[Libreoffice-commits] online.git: loleaflet/js
Henry Castro (via logerrit)
logerrit at kemper.freedesktop.org
Mon Feb 17 13:57:39 UTC 2020
loleaflet/js/w2ui-1.5.rc1.js |16475 +------------------------------------------
1 file changed, 598 insertions(+), 15877 deletions(-)
New commits:
commit bb6f13d94dc6063df926e918868d144f36729c14
Author: Henry Castro <hcastro at collabora.com>
AuthorDate: Fri Feb 14 12:28:36 2020 -0400
Commit: Michael Meeks <michael.meeks at collabora.com>
CommitDate: Mon Feb 17 14:57:19 2020 +0100
w2ui: remove unused components
w2ui is bundled with: w2grid, w2layout, w2popup,
w2tabs, w2sidebar, w2fields, w2form
But they are not used in desktop nor mobile and
it is preferable to remove the dead code to reduce
bundle size, parse with mobile devices.
If in a near future, these components are used,
still we can restore the components.
Change-Id: I522f01a73217635acc9828a54006111fa196636d
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/c/online/+/88735
Tested-by: Michael Meeks <michael.meeks at collabora.com>
Reviewed-by: Michael Meeks <michael.meeks at collabora.com>
diff --git a/loleaflet/js/w2ui-1.5.rc1.js b/loleaflet/js/w2ui-1.5.rc1.js
index 687a00202..82243a0f0 100644
--- a/loleaflet/js/w2ui-1.5.rc1.js
+++ b/loleaflet/js/w2ui-1.5.rc1.js
@@ -2903,302 +2903,65 @@ w2utils.event = {
* Library: Web 2.0 UI for jQuery (using prototypical inheritance)
* - Following objects defined
-* - w2grid - grid widget
-* - $().w2grid - jQuery wrapper
-* - Dependencies: jQuery, w2utils, w2toolbar, w2fields
+* - w2toolbar - toolbar widget
+* - $().w2toolbar - jQuery wrapper
+* - Dependencies: jQuery, w2utils, w2field
* == NICE TO HAVE ==
-* - column autosize based on largest content
-* - reorder columns/records
-* - problem with .set() and arrays, array get extended too, but should be replaced
-* - after edit stay on the same record option
-* - if supplied array of ids, get should return array of records
-* - allow functions in routeData (also add routeData to list/enum)
-* - implement global routeData and all elements read from there
-* - send parsed URL to the event if there is routeData
-* - if you set searchData or sortData and call refresh() it should work
-* - add selectType: 'none' so that no selection can be make but with mouse
-* - reorder records with frozen columns
-* - focus/blur for selectType = cell not display grayed out selection
-* - frozen columns
- - load more only on the right side
- - scrolling on frozen columns is not working only on regular columns
-* - copy or large number of records is slow
-* - reusable search component (see https://github.com/vitmalina/w2ui/issues/914#issuecomment-107340524)
-* - allow enum in inline edit (see https://github.com/vitmalina/w2ui/issues/911#issuecomment-107341193)
-* - if record has no recid, then it should be index in the aray (should not be 0)
-* - bug: vs_start = 100 and more then 500 records, when scrolling empty sets
-* - row drag and drop has bugs
-* - Shift-click/Ctrl-click/Ctrl-Shift-Click selection is not as robust as it should be
-* == 1.5 changes
-* - $('#grid').w2grid() - if called w/o argument then it returns grid object
-* - added statusRange : true,
-* statusBuffered : false,
-* statusRecordID : true,
-* statusSelection : true,
-* statusResponse : true,
-* statusSort : true,
-* statusSearch : true,
-* - change selectAll() and selectNone() - return time it took
-* - added vs_start and vs_extra
-* - added update(cells) - updates only data in the grid (or cells)
-* - add to docs onColumnDragStart, onColumnDragEnd
-* - onSelect and onSelect should fire 1 time for selects with shift or selectAll(), selectNone()
-* - record.w2ui.style[field_name]
-* - use column field for style: { 1: 'color: red' }
-* - added focus(), blur(), onFocus, onBlur
-* - search.simple - if false, will not show up in simple search
-* - search.operator - default operator to use with search field
-* - search.operators - array of operators for the serach
-* - search.hidden - could not be clearned by the user
-* - search.value - only for hidden searches
-* - if .search(val) - search all fields
-* - refactor reorderRow (not finished)
-* - return JSON can now have summary array
-* - frozen columns
-* - added selectionSave, selectionRestore - for internal use
-* - added additional search filter options for int, float, date, time
-* - added getLineHTML
-* - added lineNumberWidth
-* - add searches.style
-* - getColumn without params returns fields of all columns
-* - getSearch without params returns fields of all searches
-* - added column.tooltip
-* - added hasFocus, refactored w2utils.keyboard
-* - do not clear selection when clicked and it was not in focus
-* - added record.w2ui.colspan
-* - editable area extends with typing
-* - removed onSubmit and onDeleted - now it uses onSave and onDelete
-* - column.seachable - can be an object, which will create search
-* - added null, not null filters
-* - update(cells) - added argument cells
-* - scrollIntoView(..., ..., instant) - added third argument
-* - added onResizeDblClick
-* - added onColumnDblClick
-* - implemented showBubble
-* - added show.searchAll
-* - added w2grid.operators
-* - added w2grid.operatorsMap
-* - move events into prototype
-* - move rec.summary, rec.style, rec.editable -> into rec.w2ui.summary, rec.w2ui.style, rec.w2ui.editable
-* - record: {
- recid
- field1
- ...
- fieldN
- w2ui: {
- colspan: { field: 5, ...}
- editable: true/false
- changes: {
- field: chagned_value,
- ....
- },
- children: [
- // similar to records array
- // can have sub children
- ]
- parent_recid: (internally set, id of the parent record, when children are copied to records array)
- summary: true/false
- style: 'string' - for entire row OR { field: 'string', ...} - per field
- class: 'string' - for entire row OR { field: 'string', ...} - per field
- }
- }
-* - added this.show.toolbarInput
-* - disableCVS
-* - grid.message
-* - added noReset option to localSort()
-* - onColumnSelect
-* - need to update PHP example
-* - added scrollToColumn(field)
-* - textSearch: 'begins' (default), 'contains', 'is', ...
-* - added refreshBody
-* - added response.total = -1 (or not present) to indicate that number of records is unknown
-* - message(.., callBack) - added callBack
-* - grid.msgEmpty
-* - field.render(..., data) -- added last argument which is what grid thinks should be there
-* - onSearchOpen (onSearch will have mutli and reset flags)
-* - added httpHeaders
-* - col.editable can be a function which will be called with the same args as col.render()
-* - getCellEditable(index, col_ind) -- return an 'editable' descriptor if cell is really editable
-* - added stateId
-* - rec.w2ui.class (and rec.w2ui.class { fname: '...' })
-* - columnTooltip
-* - expendable grids are still working
-* - added search.type = 'color'
+* - vertical toolbar
(function ($) {
- var w2grid = function(options) {
- // public properties
- this.name = null;
- this.box = null; // HTML element that hold this element
- this.header = '';
- this.url = '';
- this.routeData = {}; // data for dynamic routes
- this.columns = []; // { field, caption, size, attr, render, hidden, gridMinWidth, editable }
- this.columnGroups = []; // { span: int, caption: 'string', master: true/false }
- this.records = []; // { recid: int(requied), field1: 'value1', ... fieldN: 'valueN', style: 'string', changes: object }
- this.summary = []; // arry of summary records, same structure as records array
- this.searches = []; // { type, caption, field, inTag, outTag, hidden }
- this.searchData = [];
- this.sortData = [];
- this.postData = {};
- this.httpHeaders = {};
- this.toolbar = {}; // if not empty object; then it is toolbar object
- this.stateId = null; // Custom state name for satateSave, stateRestore and stateReset
- this.show = {
- header : false,
- toolbar : false,
- footer : false,
- columnHeaders : true,
- lineNumbers : false,
- expandColumn : false,
- selectColumn : false,
- emptyRecords : true,
- toolbarReload : true,
- toolbarColumns : true,
- toolbarSearch : true,
- toolbarInput : true,
- toolbarAdd : false,
- toolbarEdit : false,
- toolbarDelete : false,
- toolbarSave : false,
- searchAll : true,
- statusRange : true,
- statusBuffered : false,
- statusRecordID : true,
- statusSelection : true,
- statusResponse : true,
- statusSort : false,
- statusSearch : false,
- recordTitles : true,
- selectionBorder : true,
- skipRecords : true,
- saveRestoreState: true
- };
- this.hasFocus = false;
- this.autoLoad = true; // for infinite scroll
- this.fixedBody = true; // if false; then grid grows with data
- this.recordHeight = 24; // should be in prototype
- this.lineNumberWidth = null;
- this.vs_start = 150;
- this.vs_extra = 15;
- this.keyboard = true;
- this.selectType = 'row'; // can be row|cell
- this.multiSearch = true;
- this.multiSelect = true;
- this.multiSort = true;
- this.reorderColumns = false;
- this.reorderRows = false;
- this.markSearch = true;
- this.columnTooltip = 'normal'; // can be normal, top, bottom, left, right
- this.disableCVS = false; // disable Column Virtual Scroll
- this.textSearch = 'begins'; // default search type for text
- this.total = 0; // server total
- this.limit = 100;
- this.offset = 0; // how many records to skip (for infinite scroll) when pulling from server
- this.style = '';
- this.ranges = [];
- this.menu = [];
- this.method = null; // if defined, then overwrited ajax method
- this.recid = null;
- this.parser = null;
- // internal
- this.last = {
- field : '',
- caption : '',
- logic : 'OR',
- search : '',
- searchIds : [],
- selection : {
- indexes : [],
- columns : {}
- },
- multi : false,
- scrollTop : 0,
- scrollLeft : 0,
- colStart : 0, // for column virtual scrolling
- colEnd : 0,
- sortData : null,
- sortCount : 0,
- xhr : null,
- range_start : null,
- range_end : null,
- sel_ind : null,
- sel_col : null,
- sel_type : null,
- edit_col : null,
- isSafari : (/^((?!chrome|android).)*safari/i).test(navigator.userAgent)
- };
+ var w2toolbar = function (options) {
+ this.box = null; // DOM Element that holds the element
+ this.name = null; // unique name for w2ui
+ this.routeData = {}; // data for dynamic routes
+ this.items = [];
+ this.right = ''; // HTML text on the right of toolbar
+ this.tooltip = 'top|left';// can be top, bottom, left, right
- $.extend(true, this, w2obj.grid, options);
+ $.extend(true, this, w2obj.toolbar, options);
// ====================================================
// -- Registers as a jQuery plugin
- $.fn.w2grid = function(method) {
+ $.fn.w2toolbar = function(method) {
if ($.isPlainObject(method)) {
// check name parameter
- if (!w2utils.checkName(method, 'w2grid')) return;
- // remember items
- var columns = method.columns;
- var columnGroups = method.columnGroups;
- var records = method.records;
- var searches = method.searches;
- var searchData = method.searchData;
- var sortData = method.sortData;
- var postData = method.postData;
- var httpHeaders = method.httpHeaders;
- var toolbar = method.toolbar;
+ if (!w2utils.checkName(method, 'w2toolbar')) return;
// extend items
- var object = new w2grid(method);
- $.extend(object, { postData: {}, httpHeaders: {}, records: [], columns: [], searches: [], toolbar: {}, sortData: [], searchData: [], handlers: [] });
- if (object.onExpand != null) object.show.expandColumn = true;
- $.extend(true, object.toolbar, toolbar);
- // reassign variables
- var p;
- if (columns) for (p = 0; p < columns.length; p++) object.columns[p] = $.extend(true, {}, columns[p]);
- if (columnGroups) for (p = 0; p < columnGroups.length; p++) object.columnGroups[p] = $.extend(true, {}, columnGroups[p]);
- if (searches) for (p = 0; p < searches.length; p++) object.searches[p] = $.extend(true, {}, searches[p]);
- if (searchData) for (p = 0; p < searchData.length; p++) object.searchData[p] = $.extend(true, {}, searchData[p]);
- if (sortData) for (p = 0; p < sortData.length; p++) object.sortData[p] = $.extend(true, {}, sortData[p]);
- object.postData = $.extend(true, {}, postData);
- object.httpHeaders = $.extend(true, {}, httpHeaders);
- // check if there are records without recid
- if (records) for (var r = 0; r < records.length; r++) {
- if (records[r].recid == null && records[r][object.recid] == null) {
- console.log('ERROR: Cannot add records without recid. (obj: '+ object.name +')');
- return;
+ var items = method.items || [];
+ var object = new w2toolbar(method);
+ $.extend(object, { items: [], handlers: [] });
+ for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
+ object.items[i] = $.extend({}, w2toolbar.prototype.item, items[i]);
+ // menus
+ if (object.items[i].type == 'menu-check') {
+ var item = object.items[i];
+ if (!Array.isArray(item.selected)) item.selected = [];
+ if (Array.isArray(item.items)) {
+ for (var j = 0; j < item.items.length; j++) {
+ var it = item.items[j];
+ if (it.checked && item.selected.indexOf(it.id) == -1) item.selected.push(it.id);
+ if (!it.checked && item.selected.indexOf(it.id) != -1) it.checked = true;
+ if (it.checked == null) it.checked = false;
+ }
+ }
- object.records[r] = $.extend(true, {}, records[r]);
- }
- // add searches
- for (var i = 0; i < object.columns.length; i++) {
- var col = object.columns[i];
- var search = col.searchable;
- if (search == null || search === false || object.getSearch(col.field) != null) continue;
- if ($.isPlainObject(search)) {
- object.addSearch($.extend({ field: col.field, caption: col.caption, type: 'text' }, search));
- } else {
- var stype = col.searchable, attr = '';
- if (col.searchable === true) { stype = 'text'; attr = 'size="20"'; }
- object.addSearch({ field: col.field, caption: col.caption, type: stype, attr: attr });
+ else if (object.items[i].type == 'menu-radio') {
+ var item = object.items[i];
+ if (Array.isArray(item.items)) {
+ for (var j = 0; j < item.items.length; j++) {
+ var it = item.items[j];
+ if (it.checked && item.selected == null) item.selected = it.id; else it.checked = false;
+ if (!it.checked && item.selected == it.id) it.checked = true;
+ if (it.checked == null) it.checked = false;
+ }
+ }
- // init toolbar
- object.initToolbar();
- // render if necessary
if ($(this).length !== 0) {
@@ -3221,15747 +2984,705 @@ w2utils.event = {
// ====================================================
// -- Implementation of core functionality
- w2grid.prototype = {
- msgDelete : 'Are you sure you want to delete selected records?',
- msgNotJSON : 'Returned data is not in valid JSON format.',
- msgAJAXerror : 'AJAX error. See console for more details.',
- msgRefresh : 'Refreshing...',
- msgNeedReload : 'Your remote data source record count has changed, reloading from the first record.',
- msgEmpty : '', // if not blank, then it is message when server returns no records
- buttons: {
- 'reload' : { type: 'button', id: 'w2ui-reload', icon: 'w2ui-icon-reload', tooltip: 'Reload data in the list' },
- 'columns' : { type: 'drop', id: 'w2ui-column-on-off', icon: 'w2ui-icon-columns', tooltip: 'Show/hide columns', arrow: false, html: '' },
- 'search' : { type: 'html', id: 'w2ui-search',
- html: '<div class="w2ui-icon icon-search-down w2ui-search-down" '+
- 'onclick="var obj = w2ui[jQuery(this).parents(\'div.w2ui-grid\').attr(\'name\')]; obj.searchShowFields();"></div>'
- },
- 'search-go': { type: 'drop', id: 'w2ui-search-advanced', icon: 'w2ui-icon-search', text: 'Search', tooltip: 'Open Search Fields' },
- 'add' : { type: 'button', id: 'w2ui-add', text: 'Add New', tooltip: 'Add new record', icon: 'w2ui-icon-plus' },
- 'edit' : { type: 'button', id: 'w2ui-edit', text: 'Edit', tooltip: 'Edit selected record', icon: 'w2ui-icon-pencil', disabled: true },
- 'delete' : { type: 'button', id: 'w2ui-delete', text: 'Delete', tooltip: 'Delete selected records', icon: 'w2ui-icon-cross', disabled: true },
- 'save' : { type: 'button', id: 'w2ui-save', text: 'Save', tooltip: 'Save changed records', icon: 'w2ui-icon-check' }
- },
+ w2toolbar.prototype = {
+ onClick : null,
+ onRender : null,
+ onRefresh : null,
+ onResize : null,
+ onDestroy : null,
- operators: { // for search fields
- "text" : ['is', 'begins', 'contains', 'ends'],
- "number" : ['is', 'between', { oper: 'less', text: 'less than'}, { oper: 'more', text: 'more than' }],
- "date" : ['is', 'between', { oper: 'less', text: 'before'}, { oper: 'more', text: 'after' }],
- "list" : ['is'],
- "hex" : ['is', 'between'],
- "color" : ['is', 'begins', 'contains', 'ends'],
- "enum" : ['in', 'not in']
- // -- all posible
- // "text" : ['is', 'begins', 'contains', 'ends'],
- // "number" : ['is', 'between', 'less:less than', 'more:more than', 'null:is null', 'not null:is not null'],
- // "list" : ['is', 'null:is null', 'not null:is not null'],
- // "enum" : ['in', 'not in', 'null:is null', 'not null:is not null']
+ item: {
+ id : null, // command to be sent to all event handlers
+ type : 'button', // button, check, radio, drop, menu, menu-radio, menu-check, break, html, spacer
+ text : null,
+ html : '',
+ tooltip : null, // w2toolbar.tooltip should be
+ count : null,
+ hidden : false,
+ disabled : false,
+ checked : false, // used for radio buttons
+ img : null,
+ icon : null,
+ route : null, // if not null, it is route to go
+ arrow : true, // arrow down for drop/menu types
+ style : null, // extre css style for caption
+ color : null, // color value - used in color pickers
+ transparent : null, // transparent t/f - used in color pickers
+ group : null, // used for radio buttons
+ items : null, // for type menu* it is an array of items in the menu
+ selected : null, // used for menu-check, menu-radio
+ overlay : {},
+ onClick : null,
+ onRefresh : null
- operatorsMap: {
- "text" : "text",
- "int" : "number",
- "float" : "number",
- "money" : "number",
- "currency" : "number",
- "percent" : "number",
- "hex" : "hex",
- "alphanumeric" : "text",
- "color" : "color",
- "date" : "date",
- "time" : "date",
- "datetime" : "date",
- "list" : "list",
- "combo" : "text",
- "enum" : "enum",
- "file" : "enum",
- "select" : "list",
- "radio" : "list",
- "checkbox" : "list",
- "toggle" : "list"
+ add: function (items) {
+ this.insert(null, items);
- // events
- onAdd : null,
- onEdit : null,
- onRequest : null, // called on any server event
- onLoad : null,
- onDelete : null,
- onSave : null,
- onSelect : null,
- onUnselect : null,
- onClick : null,
- onDblClick : null,
- onContextMenu : null,
- onMenuClick : null, // when context menu item selected
- onColumnClick : null,
- onColumnDblClick : null,
- onColumnResize : null,
- onSort : null,
- onSearch : null,
- onSearchOpen : null,
- onChange : null, // called when editable record is changed
- onRestore : null, // called when editable record is restored
- onExpand : null,
- onCollapse : null,
- onError : null,
- onKeydown : null,
- onToolbar : null, // all events from toolbar
- onColumnOnOff : null,
- onCopy : null,
- onPaste : null,
- onSelectionExtend : null,
- onEditField : null,
- onRender : null,
- onRefresh : null,
- onReload : null,
- onResize : null,
- onDestroy : null,
- onStateSave : null,
- onStateRestore : null,
- onFocus : null,
- onBlur : null,
- onReorderRow : null,
- add: function (record, first) {
- if (!$.isArray(record)) record = [record];
- var added = 0;
- for (var i = 0; i < record.length; i++) {
- var rec = record[i];
- if (rec.recid == null && rec[this.recid] == null) {
- console.log('ERROR: Cannot add record without recid. (obj: '+ this.name +')');
- continue;
- }
- if (rec.w2ui && rec.w2ui.summary === true) {
- if (first) this.summary.unshift(rec); else this.summary.push(rec);
- } else {
- if (first) this.records.unshift(rec); else this.records.push(rec);
+ insert: function (id, items) {
+ if (!$.isArray(items)) items = [items];
+ for (var o = 0; o < items.length; o++) {
+ // checks
+ if (items[o].type == null) {
+ console.log('ERROR: The parameter "type" is required but not supplied in w2toolbar.add() method.');
+ return;
- added++;
- }
- var url = (typeof this.url != 'object' ? this.url : this.url.get);
- if (!url) {
- this.total = this.records.length;
- this.localSort(false, true);
- this.localSearch();
- // do not call this.refresh(), this is unnecessary, heavy, and messes with the toolbar.
- this.refreshBody();
- this.resizeRecords();
- return added;
- }
- this.refresh(); // ?? should it be reload?
- return added;
- },
- find: function (obj, returnIndex) {
- if (obj == null) obj = {};
- var recs = [];
- var hasDots = false;
- // check if property is nested - needed for speed
- for (var o in obj) if (String(o).indexOf('.') != -1) hasDots = true;
- // look for an item
- for (var i = 0; i < this.records.length; i++) {
- var match = true;
- for (var o in obj) {
- var val = this.records[i][o];
- if (hasDots && String(o).indexOf('.') != -1) val = this.parseField(this.records[i], o);
- if (obj[o] == 'not-null') {
- if (val == null || val === '') match = false;
- } else {
- if (obj[o] != val) match = false;
- }
+ if ($.inArray(String(items[o].type), ['button', 'check', 'radio', 'drop', 'menu', 'menu-radio', 'menu-check', 'color', 'text-color', 'break', 'html', 'spacer']) == -1) {
+ console.log('ERROR: The parameter "type" should be one of the following [button, check, radio, drop, menu, break, html, spacer] '+
+ 'in w2toolbar.add() method.');
+ return;
- if (match && returnIndex !== true) recs.push(this.records[i].recid);
- if (match && returnIndex === true) recs.push(i);
- }
- return recs;
- },
- set: function (recid, record, noRefresh) { // does not delete existing, but overrides on top of it
- if (typeof recid == 'object') {
- noRefresh = record;
- record = recid;
- recid = null;
- }
- // update all records
- if (recid == null) {
- for (var i = 0; i < this.records.length; i++) {
- $.extend(true, this.records[i], record); // recid is the whole record
+ if (items[o].id == null && items[o].type != 'break' && items[o].type != 'spacer') {
+ console.log('ERROR: The parameter "id" is required but not supplied in w2toolbar.add() method.');
+ return;
- if (noRefresh !== true) this.refresh();
- } else { // find record to update
- var ind = this.get(recid, true);
- if (ind == null) return false;
- var isSummary = (this.records[ind] && this.records[ind].recid == recid ? false : true);
- if (isSummary) {
- $.extend(true, this.summary[ind], record);
+ if (!w2utils.checkUniqueId(items[o].id, this.items, 'toolbar items', this.name)) return;
+ // add item
+ var it = $.extend({}, w2toolbar.prototype.item, items[o]);
+ if (id == null) {
+ this.items.push(it);
} else {
- $.extend(true, this.records[ind], record);
- }
- if (noRefresh !== true) this.refreshRow(recid, ind); // refresh only that record
- }
- return true;
- },
- get: function (recid, returnIndex) {
- // search records
- if ($.isArray(recid)) {
- var recs = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < this.records.length; i++) {
- if ($.inArray(this.records[i].recid, recid) != -1) {
- if (returnIndex === true) {
- recs.push(i);
- } else {
- recs.push(this.records[i]);
- }
- }
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < this.summary.length; i++) {
- if ($.inArray(this.summary[i].recid, recid) != -1) {
- if (returnIndex === true) {
- recs.push(i);
- } else {
- recs.push(this.summary[i]);
- }
- }
- }
- return recs;
- } else {
- for (var i = 0; i < this.records.length; i++) {
- if (this.records[i].recid == recid) {
- if (returnIndex === true) return i; else return this.records[i];
- }
- }
- // search summary
- for (var i = 0; i < this.summary.length; i++) {
- if (this.summary[i].recid == recid) {
- if (returnIndex === true) return i; else return this.summary[i];
- }
+ var middle = this.get(id, true);
+ this.items = this.items.slice(0, middle).concat([it], this.items.slice(middle));
- return null;
+ this.refresh(it.id);
+ this.resize();
remove: function () {
var removed = 0;
for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
- for (var r = this.records.length-1; r >= 0; r--) {
- if (this.records[r].recid == arguments[a]) { this.records.splice(r, 1); removed++; }
- }
- for (var r = this.summary.length-1; r >= 0; r--) {
- if (this.summary[r].recid == arguments[a]) { this.summary.splice(r, 1); removed++; }
- }
- }
- var url = (typeof this.url != 'object' ? this.url : this.url.get);
- if (!url) {
- this.localSort(false, true);
- this.localSearch();
+ var it = this.get(arguments[a]);
+ if (!it || String(arguments[a]).indexOf(':') != -1) continue;
+ removed++;
+ // remove from screen
+ $(this.box).find('#tb_'+ this.name +'_item_'+ w2utils.escapeId(it.id)).remove();
+ // remove from array
+ var ind = this.get(it.id, true);
+ if (ind != null) this.items.splice(ind, 1);
- this.refresh();
+ this.resize();
return removed;
- addColumn: function (before, columns) {
- var added = 0;
- if (arguments.length == 1) {
- columns = before;
- before = this.columns.length;
- } else {
- if (typeof before == 'string') before = this.getColumn(before, true);
- if (before == null) before = this.columns.length;
- }
- if (!$.isArray(columns)) columns = [columns];
- for (var i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
- this.columns.splice(before, 0, columns[i]);
- // if column is searchable, add search field
- if (columns[i].searchable) {
- var stype = columns[i].searchable;
- var attr = '';
- if (columns[i].searchable === true) { stype = 'text'; attr = 'size="20"'; }
- this.addSearch({ field: columns[i].field, caption: columns[i].caption, type: stype, attr: attr });
- }
- before++;
- added++;
- }
- this.refresh();
- return added;
- },
- removeColumn: function () {
- var removed = 0;
- for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
- for (var r = this.columns.length-1; r >= 0; r--) {
- if (this.columns[r].field == arguments[a]) {
- if (this.columns[r].searchable) this.removeSearch(arguments[a]);
- this.columns.splice(r, 1);
- removed++;
- }
- }
- }
- this.refresh();
- return removed;
+ set: function (id, newOptions) {
+ var item = this.get(id);
+ if (item == null) return false;
+ $.extend(item, newOptions);
+ this.refresh(String(id).split(':')[0]);
+ return true;
- getColumn: function (field, returnIndex) {
- // no arguments - return fields of all columns
+ get: function (id, returnIndex) {
if (arguments.length === 0) {
- var ret = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < this.columns.length; i++) ret.push(this.columns[i].field);
- return ret;
+ var all = [];
+ for (var i1 = 0; i1 < this.items.length; i1++) if (this.items[i1].id != null) all.push(this.items[i1].id);
+ return all;
- // find column
- for (var i = 0; i < this.columns.length; i++) {
- if (this.columns[i].field == field) {
- if (returnIndex === true) return i; else return this.columns[i];
+ var tmp = String(id).split(':');
+ for (var i2 = 0; i2 < this.items.length; i2++) {
+ var it = this.items[i2];
+ // find a menu item
+ if (['menu', 'menu-radio', 'menu-check'].indexOf(it.type) != -1 && tmp.length == 2 && it.id == tmp[0]) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < it.items.length; i++) {
+ var item = it.items[i];
+ if (item.id == tmp[1] || (item.id == null && item.text == tmp[1])) {
+ if (returnIndex == true) return i; else return item;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (it.id == tmp[0]) {
+ if (returnIndex == true) return i2; else return it;
return null;
- toggleColumn: function () {
- var effected = 0;
+ show: function () {
+ var obj = this;
+ var items = 0;
+ var tmp = [];
for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
- for (var r = this.columns.length-1; r >= 0; r--) {
- var col = this.columns[r];
- if (col.field == arguments[a]) {
- col.hidden = !col.hidden;
- effected++;
- }
- }
+ var it = this.get(arguments[a]);
+ if (!it) continue;
+ items++;
+ it.hidden = false;
+ tmp.push(String(arguments[a]).split(':')[0]);
- this.refreshBody();
- this.resizeRecords();
- return effected;
+ setTimeout(function () { for (var t=0; t<tmp.length; t++) obj.refresh(tmp[t]); obj.resize(); }, 15); // needs timeout
+ return items;
- showColumn: function () {
- var shown = 0;
+ hide: function () {
+ var obj = this;
+ var items = 0;
+ var tmp = [];
for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
- for (var r = this.columns.length-1; r >= 0; r--) {
- var col = this.columns[r];
- if (col.gridMinWidth) delete col.gridMinWidth;
- if (col.field == arguments[a] && col.hidden !== false) {
- col.hidden = false;
- shown++;
- }
- }
+ var it = this.get(arguments[a]);
+ if (!it) continue;
+ items++;
+ it.hidden = true;
+ tmp.push(String(arguments[a]).split(':')[0]);
- this.refreshBody();
- this.resizeRecords();
- return shown;
+ setTimeout(function () { for (var t=0; t<tmp.length; t++) { obj.refresh(tmp[t]); obj.tooltipHide(tmp[t]); } obj.resize(); }, 15); // needs timeout
+ return items;
- hideColumn: function () {
- var hidden = 0;
+ enable: function () {
+ var obj = this;
+ var items = 0;
+ var tmp = [];
for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
- for (var r = this.columns.length-1; r >= 0; r--) {
- var col = this.columns[r];
- if (col.field == arguments[a] && col.hidden !== true) {
- col.hidden = true;
- hidden++;
- }
- }
+ var it = this.get(arguments[a]);
+ if (!it) continue;
+ items++;
+ it.disabled = false;
+ tmp.push(String(arguments[a]).split(':')[0]);
- this.refreshBody();
- this.resizeRecords();
- return hidden;
+ setTimeout(function () { for (var t=0; t<tmp.length; t++) obj.refresh(tmp[t]); }, 15); // needs timeout
+ return items;
- addSearch: function (before, search) {
- var added = 0;
- if (arguments.length == 1) {
- search = before;
- before = this.searches.length;
- } else {
- if (typeof before == 'string') before = this.getSearch(before, true);
- if (before == null) before = this.searches.length;
- }
- if (!$.isArray(search)) search = [search];
- for (var i = 0; i < search.length; i++) {
- this.searches.splice(before, 0, search[i]);
- before++;
- added++;
+ disable: function () {
+ var obj = this;
+ var items = 0;
+ var tmp = [];
+ for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
+ var it = this.get(arguments[a]);
+ if (!it) continue;
+ items++;
+ it.disabled = true;
+ tmp.push(String(arguments[a]).split(':')[0]);
- this.searchClose();
- return added;
+ setTimeout(function () { for (var t=0; t<tmp.length; t++) { obj.refresh(tmp[t]); obj.tooltipHide(tmp[t]); } }, 15); // needs timeout
+ return items;
- removeSearch: function () {
- var removed = 0;
+ check: function () {
+ var obj = this;
+ var items = 0;
+ var tmp = [];
for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
- for (var r = this.searches.length-1; r >= 0; r--) {
- if (this.searches[r].field == arguments[a]) { this.searches.splice(r, 1); removed++; }
- }
+ var it = this.get(arguments[a]);
+ if (!it || String(arguments[a]).indexOf(':') != -1) continue;
+ items++;
+ it.checked = true;
+ tmp.push(String(arguments[a]).split(':')[0]);
- this.searchClose();
- return removed;
- },
- getSearch: function (field, returnIndex) {
- // no arguments - return fields of all searches
- if (arguments.length === 0) {
- var ret = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < this.searches.length; i++) ret.push(this.searches[i].field);
- return ret;
- }
- // find search
- for (var i = 0; i < this.searches.length; i++) {
- if (this.searches[i].field == field) {
- if (returnIndex === true) return i; else return this.searches[i];
- }
- }
- return null;
+ setTimeout(function () { for (var t=0; t<tmp.length; t++) obj.refresh(tmp[t]); }, 15); // needs timeout
+ return items;
- toggleSearch: function () {
- var effected = 0;
+ uncheck: function () {
+ var obj = this;
+ var items = 0;
+ var tmp = [];
for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
- for (var r = this.searches.length-1; r >= 0; r--) {
- if (this.searches[r].field == arguments[a]) {
- this.searches[r].hidden = !this.searches[r].hidden;
- effected++;
- }
+ var it = this.get(arguments[a]);
+ if (!it || String(arguments[a]).indexOf(':') != -1) continue;
+ // remove overlay
+ if (['menu', 'menu-radio', 'menu-check', 'drop', 'color', 'text-color'].indexOf(it.type) != -1 && it.checked) {
+ // hide overlay
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ var el = $('#tb_'+ obj.name +'_item_'+ w2utils.escapeId(it.id));
+ el.w2overlay({ name: obj.name });
+ }, 1);
+ items++;
+ it.checked = false;
+ tmp.push(String(arguments[a]).split(':')[0]);
- this.searchClose();
- return effected;
+ setTimeout(function () { for (var t=0; t<tmp.length; t++) obj.refresh(tmp[t]); }, 15); // needs timeout
+ return items;
- showSearch: function () {
- var shown = 0;
- for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
- for (var r = this.searches.length-1; r >= 0; r--) {
- if (this.searches[r].field == arguments[a] && this.searches[r].hidden !== false) {
- this.searches[r].hidden = false;
- shown++;
- }
+ click: function (id, event) {
+ var obj = this;
+ // click on menu items
+ var tmp = String(id).split(':');
+ var it = this.get(tmp[0]);
+ if (tmp.length > 1) {
+ var subItem = this.get(id);
+ if (subItem && !subItem.disabled) {
+ obj.menuClick({ name: obj.name, item: it, subItem: subItem, originalEvent: event });
+ return;
- this.searchClose();
- return shown;
- },
- hideSearch: function () {
- var hidden = 0;
- for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
- for (var r = this.searches.length-1; r >= 0; r--) {
- if (this.searches[r].field == arguments[a] && this.searches[r].hidden !== true) {
- this.searches[r].hidden = true;
- hidden++;
- }
+ if (it && !it.disabled) {
+ // event before
+ var edata = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'click', target: (id != null ? id : this.name),
+ item: it, object: it, originalEvent: event });
+ if (tmp[0] === 'zoomin' || tmp[0] === 'zoomout') {
+ return;
- }
- this.searchClose();
- return hidden;
- },
+ if (edata.isCancelled === true) return;
- getSearchData: function (field) {
- for (var i = 0; i < this.searchData.length; i++) {
- if (this.searchData[i].field == field) return this.searchData[i];
- }
- return null;
- },
+ var btn = '#tb_'+ this.name +'_item_'+ w2utils.escapeId(it.id) +' table.w2ui-button';
+ $(btn).removeClass('down'); // need to requery at the moment -- as well as elsewhere in this function
- localSort: function (silent, noResetRefresh) {
- var url = (typeof this.url != 'object' ? this.url : this.url.get);
- if (url) {
- console.log('ERROR: grid.localSort can only be used on local data source, grid.url should be empty.');
- return;
- }
- if ($.isEmptyObject(this.sortData)) return;
- var time = (new Date()).getTime();
- var obj = this;
- // process date fields
- obj.selectionSave();
- obj.prepareData();
- if (!noResetRefresh) {
- obj.reset();
- }
- // process sortData
- for (var i = 0; i < this.sortData.length; i++) {
- var column = this.getColumn(this.sortData[i].field);
- if (!column) return;
- if (typeof column.render == 'string') {
- if (['date', 'age'].indexOf(column.render.split(':')[0]) != -1) {
- this.sortData[i]['field_'] = column.field + '_';
- }
- if (['time'].indexOf(column.render.split(':')[0]) != -1) {
- this.sortData[i]['field_'] = column.field + '_';
+ if (it.type == 'radio') {
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) {
+ var itt = this.items[i];
+ if (itt == null || itt.id == it.id || itt.type !== 'radio') continue;
+ if (itt.group == it.group && itt.checked) {
+ itt.checked = false;
+ this.refresh(itt.id);
+ }
+ it.checked = true;
+ $(btn).addClass('checked');
- }
- // prepare paths and process sort
- preparePaths();
- this.records.sort(function (a, b) {
- return compareRecordPaths(a, b);
- });
- cleanupPaths();
+ if (['menu', 'menu-radio', 'menu-check', 'drop', 'color', 'text-color'].indexOf(it.type) != -1) {
+ obj.tooltipHide(id);
+ if (it.checked) {
+ // if it was already checked, second click will hide it
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ // hide overlay
+ var el = $('#tb_'+ obj.name +'_item_'+ w2utils.escapeId(it.id));
+ el.w2overlay({ name: obj.name });
+ // uncheck
+ it.checked = false;
+ obj.refresh(it.id);
+ }, 1);
- obj.selectionRestore(noResetRefresh);
- time = (new Date()).getTime() - time;
- if (silent !== true && obj.show.statusSort) {
- setTimeout(function () {
- obj.status(w2utils.lang('Sorting took') + ' ' + time/1000 + ' ' + w2utils.lang('sec'));
- }, 10);
- }
- return time;
+ } else {
- // grab paths before sorting for efficiency and because calling obj.get()
- // while sorting 'obj.records' is unsafe, at least on webkit
- function preparePaths() {
- for (var i = 0; i < obj.records.length; i++) {
- var rec = obj.records[i];
- if (rec.w2ui && rec.w2ui.parent_recid != null)
- rec.w2ui._path = getRecordPath(rec);
+ // show overlay
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ var el = $('#tb_'+ obj.name +'_item_'+ w2utils.escapeId(it.id));
+ if (!$.isPlainObject(it.overlay)) it.overlay = {};
+ var left = (el.width() - 50) / 2;
+ if (left > 19) left = 19;
+ if (it.type == 'drop') {
+ el.w2overlay(it.html, $.extend({ name: obj.name, left: left, top: 3 }, it.overlay, {
+ onHide: function (event) {
+ hideDrop();
+ }
+ }));
+ }
+ if (['menu', 'menu-radio', 'menu-check'].indexOf(it.type) != -1) {
+ var menuType = 'normal';
+ if (it.type == 'menu-radio') {
+ menuType = 'radio';
+ it.items.forEach(function (item) {
+ if (it.selected == item.id) item.checked = true; else item.checked = false;
+ });
+ }
+ if (it.type == 'menu-check') {
+ menuType = 'check';
+ it.items.forEach(function (item) {
+ if ($.isArray(it.selected) && it.selected.indexOf(item.id) != -1) item.checked = true; else item.checked = false;
+ });
+ }
+ el.w2menu($.extend({ name: obj.name, items: it.items, left: left, top: 3 }, it.overlay, {
+ type: menuType,
+ select: function (event) {
+ obj.menuClick({ name: obj.name, item: it, subItem: event.item, originalEvent: event.originalEvent, keepOpen: event.keepOpen });
+ },
+ onHide: function (event) {
+ hideDrop();
+ }
+ }));
+ }
+ if (['color', 'text-color'].indexOf(it.type) != -1) {
+ if (it.transparent == null) it.transparent = true;
+ $(el).w2color({ color: it.color, transparent: it.transparent }, function (color, index) {
+ if (color != null) {
+ obj.colorClick({ name: obj.name, item: it, color: color, originalEvent: event.originalEvent });
+ }
+ hideDrop();
+ });
+ }
+ function hideDrop(event) {
+ it.checked = false;
+ $(btn).removeClass('checked');
+ }
+ }, 1);
+ }
- }
- // cleanup and release memory allocated by preparePaths()
- function cleanupPaths() {
- for (var i = 0; i < obj.records.length; i++) {
- var rec = obj.records[i];
- if (rec.w2ui && rec.w2ui.parent_recid != null)
- rec.w2ui._path = null;
+ if (['check', 'menu', 'menu-radio', 'menu-check', 'drop', 'color', 'text-color'].indexOf(it.type) != -1) {
+ it.checked = !it.checked;
+ if (it.checked) {
+ $(btn).addClass('checked');
+ } else {
+ $(btn).removeClass('checked');
+ }
- }
- // compare two paths, from root of tree to given records
- function compareRecordPaths(a, b) {
- if ((!a.w2ui || a.w2ui.parent_recid == null) && (!b.w2ui || b.w2ui.parent_recid == null)) {
- return compareRecords(a, b); // no tree, fast path
+ // route processing
+ if (it.route) {
+ var route = String('/'+ it.route).replace(/\/{2,}/g, '/');
+ var info = w2utils.parseRoute(route);
+ if (info.keys.length > 0) {
+ for (var k = 0; k < info.keys.length; k++) {
+ route = route.replace((new RegExp(':'+ info.keys[k].name, 'g')), this.routeData[info.keys[k].name]);
+ }
+ }
+ setTimeout(function () { window.location.hash = route; }, 1);
- var pa = getRecordPath(a);
- var pb = getRecordPath(b);
- for (var i = 0; i < Math.min(pa.length, pb.length); i++) {
- var diff = compareRecords(pa[i], pb[i]);
- if (diff !== 0) return diff; // different subpath
+ if (event && ['button', 'check', 'radio'].indexOf(it.type) != -1) {
+ // need to refresh toolbar as it might be dynamic
+ this.tooltipShow(id, event, true);
- if (pa.length > pb.length) return 1;
- if (pa.length < pb.length) return -1;
- console.log('ERROR: two paths should not be equal.');
- return 0;
+ // event after
+ this.trigger($.extend(edata, { phase: 'after' }));
+ },
- // return an array of all records from root to and including 'rec'
- function getRecordPath(rec) {
- if (!rec.w2ui || rec.w2ui.parent_recid == null) return [rec];
- if (rec.w2ui._path)
- return rec.w2ui._path;
- // during actual sort, we should never reach this point
- var subrec = obj.get(rec.w2ui.parent_recid);
- if (!subrec) {
- console.log('ERROR: no parent record: '+rec.w2ui.parent_recid);
- return [rec];
- }
- return (getRecordPath(subrec).concat(rec));
- }
+ scroll: function (direction) {
+ var box = $(this.box);
+ var obj = this;
+ var scrollBox = box.find('.w2ui-scroll-wrapper');
+ var scrollLeft = scrollBox.scrollLeft();
+ var width1, width2, scroll;
- // compare two records according to sortData and finally recid
- function compareRecords(a, b) {
- if (a === b) return 0; // optimize, same object
- for (var i = 0; i < obj.sortData.length; i++) {
- var fld = obj.sortData[i].field;
- if (obj.sortData[i].field_) fld = obj.sortData[i].field_;
- var aa = a[fld];
- var bb = b[fld];
- if (String(fld).indexOf('.') != -1) {
- aa = obj.parseField(a, fld);
- bb = obj.parseField(b, fld);
- }
- var col = obj.getColumn(fld);
- if (col && col.editable != null) { // for drop editable fields and drop downs
- if ($.isPlainObject(aa) && aa.text) aa = aa.text;
- if ($.isPlainObject(bb) && bb.text) bb = bb.text;
- }
- var ret = compareCells(aa, bb, i, obj.sortData[i].direction);
- if (ret !== 0) return ret;
- }
- // break tie for similar records,
- // required to have consistent ordering for tree paths
- var ret = compareCells(a.recid, b.recid, -1, 'asc');
- if (ret !== 0) return ret;
- return 0;
- }
+ switch (direction) {
+ case 'left':
+ width1 = scrollBox.outerWidth();
+ width2 = scrollBox.find(':first').outerWidth();
+ scroll = scrollLeft - width1 + 50; // 35 is width of both button
+ if (scroll <= 0) scroll = 0;
+ scrollBox.animate({ scrollLeft: scroll }, 300);
+ break;
- // compare two values, aa and bb, producing consistent ordering
- function compareCells(aa, bb, i, direction) {
- // if both objects are strictly equal, we're done
- if (aa === bb)
- return 0;
- // all nulls, empty and undefined on bottom
- if ((aa == null || aa === "") && (bb != null && bb !== ""))
- return 1;
- if ((aa != null && aa !== "") && (bb == null || bb === ""))
- return -1;
- var dir = (direction == 'asc') ? 1 : -1;
- // for different kind of objects, sort by object type
- if (typeof aa != typeof bb)
- return (typeof aa > typeof bb) ? dir : -dir;
- // for different kind of classes, sort by classes
- if (aa.constructor.name != bb.constructor.name)
- return (aa.constructor.name > bb.constructor.name) ? dir : -dir;
- // if we're dealing with non-null objects, call valueOf().
- // this mean that Date() or custom objects will compare properly.
- if (aa && typeof aa == 'object')
- aa = aa.valueOf();
- if (bb && typeof bb == 'object')
- bb = bb.valueOf();
- // if we're still dealing with non-null objects that have
- // a useful Object => String conversion, convert to string.
- var defaultToString = {}.toString;
- if (aa && typeof aa == 'object' && aa.toString != defaultToString)
- aa = String(aa);
- if (bb && typeof bb == 'object' && bb.toString != defaultToString)
- bb = String(bb);
- // do case-insensitive string comparaison
- if (typeof aa == 'string')
- aa = $.trim(aa.toLowerCase());
- if (typeof bb == 'string')
- bb = $.trim(bb.toLowerCase());
- // compare both objects
- if (aa > bb)
- return dir;
- if (aa < bb)
- return -dir;
- return 0;
+ case 'right':
+ width1 = scrollBox.outerWidth();
+ width2 = scrollBox.find(':first').outerWidth();
+ scroll = scrollLeft + width1 - 50; // 35 is width of both button
+ if (scroll >= width2 - width1) scroll = width2 - width1;
+ scrollBox.animate({ scrollLeft: scroll }, 300);
+ break;
+ setTimeout(function () { obj.resize(); }, 350);
- localSearch: function (silent) {
- var url = (typeof this.url != 'object' ? this.url : this.url.get);
- if (url) {
- console.log('ERROR: grid.localSearch can only be used on local data source, grid.url should be empty.');
- return;
- }
+ render: function (box) {
var time = (new Date()).getTime();
- var obj = this;
- var defaultToString = {}.toString;
- var duplicateMap = {};
- this.total = this.records.length;
- // mark all records as shown
- this.last.searchIds = [];
- // prepare date/time fields
- this.prepareData();
- // hide records that did not match
- if (this.searchData.length > 0 && !url) {
- this.total = 0;
- for (var i = 0; i < this.records.length; i++) {
- var rec = this.records[i];
- var match = searchRecord(rec);
- if (match) {
- if (rec && rec.w2ui)
- addParent(rec.w2ui.parent_recid);
- this.last.searchIds.push(i);
- }
+ // event before
+ var edata = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'render', target: this.name, box: box });
+ if (edata.isCancelled === true) return;
+ if (box != null) {
+ if ($(this.box).find('> table #tb_'+ this.name + '_right').length > 0) {
+ $(this.box)
+ .removeAttr('name')
+ .removeClass('w2ui-reset w2ui-toolbar')
+ .html('');
- this.total = this.last.searchIds.length;
+ this.box = box;
- time = (new Date()).getTime() - time;
- if (silent !== true && obj.show.statusSearch) {
- setTimeout(function () {
- obj.status(w2utils.lang('Search took') + ' ' + time/1000 + ' ' + w2utils.lang('sec'));
- }, 10);
+ if (!this.box) return;
+ // render all buttons
+ var html = '<div class="w2ui-scroll-wrapper" onmousedown="var el=w2ui[\''+ this.name +'\']; if (el) el.resize();" onscroll="var el=w2ui[\'editbar\']; if (el) el.resize();">'+
+ '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%"><tbody>'+
+ '<tr>';
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) {
+ var it = this.items[i];
+ if (it == null) continue;
+ if (it.id == null) it.id = "item_" + i;
+ if (it.type == 'spacer') {
+ html += '<td width="100%" id="tb_'+ this.name +'_item_'+ it.id +'" align="right"></td>';
+ } else {
+ html += '<td id="tb_'+ this.name + '_item_'+ it.id +'" style="'+ (it.hidden ? 'display: none' : '') +'" '+
+ ' class="'+ (it.disabled ? 'disabled' : '') +'" valign="middle">'+
+ '</td>';
+ }
- return time;
+ html += '<td width="100%" id="tb_'+ this.name +'_right" align="right">'+ this.right +'</td>';
+ html += '</tr>'+
+ '</tbody></table></div>'+
+ '<div class="w2ui-scroll-left" onmousedown="event.preventDefault()" onclick="if($(this).closest(\'#toolbar-up\').length>0 || $(\'#toolbar-down\').width() > 768){var el=w2ui[\''+ this.name +'\']; if (el) el.scroll(\'left\');}"></div>'+
+ '<div class="w2ui-scroll-right" onmousedown="event.preventDefault()" onclick="if($(this).closest(\'#toolbar-up\').length>0 || $(\'#toolbar-down\').width() > 768){var el=w2ui[\''+ this.name +'\']; if (el) el.scroll(\'right\');}"></div>';
+ $(this.box)
+ .attr('name', this.name)
+ .addClass('w2ui-reset w2ui-toolbar')
+ .html(html);
+ if ($(this.box).length > 0) $(this.box)[0].style.cssText += this.style;
+ // refresh all
+ this.refresh();
+ this.resize();
+ // event after
+ this.trigger($.extend(edata, { phase: 'after' }));
+ return (new Date()).getTime() - time;
+ },
- // check if a record (or one of its closed children) matches the search data
- function searchRecord(rec) {
- var fl = 0;
- for (var j = 0; j < obj.searchData.length; j++) {
- var sdata = obj.searchData[j];
- var search = obj.getSearch(sdata.field);
- if (sdata == null) continue;
- if (search == null) search = { field: sdata.field, type: sdata.type };
- var val1b = obj.parseField(rec, search.field);
- var val1 = (val1b !== null && val1b !== undefined &&
- (typeof val1b != "object" || val1b.toString != defaultToString)) ?
- String(val1b).toLowerCase() : ""; // do not match a bogus string
- if (sdata.value != null) {
- if (!$.isArray(sdata.value)) {
- var val2 = String(sdata.value).toLowerCase();
- } else {
- var val2 = sdata.value[0];
- var val3 = sdata.value[1];
- }
- }
- switch (sdata.operator) {
- case 'is':
- if (obj.parseField(rec, search.field) == sdata.value) fl++; // do not hide record
- else if (search.type == 'date') {
- var tmp = (obj.parseField(rec, search.field + '_') instanceof Date ? obj.parseField(rec, search.field + '_') : obj.parseField(rec, search.field));
- var val1 = w2utils.formatDate(tmp, 'yyyy-mm-dd');
- var val2 = w2utils.formatDate(w2utils.isDate(val2, w2utils.settings.dateFormat, true), 'yyyy-mm-dd');
- if (val1 == val2) fl++;
- }
- else if (search.type == 'time') {
- var tmp = (obj.parseField(rec, search.field + '_') instanceof Date ? obj.parseField(rec, search.field + '_') : obj.parseField(rec, search.field));
- var val1 = w2utils.formatTime(tmp, 'hh24:mi');
- var val2 = w2utils.formatTime(val2, 'hh24:mi');
- if (val1 == val2) fl++;
- }
- else if (search.type == 'datetime') {
- var tmp = (obj.parseField(rec, search.field + '_') instanceof Date ? obj.parseField(rec, search.field + '_') : obj.parseField(rec, search.field));
- var val1 = w2utils.formatDateTime(tmp, 'yyyy-mm-dd|hh24:mm:ss');
- var val2 = w2utils.formatDateTime(w2utils.isDateTime(val2, w2utils.settings.datetimeFormat, true), 'yyyy-mm-dd|hh24:mm:ss');
- if (val1 == val2) fl++;
- }
- break;
- case 'between':
- if (['int', 'float', 'money', 'currency', 'percent'].indexOf(search.type) != -1) {
- if (parseFloat(obj.parseField(rec, search.field)) >= parseFloat(val2) && parseFloat(obj.parseField(rec, search.field)) <= parseFloat(val3)) fl++;
- }
- else if (search.type == 'date') {
- var val1 = (obj.parseField(rec, search.field + '_') instanceof Date ? obj.parseField(rec, search.field + '_') : obj.parseField(rec, search.field));
- var val2 = w2utils.isDate(val2, w2utils.settings.dateFormat, true);
- var val3 = w2utils.isDate(val3, w2utils.settings.dateFormat, true);
- if (val3 != null) val3 = new Date(val3.getTime() + 86400000); // 1 day
- if (val1 >= val2 && val1 < val3) fl++;
- }
- else if (search.type == 'time') {
- var val1 = (obj.parseField(rec, search.field + '_') instanceof Date ? obj.parseField(rec, search.field + '_') : obj.parseField(rec, search.field));
- var val2 = w2utils.isTime(val2, true);
- var val3 = w2utils.isTime(val3, true);
- val2 = (new Date()).setHours(val2.hours, val2.minutes, val2.seconds ? val2.seconds : 0, 0);
- val3 = (new Date()).setHours(val3.hours, val3.minutes, val3.seconds ? val3.seconds : 0, 0);
- if (val1 >= val2 && val1 < val3) fl++;
- }
- else if (search.type == 'datetime') {
- var val1 = (obj.parseField(rec, search.field + '_') instanceof Date ? obj.parseField(rec, search.field + '_') : obj.parseField(rec, search.field));
- var val2 = w2utils.isDateTime(val2, w2utils.settings.datetimeFormat, true);
- var val3 = w2utils.isDateTime(val3, w2utils.settings.datetimeFormat, true);
- if (val3) val3 = new Date(val3.getTime() + 86400000); // 1 day
- if (val1 >= val2 && val1 < val3) fl++;
- }
- break;
- case 'less':
- if (['int', 'float', 'money', 'currency', 'percent'].indexOf(search.type) != -1) {
- if (parseFloat(obj.parseField(rec, search.field)) <= parseFloat(sdata.value)) fl++;
- }
- else if (search.type == 'date') {
- var tmp = (obj.parseField(rec, search.field + '_') instanceof Date ? obj.parseField(rec, search.field + '_') : obj.parseField(rec, search.field));
- var val1 = w2utils.formatDate(tmp, 'yyyy-mm-dd');
- var val2 = w2utils.formatDate(w2utils.isDate(val2, w2utils.settings.dateFormat, true), 'yyyy-mm-dd');
- if (val1 <= val2) fl++;
- }
- else if (search.type == 'time') {
- var tmp = (obj.parseField(rec, search.field + '_') instanceof Date ? obj.parseField(rec, search.field + '_') : obj.parseField(rec, search.field));
- var val1 = w2utils.formatTime(tmp, 'hh24:mi');
- var val2 = w2utils.formatTime(val2, 'hh24:mi');
- if (val1 <= val2) fl++;
- }
- else if (search.type == 'datetime') {
- var tmp = (obj.parseField(rec, search.field + '_') instanceof Date ? obj.parseField(rec, search.field + '_') : obj.parseField(rec, search.field));
- var val1 = w2utils.formatDateTime(tmp, 'yyyy-mm-dd|hh24:mm:ss');
- var val2 = w2utils.formatDateTime(w2utils.isDateTime(val2, w2utils.settings.datetimeFormat, true), 'yyyy-mm-dd|hh24:mm:ss');
- if ( (val1.length == val2.length) && (val1 <= val2) ) fl++;
- }
- break;
- case 'more':
- if (['int', 'float', 'money', 'currency', 'percent'].indexOf(search.type) != -1) {
- if (parseFloat(obj.parseField(rec, search.field)) >= parseFloat(sdata.value)) fl++;
- }
- else if (search.type == 'date') {
- var tmp = (obj.parseField(rec, search.field + '_') instanceof Date ? obj.parseField(rec, search.field + '_') : obj.parseField(rec, search.field));
- var val1 = w2utils.formatDate(tmp, 'yyyy-mm-dd');
- var val2 = w2utils.formatDate(w2utils.isDate(val2, w2utils.settings.dateFormat, true), 'yyyy-mm-dd');
- if (val1 >= val2) fl++;
- }
- else if (search.type == 'time') {
- var tmp = (obj.parseField(rec, search.field + '_') instanceof Date ? obj.parseField(rec, search.field + '_') : obj.parseField(rec, search.field));
- var val1 = w2utils.formatTime(tmp, 'hh24:mi');
- var val2 = w2utils.formatTime(val2, 'hh24:mi');
- if (val1 >= val2) fl++;
- }
- else if (search.type == 'datetime') {
- var tmp = (obj.parseField(rec, search.field + '_') instanceof Date ? obj.parseField(rec, search.field + '_') : obj.parseField(rec, search.field));
- var val1 = w2utils.formatDateTime(tmp, 'yyyy-mm-dd|hh24:mm:ss');
- var val2 = w2utils.formatDateTime(w2utils.isDateTime(val2, w2utils.settings.datetimeFormat, true), 'yyyy-mm-dd|hh24:mm:ss');
- if ( (val1.length == val2.length) && (val1 >= val2) ) fl++;
- }
- break;
- case 'in':
- var tmp = sdata.value;
- if (sdata.svalue) tmp = sdata.svalue;
- if (tmp.indexOf(w2utils.isFloat(val1) ? parseFloat(val1) : val1) !== -1) fl++;
- if (tmp.indexOf(w2utils.isFloat(val1b) ? parseFloat(val1b) : val1b) !== -1) fl++;
- break;
- case 'not in':
- var tmp = sdata.value;
- if (sdata.svalue) tmp = sdata.svalue;
- if (tmp.indexOf(w2utils.isFloat(val1) ? parseFloat(val1) : val1) == -1) fl++;
- if (tmp.indexOf(w2utils.isFloat(val1b) ? parseFloat(val1b) : val1b) == -1) fl++;
- break;
- case 'begins':
- case 'begins with': // need for back compatib.
- if (val1.indexOf(val2) === 0) fl++; // do not hide record
- break;
- case 'contains':
- if (val1.indexOf(val2) >= 0) fl++; // do not hide record
- break;
- case 'null':
- if (obj.parseField(rec, search.field) == null) fl++; // do not hide record
- break;
- case 'not null':
- if (obj.parseField(rec, search.field) != null) fl++; // do not hide record
- break;
- case 'ends':
- case 'ends with': // need for back compatib.
- var lastIndex = val1.lastIndexOf(val2);
- if (lastIndex !== -1 && lastIndex == val1.length - val2.length) fl++; // do not hide record
- break;
- }
- }
- if ((obj.last.logic == 'OR' && fl !== 0) ||
- (obj.last.logic == 'AND' && fl == obj.searchData.length))
- return true;
- if (rec.w2ui && rec.w2ui.children && rec.w2ui.expanded !== true) {
- // there are closed children, search them too.
- for (var r = 0; r < rec.w2ui.children.length; r++) {
- var subRec = rec.w2ui.children[r];
- if (searchRecord(subRec))
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- // add parents nodes recursively
- function addParent(recid) {
- if (recid === undefined)
- return;
- if (duplicateMap[recid])
- return; // already visited
- duplicateMap[recid] = true;
- var i = obj.get(recid, true);
- if (i == null)
- return;
- if ($.inArray(i, obj.last.searchIds) != -1)
- return;
- var rec = obj.records[i];
- if (rec && rec.w2ui)
- addParent(rec.w2ui.parent_recid);
- obj.last.searchIds.push(i);
- }
- },
- getRangeData: function (range, extra) {
- var rec1 = this.get(range[0].recid, true);
- var rec2 = this.get(range[1].recid, true);
- var col1 = range[0].column;
- var col2 = range[1].column;
- var res = [];
- if (col1 == col2) { // one row
- for (var r = rec1; r <= rec2; r++) {
- var record = this.records[r];
- var dt = record[this.columns[col1].field] || null;
- if (extra !== true) {
- res.push(dt);
- } else {
- res.push({ data: dt, column: col1, index: r, record: record });
- }
- }
- } else if (rec1 == rec2) { // one line
- var record = this.records[rec1];
- for (var i = col1; i <= col2; i++) {
- var dt = record[this.columns[i].field] || null;
- if (extra !== true) {
- res.push(dt);
- } else {
- res.push({ data: dt, column: i, index: rec1, record: record });
- }
- }
- } else {
- for (var r = rec1; r <= rec2; r++) {
- var record = this.records[r];
- res.push([]);
- for (var i = col1; i <= col2; i++) {
- var dt = record[this.columns[i].field];
- if (extra !== true) {
- res[res.length-1].push(dt);
- } else {
- res[res.length-1].push({ data: dt, column: i, index: r, record: record });
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return res;
- },
- addRange: function (ranges) {
- var added = 0;
- if (this.selectType == 'row') return added;
- if (!$.isArray(ranges)) ranges = [ranges];
- // if it is selection
- for (var i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++) {
- if (typeof ranges[i] != 'object') ranges[i] = { name: 'selection' };
- if (ranges[i].name == 'selection') {
- if (this.show.selectionBorder === false) continue;
- var sel = this.getSelection();
- if (sel.length === 0) {
- this.removeRange('selection');
- continue;
- } else {
- var first = sel[0];
- var last = sel[sel.length-1];
- }
- } else { // other range
- var first = ranges[i].range[0];
- var last = ranges[i].range[1];
- }
- if (first) {
- var rg = {
- name: ranges[i].name,
- range: [{ recid: first.recid, column: first.column }, { recid: last.recid, column: last.column }],
- style: ranges[i].style || ''
- };
- // add range
- var ind = false;
- for (var j = 0; j < this.ranges.length; j++) if (this.ranges[j].name == ranges[i].name) { ind = j; break; }
- if (ind !== false) {
- this.ranges[ind] = rg;
- } else {
- this.ranges.push(rg);
- }
- added++;
- }
- }
- this.refreshRanges();
- return added;
- },
- removeRange: function () {
- var removed = 0;
- for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
- var name = arguments[a];
- $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_'+ name).remove();
- $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_f'+ name).remove();
- for (var r = this.ranges.length-1; r >= 0; r--) {
- if (this.ranges[r].name == name) {
- this.ranges.splice(r, 1);
- removed++;
- }
- }
- }
- return removed;
- },
- refreshRanges: function () {
- if (this.ranges.length === 0) return;
- var obj = this;
+ refresh: function (id) {
var time = (new Date()).getTime();
- var rec1 = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_frecords');
- var rec2 = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_records');
- for (var i = 0; i < this.ranges.length; i++) {
- var rg = this.ranges[i];
- var first = rg.range[0];
- var last = rg.range[1];
- if (first.index == null) first.index = this.get(first.recid, true);
- if (last.index == null) last.index = this.get(last.recid, true);
- var td1 = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_'+ w2utils.escapeId(first.recid) + ' td[col="'+ first.column +'"]');
- var td2 = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_'+ w2utils.escapeId(last.recid) + ' td[col="'+ last.column +'"]');
- var td1f = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_frec_'+ w2utils.escapeId(first.recid) + ' td[col="'+ first.column +'"]');
- var td2f = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_frec_'+ w2utils.escapeId(last.recid) + ' td[col="'+ last.column +'"]');
- var _lastColumn = last.column;
- // adjustment due to column virtual scroll
- if (first.column < this.last.colStart && last.column > this.last.colStart) {
- td1 = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_'+ w2utils.escapeId(first.recid) + ' td[col="start"]');
- }
- if (first.column < this.last.colEnd && last.column > this.last.colEnd) {
- _lastColumn = '"end"';
- td2 = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_'+ w2utils.escapeId(last.recid) + ' td[col="end"]');
- }
- // if virtual scrolling kicked in
- var index_top = parseInt($('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_top').next().attr('index'));
- var index_bottom = parseInt($('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_bottom').prev().attr('index'));
- var index_ftop = parseInt($('#grid_'+ this.name +'_frec_top').next().attr('index'));
- var index_fbottom = parseInt($('#grid_'+ this.name +'_frec_bottom').prev().attr('index'));
- if (td1.length === 0 && first.index < index_top && last.index > index_top) {
- td1 = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_top').next().find('td[col='+ first.column +']');
- }
- if (td2.length === 0 && last.index > index_bottom && first.index < index_bottom) {
- td2 = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_bottom').prev().find('td[col='+ _lastColumn +']');
- }
- if (td1f.length === 0 && first.index < index_ftop && last.index > index_ftop) { // frozen
- td1f = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_frec_top').next().find('td[col='+ first.column +']');
- }
- if (td2f.length === 0 && last.index > index_fbottom && first.index < index_fbottom) { // frozen
- td2f = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_frec_bottom').prev().find('td[col='+ last.column +']');
- }
- // do not show selection cell if it is editable
- var edit = $(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name + '_editable');
- var tmp = edit.find('.w2ui-input');
- var tmp1 = tmp.attr('recid');
- var tmp2 = tmp.attr('column');
- if (rg.name == 'selection' && rg.range[0].recid == tmp1 && rg.range[0].column == tmp2) continue;
- // frozen regular columns range
- var $range = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_f'+ rg.name);
- if (td1f.length > 0 || td2f.length > 0) {
- if ($range.length === 0) {
- rec1.append('<div id="grid_'+ this.name +'_f' + rg.name +'" class="w2ui-selection" style="'+ rg.style +'">'+
- (rg.name == 'selection' ? '<div id="grid_'+ this.name +'_resizer" class="w2ui-selection-resizer"></div>' : '')+
- '</div>');
- $range = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_f'+ rg.name);
- } else {
- $range.attr('style', rg.style);
- $range.find('.w2ui-selection-resizer').show();
- }
- if (td2f.length === 0) {
- td2f = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_frec_'+ w2utils.escapeId(last.recid) +' td:last-child');
- if (td2f.length === 0) td2f = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_frec_bottom td:first-child');
- $range.css('border-right', '0px');
- $range.find('.w2ui-selection-resizer').hide();
- }
- if (first.recid != null && last.recid != null && td1f.length > 0 && td2f.length > 0) {
- var _left = (td1f.position().left - 1 + rec1.scrollLeft());
- var _top = (td1f.position().top - 1 + rec1.scrollTop());
- $range.show().css({
- left : (_left > 0 ? _left : 0) + 'px',
- top : (_top > 0 ? _top : 0) + 'px',
- width : (td2f.position().left - td1f.position().left + td2f.width() + 3) + 'px',
- height : (td2f.position().top - td1f.position().top + td2f.height() + 3) + 'px'
- });
- } else {
- $range.hide();
- }
- } else {
- $range.hide();
- }
- // regular columns range
- var $range = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_'+ rg.name);
- if (td1.length > 0 || td2.length > 0) {
- if ($range.length === 0) {
- rec2.append('<div id="grid_'+ this.name +'_' + rg.name +'" class="w2ui-selection" style="'+ rg.style +'">'+
- (rg.name == 'selection' ? '<div id="grid_'+ this.name +'_resizer" class="w2ui-selection-resizer"></div>' : '')+
- '</div>');
- $range = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_'+ rg.name);
- } else {
- $range.attr('style', rg.style);
- }
- if (td1.length === 0) {
- td1 = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_'+ w2utils.escapeId(first.recid) +' td:first-child');
- if (td1.length === 0) td1 = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_top td:first-child');
- }
- if (td2f.length !== 0) {
- $range.css('border-left', '0px');
- }
- if (first.recid != null && last.recid != null && td1.length > 0 && td2.length > 0) {
- var _left = (td1.position().left - 1 + rec2.scrollLeft());
- var _top = (td1.position().top - 1 + rec2.scrollTop());
- $range.show().css({
- left : (_left > 0 ? _left : 0) + 'px',
- top : (_top > 0 ? _top : 0) + 'px',
- width : (td2.position().left - td1.position().left + td2.width() + 3) + 'px',
- height : (td2.position().top - td1.position().top + td2.height() + 3) + 'px'
- });
- } else {
- $range.hide();
- }
- } else {
- $range.hide();
+ // event before
+ var edata = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'refresh', target: (id != null ? id : this.name), item: this.get(id) });
+ if (edata.isCancelled === true) return;
+ // refresh all
+ if (id == null) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) {
+ var it1 = this.items[i];
+ if (it1.id == null) it1.id = "item_" + i;
+ this.refresh(it1.id);
+ return;
- // add resizer events
- $(this.box).find('.w2ui-selection-resizer')
- .off('mousedown').on('mousedown', mouseStart)
- .off('dblclick').on('dblclick', function (event) {
- var edata = obj.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'resizerDblClick', target: obj.name, originalEvent: event });
- if (edata.isCancelled === true) return;
- obj.trigger($.extend(edata, { phase: 'after' }));
- });
- var edata = { phase: 'before', type: 'selectionExtend', target: obj.name, originalRange: null, newRange: null };
- return (new Date()).getTime() - time;
- function mouseStart (event) {
- var sel = obj.getSelection();
- obj.last.move = {
- type : 'expand',
- x : event.screenX,
- y : event.screenY,
- divX : 0,
- divY : 0,
- recid : sel[0].recid,
- column : sel[0].column,
- originalRange : [{ recid: sel[0].recid, column: sel[0].column }, { recid: sel[sel.length-1].recid, column: sel[sel.length-1].column }],
- newRange : [{ recid: sel[0].recid, column: sel[0].column }, { recid: sel[sel.length-1].recid, column: sel[sel.length-1].column }]
- };
- $(document).off('mousemove', mouseMove).on('mousemove', mouseMove);
- $(document).off('mouseup', mouseStop).on('mouseup', mouseStop);
- // do not blur grid
- event.preventDefault();
+ // create or refresh only one item
+ var it = this.get(id);
+ if (it == null) return false;
+ if (typeof it.onRefresh == 'function') {
+ var edata2 = this.trigger({ phase: 'before', type: 'refresh', target: id, item: it, object: it });
+ if (edata2.isCancelled === true) return;
- function mouseMove (event) {
- var mv = obj.last.move;
- if (!mv || mv.type != 'expand') return;
- mv.divX = (event.screenX - mv.x);
- mv.divY = (event.screenY - mv.y);
- // find new cell
- var recid, column;
- var tmp = event.originalEvent.target;
- if (tmp.tagName.toUpperCase() != 'TD') tmp = $(tmp).parents('td')[0];
- if ($(tmp).attr('col') != null) column = parseInt($(tmp).attr('col'));
- tmp = $(tmp).parents('tr')[0];
- recid = $(tmp).attr('recid');
- // new range
- if (mv.newRange[1].recid == recid && mv.newRange[1].column == column) return;
- var prevNewRange = $.extend({}, mv.newRange);
- mv.newRange = [{ recid: mv.recid, column: mv.column }, { recid: recid, column: column }];
- // event before
- edata = obj.trigger($.extend(edata, { originalRange: mv.originalRange, newRange : mv.newRange }));
- if (edata.isCancelled === true) {
- mv.newRange = prevNewRange;
- edata.newRange = prevNewRange;
- return;
+ var el = $(this.box).find('#tb_'+ this.name +'_item_'+ w2utils.escapeId(it.id));
+ var html = this.getItemHTML(it);
+ if (el.length === 0) {
+ // does not exist - create it
+ if (it.type == 'spacer') {
+ html = '<td width="100%" id="tb_'+ this.name +'_item_'+ it.id +'" align="right"></td>';
} else {
- // default behavior
- obj.removeRange('grid-selection-expand');
- obj.addRange({
- name : 'grid-selection-expand',
- range : edata.newRange,
- style : 'background-color: rgba(100,100,100,0.1); border: 2px dotted rgba(100,100,100,0.5);'
- });
+ html = '<td id="tb_'+ this.name + '_item_'+ it.id +'" style="'+ (it.hidden ? 'display: none' : '') +'" '+
+ ' class="'+ (it.disabled ? 'disabled' : '') +'" valign="middle">'+ html +
+ '</td>';
- }
- function mouseStop (event) {
- // default behavior
- obj.removeRange('grid-selection-expand');
- delete obj.last.move;
- $(document).off('mousemove', mouseMove);
- $(document).off('mouseup', mouseStop);
- // event after
- obj.trigger($.extend(edata, { phase: 'after' }));
- }
- },
- select: function () {
- if (arguments.length === 0) return 0;
- var time = (new Date).getTime();
- var selected = 0;
- var sel = this.last.selection;
- if (!this.multiSelect) this.selectNone();
- // event before
- var tmp = { phase: 'before', type: 'select', target: this.name };
- if (arguments.length == 1) {
- tmp.multiple = false;
- if ($.isPlainObject(arguments[0])) {
- tmp.recid = arguments[0].recid;
- tmp.column = arguments[0].column;
+ if (this.get(id, true) == this.items.length-1) {
+ $(this.box).find('#tb_'+ this.name +'_right').before(html);
} else {
- tmp.recid = arguments[0];
- }
- } else {
- tmp.multiple = true;
- tmp.recids = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0);
- }
- var edata = this.trigger(tmp);
- if (edata.isCancelled === true) return 0;
- // default action
- if (this.selectType == 'row') {
- for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
- var recid = typeof arguments[a] == 'object' ? arguments[a].recid : arguments[a];
- var index = this.get(recid, true);
- if (index == null) continue;
- var recEl1 = null;
- var recEl2 = null;
- if (this.searchData.length !== 0 || (index + 1 >= this.last.range_start && index + 1 <= this.last.range_end)) {
- recEl1 = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_frec_'+ w2utils.escapeId(recid));
- recEl2 = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_'+ w2utils.escapeId(recid));
- }
- if (this.selectType == 'row') {
- if (sel.indexes.indexOf(index) != -1) continue;
- sel.indexes.push(index);
- if (recEl1 && recEl2) {
- recEl1.addClass('w2ui-selected').data('selected', 'yes').find('.w2ui-col-number').addClass('w2ui-row-selected');
- recEl2.addClass('w2ui-selected').data('selected', 'yes').find('.w2ui-col-number').addClass('w2ui-row-selected');
- recEl1.find('.w2ui-grid-select-check').prop("checked", true);
- }
- selected++;
- }
+ $(this.box).find('#tb_'+ this.name +'_item_'+ w2utils.escapeId(this.items[parseInt(this.get(id, true))+1].id)).before(html);
} else {
- // normalize for performance
- var new_sel = {};
- for (var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) {
- var recid = typeof arguments[a] == 'object' ? arguments[a].recid : arguments[a];
- var column = typeof arguments[a] == 'object' ? arguments[a].column : null;
- new_sel[recid] = new_sel[recid] || [];
- if ($.isArray(column)) {
- new_sel[recid] = column;
- } else if (w2utils.isInt(column)) {
- new_sel[recid].push(column);
- } else {
- for (var i = 0; i < this.columns.length; i++) { if (this.columns[i].hidden) continue; new_sel[recid].push(parseInt(i)); }
- }
- }
- // add all
- var col_sel = [];
- for (var recid in new_sel) {
- var index = this.get(recid, true);
- if (index == null) continue;
- var recEl1 = null;
- var recEl2 = null;
- if (index + 1 >= this.last.range_start && index + 1 <= this.last.range_end) {
- recEl1 = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_'+ w2utils.escapeId(recid));
- recEl2 = $('#grid_'+ this.name +'_frec_'+ w2utils.escapeId(recid));
- }
- var s = sel.columns[index] || [];
- // default action
- if (sel.indexes.indexOf(index) == -1) {
- sel.indexes.push(index);
- }
- // anly only those that are new
- for (var t = 0; t < new_sel[recid].length; t++) {
- if (s.indexOf(new_sel[recid][t]) == -1) s.push(new_sel[recid][t]);
- }
- s.sort(function(a, b) { return a-b; }); // sort function must be for numerical sort
- for (var t = 0; t < new_sel[recid].length; t++) {
- var col = new_sel[recid][t];
- if (col_sel.indexOf(col) == -1) col_sel.push(col);
... etc. - the rest is truncated
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