[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: Branch 'libreoffice-6-1' - oox/source
Libreoffice Gerrit user
logerrit at kemper.freedesktop.org
Fri Aug 3 08:45:25 UTC 2018
oox/source/drawingml/chart/chartconverter.cxx | 38 ++++++++++----------------
1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)
New commits:
commit ab88eb539b012c9a54b4b20b4cc564a2bf3cd259
Author: Caolán McNamara <caolanm at redhat.com>
AuthorDate: Wed Aug 1 10:42:16 2018 +0100
Commit: Michael Stahl <Michael.Stahl at cib.de>
CommitDate: Fri Aug 3 10:45:01 2018 +0200
forcepoint#59 the "matrix" is always one row in height
so it can be a vector instead, and by using vector::at() instead of
matrix::at() vector bounds checking is performed, unlike matrix::at()
which does no checking
Change-Id: Ic767c2dd884bffbf1cdff65c0980b21170612f4d
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/58397
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Michael Stahl <Michael.Stahl at cib.de>
diff --git a/oox/source/drawingml/chart/chartconverter.cxx b/oox/source/drawingml/chart/chartconverter.cxx
index 4992758396ac..f86ea8adb760 100644
--- a/oox/source/drawingml/chart/chartconverter.cxx
+++ b/oox/source/drawingml/chart/chartconverter.cxx
@@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ using ::oox::core::XmlFilterBase;
static const sal_Unicode API_TOKEN_ARRAY_OPEN = '{';
static const sal_Unicode API_TOKEN_ARRAY_CLOSE = '}';
-static const sal_Unicode API_TOKEN_ARRAY_ROWSEP = '|';
static const sal_Unicode API_TOKEN_ARRAY_COLSEP = ';';
// Code similar to oox/source/xls/formulabase.cxx
@@ -57,28 +56,23 @@ static OUString lclGenerateApiString( const OUString& rString )
return "\"" + aRetString + "\"";
-static OUString lclGenerateApiArray( const Matrix< Any >& rMatrix )
+static OUString lclGenerateApiArray(const std::vector<Any>& rRow)
- OSL_ENSURE( !rMatrix.empty(), "ChartConverter::lclGenerateApiArray - missing matrix values" );
+ OSL_ENSURE( !rRow.empty(), "ChartConverter::lclGenerateApiArray - missing matrix values" );
OUStringBuffer aBuffer;
aBuffer.append( API_TOKEN_ARRAY_OPEN );
- for( size_t nRow = 0, nHeight = rMatrix.height(); nRow < nHeight; ++nRow )
+ for (auto aBeg = rRow.begin(), aIt = aBeg, aEnd = rRow.end(); aIt != aEnd; ++aIt)
- if( nRow > 0 )
- aBuffer.append( API_TOKEN_ARRAY_ROWSEP );
- for( Matrix< Any >::const_iterator aBeg = rMatrix.row_begin( nRow ), aIt = aBeg, aEnd = rMatrix.row_end( nRow ); aIt != aEnd; ++aIt )
- {
- double fValue = 0.0;
- OUString aString;
- if( aIt != aBeg )
- aBuffer.append( API_TOKEN_ARRAY_COLSEP );
- if( *aIt >>= fValue )
- aBuffer.append( fValue );
- else if( *aIt >>= aString )
- aBuffer.append( lclGenerateApiString( aString ) );
- else
- aBuffer.append( "\"\"" );
- }
+ double fValue = 0.0;
+ OUString aString;
+ if( aIt != aBeg )
+ aBuffer.append( API_TOKEN_ARRAY_COLSEP );
+ if( *aIt >>= fValue )
+ aBuffer.append( fValue );
+ else if( *aIt >>= aString )
+ aBuffer.append( lclGenerateApiString( aString ) );
+ else
+ aBuffer.append( "\"\"" );
aBuffer.append( API_TOKEN_ARRAY_CLOSE );
return aBuffer.makeStringAndClear();
@@ -133,11 +127,11 @@ Reference< XDataSequence > ChartConverter::createDataSequence(
if( !rDataSeq.maData.empty() )
// create a single-row array from constant source data
- Matrix< Any > aMatrix( rDataSeq.mnPointCount, 1 );
+ std::vector<Any> aRow(rDataSeq.mnPointCount);
for (auto const& elem : rDataSeq.maData)
- *aMatrix.at(elem.first, 0) = elem.second;
+ aRow.at(elem.first) = elem.second;
- aRangeRep = lclGenerateApiArray( aMatrix );
+ aRangeRep = lclGenerateApiArray(aRow);
if( !aRangeRep.isEmpty() ) try
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