[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: sc/workben

Andreas Brandner Andreas.Brandner at cib.de
Tue Sep 5 17:19:18 UTC 2017

 sc/workben/dpcache/perf-test.cpp      |  412 -------
 sc/workben/opencl/platform_detect.cxx |   76 -
 sc/workben/test.cxx                   | 1887 ----------------------------------
 3 files changed, 2375 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit f2edc808762f0fb300923e266dde5d68fa70ace9
Author: Andreas Brandner <Andreas.Brandner at cib.de>
Date:   Tue Sep 5 16:56:46 2017 +0200

    Remove sc/workben-files
    Change-Id: I0c3f3f212ea6f0e7f99e3b5edffef24bb279b456
    Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/41937
    Tested-by: Jenkins <ci at libreoffice.org>
    Reviewed-by: Eike Rathke <erack at redhat.com>

diff --git a/sc/workben/dpcache/perf-test.cpp b/sc/workben/dpcache/perf-test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 28e7027207a2..000000000000
--- a/sc/workben/dpcache/perf-test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,412 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
- * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
- */
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include <iterator>
-#include <algorithm>
-using namespace std;
-namespace {
-class stack_printer
-    explicit stack_printer(const char* msg) :
-        msMsg(msg)
-    {
-        fprintf(stdout, "%s: --begin\n", msMsg.c_str());
-        mfStartTime = getTime();
-    }
-    ~stack_printer()
-    {
-        double fEndTime = getTime();
-        fprintf(stdout, "%s: --end (duration: %g sec)\n", msMsg.c_str(), (fEndTime-mfStartTime));
-    }
-    void printTime(int line) const
-    {
-        double fEndTime = getTime();
-        fprintf(stdout, "%s: --(%d) (duration: %g sec)\n", msMsg.c_str(), line, (fEndTime-mfStartTime));
-    }
-    double getTime() const
-    {
-        timeval tv;
-        gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
-        return tv.tv_sec + tv.tv_usec / 1000000.0;
-    }
-    ::std::string msMsg;
-    double mfStartTime;
-#if 1
-size_t val_count = 6000000;
-double multiplier = 300000.0;
-bool dump_values = false;
-size_t val_count = 20;
-double multiplier = 10.0;
-bool dump_values = true;
-struct field
-    std::vector<int> items;   /// unique values
-    std::vector<size_t> data;   /// original value series as indices into unique values.
-    std::vector<size_t> order;  /// ascending order of the values as indices.
-    field(const field&) = delete;
-    const field operator=(const field&) = delete;
-long compare(int left, int right)
-    if (left == right)
-        return 0;
-    if (left < right)
-        return -1;
-    return 1;
-bool has_item(const std::vector<int>& items, const std::vector<size_t>& order, int val, long& index)
-    index = items.size();
-    bool found = false;
-    long low = 0;
-    long high = items.size() - 1;
-    while (low <= high)
-    {
-        long this_index = (low + high) / 2;
-        const long comp_res = compare(items[order[this_index]], val);
-        if (comp_res < 0)
-            low = this_index + 1;
-        else
-        {
-            high = this_index - 1;
-            if (comp_res == 0)
-            {
-                found = true;
-                low = this_index;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    index = low;
-    return found;
-bool check_items(const std::vector<int>& items)
-    if (items.empty())
-        return false;
-    // Items are supposed to be all unique values.
-    std::vector<int> copied(items);
-    sort(copied.begin(), copied.end());
-    copied.erase(unique(copied.begin(), copied.end()), copied.end());
-    return copied.size() == items.size();
-bool check_order(const std::vector<int>& items, const std::vector<size_t>& order)
-    // Ensure that the order is truly in ascending order.
-    if (items.size() != order.size())
-        return false;
-    if (items.empty())
-        return false;
-    auto it = order.cbegin();
-    std::vector<int>::value_type prev = items[*it];
-    for (++it; it != order.end(); ++it)
-    {
-        std::vector<int>::value_type val = items[*it];
-        if (prev >= val)
-            return false;
-        prev = val;
-    }
-    return true;
-bool check_data(const std::vector<int>& items, const std::vector<size_t>& data, const std::vector<int>& original)
-    if (items.empty() || data.empty() || original.empty())
-        return false;
-    if (data.size() != original.size())
-        return false;
-    size_t n = data.size();
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
-    {
-        if (items[data[i]] != original[i])
-            return false;
-    }
-    return true;
-bool dump_and_check(const field& fld, const std::vector<int>& original, bool dump_values)
-    cout << "unique item count:   " << fld.items.size() << endl;
-    cout << "original data count: " << fld.data.size() << endl;
-    if (dump_values)
-    {
-        cout << "--- items" << endl;
-        copy(fld.items.begin(), fld.items.end(), ostream_iterator<int>(cout, "\n"));
-        cout << "--- sorted items" << endl;
-        {
-            auto it = fld.order.cbegin(), it_end = fld.order.cend();
-            for (; it != it_end; ++it)
-            {
-                cout << fld.items[*it] << endl;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if (!check_items(fld.items))
-    {
-        cout << "item check failed" << endl;
-        return false;
-    }
-    if (!check_order(fld.items, fld.order))
-    {
-        cout << "order check failed" << endl;
-        return false;
-    }
-    if (!check_data(fld.items, fld.data, original))
-    {
-        cout << "data check failed" << endl;
-        return false;
-    }
-    return true;
-void run1(const std::vector<int>& vals, bool dump_values)
-    field fld;
-    {
-        stack_printer __stack_printer__("::run1 (existing algorithm)");
-        auto it = vals.cbegin(), it_end = vals.cend();
-        for (; it != it_end; ++it)
-        {
-            long index = 0;
-            if (!has_item(fld.items, fld.order, *it, index))
-            {
-                // This item doesn't exist in the dimension array yet.
-                fld.items.push_back(*it);
-                fld.order.insert(
-                    fld.order.begin()+index, fld.items.size()-1);
-                fld.data.push_back(fld.items.size()-1);
-            }
-            else
-                fld.data.push_back(fld.order[index]);
-        }
-    }
-    bool res = dump_and_check(fld, vals, dump_values);
-    cout << "check: " << (res ? "success" : "failure") << endl;
-struct bucket
-    int value;
-    size_t order_index;
-    size_t data_index;
-    bucket(int _value, size_t _order_index, size_t _data_index) :
-        value(_value), order_index(_order_index), data_index(_data_index) {}
-    bucket(const bucket& r) :
-        value(r.value), order_index(r.order_index), data_index(r.data_index) {}
-void print_buckets(const vector<bucket>& buckets, const char* msg)
-    cout << "--- buckets content (" << msg << ")" << endl;
-    vector<bucket>::const_iterator it = buckets.begin(), it_end = buckets.end();
-    for (; it != it_end; ++it)
-    {
-        cout << "value: " << it->value << "  order index: " << it->order_index
-             << "  data index: " << it->data_index << endl;
-    }
-    cout << "---" << endl;
-struct less_by_value
-    bool operator() (const bucket& left, const bucket& right) const
-    {
-        return left.value < right.value;
-    }
-struct less_by_data_index
-    bool operator() (const bucket& left, const bucket& right) const
-    {
-        return left.data_index < right.data_index;
-    }
-struct equal_by_value
-    bool operator() (const bucket& left, const bucket& right) const
-    {
-        return left.value == right.value;
-    }
-class push_back_value
-    std::vector<int>& items;
-    explicit push_back_value(std::vector<int>& _items) : items(_items) {}
-    void operator() (const bucket& v)
-    {
-        items.push_back(v.value);
-    }
-class push_back_order_index
-    std::vector<size_t>& data_indices;
-    explicit push_back_order_index(std::vector<size_t>& _items) : data_indices(_items) {}
-    void operator() (const bucket& v)
-    {
-        data_indices.push_back(v.order_index);
-    }
-void run2(const std::vector<int>& vals, bool dump_values)
-    field fld;
-    {
-        stack_printer __stack_printer__("::run2 (alternative algorithm)");
-        vector<bucket> buckets;
-        buckets.reserve(vals.size());
-        {
-            // Push back all original values.
-            auto it = vals.cbegin(), it_end = vals.cend();
-            for (size_t i = 0; it != it_end; ++it, ++i)
-                buckets.push_back(bucket(*it, 0, i));
-        }
-        if (buckets.empty())
-        {
-            cout << "error: empty buckets" << endl;
-            return;
-        }
-//      print_buckets(buckets, "original");
-        // Sort by the value.
-        sort(buckets.begin(), buckets.end(), less_by_value());
-//      print_buckets(buckets, "sorted");
-        {
-            // Set order index such that unique values have identical index value.
-            size_t cur_index = 0;
-            vector<bucket>::iterator it = buckets.begin(), it_end = buckets.end();
-            int prev = it->value;
-            it->order_index = cur_index;
-            for (++it; it != it_end; ++it)
-            {
-                if (prev != it->value)
-                    ++cur_index;
-                it->order_index = cur_index;
-                prev = it->value;
-            }
-        }
-//      print_buckets(buckets, "sorted and indexed");
-        // Re-sort the bucket this time by the data index.
-        sort(buckets.begin(), buckets.end(), less_by_data_index());
-//      print_buckets(buckets, "re-sort by data index");
-        // Copy the order index series into the field object.
-        fld.data.reserve(buckets.size());
-        for_each(buckets.begin(), buckets.end(), push_back_order_index(fld.data));
-        // Sort by the value again.
-        sort(buckets.begin(), buckets.end(), less_by_value());
-        // Unique by value.
-        vector<bucket>::iterator it_unique_end =
-            unique(buckets.begin(), buckets.end(), equal_by_value());
-//      print_buckets(buckets, "uniqued");
-        // Copy the unique values into items.
-        vector<bucket>::iterator it_beg = buckets.begin();
-        size_t len = distance(it_beg, it_unique_end);
-        fld.items.reserve(len);
-        for_each(it_beg, it_unique_end, push_back_value(fld.items));
-        // The items are actually already sorted.  So, just insert a sequence
-        // of integers from 0 and up.
-        fld.order.reserve(len);
-        for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i)
-            fld.order.push_back(i);
-    }
-    bool res = dump_and_check(fld, vals, dump_values);
-    cout << "check: " << (res ? "success" : "failure") << endl;
-int main()
-    std::vector<int> vals;
-    vals.reserve(val_count);
-    if (dump_values)
-        cout << "--- original" << endl;
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < val_count; ++i)
-    {
-        double v = rand();
-        v /= RAND_MAX;
-        v *= multiplier;
-        std::vector<int>::value_type v2 = v;
-        vals.push_back(v2);
-        if (dump_values)
-            cout << i << ": " << v2 << endl;
-    }
-    if (dump_values)
-        cout << "---" << endl;
-    run1(vals, dump_values);
-    run2(vals, dump_values);
-    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
-/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
diff --git a/sc/workben/opencl/platform_detect.cxx b/sc/workben/opencl/platform_detect.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index d6d358d3e91b..000000000000
--- a/sc/workben/opencl/platform_detect.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <vector>
-#include <string>
-#include <clew/clew.h>
-using namespace std;
-#ifdef _WIN32
-#define OPENCL_DLL_NAME "OpenCL.dll"
-#elif defined(MACOSX)
-#define OPENCL_DLL_NAME "libOpenCL.so"
-int main()
-    int status = clewInit(OPENCL_DLL_NAME);
-    if (status < 0)
-    {
-        cout << "failed to load" << endl;
-        return EXIT_FAILURE;
-    }
-    cout << "OpenCL.dll loaded successfully." << endl;
-    cl_uint platformCount = 0;
-    clGetPlatformIDs(0, NULL, &platformCount);
-    cout << "number of platforms: " << platformCount << endl;
-    vector<cl_platform_id> platformIDs(platformCount);
-    if (clGetPlatformIDs(platformCount, &platformIDs[0], NULL) != CL_SUCCESS)
-    {
-        cout << "failed to get platform IDs" << endl;
-        return EXIT_FAILURE;
-    }
-    for (size_t i = 0, n = platformIDs.size(); i < n; ++i)
-    {
-        cout << "* platform (ID=" << platformIDs[i] << ")" << endl;
-        string param(100, '\0');
-        if (clGetPlatformInfo(platformIDs[i], CL_PLATFORM_PROFILE, param.size(), &param[0], NULL) == CL_SUCCESS)
-            cout << "  profile: " << param.c_str() << endl;
-        if (clGetPlatformInfo(platformIDs[i], CL_PLATFORM_VERSION, param.size(), &param[0], NULL) == CL_SUCCESS)
-            cout << "  version: " << param.c_str() << endl;
-        if (clGetPlatformInfo(platformIDs[i], CL_PLATFORM_NAME, param.size(), &param[0], NULL) == CL_SUCCESS)
-            cout << "  name: " << param.c_str() << endl;
-        if (clGetPlatformInfo(platformIDs[i], CL_PLATFORM_VENDOR, param.size(), &param[0], NULL) == CL_SUCCESS)
-            cout << "  vendor: " << param.c_str() << endl;
-        if (clGetPlatformInfo(platformIDs[i], CL_PLATFORM_EXTENSIONS, param.size(), &param[0], NULL) == CL_SUCCESS)
-            cout << "  extensions: " << param.c_str() << endl;
-        cl_uint deviceCount = 0;
-        clGetDeviceIDs(platformIDs[i], CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL, 0, NULL, &deviceCount);
-        cout << "  number of devices: " << deviceCount << endl;
-        vector<cl_device_id> deviceIDs(deviceCount);
-        if (clGetDeviceIDs(platformIDs[i], CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL, deviceCount, &deviceIDs[0], NULL) != CL_SUCCESS)
-            continue;
-        for (size_t j = 0; j < deviceIDs.size(); ++j)
-        {
-            cout << "  * device (ID=" << deviceIDs[j] << ")" << endl;
-            if (clGetDeviceInfo(deviceIDs[j], CL_DEVICE_VENDOR, param.size(), &param[0], NULL) == CL_SUCCESS)
-                cout << "    vendor: " << param.c_str() << endl;
-            if (clGetDeviceInfo(deviceIDs[j], CL_DEVICE_VERSION, param.size(), &param[0], NULL) == CL_SUCCESS)
-                cout << "    version: " << param.c_str() << endl;
-            if (clGetDeviceInfo(deviceIDs[j], CL_DRIVER_VERSION, param.size(), &param[0], NULL) == CL_SUCCESS)
-                cout << "    driver version: " << param.c_str() << endl;
-        }
-    }
-    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/sc/workben/test.cxx b/sc/workben/test.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 32581bdd8860..000000000000
--- a/sc/workben/test.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1887 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
- * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
- *
- * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
- *
- *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
- *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
- *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
- *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
- *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
- */
-#include <svtools/libcall.hxx>
-#include <vcl/msgbox.hxx>
-#include <vcl/window.hxx>
-#include <vcl/button.hxx>
-#include <vcl/field.hxx>
-#include <vcl/fixed.hxx>
-#include <vcl/help.hxx>
-#include <usr/conver.hxx>
-#include <usr/uno.hxx>
-#include <usr/refl.hxx>
-#include <stardiv/one/frame/xcollect.hxx>
-#include <stardiv/one/text/offfield.hxx>
-#include <stardiv/one/offmisc.hxx>
-#include <stardiv/one/sheet/offtable.hxx>
-#include <stardiv/one/text/offtext.hxx>
-#include <stardiv/one/offstyle.hxx>
-#include <stardiv/one/offview.hxx>
-#include <stardiv/uno/repos/serinfo.hxx>
-#include <stardiv/one/sheet/sctypes.hxx>
-#include <stardiv/one/sheet/scmodel.hxx>
-#include <stardiv/one/sheet/sccells.hxx>
-#include <stardiv/one/sheet/sctables.hxx>
-#include <stardiv/one/sheet/sctable.hxx>
-#include <stardiv/one/sheet/sccell.hxx>
-#include <stardiv/one/sheet/scpostit.hxx>
-#include <stardiv/one/sheet/scview.hxx>
-#include <stardiv/one/sheet/scdata.hxx>
-#include <stardiv/one/sheet/scattr.hxx>
-//! this needs be in some IDL file as a constant !!!!
-class MyFixedText : public FixedText
-    void        RequestHelp( const HelpEvent& rHEvt );
-    explicit    MyFixedText(vcl::Window* pParent) : FixedText(pParent) {}
-class MyWindow : public vcl::Window
-    NumericField    aCountField;
-    PushButton      aCountButton;
-    MyFixedText     aTimeText;
-    NumericField    aColField;
-    NumericField    aRowField;
-    NumericField    aPosField;
-    NumericField    aLenField;
-    Edit            aTextEdit;
-    PushButton      aTextButton;
-    PushButton      aBlaButton;
-    PushButton      aTabButton;
-    PushButton      aViewButton;
-    explicit MyWindow( vcl::Window *pParent );
-        DECL_LINK(CountHdl, PushButton*, void);
-        DECL_LINK(TextHdl, PushButton*, void);
-        DECL_LINK(BlaHdl, PushButton*, void);
-        DECL_LINK(TabHdl, PushButton*, void);
-        DECL_LINK(ViewHdl, PushButton*, void);
-class ScTestListener : public XSelectionChangeListener, public UsrObject
-    FixedText*  pFixedText;
-    explicit                ScTestListener(FixedText* pF);
-    virtual                 ~ScTestListener();
-                            SMART_UNO_DECLARATION( ScTestListener, UsrObject );
-    virtual XInterface *    queryInterface( UsrUik );
-    virtual XIdlClassRef    getIdlClass();
-    virtual void            disposing(const EventObject& Source);
-                            // XSelectionChangeListener
-    virtual void            selectionChanged(const EventObject& aEvent);
-static long nBla = 0;
-static XCellRef xGlobalCell;
-ScTestListener::ScTestListener(FixedText* pF) :
-    pFixedText( pF )
-XInterface* ScTestListener::queryInterface( UsrUik aUIK )
-    if ( aUIK == XSelectionChangeListener::getSmartUik() )
-        return (XSelectionChangeListener*) this;
-    return UsrObject::queryInterface( aUIK );
-XIdlClassRef ScTestListener::getIdlClass()
-    static XIdlClassRef xClass = createStandardClass( L"ScTestListener",
-        UsrObject::getUsrObjectIdlClass(),
-        1, XSelectionChangeListener_getReflection() );
-    return xClass;
-void ScTestListener::disposing(const EventObject& Source)
-// XSelectionChangeListener
-void ScTestListener::selectionChanged(const EventObject& aEvent)
-    static sal_uInt16 nBla = 0;
-    pFixedText->SetText(++nBla);
-    XInterfaceRef xInt = aEvent.Source;
-    if (!xInt) return;
-    XDocumentViewRef xView = (XDocumentView*)xInt->queryInterface(XDocumentView::getSmartUik());
-    if (!xView) return;
-    XInterfaceRef xSelInt = xView->getSelection();
-    if (!xSelInt) return;
-    XCellCollectionRef xCells = (XCellCollection*)
-                xSelInt->queryInterface(XCellCollection::getSmartUik());
-    if (!xCells) return;
-    String aStr = OUStringToString( xCells->getAddress(), CHARSET_SYSTEM );
-    pFixedText->SetText(aStr);
-extern "C" vcl::Window* SAL_CALL CreateWindow( vcl::Window *pParent, const String& rParam )
-    MyWindow *pWin = new MyWindow( pParent );
-    return pWin;
-void MyFixedText::RequestHelp( const HelpEvent& rHEvt )
-    String  aTxtStr=GetText();
-    Size    aTxtSize=GetTextSize(aTxtStr);
-    Point   aShowPoint= OutputToScreenPixel(Point(0,0));
-    if ( ( rHEvt.GetMode() & HELPMODE_QUICK ) == HELPMODE_QUICK &&
-         aTxtSize.Width()>GetSizePixel().Width())
-        Help::ShowQuickHelp( Rectangle(aShowPoint,aTxtSize), aTxtStr, QuickHelpFlags::Top|QuickHelpFlags::Left );
-    else
-        FixedText::RequestHelp( rHEvt );
-MyWindow::MyWindow( vcl::Window *pParent ) :
-    Window( pParent ),
-    aCountField( this, WinBits(WB_SPIN | WB_REPEAT | WB_BORDER) ),
-    aCountButton( this ),
-    aTimeText( this ),
-    aColField( this, WinBits(WB_SPIN | WB_REPEAT | WB_BORDER) ),
-    aRowField( this, WinBits(WB_SPIN | WB_REPEAT | WB_BORDER) ),
-    aPosField( this, WinBits(WB_SPIN | WB_REPEAT | WB_BORDER) ),
-    aLenField( this, WinBits(WB_SPIN | WB_REPEAT | WB_BORDER) ),
-    aTextEdit( this, WinBits(WB_BORDER) ),
-    aTextButton( this ),
-    aBlaButton( this ),
-    aTabButton( this ),
-    aViewButton( this )
-    aCountField.SetPosSizePixel( Point(10,10), Size(40,20) );
-    aCountField.SetValue(1);
-    aCountButton.SetPosSizePixel( Point(10,40), Size(100,30) );
-    aCountButton.SetText("increment");
-    aTimeText.SetPosSizePixel( Point(10,80), Size(100,20) );
-    aColField.SetPosSizePixel( Point(10,120), Size(40,20) );
-    aRowField.SetPosSizePixel( Point(60,120), Size(40,20) );
-    aPosField.SetPosSizePixel( Point(10,150), Size(40,20) );
-    aLenField.SetPosSizePixel( Point(60,150), Size(40,20) );
-    aTextEdit.SetPosSizePixel( Point(10,180), Size(100,20) );
-    aTextButton.SetPosSizePixel( Point(10,210), Size(100,30) );
-    aTextButton.SetText("col/row/pos/len");
-    aBlaButton.SetPosSizePixel( Point(10,260), Size(100,30) );
-    aBlaButton.SetText("Bla");
-    aTabButton.SetPosSizePixel( Point(10,310), Size(100,30) );
-    aTabButton.SetText("sheets");
-    aViewButton.SetPosSizePixel( Point(10,360), Size(100,30) );
-    aViewButton.SetText("Ugh");
-    aCountButton.SetClickHdl(LINK(this, MyWindow, CountHdl));
-    aTextButton.SetClickHdl(LINK(this, MyWindow, TextHdl));
-    aBlaButton.SetClickHdl(LINK(this, MyWindow, BlaHdl));
-    aTabButton.SetClickHdl(LINK(this, MyWindow, TabHdl));
-    aViewButton.SetClickHdl(LINK(this, MyWindow, ViewHdl));
-    aCountField.Show();
-    aCountButton.Show();
-    aTimeText.Show();
-    aColField.Show();
-    aRowField.Show();
-    aPosField.Show();
-    aLenField.Show();
-    aTextEdit.Show();
-    aTextButton.Show();
-    aBlaButton.Show();
-    aTabButton.Show();
-    aViewButton.Show();
-XSpreadsheetDocumentRef lcl_GetDocument()
-    XServiceManagerRef xProv = getGlobalServiceManager();
-    OSL_ENSURE( xProv.is(), "no ServiceManager!" );
-    XServiceRegistryRef xReg = (XServiceRegistry*)xProv->queryInterface(XServiceRegistry::getSmartUik());
-    if ( !xReg )
-        return NULL;
-    Sequence<Uik> aIfaces( 1 );
-    aIfaces.getArray()[0] = XModelCollection::getSmartUik();
-    XServiceProviderRef xSSI = xProv->getServiceProvider( L"stardiv.desktop.ModelCollection",
-                                                            aIfaces, Sequence<Uik>() );
-    XModelCollectionRef aCollRef = (XModelCollection*)
-                        xSSI->newInstance()->queryInterface( XModelCollection::getSmartUik() );
-    sal_uInt16 nCount = aCollRef->getCount();
-    XSpreadsheetDocumentRef xModel;                         // calc model
-    for (sal_uInt16 nMod=0; nMod<nCount && !xModel; nMod++)     // search calc doc
-    {
-        XModelRef aRef = aCollRef->getItemByIndex( nMod );
-        if ( aRef )
-        {
-            aRef->acquire();
-            xModel = (XSpreadsheetDocument*) aRef->queryInterface( XSpreadsheetDocument::getSmartUik() );
-            aRef->release();
-        }
-    }
-    return xModel;
-XInterfaceRef lcl_GetView()
-    XInterfaceRef xView;
-    XSpreadsheetDocumentRef xDoc = lcl_GetDocument();           // calc model
-    if (xDoc)
-        xView = xDoc->getDDELinks();        //! temporary for test !!!!!!!!!
-    return xView;
-void lcl_OutputNames( const XInterfaceRef& xSource,     // XNameAccess
-                        const XSpreadsheetDocumentRef& xDoc,
-                        sal_uInt16 nCol, sal_uInt16 nRow, sal_uInt16 nTab )
-    CellAddress aAdr;
-    aAdr.Sheet  = nTab;
-    aAdr.Column = nCol;
-    aAdr.Row    = nRow;
-    XNameAccessRef xNames = (XNameAccess*)xSource->queryInterface(XNameAccess::getSmartUik());
-    if (!xNames) return;
-    Sequence<UString> aSeq = xNames->getElementNames();
-    sal_uInt16 nLen = (sal_uInt16)aSeq.getLen();
-    XCellRef xCell = xDoc->getCell(aAdr);
-    if (!xCell) return;
-    xCell->setValue( nLen );
-    ++aAdr.Row;
-    UString* pAry = aSeq.getArray();
-    for (sal_uInt16 i=0; i<nLen; i++)
-    {
-        xCell = xDoc->getCell(aAdr);
-        if (!xCell) return;
-        XTextRef xText = (XText*)xCell->queryInterface(XText::getSmartUik());
-        if (!xText) return;
-        xText->setText( pAry[i] );
-        ++aAdr.Row;
-    }
-void lcl_SetText( const XTextRef& xText )
-    if (!xText.is()) return;
-    XTextCursorRef xCursor = xText->createTextCursor();
-    if (!xCursor.is()) return;
-    XTextPositionRef xPos = (XTextPosition*)xCursor->queryInterface(XTextPosition::getSmartUik());
-    XPropertySetRef xProp = (XPropertySet*)xCursor->queryInterface(XPropertySet::getSmartUik());
-    XControlCharacterInsertableRef xControl = (XControlCharacterInsertable*)
-                            xCursor->queryInterface(XControlCharacterInsertable::getSmartUik());
-    XParagraphCursorRef xPara = (XParagraphCursor*)
-                            xCursor->queryInterface(XParagraphCursor::getSmartUik());
-    if (!xPos.is() || !xControl.is() || !xPara.is()) return;    // PropertySet can be missing
-    xText->setText(L"bla babbel");
-    xCursor->gotoEnd(false);
-    xControl->insertControlCharacter( TEXTCONTROLCHAR_PARAGRAPH_BREAK );
-    xPos->collapseToEnd();
-    xPos->setText(L"s\xFClz");      // second paragraph
-    xCursor->gotoStart(false);
-    xPara->gotoEndOfParagraph(false);
-    xCursor->goLeft(5, true);               // last 5 characters in the first paragraph
-    if (xProp.is())
-        xProp->setPropertyValue(L"Bold", UsrAny((sal_Bool)true));
-void lcl_DoCount()
-    XSpreadsheetDocumentRef xDoc = lcl_GetDocument();           // calc model
-    if (xDoc)
-    {
-        XActionLockableRef xLock = (XActionLockable*)
-                            xDoc->queryInterface(XActionLockable::getSmartUik());
-        XCalculateRef xCalc = (XCalculate*)
-                            xDoc->queryInterface(XCalculate::getSmartUik());
-        if (xLock)
-            xLock->addActionLock();                         // don't paint in between
-        if (xCalc)
-            xCalc->setAutomaticCalculation(false);
-        CellAddress aPos;
-        aPos.Sheet  = 0;
-        for (sal_uInt16 nRow = 0; nRow < 20; nRow++)
-        {
-            aPos.Row = nRow;
-            for (sal_uInt16 nCol = 0; nCol < 10; nCol++)
-            {
-                aPos.Column = nCol;
-                XCellRef xCell = xDoc->getCell(aPos);
-                if ( xCell )
-                {
-                    // increment value in cell by 1
-                    double fVal = xCell->getValue();
-                    fVal += 1.0;
-                    xCell->setValue( fVal );
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        if (xCalc)
-            xCalc->setAutomaticCalculation(true);
-        if (xLock)
-            xLock->removeActionLock();
-    }
-void lcl_GlobalCell()
-    if ( xGlobalCell )
-    {
-        String aStr = OUStringToString( xGlobalCell->getFormula(), CHARSET_SYSTEM );
-        aStr+='0';
-        xGlobalCell->setFormula( StringToOUString( aStr, CHARSET_SYSTEM ) );
-    }
-void lcl_Annotations( FixedText& aTimeText )
-    XSpreadsheetDocumentRef xDoc = lcl_GetDocument();           // calc model
-    if (xDoc)
-    {
-        CellAddress aPos;
-        aPos.Sheet  = 0;
-        aPos.Column = 1;
-        aPos.Row    = 2;
-        XCellRef xCell = xDoc->getCell(aPos);
-        if ( xCell )
-        {
-            XSheetAnnotationAnchorRef xAnchor =
-                (XSheetAnnotationAnchor*)xCell->queryInterface(XSheetAnnotationAnchor::getSmartUik());
-            if ( xAnchor )
-            {
-                XSheetAnnotationRef xAnnotation = xAnchor->getAnnotation();
-                if ( xAnnotation )
-                {
-                    String aBlubb = OUStringToString( xAnnotation->getAuthor(), CHARSET_SYSTEM )+
-                                    String(" - ")+
-                                    OUStringToString( xAnnotation->getDate(), CHARSET_SYSTEM );
-                    aTimeText.SetText(aBlubb);
-                    XTextRef xAnnotationText =
-                        (XText*)xAnnotation->queryInterface(XText::getSmartUik());
-                    if ( xAnnotationText )
-                    {
-                        XTextCursorRef xCursor = xAnnotationText->createTextCursor();
-                        if (xCursor)
-                        {
-                            XTextPositionRef xPos = (XTextPosition*)
-                                xCursor->queryInterface(XTextPosition::getSmartUik());
-                            XControlCharacterInsertableRef xControl = (XControlCharacterInsertable*)
-                                xCursor->queryInterface(XControlCharacterInsertable::getSmartUik());
-                            if (xPos && xControl)
-                            {
-                                sal_uInt64 nStart = tools::Time::GetSystemTicks();
-                                xAnnotationText->setText(L"bla");
-                                xCursor->gotoEnd(false);
-                                xCursor->goLeft(1,true);
-                                xPos->setText(L"ubb");
-                                for (sal_uInt16 i=0; i<10; i++)
-                                {
-                                    xPos->collapseToEnd();
-                                    xControl->insertControlCharacter( TEXTCONTROLCHAR_PARAGRAPH_BREAK );
-                                    xPos->collapseToEnd();
-                                    xPos->setText(L"dumdi");
-                                }
-                                sal_uInt64 nEnd = tools::Time::GetSystemTicks();
-                                aTimeText.SetText(String(nEnd-nStart)+String(" ms"));
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-void lcl_Cursor( FixedText& aTimeText )
-    aTimeText.SetText( "..." );
-    XSpreadsheetDocumentRef xDoc = lcl_GetDocument();           // calc model
-    if (xDoc)
-    {
-        XActionLockableRef xLock = (XActionLockable*)
-                            xDoc->queryInterface(XActionLockable::getSmartUik());
-        if (xLock)
-            xLock->addActionLock();
-        CellAddress aPos;
-        aPos.Sheet  = 0;
-        aPos.Column = 1;
-        aPos.Row    = 2;
-        XCellRef xCell = xDoc->getCell(aPos);
-        if ( xCell )
-        {
-            XTextRef xText = (XText*)xCell->queryInterface(XText::getSmartUik());
-            XCellCollectionRef xColl = (XCellCollection*)xCell->queryInterface(XCellCollection::getSmartUik());
-            if ( xText && xColl )
-            {
-                xText->setText(L"bla");
-                XLineCursorRef xCursor = xColl->createCursor();
-                if ( xCursor )
-                {
-                    XCellCursorRef xCC = (XCellCursor*)xCursor->queryInterface(XCellCursor::getSmartUik());
-                    XCellRangesCursorRef xRC = (XCellRangesCursor*)
-                                        xCursor->queryInterface(XCellRangesCursor::getSmartUik());
-                    if ( xCC && xRC )
-                    {
-                        xCursor->goDown( 1, false );
-                        xColl = xCC->getRanges();
-                        if ( xColl )
-                        {
-                            // XText is there, if it's a single cell
-                            xText = (XText*)xColl->queryInterface(XText::getSmartUik());
-                            if ( xText )
-                            {
-                                xText->setText(L"babbel");
-                            }
-                        }
-                        CellRangeAddress aSecond;
-                        aSecond.Sheet       = 0;
-                        aSecond.StartColumn = 3;
-                        aSecond.StartRow    = 4;
-                        aSecond.EndColumn   = 3;
-                        aSecond.EndRow      = 4;
-                        xRC->gotoUnion(aSecond);
-                        xColl = xCC->getRanges();
-                        if ( xColl )
-                        {
-                            XPropertySetRef xProp = (XPropertySet*)
-                                                xColl->queryInterface(XPropertySet::getSmartUik());
-                            if ( xProp )
-                            {
-                                UsrAny aAny;
-                                aAny = xProp->getPropertyValue(L"ShadowFormat");
-                                if ( aAny.getReflection()->getName() ==
-                                     ShadowFormat_getReflection()->getName() )
-                                {
-                                    //ShadowFormat* pOld = (ShadowFormat*)aAny.get();
-                                    ShadowFormat aNew;
-                                    aNew.Location       = SHADOWLOCATION_BOTTOMRIGHT;
-                                    aNew.ShadowWidth    = 100;
-                                    aNew.IsTransparent  = false;
-                                    aNew.Color          = 0xff0000L;
-                                    aAny.set( &aNew, aAny.getReflection() );
-                                    xProp->setPropertyValue(L"ShadowFormat", aAny);
-                                }
-                                aAny = xProp->getPropertyValue(L"RotationValue");
-                                aAny.setINT32(4500);
-                                xProp->setPropertyValue(L"RotationValue", aAny);
-                                aAny = xProp->getPropertyValue(L"FontHeight");
-                                aAny.setUINT32(280);
-                                xProp->setPropertyValue(L"FontHeight", aAny);
-                                aAny = xProp->getPropertyValue(L"TransparentBackground");
-                                aAny.setBOOL(false);
-                                xProp->setPropertyValue(L"TransparentBackground", aAny);
-                                aAny = xProp->getPropertyValue(L"BackgroundColor");
-                                aAny.setUINT32(0xffff00);
-                                xProp->setPropertyValue(L"BackgroundColor", aAny);
-                                aAny = xProp->getPropertyValue(L"CellProtection");
-                                if ( aAny.getReflection()->getName() ==
-                                     CellProtection_getReflection()->getName() )
-                                {
-                                    //CellProtection* pOld = (CellProtection*)aAny.get();
-                                    CellProtection aNew;
-                                    aNew.Locked         = false;
-                                    aNew.FormulaHidden  = false;
-                                    aNew.Hidden         = false;
-                                    aNew.PrintHidden    = false;
-                                    aAny.set( &aNew, aAny.getReflection() );
-                                    xProp->setPropertyValue(L"CellProtection", aAny);
-                                }
-                            }
-                            // XIndexAccess, only if there are several (??! ??!)
-                            XIndexAccessRef xIndex = (XIndexAccess*)
-                                                xColl->queryInterface(XIndexAccess::getSmartUik());
-                            if ( xIndex )
-                            {
-                                sal_uInt16 nCount = (sal_uInt16)xIndex->getCount();
-                                aTimeText.SetText( String(nCount) );
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        if (xLock)
-            xLock->removeActionLock();
-    }
-void lcl_Cells( FixedText& aTimeText )
-    aTimeText.SetText( "..." );
-    XSpreadsheetDocumentRef xDoc = lcl_GetDocument();           // calc model
-    if (xDoc)
-    {
-        long nCount = 0;
-        sal_uInt64 nStart = tools::Time::GetSystemTicks();
-        XActionLockableRef xLock = (XActionLockable*)
-                            xDoc->queryInterface(XActionLockable::getSmartUik());
-//      if (xLock)
-//          xLock->addActionLock();
-        CellRangeAddress aRngAddr;
-        aRngAddr.Sheet       = 0;
-        aRngAddr.StartColumn = 0;
-        aRngAddr.StartRow    = 0;
-        aRngAddr.EndColumn   = 9;
-        aRngAddr.EndRow      = 19;
-        XCellRangeRef xRange = xDoc->getCellRange(aRngAddr);
-        if (xRange)
-        {
-            XCellCollectionRef xColl = (XCellCollection*)
-                        xRange->queryInterface(XCellCollection::getSmartUik());
-            if (xColl)
-            {
-                XEnumerationAccessRef xEnAcc = xColl->getCells();
-                if (xEnAcc)
-                {
-                    XEnumerationRef xEnum = xEnAcc->getEnumeration();
-                    if (xEnum)
-                    {
-                        while (xEnum->hasMoreElements())
-                        {
-                            XInterfaceRef xInt = xEnum->nextElement();
-                            if (xInt)
-                            {
-                                ++nCount;
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        sal_uInt64 nEnd = tools::Time::GetSystemTicks();
-        aTimeText.SetText(String(nCount)+String(" ")+String(nEnd-nStart)+String(" ms"));
-//      if (xLock)
-//          xLock->removeActionLock();
-    }
-void lcl_Sheet( FixedText& aTimeText )
-    aTimeText.SetText( "..." );
-    XSpreadsheetDocumentRef xDoc = lcl_GetDocument();           // calc model
-    if (!xDoc) return;
-    XSpreadsheetsRef xSheets = xDoc->getSheets();
-    if (!xSheets) return;
-    XTableSheetRef xSheet = xSheets->getSheetByIndex(0);
-    if (!xSheet) return;
-    XNamedRef xNamed = (XNamed*)xSheet->queryInterface(XNamed::getSmartUik());
-    if (!xNamed) return;
-    String aName = OUStringToString( xNamed->getName(), CHARSET_SYSTEM );
-    aName += 'X';
-    xNamed->setName(StringToOUString( aName, CHARSET_SYSTEM ));
-    XCellRangeRef xRange = (XCellRange*)xSheet->queryInterface(XCellRange::getSmartUik());
-    if (!xRange) return;
-    XCellRef xCell = xRange->getCell(2,1);
-    if (!xCell) return;
-    XTextRef xText = (XText*)xCell->queryInterface(XText::getSmartUik());
-    if (!xText) return;
-    String aBla = OUStringToString( xText->getText(), CHARSET_SYSTEM );
-    aBla += "bla";
-    xText->setText(StringToOUString( aBla, CHARSET_SYSTEM ));
-    XColumnRowRangeRef xCRR = (XColumnRowRange*)xSheet->queryInterface(XColumnRowRange::getSmartUik());
-    if (!xCRR) return;
-    XTableColumnsRef xCols = xCRR->getColumns();
-    if (!xCols) return;
-    XPropertySetRef xCol = xCols->getColumnByIndex(2);
-    if (!xCol) return;
-    UINT16 nWidth = TypeConversion::toUINT16(xCol->getPropertyValue(L"Width"));
-//  UINT16 nNewWidth = nWidth + 100;
-//  xCol->setPropertyValue(L"Width", UsrAny(nNewWidth));
-    xCol->setPropertyValue(L"OptimalWidth", UsrAny((sal_Bool)true));
-    xCol->setPropertyValue(L"NewPage", UsrAny((sal_Bool)false));
-    UsrAny aAny = xCol->getPropertyValue(L"ShadowFormat");
-    if ( aAny.getReflection()->getName() ==
-         ShadowFormat_getReflection()->getName() )
-    {
-        //ShadowFormat* pOld = (ShadowFormat*)aAny.get();
-        ShadowFormat aNew;
-        aNew.Location       = SHADOWLOCATION_BOTTOMRIGHT;
-        aNew.ShadowWidth    = 100;
-        aNew.IsTransparent  = false;
-        aNew.Color          = 0xff0000L;
-        aAny.set( &aNew, aAny.getReflection() );
-        xCol->setPropertyValue(L"ShadowFormat", aAny);
-    }
-    XTableRowsRef xRows = xCRR->getRows();
-    if (!xRows) return;
-    XPropertySetRef xRow = xRows->getRowByIndex(1);
-    if (!xRow) return;
-    xRows->removeRowsByIndex( 2, 1 );
-    UINT16 nHeight = TypeConversion::toUINT16(xRow->getPropertyValue(L"Height"));
-    sal_Bool bOptH = TypeConversion::toBOOL(xRow->getPropertyValue(L"OptimalHeight"));
-    UINT16 nNewHeight = nHeight + 100;
-    xRow->setPropertyValue(L"Height", UsrAny(nNewHeight));
-    aTimeText.SetText(String("W:")+String(nWidth)+String(" H:")+String(nHeight)+
-                        String(" ")+String((sal_uInt16)bOptH));
-void lcl_Names( FixedText& aTimeText )
-    aTimeText.SetText( "..." );
-    XSpreadsheetDocumentRef xDoc = lcl_GetDocument();           // calc model
-    if (!xDoc) return;
-    XNamedRangesRef xNames = xDoc->getNamedRanges();
-    if (!xNames) return;
-    XNamedRangeRef xName = xNames->getRangeByName(L"bla");
-    if (!xName) return;
-    String aCont = OUStringToString( xName->getContent(), CHARSET_SYSTEM );
-    aTimeText.SetText(aCont);
-    XCellRangeSourceRef xSource = (XCellRangeSource*)
-                            xName->queryInterface(XCellRangeSource::getSmartUik());
-    if (!xSource) return;
-    XCellRangeRef xRange = xSource->getReferredCells();
-    if (!xRange) return;
-    XPropertySetRef xProp = (XPropertySet*)xRange->queryInterface(XPropertySet::getSmartUik());
-    if (!xProp) return;
-    UsrAny aAny = xProp->getPropertyValue(L"RotationValue");
-    aAny.setINT32(3000);
-    xProp->setPropertyValue(L"RotationValue", aAny);
-void lcl_Sheets( FixedText& aTimeText )
-    aTimeText.SetText( "..." );
-    XSpreadsheetDocumentRef xDoc = lcl_GetDocument();           // calc model
-    if (!xDoc) return;
-    XSpreadsheetsRef xSheets = xDoc->getSheets();
-    if (!xSheets) return;
-    xSheets->moveSheet(0, 1, true);
-    xSheets->moveSheet(0, 2, false);
-void lcl_Goal( FixedText& aTimeText )
-    XSpreadsheetDocumentRef xDoc = lcl_GetDocument();           // calc model
-    if (!xDoc) return;
-    XGoalSeekRef xGoal = (XGoalSeek*)xDoc->queryInterface(XGoalSeek::getSmartUik());
-    if (!xGoal) return;
-    double fResult;
-    CellAddress aFormula;   // A1
-    aFormula.Sheet  = 0;
-    aFormula.Column = 0;
-    aFormula.Row    = 0;
-    CellAddress aVar;       // A2
-    aVar.Sheet  = 0;
-    aVar.Column = 0;
-    aVar.Row    = 1;
-    sal_Bool bFound = xGoal->doGoalSeek(fResult, aFormula, aVar, L"42");
-    if (bFound)
-    {
-        CellAddress aOut;       // A3
-        aOut.Sheet  = 0;
-        aOut.Column = 0;
-        aOut.Row    = 2;
-        XCellRef xCell = xDoc->getCell(aOut);
-        if (!xCell) return;
-        xCell->setValue(fResult);
-    }
-void lcl_TabOp( FixedText& aTimeText )
-    // Multiple operations on sheet2
-    XSpreadsheetDocumentRef xDoc = lcl_GetDocument();           // calc model
-    if (!xDoc) return;
-    XCellRangeRef xRange;
-    XTableOperationRef xGoal;
-    CellRangeAddress aRangeAddr;
-    CellRangeAddress aFormulaRange;
-    CellAddress aColumnCell;
-    CellAddress aRowCell;
-    TableOperationMode nMode;
-    aRangeAddr.Sheet            = 1;    // c9:e11
-    aRangeAddr.StartColumn      = 2;
-    aRangeAddr.StartRow         = 8;
-    aRangeAddr.EndColumn        = 4;
-    aRangeAddr.EndRow           = 10;
-    aFormulaRange.Sheet         = 1;    // c6:c7
-    aFormulaRange.StartColumn   = 2;
-    aFormulaRange.StartRow      = 5;
-    aFormulaRange.EndColumn     = 2;
-    aFormulaRange.EndRow        = 6;
-    aColumnCell.Sheet           = 0;    // not used
-    aColumnCell.Column          = 0;
-    aColumnCell.Row             = 0;
-    aRowCell.Sheet              = 1;    // c5
-    aRowCell.Column             = 2;
-    aRowCell.Row                = 4;
-    nMode = TABLEOP_ROW;
-    xRange = xDoc->getCellRange(aRangeAddr);
-    if (!xRange) return;
-    xGoal = (XTableOperation*)xRange->queryInterface(XTableOperation::getSmartUik());
-    if (!xGoal) return;
-    xGoal->setTableOperation( nMode, aFormulaRange, aColumnCell, aRowCell );
-    aRangeAddr.Sheet            = 1;    // b19:d21
-    aRangeAddr.StartColumn      = 1;
-    aRangeAddr.StartRow         = 18;
-    aRangeAddr.EndColumn        = 3;
-    aRangeAddr.EndRow           = 20;
-    aFormulaRange.Sheet         = 1;    // c16:d16
-    aFormulaRange.StartColumn   = 2;
-    aFormulaRange.StartRow      = 15;
-    aFormulaRange.EndColumn     = 3;
-    aFormulaRange.EndRow        = 15;
-    aColumnCell.Sheet           = 1;    // b16
-    aColumnCell.Column          = 1;
-    aColumnCell.Row             = 15;
-    aRowCell.Sheet              = 0;    // not used
-    aRowCell.Column             = 0;
-    aRowCell.Row                = 0;
-    nMode = TABLEOP_COLUMN;
-    xRange = xDoc->getCellRange(aRangeAddr);
-    if (!xRange) return;
-    xGoal = (XTableOperation*)xRange->queryInterface(XTableOperation::getSmartUik());
-    if (!xGoal) return;
-    xGoal->setTableOperation( nMode, aFormulaRange, aColumnCell, aRowCell );
-    aRangeAddr.Sheet            = 1;    // b29:e32
-    aRangeAddr.StartColumn      = 1;
-    aRangeAddr.StartRow         = 28;
-    aRangeAddr.EndColumn        = 4;
-    aRangeAddr.EndRow           = 31;
-    aFormulaRange.Sheet         = 1;    // c27:c27
-    aFormulaRange.StartColumn   = 2;
-    aFormulaRange.StartRow      = 26;
-    aFormulaRange.EndColumn     = 2;
-    aFormulaRange.EndRow        = 26;
-    aColumnCell.Sheet           = 1;    // c25
-    aColumnCell.Column          = 2;
-    aColumnCell.Row             = 24;
-    aRowCell.Sheet              = 1;    // c26
-    aRowCell.Column             = 2;
-    aRowCell.Row                = 25;
-    nMode = TABLEOP_BOTH;
-    xRange = xDoc->getCellRange(aRangeAddr);
-    if (!xRange) return;
-    xGoal = (XTableOperation*)xRange->queryInterface(XTableOperation::getSmartUik());
-    if (!xGoal) return;
-    xGoal->setTableOperation( nMode, aFormulaRange, aColumnCell, aRowCell );
-void lcl_Fill( FixedText& aTimeText )
-    XInterfaceRef xInt = lcl_GetView();
-    if (!xInt) return;
-    XDocumentViewRef xView = (XDocumentView*)xInt->queryInterface(XDocumentView::getSmartUik());
-    if (!xView) return;
-    XInterfaceRef xSelInt = xView->getSelection();
-    if (!xSelInt) return;
-    XCellSeriesRef xFill = (XCellSeries*)xSelInt->queryInterface(XCellSeries::getSmartUik());
-    if (!xFill) return;
-//  xFill->fillAuto( FILL_DIRECTION_TO_BOTTOM, 2 );
-                        2.0, 1000.0 );
-void lcl_Audi( FixedText& aTimeText )
-    aTimeText.SetText( "..." );
-    XSpreadsheetDocumentRef xDoc = lcl_GetDocument();           // calc model
-    if (!xDoc) return;
-    XSpreadsheetsRef xSheets = xDoc->getSheets();
-    if (!xSheets) return;
-    XTableSheetRef xSheet = xSheets->getSheetByIndex(0);
-    if (!xSheet) return;
-    XSheetAuditingRef xAudi = (XSheetAuditing*)xSheet->queryInterface(XSheetAuditing::getSmartUik());
-    if (!xAudi) return;
-    CellAddress aPosition;
-    aPosition.Sheet     = 0;
-    aPosition.Column    = 0;
-    aPosition.Row       = 0;
-    xAudi->showDependents(aPosition);
-void lcl_Consoli( FixedText& aTimeText )
-    XSpreadsheetDocumentRef xDoc = lcl_GetDocument();           // calc model
-    if (!xDoc) return;
-    XConsolidationRef xCons = (XConsolidation*)xDoc->queryInterface(XConsolidation::getSmartUik());
-    if (!xCons) return;
-    XConsolidationDescriptorRef xDesc = xCons->createConsolidationDescriptor(false);
-    if (!xDesc) return;
-    xDesc->setFunction(SUMMARY_COUNTNUMS);
-    xCons->consolidate(xDesc);
-void lcl_Sort( FixedText& aTimeText )
-    XInterfaceRef xInt = lcl_GetView();
-    if (!xInt) return;
-    XDocumentViewRef xView = (XDocumentView*)xInt->queryInterface(XDocumentView::getSmartUik());
-    if (!xView) return;
-    XInterfaceRef xSelInt = xView->getSelection();
-    if (!xSelInt) return;
-    XSortableRef xSort = (XSortable*)xSelInt->queryInterface(XSortable::getSmartUik());
-    if (!xSort) return;
-    XSortDescriptorRef xDesc = xSort->createSortDescriptor(false);
-    if (!xDesc) return;
-    Sequence<SortField> aFields = xDesc->getSortFields();
-    if (aFields.getLen())
-    {
-        // reverse first field
-        SortField* pAry = aFields.getArray();
-        if (!pAry) return;
-        pAry[0].Ascending = !pAry[0].Ascending;
-    }
-    else    // new sequence, 1st column in ascending order
-    {
-        aFields = Sequence<SortField>(1);
-        SortField* pAry = aFields.getArray();
-        if (!pAry) return;
-        pAry[0].Field     = 0;
-        pAry[0].Ascending = true;
-        pAry[0].Type      = SORT_FIELD_AUTOMATIC;
-    }
-    xDesc->setSortFields(aFields);
-    XTableSortDescriptorRef xTableSort = (XTableSortDescriptor*)
-                            xDesc->queryInterface(XTableSortDescriptor::getSmartUik());
-    if (!xTableSort) return;
-    CellAddress aOutPos;
-    aOutPos.Sheet  = 2;
-    aOutPos.Column = 0;
-    aOutPos.Row    = 0;
-    xTableSort->setUseOutputPosition(true);
-    xTableSort->setOutputPosition(aOutPos);
-    XPropertySetRef xPropSet = (XPropertySet*)
-                            xDesc->queryInterface(XPropertySet::getSmartUik());
-    if (!xPropSet) return;
-    xPropSet->setPropertyValue(L"IncludeFormats", UsrAny((sal_Bool)false));
-    xSort->sort(xDesc);
-void lcl_Filter( FixedText& aTimeText )
-    aTimeText.SetText("...");
-    XInterfaceRef xInt = lcl_GetView();
-    if (!xInt) return;
-    XDocumentViewRef xView = (XDocumentView*)xInt->queryInterface(XDocumentView::getSmartUik());
-    if (!xView) return;
-    XInterfaceRef xSelInt = xView->getSelection();
-    if (!xSelInt) return;
-    XFilterableRef xFilter = (XFilterable*)xSelInt->queryInterface(XFilterable::getSmartUik());
-    if (!xFilter) return;
-    XSpreadsheetDocumentRef xDoc = lcl_GetDocument();           // calc model
-    if (!xDoc) return;
-    CellRangeAddress aAddress;
-    aAddress.Sheet       = 3;
-    aAddress.StartColumn = 0;
-    aAddress.StartRow    = 0;
-    aAddress.EndColumn   = 1;
-    aAddress.EndRow      = 2;
-    XCellRangeRef xRange = xDoc->getCellRange(aAddress);
-    if (!xRange) return;
-    XAdvancedFilterSourceRef xSource = (XAdvancedFilterSource*)
-                            xRange->queryInterface(XAdvancedFilterSource::getSmartUik());
-    if (!xSource) return;
-    XTableFilterDescriptorRef xDesc = xSource->createAdvancedFilter(xFilter);
-    if (!xDesc)
-    {
-        aTimeText.SetText("no filter");
-        return;
-    }
-    aTimeText.SetText("filter found");
-    xFilter->filter(xDesc);
-void lcl_AutoFilter( FixedText& aTimeText )
-    XInterfaceRef xInt = lcl_GetView();
-    if (!xInt) return;
-    XDocumentViewRef xView = (XDocumentView*)xInt->queryInterface(XDocumentView::getSmartUik());
-    if (!xView) return;
-    XInterfaceRef xSelInt = xView->getSelection();
-    if (!xSelInt) return;
-    XFilterableRef xFilter = (XFilterable*)xSelInt->queryInterface(XFilterable::getSmartUik());
-    if (!xFilter) return;
-    sal_Bool bAuto = xFilter->getAutoFilter();
-    xFilter->setAutoFilter(!bAuto);
-void lcl_Merge( FixedText& aTimeText )
-    static sal_Bool bMerged = false;
-    XInterfaceRef xInt = lcl_GetView();
-    if (!xInt) return;
-    XDocumentViewRef xView = (XDocumentView*)xInt->queryInterface(XDocumentView::getSmartUik());
-    if (!xView) return;
-    XInterfaceRef xSelInt = xView->getSelection();
-    if (!xSelInt) return;
-    XMergeableRef xMerge = (XMergeable*)xSelInt->queryInterface(XMergeable::getSmartUik());
-    if (!xMerge) return;
-    if (bMerged)
-        xMerge->unmergeCells();
-    else
-        xMerge->mergeCells();
-    bMerged = !bMerged;
-void lcl_Outline( FixedText& aTimeText )
-    static sal_Bool bOutline = false;
-    XSpreadsheetDocumentRef xDoc = lcl_GetDocument();           // calc model
-    if (!xDoc) return;
-    XSpreadsheetsRef xSheets = xDoc->getSheets();
-    if (!xSheets) return;
-    XTableSheetRef xSheet = xSheets->getSheetByIndex(0);
-    if (!xSheet) return;
-    XSheetOutlineRef xOut = (XSheetOutline*)xSheet->queryInterface(XSheetOutline::getSmartUik());
-    if (!xOut) return;
-    XInterfaceRef xInt = lcl_GetView();
-    if (!xInt) return;
-    XDocumentViewRef xView = (XDocumentView*)xInt->queryInterface(XDocumentView::getSmartUik());
-    if (!xView) return;
-    XInterfaceRef xSelInt = xView->getSelection();
-    if (!xSelInt) return;
-    XAddressableCellRangeRef xRange = (XAddressableCellRange*)
-                                xSelInt->queryInterface(XAddressableCellRange::getSmartUik());
-    if (!xRange) return;
-    CellRangeAddress aRange = xRange->getRangeAddress();
-    if (bOutline)
-        xOut->showDetail( aRange );
-    else
-        xOut->hideDetail( aRange );
-    bOutline = !bOutline;
-void lcl_Bla( FixedText& aTimeText )
-    aTimeText.SetText("...");
-    XSpreadsheetDocumentRef xDoc = lcl_GetDocument();           // calc model
-    if (!xDoc) return;
-    XActionLockableRef xLock = (XActionLockable*)xDoc->queryInterface(XActionLockable::getSmartUik());
-    if (!xLock) return;
-    xLock->addActionLock();
-    xLock->addActionLock();
-    sal_uInt16 nCount = xLock->resetActionLocks();      // should be 2
-    String aBla = nCount;
-    xLock->setActionLocks(nCount);
-    xLock->removeActionLock();
-    xLock->removeActionLock();
-    aBla += '/'; aBla += xLock->resetActionLocks(); // should be 0
-    aTimeText.SetText(aBla);
-void lcl_CellCursor( FixedText& aTimeText )
-    static int nCursorCount = 0;
-    XInterfaceRef xInt = lcl_GetView();
-    if (!xInt) return;
-    XDocumentViewRef xView = (XDocumentView*)xInt->queryInterface(XDocumentView::getSmartUik());
-    if (!xView) return;
-    XInterfaceRef xSelInt = xView->getSelection();
-    if (!xSelInt) return;
-    XCellCollectionRef xColl = (XCellCollection*)xSelInt->queryInterface(XCellCollection::getSmartUik());
-    if (!xColl) return;
-    XLineCursorRef xCursor = xColl->createCursor();
-    if (!xCursor) return;
-    XCellCursorRef xCC = (XCellCursor*)xCursor->queryInterface(XCellCursor::getSmartUik());
-    if (!xCC) return;
-    XCellRangesCursorRef xCRC = (XCellRangesCursor*)xCursor->queryInterface(XCellRangesCursor::getSmartUik());
-    if (!xCRC) return;
-    XCellRangeCursorRef xCR = (XCellRangeCursor*)xCursor->queryInterface(XCellRangeCursor::getSmartUik());
-    if (!xCR) return;
-    XCellContentCursorRef xCCC = (XCellContentCursor*)xCursor->queryInterface(XCellContentCursor::getSmartUik());
-    if (!xCCC) return;
-    XFormulaCursorRef xFC = (XFormulaCursor*)xCursor->queryInterface(XFormulaCursor::getSmartUik());
-    if (!xFC) return;
-    CellAddress aPos;
-    aPos.Sheet  = 0;        // ignored
-    aPos.Row    = 3;
-    aPos.Column = 2;
-    switch (nCursorCount++)
-    {
-        case 0:
-            xFC->gotoDependents(false);
-            break;
-        case 1:
-            xFC->gotoDependents(true);
-            break;
-        case 2:
-            xFC->gotoPrecedents(false);
-            break;
-        case 3:
-            xFC->gotoPrecedents(true);
-            nCursorCount = 0;
-            break;
-    }
-    XCellCollectionRef xNew = xCC->getRanges();
-    if (!xNew) return;
-    xView->select( xNew );
-void lcl_Notes( FixedText& aTimeText )
-    aTimeText.SetText( "..." );
-    XSpreadsheetDocumentRef xDoc = lcl_GetDocument();           // calc model
-    if (!xDoc) return;
-    XSpreadsheetsRef xSheets = xDoc->getSheets();
-    if (!xSheets) return;
-    XTableSheetRef xSheet = xSheets->getSheetByIndex(0);
-    if (!xSheet) return;
-    XSheetAnnotationsRef xNotes = xSheet->getAnnotations();
-    if (!xNotes) return;
-    XIndexAccessRef xNIndex = (XIndexAccess*)xNotes->queryInterface(XIndexAccess::getSmartUik());
-    if (!xNIndex) return;
-    CellAddress aPos;
-    aPos.Column = 0;
-    aPos.Row    = 0;
-    aPos.Sheet  = 0;
-    xNotes->addAnnotation( L"new", aPos );
-    sal_uLong nCount = xNIndex->getCount();
-    for (sal_uLong i=0; i<nCount; i++)
-    {
-        XSheetAnnotationRef xAnn = xNotes->getAnnotationByIndex((UINT16)i);
-        XTextRef xText = (XText*)xAnn->queryInterface(XText::getSmartUik());
-        if (xText)
-        {
-            String aStr = OUStringToString( xText->getText(), CHARSET_SYSTEM );
-            aStr += "x";
-            xText->setText(StringToOUString( aStr, CHARSET_SYSTEM ));
-        }
-    }
-void lcl_Scenario( FixedText& aTimeText )
-    aTimeText.SetText( "..." );
-    XSpreadsheetDocumentRef xDoc = lcl_GetDocument();           // calc model
-    if (!xDoc) return;
-    XSpreadsheetsRef xSheets = xDoc->getSheets();
-    if (!xSheets) return;
-    XTableSheetRef xSheet = xSheets->getSheetByIndex(0);
-    if (!xSheet) return;
-    XScenariosRef xColl = xSheet->getScenarios();
-    if (!xColl) return;
-    Sequence<CellRangeAddress> aRanges(2);
-    CellRangeAddress* pAry = aRanges.getArray();
-    if (!pAry) return;
-    pAry[0].Sheet       = 0;
-    pAry[0].StartColumn = 0;
-    pAry[0].StartRow    = 0;
-    pAry[0].EndColumn   = 1;
-    pAry[0].EndRow      = 1;
-    pAry[1].Sheet       = 0;
-    pAry[1].StartColumn = 3;
-    pAry[1].StartRow    = 3;
-    pAry[1].EndColumn   = 4;
-    pAry[1].EndRow      = 4;
-    xColl->addScenario( aRanges, L"bla", L"bla blubb" );
-    XIndexAccessRef xIndex = (XIndexAccess*)xColl->queryInterface(XIndexAccess::getSmartUik());
-    if (!xIndex) return;
-    sal_uLong nCount = xIndex->getCount();
-    aTimeText.SetText( nCount );
-    XScenarioRef xScen = xColl->getScenarioByIndex(0);
-    if (!xScen) return;
-    aRanges = Sequence<CellRangeAddress>(1);
-    pAry = aRanges.getArray();
-    if (!pAry) return;
-    pAry[0].Sheet       = 0;
-    pAry[0].StartColumn = 6;
-    pAry[0].StartRow    = 6;
-    pAry[0].EndColumn   = 7;
-    pAry[0].EndRow      = 7;
-    xScen->addRanges( aRanges );
-    XTableSheetRef xSh2 = xSheets->getSheetByIndex(1);
-    if (!xSh2) return;
-    xSh2->setVisible( true );
-    xSh2->setVisible( false );
-void lcl_Formula( FixedText& aTimeText )
-    aTimeText.SetText("...");
-    XSpreadsheetDocumentRef xDoc = lcl_GetDocument();           // calc model
-    if (!xDoc) return;
-    CellAddress aPos;
-    aPos.Sheet  = 0;
-    aPos.Column = 0;
-    aPos.Row    = 0;
-    XCellRef xCell = xDoc->getCell(aPos);
-    if (!xCell) return;
-//  String aStr = OUStringToString( xCell->getFormula(), CHARSET_SYSTEM );
-//  aTimeText.SetText(aStr);
-    XTextRef xText = (XText*)xCell->queryInterface(XText::getSmartUik());
-    if (!xText) return;
-    String aStr = OUStringToString( xText->getText(), CHARSET_SYSTEM );
-    aTimeText.SetText(aStr);
-void lcl_DBRange( FixedText& aTimeText )    // 23
-    aTimeText.SetText("...");
-    XSpreadsheetDocumentRef xDoc = lcl_GetDocument();           // calc model
-    if (!xDoc) return;
-    XDatabaseRangesRef xDBs = xDoc->getDatabaseRanges();
-    if (!xDBs) return;
-    CellRangeAddress aRange;
-    aRange.Sheet        = 0;
-    aRange.StartColumn  = 1;
-    aRange.StartRow     = 1;
-    aRange.EndColumn    = 3;
-    aRange.EndRow       = 10;
-    xDBs->addRange( L"blubb", aRange );
-    xDBs->removeRangeByName( L"gaga" );
-    XDatabaseRangeRef xDB = xDBs->getRangeByName( L"blubb" );
-    if (!xDB) return;
-    String aName = OUStringToString( xDB->getName(), CHARSET_SYSTEM );
-    aTimeText.SetText(aName);
-    xDB->setName( L"gaga" );
-    CellRangeAddress aDBRange = xDB->getDataArea();
-    ++aDBRange.Sheet;
-    xDB->setDataArea(aDBRange);
-void lcl_FillTab( FixedText& aTimeText )    // 24
-    aTimeText.SetText("...");
-    XInterfaceRef xInt = lcl_GetView();
-    if (!xInt) return;
-    XDocumentViewRef xView = (XDocumentView*)xInt->queryInterface(XDocumentView::getSmartUik());
-    if (!xView) return;
-    XInterfaceRef xSelInt = xView->getSelection();
-    if (!xSelInt) return;
-    XCellRangesRef xRanges = (XCellRanges*)xSelInt->queryInterface(XCellRanges::getSmartUik());
-    XIndexAccessRef xIndex = (XIndexAccess*)xSelInt->queryInterface(XIndexAccess::getSmartUik());
-    if (!xRanges || !xIndex) return;
-    sal_uLong nCount = xIndex->getCount();
-    aTimeText.SetText(nCount);
-void lcl_Listener( FixedText& aTimeText )   // 25
-    XInterfaceRef xInt = lcl_GetView();
-    if (!xInt) return;
-    XStarCalcViewRef xView = (XStarCalcView*)xInt->queryInterface(XStarCalcView::getSmartUik());
-    if (!xView) return;
-    xView->addSelectionChangeListener( new ScTestListener(&aTimeText) );
-void lcl_CellAttrib( FixedText& aTimeText ) // 26
-    XInterfaceRef xInt = lcl_GetView();
-    if (!xInt) return;
-    XDocumentViewRef xView = (XDocumentView*)xInt->queryInterface(XDocumentView::getSmartUik());
-    if (!xView) return;
-    XInterfaceRef xSelInt = xView->getSelection();
-    if (!xSelInt) return;
-    XTextRef xText = (XText*)xSelInt->queryInterface(XText::getSmartUik());
-    if (!xText) return;
-    XTextCursorRef xCursor = xText->createTextCursor();
-    if (!xCursor) return;
-    XTextPositionRef xPos = (XTextPosition*)xCursor->queryInterface(XTextPosition::getSmartUik());
-    XPropertySetRef xProp = (XPropertySet*)xCursor->queryInterface(XPropertySet::getSmartUik());
-    XParagraphCursorRef xPar = (XParagraphCursor*)xCursor->queryInterface(XParagraphCursor::getSmartUik());
-    if (!xPos || !xProp || !xPar) return;
-    xCursor->gotoStart(false);
-    xCursor->goRight(1,false);
-    xCursor->goRight(1,true);
-    UsrAny aAny = xProp->getPropertyValue(L"FontHeight");
-    sal_uInt32 nOld = aAny.getUINT32();
-    aAny.setUINT32(nOld*11/10);
-    xProp->setPropertyValue(L"FontHeight", aAny);
-    xPos->collapseToEnd();
-    xCursor->goRight(1,true);
-    xProp->setPropertyValue(L"Bold", UsrAny((sal_Bool)true));
-    xPos->setText(L"x");
-    xPos->collapseToEnd();
-    xPar->gotoNextParagraph(false,true);
-    xProp->setPropertyValue(L"Italic", UsrAny((sal_Bool)true));
-    xProp->setPropertyValue(L"Underlined", UsrAny((sal_Bool)true));
-void lcl_Styles( FixedText& aTimeText ) // 27
-    aTimeText.SetText("...");
-    XSpreadsheetDocumentRef xDoc = lcl_GetDocument();           // calc model
-    if (!xDoc) return;
-    XStyleFamiliesRef xFamilies = xDoc->getStyleFamilies();
-    if (!xFamilies) return;
-    XStyleFamilyRef xFamily = xFamilies->getStyleFamilyByType( STYLE_FAMILY_CELL );
-//  XStyleFamilyRef xFamily = xFamilies->getStyleFamilyByType( STYLE_FAMILY_PAGE );
-    if (!xFamily) return;
-    long nCount = xFamily->getCount();
-    aTimeText.SetText(nCount);
-    XStyleRef xStyle = xFamily->getStyleByName(L"red");
-    if (!xStyle) return;
-//  XPropertySetRef xProp = (XPropertySet*)xStyle->queryInterface(XPropertySet::getSmartUik());
-//  if (!xProp) return;
-    XStyleRef xNew = xFamily->addStyle( L"gaga", xStyle );
-    if (!xNew) return;
-    XPropertySetRef xProp = (XPropertySet*)xNew->queryInterface(XPropertySet::getSmartUik());
-    if (!xProp) return;
-    UsrAny aAny;
-    aAny = xProp->getPropertyValue(L"TransparentBackground");
-    aAny.setBOOL(false);
-    xProp->setPropertyValue(L"TransparentBackground", aAny);
-    aAny = xProp->getPropertyValue(L"BackgroundColor");
-    aAny.setUINT32(0xffff00);
-    xProp->setPropertyValue(L"BackgroundColor", aAny);
-    xFamily->removeStyle( L"red" );
-void lcl_PageStyle( FixedText& aTimeText )  // 28
-    aTimeText.SetText("...");
-    XSpreadsheetDocumentRef xDoc = lcl_GetDocument();           // calc model
-    if (!xDoc) return;
-    XStyleFamiliesRef xFamilies = xDoc->getStyleFamilies();
-    if (!xFamilies) return;
-    XStyleFamilyRef xFamily = xFamilies->getStyleFamilyByType( STYLE_FAMILY_PAGE );
-    if (!xFamily) return;
-    XStyleRef xStyle = xFamily->getStyleByName(L"Standard");
-    if (!xStyle) return;
-    XPropertySetRef xProp = (XPropertySet*)xStyle->queryInterface(XPropertySet::getSmartUik());
-    if (!xProp) return;
-    UsrAny aAny;
-    aAny = xProp->getPropertyValue(L"RightPageHeaderContent");
-    // does not work:
-//  if ( !XHeaderFooterContent_getReflection()->equals(*aAny.getReflection()) )
-//      return;
-    XHeaderFooterContentRef* pxContent = (XHeaderFooterContentRef*)aAny.get();
-    if (!pxContent || !pxContent->is()) return;
-    XTextRef xText = (*pxContent)->getCenterText();
-    if (!xText) return;
-    String aVal = OUStringToString(xText->getText(), CHARSET_SYSTEM);
-    aTimeText.SetText(aVal);
-//  xText->setText(L"Bla fasel s\xFClz");
-    lcl_SetText(xText);
-    xProp->setPropertyValue(L"RightPageHeaderContent", aAny);
-void lcl_AutoForm( FixedText& aTimeText )   // 29
-    XInterfaceRef xInt = lcl_GetView();
-    if (!xInt) return;
-    XTableAutoFormatsRef xFormats;
-    XTableAutoFormatRef xFormat = xFormats->getAutoFormatByName(L"gaga");
-    if (!xFormat) return;
-    XPropertySetRef xProp = (XPropertySet*)xFormat->queryInterface(XPropertySet::getSmartUik());
-    if (!xProp) return;
-    sal_Bool bVal = TypeConversion::toBOOL(xProp->getPropertyValue(L"IncludeBackground"));
-    xProp->setPropertyValue(L"IncludeBackground", UsrAny(sal_Bool(!bVal)));
-    XNamedRef xNamed = (XNamed*)xFormat->queryInterface(XNamed::getSmartUik());
-    if (!xNamed) return;
-    xNamed->setName(L"zzz");
-    xFormats->addAutoFormat(L"gaga");
-    XTableAutoFormatRef xNew = xFormats->getAutoFormatByName(L"gaga");
-    if (!xNew) return;
-    for (sal_uInt16 i=0; i<16; i++)
-    {
-        XPropertySetRef xNewProp = xNew->getFieldByIndex(i);
-        if (!xNewProp) return;
-        xNewProp->setPropertyValue(L"TransparentBackground", UsrAny(sal_Bool(false)));
-        sal_uInt32 nColor = 0x111100 * i;
-        xNewProp->setPropertyValue(L"BackgroundColor", UsrAny(nColor));
-    }
-void lcl_Pivot( FixedText& aTimeText )  // 30
-    XSpreadsheetDocumentRef xDoc = lcl_GetDocument();           // calc model
-    if (!xDoc) return;
-    XSpreadsheetsRef xSheets = xDoc->getSheets();
-    if (!xSheets) return;
-    XIndexAccessRef xInd = (XIndexAccess*)xSheets->queryInterface(XIndexAccess::getSmartUik());
-    if (!xInd) return;
-    sal_uInt16 nCount = (sal_uInt16)xInd->getCount();
-    for (sal_uInt16 nTab=0; nTab<nCount; nTab++)
-    {
-        XTableSheetRef xSheet = xSheets->getSheetByIndex(nTab);
-        if (!xSheet) return;
-        XDataPilotTablesRef xPivots = xSheet->getDataPilotTables();
-        if (!xPivots) return;
-        lcl_OutputNames( xPivots, xDoc, nTab,0,0 );
-        XIndexAccessRef xPInd = (XIndexAccess*)xPivots->queryInterface(XIndexAccess::getSmartUik());
-        if (!xPInd) return;
-        sal_uInt16 nPCount = (sal_uInt16)xPInd->getCount();
-        for (sal_uInt16 nP=0; nP<nPCount; nP++)
-        {
-            XDataPilotTableRef xTable = xPivots->getTableByIndex(nP);
-            if (!xTable) return;
-//          xTable->refreshTable();
-            XDataPilotDescriptorRef xDesc = (XDataPilotDescriptor*)
-                            xTable->queryInterface(XDataPilotDescriptor::getSmartUik());
-            if (!xDesc) return;
-            CellRangeAddress aSource = xDesc->getSourceRange();
-            ++aSource.Sheet;
-            xDesc->setSourceRange(aSource);
-            CellRangeAddress aAddr = xTable->getOutputRange();
-            XCellRangeRef xRange = xDoc->getCellRange(aAddr);
-            if (!xRange) return;
-            XPropertySetRef xProp = (XPropertySet*)xRange->queryInterface(XPropertySet::getSmartUik());
-            if (!xProp) return;
-            xProp->setPropertyValue(L"TransparentBackground", UsrAny(sal_Bool(false)));
-            xProp->setPropertyValue(L"BackgroundColor", UsrAny((sal_uInt32)0x00FF00));
-        }
-    }
-IMPL_LINK_NOARG(MyWindow, CountHdl, PushButton*, void)
-    long nCount = aCountField.GetValue();
-    switch ( nCount )
-    {
-        case 0:
-            {
-                sal_uInt64 nStart = tools::Time::GetSystemTicks();
-                lcl_DoCount();
-                sal_uInt64 nEnd = tools::Time::GetSystemTicks();
-                aTimeText.SetText(String("Count: ")+String(nEnd-nStart)+String(" ms"));
-            }
-            break;
-        case 1:
-            lcl_GlobalCell();
-            break;
-        case 2:
-            lcl_Annotations(aTimeText);
-            break;
-        case 3:
-            lcl_Cursor(aTimeText);
-            break;
-        case 4:
-            lcl_Cells(aTimeText);
-            break;
-        case 5:
-            lcl_Sheet(aTimeText);
-            break;
-        case 6:
-            lcl_Names(aTimeText);
-            break;
-        case 7:
-            lcl_Sheets(aTimeText);
-            break;
-        case 8:
-            lcl_Goal(aTimeText);
-            break;
-        case 9:
-            lcl_TabOp(aTimeText);
-            break;
-        case 10:
-            lcl_Fill(aTimeText);
-            break;
-        case 11:
-            lcl_Audi(aTimeText);
-            break;
-        case 12:
-            lcl_Consoli(aTimeText);
-            break;
-        case 13:
-            lcl_Sort(aTimeText);
-            break;
-        case 14:
-            lcl_Filter(aTimeText);
-            break;
-        case 15:
-            lcl_AutoFilter(aTimeText);
-            break;
-        case 16:
-            lcl_Merge(aTimeText);
-            break;
-        case 17:
-            lcl_Outline(aTimeText);
-            break;
-        case 18:
-            lcl_Bla(aTimeText);
-            break;
-        case 19:
-            lcl_CellCursor(aTimeText);
-            break;
-        case 20:
-            lcl_Notes(aTimeText);
-            break;
-        case 21:
-            lcl_Scenario(aTimeText);
-            break;
-        case 22:
-            lcl_Formula(aTimeText);
-            break;
-        case 23:
-            lcl_DBRange(aTimeText);
-            break;
-        case 24:
-            lcl_FillTab(aTimeText);
-            break;
-        case 25:
-            lcl_Listener(aTimeText);
-            break;
-        case 26:
-            lcl_CellAttrib(aTimeText);
-            break;
-        case 27:
-            lcl_Styles(aTimeText);
-            break;
-        case 28:
-            lcl_PageStyle(aTimeText);
-            break;
-        case 29:
-            lcl_AutoForm(aTimeText);
-            break;
-        case 30:
-            lcl_Pivot(aTimeText);
-            break;
-    }
-IMPL_LINK_NOARG(MyWindow, TextHdl, PushButton*, void)
-    sal_uInt16 nCol = (sal_uInt16)aColField.GetValue();
-    sal_uInt16 nRow = (sal_uInt16)aRowField.GetValue();
-    sal_uInt16 nPos = (sal_uInt16)aPosField.GetValue();
-    sal_uInt16 nLen = (sal_uInt16)aLenField.GetValue();
-    String aStr = aTextEdit.GetText();
-    aTimeText.SetText("...");
-    XSpreadsheetDocumentRef xDoc = lcl_GetDocument();           // calc model
-    if (xDoc)
-    {
-        sal_uInt16 nTab = 0;
-        CellAddress aPos;
-        aPos.Sheet  = 0;
-        aPos.Column = nCol;
-        aPos.Row    = nRow;
-        XCellRef xCell = xDoc->getCell(aPos);
-        if ( xCell )
-        {
-            XTextRef xCellText = (XText*)xCell->queryInterface(XText::getSmartUik());
-            if (xCellText)
-            {
-                XTextCursorRef xCursor = xCellText->createTextCursor();
-                if (xCursor)
-                {
-                    XTextPositionRef xPos = (XTextPosition*)
-                        xCursor->queryInterface(XTextPosition::getSmartUik());
-                    XControlCharacterInsertableRef xControl = (XControlCharacterInsertable*)
-                        xCursor->queryInterface(XControlCharacterInsertable::getSmartUik());
-                    if (xPos && xControl)
-                    {
-                        xCursor->gotoStart(false);
-                        xCursor->goRight(11,true);
-                        String aVal = OUStringToString( xPos->getText(), CHARSET_SYSTEM );
-                        aTimeText.SetText(aVal);
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-IMPL_LINK_NOARG(MyWindow, BlaHdl, PushButton*, void)
-    aTimeText.SetText("...");
-    XSpreadsheetDocumentRef xDoc = lcl_GetDocument();           // calc model
-    if (xDoc)
-    {
-        CellAddress aPos;
-        aPos.Sheet  = 0;
-        aPos.Column = 1;
-        aPos.Row    = 2;
-        XCellRef xCell = xDoc->getCell(aPos);
-        if ( xCell )
-        {
-            XTextRef xText = (XText*)xCell->queryInterface(XText::getSmartUik());
-            XFieldContainerRef xCont = (XFieldContainer*)
-                                xCell->queryInterface(XFieldContainer::getSmartUik());
-            if ( xText && xCont )
-            {
-                XFieldTypesRef xTypes = xCont->getFieldTypes();
-                if ( xTypes )
-                {
-                    XTextFieldTypeRef xType = xTypes->getFieldType( FIELDTYPE_INTERNET );
-                    XTextCursorRef xCursor = xText->createTextCursor();
-                    if ( xCursor && xType )
-                    {
-                        // delete last field
-                        XIndexAccessRef xIndex = (XIndexAccess*)
-                                    xType->queryInterface(XIndexAccess::getSmartUik());
-                        if (xIndex)
-                        {
-                            String aBla;
-                            sal_uLong nCount = xIndex->getCount();
-                            for (sal_uLong i=0; i<nCount; i++)
-                            {
-                                XInterfaceRef xInt = xIndex->getElementByIndex(i);
-                                if (xInt)
-                                {
-                                    XPropertySetRef xProp = (XPropertySet*)xInt->
-                                                    queryInterface(XPropertySet::getSmartUik());
-                                    if ( xProp )
-                                    {
-                                        if (aBla.Len()) aBla += ',';
-                                        aBla += OUStringToString(
-                                                    TypeConversion::toString(
-                                                        xProp->getPropertyValue(L"URL") ),
-                                                    CHARSET_SYSTEM );
-                                    }
-                                    if ( i+1 == nCount )        // last
-                                    {
-                                        XTextFieldRef xField = (XTextField*)xInt->
-                                                    queryInterface(XTextField::getSmartUik());
-                                        if (xField)
-                                            xTypes->removeTextField(xField);
-                                    }
-                                }
-                            }
-                            aTimeText.SetText(aBla);
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        xGlobalCell = xCell;
-    }
-IMPL_LINK_NOARG(MyWindow, TabHdl, PushButton*, void)
-    String aResult;
-    XSpreadsheetDocumentRef xDoc = lcl_GetDocument();           // calc model
-    if (xDoc)
-    {
-        XSpreadsheetsRef xSheets = xDoc->getSheets();
-        if (xSheets)
-        {
-            XIndexAccessRef xIndex = (XIndexAccess*)xSheets->queryInterface(XIndexAccess::getSmartUik());
-            if (xIndex)
-            {
-                sal_uInt16 nCount = (sal_uInt16) xIndex->getCount();
-                for (sal_uInt16 nTab=0; nTab<nCount; nTab++)
-                {
-                    XInterfaceRef xInt = xIndex->getElementByIndex(nTab);
-                    if (xInt)
-                    {
-                        XNamedRef xNamed = (XNamed*)xInt->queryInterface(XNamed::getSmartUik());
-                        if (xNamed)
-                        {
-                            if (nTab)
-                                aResult += ",";
-                            aResult += OUStringToString( xNamed->getName(), CHARSET_SYSTEM );
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            CellAddress aPos;
-            aPos.Sheet  = 0;
-            aPos.Column = 0;
-            aPos.Row    = 0;
-            XEnumerationAccessRef xEAcc = (XEnumerationAccess*)
-                            xSheets->queryInterface(XEnumerationAccess::getSmartUik());
-            if (xEAcc)
-            {
-                XEnumerationRef xEnum = xEAcc->getEnumeration();
-                if (xEnum)
-                {
-                    while (xEnum->hasMoreElements())
-                    {
-                        XInterfaceRef xInt = xEnum->nextElement();
-                        if (xInt)
-                        {
-                            XNamedRef xNamed = (XNamed*)xInt->queryInterface(XNamed::getSmartUik());
-                            if (xNamed)
-                            {
-                                UString aName = xNamed->getName();
-                                XCellRef xCell = xDoc->getCell(aPos);
-                                if ( xCell )
-                                {
-                                    XTextRef xText = (XText*)xCell->queryInterface(XText::getSmartUik());
-                                    xText->setText( aName );
-                                    ++aPos.Row;
-                                }
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    aTimeText.SetText(aResult);
-void lcl_FillCells(XCellCollectionRef xColl)
-    XEnumerationAccessRef xEnAcc = xColl->getCells();
-    if (!xEnAcc) return;
-    XEnumerationRef xEnum = xEnAcc->getEnumeration();
-    if (!xEnum) return;
-    while (xEnum->hasMoreElements())
-    {
-        XInterfaceRef xInt = xEnum->nextElement();
-        if (xInt)
-        {
-            XCellRef xCell = (XCell*)xInt->queryInterface(XCell::getSmartUik());
-            if (xCell)
-            {
-                xCell->setValue(42.0);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-IMPL_LINK_NOARG(MyWindow, ViewHdl, PushButton*, void)
-    XSpreadsheetDocumentRef xDoc = lcl_GetDocument();           // calc model
-    XInterfaceRef xInt = lcl_GetView();
-    if (!xInt) return;
-    XDocumentViewRef xView = (XDocumentView*)xInt->queryInterface(XDocumentView::getSmartUik());
-    if (!xView) return;
-    XInterfaceRef xSelInt = xView->getSelection();
-    if (!xSelInt) return;
-    XAutoFormattableRef xAuto = (XAutoFormattable*)xSelInt->
-                                    queryInterface(XAutoFormattable::getSmartUik());
-    if ( xAuto )
-        xAuto->applyAutoFormat( L"gaga" );
-    XFormulaArrayRef xArr = (XFormulaArray*)xSelInt->queryInterface(XFormulaArray::getSmartUik());
-    if ( xArr )
-    {
-//      xArr->setFormulaArray( "123" );
-        String aFormula = OUStringToString( xArr->getFormulaArray(), CHARSET_SYSTEM );
-        aTimeText.SetText(aFormula);
-    }
-    else
-        aTimeText.SetText("...");
-    XTextRef xText = (XText*)xSelInt->queryInterface(XText::getSmartUik());
-    if ( xText )
-    {
-        String aStr = OUStringToString( xText->getText(), CHARSET_SYSTEM );
-        aStr += 'X';
-        xText->setText(StringToOUString(aStr, CHARSET_SYSTEM));
-    }
-    XPrintableRef xPrint = (XPrintable*)xInt->queryInterface(XPrintable::getSmartUik());
-    String aName = OUStringToString( xPrint->getPrinterName(), CHARSET_SYSTEM );
-//  aTimeText.SetText(aName);
-    xPrint->setPrinterName(L"HP5_2");
-//  xPrint->setPrinterName(L"blubb");
-//  XPropertySetRef xOptions;
-//  xPrint->print(xOptions);
-/*  XViewPaneRef xPane = (XViewPane*)xInt->queryInterface(XViewPane::getSmartUik());
-    if (!xPane) return 0;
-    xPane->setScrollRow( 2 );
-    XCellRangeSourceRef xSrc = (XCellRangeSource*)
-                                    xInt->queryInterface(XCellRangeSource::getSmartUik());
-    if (!xSrc) return;
-    XCellRangeRef xRange = xSrc->getReferredCells();
-    if (!xRange) return;
-    XCellCollectionRef xColl = (XCellCollection*)
-                                    xRange->queryInterface(XCellCollection::getSmartUik());
-    if (!xColl) return;
-    XActionLockableRef xLock = (XActionLockable*)
-                        xDoc->queryInterface(XActionLockable::getSmartUik());
-    if (xLock)
-        xLock->addActionLock();                         // don't paint in between
-//  lcl_FillCells(xColl);
-    if (xLock)
-        xLock->removeActionLock();                      // don't paint in between
-    XStarCalcViewRef xCalc = (XStarCalcView*)xInt->queryInterface(XStarCalcView::getSmartUik());
-    if (!xCalc) return;
-/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

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