[Libreoffice-commits] online.git: cypress_test/data cypress_test/integration_tests

Tamás Zolnai (via logerrit) logerrit at kemper.freedesktop.org
Fri May 22 12:02:44 UTC 2020

 cypress_test/data/mobile/impress/insertion_wizard.odp                  |binary
 cypress_test/integration_tests/mobile/impress/insertion_wizard_spec.js |  143 ++++++++++
 2 files changed, 143 insertions(+)

New commits:
commit e180fff4b23fd97cef137cb90169c3dc1d27d4ed
Author:     Tamás Zolnai <tamas.zolnai at collabora.com>
AuthorDate: Thu May 21 16:22:19 2020 +0200
Commit:     Tamás Zolnai <tamas.zolnai at collabora.com>
CommitDate: Fri May 22 14:02:23 2020 +0200

    cypress: add some basic tests for insertion wizard in impress.
    Change-Id: Ia391337aab70f3c6208358d1695f4649edfca7eb
    Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/c/online/+/94638
    Tested-by: Jenkins
    Tested-by: Tamás Zolnai <tamas.zolnai at collabora.com>
    Reviewed-by: Tamás Zolnai <tamas.zolnai at collabora.com>

diff --git a/cypress_test/data/mobile/impress/insertion_wizard.odp b/cypress_test/data/mobile/impress/insertion_wizard.odp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ffefc9e64
Binary files /dev/null and b/cypress_test/data/mobile/impress/insertion_wizard.odp differ
diff --git a/cypress_test/integration_tests/mobile/impress/insertion_wizard_spec.js b/cypress_test/integration_tests/mobile/impress/insertion_wizard_spec.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fce6c0df8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress_test/integration_tests/mobile/impress/insertion_wizard_spec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+/* global describe it cy beforeEach require expect afterEach*/
+var helper = require('../../common/helper');
+var mobileHelper = require('../../common/mobile_helper');
+describe('Impress insertion wizard.', function() {
+	beforeEach(function() {
+		mobileHelper.beforeAllMobile('insertion_wizard.odp', 'impress');
+		mobileHelper.enableEditingMobile();
+		mobileHelper.openInsertionWizard();
+	});
+	afterEach(function() {
+		helper.afterAll('insertion_wizard.odp');
+	});
+	it('Check existence of image insertion items.', function() {
+		cy.contains('.menu-entry-with-icon', 'Local Image...')
+			.should('be.visible');
+		cy.contains('.menu-entry-with-icon', 'Image...')
+			.should('be.visible');
+	});
+	it('Insert comment.', function() {
+		cy.contains('.menu-entry-with-icon', 'Comment')
+			.click();
+		// Comment insertion dialog is opened
+		cy.get('.loleaflet-annotation-table')
+			.should('exist');
+		// Add some comment
+		cy.get('.loleaflet-annotation-textarea')
+			.type('some text');
+		cy.get('.vex-dialog-button-primary')
+			.click();
+		cy.get('.loleaflet-annotation')
+			.should('exist');
+		cy.get('.loleaflet-annotation-content.loleaflet-dont-break')
+			.should('have.text', 'some text');
+	});
+	it('Insert default table.', function() {
+		// Open Table submenu
+		cy.contains('.ui-header.level-0.mobile-wizard.ui-widget', 'Table')
+			.click();
+		cy.get('.mobile-wizard.ui-text')
+			.should('be.visible');
+		// Push insert table button
+		cy.get('.inserttablecontrols button')
+			.should('be.visible')
+			.click();
+		// We have two columns
+		cy.get('.table-column-resize-marker')
+			.should('have.length', 2);
+		// and two rows
+		cy.get('.table-row-resize-marker')
+			.should('have.length', 2);
+	});
+	it('Insert custom table.', function() {
+		// Open Table submenu
+		cy.contains('.ui-header.level-0.mobile-wizard.ui-widget', 'Table')
+			.click();
+		cy.get('.mobile-wizard.ui-text')
+			.should('be.visible');
+		// Change rows and columns
+		cy.get('.inserttablecontrols #rows .spinfieldcontrols .plus')
+			.click();
+		cy.get('.inserttablecontrols #cols .spinfieldcontrols .plus')
+			.click();
+		// Push insert table button
+		cy.get('.inserttablecontrols button')
+			.should('be.visible')
+			.click();
+		// Table is inserted with the markers shown
+		cy.get('.leaflet-marker-icon.table-column-resize-marker')
+			.should('exist');
+		// We have three columns
+		cy.get('.table-column-resize-marker')
+			.should('have.length', 3);
+		// and three rows
+		cy.get('.table-row-resize-marker')
+			.should('have.length',3);
+	});
+	it('Insert hyperlink.', function() {
+		// Open hyperlink dialog
+		cy.contains('.menu-entry-with-icon', 'Hyperlink...')
+			.click();
+		// Dialog is opened
+		cy.get('.vex-content.hyperlink-dialog')
+			.should('exist');
+		// Type text and link
+		cy.get('.vex-content.hyperlink-dialog input[name="text"]')
+			.type('some text');
+		cy.get('.vex-content.hyperlink-dialog input[name="link"]')
+			.type('www.something.com');
+		// Insert
+		cy.get('.vex-content.hyperlink-dialog .vex-dialog-button-primary')
+			.click();
+		// TODO: we have some wierd shape here instead of a text shape with the link
+		cy.get('.leaflet-pane.leaflet-overlay-pane svg g path.leaflet-interactive')
+			.should('exist');
+	});
+	it('Insert shape.', function() {
+		cy.contains('.menu-entry-with-icon', 'Shape')
+			.click();
+		cy.get('.col.w2ui-icon.basicshapes_rectangle').
+			click();
+		// Check that the shape is there
+		cy.get('.leaflet-pane.leaflet-overlay-pane svg g')
+			.should('exist');
+		cy.get('.leaflet-pane.leaflet-overlay-pane svg')
+			.should(function(svg) {
+				expect(svg[0].getBBox().width).to.be.greaterThan(0);
+				expect(svg[0].getBBox().height).to.be.greaterThan(0);
+			});
+	});

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