[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: xmlsecurity/workben

Miklos Vajna vmiklos at collabora.co.uk
Thu Feb 23 10:52:47 UTC 2017

 xmlsecurity/workben/makefile.mk       |   61 ------
 xmlsecurity/workben/signaturetest.cxx |  301 ----------------------------------
 2 files changed, 362 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit d8a277479f2cbbf46cf74e74ad16f890fd21dc91
Author: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos at collabora.co.uk>
Date:   Thu Feb 23 09:43:49 2017 +0100

    xmlsecurity: clean up leftover signaturetest
    Which is not even built since gbuildification.
    Change-Id: I5fbacc32289c4a534d49ca9042cca4e40fa53815
    Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/34565
    Reviewed-by: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos at collabora.co.uk>
    Tested-by: Jenkins <ci at libreoffice.org>

diff --git a/xmlsecurity/workben/makefile.mk b/xmlsecurity/workben/makefile.mk
deleted file mode 100644
index 43e4405..0000000
--- a/xmlsecurity/workben/makefile.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-# This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
-# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
-# This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
-#   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-#   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
-#   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
-#   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
-#   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
-#   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-#   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
-# --- Settings -----------------------------------------------------
-.INCLUDE :	settings.mk
-.INCLUDE :	$(PRJ)$/util$/target.pmk
-# --- Files --------------------------------------------------------
-OBJFILES=		$(OBJ)$/signaturetest.obj
-                $(CPPUHELPERLIB)	\
-                $(COMPHELPERLIB)	\
-                $(UCBHELPERLIB)	    \
-                $(UNOTOOLSLIB)	    \
-                $(VCLLIB)			\
-                $(TOOLSLIB) 		\
-                $(SVTOOLLIB) 		\
-                $(SALLIB)			\
-                $(SOTLIB)			\
-                $(VCLLIB)			\
-                $(SFXLIB)			\
-                $(XMLOFFLIB)		\
-                $(SVXLIB)
-# --- Targets ------------------------------------------------------
-.INCLUDE :	target.mk
diff --git a/xmlsecurity/workben/signaturetest.cxx b/xmlsecurity/workben/signaturetest.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 97309c2..0000000
--- a/xmlsecurity/workben/signaturetest.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,301 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
- * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
- *
- * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
- *
- *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
- *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
- *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
- *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
- *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
- */
-#include <sal/main.h>
-#include <vcl/event.hxx>
-#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
-#include <vcl/wrkwin.hxx>
-#include <vcl/msgbox.hxx>
-#include <vcl/fixed.hxx>
-#include <vcl/edit.hxx>
-#include <vcl/button.hxx>
-#include <vcl/lstbox.hxx>
-#include <svtools/filectrl.hxx>
-#include <tools/urlobj.hxx>
-#include <osl/file.hxx>
-#include <svtools/docpasswdrequest.hxx>
-#include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx>
-#include <cppuhelper/servicefactory.hxx>
-#include <cppuhelper/bootstrap.hxx>
-#include <unotools/streamhelper.hxx>
-// Will be in comphelper if CWS MAV09 is integrated
-#include <comphelper/storagehelper.hxx>
-#include <com/sun/star/lang/XMultiServiceFactory.hpp>
-#include <xmlsecurity/xmlsignaturehelper.hxx>
-#include <xmlsecurity/digitalsignaturesdialog.hxx>
-#include <xmlsecurity/certificatechooser.hxx>
-#include <xmlsecurity/biginteger.hxx>
-#include <com/sun/star/security/DocumentDigitalSignatures.hpp>
-using namespace css;
-void Main();
-#define EDITWIDTH       200
-#define EDITHEIGHT      20
-#define BUTTONWIDTH     50
-#define BUTTONHEIGHT    22
-#define BUTTONSPACE     20
-    uno::Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory > xMSF;
-    try
-    {
-        uno::Reference< uno::XComponentContext > xCtx( cppu::defaultBootstrap_InitialComponentContext() );
-        if ( !xCtx.is() )
-        {
-            OSL_FAIL( "Error creating initial component context!" );
-            return -1;
-        }
-        xMSF.set(xCtx->getServiceManager(), uno::UNO_QUERY );
-        if ( !xMSF.is() )
-        {
-            OSL_FAIL( "No service manager!" );
-            return -1;
-        }
-    }
-    catch ( uno::Exception const & )
-    {
-        OSL_FAIL( "Exception during creation of initial component context!" );
-        return -1;
-    }
-    comphelper::setProcessServiceFactory( xMSF );
-    InitVCL();
-    ::Main();
-    DeInitVCL();
-    return 0;
-class MyWin : public WorkWindow
-    FixedLine   maTokenLine;
-    CheckBox    maCryptoCheckBox;
-    FixedText   maFixedTextTokenName;
-    FileControl maEditTokenName;
-    FixedLine   maTest1Line;
-    FixedText   maFixedTextXMLFileName;
-    FileControl maEditXMLFileName;
-    FixedText   maFixedTextBINFileName;
-    FileControl maEditBINFileName;
-    FixedText   maFixedTextSIGFileName;
-    FileControl maEditSIGFileName;
-    PushButton  maSignButton;
-    PushButton  maVerifyButton;
-    FixedLine   maTest2Line;
-    FixedText   maFixedTextDOCFileName;
-    FileControl maEditDOCFileName;
-    PushButton  maDigitalSignaturesButton;
-    PushButton  maVerifyDigitalSignaturesButton;
-    FixedLine   maHintLine;
-    FixedText   maHintText;
-    DECL_LINK(  CryptoCheckBoxHdl, CheckBox*, void );
-    DECL_LINK(  DigitalSignaturesWithServiceHdl, Button*, void );
-    DECL_LINK(  VerifyDigitalSignaturesHdl, Button*, void );
-                MyWin( vcl::Window* pParent, WinBits nWinStyle );
-void Main()
-    MyWin aMainWin( NULL, WB_APP | WB_STDWORK | WB_3DLOOK);
-    aMainWin.Show();
-    Application::Execute();
-MyWin::MyWin( vcl::Window* pParent, WinBits nWinStyle ) :
-    WorkWindow( pParent, nWinStyle ),
-    maTokenLine( this ),
-    maTest1Line( this ),
-    maTest2Line( this ),
-    maHintLine( this ),
-    maFixedTextXMLFileName( this ),
-    maEditXMLFileName( this, WB_BORDER ),
-    maFixedTextBINFileName( this ),
-    maEditBINFileName( this, WB_BORDER ),
-    maFixedTextSIGFileName( this ),
-    maEditSIGFileName( this, WB_BORDER ),
-    maFixedTextTokenName( this ),
-    maEditTokenName( this, WB_BORDER ),
-    maFixedTextDOCFileName( this ),
-    maEditDOCFileName( this, WB_BORDER ),
-    maSignButton( this ),
-    maVerifyButton( this ),
-    maDigitalSignaturesButton( this ),
-    maVerifyDigitalSignaturesButton( this ),
-    maHintText( this, WB_WORDBREAK ),
-    maCryptoCheckBox( this )
-    Size aOutputSize( 400, 400 );
-    SetOutputSizePixel( aOutputSize );
-    SetText( OUString("XML Signature Test") );
-    long nY = 15;
-    maTokenLine.SetPosSizePixel( TEXTFIELDSTARTX, nY, aOutputSize.Width()-2*TEXTFIELDSTARTX, FIXEDLINEHEIGHT );
-    maTokenLine.SetText( OUString("Crypto Settings") );
-    maTokenLine.Show();
-    nY += EDITHEIGHT*3/2;
-    maCryptoCheckBox.SetPosSizePixel( TEXTFIELDSTARTX, nY, aOutputSize.Width()-2*TEXTFIELDSTARTX, FIXEDLINEHEIGHT );
-    maCryptoCheckBox.SetText( OUString("Use Default Token (NSS option only)") );
-    maCryptoCheckBox.Check( sal_True );
-    maEditTokenName.Disable();
-    maFixedTextTokenName.Disable();
-    maCryptoCheckBox.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, MyWin, CryptoCheckBoxHdl ) );
-    maCryptoCheckBox.Show();
-    nY += EDITHEIGHT;
-    maFixedTextTokenName.SetText( OUString("Crypto Token:") );
-    maFixedTextTokenName.Show();
-    maEditTokenName.Show();
-    nY += EDITHEIGHT*3;
-    maTest2Line.SetPosSizePixel( TEXTFIELDSTARTX, nY, aOutputSize.Width()-2*TEXTFIELDSTARTX, FIXEDLINEHEIGHT );
-    maTest2Line.SetText( OUString("Test Office Document") );
-    maTest2Line.Show();
-    nY += EDITHEIGHT*3/2;
-    maFixedTextDOCFileName.SetText( OUString("Office File:") );
-    maFixedTextDOCFileName.Show();
-    maEditDOCFileName.Show();
-    nY += EDITHEIGHT*2;
-    maDigitalSignaturesButton.SetPosSizePixel( TEXTFIELDSTARTX, nY, BUTTONWIDTH*2, BUTTONHEIGHT );
-    maDigitalSignaturesButton.SetText( OUString("Digital Signatures...") );
-    maDigitalSignaturesButton.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, MyWin, DigitalSignaturesWithServiceHdl ) );
-    maDigitalSignaturesButton.Show();
-    maVerifyDigitalSignaturesButton.SetText( OUString("Verify Signatures") );
-    maVerifyDigitalSignaturesButton.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, MyWin, VerifyDigitalSignaturesHdl ) );
-    maVerifyDigitalSignaturesButton.Show();
-    nY += EDITHEIGHT*2;
-    maHintLine.SetPosSizePixel( TEXTFIELDSTARTX, nY, aOutputSize.Width()-2*TEXTFIELDSTARTX, FIXEDLINEHEIGHT );
-    maHintLine.Show();
-    nY += EDITHEIGHT*2;
-    maHintText.SetPosSizePixel( TEXTFIELDSTARTX, nY, aOutputSize.Width()-2*TEXTFIELDSTARTX, aOutputSize.Height()-nY );
-    maHintText.SetText( OUString("Hint: Copy crypto files from xmlsecurity/tools/cryptoken/nss and sample files from xmlsecurity/tools/examples to <temp>/nss.\nThis location will be used from the demo as the default location.") );
-    maHintText.Show();
-    // Help the user with some default values
-    OUString aTempDirURL;
-    ::osl::File::getTempDirURL( aTempDirURL );
-    INetURLObject aURLObj( aTempDirURL );
-    aURLObj.insertName( "nss", true );
-    OUString aNSSFolder = aURLObj.getFSysPath( FSysStyle::Detect );
-    maEditXMLFileName.SetText( aNSSFolder + "demo-sample.xml" );
-    maEditBINFileName.SetText( aNSSFolder + "demo-sample.gif" );
-    maEditDOCFileName.SetText( aNSSFolder + "demo-sample.sxw" );
-    maEditSIGFileName.SetText( aNSSFolder + "demo-result.xml" );
-    maEditTokenName.SetText( aNSSFolder );
-#ifdef _WIN32
-    maEditTokenName.SetText( OUString() );
-    maEditTokenName.Disable();
-    maCryptoCheckBox.Disable();
-IMPL_LINK_NOARG(MyWin, CryptoCheckBoxHdl, CheckBox*, void)
-    if ( maCryptoCheckBox.IsChecked() )
-    {
-        maEditTokenName.Disable();
-        maFixedTextTokenName.Disable();
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        maEditTokenName.Enable();
-        maFixedTextTokenName.Enable();
-    }
-IMPL_LINK_NOARG(MyWin, DigitalSignaturesWithServiceHdl, Button*, void)
-    OUString aDocFileName = maEditDOCFileName.GetText();
-    uno::Reference < embed::XStorage > xStore = ::comphelper::OStorageHelper::GetStorageFromURL(
-            aDocFileName, embed::ElementModes::READWRITE, comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() );
-    uno::Reference< security::XDocumentDigitalSignatures > xD(
-        security::DocumentDigitalSignatures::createDefault(comphelper::getProcessComponentContext()) );
-    xD->signDocumentContent( xStore, NULL );
-IMPL_LINK_NOARG(MyWin, VerifyDigitalSignaturesHdl, Button*, void)
-    OUString aDocFileName = maEditDOCFileName.GetText();
-    uno::Reference < embed::XStorage > xStore = ::comphelper::OStorageHelper::GetStorageFromURL(
-            aDocFileName, embed::ElementModes::READWRITE, comphelper::getProcessServiceFactory() );
-    uno::Reference< security::XDocumentDigitalSignatures > xD(
-        security::DocumentDigitalSignatures::createDefault(comphelper::getProcessComponentContext()) );
-    uno::Sequence< security::DocumentSignatureInformation > aInfos = xD->verifyDocumentContentSignatures( xStore, NULL );
-    int nInfos = aInfos.getLength();
-    for ( int n = 0; n < nInfos; n++ )
-    {
-        security::DocumentSignatureInformation& rInf = aInfos[n];
-        OUString aText = "The document is signed by\n\n  " + rInf.Signer->getSubjectName()
-            + "\n\n The signature is ";
-        if ( !rInf.SignatureIsValid )
-            aText.append( "NOT " );
-        aText.append( "valid" );
-        ScopedVclPtrInstance<InfoBox>(this, aText)->Execute();
-    }
-/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

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