[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: Branch 'distro/collabora/cp-6.4' - sc/inc sc/source

Dennis Francis (via logerrit) logerrit at kemper.freedesktop.org
Mon Jul 6 15:31:17 UTC 2020

 sc/inc/editutil.hxx              |    7 ++--
 sc/source/core/tool/editutil.cxx |   64 ++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 2 files changed, 45 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 2947c08471c10fddd9e6b5b21aea2ac00d60d14c
Author:     Dennis Francis <dennis.francis at collabora.com>
AuthorDate: Tue Jun 2 01:08:50 2020 +0530
Commit:     Dennis Francis <dennis.francis at collabora.com>
CommitDate: Mon Jul 6 17:30:39 2020 +0200

    Allow print-twips version of ScEditUtil::GetEditArea()
    This will be used in the generation of edit-cursor/edit-selection
    messages in print twips for LOK clients.
    Change-Id: I91d48372551d1b6aca80aa793023c51b3c59d7ad
    Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/c/core/+/98054
    Tested-by: Jenkins CollaboraOffice <jenkinscollaboraoffice at gmail.com>
    Reviewed-by: Dennis Francis <dennis.francis at collabora.com>

diff --git a/sc/inc/editutil.hxx b/sc/inc/editutil.hxx
index 86d579bd1016..6cfb2f3cae8a 100644
--- a/sc/inc/editutil.hxx
+++ b/sc/inc/editutil.hxx
@@ -40,12 +40,13 @@ class ScEditUtil
     SCCOL const     nCol;
     SCROW const     nRow;
     SCTAB const     nTab;
-    Point const     aScrPos;
+    Point const     aCellPos;
     VclPtr<OutputDevice> pDev; // MapMode has to be set
     double const    nPPTX;
     double const    nPPTY;
     Fraction const  aZoomX;
     Fraction        aZoomY;
+    bool            bInPrintTwips;
     static OUString ModifyDelimiters( const OUString& rOld );
@@ -78,9 +79,9 @@ public:
                 ScEditUtil( ScDocument* pDocument, SCCOL nX, SCROW nY, SCTAB nZ,
-                            const Point& rScrPosPixel,
+                            const Point& rCellPos,
                             OutputDevice* pDevice, double nScaleX, double nScaleY,
-                            const Fraction& rX, const Fraction& rY );
+                            const Fraction& rX, const Fraction& rY, bool bPrintTwips = false );
     tools::Rectangle   GetEditArea( const ScPatternAttr* pPattern, bool bForceToTop );
diff --git a/sc/source/core/tool/editutil.cxx b/sc/source/core/tool/editutil.cxx
index 040456d49ac2..6cf6a1d4dcfa 100644
--- a/sc/source/core/tool/editutil.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/core/tool/editutil.cxx
@@ -55,12 +55,13 @@ using namespace com::sun::star;
 //  delimiters additionally to EditEngine default:
 ScEditUtil::ScEditUtil( ScDocument* pDocument, SCCOL nX, SCROW nY, SCTAB nZ,
-                            const Point& rScrPosPixel,
+                            const Point& rCellPos,
                             OutputDevice* pDevice, double nScaleX, double nScaleY,
-                            const Fraction& rX, const Fraction& rY ) :
+                            const Fraction& rX, const Fraction& rY, bool bPrintTwips ) :
-                    aScrPos(rScrPosPixel),pDev(pDevice),
-                    nPPTX(nScaleX),nPPTY(nScaleY),aZoomX(rX),aZoomY(rY) {}
+                    aCellPos(rCellPos),pDev(pDevice),
+                    nPPTX(nScaleX),nPPTY(nScaleY),aZoomX(rX),aZoomY(rY),
+                    bInPrintTwips(bPrintTwips) {}
 OUString ScEditUtil::ModifyDelimiters( const OUString& rOld )
@@ -289,24 +290,34 @@ tools::Rectangle ScEditUtil::GetEditArea( const ScPatternAttr* pPattern, bool bF
     if (!pPattern)
         pPattern = pDoc->GetPattern( nCol, nRow, nTab );
-    Point aStartPos = aScrPos;
+    Point aStartPos = aCellPos;
     bool bLayoutRTL = pDoc->IsLayoutRTL( nTab );
     long nLayoutSign = bLayoutRTL ? -1 : 1;
     const ScMergeAttr* pMerge = &pPattern->GetItem(ATTR_MERGE);
-    long nCellX = static_cast<long>( pDoc->GetColWidth(nCol,nTab) * nPPTX );
+    long nCellX = pDoc->GetColWidth(nCol,nTab);
+    if (!bInPrintTwips)
+        nCellX = static_cast<long>( nCellX * nPPTX );
     if ( pMerge->GetColMerge() > 1 )
         SCCOL nCountX = pMerge->GetColMerge();
         for (SCCOL i=1; i<nCountX; i++)
-            nCellX += static_cast<long>( pDoc->GetColWidth(nCol+i,nTab) * nPPTX );
+        {
+            long nColWidth = pDoc->GetColWidth(nCol+i,nTab);
+            nCellX += (bInPrintTwips ? nColWidth : static_cast<long>( nColWidth * nPPTX ));
+        }
-    long nCellY = static_cast<long>( pDoc->GetRowHeight(nRow,nTab) * nPPTY );
+    long nCellY = pDoc->GetRowHeight(nRow,nTab);
+    if (!bInPrintTwips)
+        nCellY = static_cast<long>( nCellY * nPPTY );
     if ( pMerge->GetRowMerge() > 1 )
         SCROW nCountY = pMerge->GetRowMerge();
-        nCellY += static_cast<long>(pDoc->GetScaledRowHeight( nRow+1, nRow+nCountY-1, nTab, nPPTY));
+        if (bInPrintTwips)
+            nCellY += pDoc->GetRowHeight(nRow + 1, nRow + nCountY - 1, nTab);
+        else
+            nCellY += static_cast<long>(pDoc->GetScaledRowHeight( nRow+1, nRow+nCountY-1, nTab, nPPTY));
     const SvxMarginItem* pMargin = &pPattern->GetItem(ATTR_MARGIN);
@@ -314,14 +325,19 @@ tools::Rectangle ScEditUtil::GetEditArea( const ScPatternAttr* pPattern, bool bF
     if ( pPattern->GetItem(ATTR_HOR_JUSTIFY).GetValue() ==
                 SvxCellHorJustify::Left )
         nIndent = pPattern->GetItem(ATTR_INDENT).GetValue();
-    long nPixDifX   = static_cast<long>( ( pMargin->GetLeftMargin() + nIndent ) * nPPTX );
-    aStartPos.AdjustX(nPixDifX * nLayoutSign );
-    nCellX          -= nPixDifX + static_cast<long>( pMargin->GetRightMargin() * nPPTX );     // due to line feed, etc.
+    long nDifX = pMargin->GetLeftMargin() + nIndent;
+    if (!bInPrintTwips)
+        nDifX = static_cast<long>( nDifX * nPPTX );
+    aStartPos.AdjustX(nDifX * nLayoutSign );
+    nCellX -= nDifX + (bInPrintTwips ? pMargin->GetRightMargin() :
+            static_cast<long>( pMargin->GetRightMargin() * nPPTX ));     // due to line feed, etc.
     //  align vertical position to the one in the table
-    long nPixDifY;
-    long nTopMargin = static_cast<long>( pMargin->GetTopMargin() * nPPTY );
+    long nDifY;
+    long nTopMargin = pMargin->GetTopMargin();
+    if (!bInPrintTwips)
+        nTopMargin = static_cast<long>( nTopMargin * nPPTY );
     SvxCellVerJustify eJust = pPattern->GetItem(ATTR_VER_JUSTIFY).GetValue();
     //  asian vertical is always edited top-aligned
@@ -330,14 +346,15 @@ tools::Rectangle ScEditUtil::GetEditArea( const ScPatternAttr* pPattern, bool bF
     if ( eJust == SvxCellVerJustify::Top ||
             ( bForceToTop && ( SC_MOD()->GetInputOptions().GetTextWysiwyg() || bAsianVertical ) ) )
-        nPixDifY = nTopMargin;
+        nDifY = nTopMargin;
         MapMode aMode = pDev->GetMapMode();
-        pDev->SetMapMode(MapMode(MapUnit::MapPixel));
+        pDev->SetMapMode(MapMode(bInPrintTwips ? MapUnit::MapTwip : MapUnit::MapPixel));
         long nTextHeight = pDoc->GetNeededSize( nCol, nRow, nTab,
-                                                pDev, nPPTX, nPPTY, aZoomX, aZoomY, false );
+                                                pDev, nPPTX, nPPTY, aZoomX, aZoomY, false /* bWidth */,
+                                                false /* bTotalSize */, bInPrintTwips );
         if (!nTextHeight)
         {                                   // empty cell
             vcl::Font aFont;
@@ -345,24 +362,25 @@ tools::Rectangle ScEditUtil::GetEditArea( const ScPatternAttr* pPattern, bool bF
             pPattern->GetFont( aFont, SC_AUTOCOL_BLACK, pDev, &aZoomY );
             nTextHeight = pDev->GetTextHeight() + nTopMargin +
-                            static_cast<long>( pMargin->GetBottomMargin() * nPPTY );
+                            (bInPrintTwips ? pMargin->GetBottomMargin() :
+                                static_cast<long>( pMargin->GetBottomMargin() * nPPTY ));
         if ( nTextHeight > nCellY + nTopMargin || bForceToTop )
-            nPixDifY = 0;                           // too large -> begin at the top
+            nDifY = 0;                           // too large -> begin at the top
             if ( eJust == SvxCellVerJustify::Center )
-                nPixDifY = nTopMargin + ( nCellY - nTextHeight ) / 2;
+                nDifY = nTopMargin + ( nCellY - nTextHeight ) / 2;
-                nPixDifY = nCellY - nTextHeight + nTopMargin;       // JUSTIFY_BOTTOM
+                nDifY = nCellY - nTextHeight + nTopMargin;       // JUSTIFY_BOTTOM
-    aStartPos.AdjustY(nPixDifY );
-    nCellY      -= nPixDifY;
+    aStartPos.AdjustY(nDifY );
+    nCellY      -= nDifY;
     if ( bLayoutRTL )
         aStartPos.AdjustX( -(nCellX - 2) );    // excluding grid on both sides

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