[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: 2 commits - writerfilter/source xmlsecurity/source
Noel Grandin (via logerrit)
logerrit at kemper.freedesktop.org
Sun Aug 2 20:45:24 UTC 2020
writerfilter/source/dmapper/DomainMapper.cxx | 84
writerfilter/source/dmapper/DomainMapper_Impl.cxx | 2274 +++++-----
writerfilter/source/dmapper/FormControlHelper.cxx | 124
writerfilter/source/dmapper/NumberingManager.cxx | 692 +--
writerfilter/source/dmapper/PropertyMap.cxx | 54
writerfilter/source/dmapper/SdtHelper.cxx | 85
writerfilter/source/dmapper/SettingsTable.cxx | 52
writerfilter/source/dmapper/SmartTagHandler.cxx | 61
writerfilter/source/dmapper/TDefTableHandler.cxx | 140
writerfilter/source/dmapper/TableManager.cxx | 32
writerfilter/source/ooxml/OOXMLDocumentImpl.cxx | 372 -
writerfilter/source/ooxml/OOXMLFastContextHandler.cxx | 298 -
writerfilter/source/ooxml/OOXMLPropertySet.cxx | 28
writerfilter/source/ooxml/OOXMLStreamImpl.cxx | 34
writerfilter/source/rtftok/rtfdocumentimpl.cxx | 100
xmlsecurity/source/component/documentdigitalsignatures.cxx | 38
xmlsecurity/source/dialogs/certificateviewer.cxx | 70
xmlsecurity/source/dialogs/digitalsignaturesdialog.cxx | 66
xmlsecurity/source/dialogs/macrosecurity.cxx | 122
xmlsecurity/source/framework/buffernode.cxx | 90
xmlsecurity/source/framework/saxeventkeeperimpl.cxx | 229 -
xmlsecurity/source/framework/signatureengine.cxx | 46
xmlsecurity/source/helper/ooxmlsecexporter.cxx | 26
xmlsecurity/source/helper/xsecctl.cxx | 64
xmlsecurity/source/helper/xsecverify.cxx | 122
xmlsecurity/source/xmlsec/nss/digestcontext.cxx | 28
xmlsecurity/source/xmlsec/nss/nssinitializer.cxx | 24
xmlsecurity/source/xmlsec/nss/securityenvironment_nssimpl.cxx | 74
xmlsecurity/source/xmlsec/xmldocumentwrapper_xmlsecimpl.cxx | 54
29 files changed, 2739 insertions(+), 2744 deletions(-)
New commits:
commit e2644b014005e1c79b0a7eaf1c3c4002464a1cf0
Author: Noel Grandin <noel.grandin at collabora.co.uk>
AuthorDate: Sun Aug 2 20:08:17 2020 +0200
Commit: Noel Grandin <noel.grandin at collabora.co.uk>
CommitDate: Sun Aug 2 22:44:54 2020 +0200
loplugin:flatten in writerfilter
Change-Id: Ifaa63738c4e38dddd385821f568911927d834f1e
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/c/core/+/99966
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <noel.grandin at collabora.co.uk>
diff --git a/writerfilter/source/dmapper/DomainMapper.cxx b/writerfilter/source/dmapper/DomainMapper.cxx
index adb2f8359662..cf515ae72669 100644
--- a/writerfilter/source/dmapper/DomainMapper.cxx
+++ b/writerfilter/source/dmapper/DomainMapper.cxx
@@ -2979,37 +2979,37 @@ void DomainMapper::lcl_startSectionGroup()
void DomainMapper::lcl_endSectionGroup()
- if (!m_pImpl->isInIndexContext() && !m_pImpl->isInBibliographyContext())
+ if (m_pImpl->isInIndexContext() || m_pImpl->isInBibliographyContext())
+ return;
+ m_pImpl->CheckUnregisteredFrameConversion();
+ m_pImpl->ExecuteFrameConversion();
+ // When pasting, it's fine to not have any paragraph inside the document at all.
+ if (m_pImpl->GetIsFirstParagraphInSection() && m_pImpl->IsNewDoc())
- m_pImpl->CheckUnregisteredFrameConversion();
- m_pImpl->ExecuteFrameConversion();
- // When pasting, it's fine to not have any paragraph inside the document at all.
- if (m_pImpl->GetIsFirstParagraphInSection() && m_pImpl->IsNewDoc())
- {
- // This section has no paragraph at all (e.g. they are all actually in a frame).
- // If this section has a page break, there would be nothing to apply to the page
- // style, so force a dummy paragraph.
- lcl_startParagraphGroup();
- lcl_startCharacterGroup();
- sal_uInt8 const sBreak[] = { 0xd };
- lcl_text(sBreak, 1);
- lcl_endCharacterGroup();
- lcl_endParagraphGroup();
- }
- PropertyMapPtr pContext = m_pImpl->GetTopContextOfType(CONTEXT_SECTION);
- SectionPropertyMap* pSectionContext = dynamic_cast< SectionPropertyMap* >( pContext.get() );
- OSL_ENSURE(pSectionContext, "SectionContext unavailable!");
- if(pSectionContext)
- {
- pSectionContext->CloseSectionGroup( *m_pImpl );
- // Remove the dummy paragraph if added for
- // handling the section properties if section starts with a table
- if (m_pImpl->GetIsDummyParaAddedForTableInSection())
- m_pImpl->RemoveDummyParaForTableInSection();
- }
- m_pImpl->SetIsTextFrameInserted( false );
- m_pImpl->PopProperties(CONTEXT_SECTION);
+ // This section has no paragraph at all (e.g. they are all actually in a frame).
+ // If this section has a page break, there would be nothing to apply to the page
+ // style, so force a dummy paragraph.
+ lcl_startParagraphGroup();
+ lcl_startCharacterGroup();
+ sal_uInt8 const sBreak[] = { 0xd };
+ lcl_text(sBreak, 1);
+ lcl_endCharacterGroup();
+ lcl_endParagraphGroup();
+ PropertyMapPtr pContext = m_pImpl->GetTopContextOfType(CONTEXT_SECTION);
+ SectionPropertyMap* pSectionContext = dynamic_cast< SectionPropertyMap* >( pContext.get() );
+ OSL_ENSURE(pSectionContext, "SectionContext unavailable!");
+ if(pSectionContext)
+ {
+ pSectionContext->CloseSectionGroup( *m_pImpl );
+ // Remove the dummy paragraph if added for
+ // handling the section properties if section starts with a table
+ if (m_pImpl->GetIsDummyParaAddedForTableInSection())
+ m_pImpl->RemoveDummyParaForTableInSection();
+ }
+ m_pImpl->SetIsTextFrameInserted( false );
+ m_pImpl->PopProperties(CONTEXT_SECTION);
void DomainMapper::lcl_startParagraphGroup()
@@ -3104,20 +3104,20 @@ void DomainMapper::lcl_startShape(uno::Reference<drawing::XShape> const& xShape)
void DomainMapper::lcl_endShape( )
- if (m_pImpl->GetTopContext())
- {
- // End the current table, if there are any. Otherwise the unavoidable
- // empty paragraph at the end of the shape text will cause problems: if
- // the shape text ends with a table, the extra paragraph will be
- // handled as an additional row of the ending table.
- if (m_pImpl->hasTableManager())
- m_pImpl->getTableManager().endTable();
+ if (!m_pImpl->GetTopContext())
+ return;
- lcl_endParagraphGroup();
- m_pImpl->PopShapeContext( );
- // A shape is always inside a paragraph (anchored or inline).
- m_pImpl->SetIsOutsideAParagraph(false);
- }
+ // End the current table, if there are any. Otherwise the unavoidable
+ // empty paragraph at the end of the shape text will cause problems: if
+ // the shape text ends with a table, the extra paragraph will be
+ // handled as an additional row of the ending table.
+ if (m_pImpl->hasTableManager())
+ m_pImpl->getTableManager().endTable();
+ lcl_endParagraphGroup();
+ m_pImpl->PopShapeContext( );
+ // A shape is always inside a paragraph (anchored or inline).
+ m_pImpl->SetIsOutsideAParagraph(false);
void DomainMapper::PushStyleSheetProperties( const PropertyMapPtr& pStyleProperties, bool bAffectTableMngr )
diff --git a/writerfilter/source/dmapper/DomainMapper_Impl.cxx b/writerfilter/source/dmapper/DomainMapper_Impl.cxx
index d3eaa4cb093d..6410df8fdfe5 100644
--- a/writerfilter/source/dmapper/DomainMapper_Impl.cxx
+++ b/writerfilter/source/dmapper/DomainMapper_Impl.cxx
@@ -131,23 +131,23 @@ static void lcl_linenumberingHeaderFooter( const uno::Reference<container::XName
// Populate Dropdown Field properties from FFData structure
static void lcl_handleDropdownField( const uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet >& rxFieldProps, const FFDataHandler::Pointer_t& pFFDataHandler )
- if ( rxFieldProps.is() )
- {
- if ( !pFFDataHandler->getName().isEmpty() )
- rxFieldProps->setPropertyValue( "Name", uno::makeAny( pFFDataHandler->getName() ) );
+ if ( !rxFieldProps.is() )
+ return;
- const FFDataHandler::DropDownEntries_t& rEntries = pFFDataHandler->getDropDownEntries();
- uno::Sequence< OUString > sItems( rEntries.size() );
- ::std::copy( rEntries.begin(), rEntries.end(), sItems.begin());
- if ( sItems.hasElements() )
- rxFieldProps->setPropertyValue( "Items", uno::makeAny( sItems ) );
+ if ( !pFFDataHandler->getName().isEmpty() )
+ rxFieldProps->setPropertyValue( "Name", uno::makeAny( pFFDataHandler->getName() ) );
- sal_Int32 nResult = pFFDataHandler->getDropDownResult().toInt32();
- if ( nResult )
- rxFieldProps->setPropertyValue( "SelectedItem", uno::makeAny( sItems[ nResult ] ) );
- if ( !pFFDataHandler->getHelpText().isEmpty() )
- rxFieldProps->setPropertyValue( "Help", uno::makeAny( pFFDataHandler->getHelpText() ) );
- }
+ const FFDataHandler::DropDownEntries_t& rEntries = pFFDataHandler->getDropDownEntries();
+ uno::Sequence< OUString > sItems( rEntries.size() );
+ ::std::copy( rEntries.begin(), rEntries.end(), sItems.begin());
+ if ( sItems.hasElements() )
+ rxFieldProps->setPropertyValue( "Items", uno::makeAny( sItems ) );
+ sal_Int32 nResult = pFFDataHandler->getDropDownResult().toInt32();
+ if ( nResult )
+ rxFieldProps->setPropertyValue( "SelectedItem", uno::makeAny( sItems[ nResult ] ) );
+ if ( !pFFDataHandler->getHelpText().isEmpty() )
+ rxFieldProps->setPropertyValue( "Help", uno::makeAny( pFFDataHandler->getHelpText() ) );
static void lcl_handleTextField( const uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet >& rxFieldProps, const FFDataHandler::Pointer_t& pFFDataHandler )
@@ -2071,101 +2071,101 @@ void DomainMapper_Impl::appendTextPortion( const OUString& rString, const Proper
if( pPropertyMap == m_pTopContext && !deferredCharacterProperties.empty() && (GetTopContextType() == CONTEXT_CHARACTER) )
uno::Reference< text::XTextAppend > xTextAppend = m_aTextAppendStack.top().xTextAppend;
- if (xTextAppend.is() && hasTableManager() && !getTableManager().isIgnore())
- {
- try
- {
- // If we are in comments, then disable CharGrabBag, comment text doesn't support that.
- uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyValue > aValues = pPropertyMap->GetPropertyValues(/*bCharGrabBag=*/!m_bIsInComments);
+ if (!(xTextAppend.is() && hasTableManager() && !getTableManager().isIgnore()))
+ return;
- if (m_bStartTOC || m_bStartIndex || m_bStartBibliography)
- for( auto& rValue : aValues )
- {
- if (rValue.Name == "CharHidden")
- rValue.Value <<= false;
- }
+ try
+ {
+ // If we are in comments, then disable CharGrabBag, comment text doesn't support that.
+ uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyValue > aValues = pPropertyMap->GetPropertyValues(/*bCharGrabBag=*/!m_bIsInComments);
- uno::Reference< text::XTextRange > xTextRange;
- if (m_aTextAppendStack.top().xInsertPosition.is())
+ if (m_bStartTOC || m_bStartIndex || m_bStartBibliography)
+ for( auto& rValue : aValues )
- xTextRange = xTextAppend->insertTextPortion(rString, aValues, m_aTextAppendStack.top().xInsertPosition);
- m_aTextAppendStack.top().xCursor->gotoRange(xTextRange->getEnd(), true);
+ if (rValue.Name == "CharHidden")
+ rValue.Value <<= false;
- else
+ uno::Reference< text::XTextRange > xTextRange;
+ if (m_aTextAppendStack.top().xInsertPosition.is())
+ {
+ xTextRange = xTextAppend->insertTextPortion(rString, aValues, m_aTextAppendStack.top().xInsertPosition);
+ m_aTextAppendStack.top().xCursor->gotoRange(xTextRange->getEnd(), true);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (m_bStartTOC || m_bStartIndex || m_bStartBibliography || m_nStartGenericField != 0)
- if (m_bStartTOC || m_bStartIndex || m_bStartBibliography || m_nStartGenericField != 0)
+ if (IsInHeaderFooter() && !m_bStartTOCHeaderFooter)
- if (IsInHeaderFooter() && !m_bStartTOCHeaderFooter)
- {
- xTextRange = xTextAppend->appendTextPortion(rString, aValues);
- }
- else
- {
- m_bStartedTOC = true;
- uno::Reference< text::XTextCursor > xTOCTextCursor = xTextAppend->getEnd()->getText( )->createTextCursor( );
- assert(xTOCTextCursor.is());
- xTOCTextCursor->gotoEnd(false);
- if (m_nStartGenericField != 0)
- {
- xTOCTextCursor->goLeft(1, false);
- }
- xTextRange = xTextAppend->insertTextPortion(rString, aValues, xTOCTextCursor);
- SAL_WARN_IF(!xTextRange.is(), "writerfilter.dmapper", "insertTextPortion failed");
- if (!xTextRange.is())
- throw uno::Exception("insertTextPortion failed", nullptr);
- m_bTextInserted = true;
- xTOCTextCursor->gotoRange(xTextRange->getEnd(), true);
- if (m_nStartGenericField == 0)
- {
- m_aTextAppendStack.push(TextAppendContext(xTextAppend, xTOCTextCursor));
- }
- }
+ xTextRange = xTextAppend->appendTextPortion(rString, aValues);
-#if !defined(MACOSX) // TODO: check layout differences and support all platforms, if needed
- sal_Int32 nPos = 0;
- OUString sFontName;
- OUString sDoubleSpace(" ");
- PropertyMapPtr pContext = GetTopContextOfType(CONTEXT_CHARACTER);
- // tdf#123703 workaround for longer space sequences of the old or compatible RTF documents
- if (GetSettingsTable()->GetLongerSpaceSequence() && !IsOpenFieldCommand() && (nPos = rString.indexOf(sDoubleSpace)) != -1 &&
- // monospaced fonts have no longer space sequences, regardless of \fprq2 (not monospaced) font setting
- // fix for the base monospaced font Courier
- (!pContext || !pContext->isSet(PROP_CHAR_FONT_NAME) ||
- ((pContext->getProperty(PROP_CHAR_FONT_NAME)->second >>= sFontName) && sFontName.indexOf("Courier") == -1)))
+ m_bStartedTOC = true;
+ uno::Reference< text::XTextCursor > xTOCTextCursor = xTextAppend->getEnd()->getText( )->createTextCursor( );
+ assert(xTOCTextCursor.is());
+ xTOCTextCursor->gotoEnd(false);
+ if (m_nStartGenericField != 0)
- // an RTF space character is longer by an extra six-em-space in an old-style RTF space sequence,
- // insert them to keep RTF document layout formatted by consecutive spaces
- const sal_Unicode aExtraSpace[5] = { 0x2006, 0x20, 0x2006, 0x20, 0 };
- const sal_Unicode aExtraSpace2[4] = { 0x20, 0x2006, 0x20, 0 };
- xTextRange = xTextAppend->appendTextPortion(rString.replaceAll(sDoubleSpace, aExtraSpace, nPos)
- .replaceAll(sDoubleSpace, aExtraSpace2, nPos), aValues);
+ xTOCTextCursor->goLeft(1, false);
+ }
+ xTextRange = xTextAppend->insertTextPortion(rString, aValues, xTOCTextCursor);
+ SAL_WARN_IF(!xTextRange.is(), "writerfilter.dmapper", "insertTextPortion failed");
+ if (!xTextRange.is())
+ throw uno::Exception("insertTextPortion failed", nullptr);
+ m_bTextInserted = true;
+ xTOCTextCursor->gotoRange(xTextRange->getEnd(), true);
+ if (m_nStartGenericField == 0)
+ {
+ m_aTextAppendStack.push(TextAppendContext(xTextAppend, xTOCTextCursor));
- else
- xTextRange = xTextAppend->appendTextPortion(rString, aValues);
- // reset moveFrom data of non-terminating runs of the paragraph
- if ( m_pParaMarkerRedlineMoveFrom )
+ else
- m_pParaMarkerRedlineMoveFrom.clear();
+#if !defined(MACOSX) // TODO: check layout differences and support all platforms, if needed
+ sal_Int32 nPos = 0;
+ OUString sFontName;
+ OUString sDoubleSpace(" ");
+ PropertyMapPtr pContext = GetTopContextOfType(CONTEXT_CHARACTER);
+ // tdf#123703 workaround for longer space sequences of the old or compatible RTF documents
+ if (GetSettingsTable()->GetLongerSpaceSequence() && !IsOpenFieldCommand() && (nPos = rString.indexOf(sDoubleSpace)) != -1 &&
+ // monospaced fonts have no longer space sequences, regardless of \fprq2 (not monospaced) font setting
+ // fix for the base monospaced font Courier
+ (!pContext || !pContext->isSet(PROP_CHAR_FONT_NAME) ||
+ ((pContext->getProperty(PROP_CHAR_FONT_NAME)->second >>= sFontName) && sFontName.indexOf("Courier") == -1)))
+ {
+ // an RTF space character is longer by an extra six-em-space in an old-style RTF space sequence,
+ // insert them to keep RTF document layout formatted by consecutive spaces
+ const sal_Unicode aExtraSpace[5] = { 0x2006, 0x20, 0x2006, 0x20, 0 };
+ const sal_Unicode aExtraSpace2[4] = { 0x20, 0x2006, 0x20, 0 };
+ xTextRange = xTextAppend->appendTextPortion(rString.replaceAll(sDoubleSpace, aExtraSpace, nPos)
+ .replaceAll(sDoubleSpace, aExtraSpace2, nPos), aValues);
+ }
+ else
+ xTextRange = xTextAppend->appendTextPortion(rString, aValues);
- CheckRedline( xTextRange );
- m_bParaChanged = true;
- //getTableManager( ).handle(xTextRange);
- }
- catch(const lang::IllegalArgumentException&)
- {
- OSL_FAIL( "IllegalArgumentException in DomainMapper_Impl::appendTextPortion" );
- catch(const uno::Exception&)
+ // reset moveFrom data of non-terminating runs of the paragraph
+ if ( m_pParaMarkerRedlineMoveFrom )
- OSL_FAIL( "Exception in DomainMapper_Impl::appendTextPortion" );
+ m_pParaMarkerRedlineMoveFrom.clear();
+ CheckRedline( xTextRange );
+ m_bParaChanged = true;
+ //getTableManager( ).handle(xTextRange);
+ }
+ catch(const lang::IllegalArgumentException&)
+ {
+ OSL_FAIL( "IllegalArgumentException in DomainMapper_Impl::appendTextPortion" );
+ }
+ catch(const uno::Exception&)
+ {
+ OSL_FAIL( "Exception in DomainMapper_Impl::appendTextPortion" );
@@ -2179,21 +2179,21 @@ void DomainMapper_Impl::appendTextContent(
uno::Reference< text::XTextAppendAndConvert > xTextAppendAndConvert( m_aTextAppendStack.top().xTextAppend, uno::UNO_QUERY );
OSL_ENSURE( xTextAppendAndConvert.is(), "trying to append a text content without XTextAppendAndConvert" );
- if (xTextAppendAndConvert.is() && hasTableManager() && !getTableManager().isIgnore())
+ if (!(xTextAppendAndConvert.is() && hasTableManager() && !getTableManager().isIgnore()))
+ return;
+ try
+ {
+ if (m_aTextAppendStack.top().xInsertPosition.is())
+ xTextAppendAndConvert->insertTextContentWithProperties( xContent, xPropertyValues, m_aTextAppendStack.top().xInsertPosition );
+ else
+ xTextAppendAndConvert->appendTextContent( xContent, xPropertyValues );
+ }
+ catch(const lang::IllegalArgumentException&)
+ {
+ }
+ catch(const uno::Exception&)
- try
- {
- if (m_aTextAppendStack.top().xInsertPosition.is())
- xTextAppendAndConvert->insertTextContentWithProperties( xContent, xPropertyValues, m_aTextAppendStack.top().xInsertPosition );
- else
- xTextAppendAndConvert->appendTextContent( xContent, xPropertyValues );
- }
- catch(const lang::IllegalArgumentException&)
- {
- }
- catch(const uno::Exception&)
- {
- }
@@ -2282,53 +2282,53 @@ void DomainMapper_Impl::appendStarMath( const Value& val )
uno::Reference< embed::XEmbeddedObject > formula;
val.getAny() >>= formula;
- if( formula.is() )
+ if( !formula.is() )
+ return;
+ try
- try
- {
- uno::Reference< text::XTextContent > xStarMath( m_xTextFactory->createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextEmbeddedObject"), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
- uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xStarMathProperties(xStarMath, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW);
- xStarMathProperties->setPropertyValue(getPropertyName( PROP_EMBEDDED_OBJECT ),
- val.getAny());
- // tdf#66405: set zero margins for embedded object
- xStarMathProperties->setPropertyValue(getPropertyName( PROP_LEFT_MARGIN ),
- uno::makeAny(sal_Int32(0)));
- xStarMathProperties->setPropertyValue(getPropertyName( PROP_RIGHT_MARGIN ),
- uno::makeAny(sal_Int32(0)));
- xStarMathProperties->setPropertyValue(getPropertyName( PROP_TOP_MARGIN ),
- uno::makeAny(sal_Int32(0)));
- xStarMathProperties->setPropertyValue(getPropertyName( PROP_BOTTOM_MARGIN ),
- uno::makeAny(sal_Int32(0)));
- uno::Reference< uno::XInterface > xInterface( formula->getComponent(), uno::UNO_QUERY );
- // set zero margins for object's component
- uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xComponentProperties( xInterface, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
- xComponentProperties->setPropertyValue(getPropertyName( PROP_LEFT_MARGIN ),
- uno::makeAny(sal_Int32(0)));
- xComponentProperties->setPropertyValue(getPropertyName( PROP_RIGHT_MARGIN ),
- uno::makeAny(sal_Int32(0)));
- xComponentProperties->setPropertyValue(getPropertyName( PROP_TOP_MARGIN ),
- uno::makeAny(sal_Int32(0)));
- xComponentProperties->setPropertyValue(getPropertyName( PROP_BOTTOM_MARGIN ),
- uno::makeAny(sal_Int32(0)));
- Size size( 1000, 1000 );
- if( oox::FormulaImportBase* formulaimport = dynamic_cast< oox::FormulaImportBase* >( xInterface.get()))
- size = formulaimport->getFormulaSize();
- xStarMathProperties->setPropertyValue(getPropertyName( PROP_WIDTH ),
- uno::makeAny( sal_Int32(size.Width())));
- xStarMathProperties->setPropertyValue(getPropertyName( PROP_HEIGHT ),
- uno::makeAny( sal_Int32(size.Height())));
- xStarMathProperties->setPropertyValue(getPropertyName(PROP_ANCHOR_TYPE),
- uno::makeAny(text::TextContentAnchorType_AS_CHARACTER));
- // mimic the treatment of graphics here... it seems anchoring as character
- // gives a better ( visually ) result
- appendTextContent(xStarMath, uno::Sequence<beans::PropertyValue>());
- }
- catch( const uno::Exception& )
- {
- OSL_FAIL( "Exception in creation of StarMath object" );
- }
+ uno::Reference< text::XTextContent > xStarMath( m_xTextFactory->createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextEmbeddedObject"), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
+ uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xStarMathProperties(xStarMath, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW);
+ xStarMathProperties->setPropertyValue(getPropertyName( PROP_EMBEDDED_OBJECT ),
+ val.getAny());
+ // tdf#66405: set zero margins for embedded object
+ xStarMathProperties->setPropertyValue(getPropertyName( PROP_LEFT_MARGIN ),
+ uno::makeAny(sal_Int32(0)));
+ xStarMathProperties->setPropertyValue(getPropertyName( PROP_RIGHT_MARGIN ),
+ uno::makeAny(sal_Int32(0)));
+ xStarMathProperties->setPropertyValue(getPropertyName( PROP_TOP_MARGIN ),
+ uno::makeAny(sal_Int32(0)));
+ xStarMathProperties->setPropertyValue(getPropertyName( PROP_BOTTOM_MARGIN ),
+ uno::makeAny(sal_Int32(0)));
+ uno::Reference< uno::XInterface > xInterface( formula->getComponent(), uno::UNO_QUERY );
+ // set zero margins for object's component
+ uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xComponentProperties( xInterface, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
+ xComponentProperties->setPropertyValue(getPropertyName( PROP_LEFT_MARGIN ),
+ uno::makeAny(sal_Int32(0)));
+ xComponentProperties->setPropertyValue(getPropertyName( PROP_RIGHT_MARGIN ),
+ uno::makeAny(sal_Int32(0)));
+ xComponentProperties->setPropertyValue(getPropertyName( PROP_TOP_MARGIN ),
+ uno::makeAny(sal_Int32(0)));
+ xComponentProperties->setPropertyValue(getPropertyName( PROP_BOTTOM_MARGIN ),
+ uno::makeAny(sal_Int32(0)));
+ Size size( 1000, 1000 );
+ if( oox::FormulaImportBase* formulaimport = dynamic_cast< oox::FormulaImportBase* >( xInterface.get()))
+ size = formulaimport->getFormulaSize();
+ xStarMathProperties->setPropertyValue(getPropertyName( PROP_WIDTH ),
+ uno::makeAny( sal_Int32(size.Width())));
+ xStarMathProperties->setPropertyValue(getPropertyName( PROP_HEIGHT ),
+ uno::makeAny( sal_Int32(size.Height())));
+ xStarMathProperties->setPropertyValue(getPropertyName(PROP_ANCHOR_TYPE),
+ uno::makeAny(text::TextContentAnchorType_AS_CHARACTER));
+ // mimic the treatment of graphics here... it seems anchoring as character
+ // gives a better ( visually ) result
+ appendTextContent(xStarMath, uno::Sequence<beans::PropertyValue>());
+ }
+ catch( const uno::Exception& )
+ {
+ OSL_FAIL( "Exception in creation of StarMath object" );
@@ -2426,55 +2426,55 @@ void DomainMapper_Impl::PushPageHeaderFooter(bool bHeader, SectionPropertyMap::P
PropertyMapPtr pContext = DomainMapper_Impl::GetTopContextOfType(CONTEXT_SECTION);
//ask for the header/footer name of the given type
SectionPropertyMap* pSectionContext = dynamic_cast< SectionPropertyMap* >( pContext.get() );
- if(pSectionContext)
- {
- // clear the "Link To Previous" flag so that the header/footer
- // content is not copied from the previous section
- pSectionContext->ClearHeaderFooterLinkToPrevious(bHeader, eType);
+ if(!pSectionContext)
+ return;
- if (!m_bIsNewDoc)
- {
- return; // TODO sw cannot Undo insert header/footer without crashing
- }
+ // clear the "Link To Previous" flag so that the header/footer
+ // content is not copied from the previous section
+ pSectionContext->ClearHeaderFooterLinkToPrevious(bHeader, eType);
- uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xPageStyle =
- pSectionContext->GetPageStyle(
- *this,
- eType == SectionPropertyMap::PAGE_FIRST );
- if (!xPageStyle.is())
- return;
- try
- {
- bool bLeft = eType == SectionPropertyMap::PAGE_LEFT;
- bool bFirst = eType == SectionPropertyMap::PAGE_FIRST;
- if ((!bLeft && !GetSettingsTable()->GetEvenAndOddHeaders()) || (GetSettingsTable()->GetEvenAndOddHeaders()))
- {
- //switch on header/footer use
- xPageStyle->setPropertyValue(
- getPropertyName(ePropIsOn),
- uno::makeAny(true));
- // If the 'Different Even & Odd Pages' flag is turned on - do not ignore it
- // Even if the 'Even' header/footer is blank - the flag should be imported (so it would look in LO like in Word)
- if (!bFirst && GetSettingsTable()->GetEvenAndOddHeaders())
- xPageStyle->setPropertyValue(getPropertyName(ePropShared), uno::makeAny(false));
- //set the interface
- uno::Reference< text::XText > xText;
- xPageStyle->getPropertyValue(getPropertyName(bLeft? ePropTextLeft: ePropText)) >>= xText;
- m_aTextAppendStack.push(TextAppendContext(uno::Reference< text::XTextAppend >(xText, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW),
- m_bIsNewDoc
- ? uno::Reference<text::XTextCursor>()
- : xText->createTextCursorByRange(xText->getStart())));
- m_bDiscardHeaderFooter = false; // set only on success!
- }
- }
- catch( const uno::Exception& )
+ if (!m_bIsNewDoc)
+ {
+ return; // TODO sw cannot Undo insert header/footer without crashing
+ }
+ uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xPageStyle =
+ pSectionContext->GetPageStyle(
+ *this,
+ eType == SectionPropertyMap::PAGE_FIRST );
+ if (!xPageStyle.is())
+ return;
+ try
+ {
+ bool bLeft = eType == SectionPropertyMap::PAGE_LEFT;
+ bool bFirst = eType == SectionPropertyMap::PAGE_FIRST;
+ if ((!bLeft && !GetSettingsTable()->GetEvenAndOddHeaders()) || (GetSettingsTable()->GetEvenAndOddHeaders()))
- DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION("writerfilter.dmapper");
+ //switch on header/footer use
+ xPageStyle->setPropertyValue(
+ getPropertyName(ePropIsOn),
+ uno::makeAny(true));
+ // If the 'Different Even & Odd Pages' flag is turned on - do not ignore it
+ // Even if the 'Even' header/footer is blank - the flag should be imported (so it would look in LO like in Word)
+ if (!bFirst && GetSettingsTable()->GetEvenAndOddHeaders())
+ xPageStyle->setPropertyValue(getPropertyName(ePropShared), uno::makeAny(false));
+ //set the interface
+ uno::Reference< text::XText > xText;
+ xPageStyle->getPropertyValue(getPropertyName(bLeft? ePropTextLeft: ePropText)) >>= xText;
+ m_aTextAppendStack.push(TextAppendContext(uno::Reference< text::XTextAppend >(xText, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW),
+ m_bIsNewDoc
+ ? uno::Reference<text::XTextCursor>()
+ : xText->createTextCursorByRange(xText->getStart())));
+ m_bDiscardHeaderFooter = false; // set only on success!
+ catch( const uno::Exception& )
+ {
+ DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION("writerfilter.dmapper");
+ }
void DomainMapper_Impl::PushPageHeader(SectionPropertyMap::PageType eType)
@@ -2569,56 +2569,56 @@ void DomainMapper_Impl::PushFootOrEndnote( bool bIsFootnote )
void DomainMapper_Impl::CreateRedline(uno::Reference<text::XTextRange> const& xRange,
const RedlineParamsPtr& pRedline)
- if ( pRedline )
+ if ( !pRedline )
+ return;
+ try
- try
+ OUString sType;
+ switch ( pRedline->m_nToken & 0xffff )
- OUString sType;
- switch ( pRedline->m_nToken & 0xffff )
- {
- case XML_mod:
- sType = getPropertyName( PROP_FORMAT );
- break;
- case XML_moveTo:
- case XML_ins:
- sType = getPropertyName( PROP_INSERT );
- break;
- case XML_moveFrom:
- m_pParaMarkerRedlineMoveFrom = pRedline.get();
- [[fallthrough]];
- case XML_del:
- sType = getPropertyName( PROP_DELETE );
- break;
- case XML_ParagraphFormat:
- sType = getPropertyName( PROP_PARAGRAPH_FORMAT );
- break;
- default:
- throw lang::IllegalArgumentException("illegal redline token type", nullptr, 0);
- }
- beans::PropertyValues aRedlineProperties( 3 );
- beans::PropertyValue * pRedlineProperties = aRedlineProperties.getArray( );
- pRedlineProperties[0].Name = getPropertyName( PROP_REDLINE_AUTHOR );
- pRedlineProperties[0].Value <<= pRedline->m_sAuthor;
- pRedlineProperties[1].Name = getPropertyName( PROP_REDLINE_DATE_TIME );
- pRedlineProperties[1].Value <<= ConversionHelper::ConvertDateStringToDateTime( pRedline->m_sDate );
- pRedlineProperties[2].Name = getPropertyName( PROP_REDLINE_REVERT_PROPERTIES );
- pRedlineProperties[2].Value <<= pRedline->m_aRevertProperties;
- if (!m_bIsActualParagraphFramed)
- {
- uno::Reference < text::XRedline > xRedline( xRange, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
- xRedline->makeRedline( sType, aRedlineProperties );
- }
- else
- {
- aFramedRedlines.push_back( uno::makeAny(xRange) );
- aFramedRedlines.push_back( uno::makeAny(sType) );
- aFramedRedlines.push_back( uno::makeAny(aRedlineProperties) );
- }
+ case XML_mod:
+ sType = getPropertyName( PROP_FORMAT );
+ break;
+ case XML_moveTo:
+ case XML_ins:
+ sType = getPropertyName( PROP_INSERT );
+ break;
+ case XML_moveFrom:
+ m_pParaMarkerRedlineMoveFrom = pRedline.get();
+ [[fallthrough]];
+ case XML_del:
+ sType = getPropertyName( PROP_DELETE );
+ break;
+ case XML_ParagraphFormat:
+ sType = getPropertyName( PROP_PARAGRAPH_FORMAT );
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw lang::IllegalArgumentException("illegal redline token type", nullptr, 0);
- catch( const uno::Exception & )
+ beans::PropertyValues aRedlineProperties( 3 );
+ beans::PropertyValue * pRedlineProperties = aRedlineProperties.getArray( );
+ pRedlineProperties[0].Name = getPropertyName( PROP_REDLINE_AUTHOR );
+ pRedlineProperties[0].Value <<= pRedline->m_sAuthor;
+ pRedlineProperties[1].Name = getPropertyName( PROP_REDLINE_DATE_TIME );
+ pRedlineProperties[1].Value <<= ConversionHelper::ConvertDateStringToDateTime( pRedline->m_sDate );
+ pRedlineProperties[2].Name = getPropertyName( PROP_REDLINE_REVERT_PROPERTIES );
+ pRedlineProperties[2].Value <<= pRedline->m_aRevertProperties;
+ if (!m_bIsActualParagraphFramed)
- OSL_FAIL( "Exception in makeRedline" );
+ uno::Reference < text::XRedline > xRedline( xRange, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
+ xRedline->makeRedline( sType, aRedlineProperties );
+ else
+ {
+ aFramedRedlines.push_back( uno::makeAny(xRange) );
+ aFramedRedlines.push_back( uno::makeAny(sType) );
+ aFramedRedlines.push_back( uno::makeAny(aRedlineProperties) );
+ }
+ }
+ catch( const uno::Exception & )
+ {
+ OSL_FAIL( "Exception in makeRedline" );
@@ -3075,70 +3075,70 @@ void DomainMapper_Impl::PopShapeContext()
- if ( !m_aAnchoredStack.empty() )
- {
- // For OLE object replacement shape, the text append context was already removed
- // or the OLE object couldn't be inserted.
- if ( !m_aAnchoredStack.top().bToRemove )
- {
- RemoveLastParagraph();
- if (!m_aTextAppendStack.empty())
- m_aTextAppendStack.pop();
- }
+ if ( m_aAnchoredStack.empty() )
+ return;
- uno::Reference< text::XTextContent > xObj = m_aAnchoredStack.top( ).xTextContent;
- try
- {
- appendTextContent( xObj, uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyValue >() );
- }
- catch ( const uno::RuntimeException& )
- {
- // this is normal: the shape is already attached
- }
+ // For OLE object replacement shape, the text append context was already removed
+ // or the OLE object couldn't be inserted.
+ if ( !m_aAnchoredStack.top().bToRemove )
+ {
+ RemoveLastParagraph();
+ if (!m_aTextAppendStack.empty())
+ m_aTextAppendStack.pop();
+ }
- const uno::Reference<drawing::XShape> xShape( xObj, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
- // Remove the shape if required (most likely replacement shape for OLE object)
- // or anchored to a discarded header or footer
- if ( m_aAnchoredStack.top().bToRemove || m_bDiscardHeaderFooter )
- {
- try
- {
- uno::Reference<drawing::XDrawPageSupplier> xDrawPageSupplier(m_xTextDocument, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW);
- uno::Reference<drawing::XDrawPage> xDrawPage = xDrawPageSupplier->getDrawPage();
- if ( xDrawPage.is() )
- xDrawPage->remove( xShape );
- }
- catch( const uno::Exception& )
- {
- }
- }
+ uno::Reference< text::XTextContent > xObj = m_aAnchoredStack.top( ).xTextContent;
+ try
+ {
+ appendTextContent( xObj, uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyValue >() );
+ }
+ catch ( const uno::RuntimeException& )
+ {
+ // this is normal: the shape is already attached
+ }
- // Relative width calculations deferred until section's margins are defined.
- // Being cautious: only deferring undefined/minimum-width shapes in order to avoid causing potential regressions
- css::awt::Size aShapeSize;
+ const uno::Reference<drawing::XShape> xShape( xObj, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
+ // Remove the shape if required (most likely replacement shape for OLE object)
+ // or anchored to a discarded header or footer
+ if ( m_aAnchoredStack.top().bToRemove || m_bDiscardHeaderFooter )
+ {
- aShapeSize = xShape->getSize();
+ uno::Reference<drawing::XDrawPageSupplier> xDrawPageSupplier(m_xTextDocument, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW);
+ uno::Reference<drawing::XDrawPage> xDrawPage = xDrawPageSupplier->getDrawPage();
+ if ( xDrawPage.is() )
+ xDrawPage->remove( xShape );
- catch (const css::uno::RuntimeException& e)
+ catch( const uno::Exception& )
- // May happen e.g. when text frame has no frame format
- // See sw/qa/extras/ooxmlimport/data/n779627.docx
- SAL_WARN("writerfilter.dmapper", "getSize failed. " << e.Message);
- if( aShapeSize.Width <= 2 )
+ }
+ // Relative width calculations deferred until section's margins are defined.
+ // Being cautious: only deferring undefined/minimum-width shapes in order to avoid causing potential regressions
+ css::awt::Size aShapeSize;
+ try
+ {
+ aShapeSize = xShape->getSize();
+ }
+ catch (const css::uno::RuntimeException& e)
+ {
+ // May happen e.g. when text frame has no frame format
+ // See sw/qa/extras/ooxmlimport/data/n779627.docx
+ SAL_WARN("writerfilter.dmapper", "getSize failed. " << e.Message);
+ }
+ if( aShapeSize.Width <= 2 )
+ {
+ const uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySet> xShapePropertySet( xShape, uno::UNO_QUERY );
+ SectionPropertyMap* pSectionContext = GetSectionContext();
+ if ( pSectionContext && (!hasTableManager() || !getTableManager().isInTable()) &&
+ xShapePropertySet->getPropertySetInfo()->hasPropertyByName(getPropertyName(PROP_RELATIVE_WIDTH)) )
- const uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySet> xShapePropertySet( xShape, uno::UNO_QUERY );
- SectionPropertyMap* pSectionContext = GetSectionContext();
- if ( pSectionContext && (!hasTableManager() || !getTableManager().isInTable()) &&
- xShapePropertySet->getPropertySetInfo()->hasPropertyByName(getPropertyName(PROP_RELATIVE_WIDTH)) )
- {
- pSectionContext->addRelativeWidthShape(xShape);
- }
+ pSectionContext->addRelativeWidthShape(xShape);
- m_aAnchoredStack.pop();
+ m_aAnchoredStack.pop();
bool DomainMapper_Impl::IsSdtEndBefore()
@@ -4990,810 +4990,810 @@ void DomainMapper_Impl::CloseFieldCommand()
pContext = m_aFieldStack.back();
OSL_ENSURE( pContext, "no field context available");
- if( pContext )
- {
- m_bSetUserFieldContent = false;
- m_bSetCitation = false;
- m_bSetDateValue = false;
- const FieldConversionMap_t& aFieldConversionMap = lcl_GetFieldConversion();
+ if( !pContext )
+ return;
- try
- {
- uno::Reference< uno::XInterface > xFieldInterface;
+ m_bSetUserFieldContent = false;
+ m_bSetCitation = false;
+ m_bSetDateValue = false;
+ const FieldConversionMap_t& aFieldConversionMap = lcl_GetFieldConversion();
+ try
+ {
+ uno::Reference< uno::XInterface > xFieldInterface;
- const auto& [sType, vArguments, vSwitches]{ splitFieldCommand(pContext->GetCommand()) };
- (void)vSwitches;
- OUString const sFirstParam(vArguments.empty() ? OUString() : vArguments.front());
+ const auto& [sType, vArguments, vSwitches]{ splitFieldCommand(pContext->GetCommand()) };
+ (void)vSwitches;
+ OUString const sFirstParam(vArguments.empty() ? OUString() : vArguments.front());
- // apply font size to the form control
- if (!m_aTextAppendStack.empty() && m_pLastCharacterContext && ( m_pLastCharacterContext->isSet(PROP_CHAR_HEIGHT) || m_pLastCharacterContext->isSet(PROP_CHAR_FONT_NAME )))
+ // apply font size to the form control
+ if (!m_aTextAppendStack.empty() && m_pLastCharacterContext && ( m_pLastCharacterContext->isSet(PROP_CHAR_HEIGHT) || m_pLastCharacterContext->isSet(PROP_CHAR_FONT_NAME )))
+ {
+ uno::Reference< text::XTextAppend > xTextAppend = m_aTextAppendStack.top().xTextAppend;
+ if (xTextAppend.is())
- uno::Reference< text::XTextAppend > xTextAppend = m_aTextAppendStack.top().xTextAppend;
- if (xTextAppend.is())
+ uno::Reference< text::XTextCursor > xCrsr = xTextAppend->getText()->createTextCursor();
+ if (xCrsr.is())
- uno::Reference< text::XTextCursor > xCrsr = xTextAppend->getText()->createTextCursor();
- if (xCrsr.is())
+ xCrsr->gotoEnd(false);
+ uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xProp( xCrsr, uno::UNO_QUERY );
+ if (m_pLastCharacterContext->isSet(PROP_CHAR_HEIGHT))
- xCrsr->gotoEnd(false);
- uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xProp( xCrsr, uno::UNO_QUERY );
- if (m_pLastCharacterContext->isSet(PROP_CHAR_HEIGHT))
- {
- xProp->setPropertyValue(getPropertyName(PROP_CHAR_HEIGHT), m_pLastCharacterContext->getProperty(PROP_CHAR_HEIGHT)->second);
- if (m_pLastCharacterContext->isSet(PROP_CHAR_HEIGHT_COMPLEX))
- xProp->setPropertyValue(getPropertyName(PROP_CHAR_HEIGHT_COMPLEX), m_pLastCharacterContext->getProperty(PROP_CHAR_HEIGHT_COMPLEX)->second);
- }
- if (m_pLastCharacterContext->isSet(PROP_CHAR_FONT_NAME))
- xProp->setPropertyValue(getPropertyName(PROP_CHAR_FONT_NAME), m_pLastCharacterContext->getProperty(PROP_CHAR_FONT_NAME)->second);
+ xProp->setPropertyValue(getPropertyName(PROP_CHAR_HEIGHT), m_pLastCharacterContext->getProperty(PROP_CHAR_HEIGHT)->second);
+ if (m_pLastCharacterContext->isSet(PROP_CHAR_HEIGHT_COMPLEX))
+ xProp->setPropertyValue(getPropertyName(PROP_CHAR_HEIGHT_COMPLEX), m_pLastCharacterContext->getProperty(PROP_CHAR_HEIGHT_COMPLEX)->second);
+ if (m_pLastCharacterContext->isSet(PROP_CHAR_FONT_NAME))
+ xProp->setPropertyValue(getPropertyName(PROP_CHAR_FONT_NAME), m_pLastCharacterContext->getProperty(PROP_CHAR_FONT_NAME)->second);
+ }
- FieldConversionMap_t::const_iterator const aIt = aFieldConversionMap.find(sType);
- if (aIt != aFieldConversionMap.end()
- && (!m_bForceGenericFields
- // these need to convert ffData to properties...
- || (aIt->second.eFieldId == FIELD_FORMCHECKBOX)
- || (aIt->second.eFieldId == FIELD_FORMDROPDOWN)
- || (aIt->second.eFieldId == FIELD_FORMTEXT)))
+ FieldConversionMap_t::const_iterator const aIt = aFieldConversionMap.find(sType);
+ if (aIt != aFieldConversionMap.end()
+ && (!m_bForceGenericFields
+ // these need to convert ffData to properties...
+ || (aIt->second.eFieldId == FIELD_FORMCHECKBOX)
+ || (aIt->second.eFieldId == FIELD_FORMDROPDOWN)
+ || (aIt->second.eFieldId == FIELD_FORMTEXT)))
+ {
+ pContext->SetFieldId(aIt->second.eFieldId);
+ bool bCreateEnhancedField = false;
+ uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xFieldProperties;
+ bool bCreateField = true;
+ switch (aIt->second.eFieldId)
- pContext->SetFieldId(aIt->second.eFieldId);
- bool bCreateEnhancedField = false;
- uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xFieldProperties;
- bool bCreateField = true;
- switch (aIt->second.eFieldId)
+ case FIELD_TOC:
+ case FIELD_XE:
+ case FIELD_TC:
+ case FIELD_EQ:
+ bCreateField = false;
+ break;
+ {
+ // If we use 'enhanced' fields then FIELD_FORMCHECKBOX,
+ // FIELD_FORMTEXT & FIELD_FORMDROPDOWN are treated specially
+ if ( m_bUsingEnhancedFields )
- case FIELD_TOC:
- case FIELD_XE:
- case FIELD_TC:
- case FIELD_EQ:
- bCreateField = false;
- break;
+ bCreateField = false;
+ bCreateEnhancedField = true;
+ }
+ // for non enhanced fields checkboxes are displayed
+ // as an awt control not a field
+ else if ( aIt->second.eFieldId == FIELD_FORMCHECKBOX )
+ bCreateField = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ FieldContextPtr pOuter = GetParentFieldContext(m_aFieldStack);
+ if (pOuter)
- // If we use 'enhanced' fields then FIELD_FORMCHECKBOX,
- // FIELD_FORMTEXT & FIELD_FORMDROPDOWN are treated specially
- if ( m_bUsingEnhancedFields )
+ if (!IsFieldNestingAllowed(pOuter, m_aFieldStack.back()))
+ // Parent field can't host this child field: don't create a child field
+ // in this case.
bCreateField = false;
- bCreateEnhancedField = true;
- // for non enhanced fields checkboxes are displayed
- // as an awt control not a field
- else if ( aIt->second.eFieldId == FIELD_FORMCHECKBOX )
- bCreateField = false;
- break;
- default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (m_bStartTOC && (aIt->second.eFieldId == FIELD_PAGEREF) )
+ {
+ bCreateField = false;
+ }
+ if( bCreateField || bCreateEnhancedField )
+ {
+ //add the service prefix
+ OUString sServiceName("com.sun.star.text.");
+ if ( bCreateEnhancedField )
- FieldContextPtr pOuter = GetParentFieldContext(m_aFieldStack);
- if (pOuter)
- {
- if (!IsFieldNestingAllowed(pOuter, m_aFieldStack.back()))
- {
- // Parent field can't host this child field: don't create a child field
- // in this case.
- bCreateField = false;
- }
- }
- break;
+ const FieldConversionMap_t& aEnhancedFieldConversionMap = lcl_GetEnhancedFieldConversion();
+ FieldConversionMap_t::const_iterator aEnhancedIt =
+ aEnhancedFieldConversionMap.find(sType);
+ if ( aEnhancedIt != aEnhancedFieldConversionMap.end())
+ sServiceName += OUString::createFromAscii(aEnhancedIt->second.cFieldServiceName );
- }
- if (m_bStartTOC && (aIt->second.eFieldId == FIELD_PAGEREF) )
+ else
- bCreateField = false;
+ sServiceName += "TextField." + OUString::createFromAscii(aIt->second.cFieldServiceName );
- if( bCreateField || bCreateEnhancedField )
- {
- //add the service prefix
- OUString sServiceName("com.sun.star.text.");
- if ( bCreateEnhancedField )
- {
- const FieldConversionMap_t& aEnhancedFieldConversionMap = lcl_GetEnhancedFieldConversion();
- FieldConversionMap_t::const_iterator aEnhancedIt =
- aEnhancedFieldConversionMap.find(sType);
- if ( aEnhancedIt != aEnhancedFieldConversionMap.end())
- sServiceName += OUString::createFromAscii(aEnhancedIt->second.cFieldServiceName );
- }
- else
- {
- sServiceName += "TextField." + OUString::createFromAscii(aIt->second.cFieldServiceName );
- }
#ifdef DBG_UTIL
- TagLogger::getInstance().startElement("fieldService");
- TagLogger::getInstance().chars(sServiceName);
- TagLogger::getInstance().endElement();
+ TagLogger::getInstance().startElement("fieldService");
+ TagLogger::getInstance().chars(sServiceName);
+ TagLogger::getInstance().endElement();
- if (m_xTextFactory.is())
- {
- xFieldInterface = m_xTextFactory->createInstance(sServiceName);
- xFieldProperties.set( xFieldInterface, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW);
- }
+ if (m_xTextFactory.is())
+ {
+ xFieldInterface = m_xTextFactory->createInstance(sServiceName);
+ xFieldProperties.set( xFieldInterface, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW);
- switch( aIt->second.eFieldId )
+ }
+ switch( aIt->second.eFieldId )
+ {
+ case FIELD_ADVANCE : break;
+ case FIELD_ASK :
+ handleFieldAsk(pContext, xFieldInterface, xFieldProperties);
+ break;
+ handleAutoNum(pContext, xFieldInterface, xFieldProperties);
+ break;
+ handleAuthor(sFirstParam,
+ xFieldProperties,
+ aIt->second.eFieldId);
+ break;
+ case FIELD_DATE:
+ if (xFieldProperties.is())
- case FIELD_ADVANCE : break;
- case FIELD_ASK :
- handleFieldAsk(pContext, xFieldInterface, xFieldProperties);
- break;
- handleAutoNum(pContext, xFieldInterface, xFieldProperties);
- break;
- handleAuthor(sFirstParam,
- xFieldProperties,
- aIt->second.eFieldId);
- break;
- case FIELD_DATE:
- if (xFieldProperties.is())
+ // Get field fixed property from the context handler
+ if (pContext->IsFieldLocked())
- // Get field fixed property from the context handler
- if (pContext->IsFieldLocked())
- {
- xFieldProperties->setPropertyValue(
- getPropertyName(PROP_IS_FIXED),
- uno::makeAny( true ));
- m_bSetDateValue = true;
- }
- else
- xFieldProperties->setPropertyValue(
- getPropertyName(PROP_IS_FIXED),
- uno::makeAny( false ));
- getPropertyName(PROP_IS_DATE),
+ getPropertyName(PROP_IS_FIXED),
uno::makeAny( true ));
- SetNumberFormat( pContext->GetCommand(), xFieldProperties );
+ m_bSetDateValue = true;
- break;
- {
- // OUString sParam = lcl_ExtractParameter(pContext->GetCommand(), sizeof(" COMMENTS") );
- // A parameter with COMMENTS shouldn't set fixed
- // ( or at least the binary filter doesn't )
- // If we set fixed then we won't export a field cmd.
- // Additionally the para in COMMENTS is more like an
- // instruction to set the document property comments
- // with the param ( e.g. each COMMENT with a param will
- // overwrite the Comments document property
- // #TODO implement the above too
- xFieldProperties->setPropertyValue(
- getPropertyName( PROP_IS_FIXED ), uno::makeAny( false ));
- //PROP_CURRENT_PRESENTATION is set later anyway
- }
- break;
- {
+ else
- getPropertyName( PROP_IS_DATE ), uno::makeAny( true ));
- SetNumberFormat( pContext->GetCommand(), xFieldProperties );
- }
- break;
- handleDocProperty(pContext, sFirstParam,
- xFieldInterface);
- break;
+ getPropertyName(PROP_IS_FIXED),
+ uno::makeAny( false ));
+ xFieldProperties->setPropertyValue(
+ getPropertyName(PROP_IS_DATE),
+ uno::makeAny( true ));
+ SetNumberFormat( pContext->GetCommand(), xFieldProperties );
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ // OUString sParam = lcl_ExtractParameter(pContext->GetCommand(), sizeof(" COMMENTS") );
+ // A parameter with COMMENTS shouldn't set fixed
+ // ( or at least the binary filter doesn't )
+ // If we set fixed then we won't export a field cmd.
+ // Additionally the para in COMMENTS is more like an
+ // instruction to set the document property comments
+ // with the param ( e.g. each COMMENT with a param will
+ // overwrite the Comments document property
+ // #TODO implement the above too
+ xFieldProperties->setPropertyValue(
+ getPropertyName( PROP_IS_FIXED ), uno::makeAny( false ));
+ //PROP_CURRENT_PRESENTATION is set later anyway
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ xFieldProperties->setPropertyValue(
+ getPropertyName( PROP_IS_DATE ), uno::makeAny( true ));
+ SetNumberFormat( pContext->GetCommand(), xFieldProperties );
+ }
+ break;
+ handleDocProperty(pContext, sFirstParam,
+ xFieldInterface);
+ break;
+ {
+ //create a user field and type
+ uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xMaster =
+ FindOrCreateFieldMaster("com.sun.star.text.FieldMaster.User", sFirstParam);
+ uno::Reference< text::XDependentTextField > xDependentField( xFieldInterface, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
+ xDependentField->attachTextFieldMaster( xMaster );
+ m_bSetUserFieldContent = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ //it's a numbering type, no number format! SetNumberFormat( pContext->GetCommand(), xFieldProperties );
+ break;
+ case FIELD_EQ:
+ {
+ OUString aCommand = pContext->GetCommand().trim();
+ msfilter::util::EquationResult aResult(msfilter::util::ParseCombinedChars(aCommand));
+ if (!aResult.sType.isEmpty() && m_xTextFactory.is())
- //create a user field and type
- uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xMaster =
- FindOrCreateFieldMaster("com.sun.star.text.FieldMaster.User", sFirstParam);
- uno::Reference< text::XDependentTextField > xDependentField( xFieldInterface, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
- xDependentField->attachTextFieldMaster( xMaster );
- m_bSetUserFieldContent = true;
+ xFieldInterface = m_xTextFactory->createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextField." + aResult.sType);
+ xFieldProperties =
+ uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet >( xFieldInterface,
+ xFieldProperties->setPropertyValue(getPropertyName(PROP_CONTENT), uno::makeAny(aResult.sResult));
- break;
- //it's a numbering type, no number format! SetNumberFormat( pContext->GetCommand(), xFieldProperties );
- break;
- case FIELD_EQ:
+ else
- OUString aCommand = pContext->GetCommand().trim();
- msfilter::util::EquationResult aResult(msfilter::util::ParseCombinedChars(aCommand));
- if (!aResult.sType.isEmpty() && m_xTextFactory.is())
- {
- xFieldInterface = m_xTextFactory->createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextField." + aResult.sType);
- xFieldProperties =
- uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet >( xFieldInterface,
- xFieldProperties->setPropertyValue(getPropertyName(PROP_CONTENT), uno::makeAny(aResult.sResult));
- }
- else
+ //merge Read_SubF_Ruby into filter/.../util.cxx and reuse that ?
+ sal_Int32 nSpaceIndex = aCommand.indexOf(' ');
+ if(nSpaceIndex > 0)
+ aCommand = aCommand.copy(nSpaceIndex).trim();
+ if (aCommand.startsWith("\\s"))
- //merge Read_SubF_Ruby into filter/.../util.cxx and reuse that ?
- sal_Int32 nSpaceIndex = aCommand.indexOf(' ');
- if(nSpaceIndex > 0)
- aCommand = aCommand.copy(nSpaceIndex).trim();
- if (aCommand.startsWith("\\s"))
+ aCommand = aCommand.copy(2);
+ if (aCommand.startsWith("\\do"))
- aCommand = aCommand.copy(2);
- if (aCommand.startsWith("\\do"))
+ aCommand = aCommand.copy(3);
+ sal_Int32 nStartIndex = aCommand.indexOf('(');
+ sal_Int32 nEndIndex = aCommand.indexOf(')');
+ if (nStartIndex > 0 && nEndIndex > 0)
- aCommand = aCommand.copy(3);
- sal_Int32 nStartIndex = aCommand.indexOf('(');
- sal_Int32 nEndIndex = aCommand.indexOf(')');
- if (nStartIndex > 0 && nEndIndex > 0)
- {
- // nDown is the requested "lower by" value in points.
- sal_Int32 nDown = aCommand.copy(0, nStartIndex).toInt32();
- OUString aContent = aCommand.copy(nStartIndex + 1, nEndIndex - nStartIndex - 1);
- PropertyMapPtr pCharContext = GetTopContext();
- // dHeight is the font size of the current style.
- double dHeight = 0;
- if ((GetPropertyFromParaStyleSheet(PROP_CHAR_HEIGHT) >>= dHeight) && dHeight != 0)
- // Character escapement should be given in negative percents for subscripts.
- pCharContext->Insert(PROP_CHAR_ESCAPEMENT, uno::makeAny( sal_Int16(- 100 * nDown / dHeight) ) );
- appendTextPortion(aContent, pCharContext);
- }
+ // nDown is the requested "lower by" value in points.
+ sal_Int32 nDown = aCommand.copy(0, nStartIndex).toInt32();
+ OUString aContent = aCommand.copy(nStartIndex + 1, nEndIndex - nStartIndex - 1);
+ PropertyMapPtr pCharContext = GetTopContext();
+ // dHeight is the font size of the current style.
+ double dHeight = 0;
+ if ((GetPropertyFromParaStyleSheet(PROP_CHAR_HEIGHT) >>= dHeight) && dHeight != 0)
+ // Character escapement should be given in negative percents for subscripts.
+ pCharContext->Insert(PROP_CHAR_ESCAPEMENT, uno::makeAny( sal_Int16(- 100 * nDown / dHeight) ) );
+ appendTextPortion(aContent, pCharContext);
- else if (aCommand.startsWith("\\* jc"))
- {
- handleRubyEQField(pContext);
- }
+ }
+ else if (aCommand.startsWith("\\* jc"))
+ {
+ handleRubyEQField(pContext);
- break;
- if (xFieldProperties.is())
- xFieldProperties->setPropertyValue(
- getPropertyName(PROP_HINT), uno::makeAny( pContext->GetCommand().getToken(1, '\"')));
- break;
+ }
+ break;
+ if (xFieldProperties.is())
+ xFieldProperties->setPropertyValue(
+ getPropertyName(PROP_HINT), uno::makeAny( pContext->GetCommand().getToken(1, '\"')));
+ break;
+ {
+ sal_Int32 nNumberingTypeIndex = pContext->GetCommand().indexOf("\\p");
+ if (xFieldProperties.is())
+ xFieldProperties->setPropertyValue(
+ getPropertyName(PROP_FILE_FORMAT),
+ uno::makeAny( nNumberingTypeIndex > 0 ? text::FilenameDisplayFormat::FULL : text::FilenameDisplayFormat::NAME_AND_EXT ));
+ }
+ break;
+ case FIELD_FILESIZE : break;
+ handleFieldFormula(pContext, xFieldProperties);
+ break;
- sal_Int32 nNumberingTypeIndex = pContext->GetCommand().indexOf("\\p");
- if (xFieldProperties.is())
- xFieldProperties->setPropertyValue(
- getPropertyName(PROP_FILE_FORMAT),
- uno::makeAny( nNumberingTypeIndex > 0 ? text::FilenameDisplayFormat::FULL : text::FilenameDisplayFormat::NAME_AND_EXT ));
- }
- break;
- case FIELD_FILESIZE : break;
- handleFieldFormula(pContext, xFieldProperties);
- break;
+ uno::Reference< text::XTextField > xTextField( xFieldInterface, uno::UNO_QUERY );
+ if ( !xTextField.is() )
- uno::Reference< text::XTextField > xTextField( xFieldInterface, uno::UNO_QUERY );
- if ( !xTextField.is() )
+ FFDataHandler::Pointer_t
+ pFFDataHandler(pContext->getFFDataHandler());
+ FormControlHelper::Pointer_t
+ pFormControlHelper(new FormControlHelper
+ (m_bUsingEnhancedFields ? aIt->second.eFieldId : FIELD_FORMCHECKBOX,
+ m_xTextDocument, pFFDataHandler));
+ pContext->setFormControlHelper(pFormControlHelper);
+ uno::Reference< text::XFormField > xFormField( xFieldInterface, uno::UNO_QUERY );
+ uno::Reference< container::XNamed > xNamed( xFormField, uno::UNO_QUERY );
+ if ( xNamed.is() )
- FFDataHandler::Pointer_t
- pFFDataHandler(pContext->getFFDataHandler());
- FormControlHelper::Pointer_t
- pFormControlHelper(new FormControlHelper
- (m_bUsingEnhancedFields ? aIt->second.eFieldId : FIELD_FORMCHECKBOX,
- m_xTextDocument, pFFDataHandler));
- pContext->setFormControlHelper(pFormControlHelper);
- uno::Reference< text::XFormField > xFormField( xFieldInterface, uno::UNO_QUERY );
- uno::Reference< container::XNamed > xNamed( xFormField, uno::UNO_QUERY );
- if ( xNamed.is() )
- {
- if ( pFFDataHandler && !pFFDataHandler->getName().isEmpty() )
- xNamed->setName( pFFDataHandler->getName() );
- pContext->SetFormField( xFormField );
- }
- InsertFieldmark(m_aTextAppendStack,
- xFormField, pContext->GetStartRange(),
- pContext->GetFieldId());
+ if ( pFFDataHandler && !pFFDataHandler->getName().isEmpty() )
+ xNamed->setName( pFFDataHandler->getName() );
+ pContext->SetFormField( xFormField );
+ InsertFieldmark(m_aTextAppendStack,
+ xFormField, pContext->GetStartRange(),
+ pContext->GetFieldId());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( aIt->second.eFieldId == FIELD_FORMDROPDOWN )
+ lcl_handleDropdownField( xFieldProperties, pContext->getFFDataHandler() );
- {
- if ( aIt->second.eFieldId == FIELD_FORMDROPDOWN )
- lcl_handleDropdownField( xFieldProperties, pContext->getFFDataHandler() );
- else
- lcl_handleTextField( xFieldProperties, pContext->getFFDataHandler() );
- }
+ lcl_handleTextField( xFieldProperties, pContext->getFFDataHandler() );
- break;
- case FIELD_GOTOBUTTON : break;
- {
- ::std::vector<OUString> aParts = pContext->GetCommandParts();
+ }
+ break;
+ case FIELD_GOTOBUTTON : break;
+ {
+ ::std::vector<OUString> aParts = pContext->GetCommandParts();
- // Syntax is either:
- // HYPERLINK "" \l "link"
- // or
- // HYPERLINK \l "link"
- // Make sure "HYPERLINK" doesn't end up as part of link in the second case.
- if (!aParts.empty() && aParts[0] == "HYPERLINK")
- aParts.erase(aParts.begin());
+ // Syntax is either:
+ // HYPERLINK "" \l "link"
+ // or
+ // HYPERLINK \l "link"
+ // Make sure "HYPERLINK" doesn't end up as part of link in the second case.
+ if (!aParts.empty() && aParts[0] == "HYPERLINK")
+ aParts.erase(aParts.begin());
- ::std::vector<OUString>::const_iterator aItEnd = aParts.end();
- ::std::vector<OUString>::const_iterator aPartIt = aParts.begin();
+ ::std::vector<OUString>::const_iterator aItEnd = aParts.end();
+ ::std::vector<OUString>::const_iterator aPartIt = aParts.begin();
- OUString sURL;
- OUString sTarget;
+ OUString sURL;
+ OUString sTarget;
- while (aPartIt != aItEnd)
+ while (aPartIt != aItEnd)
+ {
+ if ( *aPartIt == "\\l" )
- if ( *aPartIt == "\\l" )
- {
- ++aPartIt;
- if (aPartIt == aItEnd)
- break;
+ ++aPartIt;
- sURL += "#" + *aPartIt;
- }
- else if (*aPartIt == "\\m" || *aPartIt == "\\n" || *aPartIt == "\\h")
- {
- }
- else if ( *aPartIt == "\\o" || *aPartIt == "\\t" )
- {
- ++aPartIt;
+ if (aPartIt == aItEnd)
+ break;
- if (aPartIt == aItEnd)
- break;
+ sURL += "#" + *aPartIt;
+ }
+ else if (*aPartIt == "\\m" || *aPartIt == "\\n" || *aPartIt == "\\h")
+ {
+ }
+ else if ( *aPartIt == "\\o" || *aPartIt == "\\t" )
+ {
+ ++aPartIt;
- sTarget = *aPartIt;
- }
- else
- {
- sURL = *aPartIt;
- }
+ if (aPartIt == aItEnd)
+ break;
- ++aPartIt;
+ sTarget = *aPartIt;
- if (!sURL.isEmpty())
+ else
- if (sURL.startsWith("file:///"))
- {
- // file:///absolute\\path\\to\\file => invalid file URI (Writer cannot open)
- // convert all double backslashes to slashes:
- sURL = sURL.replaceAll("\\\\", "/");
- // file:///absolute\path\to\file => invalid file URI (Writer cannot open)
- // convert all backslashes to slashes:
- sURL = sURL.replace('\\', '/');
- }
- // Try to make absolute any relative URLs, except
- // for relative same-document URLs that only contain
- // a fragment part:
- else if (!sURL.startsWith("#")) {
- try {
- sURL = rtl::Uri::convertRelToAbs(
- m_aBaseUrl, sURL);
- } catch (rtl::MalformedUriException & e) {
- "writerfilter.dmapper",
- "MalformedUriException "
- << e.getMessage());
- }
- }
- pContext->SetHyperlinkURL(sURL);
+ sURL = *aPartIt;
- if (!sTarget.isEmpty())
- pContext->SetHyperlinkTarget(sTarget);
+ ++aPartIt;
- break;
- case FIELD_IF : break;
- case FIELD_INFO : break;
+ if (!sURL.isEmpty())
- if (!sFirstParam.isEmpty())
+ if (sURL.startsWith("file:///"))
- xFieldProperties->setPropertyValue(
- getPropertyName( PROP_IS_FIXED ), uno::makeAny( true ));
- //PROP_CURRENT_PRESENTATION is set later anyway
+ // file:///absolute\\path\\to\\file => invalid file URI (Writer cannot open)
+ // convert all double backslashes to slashes:
+ sURL = sURL.replaceAll("\\\\", "/");
+ // file:///absolute\path\to\file => invalid file URI (Writer cannot open)
+ // convert all backslashes to slashes:
+ sURL = sURL.replace('\\', '/');
- }
- break;
- case FIELD_LASTSAVEDBY : break;
- {
- //extract macro name
- sal_Int32 nIndex = sizeof(" MACROBUTTON ");
- OUString sMacro = pContext->GetCommand().getToken( 0, ' ', nIndex);
- if (xFieldProperties.is())
- xFieldProperties->setPropertyValue(
- getPropertyName(PROP_MACRO_NAME), uno::makeAny( sMacro ));
- //extract quick help text
- if(xFieldProperties.is() && pContext->GetCommand().getLength() > nIndex + 1)
- {
- xFieldProperties->setPropertyValue(
- getPropertyName(PROP_HINT),
- uno::makeAny( pContext->GetCommand().copy( nIndex )));
+ // Try to make absolute any relative URLs, except
+ // for relative same-document URLs that only contain
+ // a fragment part:
+ else if (!sURL.startsWith("#")) {
+ try {
+ sURL = rtl::Uri::convertRelToAbs(
+ m_aBaseUrl, sURL);
+ } catch (rtl::MalformedUriException & e) {
+ "writerfilter.dmapper",
+ "MalformedUriException "
+ << e.getMessage());
+ }
+ pContext->SetHyperlinkURL(sURL);
- break;
- {
- //todo: create a database field and fieldmaster pointing to a column, only
- //create a user field and type
- uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xMaster =
- FindOrCreateFieldMaster("com.sun.star.text.FieldMaster.Database", sFirstParam);
- // xFieldProperties->setPropertyValue(
- // "FieldCode",
- // uno::makeAny( pContext->GetCommand().copy( nIndex + 1 )));
- uno::Reference< text::XDependentTextField > xDependentField( xFieldInterface, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
- xDependentField->attachTextFieldMaster( xMaster );
- }
- break;
- case FIELD_MERGEREC : break;
- case FIELD_MERGESEQ : break;
- case FIELD_NEXT : break;
- case FIELD_NEXTIF : break;
- case FIELD_PAGE :
- if (xFieldProperties.is())
- {
- xFieldProperties->setPropertyValue(
- getPropertyName(PROP_NUMBERING_TYPE),
- uno::makeAny( lcl_ParseNumberingType(pContext->GetCommand()) ));
- xFieldProperties->setPropertyValue(
- getPropertyName(PROP_SUB_TYPE),
- uno::makeAny( text::PageNumberType_CURRENT ));
- }
- break;
- case FIELD_REF:
- if (xFieldProperties.is() && !m_bStartTOC)
+ if (!sTarget.isEmpty())
+ pContext->SetHyperlinkTarget(sTarget);
+ }
+ break;
+ case FIELD_IF : break;
+ case FIELD_INFO : break;
+ {
+ if (!sFirstParam.isEmpty())
- bool bPageRef = aIt->second.eFieldId == FIELD_PAGEREF;
- // Do we need a GetReference (default) or a GetExpression field?
- uno::Reference< text::XTextFieldsSupplier > xFieldsSupplier( GetTextDocument(), uno::UNO_QUERY );
- uno::Reference< container::XNameAccess > xFieldMasterAccess = xFieldsSupplier->getTextFieldMasters();
- if (!xFieldMasterAccess->hasByName(
- "com.sun.star.text.FieldMaster.SetExpression."
- + sFirstParam))
- {
- uno::makeAny( sal_Int16(text::ReferenceFieldSource::BOOKMARK)) );
+ getPropertyName( PROP_IS_FIXED ), uno::makeAny( true ));
+ //PROP_CURRENT_PRESENTATION is set later anyway
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case FIELD_LASTSAVEDBY : break;
+ {
+ //extract macro name
+ sal_Int32 nIndex = sizeof(" MACROBUTTON ");
+ OUString sMacro = pContext->GetCommand().getToken( 0, ' ', nIndex);
+ if (xFieldProperties.is())
- getPropertyName(PROP_SOURCE_NAME),
- uno::makeAny(sFirstParam) );
- sal_Int16 nFieldPart = (bPageRef ? text::ReferenceFieldPart::PAGE : text::ReferenceFieldPart::TEXT);
- OUString sValue;
- if( lcl_FindInCommand( pContext->GetCommand(), 'p', sValue ))
- {
- //above-below
- nFieldPart = text::ReferenceFieldPart::UP_DOWN;
- }
- else if( lcl_FindInCommand( pContext->GetCommand(), 'r', sValue ))
- {
- //number
- nFieldPart = text::ReferenceFieldPart::NUMBER;
- }
- else if( lcl_FindInCommand( pContext->GetCommand(), 'n', sValue ))
- {
- //number-no-context
- nFieldPart = text::ReferenceFieldPart::NUMBER_NO_CONTEXT;
- }
- else if( lcl_FindInCommand( pContext->GetCommand(), 'w', sValue ))
- {
- //number-full-context
- nFieldPart = text::ReferenceFieldPart::NUMBER_FULL_CONTEXT;
- }
+ getPropertyName(PROP_MACRO_NAME), uno::makeAny( sMacro ));
+ //extract quick help text
+ if(xFieldProperties.is() && pContext->GetCommand().getLength() > nIndex + 1)
+ {
- getPropertyName( PROP_REFERENCE_FIELD_PART ), uno::makeAny( nFieldPart ));
- }
- else if( m_xTextFactory.is() )
- {
- xFieldInterface = m_xTextFactory->createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextField.GetExpression");
- xFieldProperties.set(xFieldInterface, uno::UNO_QUERY);
- xFieldProperties->setPropertyValue(
- getPropertyName(PROP_CONTENT),
- uno::makeAny(sFirstParam));
- xFieldProperties->setPropertyValue(getPropertyName(PROP_SUB_TYPE), uno::makeAny(text::SetVariableType::STRING));
- }
+ getPropertyName(PROP_HINT),
+ uno::makeAny( pContext->GetCommand().copy( nIndex )));
- break;
- case FIELD_REVNUM : break;
- SetNumberFormat( pContext->GetCommand(), xFieldProperties );
- break;
- case FIELD_SECTION : break;
- case FIELD_SECTIONPAGES : break;
- case FIELD_SEQ :
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ //todo: create a database field and fieldmaster pointing to a column, only
+ //create a user field and type
+ uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xMaster =
+ FindOrCreateFieldMaster("com.sun.star.text.FieldMaster.Database", sFirstParam);
+// xFieldProperties->setPropertyValue(
+// "FieldCode",
+// uno::makeAny( pContext->GetCommand().copy( nIndex + 1 )));
+ uno::Reference< text::XDependentTextField > xDependentField( xFieldInterface, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
+ xDependentField->attachTextFieldMaster( xMaster );
+ }
+ break;
+ case FIELD_MERGEREC : break;
+ case FIELD_MERGESEQ : break;
+ case FIELD_NEXT : break;
+ case FIELD_NEXTIF : break;
+ case FIELD_PAGE :
+ if (xFieldProperties.is())
- // command looks like: " SEQ Table \* ARABIC "
- OUString sCmd(pContext->GetCommand());
- // find the sequence name, e.g. "SEQ"
- OUString sSeqName = msfilter::util::findQuotedText(sCmd, "SEQ ", '\\');
- sSeqName = sSeqName.trim();
- // create a sequence field master using the sequence name
- uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xMaster = FindOrCreateFieldMaster(
- "com.sun.star.text.FieldMaster.SetExpression",
- sSeqName);
- xMaster->setPropertyValue(
- getPropertyName(PROP_SUB_TYPE),
- uno::makeAny(text::SetVariableType::SEQUENCE));
- // apply the numbering type
- getPropertyName(PROP_NUMBERING_TYPE),
- uno::makeAny( lcl_ParseNumberingType(pContext->GetCommand()) ));
+ getPropertyName(PROP_NUMBERING_TYPE),
+ uno::makeAny( lcl_ParseNumberingType(pContext->GetCommand()) ));
+ xFieldProperties->setPropertyValue(
+ getPropertyName(PROP_SUB_TYPE),
+ uno::makeAny( text::PageNumberType_CURRENT ));
+ }
- // attach the master to the field
- uno::Reference< text::XDependentTextField > xDependentField( xFieldInterface, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
- xDependentField->attachTextFieldMaster( xMaster );
+ break;
+ case FIELD_REF:
+ if (xFieldProperties.is() && !m_bStartTOC)
+ {
+ bool bPageRef = aIt->second.eFieldId == FIELD_PAGEREF;
- OUString sFormula = sSeqName + "+1";
- OUString sValue;
- if( lcl_FindInCommand( pContext->GetCommand(), 'c', sValue ))
- {
- sFormula = sSeqName;
- }
- else if( lcl_FindInCommand( pContext->GetCommand(), 'r', sValue ))
- {
- sFormula = sValue;
- }
- // TODO \s isn't handled, but the spec isn't easy to understand without
- // an example for this one.
- xFieldProperties->setPropertyValue(
- getPropertyName(PROP_CONTENT),
- uno::makeAny(sFormula));
+ // Do we need a GetReference (default) or a GetExpression field?
+ uno::Reference< text::XTextFieldsSupplier > xFieldsSupplier( GetTextDocument(), uno::UNO_QUERY );
+ uno::Reference< container::XNameAccess > xFieldMasterAccess = xFieldsSupplier->getTextFieldMasters();
- // Take care of the numeric formatting definition, default is Arabic
- sal_Int16 nNumberingType = lcl_ParseNumberingType(pContext->GetCommand());
- if (nNumberingType == style::NumberingType::PAGE_DESCRIPTOR)
- nNumberingType = style::NumberingType::ARABIC;
+ if (!xFieldMasterAccess->hasByName(
+ "com.sun.star.text.FieldMaster.SetExpression."
+ + sFirstParam))
+ {
+ xFieldProperties->setPropertyValue(
+ uno::makeAny( sal_Int16(text::ReferenceFieldSource::BOOKMARK)) );
+ xFieldProperties->setPropertyValue(
+ getPropertyName(PROP_SOURCE_NAME),
+ uno::makeAny(sFirstParam) );
+ sal_Int16 nFieldPart = (bPageRef ? text::ReferenceFieldPart::PAGE : text::ReferenceFieldPart::TEXT);
+ OUString sValue;
+ if( lcl_FindInCommand( pContext->GetCommand(), 'p', sValue ))
+ {
+ //above-below
+ nFieldPart = text::ReferenceFieldPart::UP_DOWN;
+ }
+ else if( lcl_FindInCommand( pContext->GetCommand(), 'r', sValue ))
+ {
+ //number
+ nFieldPart = text::ReferenceFieldPart::NUMBER;
+ }
+ else if( lcl_FindInCommand( pContext->GetCommand(), 'n', sValue ))
+ {
+ //number-no-context
+ nFieldPart = text::ReferenceFieldPart::NUMBER_NO_CONTEXT;
+ }
+ else if( lcl_FindInCommand( pContext->GetCommand(), 'w', sValue ))
+ {
+ //number-full-context
+ nFieldPart = text::ReferenceFieldPart::NUMBER_FULL_CONTEXT;
+ }
+ xFieldProperties->setPropertyValue(
+ getPropertyName( PROP_REFERENCE_FIELD_PART ), uno::makeAny( nFieldPart ));
+ }
+ else if( m_xTextFactory.is() )
+ {
+ xFieldInterface = m_xTextFactory->createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextField.GetExpression");
+ xFieldProperties.set(xFieldInterface, uno::UNO_QUERY);
- getPropertyName(PROP_NUMBERING_TYPE),
- uno::makeAny(nNumberingType));
+ getPropertyName(PROP_CONTENT),
+ uno::makeAny(sFirstParam));
+ xFieldProperties->setPropertyValue(getPropertyName(PROP_SUB_TYPE), uno::makeAny(text::SetVariableType::STRING));
- break;
- case FIELD_SET :
- handleFieldSet(pContext, xFieldInterface, xFieldProperties);
- break;
- case FIELD_SKIPIF : break;
- case FIELD_STYLEREF : break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case FIELD_REVNUM : break;
+ SetNumberFormat( pContext->GetCommand(), xFieldProperties );
+ break;
+ case FIELD_SECTION : break;
+ case FIELD_SECTIONPAGES : break;
+ case FIELD_SEQ :
+ {
+ // command looks like: " SEQ Table \* ARABIC "
+ OUString sCmd(pContext->GetCommand());
+ // find the sequence name, e.g. "SEQ"
+ OUString sSeqName = msfilter::util::findQuotedText(sCmd, "SEQ ", '\\');
+ sSeqName = sSeqName.trim();
+ // create a sequence field master using the sequence name
+ uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xMaster = FindOrCreateFieldMaster(
+ "com.sun.star.text.FieldMaster.SetExpression",
+ sSeqName);
+ xMaster->setPropertyValue(
+ getPropertyName(PROP_SUB_TYPE),
+ uno::makeAny(text::SetVariableType::SEQUENCE));
+ // apply the numbering type
+ xFieldProperties->setPropertyValue(
+ getPropertyName(PROP_NUMBERING_TYPE),
+ uno::makeAny( lcl_ParseNumberingType(pContext->GetCommand()) ));
+ // attach the master to the field
+ uno::Reference< text::XDependentTextField > xDependentField( xFieldInterface, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
+ xDependentField->attachTextFieldMaster( xMaster );
+ OUString sFormula = sSeqName + "+1";
+ OUString sValue;
+ if( lcl_FindInCommand( pContext->GetCommand(), 'c', sValue ))
- if (!sFirstParam.isEmpty())
- {
- xFieldProperties->setPropertyValue(
- getPropertyName( PROP_IS_FIXED ), uno::makeAny( true ));
- //PROP_CURRENT_PRESENTATION is set later anyway
- }
+ sFormula = sSeqName;
- break;
+ else if( lcl_FindInCommand( pContext->GetCommand(), 'r', sValue ))
- uno::Reference< text::XTextAppend > xTextAppend = m_aTextAppendStack.top().xTextAppend;
- OUString sSymbol( sal_Unicode( sFirstParam.startsWithIgnoreAsciiCase("0x") ? sFirstParam.copy(2).toUInt32(16) : sFirstParam.toUInt32() ) );
- OUString sFont;
- bool bHasFont = lcl_FindInCommand( pContext->GetCommand(), 'f', sFont);
- if ( bHasFont )
- {
- sFont = sFont.trim();
- if (sFont.startsWith("\""))
- sFont = sFont.copy(1);
- if (sFont.endsWith("\""))
- sFont = sFont.copy(0,sFont.getLength()-1);
- }
+ sFormula = sValue;
+ }
+ // TODO \s isn't handled, but the spec isn't easy to understand without
+ // an example for this one.
+ xFieldProperties->setPropertyValue(
+ getPropertyName(PROP_CONTENT),
+ uno::makeAny(sFormula));
+ // Take care of the numeric formatting definition, default is Arabic
+ sal_Int16 nNumberingType = lcl_ParseNumberingType(pContext->GetCommand());
+ if (nNumberingType == style::NumberingType::PAGE_DESCRIPTOR)
+ nNumberingType = style::NumberingType::ARABIC;
+ xFieldProperties->setPropertyValue(
+ getPropertyName(PROP_NUMBERING_TYPE),
+ uno::makeAny(nNumberingType));
+ }
+ break;
+ case FIELD_SET :
+ handleFieldSet(pContext, xFieldInterface, xFieldProperties);
+ break;
+ case FIELD_SKIPIF : break;
+ case FIELD_STYLEREF : break;
+ {
+ if (!sFirstParam.isEmpty())
+ {
+ xFieldProperties->setPropertyValue(
... etc. - the rest is truncated
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