[Libreoffice-commits] online.git: wsd/DocumentBroker.cpp wsd/Storage.cpp wsd/Storage.hpp

Libreoffice Gerrit user logerrit at kemper.freedesktop.org
Wed Nov 28 08:07:55 UTC 2018

 wsd/DocumentBroker.cpp |    2 
 wsd/Storage.cpp        |  102 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 wsd/Storage.hpp        |   29 ++++++++++++-
 3 files changed, 77 insertions(+), 56 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit ed9c756c9ed9150f361340a2eb4dade9ec405935
Author:     Miklos Vajna <vmiklos at collabora.com>
AuthorDate: Wed Nov 28 09:07:29 2018 +0100
Commit:     Miklos Vajna <vmiklos at collabora.com>
CommitDate: Wed Nov 28 09:07:35 2018 +0100

    StorageBase: make members private
    Rename getUri() to getUriString(), so getUri() can expose a const
    reference to _uri.
    Change-Id: I0cd0faf08ba31bdf6a605be657e7ca2cf5fb33a6

diff --git a/wsd/DocumentBroker.cpp b/wsd/DocumentBroker.cpp
index 9a2df5053..5b45a84d9 100644
--- a/wsd/DocumentBroker.cpp
+++ b/wsd/DocumentBroker.cpp
@@ -707,7 +707,7 @@ bool DocumentBroker::load(const std::shared_ptr<ClientSession>& session, const s
         // Use the local temp file's timestamp.
         _lastFileModifiedTime = Poco::File(_storage->getRootFilePath()).getLastModified();
-        _tileCache.reset(new TileCache(_storage->getUri(), _lastFileModifiedTime, _cacheRoot, LOOLWSD::TileCachePersistent));
+        _tileCache.reset(new TileCache(_storage->getUriString(), _lastFileModifiedTime, _cacheRoot, LOOLWSD::TileCachePersistent));
diff --git a/wsd/Storage.cpp b/wsd/Storage.cpp
index a3f86e743..a42534eaa 100644
--- a/wsd/Storage.cpp
+++ b/wsd/Storage.cpp
@@ -258,15 +258,15 @@ std::atomic<unsigned> LocalStorage::LastLocalStorageId;
 std::unique_ptr<LocalStorage::LocalFileInfo> LocalStorage::getLocalFileInfo()
-    const Poco::Path path = Poco::Path(_uri.getPath());
-    LOG_DBG("Getting info for local uri [" << LOOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(_uri.toString()) << "], path [" << LOOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(path.toString()) << "].");
+    const Poco::Path path = Poco::Path(getUri().getPath());
+    LOG_DBG("Getting info for local uri [" << LOOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(getUri().toString()) << "], path [" << LOOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(path.toString()) << "].");
     const auto& filename = path.getFileName();
     const Poco::File file = Poco::File(path);
     const Poco::Timestamp lastModified = file.getLastModified();
     const size_t size = file.getSize();
-    _fileInfo = FileInfo({filename, "localhost", lastModified, size});
+    setFileInfo(FileInfo({filename, "localhost", lastModified, size}));
     // Set automatic userid and username
     return std::unique_ptr<LocalStorage::LocalFileInfo>(new LocalFileInfo({"localhost" + std::to_string(LastLocalStorageId), "LocalHost#" + std::to_string(LastLocalStorageId++)}));
@@ -276,53 +276,53 @@ std::string LocalStorage::loadStorageFileToLocal(const Authorization& /*auth*/)
 #ifndef MOBILEAPP
     // /chroot/jailId/user/doc/childId/file.ext
-    const std::string filename = Poco::Path(_uri.getPath()).getFileName();
-    _jailedFilePath = Poco::Path(getLocalRootPath(), filename).toString();
-    _jailedFilePathAnonym = LOOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(_jailedFilePath);
-    LOG_INF("Public URI [" << LOOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(_uri.getPath()) <<
-            "] jailed to [" << _jailedFilePathAnonym << "].");
+    const std::string filename = Poco::Path(getUri().getPath()).getFileName();
+    setRootFilePath(Poco::Path(getLocalRootPath(), filename).toString());
+    setRootFilePathAnonym(LOOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(getRootFilePath()));
+    LOG_INF("Public URI [" << LOOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(getUri().getPath()) <<
+            "] jailed to [" << getRootFilePathAnonym() << "].");
     // Despite the talk about URIs it seems that _uri is actually just a pathname here
-    const std::string publicFilePath = _uri.getPath();
+    const std::string publicFilePath = getUri().getPath();
-    if (!FileUtil::checkDiskSpace(_jailedFilePath))
+    if (!FileUtil::checkDiskSpace(getRootFilePath()))
-        throw StorageSpaceLowException("Low disk space for " + _jailedFilePathAnonym);
+        throw StorageSpaceLowException("Low disk space for " + getRootFilePathAnonym());
-    LOG_INF("Linking " << LOOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(publicFilePath) << " to " << _jailedFilePathAnonym);
-    if (!Poco::File(_jailedFilePath).exists() && link(publicFilePath.c_str(), _jailedFilePath.c_str()) == -1)
+    LOG_INF("Linking " << LOOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(publicFilePath) << " to " << getRootFilePathAnonym());
+    if (!Poco::File(getRootFilePath()).exists() && link(publicFilePath.c_str(), getRootFilePath().c_str()) == -1)
         // Failed
-        LOG_WRN("link(\"" << LOOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(publicFilePath) << "\", \"" << _jailedFilePathAnonym << "\") failed. Will copy. "
+        LOG_WRN("link(\"" << LOOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(publicFilePath) << "\", \"" << getRootFilePathAnonym() << "\") failed. Will copy. "
                 "Linking error: " << Util::symbolicErrno(errno) << " " << strerror(errno));
         // Fallback to copying.
-        if (!Poco::File(_jailedFilePath).exists())
+        if (!Poco::File(getRootFilePath()).exists())
-            LOG_INF("Copying " << LOOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(publicFilePath) << " to " << _jailedFilePathAnonym);
-            Poco::File(publicFilePath).copyTo(_jailedFilePath);
+            LOG_INF("Copying " << LOOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(publicFilePath) << " to " << getRootFilePathAnonym());
+            Poco::File(publicFilePath).copyTo(getRootFilePath());
             _isCopy = true;
     catch (const Poco::Exception& exc)
-        LOG_ERR("copyTo(\"" << LOOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(publicFilePath) << "\", \"" << _jailedFilePathAnonym << "\") failed: " << exc.displayText());
+        LOG_ERR("copyTo(\"" << LOOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(publicFilePath) << "\", \"" << getRootFilePathAnonym() << "\") failed: " << exc.displayText());
-    _isLoaded = true;
+    setLoaded(true);
     // Now return the jailed path.
     if (LOOLWSD::NoCapsForKit)
-        return _jailedFilePath;
+        return getRootFilePath();
-        return Poco::Path(_jailPath, filename).toString();
+        return Poco::Path(getJailPath(), filename).toString();
-    return _jailedFilePath;
+    return getRootFilePath();
 #else // MOBILEAPP
@@ -340,22 +340,22 @@ StorageBase::SaveResult LocalStorage::saveLocalFileToStorage(const Authorization
-        LOG_TRC("Saving local file to local file storage (isCopy: " << _isCopy << ") for " << _jailedFilePathAnonym);
+        LOG_TRC("Saving local file to local file storage (isCopy: " << _isCopy << ") for " << getRootFilePathAnonym());
         // Copy the file back.
-        if (_isCopy && Poco::File(_jailedFilePath).exists())
+        if (_isCopy && Poco::File(getRootFilePath()).exists())
-            LOG_INF("Copying " << _jailedFilePathAnonym << " to " << LOOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(_uri.getPath()));
-            Poco::File(_jailedFilePath).copyTo(_uri.getPath());
+            LOG_INF("Copying " << getRootFilePathAnonym() << " to " << LOOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(getUri().getPath()));
+            Poco::File(getRootFilePath()).copyTo(getUri().getPath());
         // update its fileinfo object. This is used later to check if someone else changed the
         // document while we are/were editing it
-        _fileInfo._modifiedTime = Poco::File(_uri.getPath()).getLastModified();
-        LOG_TRC("New FileInfo modified time in storage " << _fileInfo._modifiedTime);
+        getFileInfo()._modifiedTime = Poco::File(getUri().getPath()).getLastModified();
+        LOG_TRC("New FileInfo modified time in storage " << getFileInfo()._modifiedTime);
     catch (const Poco::Exception& exc)
-        LOG_ERR("copyTo(\"" << _jailedFilePathAnonym << "\", \"" << LOOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(_uri.getPath()) <<
+        LOG_ERR("copyTo(\"" << getRootFilePathAnonym() << "\", \"" << LOOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(getUri().getPath()) <<
                 "\") failed: " << exc.displayText());
         return StorageBase::SaveResult::FAILED;
@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ Poco::Timestamp iso8601ToTimestamp(const std::string& iso8601Time, const std::st
 std::unique_ptr<WopiStorage::WOPIFileInfo> WopiStorage::getWOPIFileInfo(const Authorization& auth)
     // update the access_token to the one matching to the session
-    Poco::URI uriObject(_uri);
+    Poco::URI uriObject(getUri());
     const std::string uriAnonym = LOOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(uriObject.toString());
@@ -518,7 +518,7 @@ std::unique_ptr<WopiStorage::WOPIFileInfo> WopiStorage::getWOPIFileInfo(const Au
         // Anonymize key values.
         if (LOOLWSD::AnonymizeFilenames || LOOLWSD::AnonymizeUsernames)
-            Util::mapAnonymized(Util::getFilenameFromURL(filename), Util::getFilenameFromURL(_uri.toString()));
+            Util::mapAnonymized(Util::getFilenameFromURL(filename), Util::getFilenameFromURL(getUri().toString()));
             JsonUtil::findJSONValue(object, "ObfuscatedUserId", obfuscatedUserId, false);
             if (!obfuscatedUserId.empty())
@@ -599,7 +599,7 @@ std::unique_ptr<WopiStorage::WOPIFileInfo> WopiStorage::getWOPIFileInfo(const Au
     const Poco::Timestamp modifiedTime = iso8601ToTimestamp(lastModifiedTime, "LastModifiedTime");
-    _fileInfo = FileInfo({filename, ownerId, modifiedTime, size});
+    setFileInfo(FileInfo({filename, ownerId, modifiedTime, size}));
     return std::unique_ptr<WopiStorage::WOPIFileInfo>(new WOPIFileInfo(
         {userId, obfuscatedUserId, userName, userExtraInfo, watermarkText, canWrite,
@@ -615,11 +615,11 @@ std::string WopiStorage::loadStorageFileToLocal(const Authorization& auth)
     // WOPI URI to download files ends in '/contents'.
     // Add it here to get the payload instead of file info.
-    Poco::URI uriObject(_uri);
+    Poco::URI uriObject(getUri());
     uriObject.setPath(uriObject.getPath() + "/contents");
-    Poco::URI uriObjectAnonym(_uri);
+    Poco::URI uriObjectAnonym(getUri());
     uriObjectAnonym.setPath(LOOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(uriObjectAnonym.getPath()) + "/contents");
     const std::string uriAnonym = uriObjectAnonym.toString();
@@ -660,19 +660,19 @@ std::string WopiStorage::loadStorageFileToLocal(const Authorization& auth)
         else // Successful
-            _jailedFilePath = Poco::Path(getLocalRootPath(), _fileInfo._filename).toString();
-            _jailedFilePathAnonym = LOOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(_jailedFilePath);
-            std::ofstream ofs(_jailedFilePath);
+            setRootFilePath(Poco::Path(getLocalRootPath(), getFileInfo()._filename).toString());
+            setRootFilePathAnonym(LOOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(getRootFilePath()));
+            std::ofstream ofs(getRootFilePath());
-            LOG_INF("WOPI::GetFile downloaded " << getFileSize(_jailedFilePath) << " bytes from [" <<
-                    uriAnonym << "] -> " << _jailedFilePathAnonym << " in " << diff.count() << "s");
+            LOG_INF("WOPI::GetFile downloaded " << getFileSize(getRootFilePath()) << " bytes from [" <<
+                    uriAnonym << "] -> " << getRootFilePathAnonym() << " in " << diff.count() << "s");
-            _isLoaded = true;
+            setLoaded(true);
             // Now return the jailed path.
-            return Poco::Path(_jailPath, _fileInfo._filename).toString();
+            return Poco::Path(getJailPath(), getFileInfo()._filename).toString();
     catch (const Poco::Exception& pexc)
@@ -690,12 +690,12 @@ StorageBase::SaveResult WopiStorage::saveLocalFileToStorage(const Authorization&
     // TODO: Check if this URI has write permission (canWrite = true)
     const bool isSaveAs = !saveAsPath.empty() && !saveAsFilename.empty();
-    const std::string filePath(isSaveAs ? saveAsPath : _jailedFilePath);
+    const std::string filePath(isSaveAs ? saveAsPath : getRootFilePath());
     const std::string filePathAnonym = LOOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(filePath);
     const size_t size = getFileSize(filePath);
-    Poco::URI uriObject(_uri);
+    Poco::URI uriObject(getUri());
     uriObject.setPath(isSaveAs? uriObject.getPath(): uriObject.getPath() + "/contents");
     const std::string uriAnonym = LOOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(uriObject.toString());
@@ -715,14 +715,14 @@ StorageBase::SaveResult WopiStorage::saveLocalFileToStorage(const Authorization&
             // normal save
             request.set("X-WOPI-Override", "PUT");
-            request.set("X-LOOL-WOPI-IsModifiedByUser", _isUserModified? "true": "false");
-            request.set("X-LOOL-WOPI-IsAutosave", _isAutosave? "true": "false");
+            request.set("X-LOOL-WOPI-IsModifiedByUser", isUserModified()? "true": "false");
+            request.set("X-LOOL-WOPI-IsAutosave", getIsAutosave()? "true": "false");
-            if (!_forceSave)
+            if (!getForceSave())
                 // Request WOPI host to not overwrite if timestamps mismatch
-                            Poco::DateTimeFormatter::format(Poco::DateTime(_fileInfo._modifiedTime),
+                            Poco::DateTimeFormatter::format(Poco::DateTime(getFileInfo()._modifiedTime),
@@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ StorageBase::SaveResult WopiStorage::saveLocalFileToStorage(const Authorization&
                 const std::string lastModifiedTime = JsonUtil::getJSONValue<std::string>(object, "LastModifiedTime");
                 LOG_TRC(wopiLog << " returns LastModifiedTime [" << lastModifiedTime << "].");
-                _fileInfo._modifiedTime = iso8601ToTimestamp(lastModifiedTime, "LastModifiedTime");
+                getFileInfo()._modifiedTime = iso8601ToTimestamp(lastModifiedTime, "LastModifiedTime");
                 if (isSaveAs)
@@ -839,7 +839,7 @@ StorageBase::SaveResult WopiStorage::saveLocalFileToStorage(const Authorization&
                 // Reset the force save flag now, if any, since we are done saving
                 // Next saves shouldn't be saved forcefully unless commanded
-                _forceSave = false;
+                forceSave(false);
@@ -885,8 +885,8 @@ StorageBase::SaveResult WopiStorage::saveLocalFileToStorage(const Authorization&
 std::string WebDAVStorage::loadStorageFileToLocal(const Authorization& /*auth*/)
     // TODO: implement webdav GET.
-    _isLoaded = true;
-    return _uri.toString();
+    setLoaded(true);
+    return getUri().toString();
 StorageBase::SaveResult WebDAVStorage::saveLocalFileToStorage(const Authorization& /*auth*/, const std::string& /*saveAsPath*/, const std::string& /*saveAsFilename*/)
diff --git a/wsd/Storage.hpp b/wsd/Storage.hpp
index bccaa66a6..39ee3f036 100644
--- a/wsd/Storage.hpp
+++ b/wsd/Storage.hpp
@@ -127,7 +127,11 @@ public:
     virtual ~StorageBase() {}
-    const std::string getUri() const { return _uri.toString(); }
+    const Poco::URI& getUri() const { return _uri; }
+    const std::string getUriString() const { return _uri.toString(); }
+    const std::string& getJailPath() const { return _jailPath; };
     /// Returns the root path to the jailed file.
     const std::string& getRootFilePath() const { return _jailedFilePath; };
@@ -140,20 +144,37 @@ public:
         _jailedFilePath = newPath;
+    const std::string& getRootFilePathAnonym() const { return _jailedFilePathAnonym; };
+    void setRootFilePathAnonym(const std::string& newPath)
+    {
+        _jailedFilePathAnonym = newPath;
+    }
+    void setLoaded(bool isLoaded) { _isLoaded = isLoaded; }
     bool isLoaded() const { return _isLoaded; }
     /// Asks the storage object to force overwrite to storage upon next save
     /// even if document turned out to be changed in storage
-    void forceSave() { _forceSave = true; }
+    void forceSave(bool newSave = true) { _forceSave = newSave; }
+    bool getForceSave() const { return _forceSave; }
     /// To be able to set the WOPI extension header appropriately.
     void setUserModified(bool isUserModified) { _isUserModified = isUserModified; }
+    bool isUserModified() const { return _isUserModified; }
     /// To be able to set the WOPI 'is autosave?' header appropriately.
     void setIsAutosave(bool isAutosave) { _isAutosave = isAutosave; }
+    bool getIsAutosave() const { return _isAutosave; }
+    void setFileInfo(const FileInfo& fileInfo) { _fileInfo = fileInfo; }
     /// Returns the basic information about the file.
-    const FileInfo& getFileInfo() const { return _fileInfo; }
+    FileInfo& getFileInfo() { return _fileInfo; }
     std::string getFileExtension() const { return Poco::Path(_fileInfo._filename).getExtension(); }
@@ -181,7 +202,7 @@ protected:
     /// Returns the root path of the jail directory of docs.
     std::string getLocalRootPath() const;
     const Poco::URI _uri;
     std::string _localStorePath;
     std::string _jailPath;

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