[Libreoffice-commits] online.git: loleaflet/src
Libreoffice Gerrit user
logerrit at kemper.freedesktop.org
Tue Mar 5 13:17:03 UTC 2019
loleaflet/src/layer/tile/ImpressTileLayer.js | 185 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 185 insertions(+)
New commits:
commit f3c92a0c2134160a4ab6017bbdc0be8592aea7ed
Author: Henry Castro <hcastro at collabora.com>
AuthorDate: Tue Jan 15 16:21:48 2019 -0400
Commit: Henry Castro <hcastro at collabora.com>
CommitDate: Tue Mar 5 09:16:24 2019 -0400
loleaflet: initialize the mobile toolbar of Impress document
Change-Id: I5445cd5d9135c41d350e430af2a85cc5b7b64b7b
diff --git a/loleaflet/src/layer/tile/ImpressTileLayer.js b/loleaflet/src/layer/tile/ImpressTileLayer.js
index ceccc1696..87e89e899 100644
--- a/loleaflet/src/layer/tile/ImpressTileLayer.js
+++ b/loleaflet/src/layer/tile/ImpressTileLayer.js
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
* Impress tile layer is used to display a presentation document
+/* global $ _ w2ui w2utils _UNO */
L.ImpressTileLayer = L.TileLayer.extend({
extraSize: L.point(290, 0),
@@ -30,6 +31,9 @@ L.ImpressTileLayer = L.TileLayer.extend({
map.on('AnnotationScrollUp', this.onAnnotationScrollUp, this);
map.on('AnnotationScrollDown', this.onAnnotationScrollDown, this);
map.on('resize', this.onResize, this);
+ if (L.Browser.mobile) {
+ map.on('doclayerinit', this.onMobileInit, this);
+ }
getAnnotation: function (id) {
@@ -82,6 +86,187 @@ L.ImpressTileLayer = L.TileLayer.extend({
this._isSlidePaneVisible = !(visible === 'none');
+ onMobileInit: function () {
+ var map = this._map;
+ var toolItems = [
+ {type: 'button', id: 'bold', img: 'bold', hint: _UNO('.uno:Bold'), uno: 'Bold'},
+ {type: 'button', id: 'italic', img: 'italic', hint: _UNO('.uno:Italic'), uno: 'Italic'},
+ {type: 'button', id: 'underline', img: 'underline', hint: _UNO('.uno:Underline'), uno: 'Underline'},
+ {type: 'button', id: 'strikeout', img: 'strikeout', hint: _UNO('.uno:Strikeout'), uno: 'Strikeout'},
+ {type: 'break'},
+ {type: 'text-color', id: 'fontcolor', img: 'textcolor', hint: _UNO('.uno:FontColor')},
+ {type: 'color', id: 'backcolor', img: 'backcolor', hint: _UNO('.uno:BackgroundColor')},
+ {type: 'break' , mobile:false},
+ {type: 'button', id: 'leftpara', img: 'alignleft', hint: _UNO('.uno:LeftPara', '', true), uno: 'LeftPara', unosheet: 'AlignLeft', disabled: true},
+ {type: 'button', id: 'centerpara', img: 'alignhorizontal', hint: _UNO('.uno:CenterPara', '', true), uno: 'CenterPara', unosheet: 'AlignHorizontalCenter', disabled: true},
+ {type: 'button', id: 'rightpara', img: 'alignright', hint: _UNO('.uno:RightPara', '', true), uno: 'RightPara', unosheet: 'AlignRight', disabled: true},
+ {type: 'button', id: 'justifypara', img: 'alignblock', hint: _UNO('.uno:JustifyPara', '', true), uno: 'JustifyPara', unosheet: '', disabled: true},
+ {type: 'break', id: 'breakpara'},
+ {type: 'menu', id: 'linespacing', img: 'linespacing', hint: _UNO('.uno:FormatSpacingMenu'),
+ items: [
+ {id: 'spacepara1', text: _UNO('.uno:SpacePara1'), uno: 'SpacePara1'},
+ {id: 'spacepara15', text: _UNO('.uno:SpacePara15'), uno: 'SpacePara15'},
+ {id: 'spacepara2', text: _UNO('.uno:SpacePara2'), uno: 'SpacePara2'},
+ {type: 'break'},
+ {id: 'paraspaceincrease', text: _UNO('.uno:ParaspaceIncrease'), uno: 'ParaspaceIncrease'},
+ {id: 'paraspacedecrease', text: _UNO('.uno:ParaspaceDecrease'), uno: 'ParaspaceDecrease'}
+ ]},
+ {type: 'break', id: 'breakspacing'},
+ {type: 'button', id: 'defaultbullet', img: 'bullet', hint: _UNO('.uno:DefaultBullet', '', true), uno: 'DefaultBullet', disabled: true},
+ {type: 'break', id: 'breakbullet'},
+ {type: 'button', id: 'insertannotation', img: 'annotation', hint: _UNO('.uno:InsertAnnotation', '', true), hidden: true},
+ {type: 'drop', id: 'inserttable', img: 'inserttable', hint: _('Insert table'), hidden: true, overlay: {onShow: window.insertTable},
+ html: '<div id="inserttable-wrapper"><div id="inserttable-popup" class="inserttable-pop ui-widget ui-corner-all"><div class="inserttable-grid"></div><div id="inserttable-status" class="loleaflet-font" style="padding: 5px;"><br/></div></div></div>'},
+ {type: 'button', id: 'insertgraphic', img: 'insertgraphic', hint: _UNO('.uno:InsertGraphic', '', true)},
+ {type: 'menu', id: 'menugraphic', img: 'insertgraphic', hint: _UNO('.uno:InsertGraphic', '', true),
+ items: [
+ {id: 'localgraphic', text: _('Insert Local Image')},
+ {id: 'remotegraphic', text: _UNO('.uno:InsertGraphic', '', true)},
+ ]},
+ {type: 'button', id: 'insertobjectchart', img: 'insertobjectchart', hint: _UNO('.uno:InsertObjectChart', '', true), uno: 'InsertObjectChart'},
+ {type: 'drop', id: 'insertshapes', img: 'basicshapes_ellipse', hint: _('Insert shapes'), overlay: {onShow: window.insertShapes},
+ html: '<div id="insertshape-wrapper"><div id="insertshape-popup" class="insertshape-pop ui-widget ui-corner-all"><div class="insertshape-grid"></div></div></div>'},
+ {type: 'button', id: 'link', img: 'link', hint: _UNO('.uno:HyperlinkDialog'), uno: 'HyperlinkDialog', disabled: true},
+ {type: 'button', id: 'insertsymbol', img: 'insertsymbol', hint: _UNO('.uno:InsertSymbol', '', true), uno: 'InsertSymbol'},
+ {type: 'spacer'},
+ {type: 'button', id: 'modifypage', img: 'sidebar_modify_page', hint: _UNO('.uno:ModifyPage', 'presentation', true), uno: '.uno:ModifyPage'},
+ {type: 'button', id: 'slidechangewindow', img: 'sidebar_slide_change', hint: _UNO('.uno:SlideChangeWindow', 'presentation', true), uno: '.uno:SlideChangeWindow'},
+ {type: 'button', id: 'customanimation', img: 'sidebar_custom_animation', hint: _UNO('.uno:CustomAnimation', 'presentation', true), uno: '.uno:CustomAnimation'},
+ {type: 'button', id: 'masterslidespanel', img: 'sidebar_master_slides', hint: _('Master Slides'), uno: '.uno:MasterSlidesPanel'},
+ {type: 'break', id: 'breaksidebar'}
+ ];
+ var toolbar = $('#toolbar-up');
+ toolbar.w2toolbar({
+ name: 'actionbar',
+ tooltip: 'bottom',
+ items: [
+ {type: 'button', id: 'closemobile', img: 'closemobile'},
+ {type: 'spacer'},
+ {type: 'button', id: 'prev', img: 'prev', hint: _UNO('.uno:PageUp', 'text')},
+ {type: 'button', id: 'next', img: 'next', hint: _UNO('.uno:PageDown', 'text')},
+ {type: 'button', id: 'undo', img: 'undo', hint: _UNO('.uno:Undo'), uno: 'Undo', disabled: true},
+ {type: 'button', id: 'redo', img: 'redo', hint: _UNO('.uno:Redo'), uno: 'Redo', disabled: true},
+ {type: 'button', id: 'fullscreen', img: 'fullscreen', hint: _UNO('.uno:FullScreen', 'text')},
+ {type: 'drop', id: 'userlist', img: 'users', hidden: true, html: '<div id="userlist_container"><table id="userlist_table"><tbody></tbody></table>' +
+ '<hr><table class="loleaflet-font" id="editor-btn">' +
+ '<tr>' +
+ '<td><input type="checkbox" name="alwaysFollow" id="follow-checkbox" onclick="editorUpdate(event)"></td>' +
+ '<td>' + _('Always follow the editor') + '</td>' +
+ '</tr>' +
+ '</table>' +
+ '<p id="currently-msg">' + _('Current') + ' - <b><span id="current-editor"></span></b></p>' +
+ '</div>'
+ },
+ ],
+ onClick: function (e) {
+ window.onClick(e, e.target);
+ window.hideTooltip(this, e.target);
+ },
+ onRefresh: function() {
+ var showUserList = map['wopi'].HideUserList !== null &&
+ map['wopi'].HideUserList !== undefined &&
+ $.inArray('true', map['wopi'].HideUserList) < 0 &&
+ ((window.mode.isMobile() && $.inArray('mobile', map['wopi'].HideUserList) < 0) ||
+ (window.mode.isTablet() && $.inArray('tablet', map['wopi'].HideUserList) < 0));
+ if (this.get('userlist').hidden == true && showUserList) {
+ this.show('userlist');
+ this.show('userlistbreak');
+ map.on('deselectuser', window.deselectUser);
+ map.on('addview', window.onAddView);
+ map.on('removeview', window.onRemoveView);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ toolbar.bind('touchstart', function(e) {
+ w2ui['actionbar'].touchStarted = true;
+ var touchEvent = e.originalEvent;
+ if (touchEvent && touchEvent.touches.length > 1) {
+ L.DomEvent.preventDefault(e);
+ }
+ });
+ toolbar = $('#presentation-toolbar');
+ toolbar.w2toolbar({
+ name: 'presentation-toolbar',
+ tooltip: 'bottom',
+ hidden: true,
+ items: []
+ });
+ toolbar = $('#toolbar-down');
+ toolbar.w2toolbar({
+ name: 'editbar',
+ tooltip: 'top',
+ items: toolItems,
+ onClick: function (e) {
+ window.onClick(e, e.target);
+ window.hideTooltip(this, e.target);
+ },
+ onRefresh: function(edata) {
+ if (edata.target === 'styles' || edata.target === 'fonts' || edata.target === 'fontsizes') {
+ var toolItem = $(this.box).find('#tb_'+ this.name +'_item_'+ w2utils.escapeId(edata.item.id));
+ if (edata.item.hidden) {
+ toolItem.css('display', 'none');
+ } else {
+ toolItem.css('display', '');
+ }
+ window.updateCommandValues(edata.target);
+ }
+ if (edata.target === 'editbar' && map.getDocType() === 'presentation') {
+ // Fill the style select box if not yet filled
+ if ($('.styles-select')[0] && $('.styles-select')[0].length === 1) {
+ var data = [''];
+ // Inserts a separator element
+ data = data.concat({text: '\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500', disabled: true});
+ L.Styles.impressLayout.forEach(function(layout) {
+ data = data.concat({id: layout.id, text: _(layout.text)});
+ }, this);
+ $('.styles-select').select2({
+ data: data,
+ placeholder: _UNO('.uno:LayoutStatus', 'presentation')
+ });
+ $('.styles-select').on('select2:select', window.onStyleSelect);
+ }
+ }
+ if (edata.target === 'inserttable')
+ window.insertTable();
+ if (edata.target === 'insertshapes')
+ window.insertShapes();
+ }
+ });
+ toolbar.bind('touchstart', function(e) {
+ w2ui['editbar'].touchStarted = true;
+ var touchEvent = e.originalEvent;
+ if (touchEvent && touchEvent.touches.length > 1) {
+ L.DomEvent.preventDefault(e);
+ }
+ });
+ map.on('updatetoolbarcommandvalues', function() {
+ w2ui['editbar'].refresh();
+ });
+ map.on('showbusy', function(e) {
+ w2utils.lock(w2ui['actionbar'].box, e.label, true);
+ });
+ map.on('hidebusy', function() {
+ // If locked, unlock
+ if (w2ui['actionbar'].box.firstChild.className === 'w2ui-lock') {
+ w2utils.unlock(w2ui['actionbar'].box);
+ }
+ });
+ this._map.on('updatepermission', window.onUpdatePermission);
+ },
onAdd: function (map) {
L.TileLayer.prototype.onAdd.call(this, map);
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