[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: desktop/source

Henry Castro (via logerrit) logerrit at kemper.freedesktop.org
Tue Oct 22 12:09:59 UTC 2019

 desktop/source/lib/init.cxx |   74 +++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 1 file changed, 30 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 61ea11e51ceeaec7bf197a076cf40d96bd65ad07
Author:     Henry Castro <hcastro at collabora.com>
AuthorDate: Sun Oct 20 10:06:20 2019 -0400
Commit:     Henry Castro <hcastro at collabora.com>
CommitDate: Tue Oct 22 14:08:56 2019 +0200

    lok: convert JSON to StringMap in sent DialogEvent function
    The StringMap type is used to the class UIObject methods to get state
    and execute actions. So the idea is the loleaflet client side send
    a raw JSON string:
      ctrl: "id_control",
      cmd: "SELECT",
      ID: "item_id",
      ...   // more parameters
    Then it is transformed with a simple JSON to StringMap, finally
    it is dispatched to execute the actions.
    Change-Id: Icd628598fe46ae28b4afa3ca17ac75797c1b9308
    Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/81313
    Tested-by: Jenkins
    Reviewed-by: Henry Castro <hcastro at collabora.com>

diff --git a/desktop/source/lib/init.cxx b/desktop/source/lib/init.cxx
index 6cb4303d4439..3884dbc98882 100644
--- a/desktop/source/lib/init.cxx
+++ b/desktop/source/lib/init.cxx
@@ -413,6 +413,25 @@ std::vector<beans::PropertyValue> desktop::jsonToPropertyValuesVector(const char
     return aArguments;
+static StringMap jsonToStringMap(const char* pJSON)
+    StringMap aArgs;
+    if (pJSON && pJSON[0] != '\0')
+    {
+        std::stringstream aStream(pJSON);
+        boost::property_tree::ptree aTree;
+        boost::property_tree::read_json(aStream, aTree);
+        for (const auto& rPair : aTree)
+        {
+            aArgs[OUString::fromUtf8(rPair.first.c_str())] = OUString::fromUtf8(rPair.second.get_value<std::string>(".").c_str());
+        }
+    }
+    return aArgs;
 static boost::property_tree::ptree unoAnyToPropertyTree(const uno::Any& anyItem)
     boost::property_tree::ptree aTree;
@@ -3272,34 +3291,14 @@ static void doc_sendDialogEvent(LibreOfficeKitDocument* /*pThis*/, unsigned nWin
     SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
-    char* pCopy = strdup(pArguments);
-    if (!pCopy)
-    {
-        SetLastExceptionMsg("String copying error.");
-        return;
-    }
-    char* pIdChar = strtok(pCopy, " ");
-    char* pOptionalEventType = strtok(nullptr, " ");
-    char* pOptionalData = strtok(nullptr, " ");
-    if (!pIdChar)
-    {
-        SetLastExceptionMsg("Error parsing the command.");
-        free(pCopy);
-        return;
-    }
-    OUString sId = OUString::createFromAscii(pIdChar);
+    StringMap aMap(jsonToStringMap(pArguments));
     VclPtr<Window> pWindow = vcl::Window::FindLOKWindow(nWindowId);
     if (!pWindow)
         SetLastExceptionMsg("Document doesn't support dialog rendering, or window not found.");
-        free(pCopy);
-    else
+    else if (aMap.find("id") != aMap.end())
         const OUString sClickAction("CLICK");
         const OUString sSelectAction("SELECT");
@@ -3311,40 +3310,29 @@ static void doc_sendDialogEvent(LibreOfficeKitDocument* /*pThis*/, unsigned nWin
             WindowUIObject aUIObject(pWindow);
-            std::unique_ptr<UIObject> pUIWindow(aUIObject.get_child(sId));
+            std::unique_ptr<UIObject> pUIWindow(aUIObject.get_child(aMap["id"]));
             if (pUIWindow) {
                 bool bIsClickAction = false;
-                StringMap aMap;
-                if (pOptionalEventType) {
-                    if (strcmp(pOptionalEventType, "selected") == 0 && pOptionalData)
+                if (aMap.find("cmd") != aMap.end()) {
+                    if (aMap["cmd"] == "selected")
-                        char* pPos = strtok(pOptionalData, ";");
-                        char* pText = strtok(nullptr, ";");
-                        if (!pPos || !pText)
-                        {
-                            SetLastExceptionMsg("Error parsing the command.");
-                            free(pCopy);
-                            return;
-                        }
-                        aMap["POS"] = OUString::createFromAscii(pPos);
-                        aMap["TEXT"] = OUString::createFromAscii(pText);
+                        aMap["POS"] = aMap["data"];
+                        aMap["TEXT"] = aMap["data"];
                         pUIWindow->execute(sSelectAction, aMap);
-                    else if (strcmp(pOptionalEventType, "plus") == 0)
+                    else if (aMap["cmd"] == "plus")
                         pUIWindow->execute(sUpAction, aMap);
-                    else if (strcmp(pOptionalEventType, "minus") == 0)
+                    else if (aMap["cmd"] == "minus")
                         pUIWindow->execute(sDownAction, aMap);
-                    else if (pOptionalData)
+                    else if (aMap["cmd"] == "set")
-                        aMap["TEXT"] = OUString::createFromAscii(pOptionalData);
+                        aMap["TEXT"] = aMap["data"];
                         pUIWindow->execute(sClearAction, aMap);
                         pUIWindow->execute(sTypeAction, aMap);
@@ -3364,8 +3352,6 @@ static void doc_sendDialogEvent(LibreOfficeKitDocument* /*pThis*/, unsigned nWin
-    free(pCopy);
 static void doc_postUnoCommand(LibreOfficeKitDocument* pThis, const char* pCommand, const char* pArguments, bool bNotifyWhenFinished)

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