
+ print(text_bisected, file=fp)
bibisected = sorted(statList['people'], key=lambda k: (statList['people'][k]['qa']['1week']['bibisected']), reverse=True)
print("\nBibisected", file=fp)
print("\n + Done by:", file=fp)
top10bibisected = bibisected[0:10]
+ text_bibisected = ''
max_width = 20
for i in top10bibisected:
if statList['people'][i]['qa']['1week']['bibisected'] == 0:
- break
+ continue
max_width = max(max_width, len(statList['people'][i]['name']))
for item in top10bibisected:
if statList['people'][item]['qa']['1week']['bibisected'] == 0:
- break
+ continue
if not statList['people'][item]['name'] or statList['people'][item]['name'] == '*UNKNOWN*':
statList['people'][item]['name'] = statList['people'][item]['email'].split('@')[0]
- print(' {0:{2}s} {1:3d}'.format(
+ text_bibisected = ' {0:{2}s} {1:3d}\n'.format(
statList['people'][item]['name'], statList['people'][item]['qa']['1week']['bibisected'],
- max_width), file=fp)
+ max_width)
+ print(text_bibisected, file=fp)
regression = sorted(statList['people'], key=lambda k: (statList['people'][k]['qa']['1week']['regression']), reverse=True)
print("\nRegressions", file=fp)
print("\n + Done by:", file=fp)
+ text_regression = ''
top10regression = regression[0:10]
max_width = 20
for i in top10regression:
if statList['people'][i]['qa']['1week']['regression'] == 0:
- break
+ continue
max_width = max(max_width, len(statList['people'][i]['name']))
for item in top10regression:
if statList['people'][item]['qa']['1week']['regression'] == 0:
- break
+ continue
if not statList['people'][item]['name'] or statList['people'][item]['name'] == '*UNKNOWN*':
statList['people'][item]['name'] = statList['people'][item]['email'].split('@')[0]
- print(' {0:{2}s} {1:3d}'.format(
+ text_regression = ' {0:{2}s} {1:3d}\n'.format(
statList['people'][item]['name'], statList['people'][item]['qa']['1week']['regression'],
- max_width), file=fp)
+ max_width)
+ print(text_regression, file=fp)
backtrace = sorted(statList['people'], key=lambda k: (statList['people'][k]['qa']['1week']['backtrace']), reverse=True)
@@ -567,6 +936,7 @@ def runCfg(platform):
homeDir = os.environ['esc_homedir']
homeDir = '/home/esc-mentoring/esc'
cfg = util_load_data_file(homeDir + '/config.json')
cfg['homedir'] = homeDir + '/'
cfg['platform'] = platform
@@ -593,6 +963,9 @@ def runReport():
gitData = util_load_data_file(cfg['homedir'] + 'dump/git_dump.json')
xMail = []
+ x = report_day_mentoring()
+ if not x is None:
+ xMail.append(x)
x = report_mentoring()
if not x is None:
@@ -605,12 +978,22 @@ def runReport():
x = report_myfunc()
if not x is None:
+ x = report_esc_prototype()
+ if not x is None:
+ xMail.append(x)
+ x = report_flatODF()
+ if not x is None:
+ xMail.append(x)
fp = open('/tmp/runMail', 'w', encoding='utf-8')
print("#!/bin/bash", file=fp)
for i in xMail:
- print("mail -s '" + i['title'] + "' " + i['mail'] + " < " + i['file'], file=fp)
+ if 'attach' in i:
+ attach = '-a ' + i['attach'] + ' '
+ else:
+ attach = ''
+ print("mail -s '" + i['title'] + "' " + attach + i['mail'] + " < " + i['file'], file=fp)
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