[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: sw/PythonTest_sw_python.mk sw/qa

Libreoffice Gerrit user logerrit at kemper.freedesktop.org
Mon Oct 1 12:19:22 UTC 2018

 sw/PythonTest_sw_python.mk           |    1 
 sw/qa/python/check_xautotextgroup.py |  211 -----------------------------------
 2 files changed, 212 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit e9c1cbce903d325b1e19602d72765511589f5bf2
Author:     Stephan Bergmann <sbergman at redhat.com>
AuthorDate: Mon Oct 1 14:13:56 2018 +0200
Commit:     Stephan Bergmann <sbergman at redhat.com>
CommitDate: Mon Oct 1 14:13:56 2018 +0200

    Revert "sw: new unit test for XAutoTextGroup"
    This reverts commit 9356a2d98b13f45b3d17d181b1ad79d541d7d2f8.  For one, it
    caused PythonTest_sw_python to crash like
    <https://ci.libreoffice.org//job/lo_tb_master_linux_dbg/22022/> with
    > include/vcl/vclptr.hxx:112: VclPtr<T>::~VclPtr() [with reference_type = vcl::Window]: Assertion `m_rInnerRef.get() == nullptr || vclmain::isAlive()' failed.
    firing (presumably because some more clean-up as in
    e7a3329fd0a68c95f00e6cdfdc3e40e6afa5411c "DeInitVCL in PythonTest" is needed).
    And for another, it left behind instdir/share/autotext/atg_name1.bau at least in
    my build, and a subsequent PythonTest_sw_python would then fail due to
    css.container.ElementExistException from some of those tests'
    xAutoTextContainer.insertNewByName("atg_name1").  That apparently all needs
    further inspection before re-introducing that test.

diff --git a/sw/PythonTest_sw_python.mk b/sw/PythonTest_sw_python.mk
index f7a868d79d1c..6c5a4c818fe8 100644
--- a/sw/PythonTest_sw_python.mk
+++ b/sw/PythonTest_sw_python.mk
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ $(eval $(call gb_PythonTest_add_modules,sw_python,$(SRCDIR)/sw/qa/python,\
 	check_cross_references \
 	check_named_property_values \
 	check_indexed_property_values \
-	check_xautotextgroup \
 	check_styles \
 	check_xtexttable \
 	check_table \
diff --git a/sw/qa/python/check_xautotextgroup.py b/sw/qa/python/check_xautotextgroup.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 95d4a0bce67c..000000000000
--- a/sw/qa/python/check_xautotextgroup.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-# -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; py-indent-offset: 4 -*-
-# This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
-# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
-import unittest
-from org.libreoffice.unotest import UnoInProcess
-from com.sun.star.container import ElementExistException
-class XAutoTextGroup(unittest.TestCase):
-    @classmethod
-    def setUpClass(cls):
-        cls._uno = UnoInProcess()
-        cls._uno.setUp()
-    @classmethod
-    def tearDownClass(cls):
-        cls._uno.tearDown()
-    def test_XAutoTextGroup(self):
-        # initialization
-        xDoc = self._uno.openEmptyWriterDoc()
-        xAutoTextContainer = self.createAutoTextContainer()
-        xAutoTextGroup = xAutoTextContainer.insertNewByName("atg_name1")
-        xText = xDoc.getText()
-        xCursor = xText.createTextCursor()
-        xRange = xCursor.getStart()
-        # perform unit test
-        xName = 'Name'
-        xTitle = 'Title'
-        titlesBefore = xAutoTextGroup.getTitles()
-        xAutoTextGroup.insertNewByName(xName, xTitle, xRange)
-        self.assertNotEqual(titlesBefore, xAutoTextGroup.getTitles())
-        xAutoTextGroup.removeByName(xName)
-        self.assertEqual(titlesBefore, xAutoTextGroup.getTitles())
-        # clean up
-        xAutoTextContainer.removeByName("atg_name1")
-        xDoc.close(True)
-    def test_XAutoTextGroup_NoTitle(self):
-        # initialization
-        xDoc = self._uno.openEmptyWriterDoc()
-        xAutoTextContainer = self.createAutoTextContainer()
-        xAutoTextGroup = xAutoTextContainer.insertNewByName("atg_name1")
-        xText = xDoc.getText()
-        xCursor = xText.createTextCursor()
-        xRange = xCursor.getStart()
-        # perform unit test
-        xName = 'Name'
-        titlesBefore = xAutoTextGroup.getTitles()
-        xAutoTextGroup.insertNewByName(xName, xName, xRange)
-        self.assertNotEqual(titlesBefore, xAutoTextGroup.getTitles())
-        xAutoTextGroup.removeByName(xName)
-        self.assertEqual(titlesBefore, xAutoTextGroup.getTitles())
-        # clean up
-        xAutoTextContainer.removeByName("atg_name1")
-        xDoc.close(True)
-    def test_insertNewByName_Twice(self):
-        # initialization
-        xDoc = self._uno.openEmptyWriterDoc()
-        xAutoTextContainer = self.createAutoTextContainer()
-        xAutoTextGroup = xAutoTextContainer.insertNewByName("atg_name1")
-        xText = xDoc.getText()
-        xCursor = xText.createTextCursor()
-        xRange = xCursor.getStart()
-        # perform unit test
-        xName = 'Name'
-        xTitle = 'Title'
-        xAutoTextGroup.insertNewByName(xName, xTitle, xRange)
-        with self.assertRaises(ElementExistException):
-            xAutoTextGroup.insertNewByName(xName, xTitle, xRange)
-        xAutoTextGroup.removeByName(xName)
-        # clean up
-        xAutoTextContainer.removeByName("atg_name1")
-        xDoc.close(True)
-    def test_renameByName(self):
-        # initialization
-        xDoc = self._uno.openEmptyWriterDoc()
-        xAutoTextContainer = self.createAutoTextContainer()
-        xAutoTextGroup = xAutoTextContainer.insertNewByName("atg_name1")
-        xText = xDoc.getText()
-        xCursor = xText.createTextCursor()
-        xRange = xCursor.getStart()
-        # perform unit test
-        xName = 'Name'
-        xTitle = 'Title'
-        xNewName = 'New Name'
-        xNewTitle = 'New Title'
-        xAutoTextGroup.insertNewByName(xName, xTitle, xRange)
-        xAutoTextGroup.renameByName(xName, xNewName, xNewTitle)
-        titlesBefore = xAutoTextGroup.getTitles()
-        xAutoTextGroup.removeByName(xName)
-        titlesAfter = xAutoTextGroup.getTitles()
-        self.assertEqual(titlesBefore, titlesAfter)
-        xAutoTextGroup.removeByName(xNewName)
-        titlesAfter2 = xAutoTextGroup.getTitles()
-        self.assertNotEqual(titlesBefore, titlesAfter2)
-        # clean up
-        xAutoTextContainer.removeByName("atg_name1")
-        xDoc.close(True)
-    def test_renameByName_Failed(self):
-        # initialization
-        xDoc = self._uno.openEmptyWriterDoc()
-        xAutoTextContainer = self.createAutoTextContainer()
-        xAutoTextGroup = xAutoTextContainer.insertNewByName("atg_name1")
-        xText = xDoc.getText()
-        xCursor = xText.createTextCursor()
-        xRange = xCursor.getStart()
-        # perform unit test
-        xName = 'Name'
-        xTitle = 'Title'
-        xNewName = 'New Name'
-        xNewTitle = 'New Title'
-        xAutoTextGroup.insertNewByName(xName, xTitle, xRange)
-        xAutoTextGroup.insertNewByName(xNewName, xNewTitle, xRange)
-        with self.assertRaises(ElementExistException):
-            xAutoTextGroup.renameByName(xName, xNewName, xNewTitle)
-        xAutoTextGroup.removeByName(xName)
-        xAutoTextGroup.removeByName(xNewName)
-        # clean up
-        xAutoTextContainer.removeByName("atg_name1")
-        xDoc.close(True)
-    def test_removeByName_Twice(self):
-        # initialization
-        xDoc = self._uno.openEmptyWriterDoc()
-        xAutoTextContainer = self.createAutoTextContainer()
-        xAutoTextGroup = xAutoTextContainer.insertNewByName("atg_name1")
-        xText = xDoc.getText()
-        xCursor = xText.createTextCursor()
-        xRange = xCursor.getStart()
-        # perform unit test
-        xName = 'Name'
-        xTitle = 'Title'
-        xAutoTextGroup.insertNewByName(xName, xTitle, xRange)
-        xAutoTextGroup.removeByName(xName)
-        # no exception
-        xAutoTextGroup.removeByName(xName)
-        # clean up
-        xAutoTextContainer.removeByName("atg_name1")
-        xDoc.close(True)
-    def test_removeByName_Empty(self):
-        # initialization
-        xDoc = self._uno.openEmptyWriterDoc()
-        xAutoTextContainer = self.createAutoTextContainer()
-        xAutoTextGroup = xAutoTextContainer.insertNewByName("atg_name1")
-        # perform unit test
-        xAutoTextGroup.removeByName('')
-        # clean up
-        xAutoTextContainer.removeByName("atg_name1")
-        xDoc.close(True)
-    def createAutoTextContainer(self):
-        xServiceManager = self._uno.xContext.ServiceManager
-        self.assertIsNotNone(xServiceManager)
-        xAutoTextContainer = xServiceManager.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.AutoTextContainer")
-        self.assertIsNotNone(xAutoTextContainer)
-        return xAutoTextContainer
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()

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