[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: sc/inc sc/qa sc/source

Henry Castro hcastro at collabora.com
Tue Jun 26 12:24:27 UTC 2018

 sc/inc/postit.hxx                   |  114 -------
 sc/inc/scmod.hxx                    |    2 
 sc/qa/unit/ucalc.cxx                |   18 -
 sc/source/core/data/documen3.cxx    |    3 
 sc/source/core/data/document.cxx    |    9 
 sc/source/core/data/postit.cxx      |  554 +++++++-----------------------------
 sc/source/core/tool/detfunc.cxx     |    2 
 sc/source/filter/excel/xeescher.cxx |    2 
 sc/source/filter/xml/xmlexprt.cxx   |   10 
 sc/source/ui/app/scmod.cxx          |   28 -
 sc/source/ui/docshell/docfunc.cxx   |    4 
 sc/source/ui/docshell/docsh.cxx     |   33 ++
 sc/source/ui/drawfunc/futext3.cxx   |    4 
 sc/source/ui/inc/docsh.hxx          |    2 
 sc/source/ui/inc/notemark.hxx       |    2 
 sc/source/ui/inc/undocell.hxx       |   45 ++
 sc/source/ui/undo/undocell.cxx      |  185 +++++++++++-
 sc/source/ui/unoobj/editsrc.cxx     |    2 
 sc/source/ui/unoobj/notesuno.cxx    |    2 
 sc/source/ui/view/drawview.cxx      |    2 
 sc/source/ui/view/gridwin.cxx       |    2 
 sc/source/ui/view/notemark.cxx      |    2 
 sc/source/ui/view/tabview5.cxx      |    2 
 sc/source/ui/view/viewfun6.cxx      |    2 
 24 files changed, 402 insertions(+), 629 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit b6b1ded0a0539e7be1b5338de378a3276a6ff445
Author: Henry Castro <hcastro at collabora.com>
Date:   Fri Jun 8 17:09:55 2018 -0400

    sc: replace ScCaptionPtr with std::shared_ptr, tdf#117997, tdf#117228
    Change-Id: I9b6a2c2504c9ce060906ac3bf156721709fef2f3
    Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/55490
    Tested-by: Jenkins
    Reviewed-by: Eike Rathke <erack at redhat.com>

diff --git a/sc/inc/postit.hxx b/sc/inc/postit.hxx
index bf29a9693904..de77e208b829 100644
--- a/sc/inc/postit.hxx
+++ b/sc/inc/postit.hxx
@@ -36,110 +36,6 @@ class ScDocument;
 namespace tools { class Rectangle; }
 struct ScCaptionInitData;
-/** Some desperate attempt to fight against the caption object ownership mess,
-    to which none of shared/weak/plain pointer is a cure.
- */
-class ScCaptionPtr
-    ScCaptionPtr();
-    explicit ScCaptionPtr( SdrCaptionObj* p );
-    ScCaptionPtr( const ScCaptionPtr& r );
-    ScCaptionPtr( ScCaptionPtr&& r );
-    ~ScCaptionPtr();
-    ScCaptionPtr& operator=( const ScCaptionPtr& r );
-    ScCaptionPtr& operator=( ScCaptionPtr&& r );
-    explicit operator bool() const    { return mpCaption != nullptr; }
-    const SdrCaptionObj* get() const        { return mpCaption; }
-    SdrCaptionObj* get()        { return mpCaption; }
-    const SdrCaptionObj* operator->() const { return mpCaption; }
-    SdrCaptionObj* operator->() { return mpCaption; }
-    const SdrCaptionObj& operator*() const  { return *mpCaption; }
-    SdrCaptionObj& operator*()  { return *mpCaption; }
-    // Does not default to nullptr to make it visually obvious where such is used.
-    void reset( SdrCaptionObj* p );
-    /** Insert to draw page. The caption object is owned by the draw page then.
-     */
-    void insertToDrawPage( SdrPage& rDrawPage );
-    /** Remove from draw page. The caption object is not owned anymore by the
-        draw page then.
-     */
-    void removeFromDrawPage( SdrPage& rDrawPage );
-    /** Remove from draw page and free caption object if no Undo recording.
-     */
-    void removeFromDrawPageAndFree( bool bIgnoreUndo = false );
-    /** Release all management of the SdrCaptionObj* in all instances of this
-        list and dissolve. The SdrCaptionObj pointer returned is ready to be
-        managed elsewhere.
-     */
-    SdrCaptionObj* release();
-    /** Forget the SdrCaptionObj pointer in this one instance.
-        Decrements a use count but does not destroy the object, it's up to the
-        caller to manage this mess..
-     */
-    void forget();
-    /** Flag that this instance is in Undo, so drawing layer owns it. */
-    void setNotOwner();
-    oslInterlockedCount getRefs() const;
-    struct Head
-    {
-        ScCaptionPtr*       mpFirst;        ///< first in list
-        oslInterlockedCount mnRefs;         ///< use count
-        Head() = delete;
-        explicit Head( ScCaptionPtr* );
-    };
-    Head*                 mpHead;       ///< points to the "master" entry
-    mutable ScCaptionPtr* mpNext;       ///< next in list
-    SdrCaptionObj*        mpCaption;    ///< the caption object, managed by head master
-    bool                  mbNotOwner;   ///< whether this caption object is owned by something else, e.g. held in Undo
-                                            /* TODO: can that be moved to Head?
-                                             * It's unclear when to reset, so
-                                             * each instance has its own flag.
-                                             * The last reference count
-                                             * decrement automatically has the
-                                             * then current state available.
-                                             * */
-    void newHead();             //< Allocate a new Head and init.
-    void incRef() const;
-    bool decRef() const;        //< @returns <TRUE/> if the last reference was decremented.
-    void decRefAndDestroy();    //< Destroys caption object if the last reference was decremented.
-    /** Remove from current list and close gap.
-        Usually there are only very few instances, so maintaining a doubly
-        linked list isn't worth memory/performance wise and a simple walk does
-        it.
-     */
-    void removeFromList();
-    /** Replace this instance with pNew in a list, if any.
-        Used by move-ctor and move assignment operator.
-     */
-    void replaceInList( ScCaptionPtr* pNew );
-    /** Dissolve list when the caption object is released or gone. */
-    void dissolve();
-    /** Just clear everything, while dissolving the list. */
-    void clear();
 /** Internal data for a cell annotation. */
 struct SC_DLLPUBLIC ScNoteData
@@ -148,7 +44,7 @@ struct SC_DLLPUBLIC ScNoteData
     OUString     maDate;             /// Creation date of the note.
     OUString     maAuthor;           /// Author of the note.
     ScCaptionInitDataRef mxInitData;        /// Initial data for invisible notes without SdrObject.
-    ScCaptionPtr        mxCaption;          /// Drawing object representing the cell note.
+    std::shared_ptr< SdrCaptionObj >    m_pCaption;          /// Drawing object representing the cell note.
     bool                mbShown;            /// True = note is visible.
     explicit            ScNoteData( bool bShown = false );
@@ -235,12 +131,12 @@ public:
         contains initial caption data needed to construct a caption object.
         The SdrCaptionObj* returned is still managed by the underlying
         ScNoteData::ScCaptionPtr and must not be stored elsewhere. */
-    SdrCaptionObj*      GetCaption() const { return maNoteData.mxCaption.get();}
+    const std::shared_ptr< SdrCaptionObj>& GetCaption() const { return maNoteData.m_pCaption; }
     /** Returns the caption object of this note. Creates the caption object, if
         the note contains initial caption data instead of the caption.
         The SdrCaptionObj* returned is still managed by the underlying
         ScNoteData::ScCaptionPtr and must not be stored elsewhere. */
-    SdrCaptionObj*      GetOrCreateCaption( const ScAddress& rPos ) const;
+    const std::shared_ptr< SdrCaptionObj>& GetOrCreateCaption( const ScAddress& rPos ) const;
     /** Forgets the pointer to the note caption object.
@@ -268,7 +164,7 @@ private:
     /** Creates the caption object from initial caption data if existing. */
     void                CreateCaptionFromInitData( const ScAddress& rPos ) const;
     /** Creates a new caption object at the passed cell position, clones passed existing caption. */
-    void                CreateCaption( const ScAddress& rPos, const SdrCaptionObj* pCaption = nullptr );
+    void                CreateCaption( const ScAddress& rPos, const std::shared_ptr< SdrCaptionObj >& pCaption );
     /** Removes the caption object from the drawing layer, if this note is its owner. */
     void                RemoveCaption();
@@ -283,7 +179,7 @@ class SC_DLLPUBLIC ScNoteUtil
     /** Creates and returns a caption object for a temporary caption. */
-    static ScCaptionPtr CreateTempCaption( ScDocument& rDoc, const ScAddress& rPos,
+    static std::shared_ptr< SdrCaptionObj > CreateTempCaption( ScDocument& rDoc, const ScAddress& rPos,
                             SdrPage& rDrawPage, const OUString& rUserText,
                             const tools::Rectangle& rVisRect, bool bTailFront );
diff --git a/sc/inc/scmod.hxx b/sc/inc/scmod.hxx
index 6d75e15807e6..8349274645a7 100644
--- a/sc/inc/scmod.hxx
+++ b/sc/inc/scmod.hxx
@@ -147,8 +147,6 @@ public:
     void                SetDragJump(
         ScDocument* pLocalDoc, const OUString& rTarget, const OUString& rText );
-    static ScDocument*  GetClipDoc();       // called from document - should be removed later
     //  X selection:
     ScSelectionTransferObj* GetSelectionTransfer() const    { return m_pSelTransfer; }
     void                SetSelectionTransfer( ScSelectionTransferObj* pNew );
diff --git a/sc/qa/unit/ucalc.cxx b/sc/qa/unit/ucalc.cxx
index b836076aab31..6fb52101ed0c 100644
--- a/sc/qa/unit/ucalc.cxx
+++ b/sc/qa/unit/ucalc.cxx
@@ -5339,7 +5339,7 @@ void Test::testNoteLifeCycle()
     // Re-insert the note back to the same place.
     m_pDoc->SetNote(aPos, pNote);
-    SdrCaptionObj* pCaption = pNote->GetOrCreateCaption(aPos);
+    SdrCaptionObj* pCaption = pNote->GetOrCreateCaption(aPos).get();
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Failed to create a caption object.", pCaption);
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("This caption should belong to the drawing layer of the document.",
                            m_pDoc->GetDrawLayer(), static_cast<ScDrawLayer*>(&pCaption->getSdrModelFromSdrObject()));
@@ -5355,7 +5355,7 @@ void Test::testNoteLifeCycle()
     ScPostIt* pClipNote = aClipDoc.GetNote(aPos);
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Failed to copy note to the clipboard.", pClipNote);
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("Note on the clipboard should share the same caption object from the original.",
-                           pCaption, pClipNote->GetCaption());
+                           pCaption, pClipNote->GetCaption().get());
     // Move B2 to B3 with note, which creates an ScUndoDragDrop, and Undo.
@@ -5363,7 +5363,7 @@ void Test::testNoteLifeCycle()
     ScAddress aOrigPos(aPos);
     ScAddress aMovePos(1,2,0);
     ScPostIt* pOrigNote = m_pDoc->GetNote(aOrigPos);
-    const SdrCaptionObj* pOrigCaption = pOrigNote->GetOrCreateCaption(aOrigPos);
+    const SdrCaptionObj* pOrigCaption = pOrigNote->GetOrCreateCaption(aOrigPos).get();
     bool const bCut = true;       // like Drag&Drop
     bool bRecord = true;    // record Undo
     bool const bPaint = false;    // don't care about
@@ -5381,7 +5381,7 @@ void Test::testNoteLifeCycle()
     // The caption object should not be identical, it was newly created upon
     // Drop from clipboard.
     // pOrigCaption is a dangling pointer.
-    const SdrCaptionObj* pMoveCaption = pMoveNote->GetOrCreateCaption(aMovePos);
+    const SdrCaptionObj* pMoveCaption = pMoveNote->GetOrCreateCaption(aMovePos).get();
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Captions identical after move.", pOrigCaption != pMoveCaption);
     SfxUndoManager* pUndoMgr = m_pDoc->GetUndoManager();
@@ -5396,7 +5396,7 @@ void Test::testNoteLifeCycle()
     // The caption object still should not be identical.
     // pMoveCaption is a dangling pointer.
-    pOrigCaption = pOrigNote->GetOrCreateCaption(aOrigPos);
+    pOrigCaption = pOrigNote->GetOrCreateCaption(aOrigPos).get();
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Captions identical after move undo.", pOrigCaption != pMoveCaption);
@@ -5405,7 +5405,7 @@ void Test::testNoteLifeCycle()
     ScAddress aPosB4(1,3,0);
     ScPostIt* pNoteB4 = m_pDoc->GetOrCreateNote(aPosB4);
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Failed to insert cell comment at B4.", pNoteB4);
-    const SdrCaptionObj* pCaptionB4 = pNoteB4->GetOrCreateCaption(aPosB4);
+    const SdrCaptionObj* pCaptionB4 = pNoteB4->GetOrCreateCaption(aPosB4).get();
     ScCellMergeOption aCellMergeOption(1,3,2,3);
     rDocFunc.MergeCells( aCellMergeOption, true /*bContents*/, bRecord, bApi, false /*bEmptyMergedCells*/ );
@@ -5417,7 +5417,7 @@ void Test::testNoteLifeCycle()
     // at B4 after the merge and not cloned nor recreated during Undo.
     ScPostIt* pUndoNoteB4 = m_pDoc->GetNote(aPosB4);
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("No cell comment at B4 after Undo.", pUndoNoteB4);
-    const SdrCaptionObj* pUndoCaptionB4 = pUndoNoteB4->GetCaption();
+    const SdrCaptionObj* pUndoCaptionB4 = pUndoNoteB4->GetCaption().get();
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("Captions not identical after Merge Undo.", pCaptionB4, pUndoCaptionB4);
@@ -5433,7 +5433,7 @@ void Test::testNoteLifeCycle()
         ScAddress aPosB5(1,4,0);
         ScPostIt* pOtherNoteB5 = pDoc2->GetOrCreateNote(aPosB5);
         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Failed to insert cell comment at B5.", pOtherNoteB5);
-        const SdrCaptionObj* pOtherCaptionB5 = pOtherNoteB5->GetOrCreateCaption(aPosB5);
+        const SdrCaptionObj* pOtherCaptionB5 = pOtherNoteB5->GetOrCreateCaption(aPosB5).get();
         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("No caption at B5.", pOtherCaptionB5);
         ScDocument aClipDoc2(SCDOCMODE_CLIP);
@@ -5451,7 +5451,7 @@ void Test::testNoteLifeCycle()
         pasteFromClip( m_pDoc, aPosB5, &aClipDoc2); // should not crash... tdf#104967
         ScPostIt* pNoteB5 = m_pDoc->GetNote(aPosB5);
         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Failed to paste cell comment at B5.", pNoteB5);
-        const SdrCaptionObj* pCaptionB5 = pNoteB5->GetOrCreateCaption(aPosB5);
+        const SdrCaptionObj* pCaptionB5 = pNoteB5->GetOrCreateCaption(aPosB5).get();
         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("No caption at pasted B5.", pCaptionB5);
         // Do not test if  pCaptionB5 != pOtherCaptionB5  because since pDoc2
         // has been closed and the caption been deleted objects *may* be
diff --git a/sc/source/core/data/documen3.cxx b/sc/source/core/data/documen3.cxx
index bb68d1c849ef..1b9629c34a9d 100644
--- a/sc/source/core/data/documen3.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/core/data/documen3.cxx
@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@
 #include <refupdatecontext.hxx>
 #include <scopetools.hxx>
 #include <filterentries.hxx>
+#include <docsh.hxx>
 #include <globalnames.hxx>
 #include <LibreOfficeKit/LibreOfficeKitEnums.h>
@@ -1093,7 +1094,7 @@ void ScDocument::UpdateReference(
     // After moving, no clipboard move ref-updates are possible
     if (rCxt.meMode != URM_COPY && IsClipboardSource())
-        ScDocument* pClipDoc = ScModule::GetClipDoc();
+        ScDocument* pClipDoc = static_cast<ScDocShell*>(mpShell)->GetClipDoc();
         if (pClipDoc)
             pClipDoc->GetClipParam().mbCutMode = false;
diff --git a/sc/source/core/data/document.cxx b/sc/source/core/data/document.cxx
index 32f1669e97d1..3f0886805fdc 100644
--- a/sc/source/core/data/document.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/core/data/document.cxx
@@ -99,6 +99,7 @@
 #include <tokenarray.hxx>
 #include <tokenstringcontext.hxx>
 #include <compressedarray.hxx>
+#include <docsh.hxx>
 #include <formula/vectortoken.hxx>
@@ -2183,7 +2184,7 @@ void ScDocument::CopyToClip(const ScClipParam& rClipParam,
     if (!pClipDoc)
         SAL_WARN("sc", "CopyToClip: no ClipDoc");
-        pClipDoc = ScModule::GetClipDoc();
+        pClipDoc = static_cast<ScDocShell*>(mpShell)->GetClipDoc();
     if (mpShell->GetMedium())
@@ -2283,7 +2284,7 @@ void ScDocument::CopyTabToClip(SCCOL nCol1, SCROW nRow1,
         if (!pClipDoc)
             SAL_WARN("sc", "CopyTabToClip: no ClipDoc");
-            pClipDoc = ScModule::GetClipDoc();
+            pClipDoc = static_cast<ScDocShell*>(mpShell)->GetClipDoc();
         if (mpShell->GetMedium())
@@ -2570,7 +2571,7 @@ bool ScDocument::IsClipboardSource() const
     if (bIsClip)
         return false;
-    ScDocument* pClipDoc = ScModule::GetClipDoc();
+    ScDocument* pClipDoc = static_cast<ScDocShell*>(mpShell)->GetClipDoc();
     return pClipDoc && pClipDoc->bIsClip && pClipDoc->mxPoolHelper.is() && mxPoolHelper.is() &&
             mxPoolHelper->GetDocPool() == pClipDoc->mxPoolHelper->GetDocPool();
@@ -2807,7 +2808,7 @@ void ScDocument::CopyFromClip( const ScRange& rDestRange, const ScMarkData& rMar
     if (!pClipDoc)
         OSL_FAIL("CopyFromClip: no ClipDoc");
-        pClipDoc = ScModule::GetClipDoc();
+        pClipDoc = static_cast<ScDocShell*>(mpShell)->GetClipDoc();
     if (!pClipDoc->bIsClip || !pClipDoc->GetTableCount())
diff --git a/sc/source/core/data/postit.cxx b/sc/source/core/data/postit.cxx
index c943d0350d8b..4629bbdc052b 100644
--- a/sc/source/core/data/postit.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/core/data/postit.cxx
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
 #include <patattr.hxx>
 #include <formulacell.hxx>
 #include <drwlayer.hxx>
+#include <undocell.hxx>
 #include <userdat.hxx>
 #include <detfunc.hxx>
 #include <editutil.hxx>
@@ -162,12 +163,12 @@ public:
     /** Create a new caption. The caption will not be inserted into the document. */
     explicit            ScCaptionCreator( ScDocument& rDoc, const ScAddress& rPos, bool bTailFront );
     /** Manipulate an existing caption. */
-    explicit            ScCaptionCreator( ScDocument& rDoc, const ScAddress& rPos, const ScCaptionPtr& xCaption );
+    explicit            ScCaptionCreator( ScDocument& rDoc, const ScAddress& rPos, const std::shared_ptr< SdrCaptionObj >& pCaption );
     /** Returns the drawing layer page of the sheet contained in maPos. */
     SdrPage*            GetDrawPage();
     /** Returns the caption drawing object. */
-    ScCaptionPtr &      GetCaption() { return mxCaption; }
+    const std::shared_ptr< SdrCaptionObj >& GetCaption() { return m_pCaption; }
     /** Moves the caption inside the passed rectangle. Uses page area if 0 is passed. */
     void                FitCaptionToRect( const tools::Rectangle* pVisRect = nullptr );
@@ -194,7 +195,7 @@ private:
     ScDocument&         mrDoc;
     ScAddress           maPos;
-    ScCaptionPtr        mxCaption;
+    std::shared_ptr< SdrCaptionObj > m_pCaption;
     tools::Rectangle           maPageRect;
     tools::Rectangle           maCellRect;
     bool                mbNegPage;
@@ -208,10 +209,10 @@ ScCaptionCreator::ScCaptionCreator( ScDocument& rDoc, const ScAddress& rPos, boo
     CreateCaption( true/*bShown*/, bTailFront );
-ScCaptionCreator::ScCaptionCreator( ScDocument& rDoc, const ScAddress& rPos, const ScCaptionPtr& xCaption ) :
+ScCaptionCreator::ScCaptionCreator( ScDocument& rDoc, const ScAddress& rPos, const std::shared_ptr< SdrCaptionObj >& pCaption ) :
     mrDoc( rDoc ),
     maPos( rPos ),
-    mxCaption( xCaption )
+    m_pCaption( pCaption )
@@ -234,13 +235,13 @@ void ScCaptionCreator::FitCaptionToRect( const tools::Rectangle* pVisRect )
     const tools::Rectangle& rVisRect = GetVisRect( pVisRect );
     // tail position
-    Point aTailPos = mxCaption->GetTailPos();
+    Point aTailPos = m_pCaption->GetTailPos();
     aTailPos.setX( ::std::max( ::std::min( aTailPos.X(), rVisRect.Right() ), rVisRect.Left() ) );
     aTailPos.setY( ::std::max( ::std::min( aTailPos.Y(), rVisRect.Bottom() ), rVisRect.Top() ) );
-    mxCaption->SetTailPos( aTailPos );
+    m_pCaption->SetTailPos( aTailPos );
     // caption rectangle
-    tools::Rectangle aCaptRect = mxCaption->GetLogicRect();
+    tools::Rectangle aCaptRect = m_pCaption->GetLogicRect();
     Point aCaptPos = aCaptRect.TopLeft();
     // move textbox inside right border of visible area
     aCaptPos.setX( ::std::min< long >( aCaptPos.X(), rVisRect.Right() - aCaptRect.GetWidth() ) );
@@ -252,7 +253,7 @@ void ScCaptionCreator::FitCaptionToRect( const tools::Rectangle* pVisRect )
     aCaptPos.setY( ::std::max< long >( aCaptPos.Y(), rVisRect.Top() ) );
     // update caption
     aCaptRect.SetPos( aCaptPos );
-    mxCaption->SetLogicRect( aCaptRect );
+    m_pCaption->SetLogicRect( aCaptRect );
 void ScCaptionCreator::AutoPlaceCaption( const tools::Rectangle* pVisRect )
@@ -260,7 +261,7 @@ void ScCaptionCreator::AutoPlaceCaption( const tools::Rectangle* pVisRect )
     const tools::Rectangle& rVisRect = GetVisRect( pVisRect );
     // caption rectangle
-    tools::Rectangle aCaptRect = mxCaption->GetLogicRect();
+    tools::Rectangle aCaptRect = m_pCaption->GetLogicRect();
     long nWidth = aCaptRect.GetWidth();
     long nHeight = aCaptRect.GetHeight();
@@ -318,7 +319,7 @@ void ScCaptionCreator::AutoPlaceCaption( const tools::Rectangle* pVisRect )
     // update textbox position in note caption object
     aCaptRect.SetPos( aCaptPos );
-    mxCaption->SetLogicRect( aCaptRect );
+    m_pCaption->SetLogicRect( aCaptRect );
     FitCaptionToRect( pVisRect );
@@ -327,33 +328,33 @@ void ScCaptionCreator::UpdateCaptionPos()
     ScDrawLayer* pDrawLayer = mrDoc.GetDrawLayer();
     // update caption position
-    const Point& rOldTailPos = mxCaption->GetTailPos();
+    const Point& rOldTailPos = m_pCaption->GetTailPos();
     Point aTailPos = CalcTailPos( false );
     if( rOldTailPos != aTailPos )
         // create drawing undo action
         if( pDrawLayer && pDrawLayer->IsRecording() )
-            pDrawLayer->AddCalcUndo( new SdrUndoGeoObj( *mxCaption ) );
+            pDrawLayer->AddCalcUndo( new SdrUndoGeoObj( *m_pCaption ) );
         // calculate new caption rectangle (#i98141# handle LTR<->RTL switch correctly)
-        tools::Rectangle aCaptRect = mxCaption->GetLogicRect();
+        tools::Rectangle aCaptRect = m_pCaption->GetLogicRect();
         long nDiffX = (rOldTailPos.X() >= 0) ? (aCaptRect.Left() - rOldTailPos.X()) : (rOldTailPos.X() - aCaptRect.Right());
         if( mbNegPage ) nDiffX = -nDiffX - aCaptRect.GetWidth();
         long nDiffY = aCaptRect.Top() - rOldTailPos.Y();
         aCaptRect.SetPos( aTailPos + Point( nDiffX, nDiffY ) );
         // set new tail position and caption rectangle
-        mxCaption->SetTailPos( aTailPos );
-        mxCaption->SetLogicRect( aCaptRect );
+        m_pCaption->SetTailPos( aTailPos );
+        m_pCaption->SetLogicRect( aCaptRect );
         // fit caption into draw page
     // update cell position in caption user data
-    ScDrawObjData* pCaptData = ScDrawLayer::GetNoteCaptionData( mxCaption.get(), maPos.Tab() );
+    ScDrawObjData* pCaptData = ScDrawLayer::GetNoteCaptionData( m_pCaption.get(), maPos.Tab() );
     if( pCaptData && (maPos != pCaptData->maStart) )
         // create drawing undo action
         if( pDrawLayer && pDrawLayer->IsRecording() )
-            pDrawLayer->AddCalcUndo( new ScUndoObjData( mxCaption.get(), pCaptData->maStart, pCaptData->maEnd, maPos, pCaptData->maEnd ) );
+            pDrawLayer->AddCalcUndo( new ScUndoObjData( m_pCaption.get(), pCaptData->maStart, pCaptData->maEnd, maPos, pCaptData->maEnd ) );
         // set new position
         pCaptData->maStart = maPos;
@@ -375,13 +376,22 @@ void ScCaptionCreator::CreateCaption( bool bShown, bool bTailFront )
     // create the caption drawing object
     tools::Rectangle aTextRect( Point( 0 , 0 ), Size( SC_NOTECAPTION_WIDTH, SC_NOTECAPTION_HEIGHT ) );
     Point aTailPos = CalcTailPos( bTailFront );
-    mxCaption.reset(
+    m_pCaption.reset(
         new SdrCaptionObj(
             *mrDoc.GetDrawLayer(), // TTTT should ret a ref?
-            aTailPos));
+            aTailPos),
+        [](SdrCaptionObj* pCaptionObj){
+            SdrPage* pDrawPage(pCaptionObj->getSdrPageFromSdrObject());
+            if (pDrawPage)
+            {
+                pDrawPage->RemoveObject(pCaptionObj->GetOrdNum());
+            }
+            SdrObject* pObj = pCaptionObj;
+            SdrObject::Free(pObj);
+    });
     // basic caption settings
-    ScCaptionUtil::SetBasicCaptionSettings( *mxCaption, bShown );
+    ScCaptionUtil::SetBasicCaptionSettings( *m_pCaption, bShown );
 void ScCaptionCreator::Initialize()
@@ -405,7 +415,7 @@ public:
     /** Create a new caption object and inserts it into the document. */
     explicit            ScNoteCaptionCreator( ScDocument& rDoc, const ScAddress& rPos, ScNoteData& rNoteData );
     /** Manipulate an existing caption. */
-    explicit            ScNoteCaptionCreator( ScDocument& rDoc, const ScAddress& rPos, ScCaptionPtr& xCaption, bool bShown );
+    explicit            ScNoteCaptionCreator( ScDocument& rDoc, const ScAddress& rPos, const std::shared_ptr< SdrCaptionObj >& xCaption, bool bShown );
 ScNoteCaptionCreator::ScNoteCaptionCreator( ScDocument& rDoc, const ScAddress& rPos, ScNoteData& rNoteData ) :
@@ -417,340 +427,38 @@ ScNoteCaptionCreator::ScNoteCaptionCreator( ScDocument& rDoc, const ScAddress& r
         // create the caption drawing object
         CreateCaption( rNoteData.mbShown, false );
-        rNoteData.mxCaption = GetCaption();
-        OSL_ENSURE( rNoteData.mxCaption, "ScNoteCaptionCreator::ScNoteCaptionCreator - missing caption object" );
-        if( rNoteData.mxCaption )
+        rNoteData.m_pCaption = GetCaption();
+        OSL_ENSURE( rNoteData.m_pCaption, "ScNoteCaptionCreator::ScNoteCaptionCreator - missing caption object" );
+        if( rNoteData.m_pCaption )
             // store note position in user data of caption object
-            ScCaptionUtil::SetCaptionUserData( *rNoteData.mxCaption, rPos );
+            ScCaptionUtil::SetCaptionUserData( *rNoteData.m_pCaption, rPos );
             // insert object into draw page
-            rNoteData.mxCaption.insertToDrawPage( *pDrawPage );
+            pDrawPage->InsertObject( rNoteData.m_pCaption.get() );
-ScNoteCaptionCreator::ScNoteCaptionCreator( ScDocument& rDoc, const ScAddress& rPos, ScCaptionPtr& xCaption, bool bShown ) :
-    ScCaptionCreator( rDoc, rPos, xCaption )
+ScNoteCaptionCreator::ScNoteCaptionCreator( ScDocument& rDoc, const ScAddress& rPos, const std::shared_ptr< SdrCaptionObj >& pCaption, bool bShown ) :
+    ScCaptionCreator( rDoc, rPos, pCaption )
     SdrPage* pDrawPage = GetDrawPage();
     OSL_ENSURE( pDrawPage, "ScNoteCaptionCreator::ScNoteCaptionCreator - no drawing page" );
-    OSL_ENSURE( xCaption->getSdrPageFromSdrObject() == pDrawPage, "ScNoteCaptionCreator::ScNoteCaptionCreator - wrong drawing page in caption" );
-    if( pDrawPage && (xCaption->getSdrPageFromSdrObject() == pDrawPage) )
+    OSL_ENSURE( pCaption->getSdrPageFromSdrObject() == pDrawPage, "ScNoteCaptionCreator::ScNoteCaptionCreator - wrong drawing page in caption" );
+    if( pDrawPage && (pCaption->getSdrPageFromSdrObject() == pDrawPage) )
         // store note position in user data of caption object
-        ScCaptionUtil::SetCaptionUserData( *xCaption, rPos );
+        ScCaptionUtil::SetCaptionUserData( *pCaption, rPos );
         // basic caption settings
-        ScCaptionUtil::SetBasicCaptionSettings( *xCaption, bShown );
+        ScCaptionUtil::SetBasicCaptionSettings( *pCaption, bShown );
         // set correct tail position
-        xCaption->SetTailPos( CalcTailPos( false ) );
-    }
-} // namespace
-ScCaptionPtr::ScCaptionPtr() :
-    mpHead(nullptr), mpNext(nullptr), mpCaption(nullptr), mbNotOwner(false)
-ScCaptionPtr::ScCaptionPtr( SdrCaptionObj* p ) :
-    mpHead(nullptr), mpNext(nullptr), mpCaption(p), mbNotOwner(false)
-    if (p)
-    {
-        newHead();
+        pCaption->SetTailPos( CalcTailPos( false ) );
-ScCaptionPtr::ScCaptionPtr( const ScCaptionPtr& r ) :
-    mpHead(r.mpHead), mpCaption(r.mpCaption), mbNotOwner(false)
+void removeFromDrawPageAndFree( const std::shared_ptr< SdrCaptionObj >& pCaption, bool bIgnoreUndo = false )
-    if (r.mpCaption)
-    {
-        assert(r.mpHead);
-        r.incRef();
-        // Insert into list.
-        mpNext = r.mpNext;
-        r.mpNext = this;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        assert(!r.mpHead);
-        mpNext = nullptr;
-    }
-ScCaptionPtr::ScCaptionPtr( ScCaptionPtr&& r ) :
-    mpHead(r.mpHead), mpNext(r.mpNext), mpCaption(r.mpCaption), mbNotOwner(false)
-    r.replaceInList( this );
-    r.mpCaption = nullptr;
-    r.mbNotOwner = false;
-ScCaptionPtr& ScCaptionPtr::operator=( ScCaptionPtr&& r )
-    assert(this != &r);
-    mpHead = r.mpHead;
-    mpNext = r.mpNext;
-    mpCaption = r.mpCaption;
-    mbNotOwner = r.mbNotOwner;
-    r.replaceInList( this );
-    r.mpCaption = nullptr;
-    r.mbNotOwner = false;
-    return *this;
-ScCaptionPtr& ScCaptionPtr::operator=( const ScCaptionPtr& r )
-    if (this == &r)
-        return *this;
-    if (mpCaption == r.mpCaption)
-    {
-        // Two lists for the same caption is bad.
-        assert(!mpCaption || mpHead == r.mpHead);
-        assert(!mpCaption);     // assigning same caption pointer within same list is weird
-        // Nullptr captions are not inserted to the list, so nothing to do here
-        // if both are.
-        return *this;
-    }
-    // Let's find some weird usage.
-    // Assigning without head doesn't make sense unless it is a nullptr caption.
-    assert(r.mpHead || !r.mpCaption);
-    // A nullptr caption must not be in a list and thus not have a head.
-    assert(!r.mpHead || r.mpCaption);
-    // Same captions were caught above, so here different heads must be present.
-    assert(r.mpHead != mpHead);
-    r.incRef();
-    decRefAndDestroy();
-    removeFromList();
-    mpCaption = r.mpCaption;
-    mbNotOwner = r.mbNotOwner;
-    // That head is this' master.
-    mpHead = r.mpHead;
-    // Insert into list.
-    mpNext = r.mpNext;
-    r.mpNext = this;
-    return *this;
-void ScCaptionPtr::setNotOwner()
-    mbNotOwner = true;
-ScCaptionPtr::Head::Head( ScCaptionPtr* p ) :
-    mpFirst(p), mnRefs(1)
-void ScCaptionPtr::newHead()
-    assert(!mpHead);
-    mpHead = new Head(this);
-void ScCaptionPtr::replaceInList( ScCaptionPtr* pNew )
-    if (!mpHead && !mpNext)
-        return;
-    assert(mpHead);
-    assert(mpCaption == pNew->mpCaption);
-    ScCaptionPtr* pThat = mpHead->mpFirst;
-    while (pThat && pThat != this && pThat->mpNext != this)
-    {
-        pThat = pThat->mpNext;
-    }
-    if (pThat && pThat != this)
-    {
-        assert(pThat->mpNext == this);
-        pThat->mpNext = pNew;
-    }
-    pNew->mpNext = mpNext;
-    if (mpHead->mpFirst == this)
-        mpHead->mpFirst = pNew;
-    mpHead = nullptr;
-    mpNext = nullptr;
-void ScCaptionPtr::removeFromList()
-    if (!mpHead && !mpNext && !mpCaption)
-        return;
-    oslInterlockedCount nCount = 0;
-    ScCaptionPtr* pThat = (mpHead ? mpHead->mpFirst : nullptr);
-    while (pThat && pThat != this && pThat->mpNext != this)
-    {
-        // Use the walk to check consistency on the fly.
-        assert(pThat->mpHead == mpHead);            // all belong to the same
-        assert(pThat->mpHead || !pThat->mpNext);    // next without head is bad
-        assert(pThat->mpCaption == mpCaption);
-        pThat = pThat->mpNext;
-        ++nCount;
-    }
-    assert(pThat || !mpHead);   // not found only if this was standalone
-    if (pThat)
-    {
-        if (pThat != this)
-        {
-            // The while loop above was not executed, and for this
-            // (pThat->mpNext) the loop below won't either.
-            ++nCount;
-            pThat->mpNext = mpNext;
-        }
-        do
-        {
-            assert(pThat->mpHead == mpHead);            // all belong to the same
-            assert(pThat->mpHead || !pThat->mpNext);    // next without head is bad
-            assert(pThat->mpCaption == mpCaption);
-            ++nCount;
-        }
-        while ((pThat = pThat->mpNext) != nullptr);
-    }
-    // If part of a list then refs were already decremented.
-    assert(nCount == (mpHead ? mpHead->mnRefs + 1 : 0));
-    if (mpHead && mpHead->mpFirst == this)
-    {
-        if (mpNext)
-            mpHead->mpFirst = mpNext;
-        else
-        {
-            // The only one destroys also head.
-            assert(mpHead->mnRefs == 0);    // cough
-            delete mpHead;                  // DEAD now
-        }
-    }
-    mpHead = nullptr;
-    mpNext = nullptr;
-void ScCaptionPtr::reset( SdrCaptionObj* p )
-    assert(!p || p != mpCaption);
-    if (p)
-    {
-        // Check if we end up with a duplicated management in this list.
-        ScCaptionPtr* pThat = (mpHead ? mpHead->mpFirst : nullptr);
-        while (pThat)
-        {
-            assert(pThat->mpCaption != p);
-            pThat = pThat->mpNext;
-        }
-    }
-    decRefAndDestroy();
-    removeFromList();
-    mpCaption = p;
-    mbNotOwner = false;
-    if (p)
-    {
-        newHead();
-    }
-    decRefAndDestroy();
-    removeFromList();
-oslInterlockedCount ScCaptionPtr::getRefs() const
-    return mpHead ? mpHead->mnRefs : 0;
-void ScCaptionPtr::incRef() const
-    if (mpHead)
-        osl_atomic_increment(&mpHead->mnRefs);
-bool ScCaptionPtr::decRef() const
-    return mpHead && mpHead->mnRefs > 0 && !osl_atomic_decrement(&mpHead->mnRefs);
-void ScCaptionPtr::decRefAndDestroy()
-    if (decRef())
-    {
-        assert(mpHead->mpFirst == this);    // this must be one and only one
-        assert(!mpNext);                    // this must be one and only one
-        assert(mpCaption);
-#if 0
-        // Quick workaround for when there are still cases where the caption
-        // pointer is dangling
-        mpCaption = nullptr;
-        mbNotOwner = false;
-        // Destroying Draw Undo and some other delete the SdrObject, don't
-        // attempt that twice.
-        if (mbNotOwner)
-        {
-            mpCaption = nullptr;
-            mbNotOwner = false;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            removeFromDrawPageAndFree( true );  // ignoring Undo
-            if (mpCaption)
-            {
-                // There's no draw page associated so removeFromDrawPageAndFree()
-                // didn't do anything, but still we want to delete the caption
-                // object. release()/dissolve() also resets mpCaption.
-                SdrObject* pObj = release();
-                SdrObject::Free( pObj );
-            }
-        }
-        delete mpHead;
-        mpHead = nullptr;
-    }
-void ScCaptionPtr::insertToDrawPage( SdrPage& rDrawPage )
-    assert(mpHead && mpCaption);
-    rDrawPage.InsertObject( mpCaption );
-void ScCaptionPtr::removeFromDrawPage( SdrPage& rDrawPage )
-    assert(mpHead && mpCaption);
-    SdrObject* pObj = rDrawPage.RemoveObject( mpCaption->GetOrdNum() );
-    assert(pObj == mpCaption); (void)pObj;
-void ScCaptionPtr::removeFromDrawPageAndFree( bool bIgnoreUndo )
-    assert(mpHead && mpCaption);
-    SdrPage* pDrawPage(mpCaption->getSdrPageFromSdrObject());
+    SdrPage* pDrawPage(pCaption->getSdrPageFromSdrObject());
     SAL_WARN_IF( !pDrawPage, "sc.core", "ScCaptionPtr::removeFromDrawPageAndFree - object without drawing page");
     if (pDrawPage)
@@ -758,64 +466,19 @@ void ScCaptionPtr::removeFromDrawPageAndFree( bool bIgnoreUndo )
         bool bRecording = false;
         if (!bIgnoreUndo)
-            ScDrawLayer* pDrawLayer(dynamic_cast< ScDrawLayer* >(&mpCaption->getSdrModelFromSdrObject()));
+            ScDrawLayer* pDrawLayer(dynamic_cast< ScDrawLayer* >(&pCaption->getSdrModelFromSdrObject()));
             SAL_WARN_IF( !pDrawLayer, "sc.core", "ScCaptionPtr::removeFromDrawPageAndFree - object without drawing layer");
             // create drawing undo action (before removing the object to have valid draw page in undo action)
             bRecording = (pDrawLayer && pDrawLayer->IsRecording());
             if (bRecording)
-                pDrawLayer->AddCalcUndo( new SdrUndoDelObj( *mpCaption ));
+                pDrawLayer->AddCalcUndo( new ScUndoDelSdrCaptionObj( pCaption ));
         // remove the object from the drawing page, delete if undo is disabled
-        removeFromDrawPage( *pDrawPage );
-        // If called from outside mnRefs must be 1 to delete. If called from
-        // decRefAndDestroy() mnRefs is already 0.
-        if (!bRecording && getRefs() <= 1)
-        {
-            SdrObject* pObj = release();
-            SdrObject::Free( pObj );
-        }
-    }
-SdrCaptionObj* ScCaptionPtr::release()
-    SdrCaptionObj* pTmp = mpCaption;
-    dissolve();
-    return pTmp;
-void ScCaptionPtr::forget()
-    decRef();
-    removeFromList();
-    mpCaption = nullptr;
-    mbNotOwner = false;
-void ScCaptionPtr::dissolve()
-    ScCaptionPtr::Head* pHead = mpHead;
-    ScCaptionPtr* pThat = (mpHead ? mpHead->mpFirst : this);
-    while (pThat)
-    {
-        assert(!pThat->mpNext || pThat->mpHead);    // next without head is bad
-        assert(pThat->mpHead == pHead);             // same head required within one list
-        ScCaptionPtr* p = pThat->mpNext;
-        pThat->clear();
-        pThat = p;
+        pDrawPage->RemoveObject( pCaption->GetOrdNum() );
-    assert(!mpHead && !mpNext && !mpCaption);       // should had been cleared during list walk
-    delete pHead;
-void ScCaptionPtr::clear()
-    mpHead = nullptr;
-    mpNext = nullptr;
-    mpCaption = nullptr;
-    mbNotOwner = false;
+} // namespace
 struct ScCaptionInitData
@@ -851,7 +514,7 @@ ScPostIt::ScPostIt( ScDocument& rDoc, const ScAddress& rPos, sal_uInt32 nPostItI
     mnPostItId = nPostItId == 0 ? mnLastPostItId++ : nPostItId;
-    CreateCaption( rPos );
+    CreateCaption( rPos, nullptr );
 ScPostIt::ScPostIt( ScDocument& rDoc, const ScAddress& rPos, const ScPostIt& rNote, sal_uInt32 nPostItId ) :
@@ -859,8 +522,8 @@ ScPostIt::ScPostIt( ScDocument& rDoc, const ScAddress& rPos, const ScPostIt& rNo
     maNoteData( rNote.maNoteData )
     mnPostItId = nPostItId == 0 ? mnLastPostItId++ : nPostItId;
-    maNoteData.mxCaption.reset(nullptr);
-    CreateCaption( rPos, rNote.maNoteData.mxCaption.get() );
+    maNoteData.m_pCaption.reset();
+    CreateCaption( rPos, rNote.maNoteData.m_pCaption );
 ScPostIt::ScPostIt( ScDocument& rDoc, const ScAddress& rPos, const ScNoteData& rNoteData, bool bAlwaysCreateCaption, sal_uInt32 nPostItId ) :
@@ -901,8 +564,8 @@ void ScPostIt::AutoStamp()
 const OutlinerParaObject* ScPostIt::GetOutlinerObject() const
-    if( maNoteData.mxCaption )
-        return maNoteData.mxCaption->GetOutlinerParaObject();
+    if( maNoteData.m_pCaption )
+        return maNoteData.m_pCaption->GetOutlinerParaObject();
     if( maNoteData.mxInitData.get() )
         return maNoteData.mxInitData->mxOutlinerObj.get();
     return nullptr;
@@ -947,14 +610,14 @@ bool ScPostIt::HasMultiLineText() const
 void ScPostIt::SetText( const ScAddress& rPos, const OUString& rText )
     CreateCaptionFromInitData( rPos );
-    if( maNoteData.mxCaption )
-        maNoteData.mxCaption->SetText( rText );
+    if( maNoteData.m_pCaption )
+        maNoteData.m_pCaption->SetText( rText );
-SdrCaptionObj* ScPostIt::GetOrCreateCaption( const ScAddress& rPos ) const
+const std::shared_ptr< SdrCaptionObj>& ScPostIt::GetOrCreateCaption( const ScAddress& rPos ) const
     CreateCaptionFromInitData( rPos );
-    return maNoteData.mxCaption.get();
+    return maNoteData.m_pCaption;
 void ScPostIt::ForgetCaption( bool bPreserveData )
@@ -974,13 +637,13 @@ void ScPostIt::ForgetCaption( bool bPreserveData )
         pInitData->maSimpleText = GetText();
-        maNoteData.mxCaption.forget();
+        maNoteData.m_pCaption.reset();
         /*  This function is used in undo actions to give up the responsibility for
             the caption object which is handled by separate drawing undo actions. */
-        maNoteData.mxCaption.forget();
+        maNoteData.m_pCaption.reset();
@@ -990,23 +653,23 @@ void ScPostIt::ShowCaption( const ScAddress& rPos, bool bShow )
     CreateCaptionFromInitData( rPos );
     // no separate drawing undo needed, handled completely inside ScUndoShowHideNote
     maNoteData.mbShown = bShow;
-    if( maNoteData.mxCaption )
-        ScCaptionUtil::SetCaptionLayer( *maNoteData.mxCaption, bShow );
+    if( maNoteData.m_pCaption )
+        ScCaptionUtil::SetCaptionLayer( *maNoteData.m_pCaption, bShow );
 void ScPostIt::ShowCaptionTemp( const ScAddress& rPos, bool bShow )
     CreateCaptionFromInitData( rPos );
-    if( maNoteData.mxCaption )
-        ScCaptionUtil::SetCaptionLayer( *maNoteData.mxCaption, maNoteData.mbShown || bShow );
+    if( maNoteData.m_pCaption )
+        ScCaptionUtil::SetCaptionLayer( *maNoteData.m_pCaption, maNoteData.mbShown || bShow );
 void ScPostIt::UpdateCaptionPos( const ScAddress& rPos )
     CreateCaptionFromInitData( rPos );
-    if( maNoteData.mxCaption )
+    if( maNoteData.m_pCaption )
-        ScCaptionCreator aCreator( mrDoc, rPos, maNoteData.mxCaption );
+        ScCaptionCreator aCreator( mrDoc, rPos, maNoteData.m_pCaption );
@@ -1017,7 +680,7 @@ void ScPostIt::CreateCaptionFromInitData( const ScAddress& rPos ) const
     // Captions are not created in Undo documents and only rarely in Clipboard,
     // but otherwise we need caption or initial data.
-    assert((maNoteData.mxCaption || maNoteData.mxInitData.get()) || mrDoc.IsUndo() || mrDoc.IsClipboard());
+    assert((maNoteData.m_pCaption || maNoteData.mxInitData.get()) || mrDoc.IsUndo() || mrDoc.IsClipboard());
     if( maNoteData.mxInitData.get() )
         /*  This function is called from ScPostIt::Clone() when copying cells
@@ -1027,22 +690,22 @@ void ScPostIt::CreateCaptionFromInitData( const ScAddress& rPos ) const
             been created already. However, for clipboard in case the
             originating document was destructed a new caption has to be
             created. */
-        OSL_ENSURE( !mrDoc.IsUndo() && (!mrDoc.IsClipboard() || !maNoteData.mxCaption),
+        OSL_ENSURE( !mrDoc.IsUndo() && (!mrDoc.IsClipboard() || !maNoteData.m_pCaption),
                 "ScPostIt::CreateCaptionFromInitData - note caption should not be created in undo/clip documents" );
         /*  #i104915# Never try to create notes in Undo document, leads to
             crash due to missing document members (e.g. row height array). */
-        if( !maNoteData.mxCaption && !mrDoc.IsUndo() )
+        if( !maNoteData.m_pCaption && !mrDoc.IsUndo() )
             if (mrDoc.IsClipboard())
                 mrDoc.InitDrawLayer();  // ensure there is a drawing layer
             // ScNoteCaptionCreator c'tor creates the caption and inserts it into the document and maNoteData
             ScNoteCaptionCreator aCreator( mrDoc, rPos, maNoteData );
-            if( maNoteData.mxCaption )
+            if( maNoteData.m_pCaption )
                 // Prevent triple change broadcasts of the same object.
-                SdrDelayBroadcastObjectChange aDelayChange( *maNoteData.mxCaption);
+                SdrDelayBroadcastObjectChange aDelayChange( *maNoteData.m_pCaption);
                 ScCaptionInitData& rInitData = *maNoteData.mxInitData;
@@ -1050,22 +713,22 @@ void ScPostIt::CreateCaptionFromInitData( const ScAddress& rPos ) const
                 OSL_ENSURE( rInitData.mxOutlinerObj.get() || !rInitData.maSimpleText.isEmpty(),
                     "ScPostIt::CreateCaptionFromInitData - need either outliner para object or simple text" );
                 if( rInitData.mxOutlinerObj.get() )
-                    maNoteData.mxCaption->SetOutlinerParaObject( rInitData.mxOutlinerObj.release() );
+                    maNoteData.m_pCaption->SetOutlinerParaObject( rInitData.mxOutlinerObj.release() );
-                    maNoteData.mxCaption->SetText( rInitData.maSimpleText );
+                    maNoteData.m_pCaption->SetText( rInitData.maSimpleText );
                 // copy all items or set default items; reset shadow items
-                ScCaptionUtil::SetDefaultItems( *maNoteData.mxCaption, mrDoc );
+                ScCaptionUtil::SetDefaultItems( *maNoteData.m_pCaption, mrDoc );
                 if( rInitData.mxItemSet.get() )
-                    ScCaptionUtil::SetCaptionItems( *maNoteData.mxCaption, *rInitData.mxItemSet );
+                    ScCaptionUtil::SetCaptionItems( *maNoteData.m_pCaption, *rInitData.mxItemSet );
                 // set position and size of the caption object
                 if( rInitData.mbDefaultPosSize )
                     // set other items and fit caption size to text
-                    maNoteData.mxCaption->SetMergedItem( makeSdrTextMinFrameWidthItem( SC_NOTECAPTION_WIDTH ) );
-                    maNoteData.mxCaption->SetMergedItem( makeSdrTextMaxFrameWidthItem( SC_NOTECAPTION_MAXWIDTH_TEMP ) );
-                    maNoteData.mxCaption->AdjustTextFrameWidthAndHeight();
+                    maNoteData.m_pCaption->SetMergedItem( makeSdrTextMinFrameWidthItem( SC_NOTECAPTION_WIDTH ) );
+                    maNoteData.m_pCaption->SetMergedItem( makeSdrTextMaxFrameWidthItem( SC_NOTECAPTION_MAXWIDTH_TEMP ) );
+                    maNoteData.m_pCaption->AdjustTextFrameWidthAndHeight();
@@ -1075,7 +738,7 @@ void ScPostIt::CreateCaptionFromInitData( const ScAddress& rPos ) const
                     long nPosX = bNegPage ? (aCellRect.Left() - rInitData.maCaptionOffset.X()) : (aCellRect.Right() + rInitData.maCaptionOffset.X());
                     long nPosY = aCellRect.Top() + rInitData.maCaptionOffset.Y();
                     tools::Rectangle aCaptRect( Point( nPosX, nPosY ), rInitData.maCaptionSize );
-                    maNoteData.mxCaption->SetLogicRect( aCaptRect );
+                    maNoteData.m_pCaption->SetLogicRect( aCaptRect );
@@ -1085,10 +748,10 @@ void ScPostIt::CreateCaptionFromInitData( const ScAddress& rPos ) const
-void ScPostIt::CreateCaption( const ScAddress& rPos, const SdrCaptionObj* pCaption )
+void ScPostIt::CreateCaption( const ScAddress& rPos, const std::shared_ptr< SdrCaptionObj >& pCaption )
-    OSL_ENSURE( !maNoteData.mxCaption, "ScPostIt::CreateCaption - unexpected caption object found" );
-    maNoteData.mxCaption.reset(nullptr);
+    OSL_ENSURE( !maNoteData.m_pCaption, "ScPostIt::CreateCaption - unexpected caption object found" );
+    maNoteData.m_pCaption.reset();
     /*  #i104915# Never try to create notes in Undo document, leads to
         crash due to missing document members (e.g. row height array). */
@@ -1102,40 +765,40 @@ void ScPostIt::CreateCaption( const ScAddress& rPos, const SdrCaptionObj* pCapti
     // ScNoteCaptionCreator c'tor creates the caption and inserts it into the document and maNoteData
     ScNoteCaptionCreator aCreator( mrDoc, rPos, maNoteData );
-    if( maNoteData.mxCaption )
+    if( maNoteData.m_pCaption )
         // clone settings of passed caption
         if( pCaption )
             // copy edit text object (object must be inserted into page already)
             if( OutlinerParaObject* pOPO = pCaption->GetOutlinerParaObject() )
-                maNoteData.mxCaption->SetOutlinerParaObject( new OutlinerParaObject( *pOPO ) );
+                maNoteData.m_pCaption->SetOutlinerParaObject( new OutlinerParaObject( *pOPO ) );
             // copy formatting items (after text has been copied to apply font formatting)
-            maNoteData.mxCaption->SetMergedItemSetAndBroadcast( pCaption->GetMergedItemSet() );
+            maNoteData.m_pCaption->SetMergedItemSetAndBroadcast( pCaption->GetMergedItemSet() );
             // move textbox position relative to new cell, copy textbox size
             tools::Rectangle aCaptRect = pCaption->GetLogicRect();
-            Point aDist = maNoteData.mxCaption->GetTailPos() - pCaption->GetTailPos();
+            Point aDist = maNoteData.m_pCaption->GetTailPos() - pCaption->GetTailPos();
             aCaptRect.Move( aDist.X(), aDist.Y() );
-            maNoteData.mxCaption->SetLogicRect( aCaptRect );
+            maNoteData.m_pCaption->SetLogicRect( aCaptRect );
             // set default formatting and default position
-            ScCaptionUtil::SetDefaultItems( *maNoteData.mxCaption, mrDoc );
+            ScCaptionUtil::SetDefaultItems( *maNoteData.m_pCaption, mrDoc );
         // create undo action
         if( ScDrawLayer* pDrawLayer = mrDoc.GetDrawLayer() )
             if( pDrawLayer->IsRecording() )
-                pDrawLayer->AddCalcUndo( new SdrUndoNewObj( *maNoteData.mxCaption ) );
+                pDrawLayer->AddCalcUndo( new ScUndoNewSdrCaptionObj( maNoteData.m_pCaption ) );
 void ScPostIt::RemoveCaption()
-    if (!maNoteData.mxCaption)
+    if (!maNoteData.m_pCaption)
     /*  Remove caption object only, if this note is its owner (e.g. notes in
@@ -1143,28 +806,19 @@ void ScPostIt::RemoveCaption()
         them from drawing layer here). */
     // TTTT maybe no longer needed - can that still happen?
     ScDrawLayer* pDrawLayer = mrDoc.GetDrawLayer();
-    if (pDrawLayer == &maNoteData.mxCaption->getSdrModelFromSdrObject())
-        maNoteData.mxCaption.removeFromDrawPageAndFree();
-    SAL_INFO("sc.core","ScPostIt::RemoveCaption - refs: " << maNoteData.mxCaption.getRefs() <<
-            "  IsUndo: " << mrDoc.IsUndo() << "  IsClip: " << mrDoc.IsClipboard() <<
-            "  Dtor: " << mrDoc.IsInDtorClear());
+    if (pDrawLayer == &maNoteData.m_pCaption->getSdrModelFromSdrObject())
+        removeFromDrawPageAndFree(maNoteData.m_pCaption);
-    // Forget the caption object if removeFromDrawPageAndFree() did not free it.
-    if (maNoteData.mxCaption)
-    {
-        SAL_INFO("sc.core","ScPostIt::RemoveCaption - forgetting one ref");
-        maNoteData.mxCaption.forget();
-    }
+    maNoteData.m_pCaption.reset();
-ScCaptionPtr ScNoteUtil::CreateTempCaption(
+std::shared_ptr< SdrCaptionObj > ScNoteUtil::CreateTempCaption(
         ScDocument& rDoc, const ScAddress& rPos, SdrPage& rDrawPage,
         const OUString& rUserText, const tools::Rectangle& rVisRect, bool bTailFront )
     OUStringBuffer aBuffer( rUserText );
     // add plain text of invisible (!) cell note (no formatting etc.)
-    SdrCaptionObj* pNoteCaption = nullptr;
+    std::shared_ptr< SdrCaptionObj > pNoteCaption = nullptr;
     const ScPostIt* pNote = rDoc.GetNote( rPos );
     if( pNote && !pNote->IsCaptionShown() )
@@ -1175,7 +829,7 @@ ScCaptionPtr ScNoteUtil::CreateTempCaption(
     // create a caption if any text exists
     if( !pNoteCaption && aBuffer.isEmpty() )
-        return ScCaptionPtr();
+        return std::shared_ptr< SdrCaptionObj >();
     // prepare visible rectangle (add default distance to all borders)
     tools::Rectangle aVisRect(
@@ -1188,7 +842,7 @@ ScCaptionPtr ScNoteUtil::CreateTempCaption(
     ScCaptionCreator aCreator( rDoc, rPos, bTailFront );
     // insert caption into page (needed to set caption text)
-    aCreator.GetCaption().insertToDrawPage( rDrawPage );
+    rDrawPage.InsertObject( aCreator.GetCaption().get() );
     SdrCaptionObj* pCaption = aCreator.GetCaption().get();  // just for ease of use
@@ -1227,14 +881,22 @@ ScPostIt* ScNoteUtil::CreateNoteFromCaption(
         ScDocument& rDoc, const ScAddress& rPos, SdrCaptionObj* pCaption )
     ScNoteData aNoteData( true/*bShown*/ );
-    aNoteData.mxCaption.reset( pCaption );
+    aNoteData.m_pCaption.reset(pCaption, [](SdrCaptionObj* pCaptionObj) {
+        SdrPage* pDrawPage(pCaptionObj->getSdrPageFromSdrObject());
+        if (pDrawPage)
+        {
+            pDrawPage->RemoveObject(pCaptionObj->GetOrdNum());
+        }
+        SdrObject* pObj = pCaptionObj;
+        SdrObject::Free(pObj);
+    });
     ScPostIt* pNote = new ScPostIt( rDoc, rPos, aNoteData, false );
     rDoc.SetNote(rPos, pNote);
     // ScNoteCaptionCreator c'tor updates the caption object to be part of a note
-    ScNoteCaptionCreator aCreator( rDoc, rPos, aNoteData.mxCaption, true/*bShown*/ );
+    ScNoteCaptionCreator aCreator( rDoc, rPos, aNoteData.m_pCaption, true/*bShown*/ );
     return pNote;
diff --git a/sc/source/core/tool/detfunc.cxx b/sc/source/core/tool/detfunc.cxx
index 0703baa363a3..a356ee396c09 100644
--- a/sc/source/core/tool/detfunc.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/core/tool/detfunc.cxx
@@ -1425,7 +1425,7 @@ void ScDetectiveFunc::UpdateAllComments( ScDocument& rDoc )
                     ScPostIt* pNote = rDoc.GetNote( pData->maStart );
                     // caption should exist, we iterate over drawing objects...
-                    OSL_ENSURE( pNote && (pNote->GetCaption() == pObject), "ScDetectiveFunc::UpdateAllComments - invalid cell note" );
+                    OSL_ENSURE( pNote && (pNote->GetCaption().get() == pObject), "ScDetectiveFunc::UpdateAllComments - invalid cell note" );
                     if( pNote )
                         ScCommentData aData( rDoc, pModel );
diff --git a/sc/source/filter/excel/xeescher.cxx b/sc/source/filter/excel/xeescher.cxx
index 4c3728691c98..c2e9aba3b175 100644
--- a/sc/source/filter/excel/xeescher.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/filter/excel/xeescher.cxx
@@ -1196,7 +1196,7 @@ XclExpNote::XclExpNote(const XclExpRoot& rRoot, const ScAddress& rScPos,
             // TODO: additional text
             if( pScNote )
-                if( SdrCaptionObj* pCaption = pScNote->GetOrCreateCaption( maScPos ) )
+                if( SdrCaptionObj* pCaption = pScNote->GetOrCreateCaption( maScPos ).get() )
                     lcl_GetFromTo( rRoot, pCaption->GetLogicRect(), maScPos.Tab(), maCommentFrom, maCommentTo );
                     if( const OutlinerParaObject* pOPO = pCaption->GetOutlinerParaObject() )
diff --git a/sc/source/filter/xml/xmlexprt.cxx b/sc/source/filter/xml/xmlexprt.cxx
index 6e5c2b49bbe7..bcfe73fe22d8 100644
--- a/sc/source/filter/xml/xmlexprt.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/filter/xml/xmlexprt.cxx
@@ -2406,7 +2406,7 @@ void ScXMLExport::ExportAutoStyles_()
                     OSL_ENSURE( pNote, "note not found" );
                     if (pNote)
-                        SdrCaptionObj* pDrawObj = pNote->GetOrCreateCaption( aPos );
+                        std::shared_ptr< SdrCaptionObj > pDrawObj = pNote->GetOrCreateCaption( aPos );
                         // all uno shapes are created anyway in CollectSharedData
                         uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySet> xShapeProperties( pDrawObj->getUnoShape(), uno::UNO_QUERY );
                         if (xShapeProperties.is())
@@ -2450,7 +2450,7 @@ void ScXMLExport::ExportAutoStyles_()
                     OSL_ENSURE( pNote, "note not found" );
                     if (pNote)
-                        SdrCaptionObj* pDrawObj = pNote->GetOrCreateCaption( aPos );
+                        std::shared_ptr< SdrCaptionObj > pDrawObj = pNote->GetOrCreateCaption( aPos );
                         uno::Reference<container::XEnumerationAccess> xCellText(pDrawObj->getUnoShape(), uno::UNO_QUERY);
                         uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySet> xParaProp(
                             lcl_GetEnumerated( xCellText, aNoteParaIter->maSelection.nStartPara ), uno::UNO_QUERY );
@@ -2484,7 +2484,7 @@ void ScXMLExport::ExportAutoStyles_()
                     OSL_ENSURE( pNote, "note not found" );
                     if (pNote)
-                        SdrCaptionObj* pDrawObj = pNote->GetOrCreateCaption( aPos );
+                        std::shared_ptr< SdrCaptionObj > pDrawObj = pNote->GetOrCreateCaption( aPos );
                         uno::Reference<text::XSimpleText> xCellText(pDrawObj->getUnoShape(), uno::UNO_QUERY);
                         uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySet> xCursorProp(xCellText->createTextCursor(), uno::UNO_QUERY);
                         ScDrawTextCursor* pCursor = ScDrawTextCursor::getImplementation( xCursorProp );
@@ -3617,7 +3617,7 @@ void ScXMLExport::exportAnnotationMeta( const uno::Reference < drawing::XShape >
         // TODO : notes
         //is it still useful, as this call back is only called from ScXMLExport::WriteAnnotation
         // and should be in sync with pCurrentCell
-        SdrCaptionObj* pNoteCaption = pNote->GetOrCreateCaption(pCurrentCell->maCellAddress);
+        std::shared_ptr< SdrCaptionObj > pNoteCaption = pNote->GetOrCreateCaption(pCurrentCell->maCellAddress);
         uno::Reference<drawing::XShape> xCurrentShape( pNoteCaption->getUnoShape(), uno::UNO_QUERY );
         if (xCurrentShape.get()!=xShape.get())
@@ -3674,7 +3674,7 @@ void ScXMLExport::WriteAnnotation(ScMyCell& rMyCell)
         pCurrentCell = &rMyCell;
-        SdrCaptionObj* pNoteCaption = pNote->GetOrCreateCaption(rMyCell.maCellAddress);
+        std::shared_ptr< SdrCaptionObj > pNoteCaption = pNote->GetOrCreateCaption(rMyCell.maCellAddress);
         if (pNoteCaption)
             uno::Reference<drawing::XShape> xShape( pNoteCaption->getUnoShape(), uno::UNO_QUERY );
diff --git a/sc/source/ui/app/scmod.cxx b/sc/source/ui/app/scmod.cxx
index c0f8a33b8367..687ced15ef33 100644
--- a/sc/source/ui/app/scmod.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/ui/app/scmod.cxx
@@ -659,34 +659,6 @@ void ScModule::SetDragJump(
     m_pDragData->aJumpText = rText;
-ScDocument* ScModule::GetClipDoc()
-    // called from document
-    SfxViewFrame* pViewFrame = nullptr;
-    ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = nullptr;
-    css::uno::Reference<css::datatransfer::XTransferable2> xTransferable;
-    if ((pViewShell = dynamic_cast<ScTabViewShell*>(SfxViewShell::Current())))
-        xTransferable.set(pViewShell->GetClipData());
-    else if ((pViewShell = dynamic_cast<ScTabViewShell*>(SfxViewShell::GetFirst())))
-        xTransferable.set(pViewShell->GetClipData());
-    else if ((pViewFrame = SfxViewFrame::GetFirst()))
-    {
-        css::uno::Reference<css::datatransfer::clipboard::XClipboard> xClipboard =
-            pViewFrame->GetWindow().GetClipboard();
-        xTransferable.set(xClipboard.is() ? xClipboard->getContents() : nullptr, css::uno::UNO_QUERY);
-    }
-    const ScTransferObj* pObj = ScTransferObj::GetOwnClipboard(xTransferable);
-    if (pObj)
-    {
-        ScDocument* pDoc = pObj->GetDocument();
-        assert((!pDoc || pDoc->IsClipboard()) && "Document is not clipboard, how can that be?");
-        return pDoc;
-    }
-    return nullptr;
 void ScModule::SetSelectionTransfer( ScSelectionTransferObj* pNew )
diff --git a/sc/source/ui/docshell/docfunc.cxx b/sc/source/ui/docshell/docfunc.cxx
index 3908a1a35279..518410f25f47 100644
--- a/sc/source/ui/docshell/docfunc.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/ui/docshell/docfunc.cxx
@@ -1206,7 +1206,7 @@ bool ScDocFunc::ShowNote( const ScAddress& rPos, bool bShow )
     if (ScViewData* pViewData = ScDocShell::GetViewData())
         if (ScDrawView* pDrawView = pViewData->GetScDrawView())
-            pDrawView->SyncForGrid( pNote->GetCaption());
+            pDrawView->SyncForGrid( pNote->GetCaption().get() );
@@ -1282,7 +1282,7 @@ void ScDocFunc::ReplaceNote( const ScAddress& rPos, const OUString& rNoteText, c
         // create the undo action
-        if( pUndoMgr && (aOldData.mxCaption || aNewData.mxCaption) )
+        if( pUndoMgr && (aOldData.m_pCaption || aNewData.m_pCaption) )
             pUndoMgr->AddUndoAction( new ScUndoReplaceNote( rDocShell, rPos, aOldData, aNewData, pDrawLayer->GetCalcUndo().release() ) );
         // repaint cell (to make note marker visible)
diff --git a/sc/source/ui/docshell/docsh.cxx b/sc/source/ui/docshell/docsh.cxx
index b0c10dd0989b..40d6107accb5 100644
--- a/sc/source/ui/docshell/docsh.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/ui/docshell/docsh.cxx
@@ -114,6 +114,7 @@
 #include <optsolver.hxx>
 #include <sheetdata.hxx>
 #include <tabprotection.hxx>
+#include <transobj.hxx>
 #include <docparam.hxx>
 #include "docshimp.hxx"
 #include <sizedev.hxx>
@@ -1076,7 +1077,7 @@ void ScDocShell::Notify( SfxBroadcaster&, const SfxHint& rHint )
             // document's drawing layer pages and what not, which otherwise when
             // pasting to another document after this document was destructed would
             // attempt to access non-existing data. Preserve the text data though.
-            ScDocument* pClipDoc = ScModule::GetClipDoc();
+            ScDocument* pClipDoc = GetClipDoc();
             if (pClipDoc)
@@ -2783,6 +2784,36 @@ ScDocFunc *ScDocShell::CreateDocFunc()
     return new ScDocFuncDirect( *this );
+ScDocument* ScDocShell::GetClipDoc()
+    css::uno::Reference<css::datatransfer::XTransferable2> xTransferable;
+    if (ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = GetBestViewShell())
+        xTransferable.set(pViewShell->GetClipData());
+    else
+    {
+        SfxViewFrame* pViewFrame = nullptr;
+        css::uno::Reference<css::datatransfer::clipboard::XClipboard> xClipboard;
+        if ((pViewFrame = SfxViewFrame::GetFirst(this, false)))
+            xClipboard = pViewFrame->GetWindow().GetClipboard();
+        else if ((pViewFrame = SfxViewFrame::GetFirst()))
+             xClipboard = pViewFrame->GetWindow().GetClipboard();
+        xTransferable.set(xClipboard.is() ? xClipboard->getContents() : nullptr, css::uno::UNO_QUERY);
+    }
+    const ScTransferObj* pObj = ScTransferObj::GetOwnClipboard(xTransferable);
+    if (pObj)
+    {
+        ScDocument* pDoc = pObj->GetDocument();
+        assert((!pDoc || pDoc->IsClipboard()) && "Document is not clipboard, how can that be?");
+        return pDoc;
+    }
+    return nullptr;
 ScDocShell::ScDocShell( const ScDocShell& rShell ) :
diff --git a/sc/source/ui/drawfunc/futext3.cxx b/sc/source/ui/drawfunc/futext3.cxx
index a9e243fb3583..4a003558c88d 100644
--- a/sc/source/ui/drawfunc/futext3.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/ui/drawfunc/futext3.cxx
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ void FuText::StopEditMode()
         aNotePos = pCaptData->maStart;
         pNote = rDoc.GetNote( aNotePos );
-        OSL_ENSURE( pNote && (pNote->GetCaption() == pObject), "FuText::StopEditMode - missing or invalid cell note" );
+        OSL_ENSURE( pNote && (pNote->GetCaption().get() == pObject), "FuText::StopEditMode - missing or invalid cell note" );
     ScDocShell* pDocShell = rViewData.GetDocShell();
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ void FuText::StopEditMode()
             /*  Note has been created before editing, if first undo action is
                 an insert action. Needed below to decide whether to drop the
                 undo if editing a new note has been cancelled. */
-            bNewNote = (pCalcUndo->GetActionCount() > 0) && dynamic_cast< SdrUndoNewObj* >(pCalcUndo->GetAction( 0 ));
+            bNewNote = (pCalcUndo->GetActionCount() > 0) && dynamic_cast< ScUndoNewSdrCaptionObj* >(pCalcUndo->GetAction( 0 ));
             // create a "insert note" undo action if needed
             if( bNewNote )
diff --git a/sc/source/ui/inc/docsh.hxx b/sc/source/ui/inc/docsh.hxx
index d65b09772a75..6082dee5bc6f 100644
--- a/sc/source/ui/inc/docsh.hxx
+++ b/sc/source/ui/inc/docsh.hxx
@@ -379,6 +379,8 @@ public:
     ScTabViewShell* GetBestViewShell( bool bOnlyVisible = true );
+    ScDocument*   GetClipDoc();
     void            SetDocumentModifiedPending( bool bVal )
                         { m_bDocumentModifiedPending = bVal; }
     bool            IsDocumentModifiedPending() const
diff --git a/sc/source/ui/inc/notemark.hxx b/sc/source/ui/inc/notemark.hxx
index e0e723c624c3..a8305316e2d4 100644
--- a/sc/source/ui/inc/notemark.hxx
+++ b/sc/source/ui/inc/notemark.hxx
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ private:
     tools::Rectangle       m_aRect;
     ScDrawView*     m_pDrawView;
     SdrModel*       m_pModel;
-    ScCaptionPtr    m_xObject;
+    std::shared_ptr< SdrCaptionObj >    m_xObject;
     bool            m_bVisible;
     DECL_LINK( TimeHdl, Timer*, void );
diff --git a/sc/source/ui/inc/undocell.hxx b/sc/source/ui/inc/undocell.hxx
index 67306e5d6e71..695c36f609d0 100644
--- a/sc/source/ui/inc/undocell.hxx
+++ b/sc/source/ui/inc/undocell.hxx
@@ -42,6 +42,51 @@ class CellValues;
+class ScUndoSdrCaptionObj: public SdrUndoAction
+    SdrObjList* m_pObjList;
+    sal_uInt32  m_nOrdNum;
+    std::shared_ptr< SdrCaptionObj > m_pCaptionObj;
+    void UnmarkObject();
+    void BroadcastSwitchToPage();
+    OUString GetDescriptionString( const char* pStrCacheID, bool bRepeat = false ) const;
+    ScUndoSdrCaptionObj(const std::shared_ptr< SdrCaptionObj >&);
+    virtual ~ScUndoSdrCaptionObj() override;
+class ScUndoDelSdrCaptionObj: public ScUndoSdrCaptionObj
+    ScUndoDelSdrCaptionObj(const std::shared_ptr< SdrCaptionObj >& pCaptionObj);
+    virtual ~ScUndoDelSdrCaptionObj() override;
+    virtual void    Undo() override;
+    virtual void    Redo() override;
+    virtual OUString GetComment() const override;
+    virtual OUString GetSdrRepeatComment(SdrView& rView) const override;
+    virtual void SdrRepeat(SdrView& rView) override;
+    virtual bool CanSdrRepeat(SdrView& rView) const override;
+class ScUndoNewSdrCaptionObj: public ScUndoSdrCaptionObj
+    ScUndoNewSdrCaptionObj(const std::shared_ptr< SdrCaptionObj >& pCaptionObj);
+    virtual ~ScUndoNewSdrCaptionObj() override;
+    virtual void    Undo() override;
+    virtual void    Redo() override;
+    virtual OUString GetComment() const override;
 class ScUndoCursorAttr: public ScSimpleUndo
diff --git a/sc/source/ui/undo/undocell.cxx b/sc/source/ui/undo/undocell.cxx
index fc9015daff20..04048d8ef96e 100644
--- a/sc/source/ui/undo/undocell.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/ui/undo/undocell.cxx
@@ -25,6 +25,12 @@
 #include <editeng/justifyitem.hxx>
 #include <svl/zforlist.hxx>
 #include <svl/sharedstringpool.hxx>
+#include <svx/dialmgr.hxx>
+#include <svx/e3dsceneupdater.hxx>
+#include <svx/svdocapt.hxx>
+#include <svx/svdogrp.hxx>
+#include <svx/svdviter.hxx>
+#include <svx/strings.hrc>
 #include <sfx2/app.hxx>
 #include <attrib.hxx>
@@ -715,22 +721,183 @@ bool ScUndoThesaurus::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
     return dynamic_cast<const ScTabViewTarget*>( &rTarget) !=  nullptr;
+ScUndoSdrCaptionObj::ScUndoSdrCaptionObj(const std::shared_ptr< SdrCaptionObj >& pCaptionObj)
+    : SdrUndoAction(pCaptionObj->getSdrModelFromSdrObject())
+    , m_pObjList(pCaptionObj->getParentSdrObjListFromSdrObject())
+    , m_nOrdNum(pCaptionObj->GetOrdNum())
+    , m_pCaptionObj(pCaptionObj)
+void ScUndoSdrCaptionObj::BroadcastSwitchToPage()
+    if (m_pCaptionObj && m_pCaptionObj->IsInserted() && m_pCaptionObj->getSdrPageFromSdrObject())
+    {
+        SdrHint aHint(SdrHintKind::SwitchToPage, *m_pCaptionObj, m_pCaptionObj->getSdrPageFromSdrObject());
+        rMod.Broadcast(aHint);
+    }
+void ScUndoSdrCaptionObj::UnmarkObject()
+    SdrViewIter aIter( m_pCaptionObj.get() );
+    for ( SdrView* pView = aIter.FirstView(); pView; pView = aIter.NextView() )
+    {
+        pView->MarkObj( m_pCaptionObj.get(), pView->GetSdrPageView(), true );
+    }
+OUString ScUndoSdrCaptionObj::GetDescriptionString(const char* pStrCacheID, bool bRepeat ) const
+    const OUString rStr {SvxResId(pStrCacheID)};
+    const sal_Int32 nPos = rStr.indexOf("%1");
+    if (nPos < 0)
+        return rStr;
+    if (bRepeat)
+        return rStr.replaceAt(nPos, 2, SvxResId(STR_ObjNameSingulPlural));
+    return rStr.replaceAt(nPos, 2, m_pCaptionObj->TakeObjNameSingul());
+ScUndoDelSdrCaptionObj::ScUndoDelSdrCaptionObj(const std::shared_ptr< SdrCaptionObj >& pCaptionObj)
+    : ScUndoSdrCaptionObj(pCaptionObj)
+void ScUndoDelSdrCaptionObj::Undo()
+    // Trigger PageChangeCall
+    BroadcastSwitchToPage();
+    if (!m_pCaptionObj->IsInserted())
+    {
+        Point aOwnerAnchorPos(0, 0);
+        if (dynamic_cast< const SdrObjGroup* >(m_pObjList->getSdrObjectFromSdrObjList()) != nullptr)
+        {
+            aOwnerAnchorPos = m_pObjList->getSdrObjectFromSdrObjList()->GetAnchorPos();
+        }
+        E3DModifySceneSnapRectUpdater aUpdater(m_pObjList->getSdrObjectFromSdrObjList());
+        m_pObjList->InsertObject(m_pCaptionObj.get(), m_nOrdNum);
+        if(aOwnerAnchorPos.X() || aOwnerAnchorPos.Y())
+        {
+            m_pCaptionObj->NbcSetAnchorPos(aOwnerAnchorPos);
+        }
+    }
+void ScUndoDelSdrCaptionObj::Redo()
+    if (m_pCaptionObj->IsInserted())
+    {
+        UnmarkObject();
+        E3DModifySceneSnapRectUpdater aUpdater(m_pCaptionObj.get());
+        m_pObjList->RemoveObject(m_nOrdNum);
+    }
+    // Trigger PageChangeCall
+    BroadcastSwitchToPage();
+OUString ScUndoDelSdrCaptionObj::GetComment() const
+    return GetDescriptionString(STR_EditDelete);
+void ScUndoDelSdrCaptionObj::SdrRepeat(SdrView& rView)
+    rView.DeleteMarked();
+bool ScUndoDelSdrCaptionObj::CanSdrRepeat(SdrView& rView) const
+    return rView.AreObjectsMarked();
+OUString ScUndoDelSdrCaptionObj::GetSdrRepeatComment(SdrView& /*rView*/) const
+    return GetDescriptionString(STR_EditDelete, true);
+ScUndoNewSdrCaptionObj::ScUndoNewSdrCaptionObj(const std::shared_ptr< SdrCaptionObj >& pCaptionObj)
+    : ScUndoSdrCaptionObj(pCaptionObj)
+void ScUndoNewSdrCaptionObj::Undo()
+    // Trigger PageChangeCall
+    BroadcastSwitchToPage();
+    if (m_pCaptionObj->IsInserted())
+    {
+        UnmarkObject();
+        m_pObjList->RemoveObject(m_nOrdNum);
+    }
+void ScUndoNewSdrCaptionObj::Redo()
+    if (!m_pCaptionObj->IsInserted())
+    {
+        Point aAnchorPos( 0, 0 );
+        if (dynamic_cast<const SdrObjGroup*>(m_pObjList->getSdrObjectFromSdrObjList()) != nullptr)
+        {
+            aAnchorPos = m_pCaptionObj->GetAnchorPos();
+        }
+        m_pObjList->InsertObject(m_pCaptionObj.get(), m_nOrdNum);
+        // Arcs lose position when grouped (#i45952#)
+        if ( aAnchorPos.X() || aAnchorPos.Y() )
+        {
+            m_pCaptionObj->NbcSetAnchorPos( aAnchorPos );
+        }
+    }
+    // Trigger PageChangeCall
+    BroadcastSwitchToPage();
+OUString ScUndoNewSdrCaptionObj::GetComment() const
+    return GetDescriptionString(STR_UndoInsertObj);
 ScUndoReplaceNote::ScUndoReplaceNote( ScDocShell& rDocShell, const ScAddress& rPos,
         const ScNoteData& rNoteData, bool bInsert, SdrUndoAction* pDrawUndo ) :
     ScSimpleUndo( &rDocShell ),
     maPos( rPos ),
     mpDrawUndo( pDrawUndo )
-    OSL_ENSURE( rNoteData.mxCaption, "ScUndoReplaceNote::ScUndoReplaceNote - missing note caption" );
+    OSL_ENSURE( rNoteData.m_pCaption, "ScUndoReplaceNote::ScUndoReplaceNote - missing note caption" );
     if (bInsert)
         maNewData = rNoteData;
-        maNewData.mxCaption.setNotOwner();
         maOldData = rNoteData;
-        maOldData.mxCaption.setNotOwner();
@@ -742,10 +909,8 @@ ScUndoReplaceNote::ScUndoReplaceNote( ScDocShell& rDocShell, const ScAddress& rP
     maNewData( rNewData ),
     mpDrawUndo( pDrawUndo )
-    OSL_ENSURE( maOldData.mxCaption || maNewData.mxCaption, "ScUndoReplaceNote::ScUndoReplaceNote - missing note captions" );
+    OSL_ENSURE( maOldData.m_pCaption || maNewData.m_pCaption, "ScUndoReplaceNote::ScUndoReplaceNote - missing note captions" );
     OSL_ENSURE( !maOldData.mxInitData.get() && !maNewData.mxInitData.get(), "ScUndoReplaceNote::ScUndoReplaceNote - unexpected uninitialized note" );
-    maOldData.mxCaption.setNotOwner();
-    maNewData.mxCaption.setNotOwner();
@@ -790,13 +955,13 @@ bool ScUndoReplaceNote::CanRepeat( SfxRepeatTarget& /*rTarget*/ ) const
 OUString ScUndoReplaceNote::GetComment() const
-    return ScResId( maNewData.mxCaption ?
+    return ScResId( maNewData.m_pCaption ?
 void ScUndoReplaceNote::DoInsertNote( const ScNoteData& rNoteData )
-    if( rNoteData.mxCaption )
+    if( rNoteData.m_pCaption )
         ScDocument& rDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
         OSL_ENSURE( !rDoc.GetNote(maPos), "ScUndoReplaceNote::DoInsertNote - unexpected cell note" );
@@ -808,7 +973,7 @@ void ScUndoReplaceNote::DoInsertNote( const ScNoteData& rNoteData )
 void ScUndoReplaceNote::DoRemoveNote( const ScNoteData& rNoteData )
-    if( rNoteData.mxCaption )
+    if( rNoteData.m_pCaption )
         ScDocument& rDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
         OSL_ENSURE( rDoc.GetNote(maPos), "ScUndoReplaceNote::DoRemoveNote - missing cell note" );
diff --git a/sc/source/ui/unoobj/editsrc.cxx b/sc/source/ui/unoobj/editsrc.cxx
index fb59b24b328e..2989c6aed34a 100644
--- a/sc/source/ui/unoobj/editsrc.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/ui/unoobj/editsrc.cxx
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ std::unique_ptr<SvxEditSource> ScAnnotationEditSource::Clone() const
 SdrObject* ScAnnotationEditSource::GetCaptionObj()
     ScPostIt* pNote = pDocShell->GetDocument().GetNote(aCellPos);
-    return pNote ? pNote->GetOrCreateCaption( aCellPos ) : nullptr;
+    return pNote ? pNote->GetOrCreateCaption( aCellPos ).get() : nullptr;
 SvxTextForwarder* ScAnnotationEditSource::GetTextForwarder()
diff --git a/sc/source/ui/unoobj/notesuno.cxx b/sc/source/ui/unoobj/notesuno.cxx
index 12e44a040e85..796ed043e3e6 100644
--- a/sc/source/ui/unoobj/notesuno.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/ui/unoobj/notesuno.cxx
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ uno::Reference < drawing::XShape > SAL_CALL ScAnnotationObj::getAnnotationShape(
     SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
     uno::Reference < drawing::XShape > xShape;
     if( const ScPostIt* pNote = ImplGetNote() )
-        if( SdrObject* pCaption = pNote->GetOrCreateCaption( aCellPos ) )
+        if( SdrObject* pCaption = pNote->GetOrCreateCaption( aCellPos ).get() )
             xShape.set( pCaption->getUnoShape(), uno::UNO_QUERY );
     return xShape;
diff --git a/sc/source/ui/view/drawview.cxx b/sc/source/ui/view/drawview.cxx
index 9069aede14ad..51b281c91b3f 100644
--- a/sc/source/ui/view/drawview.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/ui/view/drawview.cxx
@@ -867,7 +867,7 @@ void ScDrawView::DeleteMarked()
             // rescue note data for undo (with pointer to caption object)
             ScNoteData aNoteData = pNote->GetNoteData();
-            OSL_ENSURE( aNoteData.mxCaption.get() == pCaptObj, "ScDrawView::DeleteMarked - caption object does not match" );
+            OSL_ENSURE( aNoteData.m_pCaption.get() == pCaptObj, "ScDrawView::DeleteMarked - caption object does not match" );
             // collect the drawing undo action created while deleting the note
             if( bUndo )
diff --git a/sc/source/ui/view/gridwin.cxx b/sc/source/ui/view/gridwin.cxx
index a159d448b726..a1598a203b0a 100644
--- a/sc/source/ui/view/gridwin.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/ui/view/gridwin.cxx
@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ static void lcl_UnLockComment( ScDrawView* pView, const Point& rPos, const ScVie
     ScDocument& rDoc = *pViewData->GetDocument();
     ScAddress aCellPos( pViewData->GetCurX(), pViewData->GetCurY(), pViewData->GetTabNo() );
     ScPostIt* pNote = rDoc.GetNote( aCellPos );
-    SdrObject* pObj = pNote ? pNote->GetCaption() : nullptr;
+    SdrObject* pObj = pNote ? pNote->GetCaption().get() : nullptr;
     if( pObj && pObj->GetLogicRect().IsInside( rPos ) && ScDrawLayer::IsNoteCaption( pObj ) )
         const ScProtectionAttr* pProtAttr = rDoc.GetAttr( aCellPos, ATTR_PROTECTION );
diff --git a/sc/source/ui/view/notemark.cxx b/sc/source/ui/view/notemark.cxx
index af3a404401fb..3df9dc44e2ff 100644
--- a/sc/source/ui/view/notemark.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/ui/view/notemark.cxx
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ ScNoteMarker::ScNoteMarker( vcl::Window* pWin, vcl::Window* pRight, vcl::Window*
     if (m_pModel)
-        m_xObject.release();     // deleting pModel also deletes the SdrCaptionObj
+        m_xObject.reset();     // deleting pModel also deletes the SdrCaptionObj
diff --git a/sc/source/ui/view/tabview5.cxx b/sc/source/ui/view/tabview5.cxx
index 8f95f23078db..058bedd5b1d0 100644
--- a/sc/source/ui/view/tabview5.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/ui/view/tabview5.cxx
@@ -653,7 +653,7 @@ void ScTabView::OnLOKNoteStateChanged(const ScPostIt* pNote)
     if (!comphelper::LibreOfficeKit::isActive())
-    const SdrCaptionObj* pCaption = pNote->GetCaption();
+    const SdrCaptionObj* pCaption = pNote->GetCaption().get();
     if (!pCaption) return;
     tools::Rectangle aRect = pCaption->GetLogicRect();
diff --git a/sc/source/ui/view/viewfun6.cxx b/sc/source/ui/view/viewfun6.cxx
index f37d0d1241fc..28c0340986ba 100644
--- a/sc/source/ui/view/viewfun6.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/ui/view/viewfun6.cxx
@@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ void ScViewFunc::EditNote()
         /*  Drawing object has been created in ScDocument::GetOrCreateNote() or
             in ScPostIt::ShowCaptionTemp(), so ScPostIt::GetCaption() should
             return a caption object. */
-        if( SdrCaptionObj* pCaption = pNote->GetCaption() )
+        if( SdrCaptionObj* pCaption = pNote->GetCaption().get() )
             if ( ScDrawView* pScDrawView = GetScDrawView() )
                pScDrawView->SyncForGrid( pCaption );

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