[Libreoffice-commits] online.git: loleaflet/src

Marco Cecchetti marco.cecchetti at collabora.com
Thu Jun 28 16:01:19 UTC 2018

 loleaflet/src/control/Control.PartsPreview.js |   83 ++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 loleaflet/src/control/Parts.js                |    2 
 2 files changed, 79 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 1580639831c064cb4de418f31c21cbe1efd2d848
Author: Marco Cecchetti <marco.cecchetti at collabora.com>
Date:   Fri Jun 22 10:30:20 2018 +0200

    On-demand loading of the page previews in the Online Draw/Impress
    Change-Id: I56b1febd7f57324e878f06d417d2f58754e850fc
    Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/56275
    Reviewed-by: Marco Cecchetti <mrcekets at gmail.com>
    Tested-by: Marco Cecchetti <mrcekets at gmail.com>

diff --git a/loleaflet/src/control/Control.PartsPreview.js b/loleaflet/src/control/Control.PartsPreview.js
index 055f1053d..467bf6fc8 100644
--- a/loleaflet/src/control/Control.PartsPreview.js
+++ b/loleaflet/src/control/Control.PartsPreview.js
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ L.Control.PartsPreview = L.Control.extend({
 		this._previewInitialized = false;
 		this._previewTiles = [];
 		this._partsPreviewCont = L.DomUtil.get('slide-sorter');
+		this._scrollY = 0;
 		map.on('updateparts', this._updateDisabled, this);
 		map.on('updatepart', this._updatePart, this);
@@ -38,8 +39,11 @@ L.Control.PartsPreview = L.Control.extend({
 				}, this), 500);
+				var previewContBB = this._partsPreviewCont.getBoundingClientRect();
+				this._previewContTop = previewContBB.top;
+				var bottomBound = previewContBB.bottom + previewContBB.height / 2;
 				for (var i = 0; i < parts; i++) {
-					this._previewTiles.push(this._createPreview(i, e.partNames[i]));
+					this._previewTiles.push(this._createPreview(i, e.partNames[i], bottomBound));
 				L.DomUtil.addClass(this._previewTiles[selectedPart], 'preview-img-selected');
 				this._previewInitialized = true;
@@ -59,19 +63,54 @@ L.Control.PartsPreview = L.Control.extend({
-	_createPreview: function (i, hashCode) {
+	_createPreview: function (i, hashCode, bottomBound) {
 		var frame = L.DomUtil.create('div', 'preview-frame', this._partsPreviewCont);
 		L.DomUtil.create('span', 'preview-helper', frame);
 		var imgClassName = 'preview-img';
 		var img = L.DomUtil.create('img', imgClassName, frame);
 		img.hash = hashCode;
 		img.src = L.Icon.Default.imagePath + '/preview_placeholder.png';
+		img.fetched = false;
 			.on(img, 'click', L.DomEvent.stopPropagation)
 			.on(img, 'click', L.DomEvent.stop)
 			.on(img, 'click', this._setPart, this)
 			.on(img, 'click', this._refocusOnMap, this);
-		this._map.getPreview(i, i, 180, 180, {autoUpdate: this.options.autoUpdate});
+		var topBound = this._previewContTop;
+		var previewFrameTop = 0;
+		var previewFrameBottom = 0;
+		if (i > 0) {
+			if (!bottomBound) {
+				var previewContBB = this._partsPreviewCont.getBoundingClientRect();
+				bottomBound = this._previewContTop + previewContBB.height + previewContBB.height / 2;
+			}
+			previewFrameTop = this._previewContTop + this._previewFrameMargin + i * (this._previewFrameHeight + this._previewFrameMargin);
+			previewFrameTop -= this._scrollY;
+			previewFrameBottom = previewFrameTop + this._previewFrameHeight;
+			L.DomUtil.setStyle(img, 'height', this._previewImgHeight + 'px');
+		}
+		var imgSize;
+		if (i === 0 || (previewFrameTop >= topBound && previewFrameTop <= bottomBound)
+			|| (previewFrameBottom >= topBound && previewFrameBottom <= bottomBound)) {
+			imgSize = this._map.getPreview(i, i, 180, 180, {autoUpdate: this.options.autoUpdate});
+			img.fetched = true;
+			L.DomUtil.setStyle(img, 'height', '');
+		}
+		if (i === 0) {
+			var previewImgBorder = Math.round(parseFloat(L.DomUtil.getStyle(img, 'border-top-width')));
+			var previewImgMinWidth = Math.round(parseFloat(L.DomUtil.getStyle(img, 'min-width')));
+			var imgHeight = imgSize.height;
+			if (imgSize.width < previewImgMinWidth)
+				imgHeight = Math.round(imgHeight * previewImgMinWidth / imgSize.width);
+			var previewFrameBB = frame.getBoundingClientRect();
+			this._previewFrameMargin = previewFrameBB.top - this._previewContTop;
+			this._previewImgHeight = imgHeight;
+			this._previewFrameHeight = imgHeight + 2 * previewImgBorder;
+		}
 		return img;
@@ -130,8 +169,9 @@ L.Control.PartsPreview = L.Control.extend({
 				for (it = 0; it < e.partNames.length; it++) {
 					this._previewTiles[it].hash = e.partNames[it];
 					this._previewTiles[it].src = L.Icon.Default.imagePath + '/preview_placeholder.png';
-					this._map.getPreview(it, it, 180, 180, {autoUpdate: this.options.autoUpdate});
+					this._previewTiles[it].fetched = false;
+				this._onScrollEnd();
 		else {
@@ -148,14 +188,20 @@ L.Control.PartsPreview = L.Control.extend({
 		if (this._map.getDocType() === 'presentation' || this._map.getDocType() === 'drawing') {
 			// the scrollbar has to be re-initialized here else it doesn't work
 			// probably a bug from the scrollbar
+			var control = this;
 			this._previewTiles[e.id].onload = function () {
 					axis: 'y',
 					theme: 'dark-thick',
 					scrollInertia: 0,
-					alwaysShowScrollbar: 1});
+					alwaysShowScrollbar: 1,
+					callbacks:{
+						whileScrolling: function() {
+							control._onScroll(this);
+						}
+					}
+				});
 			this._previewTiles[e.id].src = e.tile;
@@ -189,6 +235,31 @@ L.Control.PartsPreview = L.Control.extend({
 			this._previewTiles.splice(e.selectedPart, 1);
+	},
+	_onScroll: function (e) {
+		var scrollOffset = 0;
+		if (e) {
+			var prevScrollY = this._scrollY;
+			this._scrollY = -e.mcs.top;
+			scrollOffset = this._scrollY - prevScrollY;
+		}
+		var previewContBB = this._partsPreviewCont.getBoundingClientRect();
+		var extra =  previewContBB.height;
+		var topBound = this._previewContTop - (scrollOffset < 0 ? extra : previewContBB.height / 2);
+		var bottomBound = this._previewContTop + previewContBB.height + (scrollOffset > 0 ? extra : previewContBB.height / 2);
+		for (var i = 0; i < this._previewTiles.length; ++i) {
+			var img = this._previewTiles[i];
+			if (img && img.parentNode && !img.fetched) {
+				var previewFrameBB = img.parentNode.getBoundingClientRect();
+				if ((previewFrameBB.top >= topBound && previewFrameBB.top <= bottomBound)
+				|| (previewFrameBB.bottom >= topBound && previewFrameBB.bottom <= bottomBound)) {
+					this._map.getPreview(i, i, 180, 180, {autoUpdate: this.options.autoUpdate});
+					img.fetched = true;
+				}
+			}
+		}
diff --git a/loleaflet/src/control/Parts.js b/loleaflet/src/control/Parts.js
index 07d1afc97..c4340979f 100644
--- a/loleaflet/src/control/Parts.js
+++ b/loleaflet/src/control/Parts.js
@@ -91,6 +91,8 @@ L.Map.include({
 							'tileheight=' + tileHeight + ' ' +
 							'id=' + id + ' ' +
 							'broadcast=' + (forAllClients ? 'yes' : 'no'));
+		return {width: maxWidth, height: maxHeight};
 	getCustomPreview: function (id, part, width, height, tilePosX, tilePosY, tileWidth, tileHeight, options) {

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