[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: sw/inc sw/qa sw/source sw/uiconfig

Nickson Thanda nicksonthanda10 at msn.com
Tue Jun 5 13:54:11 UTC 2018

 sw/inc/strings.hrc                            |    6 +++---
 sw/qa/python/check_styles.py                  |    2 +-
 sw/qa/python/text_portion_enumeration_test.py |    2 +-
 sw/source/core/doc/SwStyleNameMapper.cxx      |    4 ++--
 sw/source/ui/index/cnttab.cxx                 |    2 +-
 sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/tocindexpage.ui        |    2 +-
 6 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit f8b59486ca61d8e4471fac2bff3441526921dba0
Author: Nickson Thanda <nicksonthanda10 at msn.com>
Date:   Tue May 15 13:44:37 2018 +0100

    tdf#117013 renamed Illustration Index to Table of Figures
    Illustration Index has been renamed to Table of Figures
    Default category changed from Illustration to Figures
    Change-Id: I2c4fbf4036c245ea98cda4e3652c300449abd4b1
    Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/54372
    Tested-by: Jenkins <ci at libreoffice.org>
    Tested-by: Heiko Tietze <tietze.heiko at gmail.com>
    Reviewed-by: Heiko Tietze <tietze.heiko at gmail.com>

diff --git a/sw/inc/strings.hrc b/sw/inc/strings.hrc
index 6ca7ba5580b8..fef14dcc9307 100644
--- a/sw/inc/strings.hrc
+++ b/sw/inc/strings.hrc
@@ -169,8 +169,8 @@
 #define STR_POOLCOLL_TOX_USER9                  NC_("STR_POOLCOLL_TOX_USER9", "User Index 9")
 #define STR_POOLCOLL_TOX_USER10                 NC_("STR_POOLCOLL_TOX_USER10", "User Index 10")
-#define STR_POOLCOLL_TOX_ILLUSH                 NC_("STR_POOLCOLL_TOX_ILLUSH", "Illustration Index Heading")
-#define STR_POOLCOLL_TOX_ILLUS1                 NC_("STR_POOLCOLL_TOX_ILLUS1", "Illustration Index 1")
+#define STR_POOLCOLL_TOX_ILLUSH                 NC_("STR_POOLCOLL_TOX_ILLUSH", "Figure Index Heading")
+#define STR_POOLCOLL_TOX_ILLUS1                 NC_("STR_POOLCOLL_TOX_ILLUS1", "Figure Index 1")
 #define STR_POOLCOLL_TOX_OBJECTH                NC_("STR_POOLCOLL_TOX_OBJECTH", "Object Index Heading")
 #define STR_POOLCOLL_TOX_OBJECT1                NC_("STR_POOLCOLL_TOX_OBJECT1", "Object Index 1")
 #define STR_POOLCOLL_TOX_TABLESH                NC_("STR_POOLCOLL_TOX_TABLESH", "Table Index Heading")
@@ -669,7 +669,7 @@
 #define STR_TOX_CITATION                        NC_("STR_TOX_CITATION", "Citation")
 #define STR_TOX_TBL                             NC_("STR_TOX_TBL", "Index of Tables")
 #define STR_TOX_OBJ                             NC_("STR_TOX_OBJ", "Table of Objects")
-#define STR_TOX_ILL                             NC_("STR_TOX_ILL", "Illustration Index")
+#define STR_TOX_ILL                             NC_("STR_TOX_ILL", "Table of Figures")
 #define STR_LINK_CTRL_CLICK                     NC_("STR_LINK_CTRL_CLICK", "%s-Click to follow link")
 #define STR_LINK_CLICK                          NC_("STR_LINK_CLICK", "Click to follow link")
 // SubType DocInfo
diff --git a/sw/qa/python/check_styles.py b/sw/qa/python/check_styles.py
index d519ff8a634e..ffd183edc3a2 100644
--- a/sw/qa/python/check_styles.py
+++ b/sw/qa/python/check_styles.py
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ class CheckStyle(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_ParagraphFamily(self):
         xDoc = CheckStyle._uno.openEmptyWriterDoc()
         xParaStyles = xDoc.StyleFamilies["ParagraphStyles"]
-        vEmptyDocStyles = ['Standard', 'Heading', 'Text body', 'List', 'Caption', 'Index', 'First line indent', 'Hanging indent', 'Text body indent', 'Salutation', 'Signature', 'List Indent', 'Marginalia', 'Heading 1', 'Heading 2', 'Heading 3', 'Heading 4', 'Heading 5', 'Heading 6', 'Heading 7', 'Heading 8', 'Heading 9', 'Heading 10', 'Title', 'Subtitle', 'Numbering 1 Start', 'Numbering 1', 'Numbering 1 End', 'Numbering 1 Cont.', 'Numbering 2 Start', 'Numbering 2', 'Numbering 2 End', 'Numbering 2 Cont.', 'Numbering 3 Start', 'Numbering 3', 'Numbering 3 End', 'Numbering 3 Cont.', 'Numbering 4 Start', 'Numbering 4', 'Numbering 4 End', 'Numbering 4 Cont.', 'Numbering 5 Start', 'Numbering 5', 'Numbering 5 End', 'Numbering 5 Cont.', 'List 1 Start', 'List 1', 'List 1 End', 'List 1 Cont.', 'List 2 Start', 'List 2', 'List 2 End', 'List 2 Cont.', 'List 3 Start', 'List 3', 'List 3 End', 'List 3 Cont.', 'List 4 Start', 'List 4', 'List 4 End', 'List 4 Cont.', 'List 5 Start', 'List 5', 'List 5 E
 nd', 'List 5 Cont.', 'Index Heading', 'Index 1', 'Index 2', 'Index 3', 'Index Separator', 'Contents Heading', 'Contents 1', 'Contents 2', 'Contents 3', 'Contents 4', 'Contents 5', 'User Index Heading', 'User Index 1', 'User Index 2', 'User Index 3', 'User Index 4', 'User Index 5', 'Contents 6', 'Contents 7', 'Contents 8', 'Contents 9', 'Contents 10', 'Illustration Index Heading', 'Illustration Index 1', 'Object index heading', 'Object index 1', 'Table index heading', 'Table index 1', 'Bibliography Heading', 'Bibliography 1', 'User Index 6', 'User Index 7', 'User Index 8', 'User Index 9', 'User Index 10', 'Header', 'Header left', 'Header right', 'Footer', 'Footer left', 'Footer right', 'Table Contents', 'Table Heading', 'Illustration', 'Table', 'Text','Figure', 'Frame contents', 'Footnote', 'Addressee', 'Sender', 'Endnote', 'Drawing', 'Quotations', 'Preformatted Text', 'Horizontal Line', 'List Contents', 'List Heading']
+        vEmptyDocStyles = ['Standard', 'Heading', 'Text body', 'List', 'Caption', 'Index', 'First line indent', 'Hanging indent', 'Text body indent', 'Salutation', 'Signature', 'List Indent', 'Marginalia', 'Heading 1', 'Heading 2', 'Heading 3', 'Heading 4', 'Heading 5', 'Heading 6', 'Heading 7', 'Heading 8', 'Heading 9', 'Heading 10', 'Title', 'Subtitle', 'Numbering 1 Start', 'Numbering 1', 'Numbering 1 End', 'Numbering 1 Cont.', 'Numbering 2 Start', 'Numbering 2', 'Numbering 2 End', 'Numbering 2 Cont.', 'Numbering 3 Start', 'Numbering 3', 'Numbering 3 End', 'Numbering 3 Cont.', 'Numbering 4 Start', 'Numbering 4', 'Numbering 4 End', 'Numbering 4 Cont.', 'Numbering 5 Start', 'Numbering 5', 'Numbering 5 End', 'Numbering 5 Cont.', 'List 1 Start', 'List 1', 'List 1 End', 'List 1 Cont.', 'List 2 Start', 'List 2', 'List 2 End', 'List 2 Cont.', 'List 3 Start', 'List 3', 'List 3 End', 'List 3 Cont.', 'List 4 Start', 'List 4', 'List 4 End', 'List 4 Cont.', 'List 5 Start', 'List 5', 'List 5 E
 nd', 'List 5 Cont.', 'Index Heading', 'Index 1', 'Index 2', 'Index 3', 'Index Separator', 'Contents Heading', 'Contents 1', 'Contents 2', 'Contents 3', 'Contents 4', 'Contents 5', 'User Index Heading', 'User Index 1', 'User Index 2', 'User Index 3', 'User Index 4', 'User Index 5', 'Contents 6', 'Contents 7', 'Contents 8', 'Contents 9', 'Contents 10', 'Figure Index Heading', 'Figure Index 1', 'Object index heading', 'Object index 1', 'Table index heading', 'Table index 1', 'Bibliography Heading', 'Bibliography 1', 'User Index 6', 'User Index 7', 'User Index 8', 'User Index 9', 'User Index 10', 'Header', 'Header left', 'Header right', 'Footer', 'Footer left', 'Footer right', 'Table Contents', 'Table Heading', 'Illustration', 'Table', 'Text','Figure', 'Frame contents', 'Footnote', 'Addressee', 'Sender', 'Endnote', 'Drawing', 'Quotations', 'Preformatted Text', 'Horizontal Line', 'List Contents', 'List Heading']
         self.__test_StyleFamily(xParaStyles, vEmptyDocStyles, "SwXStyle")
         self.__test_StyleFamilyIndex(xParaStyles, vEmptyDocStyles, "SwXStyle")
         self.__test_StyleFamilyInsert(xDoc, xParaStyles, vEmptyDocStyles, "com.sun.star.style.ParagraphStyle", "com.sun.star.style.CharacterStyle")
diff --git a/sw/qa/python/text_portion_enumeration_test.py b/sw/qa/python/text_portion_enumeration_test.py
index f5a9a56550d9..3a7e9d8586be 100644
--- a/sw/qa/python/text_portion_enumeration_test.py
+++ b/sw/qa/python/text_portion_enumeration_test.py
@@ -3432,7 +3432,7 @@ class TextPortionEnumerationTest(unittest.TestCase):
         xIndex3 = xIndexes["Illustration Index1"]
                         StringPair("content.xml", "idII")), "idII")
-        xIndex3s = xSections["Illustration Index1"]
+        xIndex3s = xSections["Table of Figures1"]
                         StringPair("content.xml", "idII")), "idII")
         xIndex4 = xIndexes["Index of Tables1"]
diff --git a/sw/source/core/doc/SwStyleNameMapper.cxx b/sw/source/core/doc/SwStyleNameMapper.cxx
index 809f2826e4c6..839c33038cc9 100644
--- a/sw/source/core/doc/SwStyleNameMapper.cxx
+++ b/sw/source/core/doc/SwStyleNameMapper.cxx
@@ -192,8 +192,8 @@ const struct SwTableEntry RegisterProgNameTable [] =
     ENTRY( "Contents 8" ),
     ENTRY( "Contents 9" ),
     ENTRY( "Contents 10" ),
-    ENTRY( "Illustration Index Heading" ),
-    ENTRY( "Illustration Index 1" ),
+    ENTRY( "Figure Index Heading" ),
+    ENTRY( "Figure Index 1" ),
     ENTRY( "Object index heading" ),
     ENTRY( "Object index 1" ),
     ENTRY( "Table index heading" ),
diff --git a/sw/source/ui/index/cnttab.cxx b/sw/source/ui/index/cnttab.cxx
index d4b8ffd5deda..7324a4f44c41 100644
--- a/sw/source/ui/index/cnttab.cxx
+++ b/sw/source/ui/index/cnttab.cxx
@@ -1344,7 +1344,7 @@ IMPL_LINK(SwTOXSelectTabPage, TOXTypeHdl, ListBox&, rBox, void)
     if( nType & TO_ILLUSTRATION )
         m_pCaptionSequenceLB->SelectEntry( SwStyleNameMapper::GetUIName(
-                                    RES_POOLCOLL_LABEL_ABB, OUString() ));
+                                    RES_POOLCOLL_LABEL_FIGURE, OUString() ));
     else if( nType & TO_TABLE )
diff --git a/sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/tocindexpage.ui b/sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/tocindexpage.ui
index bb83b063d404..8bfd78eabd26 100644
--- a/sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/tocindexpage.ui
+++ b/sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/tocindexpage.ui
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
         <col id="1">2</col>
-        <col id="0" translatable="yes" context="tocindexpage|liststore1">Illustration Index</col>
+        <col id="0" translatable="yes" context="tocindexpage|liststore1">Table of Figures</col>
         <col id="1">4</col>

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