[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: Branch 'libreoffice-6-2' - setup_native/source
Mike Kaganski (via logerrit)
logerrit at kemper.freedesktop.org
Mon Mar 25 15:36:04 UTC 2019
setup_native/source/win32/customactions/inst_msu/inst_msu.cxx | 92 +++++++---
1 file changed, 73 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)
New commits:
commit e8c9b7bf8325961b8123cf28cb32b902ed11860b
Author: Mike Kaganski <mike.kaganski at collabora.com>
AuthorDate: Thu Mar 21 00:32:43 2019 +0300
Commit: Caolán McNamara <caolanm at redhat.com>
CommitDate: Mon Mar 25 16:35:43 2019 +0100
tdf#123832: Try to prevent/control hung wusa.exe while installing UCRT
Reportedly under some circumstances execution of wusa.exe may hang
for very long time (available logs show more than 90 min). LO MSI
installer waits for wusa.exe indefinitely in its deferred inst_msu
custom action; during this wait, one can't abort the installation.
There is an evidence [1] that stopping WU service prior to wusa
launch might prevent this hang.
The patch does two things:
1. It stops running WU service prior to wusa launch.
2. It adds a check for user input by executing MsiProcessMessage
twice a second, and checking its return value, to allow early
return in case user cancels the installation.
This is a blind shot, since I cannot reproduce the problem myself.
[1] https://superuser.com/questions/1044528/
Change-Id: I8bf4ce52b3e9d98a4f90af3abcc49ac63b6a0e40
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/69487
Reviewed-by: Mike Kaganski <mike.kaganski at collabora.com>
Tested-by: Mike Kaganski <mike.kaganski at collabora.com>
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/69572
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Caolán McNamara <caolanm at redhat.com>
Tested-by: Caolán McNamara <caolanm at redhat.com>
diff --git a/setup_native/source/win32/customactions/inst_msu/inst_msu.cxx b/setup_native/source/win32/customactions/inst_msu/inst_msu.cxx
index 96fb88f4b889..d81532020cce 100644
--- a/setup_native/source/win32/customactions/inst_msu/inst_msu.cxx
+++ b/setup_native/source/win32/customactions/inst_msu/inst_msu.cxx
@@ -35,6 +35,14 @@ template <typename IntType> std::string Num2Dec(IntType n)
return sMsg.str();
+std::string Win32ErrorMessage(const char* sFunc, DWORD nWin32Error)
+ std::stringstream sMsg;
+ sMsg << sFunc << " failed with Win32 error code " << Num2Hex(nWin32Error) << "!";
+ return sMsg.str();
void ThrowHResult(const char* sFunc, HRESULT hr)
std::stringstream sMsg;
@@ -51,10 +59,7 @@ void CheckHResult(const char* sFunc, HRESULT hr)
void ThrowWin32Error(const char* sFunc, DWORD nWin32Error)
- std::stringstream sMsg;
- sMsg << sFunc << " failed with Win32 error code " << Num2Hex(nWin32Error) << "!";
- throw std::exception(sMsg.str().c_str());
+ throw std::exception(Win32ErrorMessage(sFunc, nWin32Error).c_str());
void ThrowLastError(const char* sFunc) { ThrowWin32Error(sFunc, GetLastError()); }
@@ -177,6 +182,8 @@ public:
// Checks if Windows Update service is disabled, and if it is, enables it temporarily.
+// Also stops the service if it's currently running, because it seems that wusa.exe
+// does not freeze when it starts the service itself.
class WUServiceEnabler
@@ -219,7 +226,14 @@ private:
WriteLog(hInstall, "Obtained WU service handle");
- if (ServiceStatus(hInstall, hService.get()) == SERVICE_RUNNING
+ const DWORD nCurrentStatus = ServiceStatus(hInstall, hService.get());
+ // Stop currently running service to prevent wusa.exe from hanging trying to detect if the
+ // update is applicable (sometimes this freezes it ~indefinitely; it seems that it doesn't
+ // happen if wusa.exe starts the service itself: https://superuser.com/questions/1044528/).
+ if (nCurrentStatus == SERVICE_RUNNING)
+ StopService(hInstall, hService.get());
+ if (nCurrentStatus == SERVICE_RUNNING
|| !EnsureServiceEnabled(hInstall, hService.get(), true))
// No need to restore anything back, since we didn't change config
@@ -324,17 +338,26 @@ private:
static void StopService(MSIHANDLE hInstall, SC_HANDLE hService)
- if (ServiceStatus(hInstall, hService) != SERVICE_STOPPED)
+ try
- SERVICE_STATUS aServiceStatus{};
- if (!ControlService(hService, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, &aServiceStatus))
- ThrowLastError("ControlService");
- WriteLog(hInstall,
- "Successfully sent SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP code to Windows Update service");
- // No need to wait for the service stopped
+ if (ServiceStatus(hInstall, hService) != SERVICE_STOPPED)
+ {
+ SERVICE_STATUS aServiceStatus{};
+ if (!ControlService(hService, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, &aServiceStatus))
+ WriteLog(hInstall, Win32ErrorMessage("ControlService", GetLastError()));
+ else
+ WriteLog(
+ hInstall,
+ "Successfully sent SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP code to Windows Update service");
+ // No need to wait for the service stopped
+ }
+ else
+ WriteLog(hInstall, "Windows Update service is not running");
+ }
+ catch (std::exception& e)
+ {
+ WriteLog(hInstall, e.what());
- else
- WriteLog(hInstall, "Windows Update service is not running");
MSIHANDLE mhInstall;
@@ -446,7 +469,8 @@ extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) UINT __stdcall InstallMSU(MSIHANDLE hInstall)
WriteLog(hInstall, "Got CustomActionData value:", sBinaryName);
auto aDeleteFileGuard(Guard(sBinaryName));
- // In case the Windows Update service is disabled, we temporarily enable it here
+ // In case the Windows Update service is disabled, we temporarily enable it here. We also
+ // stop running WU service, to avoid wusa.exe freeze (see comment in EnableWUService).
WUServiceEnabler aWUServiceEnabler(hInstall);
const bool bWow64Process = IsWow64Process();
@@ -466,12 +490,43 @@ extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) UINT __stdcall InstallMSU(MSIHANDLE hInstall)
if (!CreateProcessW(sWUSAPath.c_str(), const_cast<LPWSTR>(sWUSACmd.c_str()), nullptr,
nullptr, FALSE, CREATE_NO_WINDOW, nullptr, nullptr, &si, &pi))
+ CloseHandle(pi.hThread);
auto aCloseProcHandleGuard(Guard(pi.hProcess));
WriteLog(hInstall, "CreateProcessW succeeded");
- DWORD nWaitResult = WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess, INFINITE);
- if (nWaitResult != WAIT_OBJECT_0)
- ThrowWin32Error("WaitForSingleObject", nWaitResult);
+ {
+ // This block waits when the started wusa.exe process finishes. Since it's possible
+ // for wusa.exe in some circumstances to wait really long (indefinitely?), we use
+ // MsiProcessMessage to check for user input: it returns IDCANCEL when user cancels
+ // installation.
+ PMSIHANDLE hProgressRec = MsiCreateRecord(3);
+ // Use explicit progress messages
+ MsiRecordSetInteger(hProgressRec, 1, 1);
+ MsiRecordSetInteger(hProgressRec, 2, 1);
+ MsiRecordSetInteger(hProgressRec, 3, 0);
+ int nResult = MsiProcessMessage(hInstall, INSTALLMESSAGE_PROGRESS, hProgressRec);
+ if (nResult == IDCANCEL)
+ // Prepare the record to following progress update calls
+ MsiRecordSetInteger(hProgressRec, 1, 2);
+ MsiRecordSetInteger(hProgressRec, 2, 0); // step by 0 - don't move progress
+ MsiRecordSetInteger(hProgressRec, 3, 0);
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ DWORD nWaitResult = WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess, 500);
+ if (nWaitResult == WAIT_OBJECT_0)
+ break; // wusa.exe finished
+ else if (nWaitResult == WAIT_TIMEOUT)
+ {
+ // Check if user has cancelled
+ nResult = MsiProcessMessage(hInstall, INSTALLMESSAGE_PROGRESS, hProgressRec);
+ if (nResult == IDCANCEL)
+ }
+ else
+ ThrowWin32Error("WaitForSingleObject", nWaitResult);
+ }
+ }
DWORD nExitCode = 0;
if (!GetExitCodeProcess(pi.hProcess, &nExitCode))
@@ -484,7 +539,6 @@ extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) UINT __stdcall InstallMSU(MSIHANDLE hInstall)
switch (hr)
case S_OK:
- case S_FALSE:
case WU_E_NOT_APPLICABLE: // Windows could lie us about its version, etc.
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