[Libreoffice-commits] online.git: loleaflet/css loleaflet/images

Pedro Pinto Silva (via logerrit) logerrit at kemper.freedesktop.org
Fri Nov 8 16:48:55 UTC 2019

 loleaflet/css/toolbar.css                |   24 ++++++++++++++++++------
 loleaflet/images/lc_animationobjects.svg |    1 +
 loleaflet/images/lc_editdoc.svg          |    1 +
 loleaflet/images/lc_slidemasterpage.svg  |   24 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 44 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit b30463f01b3857aa57c06a0ad0ee93a06735d3d0
Author:     Pedro Pinto Silva <pedro.silva at collabora.com>
AuthorDate: Fri Nov 8 17:45:50 2019 +0100
Commit:     Pedro Pinto da Silva <pedro.silva at collabora.com>
CommitDate: Fri Nov 8 17:48:36 2019 +0100

    CSS improvements for sidebar btns (toolbar tb_editbar_item...)
    - add missing icons from the Colibre theme
    - impress: adjustments
    - hide/show icon adjustments
    Change-Id: I31e332a2041f88d750433791c49dcda993ebb5b7
    Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/82315
    Reviewed-by: Pedro Pinto da Silva <pedro.silva at collabora.com>
    Tested-by: Pedro Pinto da Silva <pedro.silva at collabora.com>

diff --git a/loleaflet/css/toolbar.css b/loleaflet/css/toolbar.css
index 9303d000e..95c33bd33 100644
--- a/loleaflet/css/toolbar.css
+++ b/loleaflet/css/toolbar.css
@@ -147,7 +147,19 @@ w2ui-toolbar {
 		padding-right: 20px;
 		width: 181px;
+#tb_editbar_item_fold table.w2ui-button {
+	border-radius: 20px;
+	background-color: #f4f4f4 !important;
+	padding: 0px 4px;
+	box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 1px 2px #00000020;
+#tb_editbar_item_fold table.w2ui-button.over {
+	background-color: #fff !important;
+	box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 1px 2px #0000;
+	padding: 0px 8px;
 #tb_editbar_item_edit {
 		display: none;
@@ -608,8 +620,8 @@ button.leaflet-control-search-next
 .w2ui-icon.link{ background: url('images/lc_inserthyperlink.svg') no-repeat center !important; }
 .w2ui-icon.insertsymbol{ background: url('images/lc_insertsymbol.svg') no-repeat center !important; }
 .w2ui-icon.edit{ background: url('images/lc_editdoc.svg') no-repeat center !important; }
-.w2ui-icon.fold{ background: url('images/fold.svg') no-repeat center !important; }
-.w2ui-icon.unfold{ background: url('images/unfold.svg') no-repeat center !important; }
+.w2ui-icon.fold{ background: url('images/fold.svg') no-repeat center 1px / 19px !important; }
+.w2ui-icon.unfold{ background: url('images/unfold.svg') no-repeat center/ 19px !important; }
 .w2ui-icon.hamburger{ background: url('images/hamburger.svg') no-repeat center !important; }
 .w2ui-icon.setborderstyle{ background: url('images/lc_setborderstyle.svg') no-repeat center !important; }
 .w2ui-icon.togglemergecells{ background: url('images/lc_togglemergecells.svg') no-repeat center !important; }
@@ -658,10 +670,10 @@ button.leaflet-control-search-next
 .w2ui-icon.fullscreen{ background: url('images/lc_fullscreen.svg') no-repeat center !important; }
 .w2ui-icon.closemobile{ background: url('images/lc_closedocmobile.svg') no-repeat center !important; }
 .w2ui-icon.closetoolbar{ background: url('images/close_toolbar.svg') no-repeat center !important; }
-.w2ui-icon.sidebar_modify_page{ background: url('images/sidebar-property-large.png') no-repeat center !important; }
+.w2ui-icon.sidebar_modify_page{ background: url('images/lc_formproperties.svg') no-repeat center !important; }
 .w2ui-icon.sidebar_slide_change{ background: url('images/sidebar-transition-large.svg') no-repeat center !important; }
-.w2ui-icon.sidebar_custom_animation{ background: url('images/sidebar-animation-large.png') no-repeat center !important; }
-.w2ui-icon.sidebar_master_slides{ background: url('images/sidebar-template-large.png') no-repeat center !important; }
+.w2ui-icon.sidebar_custom_animation{ background: url('images/lc_animationobjects.svg') no-repeat center !important; }
+.w2ui-icon.sidebar_master_slides{ background: url('images/lc_slidemasterpage.svg') no-repeat center !important; }
 .w2ui-icon.mobile_wizard{ background: url('images/lc_mobile_wizard.svg') no-repeat center !important; }
 .w2ui-icon.fullscreen-presentation{ background: url('images/lc_fullscreen-presentation-toolbar-mobile.svg') no-repeat center !important;}
 .w2ui-icon.insertion_mobile_wizard{ background: url('images/lc_insertion_mobile_wizard.svg') no-repeat center !important; }
diff --git a/loleaflet/images/lc_animationobjects.svg b/loleaflet/images/lc_animationobjects.svg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6e646d781
--- /dev/null
+++ b/loleaflet/images/lc_animationobjects.svg
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="m3 2c-.554 0-1 .446-1 1v18c0 .554.446 1 1 1h18c.554 0 1-.446 1-1v-18c0-.554-.446-1-1-1zm0 3h18v14h-18z" fill="#808080"/><g fill="#fff"><path d="m4 3v1h1v-1zm3 0v1h1v-1zm3 0v1h1v-1zm3 0v1h1v-1zm3 0v1h1v-1zm3 0v1h1v-1z"/><path d="m3 5h18v14h-18z"/><path d="m4 20v1h1v-1zm3 0v1h1v-1zm3 0v1h1v-1zm3 0v1h1v-1zm3 0v1h1v-1zm3 0v1h1v-1z"/></g></svg>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/loleaflet/images/lc_editdoc.svg b/loleaflet/images/lc_editdoc.svg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cf0c07abc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/loleaflet/images/lc_editdoc.svg
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="m5 3v18h5.462891l.517578-2.103516c.04344-.177395.134629-.339507.263672-.46875l5.529297-5.523437.0078-.0078.738281-.720703 1.480481-1.476575v-3.9707034l-4-3.7285156zm14 16.1875-1.802734 1.8125h1.802734z" fill="#fff"/><path d="m5 2c-.554 0-1 .446-1 1v18c0 .554.446 1 1 1h5.216797l.246094-1h-5.462891v-18h9v4c0 .554.446 1 1 1h4v2.699219l.189453-.189453c.10637-.106241.227363-.190073.353516-.263672.022042-.012592.043911-.023576.066406-.035156.123752-.06524.251663-.116414.384766-.150391.00198-.000505.003877-.001455.005859-.001953v-2.808594-.2089844c0-.4506799.098038-.4254121-.605469-1.0664062l-3.30664-3.2382813c-.709525-.7368575-.710169-.7363281-1.09375-.7363281h-.332032-.662109zm15 16.179688-1 1.005859v.001953 1.8125h-1.802734l-.992188 1h2.794922c.554 0 1-.446 1-1z" fill="#808080"/><path d="m15 7h4l-4-4z" fill="#fff" fill-rule="evenodd"/><g fill="#eac282" transform="translate(-1 -1)"><path d="m18.480469 14.611328-5.529297
  5.523438-.951172 3.865234 3.806641-1.011719 5.509765-5.544922z"/><path d="m21.419922 12c-.189562 0-.378184.07172-.523438.216797l-1.673828 1.669922 2.847656 2.849609 1.710938-1.638672c.290506-.290127.290506-.756747 0-1.046875l-1.835938-1.833984c-.145254-.145064-.335828-.216797-.52539-.216797z"/></g></svg>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/loleaflet/images/lc_slidemasterpage.svg b/loleaflet/images/lc_slidemasterpage.svg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3ed432c99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/loleaflet/images/lc_slidemasterpage.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
+  <path
+     style="fill:#ffffff"
+     d="M 3 5 L 3 18 L 11.673828 18 C 14.17979 15.495595 16.680211 12.990736 19.189453 10.509766 C 19.524376 10.175251 19.978129 10 20.419922 10 C 20.615312 10 20.811255 10.038717 21 10.105469 L 21 5 L 3 5 z M 21 17.216797 C 20.730874 17.47813 20.459641 17.737778 20.191406 18 L 21 18 L 21 17.216797 z "
+     />
+  <path
+     style="fill:#4d82b8"
+     d="M 2 4 L 2 19 L 10.955078 19 L 11.046875 18.625 C 11.256041 18.416048 11.464753 18.208945 11.673828 18 L 3 18 L 3 5 L 21 5 L 21 10.105469 C 21.238067 10.189663 21.463775 10.321444 21.652344 10.509766 L 22 10.857422 L 22 4 L 2 4 z M 5 10 L 5 11 L 6 11 L 6 10 L 5 10 z M 7 10 L 7 11 L 18.697266 11 C 18.798138 10.900106 18.8991 10.799045 19 10.699219 L 19 10 L 7 10 z M 5 12 L 5 13 L 6 13 L 6 12 L 5 12 z M 7 12 L 7 13 L 16.691406 13 C 17.025573 12.66736 17.359008 12.332051 17.693359 12 L 7 12 z M 5 14 L 5 15 L 6 15 L 6 14 L 5 14 z M 7 14 L 7 15 L 14.683594 15 C 15.017933 14.666149 15.35312 14.333457 15.6875 14 L 7 14 z M 22 16.248047 C 21.665915 16.570229 21.332857 16.893578 21 17.216797 L 21 18 L 20.191406 18 C 19.850549 18.333217 19.507243 18.664999 19.167969 19 L 22 19 L 22 16.248047 z "
+     />
+  <path
+     style="fill:#eac282"
+     d="M 5,7 V 9 H 19 V 7 Z"
+     />
+  <g
+     fill="#eac282"
+     >
+    <path
+       d="m17.480469 13.611328-5.529297 5.523438-.951172 3.865234 3.806641-1.011719 5.509765-5.544922z"
+       />
+    <path
+       d="m20.419922 11c-.189562 0-.378184.07172-.523438.216797l-1.673828 1.669922 2.847656 2.849609 1.710938-1.638672c.290506-.290127.290506-.756747 0-1.046875l-1.835938-1.833984c-.145254-.145064-.335828-.216797-.52539-.216797z"
+       />
+  </g>

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