[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: Branch 'distro/collabora/cp-6.4' - sc/qa

Dennis Francis (via logerrit) logerrit at kemper.freedesktop.org
Mon Jun 22 19:08:41 UTC 2020

 sc/qa/unit/tiledrendering/tiledrendering.cxx |  347 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 347 insertions(+)

New commits:
commit 4b7333da7fde7816ef874df9f5a6dc340aac40cf
Author:     Dennis Francis <dennis.francis at collabora.com>
AuthorDate: Fri May 8 13:27:50 2020 +0530
Commit:     Dennis Francis <dennis.francis at collabora.com>
CommitDate: Mon Jun 22 21:08:08 2020 +0200

    Unit tests for ITiledRenderable::getSheetGeometryData()
    (Testing of groups/ouline case is not included)
    Change-Id: Ia53e5489c376d2d86461a9fd3db4f5b7dc963b99
    Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/c/core/+/96898
    Tested-by: Jenkins CollaboraOffice <jenkinscollaboraoffice at gmail.com>
    Reviewed-by: Dennis Francis <dennis.francis at collabora.com>

diff --git a/sc/qa/unit/tiledrendering/tiledrendering.cxx b/sc/qa/unit/tiledrendering/tiledrendering.cxx
index c0386f16cd38..a8acc44c6627 100644
--- a/sc/qa/unit/tiledrendering/tiledrendering.cxx
+++ b/sc/qa/unit/tiledrendering/tiledrendering.cxx
@@ -106,6 +106,8 @@ public:
     void testGetRowColumnHeadersInvalidation();
     void testJumpHorizontallyInvalidation();
     void testJumpToLastRowInvalidation();
+    void testSheetGeometryDataInvariance();
+    void testSheetGeometryDataCorrectness();
@@ -147,6 +149,8 @@ public:
+    CPPUNIT_TEST(testSheetGeometryDataInvariance);
+    CPPUNIT_TEST(testSheetGeometryDataCorrectness);
@@ -1893,6 +1897,349 @@ void ScTiledRenderingTest::testRowColumnHeaders()
     SfxViewShell::Current()->registerLibreOfficeKitViewCallback(nullptr, nullptr);
+// Helper structs for setup and testing of ScModelObj::getSheetGeometryData()
+struct SpanEntry
+    size_t nVal;
+    SCCOLROW nEnd;
+struct SheetDimData
+    typedef std::vector<SpanEntry> SpanList;
+    SpanList aSizes;
+    SpanList aHidden;
+    SpanList aFiltered;
+    // TODO: Add group info too to test.
+    void setDataToDoc(ScDocument* pDoc, bool bCol) const
+    {
+        SCCOLROW nStart = 0;
+        // sizes
+        for (const auto& rSpan : aSizes)
+        {
+            if (bCol)
+            {
+                for (SCCOLROW nIdx = nStart; nIdx <= rSpan.nEnd; ++nIdx)
+                    pDoc->SetColWidthOnly(nIdx, 0, rSpan.nVal);
+            }
+            else
+                pDoc->SetRowHeightOnly(nStart, rSpan.nEnd, 0, rSpan.nVal);
+            nStart = rSpan.nEnd + 1;
+        }
+        nStart = 0;
+        // hidden
+        for (const auto& rSpan : aHidden)
+        {
+            if (bCol)
+                pDoc->SetColHidden(nStart, rSpan.nEnd, 0, !!rSpan.nVal);
+            else
+                pDoc->SetRowHidden(nStart, rSpan.nEnd, 0, !!rSpan.nVal);
+            nStart = rSpan.nEnd + 1;
+        }
+        // There is no ScDocument interface to set ScTable::mpFilteredCols
+        // It seems ScTable::mpFilteredCols is not really used !?
+        if (bCol)
+            return;
+        nStart = 0;
+        // filtered
+        for (const auto& rSpan : aFiltered)
+        {
+            pDoc->SetRowFiltered(nStart, rSpan.nEnd, 0, !!rSpan.nVal);
+            nStart = rSpan.nEnd + 1;
+        }
+    }
+    void testPropertyTree(const boost::property_tree::ptree& rTree, bool bCol) const
+    {
+        struct SpanListWithKey
+        {
+            OString aKey;
+            const SpanList& rSpanList;
+        };
+        const SpanListWithKey aPairList[] = {
+            { "sizes",    aSizes    },
+            { "hidden",   aHidden   },
+            { "filtered", aFiltered }
+        };
+        for (const auto& rEntry : aPairList)
+        {
+            // There is no ScDocument interface to set ScTable::mpFilteredCols
+            // It seems ScTable::mpFilteredCols is not really used !?
+            if (bCol && rEntry.aKey == "filtered")
+                continue;
+            bool bBooleanValue = rEntry.aKey != "sizes";
+            OString aExpectedEncoding;
+            bool bFirst = true;
+            for (const auto& rSpan : rEntry.rSpanList)
+            {
+                size_t nVal = rSpan.nVal;
+                if (bBooleanValue && bFirst)
+                    nVal = static_cast<size_t>(!!nVal);
+                if (!bBooleanValue || bFirst)
+                    aExpectedEncoding += OString::number(nVal) + ":";
+                aExpectedEncoding += OString::number(rSpan.nEnd) + " ";
+                bFirst = false;
+            }
+            // Get the tree's value for the property key ("sizes"/"hidden"/"filtered").
+            OString aTreeValue = rTree.get<std::string>(rEntry.aKey.getStr()).c_str();
+            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(aExpectedEncoding, aTreeValue);
+        }
+    }
+class SheetGeometryData
+    SheetDimData aCols;
+    SheetDimData aRows;
+    SheetGeometryData()
+    {
+        aCols = {
+            // width spans
+            { { STD_COL_WIDTH, MAXCOL } },
+            // hidden spans
+            { { 0,             MAXCOL } },
+            // filtered spans
+            { { 0,             MAXCOL } }
+        };
+        aRows = {
+            // height spans
+            { { ScGlobal::nStdRowHeight, MAXROW } },
+            // hidden spans
+            { { 0,                       MAXROW } },
+            // filtered spans
+            { { 0,                       MAXROW } }
+        };
+    }
+    SheetGeometryData(const SheetDimData& rCols, const SheetDimData& rRows) :
+        aCols(rCols), aRows(rRows)
+    {}
+    void setDataToDoc(ScDocument* pDoc) const
+    {
+        aCols.setDataToDoc(pDoc, true);
+        aRows.setDataToDoc(pDoc, false);
+    }
+    void parseTest(const OString& rJSON) const
+    {
+        // Assumes all flags passed to getSheetGeometryData() are true.
+        boost::property_tree::ptree aTree;
+        std::stringstream aStream(rJSON.getStr());
+        boost::property_tree::read_json(aStream, aTree);
+        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(OString(".uno:SheetGeometryData"), OString(aTree.get<std::string>("commandName").c_str()));
+        aCols.testPropertyTree(aTree.get_child("columns"), true);
+        aRows.testPropertyTree(aTree.get_child("rows"), false);
+    }
+// getSheetGeometryData() should return the exact same message
+// irrespective of client zoom and view-area. Switching views
+// should also not alter it.
+void ScTiledRenderingTest::testSheetGeometryDataInvariance()
+    comphelper::LibreOfficeKit::setActive();
+    ScModelObj* pModelObj = createDoc("empty.ods");
+    const SheetGeometryData aSGData(
+        // cols
+        {
+            // width spans
+            {
+                { STD_COL_WIDTH,   20     },
+                { 2*STD_COL_WIDTH, 26     },
+                { STD_COL_WIDTH,   MAXCOL }
+            },
+            // hidden spans
+            {
+                { 0, 5      },
+                { 1, 12     },
+                { 0, MAXCOL }
+            },
+            // filtered spans
+            {
+                { 0, 50     },
+                { 1, 59     },
+                { 0, MAXCOL }
+            }
+        },
+        // rows
+        {
+            // height spans
+            {
+                { 300,  50     },
+                { 600,  65     },
+                { 300,  MAXROW }
+            },
+            // hidden spans
+            {
+                { 1, 100    },
+                { 0, 500    },
+                { 1, 578    },
+                { 0, MAXROW }
+            },
+            // filtered spans
+            {
+                { 0, 150    },
+                { 1, 159    },
+                { 0, MAXROW }
+            }
+        }
+    );
+    ScDocument* pDoc = pModelObj->GetDocument();
+    ScViewData* pViewData = ScDocShell::GetViewData();
+    CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pViewData);
+    // view #1
+    ViewCallback aView1;
+    int nView1 = SfxLokHelper::getView();
+    SfxViewShell::Current()->registerLibreOfficeKitViewCallback(&ViewCallback::callback, &aView1);
+    // view #2
+    SfxLokHelper::createView();
+    int nView2 = SfxLokHelper::getView();
+    ViewCallback aView2;
+    pModelObj->initializeForTiledRendering(uno::Sequence<beans::PropertyValue>());
+    SfxViewShell::Current()->registerLibreOfficeKitViewCallback(&ViewCallback::callback, &aView2);
+    // Try with the default empty document once (nIdx = 0) and then with sheet geometry settings (nIdx = 1)
+    for (size_t nIdx = 0; nIdx < 2; ++nIdx)
+    {
+        if (nIdx)
+            aSGData.setDataToDoc(pDoc);
+        SfxLokHelper::setView(nView1);
+        OString aGeomStr1 = pModelObj->getSheetGeometryData(/*bColumns*/ true, /*bRows*/ true, /*bSizes*/ true,
+                /*bHidden*/ true, /*bFiltered*/ true, /*bGroups*/ true);
+        SfxLokHelper::setView(nView2);
+        pModelObj->setClientVisibleArea(tools::Rectangle(0, 0, 22474, 47333));
+        pModelObj->setClientZoom(256, 256, 6636, 6636);
+        OString aGeomStr2 = pModelObj->getSheetGeometryData(/*bColumns*/ true, /*bRows*/ true, /*bSizes*/ true,
+                /*bHidden*/ true, /*bFiltered*/ true, /*bGroups*/ true);
+        // Check vs. view #1
+        SfxLokHelper::setView(nView1);
+        OString aGeomStr1_2 = pModelObj->getSheetGeometryData(/*bColumns*/ true, /*bRows*/ true, /*bSizes*/ true,
+                /*bHidden*/ true, /*bFiltered*/ true, /*bGroups*/ true);
+        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(aGeomStr1, aGeomStr1_2);
+        // Check vs. view #2
+        SfxLokHelper::setView(nView2);
+        OString aGeomStr2_2 = pModelObj->getSheetGeometryData(/*bColumns*/ true, /*bRows*/ true, /*bSizes*/ true,
+                /*bHidden*/ true, /*bFiltered*/ true, /*bGroups*/ true);
+        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(aGeomStr2, aGeomStr2_2);
+    }
+    SfxLokHelper::setView(nView1);
+    SfxViewShell::Current()->registerLibreOfficeKitViewCallback(nullptr, nullptr);
+    SfxLokHelper::setView(nView2);
+    SfxViewShell::Current()->registerLibreOfficeKitViewCallback(nullptr, nullptr);
+void ScTiledRenderingTest::testSheetGeometryDataCorrectness()
+    comphelper::LibreOfficeKit::setActive();
+    ScModelObj* pModelObj = createDoc("empty.ods");
+    const SheetGeometryData aSGData(
+        // cols
+        {
+            // width spans
+            {
+                { STD_COL_WIDTH,   20     },
+                { 2*STD_COL_WIDTH, 26     },
+                { STD_COL_WIDTH,   MAXCOL }
+            },
+            // hidden spans
+            {
+                { 0, 5      },
+                { 1, 12     },
+                { 0, MAXCOL }
+            },
+            // filtered spans
+            {
+                { 0, 50     },
+                { 1, 59     },
+                { 0, MAXCOL }
+            }
+        },
+        // rows
+        {
+            // height spans
+            {
+                { 300,  50     },
+                { 600,  65     },
+                { 300,  MAXROW }
+            },
+            // hidden spans
+            {
+                { 1, 100    },
+                { 0, 500    },
+                { 1, 578    },
+                { 0, MAXROW }
+            },
+            // filtered spans
+            {
+                { 0, 150    },
+                { 1, 159    },
+                { 0, MAXROW }
+            }
+        }
+    );
+    ScDocument* pDoc = pModelObj->GetDocument();
+    ScViewData* pViewData = ScDocShell::GetViewData();
+    CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pViewData);
+    // view #1
+    ViewCallback aView1;
+    SfxViewShell::Current()->registerLibreOfficeKitViewCallback(&ViewCallback::callback, &aView1);
+    // with the default empty sheet and test the JSON encoding.
+    OString aGeomDefaultStr = pModelObj->getSheetGeometryData(/*bColumns*/ true, /*bRows*/ true, /*bSizes*/ true,
+            /*bHidden*/ true, /*bFiltered*/ true, /*bGroups*/ true);
+    SheetGeometryData().parseTest(aGeomDefaultStr);
+    // Apply geometry settings to the sheet and then test the resulting JSON encoding.
+    aSGData.setDataToDoc(pDoc);
+    OString aGeomStr = pModelObj->getSheetGeometryData(/*bColumns*/ true, /*bRows*/ true, /*bSizes*/ true,
+            /*bHidden*/ true, /*bFiltered*/ true, /*bGroups*/ true);
+    aSGData.parseTest(aGeomStr);
+    SfxViewShell::Current()->registerLibreOfficeKitViewCallback(nullptr, nullptr);

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