[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: Branch 'feature/spellig_popup_SID' - include/svx officecfg/registry svx/sdi sw/sdi sw/source

Tamás Zolnai (via logerrit) logerrit at kemper.freedesktop.org
Tue Nov 19 16:09:02 UTC 2019

 include/svx/svxids.hrc                                               |    4 
 officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI/GenericCommands.xcu |   14 
 svx/sdi/svx.sdi                                                      |   36 +
 sw/sdi/_textsh.sdi                                                   |   14 
 sw/source/uibase/lingu/olmenu.cxx                                    |   23 -
 sw/source/uibase/shells/textsh1.cxx                                  |  229 +++++-----
 6 files changed, 193 insertions(+), 127 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 48b4a2f927fdb5cf78c249db3a96e0838f761409
Author:     Tamás Zolnai <tamas.zolnai at collabora.com>
AuthorDate: Mon Nov 18 19:15:07 2019 +0100
Commit:     Tamás Zolnai <tamas.zolnai at collabora.com>
CommitDate: Mon Nov 18 19:21:48 2019 +0100

    SpellingPopup: Create separate SID for Ignore / IgnoreAll / suggestion.
    Change-Id: I20f41f511ea38f960f081f92bc36e095f7752d28

diff --git a/include/svx/svxids.hrc b/include/svx/svxids.hrc
index 6e9cd310f9ad..2842dcf5a77f 100644
--- a/include/svx/svxids.hrc
+++ b/include/svx/svxids.hrc
@@ -355,7 +355,9 @@ class SvxSetItem;
 #define SID_SPELL_DIALOG                                ( SID_SVX_START + 243 )
 #define SID_INSERT_DRAW                                 ( SID_SVX_START + 244 )
 #define SID_THESAURUS                                   ( SID_SVX_START + 245 )
-#define SID_APPLY_SPELLCHECKING                         ( SID_SVX_START + 246 )
+#define SID_SPELLCHECK_IGNORE                           ( SID_SVX_START + 246 )
+#define SID_SPELLCHECK_IGNORE_ALL                       ( SID_SVX_START + 247 )
+#define SID_SPELLCHECK_APPLY_SUGGESTION                 ( SID_SVX_START + 248 )
 // CAUTION! Range <250 .. 250> used by EditEngine (!)
diff --git a/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI/GenericCommands.xcu b/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI/GenericCommands.xcu
index 143727cec71a..802fac4c1093 100644
--- a/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI/GenericCommands.xcu
+++ b/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI/GenericCommands.xcu
@@ -2678,9 +2678,19 @@
           <value xml:lang="en-US">Language Status</value>
-      <node oor:name=".uno:ApplySpellChecking" oor:op="replace">
+      <node oor:name=".uno:SpellCheckIgnore" oor:op="replace">
         <prop oor:name="Label" oor:type="xs:string">
-          <value xml:lang="en-US">Apply Spell Checking</value>
+          <value xml:lang="en-US">Ignore</value>
+        </prop>
+      </node>
+      <node oor:name=".uno:SpellCheckIgnoreAll" oor:op="replace">
+        <prop oor:name="Label" oor:type="xs:string">
+          <value xml:lang="en-US">IgnoreAll</value>
+        </prop>
+      </node>
+      <node oor:name=".uno:SpellCheckApplySuggestion" oor:op="replace">
+        <prop oor:name="Label" oor:type="xs:string">
+          <value xml:lang="en-US">Apply Suggestion</value>
       <node oor:name=".uno:ChooseControls" oor:op="replace">
diff --git a/svx/sdi/svx.sdi b/svx/sdi/svx.sdi
index d417b2ef9967..d191813d3ca6 100644
--- a/svx/sdi/svx.sdi
+++ b/svx/sdi/svx.sdi
@@ -12170,7 +12170,41 @@ SfxVoidItem EditQrCode SID_EDIT_QRCODE
     GroupId = SfxGroupId::Edit;
-SfxVoidItem ApplySpellChecking SID_APPLY_SPELLCHECKING
+SfxVoidItem SpellCheckIgnore SID_SPELLCHECK_IGNORE
+(SfxStringItem Type FN_PARAM_1)
+    AutoUpdate = FALSE,
+    FastCall = TRUE,
+    ReadOnlyDoc = FALSE,
+    Toggle = FALSE,
+    Container = FALSE,
+    RecordAbsolute = FALSE,
+    RecordPerSet;
+    AccelConfig = FALSE,
+    MenuConfig = FALSE,
+    ToolBoxConfig = FALSE,
+    GroupId = SfxGroupId::Format;
+SfxVoidItem SpellCheckIgnoreAll SID_SPELLCHECK_IGNORE_ALL
+(SfxStringItem Type FN_PARAM_1)
+    AutoUpdate = FALSE,
+    FastCall = TRUE,
+    ReadOnlyDoc = FALSE,
+    Toggle = FALSE,
+    Container = FALSE,
+    RecordAbsolute = FALSE,
+    RecordPerSet;
+    AccelConfig = FALSE,
+    MenuConfig = FALSE,
+    ToolBoxConfig = FALSE,
+    GroupId = SfxGroupId::Format;
+SfxVoidItem SpellCheckApplySuggestion SID_SPELLCHECK_APPLY_SUGGESTION
 (SfxStringItem ApplyRule FN_PARAM_1)
     AutoUpdate = FALSE,
diff --git a/sw/sdi/_textsh.sdi b/sw/sdi/_textsh.sdi
index 94bcc81cd5ac..102699cbad19 100644
--- a/sw/sdi/_textsh.sdi
+++ b/sw/sdi/_textsh.sdi
@@ -1740,7 +1740,19 @@ interface BaseText
         StateMethod = GetState ;
+    [
+        ExecMethod = Execute ;
+        StateMethod = GetState ;
+    ]
+    [
+        ExecMethod = Execute ;
+        StateMethod = GetState ;
+    ]
         ExecMethod = Execute ;
         StateMethod = GetState ;
diff --git a/sw/source/uibase/lingu/olmenu.cxx b/sw/source/uibase/lingu/olmenu.cxx
index e09589de550b..ac0fad353974 100644
--- a/sw/source/uibase/lingu/olmenu.cxx
+++ b/sw/source/uibase/lingu/olmenu.cxx
@@ -599,21 +599,22 @@ void SwSpellPopup::InitItemCommands(const css::uno::Sequence< OUString >& aSugge
     if (comphelper::LibreOfficeKit::isActive())
+        // None is added only for LOK, it means there is no need to execute anything
         m_xPopupMenu->SetItemCommand(MN_SHORT_COMMENT, ".uno:None");
         m_xPopupMenu->SetItemCommand(m_nSpellDialogId, ".uno:SpellingAndGrammarDialog");
-            m_xPopupMenu->SetItemCommand(m_nIgnoreWordId, ".uno:ApplySpellChecking?ApplyRule:string=IgnoreAll_Grammar");
+            m_xPopupMenu->SetItemCommand(m_nIgnoreWordId, ".uno:SpellCheckIgnoreAll?Type:string=Grammar");
-            m_xPopupMenu->SetItemCommand(m_nIgnoreWordId, ".uno:ApplySpellChecking?ApplyRule:string=IgnoreAll_Spelling");
+            m_xPopupMenu->SetItemCommand(m_nIgnoreWordId, ".uno:SpellCheckIgnoreAll?Type:string=Spelling");
-            m_xPopupMenu->SetItemCommand(MN_IGNORE_SELECTION, ".uno:ApplySpellChecking?ApplyRule:string=Ignore_Grammar");
+            m_xPopupMenu->SetItemCommand(MN_IGNORE_SELECTION, ".uno:SpellCheckIgnore?Type:string=Grammar");
-            m_xPopupMenu->SetItemCommand(MN_IGNORE_SELECTION, ".uno:ApplySpellChecking?ApplyRule:string=Ignore_Spelling");
+            m_xPopupMenu->SetItemCommand(MN_IGNORE_SELECTION, ".uno:SpellCheckIgnore?Type:string=Spelling");
         for(int i = 0; i < aSuggestions.getLength(); ++i)
             sal_uInt16 nItemId = MN_SUGGESTION_START + i;
-            OUString sCommandString = OUString(".uno:ApplySpellChecking?ApplyRule:string=Replace_");
+            OUString sCommandString = OUString(".uno:SpellCheckApplySuggestion?ApplyRule:string=");
                 sCommandString += "Grammar_";
             else if (m_xSpellAlt.is())
@@ -706,7 +707,7 @@ void SwSpellPopup::Execute( sal_uInt16 nId )
-        OUString sApplyRule("Replace_");
+        OUString sApplyRule("");
             sApplyRule += "Grammar_";
         else if (m_xSpellAlt.is())
@@ -714,7 +715,7 @@ void SwSpellPopup::Execute( sal_uInt16 nId )
         sApplyRule += m_xPopupMenu->GetItemText(nId);
         SfxStringItem aApplyItem(FN_PARAM_1, sApplyRule);
-        m_pSh->GetView().GetViewFrame()->GetDispatcher()->ExecuteList(SID_APPLY_SPELLCHECKING, SfxCallMode::SYNCHRON, { &aApplyItem });
+        m_pSh->GetView().GetViewFrame()->GetDispatcher()->ExecuteList(SID_SPELLCHECK_APPLY_SUGGESTION, SfxCallMode::SYNCHRON, { &aApplyItem });
     else if(MN_AUTOCORR_START <= nId && nId <= MN_AUTOCORR_END)
@@ -788,13 +789,13 @@ void SwSpellPopup::Execute( sal_uInt16 nId )
     else if (nId == MN_IGNORE_SELECTION)
-        SfxStringItem aIgnoreString(FN_PARAM_1, m_bGrammarResults ? OUString("Ignore_Grammar") : OUString("Ignore_Spelling"));
-        m_pSh->GetView().GetViewFrame()->GetDispatcher()->ExecuteList(SID_APPLY_SPELLCHECKING, SfxCallMode::SYNCHRON, { &aIgnoreString });
+        SfxStringItem aIgnoreString(FN_PARAM_1, m_bGrammarResults ? OUString("Grammar") : OUString("Spelling"));
+        m_pSh->GetView().GetViewFrame()->GetDispatcher()->ExecuteList(SID_SPELLCHECK_IGNORE, SfxCallMode::SYNCHRON, { &aIgnoreString });
     else if (nId == m_nIgnoreWordId)
-        SfxStringItem aIgnoreString(FN_PARAM_1, m_bGrammarResults ? OUString("IgnoreAll_Grammar") : OUString("IgnoreAll_Spelling"));
-        m_pSh->GetView().GetViewFrame()->GetDispatcher()->ExecuteList(SID_APPLY_SPELLCHECKING, SfxCallMode::SYNCHRON, { &aIgnoreString });
+        SfxStringItem aIgnoreString(FN_PARAM_1, m_bGrammarResults ? OUString("Grammar") : OUString("Spelling"));
+        m_pSh->GetView().GetViewFrame()->GetDispatcher()->ExecuteList(SID_SPELLCHECK_IGNORE_ALL, SfxCallMode::SYNCHRON, { &aIgnoreString });
     else if ((MN_DICTIONARIES_START <= nId && nId <= MN_DICTIONARIES_END) || nId == m_nAddId)
diff --git a/sw/source/uibase/shells/textsh1.cxx b/sw/source/uibase/shells/textsh1.cxx
index 30c5607e51b6..6cc1d1d7b0c8 100644
--- a/sw/source/uibase/shells/textsh1.cxx
+++ b/sw/source/uibase/shells/textsh1.cxx
@@ -1434,55 +1434,57 @@ void SwTextShell::Execute(SfxRequest &rReq)
-        OUString sApplyText;
-        const SfxStringItem* pItem2 = rReq.GetArg<SfxStringItem>(FN_PARAM_1);
-        if (pItem2)
-            sApplyText = pItem2->GetValue();
+        // If there is not selection, we need to create one, before ignoring
+        if(!rWrtSh.HasSelection())
+        {
+            OUString sApplyText;
+            const SfxStringItem* pItem2 = rReq.GetArg<SfxStringItem>(FN_PARAM_1);
+            if (pItem2)
+                sApplyText = pItem2->GetValue();
-        const OUString sIgnorePrefix("Ignore_");
-        const OUString sIgnoreAllPrefix("IgnoreAll_");
-        const OUString sSpellingRule("Spelling");
-        const OUString sGrammarRule("Grammar");
-        const OUString aReplacePrefix("Replace_");
+            const OUString sGrammarType("Grammar");
+            const OUString sSpellingType("Spelling");
-        // Ignore the word at the cursor pos
-        sal_Int32 nPos = 0;
-        if (-1 != (nPos = sApplyText.indexOf( sIgnorePrefix )))
-        {
-            if(!rWrtSh.HasSelection())
+            if (sApplyText == sGrammarType)
-                sApplyText = sApplyText.replaceAt(nPos, sIgnorePrefix.getLength(), "");
-                if (-1 != (nPos = sApplyText.indexOf( sGrammarRule )))
-                {
-                    linguistic2::ProofreadingResult aGrammarCheckRes;
-                    sal_Int32 nErrorInResult = -1;
-                    uno::Sequence< OUString > aSuggestions;
-                    sal_Int32 nErrorPosInText = -1;
-                    SwRect aToFill;
-                    bool bCorrectionRes = rWrtSh.GetGrammarCorrection( aGrammarCheckRes, nErrorPosInText, nErrorInResult, aSuggestions, nullptr, aToFill );
-                    if (!bCorrectionRes)
-                        return;
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    SwRect aToFill;
-                    uno::Reference< linguistic2::XSpellAlternatives >  xSpellAlt( rWrtSh.GetCorrection(nullptr, aToFill) );
-                    if (!xSpellAlt.is())
-                        return;
-                }
+                linguistic2::ProofreadingResult aGrammarCheckRes;
+                sal_Int32 nErrorInResult = -1;
+                uno::Sequence< OUString > aSuggestions;
+                sal_Int32 nErrorPosInText = -1;
+                SwRect aToFill;
+                bool bCorrectionRes = rWrtSh.GetGrammarCorrection( aGrammarCheckRes, nErrorPosInText, nErrorInResult, aSuggestions, nullptr, aToFill );
+                if (!bCorrectionRes)
+                    return;
+            }
+            else if (sApplyText == sSpellingType)
+            {
+                SwRect aToFill;
+                uno::Reference< linguistic2::XSpellAlternatives >  xSpellAlt( rWrtSh.GetCorrection(nullptr, aToFill) );
+                if (!xSpellAlt.is())
+                    return;
-            SwPaM *pPaM = rWrtSh.GetCursor();
-            if (pPaM)
-                SwEditShell::IgnoreGrammarErrorAt( *pPaM );
-        // Ignore all similar items as the current word
-        else if (-1 != (nPos = sApplyText.indexOf( sIgnoreAllPrefix )))
+        SwPaM *pPaM = rWrtSh.GetCursor();
+        if (pPaM)
+            SwEditShell::IgnoreGrammarErrorAt( *pPaM );
+    }
+    break;
+    {
+        if(!rWrtSh.HasSelection())
-            sApplyText = sApplyText.replaceAt(nPos, sIgnoreAllPrefix.getLength(), "");
-            if(sApplyText == sGrammarRule)
+            OUString sApplyText;
+            const SfxStringItem* pItem2 = rReq.GetArg<SfxStringItem>(FN_PARAM_1);
+            if (pItem2)
+                sApplyText = pItem2->GetValue();
+            const OUString sGrammarType("Grammar");
+            const OUString sSpellingType("Spelling");
+            if(sApplyText == sGrammarType)
                 linguistic2::ProofreadingResult aGrammarCheckRes;
                 sal_Int32 nErrorInResult = -1;
@@ -1510,7 +1512,7 @@ void SwTextShell::Execute(SfxRequest &rReq)
-            else if (sApplyText == sSpellingRule)
+            else if (sApplyText == sSpellingType)
                 SwRect aToFill;
                 uno::Reference< linguistic2::XSpellAlternatives >  xSpellAlt( rWrtSh.GetCorrection(nullptr, aToFill) );
@@ -1524,95 +1526,100 @@ void SwTextShell::Execute(SfxRequest &rReq)
-        // Replace text with the suggestion
-        else if (-1 != (nPos = sApplyText.indexOf( aReplacePrefix )))
-        {
-            sApplyText = sApplyText.replaceAt(nPos, aReplacePrefix.getLength(), "");
+    }
+    break;
+    {
+        OUString sApplyText;
+        const SfxStringItem* pItem2 = rReq.GetArg<SfxStringItem>(FN_PARAM_1);
+        if (pItem2)
+            sApplyText = pItem2->GetValue();
+        const OUString sSpellingRule("Spelling_");
+        const OUString sGrammarRule("Grammar_");
-            const OUString sSpellingRule2(sSpellingRule + "_");
-            const OUString sGrammarRule2(sGrammarRule + "_");
-            bool bGrammar = false;
-            uno::Reference< linguistic2::XSpellAlternatives >  xSpellAlt;
-            if(-1 != (nPos = sApplyText.indexOf( sGrammarRule2 )))
+        bool bGrammar = false;
+        sal_Int32 nPos = 0;
+        uno::Reference< linguistic2::XSpellAlternatives >  xSpellAlt;
+        if(-1 != (nPos = sApplyText.indexOf( sGrammarRule )))
+        {
+            sApplyText = sApplyText.replaceAt(nPos, sGrammarRule.getLength(), "");
+            if(rWrtSh.HasSelection())
-                sApplyText = sApplyText.replaceAt(nPos, sGrammarRule2.getLength(), "");
-                if(rWrtSh.HasSelection())
-                {
-                    bGrammar = true;
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    linguistic2::ProofreadingResult aGrammarCheckRes;
-                    sal_Int32 nErrorInResult = -1;
-                    uno::Sequence< OUString > aSuggestions;
-                    sal_Int32 nErrorPosInText = -1;
-                    SwRect aToFill;
-                    bGrammar = rWrtSh.GetGrammarCorrection( aGrammarCheckRes, nErrorPosInText, nErrorInResult, aSuggestions, nullptr, aToFill );
-                }
+                bGrammar = true;
-            else if (-1 != (nPos = sApplyText.indexOf( sSpellingRule2 )))
+            else
-                sApplyText = sApplyText.replaceAt(nPos, sSpellingRule2.getLength(), "");
+                linguistic2::ProofreadingResult aGrammarCheckRes;
+                sal_Int32 nErrorInResult = -1;
+                uno::Sequence< OUString > aSuggestions;
+                sal_Int32 nErrorPosInText = -1;
                 SwRect aToFill;
-                xSpellAlt.set(rWrtSh.GetCorrection(nullptr, aToFill));
-                bGrammar = false;
+                bGrammar = rWrtSh.GetGrammarCorrection( aGrammarCheckRes, nErrorPosInText, nErrorInResult, aSuggestions, nullptr, aToFill );
+        }
+        else if (-1 != (nPos = sApplyText.indexOf( sSpellingRule )))
+        {
+            sApplyText = sApplyText.replaceAt(nPos, sSpellingRule.getLength(), "");
+            SwRect aToFill;
+            xSpellAlt.set(rWrtSh.GetCorrection(nullptr, aToFill));
+            bGrammar = false;
+        }
-            if (!bGrammar && !xSpellAlt.is())
-                return;
+        if (!bGrammar && !xSpellAlt.is())
+            return;
-            bool bOldIns = rWrtSh.IsInsMode();
-            rWrtSh.SetInsMode();
+        bool bOldIns = rWrtSh.IsInsMode();
+        rWrtSh.SetInsMode();
-            OUString aTmp( sApplyText );
-            OUString aOrig( bGrammar ? OUString() : xSpellAlt->getWord() );
+        OUString aTmp( sApplyText );
+        OUString aOrig( bGrammar ? OUString() : xSpellAlt->getWord() );
-            // if original word has a trailing . (likely the end of a sentence)
-            // and the replacement text hasn't, then add it to the replacement
-            if (!aTmp.isEmpty() && !aOrig.isEmpty() &&
-                aOrig.endsWith(".") && /* !IsAlphaNumeric ??*/
-                !aTmp.endsWith("."))
-            {
-                aTmp += ".";
-            }
+        // if original word has a trailing . (likely the end of a sentence)
+        // and the replacement text hasn't, then add it to the replacement
+        if (!aTmp.isEmpty() && !aOrig.isEmpty() &&
+            aOrig.endsWith(".") && /* !IsAlphaNumeric ??*/
+            !aTmp.endsWith("."))
+        {
+            aTmp += ".";
+        }
-            SwRewriter aRewriter;
+        SwRewriter aRewriter;
-            aRewriter.AddRule(UndoArg1, rWrtSh.GetCursorDescr());
-            aRewriter.AddRule(UndoArg2, SwResId(STR_YIELDS));
+        aRewriter.AddRule(UndoArg1, rWrtSh.GetCursorDescr());
+        aRewriter.AddRule(UndoArg2, SwResId(STR_YIELDS));
-            OUString aTmpStr = SwResId(STR_START_QUOTE) +
-                aTmp + SwResId(STR_END_QUOTE);
-            aRewriter.AddRule(UndoArg3, aTmpStr);
+        OUString aTmpStr = SwResId(STR_START_QUOTE) +
+            aTmp + SwResId(STR_END_QUOTE);
+        aRewriter.AddRule(UndoArg3, aTmpStr);
-            rWrtSh.StartUndo(SwUndoId::UI_REPLACE, &aRewriter);
-            rWrtSh.StartAction();
-            rWrtSh.DelLeft();
+        rWrtSh.StartUndo(SwUndoId::UI_REPLACE, &aRewriter);
+        rWrtSh.StartAction();
+        rWrtSh.DelLeft();
-            rWrtSh.Insert( aTmp );
+        rWrtSh.Insert( aTmp );
-            /* #102505# EndAction/EndUndo moved down since insertion
-               of temporary auto correction is now undoable two and
-               must reside in the same undo group.*/
+        /* #102505# EndAction/EndUndo moved down since insertion
+           of temporary auto correction is now undoable two and
+           must reside in the same undo group.*/
-            // record only if it's NOT already present in autocorrection
-            SvxAutoCorrect* pACorr = SvxAutoCorrCfg::Get().GetAutoCorrect();
+        // record only if it's NOT already present in autocorrection
+        SvxAutoCorrect* pACorr = SvxAutoCorrCfg::Get().GetAutoCorrect();
-            OUString aOrigWord( bGrammar ? OUString() : xSpellAlt->getWord() ) ;
-            OUString aNewWord( sApplyText );
-            SvxPrepareAutoCorrect( aOrigWord, aNewWord );
+        OUString aOrigWord( bGrammar ? OUString() : xSpellAlt->getWord() ) ;
+        OUString aNewWord( sApplyText );
+        SvxPrepareAutoCorrect( aOrigWord, aNewWord );
-            if (xSpellAlt.is())
-                pACorr->PutText( aOrigWord, aNewWord, LanguageTag( xSpellAlt->getLocale() ).getLanguageType() );
+        if (xSpellAlt.is())
+            pACorr->PutText( aOrigWord, aNewWord, LanguageTag( xSpellAlt->getLocale() ).getLanguageType() );
-            /* #102505# EndAction/EndUndo moved down since insertion
-               of temporary auto correction is now undoable two and
-               must reside in the same undo group.*/
-            rWrtSh.EndAction();
-            rWrtSh.EndUndo();
+        /* #102505# EndAction/EndUndo moved down since insertion
+           of temporary auto correction is now undoable two and
+           must reside in the same undo group.*/
+        rWrtSh.EndAction();
+        rWrtSh.EndUndo();
-            rWrtSh.SetInsMode( bOldIns );
-        }
+        rWrtSh.SetInsMode( bOldIns );

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