[Libreoffice-commits] online.git: 2 commits - cypress_test/data cypress_test/integration_tests

Tamás Zolnai (via logerrit) logerrit at kemper.freedesktop.org
Thu May 28 16:57:05 UTC 2020

 cypress_test/data/mobile/impress/apply_font.odp                        |binary
 cypress_test/integration_tests/mobile/impress/apply_font_spec.js       |  291 ++++++++++
 cypress_test/integration_tests/mobile/impress/slide_properties_spec.js |   18 
 3 files changed, 309 insertions(+)

New commits:
commit 9dba400fb1908af178a5b24d38b4754ebc1560fa
Author:     Tamás Zolnai <tamas.zolnai at collabora.com>
AuthorDate: Thu May 28 14:06:54 2020 +0200
Commit:     Tamás Zolnai <tamas.zolnai at collabora.com>
CommitDate: Thu May 28 18:56:53 2020 +0200

    cypress: tests for applying text properties on text shape (impress, mobile)
    Change-Id: I8715b853456b04565db2b524ffec3b6429c657fe
    Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/c/online/+/95032
    Tested-by: Jenkins
    Tested-by: Jenkins CollaboraOffice <jenkinscollaboraoffice at gmail.com>
    Reviewed-by: Tamás Zolnai <tamas.zolnai at collabora.com>

diff --git a/cypress_test/data/mobile/impress/apply_font.odp b/cypress_test/data/mobile/impress/apply_font.odp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ea02789d1
Binary files /dev/null and b/cypress_test/data/mobile/impress/apply_font.odp differ
diff --git a/cypress_test/integration_tests/mobile/impress/apply_font_spec.js b/cypress_test/integration_tests/mobile/impress/apply_font_spec.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e534bd107
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress_test/integration_tests/mobile/impress/apply_font_spec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+/* global describe it cy beforeEach require expect afterEach*/
+var helper = require('../../common/helper');
+var mobileHelper = require('../../common/mobile_helper');
+describe('Apply font on text shape.', function() {
+	var testFileName = 'apply_font.odp';
+	beforeEach(function() {
+		mobileHelper.beforeAllMobile(testFileName, 'impress');
+		mobileHelper.enableEditingMobile();
+		selectTextShape();
+		mobileHelper.openMobileWizard();
+		cy.get('#TextPropertyPanel')
+			.click();
+	});
+	afterEach(function() {
+		helper.afterAll(testFileName);
+	});
+	function selectTextShape() {
+		// Click on the center of the slide to select the text shape there
+		cy.get('#document-container')
+			.then(function(items) {
+				expect(items).to.have.length(1);
+				var XPos = (items[0].getBoundingClientRect().left + items[0].getBoundingClientRect().right) / 2;
+				var YPos = (items[0].getBoundingClientRect().top + items[0].getBoundingClientRect().bottom) / 2;
+				cy.get('body')
+					.click(XPos, YPos);
+			});
+		cy.get('.leaflet-drag-transform-marker')
+			.should('be.visible');
+		cy.get('.leaflet-pane.leaflet-overlay-pane g.Page g')
+			.should('have.class', 'com.sun.star.drawing.TextShape');
+	}
+	function triggerNewSVG() {
+		mobileHelper.closeMobileWizard();
+		// Remove selection first with clicking next to the rotate handler
+		cy.get('.transform-handler--rotate')
+			.then(function(items) {
+				var XPos = items[0].getBoundingClientRect().left - 10;
+				var YPos = items[0].getBoundingClientRect().top;
+				cy.get('body')
+					.click(XPos, YPos);
+			});
+		cy.get('.leaflet-drag-transform-marker')
+			.should('not.exist');
+		// If we click two fast on shape again
+		// then it steps into edit mode
+		cy.wait(200);
+		// Select text shape again which will retrigger a new SVG from core
+		selectTextShape();
+	}
+	it('Apply bold.', function() {
+		cy.get('#Bold')
+			.click();
+		triggerNewSVG();
+		cy.get('.leaflet-pane.leaflet-overlay-pane g.Page .TextParagraph')
+			.should('have.attr', 'font-weight', '700');
+	});
+	it('Apply italic.', function() {
+		cy.get('#Italic')
+			.click();
+		triggerNewSVG();
+		cy.get('.leaflet-pane.leaflet-overlay-pane g.Page .TextParagraph')
+			.should('have.attr', 'font-style', 'italic');
+	});
+	it('Apply underline.', function() {
+		cy.get('#Underline')
+			.click();
+		triggerNewSVG();
+		cy.get('.leaflet-pane.leaflet-overlay-pane g.Page .TextParagraph')
+			.should('have.attr', 'text-decoration', 'underline');
+	});
+	it('Apply strikeout.', function() {
+		cy.get('#Strikeout')
+			.click();
+		triggerNewSVG();
+		cy.get('.leaflet-pane.leaflet-overlay-pane g.Page .TextParagraph')
+			.should('have.attr', 'text-decoration', 'line-through');
+	});
+	it('Apply shadowed.', function() {
+		cy.get('#Shadowed')
+			.click();
+		triggerNewSVG();
+		cy.wait(400);
+		// TODO: shadowed property is not in the SVG
+	});
+	it('Change font name.', function() {
+		cy.get('#fontnamecombobox')
+			.click();
+		cy.contains('.ui-combobox-text', 'Linux Libertine G')
+			.click();
+		cy.get('#mobile-wizard-back')
+			.click();
+		cy.get('#fontnamecombobox .ui-header-right .entry-value')
+			.should('have.text', 'Linux Libertine G');
+		triggerNewSVG();
+		cy.get('.leaflet-pane.leaflet-overlay-pane g.Page .TextParagraph')
+			.should('have.attr', 'font-family', 'Linux Libertine G');
+	});
+	it('Change font size.', function() {
+		cy.get('.leaflet-pane.leaflet-overlay-pane g.Page .TextParagraph')
+			.should('have.attr', 'font-size', '635px');
+		cy.get('#fontsizecombobox')
+			.click();
+		cy.contains('.mobile-wizard.ui-combobox-text', '24')
+			.click();
+		cy.get('#mobile-wizard-back')
+			.click();
+		cy.get('#fontsizecombobox .ui-header-right .entry-value')
+			.should('have.text', '24');
+		triggerNewSVG();
+		cy.get('.leaflet-pane.leaflet-overlay-pane g.Page .TextParagraph')
+			.should('have.attr', 'font-size', '847px');
+	});
+	it('Grow font size.', function() {
+		cy.get('.leaflet-pane.leaflet-overlay-pane g.Page .TextParagraph')
+			.should('have.attr', 'font-size', '635px');
+		cy.get('#Grow')
+			.click();
+		triggerNewSVG();
+		cy.get('.leaflet-pane.leaflet-overlay-pane g.Page .TextParagraph')
+			.should('have.attr', 'font-size', '705px');
+	});
+	it('Shrink font size.', function() {
+		cy.get('.leaflet-pane.leaflet-overlay-pane g.Page .TextParagraph')
+			.should('have.attr', 'font-size', '635px');
+		cy.get('#Shrink')
+			.click();
+		triggerNewSVG();
+		cy.get('.leaflet-pane.leaflet-overlay-pane g.Page .TextParagraph')
+			.should('have.attr', 'font-size', '564px');
+	});
+	it.skip('Apply text color.', function() {
+		cy.get('.leaflet-pane.leaflet-overlay-pane g.Page .TextParagraph')
+			.should('not.have.attr', 'font-color');
+		cy.get('#Color')
+			.click();
+		cy.get('#color-picker-0-basic-color-5')
+			.click();
+		cy.get('#color-picker-0-tint-2')
+			.click();
+		cy.get('#mobile-wizard-back')
+			.click();
+		triggerNewSVG();
+		// TODO: text color is not applied on the shape
+	});
+	it.skip('Apply highlight.', function() {
+		cy.get('.leaflet-pane.leaflet-overlay-pane g.Page .TextParagraph')
+			.should('not.have.attr', 'font-color');
+		cy.get('#CharBackColor')
+			.click();
+		cy.get('#color-picker-1-basic-color-2')
+			.click();
+		cy.get('#color-picker-1-tint-2')
+			.click();
+		cy.get('#mobile-wizard-back')
+			.click();
+		triggerNewSVG();
+		// TODO: highlight color is not applied on the shape
+	});
+	it('Apply superscript.', function() {
+		cy.get('.leaflet-pane.leaflet-overlay-pane g.Page .TextPosition')
+			.should('have.attr', 'y', '3495');
+		cy.get('.leaflet-pane.leaflet-overlay-pane g.Page .TextParagraph')
+			.should('have.attr', 'font-size', '635px');
+		cy.get('#SuperScript')
+			.click();
+		triggerNewSVG();
+		cy.get('.leaflet-pane.leaflet-overlay-pane g.Page .TextPosition')
+			.should('have.attr', 'y', '3285');
+		cy.get('.leaflet-pane.leaflet-overlay-pane g.Page .TextParagraph')
+			.should('have.attr', 'font-size', '368px');
+	});
+	it('Apply subscript.', function() {
+		cy.get('.leaflet-pane.leaflet-overlay-pane g.Page .TextPosition')
+			.should('have.attr', 'y', '3495');
+		cy.get('.leaflet-pane.leaflet-overlay-pane g.Page .TextParagraph')
+			.should('have.attr', 'font-size', '635px');
+		cy.get('#SubScript')
+			.click();
+		triggerNewSVG();
+		cy.get('.leaflet-pane.leaflet-overlay-pane g.Page .TextPosition')
+			.should('have.attr', 'y', '3705');
+		cy.get('.leaflet-pane.leaflet-overlay-pane g.Page .TextParagraph')
+			.should('have.attr', 'font-size', '368px');
+	});
+	it('Clear direct formatting.', function() {
+		// Change the font size first
+		cy.get('.leaflet-pane.leaflet-overlay-pane g.Page .TextParagraph')
+			.should('have.attr', 'font-size', '635px');
+		cy.get('#Grow')
+			.click();
+		triggerNewSVG();
+		cy.get('.leaflet-pane.leaflet-overlay-pane g.Page .TextParagraph')
+			.should('have.attr', 'font-size', '705px');
+		// Remove direct formatting
+		mobileHelper.openMobileWizard();
+		cy.get('#TextPropertyPanel')
+			.click();
+		cy.get('#clearFormatting')
+			.click();
+		triggerNewSVG();
+		cy.get('.leaflet-pane.leaflet-overlay-pane g.Page .TextParagraph')
+			.should('have.attr', 'font-size', '635px');
+	});
commit 5499c6fdd48fa97afe6d18bbc063739eb2dc7bb8
Author:     Tamás Zolnai <tamas.zolnai at collabora.com>
AuthorDate: Thu May 28 11:51:00 2020 +0200
Commit:     Tamás Zolnai <tamas.zolnai at collabora.com>
CommitDate: Thu May 28 18:56:46 2020 +0200

    cypress: test also switching back to normal view.
    Change-Id: Ie8b484e68c35733ba7701f0d6ae0311c01f1cca5
    Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/c/online/+/95031
    Tested-by: Jenkins
    Tested-by: Jenkins CollaboraOffice <jenkinscollaboraoffice at gmail.com>
    Reviewed-by: Tamás Zolnai <tamas.zolnai at collabora.com>

diff --git a/cypress_test/integration_tests/mobile/impress/slide_properties_spec.js b/cypress_test/integration_tests/mobile/impress/slide_properties_spec.js
index fc8e47491..ffab7b1b4 100644
--- a/cypress_test/integration_tests/mobile/impress/slide_properties_spec.js
+++ b/cypress_test/integration_tests/mobile/impress/slide_properties_spec.js
@@ -611,5 +611,23 @@ describe('Changing slide properties.', function() {
 		cy.get('#displaymasterobjects label')
 			.should('have.class', 'disabled');
+		// Switch back to normal mode
+		cy.get('#closemasterslide')
+			.click();
+		cy.get('#masterslidebutton')
+			.should('exist');
+		previewShouldBeFullWhite();
+		cy.get('#masterslide')
+			.should('not.have.class', 'disabled');
+		cy.get('#displaymasterbackground label')
+			.should('not.have.class', 'disabled');
+		cy.get('#displaymasterobjects label')
+			.should('not.have.class', 'disabled');

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