[Libreoffice-commits] dev-tools.git: 3 commits - qa/bugzillaChecker.py qa/createBlogReport.py

Xisco Fauli (via logerrit) logerrit at kemper.freedesktop.org
Wed Aug 7 11:11:40 UTC 2019

 qa/bugzillaChecker.py  |   77 +++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------
 qa/createBlogReport.py |    8 +++--
 2 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 14d40ce5cc6cff6579d3ffe3c595e3503a2d27c6
Author:     Xisco Fauli <xiscofauli at libreoffice.org>
AuthorDate: Wed Aug 7 12:42:48 2019 +0200
Commit:     Xisco Fauli <xiscofauli at libreoffice.org>
CommitDate: Wed Aug 7 13:04:20 2019 +0200

    QA: Print results to file

diff --git a/qa/bugzillaChecker.py b/qa/bugzillaChecker.py
index b96837c..df9e5a0 100755
--- a/qa/bugzillaChecker.py
+++ b/qa/bugzillaChecker.py
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ import datetime
 import re
 import ast
+bugzillaReportPath = '/tmp/bugzilla_report.txt'
+bugzillaUserReportPath = '/tmp/bugzilla_users_report.txt'
 if datetime.date.today().weekday() == 0:
     # Weekends
     reportPeriodDays = 3
@@ -384,9 +386,12 @@ def analyze_bugzilla_checkers(statList, bugzillaData, cfg):
                 value = [rowId, '', '']
                 util_add_to_result(lResults, 'empty_alias', value)
+    fp = open(bugzillaReportPath, 'w', encoding='utf-8')
+    print("Creating file " + bugzillaReportPath)
     for dKey, dValue in sorted(lResults.items()):
         if dValue:
-            print('\n=== ' + dKey.replace('_', ' ').upper() + ' ===')
+            print('\n=== ' + dKey.replace('_', ' ').upper() + ' ===', file=fp)
             dValue = sorted(dValue, key=lambda x: x[1])
             for idx in range(len(dValue)):
@@ -396,43 +401,51 @@ def analyze_bugzilla_checkers(statList, bugzillaData, cfg):
                 count = idx + 1
                 print("{:<3} | {:<58} | {} | {}".format(
-                    str(count), common.urlShowBug + str(dValue[idx][0]), str(dValue[idx][1] ), str(dValue[idx][2])))
+                    str(count), common.urlShowBug + str(dValue[idx][0]),
+                    str(dValue[idx][1].strftime("%Y-%m-%d")),
+                    str(dValue[idx][2])),
+                    file=fp)
                 if count != len(dValue) and count % 10 == 0:
-                    print('=' * 100)
+                    print('=' * 100, file=fp)
+    fp.close()
+    fp = open(bugzillaUserReportPath, 'w', encoding='utf-8')
+    print("Creating file " + bugzillaUserReportPath)
     for k, v in statList['people'].items():
         if not statList['people'][k]['name']:
             statList['people'][k]['name'] = statList['people'][k]['email'].split('@')[0]
         if statList['people'][k]['oldest'] >= cfg['newUserPeriod'] and len(statList['people'][k]['bugs']) >= newUserBugs and \
                 statList['people'][k]['email'] not in cfg['configQA']['ignore']['newContributors']:
-            print('\n=== New contributor: '+ statList['people'][k]['name'] + " ("  + statList['people'][k]['email'] + ")")
+            print('\n=== New contributor: '+ statList['people'][k]['name'] + " ("  + statList['people'][k]['email'] + ") ===", file=fp)
             lBugs = list(statList['people'][k]['bugs'])
             for idx in range(len(lBugs)):
                 isEasyHack = False
                 if 'easyHack' in bugzillaData['bugs'][str(lBugs[idx])]['keywords']:
                         isEasyHack = True
                 print("{:<3} | {:<58} | {}".format(
-                    str(idx + 1), common.urlShowBug + str(lBugs[idx]), 'easyHack: ' + str(isEasyHack)))
+                    str(idx + 1), common.urlShowBug + str(lBugs[idx]), 'easyHack: ' + str(isEasyHack)), file=fp)
         if statList['people'][k]['oldest'] >= cfg['memberPeriod'] and statList['people'][k]['newest'] >= cfg['reportPeriod'] and \
                 len(statList['people'][k]['bugs']) >= memberBugs and statList['people'][k]['email'] not in cfg['configQA']['ignore']['members']:
-            print('\n=== New MEMBER: ' + statList['people'][k]['name'] + " ("  + statList['people'][k]['email'] + ")")
-            print('\tOldest: ' + statList['people'][k]['oldest'].strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))
-            print('\tNewest: ' + statList['people'][k]['newest'].strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))
-            print('\tTotal: ' + str(len(statList['people'][k]['bugs'])))
+            print('\n=== New MEMBER: ' + statList['people'][k]['name'] + " ("  + statList['people'][k]['email'] + ") ===", file=fp)
+            print('\tOldest: ' + statList['people'][k]['oldest'].strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), file=fp)
+            print('\tNewest: ' + statList['people'][k]['newest'].strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), file=fp)
+            print('\tTotal: ' + str(len(statList['people'][k]['bugs'])), file=fp)
         if statList['people'][k]['newest'] < cfg['oldUserPeriod'] and statList['people'][k]['newest'] >= cfg['oldUserPeriod2'] and \
                 len(statList['people'][k]['bugs']) >= oldUserBugs and statList['people'][k]['email'] not in cfg['configQA']['ignore']['oldContributors']:
-            print('\n=== Old Contributor: ' + statList['people'][k]['name'] + " ("  + statList['people'][k]['email'] + ")")
-            print('\tOldest: ' + statList['people'][k]['oldest'].strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))
-            print('\tNewest: ' + statList['people'][k]['newest'].strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))
-            print('\tTotal: ' + str(len(statList['people'][k]['bugs'])))
+            print('\n=== Old Contributor: ' + statList['people'][k]['name'] + " ("  + statList['people'][k]['email'] + ") ===", file=fp)
+            print('\tOldest: ' + statList['people'][k]['oldest'].strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), file=fp)
+            print('\tNewest: ' + statList['people'][k]['newest'].strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), file=fp)
+            print('\tTotal: ' + str(len(statList['people'][k]['bugs'])), file=fp)
         statList['people'][k]['oldest'] = statList['people'][k]['oldest'].strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
         statList['people'][k]['newest'] = statList['people'][k]['newest'].strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
+    fp.close()
 def runCfg():
     cfg = common.get_config()
     cfg['reportPeriod'] = common.util_convert_days_to_datetime(reportPeriodDays)
commit a1d1131a0156b0983df02aecc1ee121dac788819
Author:     Xisco Fauli <xiscofauli at libreoffice.org>
AuthorDate: Wed Aug 7 11:41:54 2019 +0200
Commit:     Xisco Fauli <xiscofauli at libreoffice.org>
CommitDate: Wed Aug 7 13:04:20 2019 +0200

    QA: Remove highlighting. No longer needed for emails

diff --git a/qa/bugzillaChecker.py b/qa/bugzillaChecker.py
index 5eb7f66..b96837c 100755
--- a/qa/bugzillaChecker.py
+++ b/qa/bugzillaChecker.py
@@ -11,14 +11,13 @@ import common
 import sys
 import datetime
 import re
-import colorama
-from colorama import Back
 import ast
-#Use this variable to hightlight the most recent bugs
-coloredPeriodDays = 1
-reportPeriodDays = 7
+if datetime.date.today().weekday() == 0:
+    # Weekends
+    reportPeriodDays = 3
+    reportPeriodDays = 1
 newUserPeriodDays = 30
 newUserBugs = 3
@@ -385,36 +384,18 @@ def analyze_bugzilla_checkers(statList, bugzillaData, cfg):
                 value = [rowId, '', '']
                 util_add_to_result(lResults, 'empty_alias', value)
-    colorama.init(autoreset=True)
     for dKey, dValue in sorted(lResults.items()):
         if dValue:
             print('\n=== ' + dKey.replace('_', ' ').upper() + ' ===')
             dValue = sorted(dValue, key=lambda x: x[1])
             for idx in range(len(dValue)):
-                background = Back.RESET
                 if dValue[idx][1]:
                     if isinstance(dValue[idx][1], str):
                         dValue[idx][1] = datetime.datetime.strptime(dValue[idx][1], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
-                    if dKey == 'inactive_assignee':
-                        if dValue[idx][1] >= cfg['coloredInactiveAssignedPeriod']:
-                            background = Back.GREEN
-                    elif dKey == 'unconfirmed_last_comment_not_from_reporter':
-                        if dValue[idx][1] >= cfg['coloredRetestUnconfirmedPeriod']:
-                            background = Back.GREEN
-                    elif dKey == 'unconfirmed_last_comment_from_reporter':
-                        if dValue[idx][1] >= cfg['coloredInactiveUnconfirmedPeriod']:
-                            background = Back.GREEN
-                    elif dKey == 'ping_bug_fixed':
-                        if dValue[idx][1] >= cfg['coloredFixBugPingPeriod']:
-                            background = Back.GREEN
-                    else:
-                        if dValue[idx][1] >= cfg['coloredReportPeriod']:
-                            background = Back.GREEN
                 count = idx + 1
-                print(background + "{:<3} | {:<58} | {} | {}".format(
+                print("{:<3} | {:<58} | {} | {}".format(
                     str(count), common.urlShowBug + str(dValue[idx][0]), str(dValue[idx][1] ), str(dValue[idx][2])))
                 if count != len(dValue) and count % 10 == 0:
@@ -455,20 +436,15 @@ def analyze_bugzilla_checkers(statList, bugzillaData, cfg):
 def runCfg():
     cfg = common.get_config()
     cfg['reportPeriod'] = common.util_convert_days_to_datetime(reportPeriodDays)
-    cfg['coloredReportPeriod'] = common.util_convert_days_to_datetime(coloredPeriodDays)
     cfg['newUserPeriod'] = common.util_convert_days_to_datetime(newUserPeriodDays)
     cfg['oldUserPeriod'] = common.util_convert_days_to_datetime(oldUserPeriodDays)
     cfg['oldUserPeriod2'] = common.util_convert_days_to_datetime(oldUserPeriodDays + reportPeriodDays)
     cfg['memberPeriod'] = common.util_convert_days_to_datetime(memberPeriodDays)
     cfg['PingFixedBugPeriod'] = common.util_convert_days_to_datetime(pingFixedBugPeriodDays)
     cfg['pingFixedBugDiff'] = common.util_convert_days_to_datetime(pingFixedBugPeriodDays + reportPeriodDays)
-    cfg['coloredFixBugPingPeriod'] = common.util_convert_days_to_datetime(coloredPeriodDays + pingFixedBugPeriodDays)
     cfg['retestUnconfirmedPeriod'] = common.util_convert_days_to_datetime(retestUnconfirmedPeriodDays)
-    cfg['coloredInactiveUnconfirmedPeriod'] = common.util_convert_days_to_datetime(coloredPeriodDays + inactiveUnconfirmedPeriodDays)
     cfg['inactiveUnconfirmedPeriod'] = common.util_convert_days_to_datetime(inactiveUnconfirmedPeriodDays)
-    cfg['coloredRetestUnconfirmedPeriod'] = common.util_convert_days_to_datetime(coloredPeriodDays + retestUnconfirmedPeriodDays)
     cfg['inactiveAssignedPeriod'] = common.util_convert_days_to_datetime(inactiveAssignedPeriodDays)
-    cfg['coloredInactiveAssignedPeriod'] = common.util_convert_days_to_datetime(coloredPeriodDays + inactiveAssignedPeriodDays)
     return cfg
 if __name__ == '__main__':
@@ -476,7 +452,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
     if len(sys.argv) > 1:
-            coloredPeriodDays = int(sys.argv[1])
+            reportPeriodDays = int(sys.argv[1])
         except ValueError:
             print("The argument is not an int. Ignoring it...")
commit 618c4e7220e3528378960ec760365b2fca92f334
Author:     Xisco Fauli <xiscofauli at libreoffice.org>
AuthorDate: Wed Jul 3 16:53:25 2019 +0200
Commit:     Xisco Fauli <xiscofauli at libreoffice.org>
CommitDate: Wed Aug 7 13:04:20 2019 +0200

    QA: Add list of resolved perf issues

diff --git a/qa/createBlogReport.py b/qa/createBlogReport.py
index 9d0478d..689b846 100755
--- a/qa/createBlogReport.py
+++ b/qa/createBlogReport.py
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ def util_create_statList():
         'resolvedStatuses' : {},
         'criticalFixed': {},
         'crashFixed': {},
+        'perfFixed': {},
         'oldBugsFixed': {},
         'metabug': util_create_basic_schema(),
         'keywords': { k : util_create_basic_schema() for k in lKeywords},
@@ -401,9 +402,11 @@ def analyze_bugzilla_data(statList, bugzillaData, cfg):
                             if row['priority'] == "highest":
                                 statList['criticalFixed'][rowId]= {'summary': row['summary'], 'author': author}
-                            elif 'crash' in row['summary'].lower():
+                            if 'crash' in row['summary'].lower():
                                 statList['crashFixed'][rowId]= {'summary': row['summary'], 'author': author}
-                            elif creationDate < common.util_convert_days_to_datetime(oldBugsYears * 365):
+                            if 'perf' in row['keywords']:
+                                statList['perfFixed'][rowId]= {'summary': row['summary'], 'author': author}
+                            if creationDate < common.util_convert_days_to_datetime(oldBugsYears * 365):
                                 statList['oldBugsFixed'][rowId]= {'summary': row['summary'], 'author': author}
             if rowId in fixedBugs and not commitNoticiation:
@@ -622,6 +625,7 @@ def createReport(statList):
     createSection(fp, statList['fixed'], "Fixed Bugs", "fixed", "Fixers", "darksalmon")
     createList(fp, statList['criticalFixed'], "List of critical bugs fixed")
     createList(fp, statList['crashFixed'], "List of crashes fixed")
+    createList(fp, statList['perfFixed'], "List of performance issues fixed")
     createList(fp, statList['oldBugsFixed'], "List of old bugs ( more than {} years old ) fixed".format(oldBugsYears))
     createSection(fp, statList['wfm'], "WORKSFORME bugs", "retested", "testers", "m")
     createSection(fp, statList['duplicate'], "DUPLICATED bugs", "duplicated", "testers", "c")

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